The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Community Genealogy & History

Explore Local History One Township at a TIme in Tioga & Bradford Counties  PA & Chemung County NY

Richmond Township &
Borough of Mansfield
in Tioga County
Richmond Township & Mansfield Borough  Histories
Richmond Township was formed from Covington in 1824
Mansfield Borough was formed from Richmond Township in 1857
Richmond & Mansfield History 1885
Richmond & Mansfield History 1883 by Andrew Sherwood
One - Two - Three
Biographies 1883
Richmond Township History 1897
Mansfield Borough  History 1897
Biographies 1897
Mann's Field - A Brief History
1900 Struggles of Early Pioneers
1935 The Future of Mansfield
Mansfield Postmasters - 1824-2009
This Postmaster, Francis Kelly, Always Delivered
History of Mansfield Borough 1857-1957
1957 Winners of Centennial Beard Contest
Richmond Township & Mansfield Borough Articles
The Tioga River Hammond - Tioga Dam Project
The Watering Trough Mansfield Public Library 1901-2001
My Four Walls by Ted Besanceny 1890 Address by Simon B. Elliott
Mansfield - Poem A Tribute to Mansfield Folk - Poem
1880s Mansfield Matters 1897 Parrot Cannon
1897 - Effie Copley Murdered by husband, Walter Goodwin
1899-1904 Lamb's Creek News
1905 Sketch of Mansfield in the 1870s
1877 Mansfield Articles. Business Directory, Mansfield State Normal School. Soldier's Orphans School.
Aviator Tony Castellane Falls to Death in Mansfield 1911
Mansfield Fair Carousel Finds New Home
1915-1930- Recipes from Lambs Creek Women
1933 - 1935 News from Lamb's Creek
1933 - 1936 News from Mansfield & Vicinity
1934 Class Poem - Mansfield High School
1944 Lambs Creek News clippings
1958 Mansfield News
Neighbor Townships
North - Tioga Township and Rutland
East - Sullivan Township
South - Covington (Now Putnam)
West - Middlebury and Charleston
Tioga County Map
Township Postcards & Photos
Mansfield - Main Street 1866
Mansfield Street Scenes 1900s
Mansfield Street Scenes 1910s
Mansfield Street Scenes 1920s
Mansfield Street Scenes 1940s
Mansfield Street Scenes 1950s
Mansfield Street Scenes 1960s
Mansfield Postcards by Bates
Mansfield Postcards by Caulkins
M.S.N.S. Postcards by Caulkins
Mansfield Postcards by Vedder
Lamb's Creek Photos
Then and Now
Mansfield Opera House/Borough Hall
Tavern & Condensary/Bi-Lo Grocery
Powers Corners 1937 -2002
Mansfield Railroad Depot
Lamb's Creek Railroad Depot
Canoe Camp Railroad Depot
Historic Marker - Corning & Blossburg Railroad
Chamberlain's Student Transportation
Parks - Recreation - Entertainment
Smythe Park
Sherwood Forest
Oakwood at Canoe Camp
Mansfield Fair
1940 Mansfield Fair
1909 Taming of the Shrew at MSNS
1908 Mansfield School Play
1907 - Lawn Party on S. Main St.
1926 Mansfield Masqueraders
Mansfield Fair Carousel
1890s Weekend 2006
1890s Weekend 2008
Post Offices 1875
Lambs Creek PO
Canoe Camp PO
Mansfield PO
Mardin PO (1887 & 1891 & 1899)
Mansfield Postmasters - 1824-2008
Villages Past & Present
Canoe Camp
Lamb's Creek
Powers Corners
Mansfield OH
Mansfield TX
Mansfield GA
Mansfield, Australia
Mansfield UK
Mansfield Borough & Richmond Township Census Records
1800 Census, Tyoga Township, Lycoming County
1820 Covington Township Census
1830 Richmond Township Census
1840 Richmond Township (Volunteer Needed)
1850 Richmond Township Census (REL) 1880 Richmond Township
1850 Richmond Township Census (FM) 1880 Mansfield Borough
1860 Richmond Township 1900 (Volunteer Needed)
1860 Mansfield Borough 1910 (Volunteer Needed)
1870 Richmond Township & Mansfield Borough 1920 (Volunteer Needed)
1850-1880 Mortality Schedules for Mansfield Borough
1850-1880 Mortality Schedules for Richmond township
Mansfield & Richmond Township Directories
1877 Mansfield Articles. Business Directory, Mansfield State Normal School. Soldier's Orphans School. Extensive overview of Mansfield in that year
1899 Richmond Township
1899 Mansfield Borough
1908 Tioga County Directory -  Mansfield Borough
1908 Tioga County Directory - Mansfield Streets
1908 Tioga County Directory - Richmond Township
Mansfield & Richmond Township Tax Records
1812 Tioga Township Taxables
Richmond Township & Mansfield Borough Cemetery Records
 GPS coordinates are included in the top title of each cemetery page 
Clark Burials at Powers Corner
First Graveyard per 1883 history Cleveland Cemetery (2005)
Cleveland Cemetery (a.k.a. Goodall) (1969) Cleveland Cemetery Obituaries
Cemeteries in Mansfield Borough
Oakwood Cemetery (1970s)
Oakwood Cemetery (2005)[1170 burials]
Oakwood Cemetery Obituaries
Prospect Cemetery (f.k.a. Hope Cemetery) partial 1970s
Prospect Cemetery (2005/06) [3110 burials] 
Prospect Cemetery Obituaries
Clark Cemetery at Lamb's Creek (Relocated to Oakwood)
Clark Cemetery at Lamb's Creek Obituaries
Cochran Cemetery (Relocated to Oakwood)
Dailey or Adams or Niles Cemetery (Relocated to Oakwood)
Lambs Creek Cemetery (Relocated to Oakwood)
Lambs Creek Cemetery Obituaries
Shaw Cemetery (Relocated to Oakwood)
Tioga Hammond Dam Site Project
Cemeteries in Richmond Township
Bullock Cemetery (Sweet Cemetery)(1969)
Bullock (Sweet) Cemetery (2005)
Bullock Cemetery Obituaries
Canoe Camp Cemetery [1969]
Canoe Camp Cemetery [2005]
Dorsett Family Burial Ground [2006]
Lent Burial Ground [2007]
Mattice - Sloat Burial
Stephen Doud Burial
Orebed Road Cemetery (1970s)
Orebed Road (Schodac) Cemetery Obituaries
Pratt Cemetery (Alternate name for Cleveland - Goodall
Ripley Family Cemetery [1983]
Schodac Cemetery [2005] 
Schodac Cemetery Obituaries
Whittaker - Jaquish Cemetery (1970)
Whitaker-Jaquish Cemetery (2005)
Whittaker Cemetery Obituaries
Richmond Township & Mansfield Borough Schools
Early Memoirs of thePowers School 1900 Pickle Hill School
1896 Mansfield Borough School
1902 Dorsett School 1903 Whittaker School
1933-34 Mansfield School News 1909 Canoe Camp School
1910 (Estimate) Starkey School 1910 Bullock School 1911 Canoe Camp School
1900 Mansfield Teachers & Directors 1900 Richmond Teachers & Directors
1901 Mansfield Teachers & Directors 1901 Richmond Teachers & Directors
1902 Mansfield Teachers & Directors 1902 Richmond Teachers & Directors
1903 Mansfield Teachers & Directors 1903 Richmond Teachers & Directors
1904 Mansfield Teachers & Directors 1904 Richmond Teachers & Directors
1905 Mansfield Teachers & Directors 1905 Richmond Teachers & Directors
1906 Mansfield Teachers & Directors 1906 Richmond Teachers & Directors
1907 Mansfield Teachers & Directors 1907Richmond Teachers & Directors
1908 Mansfield Teachers & Directors 1908 Richmond Teachers & Directors
1909 Mansfield Teachers & Directors 1909 Richmond Teachers & Directors
1910 Mansfield Teachers & Directors 1910 Richmond Teachers & Directors
Soldiers Orphans School
Mansfield Soldiers Orphan School (CPB)
1870 Soldiers Orphans School
1879 Leave Permission - Soldiers Orphans School
Almuni of Mansfield Soldiers' Orphans' School
Business Schools
1891 Mansfield Business College
1908 Allen's Business College
Westbrook's Business College [mentioned in obits]
1908 Student Dead Broke in Mansfield
Public Schools
1921 Mansfield High School
1923 Model School
The Model School - Postcards
Mansfield Junior High School 1920-1959
1926 Mansfield High School
Mansfield HS Grads 1913-Present
History of Mansfield High School with pictures
1913 Yearbook MHS
Class of 1962 - Check In
Southern Tioga School District [Off Site]
1875 School Districts
1 - Mansfield
2 - Canoe Camp
3 - Lambs Creek
4 - Powers Corners
5 - Goodall
7- Whittaker
8 - Pickle Hill
9 - Starkey on Newtown Hill
10 - 
11 - Pitts 
12 - Bullock 
13 -
1898/99 School Districts 
& PO Address
Bullock School (Mardin)
Canoe Camp School
Dorsett School (Lamb's Creek)
Goodall School (East Charleston)
Hollow Road School (Mansfield)
Kohler School (Mardin)
Lamb's Creek School
Mann Creek School (Mansfield)
Pickle Hill School (Mansfield)
Pitts School (Mansfield)
Powers School (Mansfield)
Pratt School (Canoe Camp)
Schodac Shool (Mansfield)
Starkey School (Mansfield)
Walter Hill School (Mansfield)
Whitaker School (Canoe Camp)
Mansfield Normal School
Mansfield Classical Seminary
Mansfield Classical Semnary - Articles of Association
A Sketch of the Life of Professor Fordyce Allen
Governor Stone's Reminiscences of Prof. Allen
1866-1930 Alumni Listings Mansfield Normal School
1868 Photos of MSNS Students
1889 Report of the Principal of Mansfield Normal School
1892 MSNS Graduation
1894 MSNS Graduation
1897 MSNS Womens' Gym Clothes
1897 Normal School Student photo
1898 MSNS Graduates
1899 MSNS Graduates
1890s - Youthful Defiance at MSNS
1902 Report of the Principal of Mansfield Normal School
1906-1908 Halloween at M.S.N.S
1906 A. T. Smith, Principal, Controversy
1909 Alumni Dinner
1916 Students Attending the Normal
1925 Mansfield Normal School
1926 Mansfield Masquers
1927 MSNS Marching Band
1942 Parents Day
1959 Alumni Hall Comes Down
1960s Mansfield State College Postcards
1966 - 98th Alumni Association Meeting
1973 - Saving North Hall
1983 Commencement
MU Buildings Named For ... [offsite]
Mansfield University Digital Collection- Includes Yearbooks - OffSite
Mansfield & Richmond Township Business Histories & Photos
1879 L. Beach & Co., Undertaking Novelty Works Fire 1910 / 1920
Mart King's Furniture Factory 1971 Novelty Works Victim of Urban Renewal
Tioga Iron Works 1972 Mansfield Licensed Merchants
1899 Richmond township - Mansfield Borough Business Directory
Fiftieth Anniversary Mansfield's Chamber of Commerce Jewelers in Mansfield
Mansfield's Board of Trade Ross Cigar Factory
D. O. Merrick & Brother, Dentists (1879) 1907 Decker's Water Wagon
Dr. Oramel Newell, Dentist (1891)
1911 Advertisers in Mansfield Advertiser Nellie Rockwell, Milliner, retires after Fifty Years
Mansfield Electric Company (Receipt Rhinevalt)
History of Theaters in Mansfield Mudge Grocery, Elmira Street
Sampson's Station - Canoe Camp Corey Creek Dairy & Stock Farm
Everitt McMurty - Shoe repair and musical instruments
Note to JMT from JMT - For Mansfield Advertiser History see Frank VanKeuren obit - SRGP 3786 - Also Sheridan & Edwin Coles obits in Prospect Cemetery page. 
July 2007 - Hi Joyce, I was reading the history of Mansfield and Richmond Township on your website. I came across the story of the Indians mining salt. My father who has passed away, used to tell me that same story. The Indians would camp in Canoe Camp and headorth East to what is now known as Whitteker Road. My Great Great Grandfather Peter Whitteker was the first settler in that area. The Indians became friends with him and his wife and borrowed my Grandmother's large copper pot and would take it to hold their salt. My father also said the Indians would post sentries along the way to make sure their mine was never found by anyone else. When the Indians came back,they would give my Grandparents a years supply of salt. If I remember correctly, they did this every Spring. I thought you might find this story interesting. Thanks,David Whitteker 
North Main Street - West Side
Shepard-Bailey Building - left half
   M. H. Shepard's Clothing (1) - 1906
   Garrison's Mens Shop (1)
   BC Technologies (1)
Shepard-Bailey Building - right half
   Grange National Bank [1907]
   Palmer Brothers Jewelers [1920]
   Sours Variety Store
   Cummings Jewelers [2009]
Bates Pharmacy
Terry's Drug Store
Kear's Cash Store (21)
Sadie LEVINSON Finesilver
Baynes Shoe Store - Leon E. Baynes
Fish's Shoe Store
1891 Rolason & Metcalf Furniture
VanNoy's Furniture
Rose Company (27-29)
Witmore's Store
Wells & Goodall
The Little Tavern
North Main Street - East Side
The Allen Block on the corner
     Strait's Hardware (2) [Night & Day Coffee]
        World War One Memorial
     Wright Shop (6) [Corner on Country]
Jupenlaz Harness Shop (8) [Main Twist]
History of the Mansfield Advertiser 1872 to 1970
Shaw & Robena Funeral Home
1979 McDonald's Comes to Mansfield
The Pennysaver - Established 1947
New Era Mills (1880-1970)
Dairyman's League 1927
The Brick Tannery

South Main Street - East Side
Street Views and Aerial Views
Ross & Williams Bank
Candy Stores
Mansfield Diner
Johnson Apartments
Bailey's Quick Lunch Wagon 1916
Johnson's Trucking
Rose Chevrolet
Paisley Woolen Company
Silver Skate Rollarena

South Main Street - West Side
Coles Pharmacy Founded 1909
Pitts & Judge 1907 (6) / T. W. Judge
Hartsock's Bakery
News Room
Hamilton Brown's Barber Shop
Allen W., Peterson, Barber (14)
Jimmy Caracciolo Shoe Repair (16)
Waldeman Building
Ernie's Mansfield Restaurant
Twain Theater
Mansfield Hotel / Mansfield Motel
Maple Lanes
East Wellsboro Street
Brown Motors Saks & Miller Theatorium
Davis Garage LaVonne's Delicatessen
The Neighborhood Baker McNaney Studio
Ella Mae's Beauty Shop
West Wellsboro Street
X-Trail Restaurant
Ralph's Service Center
Snyder's Sunoco Morris Farms
R. M. Swan, of Mansfield, has purchased the lot in Mansfield known as the Butts property, and is erecting a garage. The house which was on the lot has been moved so that the front of it faces on Normal avenue. The garage, which is well under way, is being built by Verne G. Wells, contractor and builder, of Elmira, and is constructed of concrete blocks and tile. The building is 46 by 20 feet and when it is completed will be one of the best equipped and finest garages in these parts. There will also be two suites of rooms over the garage for living apartments. –Mansfield Advertiser [October 1921]

Town of MANSFIELD - March 1944- Troy Gazette-Register - In Mansfield the other day, we turned south on Main Street.  We could hardly credit our sense of sight.  Gone were all the fine old trees that were among the earliest recollections of our childhood.  Cut ruthlessly in a street-widening program none were left on either side.  We were born on that street and we had a very real affection for every elm and maple that shaded its walks and attractive homes.  A tree is one object that money cannot replace.  Certain irate property owners claim that there was no necessity for destroying many of them.  We have no facts on the case but we are sincerely sorry for the good people of South Main Street, Mansfield.  They have lost a priceless heritage.  The denuding of this section of our neighbor town makes one proud that we still have nearly all of those trees that grace Elmira Street.  Intelligent work by the street's home owners stayed the axe and saw when the paving was improved.  Saved for posterity were those glorious elms and maples that enhance the beauty and the dignity of towns such as Troy and Mansfield. 

Hotels in Township
French Hotel - Mansfield Hotel 
Hotel Allen 1899
Smith's Hotel - Mansfield Hotel
Photographers in Mansfield & Richmond Township
Gifford's Gallery 1866-1868 F. M. Spencer (Mansfield & Troy)1860s-1880s
H. M. Beeles 1860s
W. C. Blenis 1887 McFarlin's Normal School Gallery 1888-1890s
Bailey & McCausland 1890s  Charles N. Lee of Mansfield & Troy 1890s
McCluskey Studio 1900s  Bates Studio Bert M. Vedder
Calkins /Caulkins Harrington's Studio 1930s-1948  John McNaney 1948 - 1968
James Loveland 1968- Bruce Dart, present
Historic Houses of Mansfield and Richmond Township
82 South Main Street - History
Clark Homestead at Lamb's Creek(RC)
The Rose House (S. Main & College)(CPB)
The Wren's Nest (W. Wellsboro St.)(CPB)
Melvin Clark - Sarah Beach House (DC)
Andrew J. Ross House ( N. Main St.)
Henry Allen Home (N. Main St.)
Buildings Lost by the Tioga Dam Project
The Doud House
Lambs Creek before and after
Richmond Township Organizations
1899 Richmond Societies
1899 Mansfield Societies
History of Societies (1897)
1861 Minutes of the "Ladies" Aid Society
Columbia Literary Exchange (1892)
G.A.R. 048 Biographies
Tioga Valley Grange # 918
Friendship Lodge 247 F. & A.M.(1928)
Friendship Lodge 247 F. & A. M. 150th Anniversary (2000) 
Friendship Lodge 247 [off site]
1935 - History of the Mansfield Fire Department
2002 Mansfield Ambulance Association
2002 Mansfield Hose Company Department 2
Mansfield Band
1938 Mann Creek Hillbillies
1901 Odd Fellows Speech
1946 - Mansfield I.O.O.F. No. 526
1952 - I.O.O.F. No. 526 Installation of Officers
Corey Creek Golf Club 1927 - 1977
Mansfield Boy Scouts
55 Plus Club
History of the Tioga Valley Grange - P.O.H. #918
Richmond Township & Mansfield Borough Churches
Histories, Records, Photos
Baptist Church [JSM-CPB]
Methodist Church - History
Presbyterian Church [JSM-CPB]
1939 - Canoe Camp Church 90th Anniversary
1982 - Canoe Camp Church New Facilities
2005 Heritage Day Manfield United Methodist Church
Holy Child Catholic Church [CPB]
Grace Fellowship
1899 Richmond Church List From Directory
St. James Episcopal Church & Chapel [JSM-CPB]
The Oregon Colony - Methodist Migration to Hood River
1899 Mansfield Church List From Directory
Mansfield Methodist Centennial Booklet (To Be typed)
Richmond Township Family Bible Records
Kratzer - Allen Family Bible
Bullock - Sweet Family Bible
Millious - Paris Family Records
Hubbard - Burley Bible
Burley - Burleigh - Shaw Bible
Moore - Stevens Bible
Eames - Hotchkiss Bible Scaife-Horton Bible (TCHS Vol. 1 - 2) Scarfe - Stevens Family Bible
Richmond Township Families & Individuals,
Genealogies, Photos
Asa Mann, Founder of Mansfield
Mansfield & Richmond Township Marriage Clippings
Ida Clarissa Decker
Dr. Elizabeth FLOWER "Wheeler" S. B. Elliott 1908 - People I Saw at the Mansfield Fair
1957 Winners of Centennial Beard Contest Mary G. Baily - Mansfield's News Reporter
Dr. Robert S. Sanford 1933 Autobiography of Philip H. Dewey
The Jennings Family of Whitneyville Citizen of the Year - Max Colegrove Awards.
Graves Family Reunion Souvenir
Tracking the Pioneer Wood Line of Sullivan Township  to the Class of 1962 at Mansfield High School
    Mansfield's Centennial Families - 1957 Mansfield Advertiser 
James Husted - Catherine Miller  Family
Richmond Township Resident Photo Album
David Dorsett - 1784-1845 Martha Lent & Henry Dorsett
Catherine Hickman "Dorsett"1782-1870 Flora Gaige & Frank Stilwell
Ada Holden & George W. Dorsett Ernest Parshall Inscho
W. W. Inscho & Inscho Home Thomas F. Inscho
John Cotton Howe [IRC] Nancy Mosher & Charles McConnell
Hannah E. Hammond & J. Franklin Howe [IRC] Frances L. Rockwell & Colie J. Beach
Victor Rockwell Beach 1890-1898 Family of Eliza Paris & Hiram Knapp
Dorcas Monro/Orris Mudge Family 1900 Cruttenden - Snover Family Photos
Dora Howe & Grant Roblyer
Richmond Township Emigrants
Henry Dorsett - Mansfield to Illinois
DR. JOSEPH C. DOANE:  Word has been received here of the death of Dr. Joseph C. Doane, age 88, formerly of Mansfield, who died December 3rd at St. Petersburg, Florida.  Dr. Doane was a graduate of MSC and Chirugical Medical College of Pennsylvania, class of 1912. He practiced medicine in Philadelphia for 52 years.  Survivors include his wife Ida, 4 step-children and several nieces and nephews.  Burial was in St. Petersburg. (undated clipping)
Richmond Township Diaries & Letters 
1888 Seth Whittaker of Canoe Camp
Letters of the Frost, Walker and Allied Families 1856-1949 Memories of Canoe Camp
1903 Emma FIELD "Sherman" Working at the Normal
1863 - Justus Clark to Sarah Beach 1861-1863 Melvin Clark Letters
1907 Whittaker Letters 1879 To Melvin Clark from his Confederate Captor
Richmond Township Wills, Deeds, Legal Documents 
Will of Silas Hall 1886
Will of William W. Inscho of Canoe Camp 1927
Will of Mortimer Elliott 1920
Richmond Township Military Records
1907 Mansfield's G.A.R
World War II Listing
World War II Listing
1875 - G.A.R. Post No. 48 Established
G.A.R. 048 Biographies
1964 - 100th Anniversary Civil War event - Austin-Cox VFW Post
1933 National Guard - Mansfield
World War One
World War I Listing
World War I Wall
Who Is Overseas - WW1
Mansfield Advertiser Scrapbook
S.A.T.C. Formed at M.S.N.S.
Leigh Allen - WW1
Gordon L. Bailey - WW1
J. O. Wright Bailey - WW1
Leo J. Bailey - WW1
Raymond C. Bailey - WW1
Ross B. Bailey - WW1
Victor Bartlett - WW1
Stephen H. Beach - WW1
Hiram E. Benson - WW1
William C. Bunn - WW1
Lee Earl Clark - WW1
Wayne R. Cleveland - WW1
J. Bryce Cogswell - WW1
Andrew E. Cook - WW1
John F. Cox - WW1
Arthur Dalaba - WW1
John H. Doane - WW1
Ernest Dorsett - WW1
Percy Earley - WW1
Walter Forrest - WW1
Walter F. Gardner - WW1
Richard K. Hayes - WW1
Donald V. Hoard - WW1
Frank Howard Inscho - WW1
Wade W. Judge - WW1
Fred A. Jupenlaz - WW1
Walter Leach - WW1
Lewis McConnell - WW1
Shorty McConnell - WW1
Ray W. Miller - WW1
Warren L. Miller - WW1
Kenneth Odell - WW1
Robert R. Palmer - WW1
J.F. Sigsbee - WW1
Fay Slingerland - WW1
Rayburn Smith - WW1
Albert J. Stilwell - WW1
F. Richard Stilwell - WW1
Harold G. Strait - WW1
Arthur Swan - WW1
Myron E. Webster - WW1
Claude H. Whittaker - WW1
Rev. Dawson Letter
Mansfield Borough - Richmond Township Sports 
1892 First Night Footbal
1897 MSNS Football Team
1906 MSNS Baseball Team
Corey Creek Golf Club 1927 - 1977
1933 Jr. High Basketball
1935 Baseball Team
1952 Little League All Stars
1958 Jr. High Cheerleaders & Basketball Team
1959 Jr. High  Basketball
It Happened One Night - Football in Mansfield 1892 Under Lights
Population Statistics for Richmond Township
& Mansfield Borough
1887 Mansfield Borough = 1611
1887 Richmond Township = 1512
1891 Mansfield Borough = 1762
1891 Richmond Township = 1640
1900 Mansfield Borough = 1847
1900 Richmond Township = 1496
1990 Mansfield Borough = 3538
County Population Statistics 1810 - 1992