The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933
Mansfield PA and Richmond Township in Tioga County PA
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1890 Address by Simon B. Elliott
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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Article: 1890 Address
Mansfield Borough, Tioga County PA
Article by Chester P. Bailey
Postcard form Joyce's Collection
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Historical Address

Delivered at the State Normal School

February 19, 1890

By Hon. Simon B. Elliott

In the year 1854, Mansfield might well have been, and probably was, considered the least important of all the villages located in the valley of the Tioga. Its chances for future prosperity could in no sense be looked upon as promising. It was but little above the dignity of a hamlet.

There were two small stores, two small hotels, two churches and its educational institution consisted of a two story frame building, now standing near the corner just below, with only one room finished and occupied, and that in the first story. In this was kept the village school. There were but few painted buildings—probably not exceeding twenty—in an area enclosed by a circle two miles in diameter. The only brick structures consisted of the basement of the old tannery and the dwelling house on Main Street in the southern part of town, then known as the Benjamin Gitchell house. There were no manufactories except the tannery and a small sawmill adjacent, the latter long since gone. They were both run by the fitful waters of Corey Creek. Another old sawmill and also a woolen mill stood on the bank of the river just west of where no stands the fine and large Borough Graded School building; but neither of them were then or ever afterwards in operation. The sawmill soon went to utter decay and the woolen mill was, some ten or eleven years later on, moved to a point near the railroad depot where it has ever since been used as a planing mill and sash and door factory. It was in contemplation, however, to erect a blast furnace, a fact which was afterwards accomplished. There was certainly nothing, except the furnace enterprise, to make the place more prominent and conspicuous or that gave it more promise of future prosperity than attaches itself now, and always has, to the average small country town in a reasonably long settled region. It is true it was favorably situated at the confluence of two streams, Corey Creek and the Tioga River, but not more so than Canoe Camp, two and a half miles above at the mouth of Canoe Camp Creek.

The population could not have exceeded 250 to 300 souls, it as great as that; nor could the assessed evaluation of property, in what is now the limits of the borough, have exceeded $20,000. It only reached the sum of $26,000 in the year 1858. The village was incorporated as a Borough, but with less area than now, February 17th, 1857. 

First Added to the Site  on 19DEC 2002
By Joyce M. Tice

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The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933