Mansfield PA and Richmond Township in Tioga County PA |
Tri-Counties Genealogy &
History by Joyce M. Tice
Historic Businesses of the
Allen W. & Napoleon B. Peterson,
Barbers of Mansfield & Canton
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Inside Napoleon Peterson's Barber Shop in Canton |
Photos: Allen W. & Napoleon B. Peterson,
Barbers |
Township: Mansfield & Canton |
Year: 1890s |
Photos in family collection of Shirley Smith |
Photos here are poorer quality than the originals because I had
to digitally photograph in poor light. |
Napoleon B. Peterson. Barber of Canton |
Allen W. Peterson, Barber of Mansfield |
1876 Mansfield Advertiser Ad - A. W. Peterson, Barber and Hair
Dresser. Mansfield, PA. Shop in "Old Hardware" building, Main Street. Polite
and skillful workmen employed. Razors honed on a superior manner.
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the
Business pages of the site by using the Business button
in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current
What's New Page? You will also find extensive business information
in the Directory section. |
David Parker arrived in Mansfield PA from the South via the Underground
Railroad. He eventually married Almina Peterson, daughter of Benjamin Peterson.
The origin of Benjamin Peterson is presently unknown. Almina's brothers,
Napoleon B. and Allen W. both became barbers, the former in Canton and
the latter in Mansfield.
Allen W. is listed in the 1880 Mansfield Census as age 30, barber,
with wife Frances also age 30. He is also listed in the 1899 Tioga County
Directory in Mansfield as a barber. In the 1908 Directory, he was still
a practicing barber at 14 S., Main Street, with house at 91 East Elmira
St. Wife, Frances, was also still living. They are buried in Prospect Cemetery.
Both born 1847, Frances died 1916 and Allen died 1922.
David and Elmira (sic) Parker, sister of Allen and Napoleon, lived at
89 E. Elmira Street, next door to Allen in 1908. He was listed as a laborer.
Mina was a DAR member, and Shirley Smith still has many of the receipts
for her annual dues.
Napoleon B. Peterson was in Canton Borough in 1880, age 40, barber.
His wife was Mary Ann, age 37, and they had children, Alburtus, age 6,
and Hattie age 5. Napoleon's shop was on Troy Street in Canton where the
video store is presently located, next to the VFW. The building he was
in is gone and whas been replaced.
Harriet Peterson, Daughter of Napoleon |
Harry Benjamin Parker, son of Almina Peterson & David Parker |
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 01 JUN 2003
By Joyce M. Tice
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