Mansfield PA and Richmond Township in Tioga County PA
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Allen's Business College, Mansfield PA
School: Allen's Business College
Township: Mansfield Borough, Tioga County PA
Year: 1908
Tioga County Directory 1908-1909
The Postcard below advertises the lessons in penmanship given at the Business College. Addressed To Benjamin Meeker of Tioga, I can't help but wonder about a connection to Meeker's Business School that was established in Elmira.
The Allen Family was long involved with education in Mansfield. Starting with Fordyce Allen who was an early principal at the Normal School and founded the Soldier's Orphans School at Mansfield, and up to Elizabeth Allen who was an English teacher of mine in High School. She taught high school English just one year after retiring from a long career as an English Professor at Mansfield State College. 
Joyce's Search Tip - November 2008
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Wellsboro Agitator; August 27, 1889
Prof. Fred M. Allen is to open a branch of the Williamsport Commercial College at Mansfield on the 15th of next [Sept. 1889] month.

Blind Poet Celebrates Birthday
Mansfield – Fred M. Allen, of Mansfield, poet and former educator, celebrated his 90th birthday Friday. “I am glad to be alive,” he declared, with his cheery smile, when interviewed at his South Main St. home. He was born at Smethport, Pa., Oct. 13, 1854, a son of Prof. Fordyce A. and Jane Martin Allen. In 1858 his father established the West Chester Normal School of  which he was principal until 1864 when he came to Mansfield to become principal of the State Normal School. He was twice principal of the institution, from 1854 until 1869, and from 1877 until his death, Feb. 11, 1880.  In 1867 he founded the Soldiers Orphan School, the management of which he retained until his death, Mrs. Allen succeeding him until the pupils were transferred to Harford, Pa., in 1890. Fred Allen attended the borough school, then known as the “white schoolhouse,” on Academy St. across from the Normal School campus. It is now an apartment house owned by S. S. Beach. He graduated from the State Normal School in 1875. In 1882 he erected the building on Main St. now owned by R. R. Cruttenden and conducted a business college there for several years, when he became connected with the Williamsport Commercial College. Later he taught in business schools in Elmira and Wilkes-Barre and conducted the Troy Business College at Troy, N. Y. While at Troy his sight failed and he retired from the teaching profession. Mrs. Allen, the former Miss Clara Wentworth, died Nov. 26, 1923, and the following year Mr. Allen returned to Mansfield. After his sight failed Mr. Allen turned to composing poetry and soon became known as Mansfield’s blind poet and he has been called upon to give his poems at many social and public affairs in this and other communities. He was finally persuaded to offer his poems in book form and he has published two volumes, “You and I and Uncle Si” and “Uncle Si and Others.” One of his most beautiful poems is based upon (rest is missing)

Advertisement for Elmira School of Commerce and Mansfield Business College scanned from "The Covington Intellligencer" 06 April 1891 issue 
I have no idea how long the Mansfield Business College was in operation. T. P. Jones was president and S. S. Leonard was secretary. It is not listed in the 1899 Directory for Mansfield Borough. It may be the same as Allen's Business College above. 
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