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Wellsboro Gazette, October 26, 1977, p.22
From Mansfield Area 55-Plus Group meeting article -
President Francis appointed Jim Caracciolo and Welch Cleveland to act
as greeters at future meetings.
Wellsboro Gazette, January 23, 1980, p.4
New 55 Plus Group - President Presides at First Meeting
President Welch Cleveland presided as the new president of the Mansfield
Area 55-Plus Group at its first meeting of the new year on January 15 in
the basement of the Holy Child Church with 71 reported present. Marie Wilcox
gave the opening prayer for the occasion.
Other officers for the year are Norma Doud, 1st Vice President; Carrie
Olson, 2nd Vice President; George Heil, 3rd Vice President; Elizabeth Duffin,
secretary; and Marcella Soporowski, treasurer.
Committee chairmen are as follows: Program, Helen Lutes; Hospitality,
Marcella Soporowski; Tour, Iva Ziefie; Visitation, Marian Barnes; Scrapbook,
Lila Bell; and Publicity, Bill Allinger.
After the members and guests did full justice to delicacies provided
by the ladies of the group, the business meeting was called to order by
President Cleveland. He read a letter from Frank Prugh, a member who is
ill, thanking the group for cards and messages. Elizabeth Duffin, secretary,
since the inception of the group in 1976 read her carefully kept minutes
of the last meeting. Marcella Soporowski, treasurer, who also has served
since the start in 1976 presented her meticulously recorded financial report.
Marian Barnes, Visitation Chairman, announced that she had sent out
four get well cards and one remembrance card. Lila Bell, Scrapbook Chairman,
reported on the Scrapbook being up to date but she suggested that more
colored photos would enliven the looks of the Scrapbook. Margery Chilson
then said that if someone would take pictures the group would probably
pay the costs. George Heil agreed to take pictures.
Iva Ziefle, Tour Chairman, asked for assistants on her committee and
a number of the members agreed to help. Iva stated that winter trips were
pretty well ruled out but she would appreciate suggestions on what future
trips and tours should be scheduled.
Helen Lutes, Program Chairman, asked for others who would serve on
her committee and got a number of responses. Helen also asked for suggestions
from the members on the kinds of programs they preferred.
New members added at the meeting were Stella Bailey, Adeline Cunningham
and Welch Harvey. A guest at the meeting was Dorothy Whitney.
Members with January birthdays were Jim Caracciolo, Carolyn Hayes,
Margaret Justin, Helen Lutes, Lester Moyer, Marguerite Munson and LaVera
Sterling, Carolyn Haynes was presented with a birthday cake baked by her
daughter, Karen Cooper. The other members of the group sang Happy Birthday
in honor of the January Birthdayers.
In last month's report of the December meeting the names of two valued
recent members were inadvertently misspelled. The names should have been
Helen and George Heil.
For the program part of the meeting Bingo was enjoyed with Helen Cleveland
calling the numbers and Welch Cleveland repeating them. Later a number
of others helped out on repeating the numbers. A great many prizes had
been brought and the Bingo was continued until all the prizes were won.
And so ended another enjoyable meeting of the Mansfield Area 55-Plus Group.
History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA