Mansfield PA and Richmond Township in Tioga County PA
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Organizations of the Tri-Counties
1928 Friendship Lodge 247, Mansfield, Tioga County PA
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

As with some of the other photos, I scanned this one long ago when all I had was a four inch hand held scanner. So, the photo had to be cropped and because there was no speed control, some of these gentlemen appear somewhat narrower than they really were. My apology to Mr. Bates who took a much better photo than this. 

Past Masters of Friendship Lodge 247 Mansfield PA
Back Row: Herbert Grant, Warren L. Miller, A. Howard Vosburg, George B. Strait, Robert Palmer, Harold Strait
Middle Row: G. Ray Edgerton, W. Albert Bates, Frank W. Simmons, George L. Palmer, John E. Farrer, George W. Cass, Wilton W. Allen
Front Row: Ray C. Longbothum, Edmund A. Retan, R. Watson Rose, Wentworth D. Vedder, Michael Schipbanker, Lewis M. Palmer
Photo by P.M. - W. Albert Bates
Organization: Friendship Lodge 247
Township: Mansfield Borough, Tioga County PA
Past Masters Photo
Year: 1928
Photos Obtained form Louise PALMER Harris (dec.)
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Wellsboro Gazette, 21 May 1924
The annual banquet of Zebulon Royal Arch Chapter, 296, F.&A.M. was held Wednesday evening at Blossburg. Jewels were presented to the past high priests, of which the following were from Mansfield: A.H. Vosburg, L.M. Palmer, George L. Palmer and Dr. W.R. Straughn. Among the 75 members who were present from Mansfield were Harold Strait, Jay Meyers, A.H. Vosburg, Ray Smith, Charles Ross, Wade Judge, H.G. Peterson, P.A. Coles, Harry Taylor, Charles McDowell. George L. Palmer, Robert Palmer, M. Schipbanker, W.A. Bates, Dr. J.H. Doane, B.W. Leonard, Dr. L.J. Neal, Glenn Gillett, Herbert Grant, John Farrer, E.C. Russell, George Cass, Dr. Will George Butler.
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Organizations of the Tri-Counties
1861 Minutes of Ladies Aid Society
Richmond Township, Tioga County PA
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Mansfield Gazette, 26 June 1957
A Report of the Ladies Aid - 1861
 The following report was taken from the minutes book of Mrs. Morris, grandmother of C. Morris Thompson and records events in which the ladies of Mansfield were engaged during the Civil War.
Richmond Ladies’ Aid Society
  A public meeting of citizens was held at Mansfield at the close of religious services on the National Fast Day to consider the appeal of the Quartermaster of the state for stockings and blankets for our Pennsylvania volunteers, on Sept. 26, 1861.
 James R. Wilson was appointed chairman and Joseph S. Hoard Secretary. After discussion it was resolved that a society be organized under the name of the Richmond Ladies Soldiers’ Aid Society and the following officers elected: Mrs. James Wilson, president; Mrs. John Voorhees, vice president; Mrs. Joseph P. Morris, secretary; Mrs. Justin B. Clark, treasurer.
 A committee of ladies was appointed to act as executive council jointly with the officers of the society. It was resolved that the object of the society be to supply the Penna. volunteers of the National Army with stockings in pursuance of the advice of the Quartermaster. The fund raised by this society will be appropriated to volunteers’ families of Richmond Township if required or to the use of hospitals of the army at the discretion of the society.
 Every person contributing materials or labor in aid of the association shall be registered as a member of the same. It was also resolved that a notice of the association and its wants should be promulgated from the pulpits of the various denominations of the Township. It was resolved that the society meet every two weeks on Wednesday at 2 PM at such place as shall be designated.
 The first contribution was 3/4 lbs. of stocking yarn from Mrs. Marriott.
 At a later meeting a letter was read from Mr. Joseph Hoard inviting the society to confer a name upon the company of volunteers now forming in this place. A committee was appointed to exchange views with the writer and ascertain further particulars.
 On October 16 at a regular meeting reports were read of contributors: Several pairs of socks and material for more were on hand. A general feeling of interest seems growing up in the community and harmony and good feeling prevails.
 The question of presenting a flag to the volunteer company now forming here, in acknowledgement of their courtesy in inviting the ladies to confer a name upon the company, and as a memento of our esteem and the deep interest in the sacred cause they go forth to defend was presented and favorably entertained and committees appointed to collect funds for the same.
 At the next meeting the Captain and Lieutenants of the Company, with representatives of the privates were present.  After considerable debate upon various names read by the secretary and voted upon, the name of “Tioga Mountaineers” which had been suggested by Mrs. Morris, having the largest number of votes, was upon motion, made the unanimous choice of the ladies and accepted for the volunteers by their delegates.
 Capt. Hoard was requested to order a suitable flag with mountings for the staff, to cost not less than $20.00 nor more than $25.00.
 The society soon met to make arrangement for preparing a supper for the volunteers on the eve of their departure for the war and to appoint a committee to present the flag on behalf of the society. Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Nesbit, Miss Chase, Miss C. Clark and Miss C. Gaylord were appointed. The cost of the flag was $21.00 and fifty cents express charges.
 Upon appeal from the Sanitary Commission for hospital supplies and aid for sick and wounded it was resolved that the society at once undertake to collect and send off boxes of articles for the hospitals. Mrs. Frank Buttles undertook to collect magazines and illustrated papers and whilst doing so to notify the community that two weeks from now we propose to have a box of clothing ready for packing and the ladies will prepare jellies, domestic wines and pickles as requested.
 The ladies appointed to present the flag performed the service. The presentation was made on behalf of the committee by Mrs. Wilson at a meeting appointed for the purpose at the Mansfield Classical Seminary and Mr. King, a veteran of the war of 1812 made the presentation address on behalf of the ladies, to the Company in a few earnest and eloquent words: “May the God of our country protect and bless the Tioga Mountaineers.” Several appropriate speeches were made, patriotic songs sung, after which the volunteers partook of a handsome supper provide by the ladies. Two large boxes of provisions were packed for rations and the Company left about 11 PM.
 The table committee performed their duties (in part) but the more laborious and unpleasant portion was left for anyone who would perform. Several ladies, not of the committee, were there till half past one, washing and cleaning up, and even when they were wearied, gave out, too much was left for the Steward’s family to finish in the morning.
 The society hopes that future committees on like occasions, will prove more efficient and persevering. Those unable or unwilling to work should decline serving, that their places may be filled by such as are both willing and able to do their part of the large amount of work which somebody must do on such occasions.
 An appeal for clothing must be met and Miss Sophia Lamb was appointed to obtain the same, placing a box in the Post Office where materials may be left. Several ladies volunteered to spin 20 pounds of wool, and the society resolved to meet hereafter in the basement of the M.E. Church on Thursdays. Later, on account of the cold weather it was concluded to meet at private houses of the members in alphabetical order, commencing at the next meeting at the home of Mrs. Buttles. The ladies are to bring pieces for making quilts, etc.
 The pickles which were to be sent being ready and Mrs. Clark having procured a butter frikin, Mrs. Buttles agreed to packing them, Mrs. Morris to furnish the vinegar necessary. The pickles were sent to Gen. R.R. Hale, Mr. Swan taking them to Troy.
 At the meeting at Mrs. Beach’s the ladies concluded that since contributions are not coming liberally, each lady is to act as a committee to stir up the liberality and patriotism of the community or the box on hand will prove a failure.
 Meeting were held in the Seminary parlor and a hot sugar party was held to raise funds on April 8. There being about six inches of snow on the ground and fair sleighing, there was a good attendance and $10.50 raised, the sugar being furnished by Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Morris. In May, in view of increased demands for hospital supplies the ladies agreed to meet twice a week and continued to do so until July, in the Seminary room.
 Major Hoard, home on sick-leave, but expecting to return in a few days, met with the ladies. It was an additional gratification to meet him again after the report of his death the battle of Fair Oaks having been so generally circulated.
 The Covington ladies sent a gift of $34.16, the proceeds of a refreshment table held by the ladies on July 4th.
 From July 1862 to May 1863 the society continued to meet, though irregularly, through the winter, owing to sickness in the village, bad roads and part of the time their room at the Seminary being kept locked by Prof. Wildman.
 The State of Pennsylvania being invaded by the rebels and the Militia called into action, a company of 52 left Mansfield on June 30, 1863, for three months service. The society met and resolved to meet twice a week, having much material on hand for summer clothing. It was agreed to have an entertainment for returned soldiers and eight veterans partook of a substantial meal and ice-cream and a handsome collation was disposed of.
 In September the society removed to another room on the ground floor of the Seminary, the Trustees’ room being needed for recitations. Mr. Wilson donated a basket of crab apples and Mr. Robert Bailey, a bushel of plums. Mrs. Voorhees, Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Barden, Mrs. Gaylord and Mrs. Morris agreed to make up the fruit, the society furnishing the sugar.
 In October 1863, the society removed for the winter to Miss Sophia Lamb’s rooms over Ross’ store, with the understanding that children be excluded. Mrs. Morris was directed to write to Maj. Hoard about the spear head and tassel and cord of the flag. This flag was buried at Plymouth, when Co. B, 101st Pa. Vol. was captured at that place. A reply was received from Major Hoard stating that the cord and tassel were in his possession, but the spear head was lost at Harrisburg and the Capt. Melvin Clark has the flag in his care in North Carolina.
 On Nov. 16, 1864, the society met and packed two boxes of provisions to be forwarded to the soldiers for Thanksgiving dinner. The articles were contributed by a number of individuals in and near Mansfield, a large proportion being from Pickle Hill. The students presented a basket of neatly-made house-wife's and pincushions which were sent in the box.
 The last meeting of the year on Dec. 29, 1864 closed in harmony.
Sarah E. Morris, Secretary

See Also. Mansfield's Civil War & G.A.R. Pages

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 21 SEP 2000
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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Womens's Society Article added 18 May 2006