The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery
Lambs Creek, Richmond Township, Tioga County PA - Clippings 1933 - 1935
The following clippings were in a scrapbook given to me by Chester P. Bailey of Mansfield in 2006. These are the neighborhood news clippings for Lambs Creek in Richmond township for 1933 - 1935. These would have been taken from the Mansfield Advertiser. 
Lambs Creek Locals

July 5, 1933

Miss Bertha Warters, of Endicott, is spending a couple of weeks with relatives here.

Oscar Clark enjoyed a mess of peas from his garden on July first.

Mrs. T.E. Harper of Corning was in town for the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rice and grandson of Galeton, called on Ida Rankin Sunday.

George Campbell and family of Yonkers, New York, are guest of relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vance and son, Russell of Rochester, stopped at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Vance, Sunday. They were enroute to Williamsport.

Russell Niles is improving his house with new windows and fresh paint.

Fred Andrews is quite ill.

Mrs. Velma Russell and two children of Elmira are spending a fortnight with her mother, Mrs. Nellie Landon.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Palmer motored to Clifton Springs Saturday to see their daughter, Ailene. Miss Palmer expects to leave for New York City for six months to complete her course in nursing.

A police dog owned by A.T. Allis was killed recently by a truck on the State road.

August, 1933

Lamb’s Creek Old Home Day Saturday, September 2. All old residents and friends are urged to attend, renew friendships and enjoy a day of fun.

Oct. 25, 1933

Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Sovik of New York City and Mrs. Hans Burgk, of Brooklyn, New York, were recent guests of Mrs. John Bailey. Mrs. Sovik, who is a sister of Mrs. Bailey, has just returned from Norway.

Francis Kelly and Wayne Cruttenden are working for F.N. Alden at Watrous.

Mrs. Edwin Ripley, of Elmira, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed TenEyck near Mansfield.

Basil McCarthy of Wellsboro spent the weekend in town.

Mrs. Harry Wood and daughter, Betty of Elmira were here the last of the week.

Donald Hoard, of Mansfield was in town on business Monday.

Russell Niles expects to build a barn on his lot below the church.

Mrs. George Allis is under the doctor’s care.

Nov. 15, 1933

A son was born recently to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Doud of Kellytown. He has been named Bruce Walter.

Mrs. R.E. Long and daughter, Beatrice, motored to Corning the last of the week.

R. Vance lost a horse recently.

Denzel Brittain underwent an operation for appendicitis last week.

The Home Department Society met Friday at the home of Mrs. W.E. Fralic. A chicken pie dinner was served.

Henry Fralic shot a bear last Friday, which weighed two hundred and fifty pounds.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Vance expect to spend the winter in Tioga. They will have rooms in the home of Clarence Cooley.

The Ladies’ Aid Society met with Mrs. Long.

Earl Cruttenden of Elmira was in town Saturday.

Miss Genevieve Rankin has been suffering from asthma.

April 4, 1934

Miss Beatrice Long and Harold Price were married Saturday, March 31, at Ulysses, by Rev. Kenneth Baker.

Miss Ima Forth left for her home in West Virginia the first of the week. Miss Forth has been staying with her sister, Mrs. Elwyn Benedict.

Fred TenEyck has moved his family to Mansfield.

Francis Kelly expects to leave for Williamsport soon, where he will play ball for the coming season.

Mrs. R. Vance and son, Frank, motored to Rochester for Easter.

Ellsworth Allis has been home from his school in Halstead.

Franklin Alden and men have finished their work at the C.C. Camp in Watrous.

June 22, 1934

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Griffin motored to Elmira and Waverly on Wednesday.

Mrs. Lida Cruttenden was in Wellsboro on business one day last week.

An ice cream social was held at the Community building Friday evening. Proceeds were for building obligations.

Mr. Stuntz, a returned missionary from India, spoke at the Community House last Thursday. The Ladies’ Aid met on that day.

R.M. Spencer is painting his tenant houses at the lower end of town.

Mrs. R.E. Long is assisting with the care of Mrs. Lloyd at the home of Dr. Straughn in Mansfield.

Ida Rankin is re-roofing her barn.

Miss Helena Hills has returned to her home.

Miss Vera Landon had a narrow escape from drowning recently. She was rescued by her sister, Teresa.

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Butler and son of Elmira were guests of her sister, Mrs. H.W. Fralic.

Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Fralic and two daughters left Monday morning for North Carolina and West Virginia.

Dr. H.B. Fralic is stationed in Huntington, W.Va.

July 18, 1934

Gordon Belcher and family left for Illinois Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wells and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wells of Troy took sinner at the home of M.D. Sturdevant last Sunday.

Henry Korb is working near Keating Summit.

Charles Hotelling has returned from a visit to Galeton.

Robert Spencer has returned from Wescosville.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lewis and son, Robert of Plymouth and Olga Beck of Crawford, N.J., have been visiting Isacc Whippell and family of Upper Lambs Creek.

Mrs. George Allis is not so well at this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. James Searles of near Mansfield called on Mr. and Mrs. M.D. Sturdevant Sunday.

The home of W.E. Fralic has been newly painted.

Miss Madeline Fralic of Philadelphia and Buddy Gibson of Asheville, N.C., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Fralic.

Mrs. Ethlyn Allen and son of Elmira have been visiting at the home of Fred Horton.

Nov. 7, 1934

M.D. Sturdevant is much worse at this writing.

A large delegation of people from this place attended the reception tendered Rev. and Mrs. Binkema at their home in Tioga last Friday evening. A social time was reported.

Miss Genevieve Rankin is ill of asthma.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kelly of Susquehanna have been in town.

Will Barnes and family attended the funeral of Mrs. Maloney in Painted Post, Monday.

Delores Jean Belcher has measles.

Gordon Belcher has rented the E.R. Neubert property in this place.

Mrs. Donald Calkins has been ill for some time at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.G. TenEyck.

Nov. 14, 1934

Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Marsh and granddaughter of Bath were calling on friend on friends in town recently.

A social time was held at the Community house last Friday evening. Rev. and Mrs. R.M. Buikema were present.

Rev. R.M. Spencer has purchased a Lafayette car.

A three-pound son was born recently to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clark at the Blossburg Hospital.

Mrs. Lida Crittenden was in Wellsboro on business one day last week.

Frank Vance is working in Wellsboro.

Mrs. Ralph Cleveland has been ill with asthma.

Francis Wells is quite ill with measles.

A Ladies’ Aid meeting was held at the home of Will Davey recently.

Chickpox has entered the home of Vern Welch at Upper Lambs Creek.

Vera Landon is in Elmira.

Dec. 5, 1934

The hunt supper was held at the Community House Thursday evening.

Glenn Scott and family of Endicott have been spending several days with relatives.

Elwyn Benedict, Harry Harvey and W.E. Barnes have gone to a deer camp.

The Sturdevant sale was well attended.

Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly of New Jersey, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kelly of Susquehanna and Mrs. James Kelly of Watkins Glen were guests in the Kelly home for Thanksgiving.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Warters were in Scranton, Binghamton and Endicott recently.

Allene Allis of Lincoln Park, N.Y., and Ellsworth Allis of Halstead spent Thanksgiving with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.T. Allis.

L.G. Hoyt, Mrs. Lida Crittenden, Mrs. D.W. Greene and Miss Marie Horton ate Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Button in Jackson.

A truck bearing New York state license hit a valuable cow belonging to Oscar Clark last Friday on the state road.

R.L. Hall of Covington was in town on business last week.

Mrs. Lida Crittenden is in Elmira.

Samuel Wells has measles.

Ellwood Brittain has chickenpox.

Mrs. Nellie Landon is a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Russell, in Elmira.

L.G. TenEyck and Donald Calkins each shot a deer last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Tubbs of near Ulysses spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Long.

Frank Vance is cooking at a deer camp in Blackwell.

Czerney Stonebreaker and Albert Sherwood each shot a deer on Monday.

R.L. Long is working in Coudersport.

Dec. 12, 1934

Norton Sherwood has measles.

M. B. English has been in the hospital in Sayre for observation.

The W.C.T.U. will meet on December 19, at the home of Mrs. Lena Warters. A Christmas program will be given.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Van Auken (VanNocken) and son of Roseville were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey Saturday.

Wayne Cruttenden, Raymond Shaw and Harry Harvey, Wyland Clark and Henry Korb shot deer last week.

Miss Teresa Landon was in Covington Sunday.

Jan. 2, 1935

Mrs. Charles Palmer is ill.

The infant son of Henry Clark is seriously ill of whooping cough.

Leonard Clark is in Elmira.

Mrs. Agnes Kreger was in town Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter O’Dell are ill.

The young people gave a play at the community house Wednesday night.

Miss Marie Cleveland is recovering from her recent illness.

Miss Olga Sherwood of Kellytown is ill.

Fred Stage expects to move onto a farm near Lawrenceville in the spring.

Donald Calkins has been working in a filling station in Elmira for a few days. 

Dec. 17, 1934

Rev. and Mrs. Bukima and Mrs. George Abrams of Tioga attended the Ladies’ Aid Society meeting Thursday. Mr. Bukima is our new pastor.

Mrs. Nellie Landon has been ill.

Mr. Randall of Mansfield was in town Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Lamb of Corning were in town Sunday.

Floyd Darling and family of Nicholson were calling on friends in this village Sunday.

Mrs. David Broderick of Hazelton was a guest of Mrs. Lida Crittenden several days last week.

Homer Sumner underwent an operation for appendicitis last Friday at the Blossburg hospital.

Mrs. Gordon Belcher has entered the Williamsport hospital for treatment.

The home of F.N. Alden is quarantined for measles.

Misses Irene Alden and Lillian Barnes are working in Wellsboro. 

Jan. 16, 1935

Francis Kelly attended the inauguration of Governor Earl, Tuesday in Harrisburg.

M.B. TenEyck is not so well at this writing.

G.G. Webster, of Crooked Creek is ill.

The church services have been changed to three o’clock in the afternoon.

The Ladies’ Aid Society met with Mrs. Reuben Warters.

The measles are still in town.

The Lambs Creek Post Office was discontinued on Tuesday, January 15. Postmistress Ida R. Rankin has been faithful to the duties of the office for the past fifteen years. The patrons will be served by Walter Shaw, who carries mail from the Mansfield post office on Route Three. 

Jan. 23, 1935

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ripley, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Belknap, Mr. and Mrs. William Pedrick, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wells and Roy Carpenter of Elmira attended the funeral of M.B. TenEyck last Saturday at the home of Edward TenEyck, near Mansfield.

Mrs. Martha Matteson died Monday at the home of her son, Emory Matteson on Mann Creek. 

Mar.6, 1935

Leonard Clark is working for Chas. Palmer

Mrs. Donald Calkins has returned from the Arnot-Ogden hospital in Elmira.

George Allis was a guest of Sunday of Mason Brittain and family in Hammond.

Mr. and Mrs. A.T. Allis motored to Willard Sunday.

Mrs. Lee VanAuken (VanNocken) and child of Roseville have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey.

Mrs. R.E. Long is assisting with the work in the home of Samuel Warters. Mrs. Warters is quite ill.

Miss Vera Landon is working for Mrs. Wilford Shaw in Mansfield.

Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell are staying at the home of Charles Palmer.

Mr. Mitchell has employment in Lawrenceville.

Ernest Howey has purchased a new car.

Charles Palmer is driving a Ford car.

Hobart Lawrence has a new car.

Robins have been seen.

Mr. and Mrs. Mikle of Tioga called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Niles Sunday evening.

The W.C.T.U. met with Mrs. Lida Cruttenden. 

August 1935

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lamb and child of Canandaigua, N.Y., were in town Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lovejoy and daughter of Corning and David and Ruth Goodrich of Tioga spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wyland Clark.

Franklin Alden has work in Wellsville.

Mrs. F.N. Alden is nursing in the home of Dr. Straughn in Mansfield.

Walter Fralic and are guest of the Fralics.

Marvin Clark of Jersey Shore and Richard Niles of Elmira have been spending some time in the home of Russell Niles.

Carl Bailey who is stationed at a CCC Camp spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey.

Mrs. Henry Clark of Kellytown underwent an operation at the Blossburg hospital recently.

Mrs. R.E. Long has returned from Mansfield.

Jack Brady of Elmira is a guest of the Kelly’s.

Miss Marie Horton is spending her vacation with relatives in Tioga.

David Horton is in Elmira.

Ray Vance of Rochester was in town the last of the week. Baptismal services were held at Mill Creek Sunday.

Mrs. Nettie McConahy of Wellsboro, who has been critically ill, is improving.

Mr. and Mrs. A.T. Allis and daughter Arlene motored to Niagara Falls Sunday.

Mrs. Emma Lamb of Canandaigua was in town recently. 

Dec. 1935

The hour of the church service has been changed to ten o’clock and Sunday school at eleven.

A number of young people attended Epworth League at Wellsboro Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Hall of Covington were in town recently.

Deer were shot the past days of the season by Jerry Griffin, Henry Fralic, Robert Fralic, Leonard Sumner, Gordon Belcher, Wyland Clark, Mr. Sours, Earl Sumner, Albert Wood, David Horton and John Bailey.

Elder J.P. Holland of Washington, D.C., has been visiting Elder Dallas Youngs.

Charles Krueger has moved from Lawrenceville to one of R.M. Spencer’s tenant houses.

Mrs. R. Vance is not so well at this writing.

Christmas exercises will be held in the church Thursday evening.

Miss Lillian Barnes is working for Cecil Williams in Mansfield. 

Mansfield Advertiser
Genevieve Rankin
Individual article not dated - taken from scrapbook clippings. Sent in by Deborah ENDERLE Clark
Lambs Creek
(left from last week)
Shirley Harrower is ill.
Mrs. Clara Zinck has returned from the hospital.
The Barker Evangelistic Party held a service here Sunday afternoon.
The funeral of Seth Ingalls was held Sunday at Mansfield. Mr. Ingalls formerly lived at Upper Lambs Creek.
A bus carried a number of people from this place to the special services being held at Covington Sunday night.
Clifford Hart is stationed at Sampson Naval Training Station at Geneva, New York.
Mrs. Ward Phelps was a recent caller at the Rankin Home.
The helpful home circle will meet at the community house.
Henry Clark, of Kellytown, has left for camp.
FDR SAYS: Payroll savings is our greatest single factor in protecting ourselves against inflation.

Lambs Creek
Shirley Harrower has measles.
Henry Clark is stationed in Texas.
Charles Lewis, of Mansfield, was in town on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mudge, of Patterson, New Jersey, spent Easter in the Kelly home.
The Easter sunrise service was held at Covington.
Mrs. Allen Cooper and daughter of Elmira, have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Palmer.
Mrs. Ed TenEyck, of Elmira, attended church services here Sunday.
Colie Fields and family were guests of George Smith last Sunday.
Mrs. Belle Cruttenden expects to visit her sister in Mansistique, Michigan, soon.
Frank Kenyon is moving from Mansfield to his place on Main Street.

Say you saw it in the Mansfield Advertiser.

Lambs Creek
Mrs. Louis Kelley, of Watkins Glen, has been a guest of her mother, Mrs. Margaret Kelly.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas of Rochester, were in town on Saturday.
The adult Fellowship meeting was held at the home of Fred Horton Friday night.
Merle Starks has purchased a home and moved from Upper Lambs Creek.
Mrs. Polly Lovejoy, Miss Delores Lovejoy, of Tioga, and Mrs. Wyland Clark, of this place, were in State College recently.
Mrs. Reuben Lounsberry, of Lancaster, and Mrs. Dean Davey and son Gerald of Mansfield, called at the home of Mrs. Waldo Hoyt Saturday.
A.C. Hunter, of Wellsboro, was in town Monday.

Lambs Creek
Mrs. Iona TenEyck is ill.
George Paris was in town on Saturday.
George Smith has been visiting his daughter in Bradford, New York.
Mrs. Margaret Goodwin, daughter, Bonnie, and Mrs. Robert Fralic and son Terry of Middlebury, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fralic.
Waldo Hoyt was here a few days recently.
Mrs. M. B. Kelly has been ill.
Pfc. David Goodrich spent a weekend pass at the home of his sister, Mrs. W. N. Clark.
Miss Janice Cruttenden of Mansfield, visited her grandmother in this place.
Clyde Harrower was killed while fighting on the Anzio Beach-head in Italy last month. Mr. Harrower was a brother of Mrs. Lyle Brown of this place.
Mrs. Lydia Cruttenden has returned home after nursing in the home of Harry Taylor in Mansfield.
Mrs. Percy Lovejoy, of Tioga, was in town on Friday.
Mrs. Ida Crutteden is staying with Mrs. Iona TenEyck.
Mrs. Belle Cruttenden arrived safely at the home of her sister in Michigan.
Frank Vance, of Elmira, was here last Saturday.

Lambs Creek
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Allis , of Willard, NY, have been in town.
Stuart Dyke and Curtis O’Dell have the measles.
Mrs. Rena Carpenter has returned to her home in this place. Mrs. Carpenter had been employed at the Bates Studio in Mansfield.
Seaman Clifford Hart spent a few days at the home of Russell Niles.
Mrs. A. W. Kear (Grace Lamb), of Ulysses, underwent an operation at the Robert Packard Hospital in Sayre.
R. M. Spencer, of Dewart, is a patient at the Washington Sanatarium at Takoma Park. Mr. Spencer has undergone two operations.
Mrs. Robert Fralic and son, of Middlebury have been guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fralic.

Lambs Creek
Seaman 2/c John Chapel has been home on a pass.
Mrs. Bertha Watkins, of Mansfield, was calling on friends in town last week.
Mrs. Iona TenEyck is recovering from her recent illness.
Mrs. Ellsworth Schoonover, Miss Rosa Niles and Mrs. Robert Johnson were in New York City recently.
Hildren Clark, of Mansfield, was a guest of relatives here last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horton were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Krebs at Lawrenceville.
Waldo Hoyt is repairing the store building and his residence next door.
Clifford hart has been hospitalized with measles at the Naval Training Astation.
There has been a large forest fire at Upper Lambs Creek.
The Rev. Elton Crowell, of Michigan, held a service here Sunday. The Rev. Mr. Crowell will soon be leaving for South America.
Mrs. W. L. Hakes was a visitor of Mrs. Cruttenden of this place.
Czerney Stonebraker, of the Navy, is visiting relatives here.

Lambs Creek
E. L. Fuller, of Mansfield, attended church services here Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Waldo Hoyt and Mrs. Jerry Griffin are ill.
Seaman Clifford Hart has been transferred to Norfolk Virginia.
The W. C. T. U. met with Mrs. Rieppel at Upper Lambs Creek. Four new members were taken into the Union.
Richard Frank and family, of Millerton were in town on Sunday.
Pfc. David Goodrich was a guest of his sister, Mrs. Wyland Clark, Sunday.
George Butler, who suffered a stroke of paralysis,  is improving.
Mrs. William Grafius and Mrs. Olga Gratius, of Montoursville, were guests recently of Mrs. Waldo Hoyt.
Our church was represented at the Missionary meeting in Tioga Thursday night.
Mr. And Mrs. Leo Kelly, of Hornell, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kelly and grandson of Endicott, Mrs. Bessie Wood and Michael Kerwin, of Elmira, have been visitors in the Kelly home. Hugh Kelly will remain for the summer.
Mrs. Horace O’Dell has been ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Jenson and son of Penn Yan, spent Mother’s Day with Mrs. Rena Carpenter.
Master John Wells entertained twenty nine children from the  kindergarten at his home on State Road recently. There were two chaperones from the school and they were entertained by Mrs. Wells and Mrs. Doud.
Mr. and Mrs. John Harrower, of Tioga, spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Lyle Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Spencer, of Dewart, Pa. Are announcing the birth of a son, Robert Carlyle, Jr., on December 28, 1944. Mr. Spencer was a former resident here. Mrs. Spencer, before her marriage, was Miss Bessie Jane Dingle, of Watsontown..

Lambs Creek
Rev. Glenn Dewey delivered the sermon Sunday afternoon.
Ed TenEyck of Elmira was in town on Sunday.
Clark Sherwood has returned from Eaglesmere.
The funeral of Mrs. Josephine Hughes was held at Elmira Friday. Mrs. Hughes was a daughter of the late Patrick Griffin.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Niles and daughter Beverly of Elmira spent Sunday at the home of his brother, Russell Niles.
George Butler has been removed to the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. George Warters of Endicot,t visited friends and relatives here Sunday.
Waldo Hoyt has a 10-day vacation.
Pfc. David Goodrich is enjoying a 9 day furlough.
Mr. And Mrs. Russell Goodrich and daughter have been the guests of Mrs. W. N. Clark.
George Smith and Frank Longbothum have returned from Bradford, PA.
Mrs. Hattie Fralic is in town.
Rev. and Mrs. Carl Wheeler are in Oregon.

Lambs Creek
Mrs. Laura Clark has gone to Texas to visit her husband, Pvt. Henry Clark
A son was born on June 2, 1944, to Mr. and Mrs. George Cleveland.
Rev. Jim Hutchinson is holding services in the afternoon at the church this week.
Clark Sherwood and Betty Horton graduate from High School this year.
Mrs. Stephen and children are living in the TenEyeck tenant house. Mr. Stephen is in the Navy.
David Goodrich has purchased a Chevrolet coupe.
Mrs. Rena Carpenter is on a visit to her daughter in Penn Yan.
Mrs. Waldo Hoyt is a guest of her daughter in Montoursville.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vance of Rochester, have been in town.
Miss Katherine Hoye, of Corning, and Mrs. Olga Grafius, of Montoursville, attended the graduating exercises at the high school.

Church Honors Mansfield Man (photo)
Mansfield- At the Genesee Conference of the Methodist Church in Buffalo, the Rev. Don L. Moody was ordained an elder and received into full membership in that conference. He was appointed to the pastorate of the Methodist Church at Shinglehouse, Pa. And has recently moved to his new charge from Scottsburg, NY., where he has been pastor for four years.
The Rev. Mr. Moody graduated from Mansfield State Teachers College in 1939 and from Colgate- Rochester Divinity School, Rochester, May 15 of this year.

Lambs Creek
Effie and Martha Myers, of Mansfield, were in town on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vance, of Rochester called at their home here Sunday.
Pictures were shown in the Church Thursday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Brewster, of Millerton, were in town on e day last week.
Mrs. Hallie Fralic is assisting with the work at the store.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cooley , of Tioga, and Mrs. Woodbeck, of Corning were here recently.
Mrs. Rena Carpenter attended the meeting of the W. C. T. U. at Mansfield last Friday.
David Goodrich and Mrs. Polly Lovejoy have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. .N. Clark.
Mrs. Ida Cruttenden has returned to her home here.
Mrs. Ivan Carpenter, sons, Lyon and James, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Carpenter, daughter, betty, and grandchildren, Connie, Morgan and Jean Trask, were guests on Sunday of Mrs. Rena Carpenter.
Mrs. Ellsworth Schoonover has been visiting relatives in Penn Yan.

Lambs Creek - July 1944
Mrs. Laurie Kelley, of Watkins, has been a guest of her mother, Mrs. B. Kelly.
Clark Sherwood has been working in Williamsport.
Pvt and Mrs. Alfred Burrell have been visiting relatives here.
Ima Jon Benedict is on a visit to her grandmother at Mill Creek.
Mrs. Rena Carpenter is a guest of her son in Ossining, NY. She returned recently for a visit to her daughter in Penn Yan.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bailey, of Canton, were visitors on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown.
Russell Niles and family attended services at Young’s Camp below Williamsport on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clair O’Hargan and daughter, and Mrs. Francis Lamb of Ulysses were Sunday guests in the Clark home.
Lightening hit the church steeple Sunday night and damaged it badly.
Darwin and Donald Horton are working in Elmira.

Lambs Creek
(received to late for last week)
Pfc David Goodrich was home on a weekend pass.
Miss Nettie Faulkner, of Mansfield, was a recent guest of Mrs. Russell Niles.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cooper and daughter of Elmira, have been visiting in the home of Charles Palmer.
The damage caused by the deluge Friday night on Upper Lambs Creek was heavy.
Water covered the first floor of the house occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Gulliver on the State Road.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Thomas and Richard Frank and family were in the town Monday.
Miss Delores Lovejoy, of Tioga, was a guest of her aunt, Mrs. W.  N. Clark on Sunday.
Mrs. Henry Clark and son, Harland have returned from Texas.
Terry Fralic, of Middlebury, is spending a couple of weeks with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fralic.

Lambs Creek - August 1944
R.E. Long was in town recently.
Miss Delores Lovejoy is in Troy.
Clark Sherwood has been working in haying for Sam Wells.
Mrs. Belle Cruttenden has returned from Michigan.
A farewell party was held at the home of Henry Fralic Friday night for the Rev. and Mrs. Carl Wheeler. He was presented with a gift of money. Rev. Mr. Wheeler preached his farewell sermon here Sunday. He has accepted the pastorate of a church in the west.
Mr. and Mrs. Clair O’Hargan and daughter and Mrs. Francis Lamb, of Ulysses were guests of Mr. And Mrs. W. N. Clark Sunday
Mrs. Lida Cruttenden has been nursing in Mansfield.
Mrs. Irene Emerson and daughter are staying at the Zinck home.
Henry Fralic and family have moved their home across the bridge.
Mrs. Earle Mudge of New Jersey, has been visiting relatives here.

Lambs Creek
Jess Hughes was a recent guest of Russell Niles and family.
Mrs. George Brown and Mrs. Lyle Brown were in Elmira recently.
Mrs. Carl Wheeler has been conducting prayer meetings on Wednesday nights.
Private Gerald Cummings, who is stationed in the South has been visiting his wife here.
Emil Thomas has moved from Rochester to Elmira.
Miss Melissa Chapel is studying music.
Miss Delores Lovejoy, who was scalded with hot water, is staying with her aunt, Mrs. Wyland Clark.
Mr. and Mrs. DeMallie and Lee Brown and family, of Rochester, have been visiting at the home of George Brown, Beaudry Brown remained for a longer stay.
It is reported that Omer Sumner has been wounded again.
Mr. and Mrs. A .W. Kear, of Ulysses, were callers of Oscar Clark recently.
Henry Clark has been hospitalized in Texas.
Lambs Creek
David Goodrich has been sent overseas.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace O’Dell have returned from a vacation in New York state.
There was no Church School last Sunday due to the polio scare.
Mrs. Hattie Fralic spent Sunday with Mrs. Julia Lamb at Tioga.
Mrs. Lillian Monroe, of Elmira Heights spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Mott.

Lambs Creek
Miss Beverly Brown, of Rochester, is a guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Brown.
Frank Longbothum is a patient at the Blossburg Hospital.
Mrs. Ida Hoyt has returned home after a visit in Montoursville
George Brown is moving to the Will Spencer tenant house.
A guest speaker from New Jersey occupied the pulpit Sunday. Crandell Miller of Tioga, held a service in the evening.
Mrs. Gordon Goodwin, daughter, Bonnie; Mrs. Robert Fralic, son Terry, and Evangelist Wilma Barker and Miss Constance Rockwell were recent supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fralic.
Miss Janice  Cruttenden, of Mansfield spent several days with her grandmother, Mrs Lida Cruttenden.
Mrs. Marie Schoonover was a clerk in the store during the absence of Mrs. Hoyt.
The barn on the farm belonging to George Smith burned one night last week. The hay and three of the livestock were destroyed.

Lambs Creek
The Church School resumed services Sunday.
Miss Helen Mitchell, of Corning, spent several days with Mrs. Frank Kenyon.
Pfc David Goodrich is in France.
The Huntington tenant house had been rented.
George Smith and Waldo Hoyt are repairing their homes.
William Roberts and Norma Fralic were married in Virginia recently.
Mrs. Ida Cruttenden spent a few days with Mrs. Iona TenEyck.
The funeral of Mrs. Clara Zinck was held at Wellsboro on Friday.
Fred Horton is a patient in the soldiers and Sailors hospital at Wellsboro.
Elwin Benedict entertained his associates from the Chevrolet Garage at a wiener roast recently.
Mrs. Rena Carpenter is nursing at the home of Mrs. Minerva Wright, in Mansfield.
Colie Fields and family were guests of George Smith Sunday.
The Rev. Davis and the Rev. Glenn Dewey were recent speakers at the church.
George Butler and family have returned to this place.
School opened last Monday.

Lambs Creek
Mrs. Ralph Cleveland has been ill.
The W . C. T. U. met with Mrs Bertha Hakes.
Mrs. Jennie White, of Buffalo, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank White, of Wellsboro, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fralic.
Hamilton Brown, of Mansfield, delivered the sermon here Sunday.
Mrs. Belle Cruttenden is critically ill at the hospital in Blossburg.
Mrs. Alfred Warters has purchased the Vance property on Main Street.
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Hoyt were in Elmira one day last week.
William Zinck is the new newsboy.
The Griffin tenant house has been rented.
Mrs. Ruth Thomas, of Elmira, was in town on Thursday.
Fred Horton is recovering from an operation.
Mrs. Henry Korb was in New York City recently.
Mrs. Waldo Hoyt attended the funeral of her brother Fred Decker, held in Mansfield Sunday.
Mrs. Alfred warters has been entertaining her sister from Albany.
Mrs. Bertha Watkins, of Mansfield, attended the Vance sale.
Mrs. Lida Cruttenden has re-roofed part of her house.
Mrs. Rena Carpenter, of Mansfield, was in town one day recently.
Deer were seen near the village Monday.
George Brown has moved to an apartment in Mansfield.

Lambs Creek
Ray Vance and wife, of Rochester, were in town Sunday.
Frank Longbothum is critically ill.
Betty Lou Palmer, who has polio, is better.
Mrs Hattie Fralic is in California.
Mr. and Mrs. Earle Nudge if Oattersib N.J., are guests in the Kelly home.
Mrs. Waldo Hoyt attended the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Lamb last Thursday.
Beverly and Beaudry Brown and Jimmie Nolan have returned to Rochester.
Mr. and Mrs. Emberger, of Elkland, Mrs. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox, of Covington attended church here Sunday. The Rev. Mr. Whittaker was the speaker.
Clark Sherwood is stationed in Mississippi.
Assessor Halsey Benson was in town Monday.
Miss Delores Lovejoy is in Troy.
Horace O’Dell and family are staying at the home of Sam Moore in Mansfield.
Lida Cruttenden is nursing Mrs. Searles, who has suffered a second stroke of paralysis.

Lambs Creek
(too late for last week)
Oscar Clark was in Ulysses recently.
The Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs Elva Fralic.
Michael Kerwin, of Elmira, has been a guest of his sister, Mrs. Margaret Kelly.
A number of people from this place attended the Bible Conference at Mansfield.
Frank Vance, of Elmira, was in town Sunday..
Mrs. Sheehan is attending State Teachers College.
Mrs. Millie Dickson and children, of Bradford, NY., are here to help care for her father, George Smith. Mr Smith is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Hoyt are moving to their new home.
Richard Frank and family, of Millerton, have been in town.

Lambs Creek
The prayer meetings have been resumed on Thursday night.
George Smith has returned to his home in this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Goodrich, of Troy, were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Clark.
Mrs. Sheehan has moved to the Will Spencer house.
George Butler died Sunday at his home in this place. The body was removed to the Johnson undertaking rooms in Wellsboro. The funeral was at the church here.

Lambs Creek
Hiram Faulkner, of Covington, was in town one day last week.
The Ladies Aide Society met with Mrs. Fred Horton.
Charles Youngs, of Indian Park, was here recently.
William Roberts, of Virginia, is a guest of relatives here.
A prayer meeting and reception will be held at the home of Russell Niles Thursday night.
The new pastor, The Rev. Lawrence Grow, has taken up his duties at this church.
Mrs. Polly Lovejoy and Miss Delores Lovejoy spent Armistice Day with Mrs. W. N. Clark.
Mrs. Dickson was in Bradford, NY., recently.
The funeral of George Butler was not held in this place as was reported last week.
A shower for Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts was held at the home of Henry Fralic Monday night.
A. T. Allis was in town the first of the week.
Mrs. Mabel Warters attended church here last Sunday.

Lambs Creek
Mrs. George Brown, of Mansfield, was in town one day last week.
Russell Niles is building an addition to his home.
Mrs. Lida Cruttenden is nursing in Mansfield.
William Roberts has returned to Virginia.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Faulkner, of Mansfield, were guests of Hiram Faulkner Sunday. Mr. Faulkner is boarding in this place.
The Rev. Mr. Eckle, of Tioga and Charles Young, of Indian Park, attended Church here Sunday.
Mrs. Leona Richards, of Mansfield, was calling on friends in town recently.
Oscar Clark is working for Anthony Webster.
Dolores Lovejoy was ill Sunday.

Lambs Creek
Miss Phyllis Dickson, spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Colie Fields, of Roseville.
Mrs. Rena Carpenter was in town one day last week.
Mrs. W. H. Clark has been clerking in the new Five and Ten Cent Store in Mansfield.
Freeman Dickson is stationed in the Philippine Islands.
Henry Fralic and Wyland Clark were the lucky ones to kill a deer on the opening of the season.
News was received last month of the death of R. E. Long. Mr. Long was a grocer here a few years ago. He was buried at Ulysses.
Elwyn Benedict is on a hunting trip.
Sgt Mason Brittain, of Wellsboro is hospitalized at Indiana with a broken leg. Sgt Brittian formerly resided of this place.

Lambs Creek
R. M. Spencer, of Dewert, was in town on Monday.
The Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. George Cleveland.
Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, of Mansfield, were here last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Grafius are living in the  South, where Mr. Grafius has work.
Hilt Clark, of Mansfield, was a caller at the Clark home on Monday.
Cottage Prayer meetings are being held each week.
Mrs Lida Ctuttenden has returned to her home in this place.
Three deer have been on exhibition on the Clark property.
Waldo Hoyt is remodeling his home.
Henry Clark is overseas.
William Clark was ill Monday.
A. T. Allis, of Willard, NY., has been in town.

Lambs Creek
Christmas exercises were held in the church Friday night.
Seaman Clifford hart was in town for a few hours recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Thomas and daughter, of Elmira, spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cleveland.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cooper, of Elmira, were Christmas guests of Charles Palmer and family.
Miss Betty Horton, of Corning, was home on Christmas Day.
Mrs Polly Lovejoy and Miss Delores Lovejoy, of Tioga, have been visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Clark.
Sgt Ralph Sumner is serving his country in Luxemburg.
Manley Smith has been spending a few days here.

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 12 AUG 2006
By Joyce M. Tice