Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Our Tri-County World War One History
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

World War One Postcard of S.A.T.C. at M.S.N.S. 
sent in by Frank Carlson in 2002
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Indications Point Toward Establishment of Unit. – Dr. Straughn Busy In Effort to Land This for School

Every indication now is favorable to the establishment of a unit of the Student’s Army  Training Corps at the Normal this Fall.  Dr. Straughn has filled the required questionnaire issued by the war department and the Normal can probably meet every condition. It may be ten days or so before a definite decision is made. In the meanwhile he may be called to Washington for a personal interview.

If this unit is secured, it means that the government will pay the board, furnish uniform and equipment and allow $30 a month, beginning October 1, to every student enrolled who is between 18 and 21 years of age. Others below 18 years may take the training, if they desire, but will not receive aid from the government.

Students will be permitted to continue their education until actually needed in the military service. This is a great opportunity that young men and their parents should not allow to pass by, but eligible young men should plan to enter Mansfield, and assure the required number of 100.

Military drill will be under regular army officers, assisted by Professors Chamberlain and Wolfe, who have had military training. The former was a first lieutenant in the 3rd Kentucky State Militia, and the latter a member of the 4th Infantry, Missouri National Guard, and a corporal of Battery B, Illinois National Guard, Field Artillery.



Dr. Straughn Says That No More Boys Can be Accommodated-----Place Filled to Capacity

Such excitement here as you never saw!  Boys, boys, boys, they are here, there and everywhere, and when they receive their uniforms they will be in evidence more than ever.  Even the tables have been lengthened and the boys are to march into and from the dining room in “military order”.  On last Wednesday Captain Crandall was sent by the government to inspect the place and as everything proved to be satisfactory condition, Lieutenant Wilson was assigned duty here.  He arrived Sunday afternoon and is to have complete charge of the unit.  The boys will receive their unit.  The boys will receive their uniforms within a few hours.


Bunch of Young Soldiers from Normal School Take Oath----150,000 Young Men all over Country Do Same

Tuesday noon at 12:00 o’clock noon, at Smythe Park, the soldier boys of the Normal had their first taste of military life, when Lieutenant Kenneth Wilson administered the oath of allegiance to them in the presence of a large number of people who had gathered there for the purpose of witnessing this ceremony together with that of the flag raising.

Lieutenant Wilson has made a favorable impression among those with whom he has come in contact, be a clean-cut, energetic young man and a mighty good officer.  The Normal was fortunate in having him assigned to this post.  After he had put the boys through a few movements to get them “warmed up” he lined them up in front of the photographer and they were snapped.  After this he addressed them briefly, and at the hour of 12:00 administered the oath.  At this time the schools and colleges all over the United States, 150,000 boys taking part in this great exercise.  While the band from Normal played the Star Spangled Banner, Old Glory was floated to the breeze.  After this brief but impressive part of the ceremony, Burgess Shaw addressed the gathering, basing his speech along the lines of the big Liberty Loan drive which is now on, and he certainly made an excellent speech, driving home the facts and giving the futures to back them.

His appeal to the people to buy bonds and more bonds, struck the key-note of the day, and many were the compliments heard after he finished.

The school children were there in a body, and what they saw will long linger in their memories, being so closely related to them at the present time.  Soldier boys are not new to them, but the witnessing of the administration of the oath to this large body, brought home the fact to them that this was is a great big affair.

Will add notes from two more articles on this subject later. JMT

Note From Joyce: When Frank sent this card in a year ago, he though it was ROTC. I told him I did not think ROTC existed that long ago. This news article clears up the mystery for us all on the content of the photo above.
I rescanned the postcard Joyce. I just assumed it was ROTC, since there is a soldier holding a sword on the left. The only thing written on the back is Uncle Edwin Schott next to last row-3rd from left.  There is stamped lettering on the right side,  It is hard to make out, but looks like copy righted-W. A. Bates-Mansfield PA.

Edwin Schott was in the Army during the First World War and graduated from Mansfield State Normal School in 1920. Pehaps it is a group of Mansfield students who left for the war or ones that had been in the military?

Frank Carlson

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 11/11/2003
By Joyce M. Tice

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