Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Rev. Dawson, WW1 Letter
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

WW1 era Photo in France from Don Stanton
Collection of his father Charles Stanton
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             IN TOURS, FRANCE

Former Minister of Mansfield Universalist Church, Doing Red Cross Work – Saw Harry Bogardus.

American Red Cross, Tours, France,
  December 28, 1918

My dear Mr. Coles:
 We left New York on November 19 on the S. S. “Vauban” and, after a delightful trip, reached Cherbourg on November 30th. Here we stayed for three days, waiting for orders from the British government where to land our cargo of six thousand tons of meat brought over from Argentina. On receipt of the order we proceeded to Havre, a few hours’ run from Cherbourg, where our party of Red Cross workers was met by a representative, who conducted us to the continental Hotel, and next day started us on our way to Paris. The train was in no hurry to reach its destination – an experience by no means foreign to one who has traveled from Elmira to Mansfield – so that it took us ten hours to reach Paris, instead of six as we had been led to believe. I was three weeks in that wonderfully beautiful city, waiting for the necessary traveling permit, etc., and of course took advantage of the opportunity to see the sights. During that time the city entertained three distinguished visitors, namely: the King of Belgium, President Wilson and the King of Italy, these three, but the greatest of these was President Wilson. He had a magnificent reception, the day being a general holiday for the occasion, and the people turned out in thousands to greet him. I had arranged to meet a friend near the Arc de Triomphe, but it was impossible to get through the mass of people lining the Champs de Elysees, so I had to content myself at the Place de la Concords, where I go a fine view of the President and his party as they passed that point. After the procession had passed I made my way towards the Plais de Grace, the Y. M. C. A. canteen, to refresh the inner man, and as I stood in line at the caffeteria waiting my turn I looked over the crowd, and whom should I see buy my neighbor Harry Bogardus calmly munching a sandwich at a table on the other side of the room. It is quite a novelty here to meet a man from one’s home state; and ever more Scrapbook clipping ends here)

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 11/17/2003
By Joyce M. Tice

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