Emma FIELD "Sherman" - Working at The Normal |
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This is my first attempt at transcribing an old diary. I will try to identify some of the family members and friends named in the diary, and I would value the help of anyone who can further identify them. To the best of my ability I will reproduce the spelling and style of the original. Very little punctuation is present in the diary, but I have tried to reproduce the spacing of the original that indicates natural breaks in the thought.
Emma FIELD Sherman spent most of her life on Armenia Mountain. When I was five years old in 1945, I spent a few days staying in what had been her home just northwest of the intersection of Fallbrook Road and Mountain Road (also called Covert corners or Sherman's corners) in Covert, Armenia Township. Her house was destroyed by fire, I believe, not too long after 1945. The house on the northeast corner of the same crossroads belonged for many years to Emma's son Milton SHERMAN and daughter-in-law Libbie ROSS Sherman. That house still stands (September, 2005) and is now a hunting lodge known as Four Corners Camp.
At the time of this diary Emma was in her mid-fifties and all but the youngest of her eight living children were grown and had left home. Her youngest child, Lida, age 19, was still at home and attending school, possibly the Normal School at Mansfield. Emma was living in or near Mansfield and as the diary shows was working nearly daily at the Normal School. I can only assume that Emma's husband, Simeon L.SHERMAN was still living at the family home on Armenia; it is not clarified in the diary, but other documents show that he was there in 1900 and also in 1907.
Thursday Jan 1, 1903--At home all day John Lyon (1) was here had chicken for dinner.
Friday 2--At home Ironed in the forenoon cut Lida (2) a shirt waist John Lyon here to dinner
Saturday 3--Made bread & partly cleaned the kitchen--Went down town Bailey paid me 5.00 Emory (3) came on the train.
Sunday Jan 4--Had breakfast at nine o'clock read a chap in the bible did up the work Emory was here
Monday 5-- Work at the Normal in the morning Made Lida an apron Emory was here to breakfast
Tuesday 6-- Worked at the Normal Ed Cass was here to supper Stayed all night Washed Got a letter from Effie (4)
Wednesday Jan 7--At the Normal Ed Cass here to breakfast pressed 4 pair of pants
Thursday 8-- Worked at the Normal Cold Weather
Friday 9-- At the Normal Still Cold
Saturday Jan 10-- At the Normal Frank (5)came tonight & Bert Bristol got a letter from Ray (6)
Sunday 11--The wind in the South Snow storm Frank went home this morning
Monday 12--Bought a ton of coal paid for it. It has been a cold day. Lida came from school at 11 o'clock.
Tuesday Jan 13--Worked to day Cold as it can be pressed 2 pair pants
Wednesday 14--Worked at the Normal till after 2 o'clock pressed two pair pants
Thursday 15--Worked at the Normal Ironed in the afternoon
Friday Jan 16--At the Normal in the forenoon 2 boys expelled went home today Titman & Prevost for gambling & Miss Reed was expelled.
Saturday 7--Got home from the Normal half past 1 got a letter from May (7) It thawed today Colder at night
Sunday 18--Went to church in the morning text the harvest is great but the laborers are few cold and windy Wrote to Ray
Monday Jan 19--Went to the Normal at home at half past 10 worked Cold & still
Tuesday 20--Partly done my ironing Nettie (8) & the children were here awhile in the afternoon Mr. Henchings called
Wednesday 21--Rained this morn & water was under the snow Fixed 2 coats & 1pairof pants colder tonight
Thursday Jan 22--Worked at the Normal
Friday 23--Cleaned a classroom Warmer today Got a letter from Ray (9)
Saturday 24--John Lyon brought over a letter they got from Carrie all well Pressed 2 pair pants Snowed at night
Sunday Jan 25--Stormy in the morning Staid home all day Addie was over in the afternoon Wrote to Ray Lida went to Church in the Evening
Monday 26--Done my work at the Normal. Washed at home Pressed 3 pair pants fixed a coat & washed & ironed 1 shirt
Tuesday 27--Worked at the Normal in the forenoon Ironed in the afternoon Swept a room for Ridington
Wednesday Jan 28--Had a hard days work Swept and dusted washed the windowes in Crockets rooms Cleaned a class room
Thursday 29--Isabel (10) has a boy baby born last Sat Got a dispatch that I was needed at Lates (11) Warm & rainy
Friday 30--Went to Morris run on the train Harry met me there got to Lates about 4 o'clock Dr Barker was there in the evening
Saturday Jan 31--May (12) was feeling pretty good the baby cried all day & most all night She (the baby) was born last Wed night
Monday 2--rained most all day Washed & baked bread baby good
Tuesday Feb 3--Libbie came down to Lates & stayed all day while Milt (14) went to the mines made pies
Wednesday 4--Colder this morning
Thursday 5--ironed today baby good
Friday Feb 6--Milt went to the mines Libbie sent down 2 cakes & can milk worked some Baked bread
Saturday 7--Colder this morning Late went to Troy with some oats for Barker mad cookies & a pie ironed some
Sunday 8--Stormed most all day Came home started at 4 o'clock got here at 8 the wind blew awful
Monday Feb 9--the wind was blowing ha(r)d yet washed & partly ironed
Tuesday 10--Went to work at the Normal Nice day all day Fixed 2 pairs of pants Lida sick all day did not dress all day
Wednesday 11--Lida was sick again today Warm & nice but it rained some Wind in the South
Thursday Feb 12--The wind in the South thawed all day Lida is better Wrexie & Mr & Mrs Hall called tonight pressed 1 coat
Friday 13--Warm today Lida is better has worked all day but did not go to School did not have a very hard days work at the Normal today
Saturday 14--Warm today Got a letter from May Went to town & up to the Normal to supper 4 pants
Sunday Feb 15--Stormed all day snowed Did not go to church read up from Slavery about sick today
Monday 16--Went to the Normal in the snow this morning it is snowing again tonight wind in the north E Pressed 4 pair pants
Tuesday 17--The snow deep and drifted had quite a time to get up to the Normal Washed this afternoon Cold tonight 1 pants
Wednesday Feb 18--16 below zero this morning & tonight the wind is blowing a hurricane moped the study hall this afternoon I staid up to the Normal to supper
Thursday 19--Awful cold this morning but still & cold tonight Got home at 1 o'clock laid down till after 3 & then made cookies & a pie
Friday 20--Some warmer Worked all day at the Normal Got a letter from Florence (15)She was married the 18th
Saturday Feb 21--Got home after dinner ironed some went to town Lida & I went to the N to supper snow squalls all the afternoon
Sunday 22--Cold this morning but pleasant all day Han (16) was here in the afternoon
Monday 23--Warmer today Nettie & the children come down tonight & are going to stay all night
Tuesday Feb 24--Got a letter from Ray today how I would like to see him Nettie went home this afternoon 4 p warmer
Wednesday 25--Cold tonight but warm in the day Cleaned a class room in the afternoon 1 pair
Thursday 26--Cold this morning but warmer tonight Cleaned study hall this afternoon 3 pr
Friday Feb 27--Warm the wind in the South Worked till half past 2 finished the ironing tonight
Saturday 28--Warm & rainy The water is high Harry (17) & Belle (18) were her(e) today Emory is here tonight
Monday Mar. 2--Mrs Hasley began work this morning Washed this afternoon been a fine day Emory went home this morning
Tuesday 3--Partly ironed. this afternoon went to town paid 3.00 for coal Went to Addie's a little while warm today 3 pants
Wednesday 4--Warm today Got a letter from Florence & Frank Funeral today Mr (?) Jelliff 1 coat
Thursday, Mar. 5--Rained most all the forenoon Got home at half past 1 warm yet tonight Lida over to Heney (?) to supper
Friday 6--Warm wind in the East Frank come tonight was glad to see him 1p Letter from Effie
Saturday 7--Wind in the East Frank went home this afternoon Lida sick all day some better today
Sunday, Mar. 8--Stormed all day was at home all day Lida sick all day
Monday 9--Mon morn went to the Normal got home at one o'clock worked & went to the play Romeoa & Juliaett in the evening 1pr
Tuesday 10--Got home half past 10 mopped & ironed some Got a letter from Ray 1p
Wednesday, Mar. 11--Still warm & muddy Got a letter from May Read all the afternoon & evening
Thursday 12--Awful muddy Cleaned Class rooms this afternoon Lida has neuraliga to night 1 pr
Friday 13--Still warm Cleand Classroom Examineation today
Saturday Mar. 14--Warm wind in the east Paid the rent tooday Got a letter from Ray today
Sunday 15--Warm Lida went to church this morning Nettie & the children were here today Addie & John & Late
Monday 16--Washed today Cleaned a student room rained a little Darned 2 pair socks
Tuesday Mar.17--Warm & cloudy Ironed some Cleaned 2 small class rooms
Wednesday 18--Still warm
Thursday 19--Wind in the south Got a letter from Florence to day it don't seem possible she is married
Friday Mar. 20--Wind in the South Miss Lamb call also Mrs. Randall Pressed 2 pair pants
Saturday 21--Wind still in the South rained most all the afternoon 1 p
Sunday 22--Wind in the north East colder Lida went to Church this morning wish I could have been home to Church today on the M(oun)tain
Monday Mar. 23--Rained all the fore noon & part of the PM Washed Lida was sick all day did not go too school 1 p
Tuesday 24--Still warm Lida was sick again today
Wednesday 25--Colder Snowed this forenoon but melted as fast as it came 1 p
Thursday Mar. 26--A very nice day Sun shine all the day Han was over this afternoon & staid to supper 2 p
Friday 27--Still warm Went to the cabbage patch it was fine Got a letter from May 2 P & 1 C
Saturday 28--Warm but the wind in the East Went to town got me a new calico dress got a letter from Florence
Sunday Mar.29--Cold this morning frosse hard had lots of callers today Han & Ab (19) John & Addie (20) Mace & Gertie & Rasol K (?)
Monday 30--Cold this morning Rained all the afternoon Washed today Addie & Fidee were here to supper Addie was cleaning
Tuesday 31--Rained this morning but cleared of this afternoon & the sun shone dried the clothes Worked for Mason on curtain 10 c
Thursday 2--Lida was sick all day warm the wind in the South
Friday 3--Lida was some better but did not go to school Thunder shower very warm Wesley's birthday
Saturday April 4--The wind in the north Cold & the wind blows How I would like to see the Children
Sunday 5--Been home all day Lida went to Church the text was in 71st Psalms 8 verse Mr & Mrs A D Randall were here
Monday 6--Rained Washed this afternoon
Tuesday April 7--Ironed some John (?)Wan moved today
[no entries April 8, 9, 10]
Saturday 11--Got a load of coal too day did not pay for it Nice day Emory came tonight
Sunday 12--O my Father how can I let this girl go thou alone knowest It cant be thy will O help I pray Easter Sun
Monday April 13--Emory still here to night Cloudy today Why dont he go & leave us alone
Tuesday 14--This has been a rainy day Washed to day It is still raining to night Emory went this morning Bess was here today
Wednesday 15--Still rainy & mud mud
Thursday April 16--Raining yet & cold
Friday 17--Nice day went to the Trial by jury to night Mrs Cagswell gave the help tickets very good
Saturday 18--Nice again today Cleaned all the forenoon at the N finished my dress in the afternoon frost
Sunday April 19--Went to Church this morning very good sermon The sun shines & nice day
Monday 20--Nice day got home at 11o'clock finished my dress went back in the afternoon & cleaned in study hall frost letter from Florence
Tuesday 21--Another nice day Washed this afternoon
Wednesday April 22--Wind in the East cold Got home at noon Ironed this afternoon
Thursday 23--Nice day helped some about Mrs Mahon work
Friday 24--helped to day about Mrs Mahon work Went to the lecture at the Church in the evening Rosengrant
Saturday April 25--Cleaned all the forenoon went to town in the afternoon paid my coal bill 1.85 Saw Wesley all well
Sunday 26--Nice day Staid home all day went to Church in the evening
Monday 27--Wind in the north Washed to day Pressed 3 pairs of pants
Tuesday April 28--Warm to day but it was frosty this morning Cleaned Crockets rooms this afternoon
[No entries April 29, 30]
Saturday 2--May came this morning had a good visit the babe is nice & nice looking Cold wind in the South
Sunday 3--Did not go to church May went home it is raining to night & warmer
Monday May 4--Cleared off cold Washed today pressed 3 pair pants
Tuesday 5--Got home at 10 o clock ironed this afternoon Worked 2 shirts for Koles wind in the north
Wednesday 6--Cold this morning Cleaned all the forenoon Wesley staid here all night
Thursday May 7--Warmer today
Friday 8--Still warmer but the wind is in the east pressed 2 pair pants
Saturday 9--Warmer Went to town got Lida a white dress & shirtwaist & ordered her hat
Sunday May 10--Did not go to Church this morning wrote to Ray did not get any letters this last week
Monday 11--Washed all day washed a quilt for Bert Flower & pressed pant for Onell
Tuesday 12--Ironed some today Got a letter from May all well very dry & quite warm
Wednesday May 13--Cleaned most all day at the Normal
Got a letter from Ray he sent me $5.00 still dry
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Thursday 14--Cleaned one room up stairs awful warm
& dry
Friday 15--Put the things back in the bedroom Got a letter from Effie warm Saturday May 16--Awful warm Lida cleaned our bedroom Sunday 17--Had a headacke all day Lida went to Church Harry Sherman & wife was here a few minutes Monday 18--Washed to day Rained this afternoon & it is cooler tonight for which we are thankful Tuesday May 19--Warm today Partly cleaned the hall up stairs & took the clothes off the cross & rinsed them Got a letter Florence Wednesday 20--Done a little of everything to day & not much of anything Been a nice day Wesley was down to night |
Lida graduated from
Mansfield Normal School in 1903 |
[No entries May 21 through May 27]
Thursday May 28--Lida sick all day & we are trying to clean house Got a letter from Ray The little Whitting boy was buried today
Friday 29--Lida some better today We heard too night that Jim Lyon was buried today he died (?) Tues morning
Saturday 30--It has been quite cold today Lida put the sitting room carpet down today Got a letter from Effie today
Sunday May 31--Wesley folks was here today Had a lame back Nice day Lida went to Ch. wrote to Effie
Tuesday 2--Washed to day Went to town to night got a letter from May Wind in the East
Wednesday June 3--Done extra work at the Normal to day Dry & warm
Thursday 4--Got a letter from Florence today
Friday 5--Still dry we need rain very bad Put the dining room carpet down today
Saturday June 6--Finished Lida white skirt today Got a letter form Frank
Sunday 7--Have read & slept all day did not feel like going to church rained all day more at night
Monday 8--Washed to day washed a quilt for Kirel (?) rained some
Tuesday June 9--Hard Shower to night Lida went to Covington with Hattie Hall It was very dark when it rained
Wednesday 10--Rained again to day Ironed my dress Lida had her picture taken Mace Carrie (21) & Maude called
Thursday 11--Got a letter from Ray rained to day
Friday June 12--Lida went Examineation & I worked all day Cleaned the Gym almost dead Rained to day
Saturday 13--Cleaned all day Got a letter from May rained all day
Sunday 14--Rained all day Children day Lida went
[No entries June 15 through June 21; June 21 appears to have been erased; the surrounding pages are written in pencil.]
Monday 22--Cleaned a society room this forenoon rested all the afternoon rained some
Tuesday 23--Ironed tooday rained tooday
Wednesday June 24--Went up & looked in Garrisons room for the opal he lost rained
Thursday 25--Washed some & read a book partly through rained Lida got her markings to night
Friday 26--Ironed this morning Wesley was here this morning Clear & bright
Saturday June 27--Lida sick all day Dr Flower was here Pleasant too day Got a letter from Effie
Sunday 28--Lida feels better this morning It is cloudy & rains a little Went too Church too night
Monday 29--Washed in the forenoon went on the Mt in the afternoon Rained
Tuesday June 30--Went from May up to Franks went too Troy & had the deed made out & paid the money
Thursday 2--Came home this morning Nice day
Friday July 2--Cleaned the kitchen & moved the stove out in woodshed a very hard shower too night Got a letter Florence
Saturday 4--We had a picnic too day Johns' folks (?) & Wesley was here to din had ice cream
Sunday 5--It has been a dismal day Rained all the afternoon
Monday July 6--Washed too day washed a carpet beside the regular washing Fine day & is cool too night
[ No entries July 7, 8.]
Thursday July 9--Wesley came down too day & is mowing for Henry & John he staid all night with us
Friday 10--Wesley still working at the haying nice day
Saturday 11--Got all the hay up but ours
Sunday July 12--Went up to Wesley's tooday
Monday 13--Washed today Nice & cool
Tuesday 14--Ironed tooday cool
Wednesday July 15--Mace & Carrie came over this afternoon they are going too stay all night Cold as greenland
Thursday 16--Got a message this morning Aunt Adaline is dead Lida went up with Mace & C
Friday 17--Addie was sick too day Baked bread S L went to court
Saturday July 18--Rained all day Addie was sick again too day
Sunday 19--The sun shines part of the time too day Lida got home tonight
Monday 20--Begin cleaning at the Normal too day
[No entries July 21, 22, 23]
Friday July 24--Florence is sick got a letter today
Saturday 25--Bert started on his trip
[No entries July 26 through August 4.]
Wednesday August 5--Got a letter from Effie to day Dett
(22) had his arm broke
Thursday 6--Hard shower too day
Friday 7--Worked at the Normal cleaning Got a letter from Florence
Saturday August 8--Still at the Normal Got a letter from Florence
Sunday 9--Have been lazy all day Had quite a little shower quite cool but the sun shone a little while too night
Monday 10--Worked at the Normal Rained too night
Tuesday August 11--Cool this morning & looks nice too night Lida got a letter from E too night
[No entries August 12, 13]
Friday August 14--Finished cleaning too day
Saturday 15--Went too Covert this afternoon found them all well
Sunday 16--Went to Church this morning heard a good sermon went up to Detts in the afternoon
Monday August 17--Came home this morning nearly sick & all tired out
Tuesday 18--Washed some this morning & washed 2 strips of carpet for Grant
Wednesday 19--Finished washing Grants carpet Got a letter from Ray
Thursday August 20--Finished sewing the carpet together It was warm today Frank birthday too day
Friday 21--Cleaned the pine room too day Lyle is here Came yesterday
Saturday 22--Lida sick too day
[No entries August 23 through September 11]
Saturday September 12--Nice day quite warm
Sunday September 13--About sick with cold Nice day
onday 14--Washed too day Very hot Ironed some
Tuesday 15--Lida was sick all day & last of the night warm
Wednesday September 16--Still warm Lida is better Have been reading Barriers burned away finished too night
Thursday 17--Got a letter from Effie Rained all the forenoon Colder too night
Friday 18--Cold this mornig but warm in the middle of the day rained some
[No entries September 19 through November 28]
Monday November 30--It is a nice day Washed this afternoon
Wednesday 2--Another nice day Went too the Normal in the afternoon Cleaned a room for Urell 25 cents
Thursday December 3--Still nice weather 1 suit of clothes 2 pair pant too prees
Friday 4--Still nice weather Got a letter from Libbie
Saturday 5--Colder too day Worked hard all day Went to town in the evening pressed 4 pair p
Sunday December 6--Was about sick to day did not go too Church Warmer the wind in the South
Monday 7--Washed this morning Sold 1 peck of apples Wesleys too Brown 15 cents
[No entries December 8, 9]
Thursday 10--Lida hto her a coat this morning It is still cold
Friday 11--Nice day Have not felt very good too day
Saturday December 12--Worked hard all day am very tired too night Will be thankful when I get too my own home
Sunday 13--There was quite a blissard this morning but cleard awa & is quite nice but cold
[ No entries December 14 through December 31, 1903]
1. John Lyon, probably the Civil War veteran (1846--1922),Emma's cousin, husband of Emma's aunt, Calista FIELD Lyon; father of Emma's son-in-law Layton LYON.
2. Lida Belle SHERMAN, Emma's youngest daughter
3. Emory (or Emery) J. LYON 1882--1953 later became Lida's husband.
4. Effie Agnes SHERMAN born 1872, married Burt BURNHAM, Emma's daughter. In 1903, Effie was living in Westchester, PA.
5. Frank Adams SHERMAN, 1875--1960, married Ada B. MORGAN, Emma's son. In 1903 Frank lived in Covert.
6. Ray Field SHERMAN 1881--1957, Emma's son, my maternal grandfather. He had left Armenia and moved to Phila., PA where he resided for the rest of his life.
7. May was Emma's daughter Lillie May SHERMAN 1870--1952 who married Layton Romaine LYON on June 3, 1894 marriage performed by Oliver Dutton FIELD (Emma's father) at Covert, Armenia.
8. Nettie was Emma's daughter in law. Nettie Celia RICHMOND (born Nov. 2, 1874 died 1951) married 1895 John Wesley SHERMAN (born April 3, 1868 died March 9, 1946). In 1903 Nettie's children were Lyle Bert SHERMAN born Jan. 14, 1897 (married Iva SMITH born July 9, 1902) and Oscar SHERMAN born Nov. 11, 1900 (married Roselle ISHLER). Nettie's 3rd child, Florence Ella SHERMAN was born Jan. 21, 1906 (married Earl TICE born Feb.14, 1900 died Sept. 4, 1950).
9. In 1903 Ray Field SHERMAN was unmarried, working as a trolley conductor on a suburban line out of Philadelphia.
10.Isabel RANDALL Killbourn, Emma's niece.
11. Layton R.LYON, Emma's son in law
12. 12 Lillie May SHERMAN Lyon was Emma's daughter; the baby, Emma's grandchild, was Leone LYON Rockwell (1903--1976) who married Hilton M. ROCKWELL (1894--1954). Leone was my mother's first cousin, and my middle name (Leone) was given for her. As a child, we visited Leone and Hilton at their dairy farm in East Troy. In the 1950s, Leone worked at VanNoy's store in East Troy where my cousins and I would walk to get candy or groceries.
13. Agnes is probably May SHERMAN Lyon's older daughter, Agnes LYON, born August 3, 1895 who later married Walter Everts. Agnes LYON Everts attended the 100th Abiezer FIELD Reunion held July 24, 1988 at the Holmes farm "Woodburn" at Covert. She was the oldest relative in attendance.
14. Libbie ROSS Sherman (1875--1974) married Milton S. SHERMAN (1873--1937), Emma's son.
Florence SHERMAN born Oct. 3, 1880 was Emma's daughter who was a nurse living in 1903 in Westchester, PA. Florence married John Crawford GRIEVES.
16. Hannah FIELD Randall, Emma's sister.
17. Harry LYON, , Emma's cousin, son of John H. LYON
18. Belle LYON Kinch, Emma's cousin, daughter of John H. LYON
19. Hannah FIELD Randall and her husband, Abner D. RANDALL
20. Adaline FIELD VanNess and her husband John R. VAN NESS, Emma's sister and brother-in-law
21. probably Mason L. LYON and Caroline LYON, the youngest two of John H.LYON and Rosanna NEWELL's children, Emma,s cousins
22. Burdette FIELD, Emma's brother.
The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933 histcent83@gmail.com |