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Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Diaries & Letters of Tri-Counties
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Letter - John Cruttenden to wife Sarah Snover 
Township: Charleston Township, Tioga County PA
Transcribed  by Paula LEWIS Picken
Year: 1865
Photo Source : 

 John, Sarah and Coran Cruttenden
and Tilden Cruttenden at lef.

See full explantion of photos at bottom of page

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Subj:  Civil War Letter
Date:  09/20/2001 10:40:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:  PPicken
To:  JoyceTice

Williamsport March17/65
           I thought Iwould improve this opportunity to let you know how I past my first night in myuniform for doubtfully you will hear of my whereabouts before you get this inthe first place.  I went and reported,[was] examined found by their judgment I [was] sound and fit for asoldier.  [I was] put under guard andmarched to the Clothing store [and] from there to the barracks into a singleboarded shanty all together [there was] about seventy of us [. There was a]guard at the door to keep us all night. Well now I must [be] off with my knapsack, canteen, [and] haversack witha nice clean tin plate, pint cup, spoon and a bright new knife to commence oursupper with.  After a while supper wascalled [and] through a little hole in the shanty was a slice of Bread[appeared] and some water. If we was smart enough to get it, for there was notmuch, only what the guard chose to go and get. Well I thought I must have a cigar and make the best of it so I sent bythe guard and half dozen [of us] smoked awhile and [I] turned in my bunk aboutten o’clock.  We [had] orders to packup, so we buckled on our furniture [and made] ready for [a] march.  [After] roll call [we] got ready for aducking, for the water was now over two feet deep all around us for a longdistance.  The waters raised so fast we[were] marched away up town in a range hall under lock and key.  Williamsport is now all afloat and we shallbe likely to stay a few days.  TheBridges, railroads are gone down stream. We have just had our Breakfast – a piece of Bread and Beef.  The dried beef and cheese that is quitehandy is ???/

           Dearest donot feel bad keep up good courage and hope for [the] best. We shall be examinedagain to Carlise and from there I will write again.  I shall be very anxious to ? know how you get a long.  I went to see Newel, he was away toBlosburg, Nelson Witney his just leaving. I have not time to write as much as I intended yo might write a fewlines and send [them] by Orson or any Richmond boy so I may get it.  So cheer up keep good Courage

                                                                       Fromyour Husband


Letter is addressed to
Mrs. Sarah Cruttenden
East Charleston,
          Pa fromher husband John Cruttenden.  JohnCruttenden was a union solder in Co. D. 98th Reg., Pa Volunteers, 1stBrig., 2nd Division, 6th Corps., Washington D.C.

The letter is transcribed as best as possible – thehandwriting is beautiful but difficult to read.  Words and letters in brackets are added for clarity.

Subj:  April 6th 1865 Civil War Letter
Date:  9/24/2001 9:21:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:  PPicken
To:  JoyceTice

Letter written by John Cruttenden, Union Soldier inWilliamsport, Pa to his wife Sarah Snover Cruttenden of East Charlestown, TiogaCounty, PA

                                                                                              Williamsport, April 6th, 1865
Dear Wife,

      Thinking that you [will] be anxious to hear from me, I thought I would [write] before leaving this place as we expect to leave in a day onto we do not know where we shall [go].  They talk [of going] down inVirginia, that is where they have sent the boys that was here.  When we left, they were all gone.  I got back quite comfortable the lastday.  Tuesday was rather hard, my feet was quite tender before I got in.  But [they are] quite comfortable now.  The molasses is quite good to sweeten my coffee as we have some now.  Without sugar or milk it would not be worth much to me.  Ham and eggs & honey are worth the trouble of brining them now.

      We had some good news that Richmond is taken.  I hope it is so.  I understand that Spencer's [Cruttenden] Company has gone [to the] front.  Hiram wrote home to his Father to that effect.  At present I feel rather dull having a sick headache a little.

      Dearest do not worry yourself too much about me.  I know you cannot help it.  I will send a package by George Avery you can send and get it about Saturday, if he does not send it over before.  It's for yourself and Coran.  I bought me a diary book and keep every day occurrence.   You might write a line and send it by Orson or any of the boys that come down next week.  I may get it before you will know where to direct, I will close for the present.

                                                                                                        from yours truly,

                                                                                    CarliseApril 7th 1865

Dear Wife,

           Thisafternoon finds me in Carlise Barracks sitting on my knapsack to let you knowhow I am at present.  I am well andenjoying myself as well as I can in under the circumstances, which is not verypleasant.  To look around me and see thehorses and men a drilling looks like as if there is something to Pay.  There was a report that Lee had surrendered,but it is not so.  There is a quite agood many hundred men in theses barracks, lot of tents and the probability iswe shall have to lay on the ground tonight. I have past through [and] seen where the Rebs have had a battle andwhere our men have put up forts and look like where now they are gone.  I hope not to return.  Everything looks green; trees are quitegreen with leaf [and] some Cherry trees [are] out in blossom.  I do not know how long we shall stayhere.  I do not think but a day or two,as there is so many coming in.  So Icannot tell you where to direct [letters] you to as yet.  Henry Precit has gone to City Point.  I have not seen him since I came back this[way.  The] rest of the boys arewell.  I have not much to say this time,which I must not use more paper than I am obliged to as they charge likeeverything for it.  I hope when you dowrite that you may be in good spirits and not borrow to much trouble.  There is not a half [of a letter] but I amthinking of you and anxious to know how you are.  We rode all night and till noon to get here.  I will write again soon

                                                                                   From your Husband


Subj:  Civil War Letter April 13, 1865
Date:  9/30/2001 10:35:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:  PPicken
To:  JoyceTice

                                                                                      Baltimore April 13th 1865

Dear Wife,

           Anxious to let you know where I am.  I will take this opportunity; this afternoon finds me on a steam ship bound for Richmond or to join Sherman’s army.  One Regiment is now getting off from the boat that has just come from Sherman’s army and is thought we will go to fill its place.  I began to feel a little of army life.  I have not had but one night sleep since I left home and that was when Herbert was with me.

           When we got to Williamsport the old barracks was so full of graybacks.  I tried to avoid them.  After 2 days there, we started for Camp Biddle.  There we did not find it any better for there was so many men there, we laid out on the ground and it rained for three days and about eight to nine hundred men walking about made plenty of mud.  I was glad to get out of that.  We was all called to gather and about six hundred names were called to start for the front.  We marched about one mile to the railroad.  There we got on a lot of open cars.  It rained all night and we did not have anything to eat from the time we got on the cars at about one o’clock till the next day about noon.  I chanced to have a little with me.  I took quite a cold and coughed some.  I have some boneset with me so that I can fix it and think I shall be all right in a day or two.  After getting off from the cars at Baltimore we marched about 6 miles through the city to get to the boat and a beautiful city it is.  There I did not commence my letter quite soon enough as the boat is starting to leave the shore.  We are now passing Fort Henry and Fort Washington is in sight.  We have past 4 other forts and I do not know the names of.  They are all very strong forts.  The ship is now rocking so I can scarcely follow the lines.  I should enjoy this trip very much if I was coming on different circumstances, but to me it looks so dark ahead.  But we will put our trust in the Lord and it may all be well. I will finish this when we get down the river as far as we go with the boat then I can tell you a little more of our journey or voyage.

           Well Dear,I will finish this and mail it so that you can get it before long as I shall write another when we get to our regiment. We have now been steaming along for 24 hours.  We passed Forts Monroe this morning and whether the Iron Cladboats have many a fight.  There is a lot of shipping here.  I feel better this morning and try to look on the bright side. I hope you will do the same.  We are getting in sight of land now, the trees look very green.  We shall land at City Point and from there go to join Sherman.  I will not write much more now as the boat rocks so making it difficult to write, so I will bring this to a close to mail it at the first opportunity.  If you have a chance to let Guy* know how I am it will save my writing at present till I get to the regiment.

                                                                                  Cheer up and keep up good
                                                                                  Courage from your Husband

                                                                                   John Cruttenden

*Guy is probably Guy Snover, his wife Sarah's brother.

 Subj:  Civil War Letter April 23, 1865
Date:  9/30/2001 10:35:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:  PPicken
To:  JoyceTice
                                                                                                       Bearskvill April 23rd 1865

Dear Wife,

           Knowing that you are expecting a letter from me by this time I will try to get a letter to you although I think it is doubtful if you get it as we have no way to get it to an office.  I think I can get through to an office by one of the guards that is off from duty.  I am well this morning and I do hope this may find you the same.  I do not expect to hear from you in some time yet.  Six days ago we started on a march from City Point to Bearksville, about sixty miles a little west of south from Richmond. We had five days of rations to carry along.  The first day we camped at Petersburg.  We marched five days to get to this place.  We arrived at this place last night on Sunday.  It did not look like Sunday for the regiments was marching in all directions. We are expecting some rations this morning.  We have not had any yet. I have seen a little of the effects of war around about Petersburg.  Yes, I might say, all the way from City Point the ground is turned bottom side up in entrenchments ditches and fortifications in every shape and form up to this place.  The road is strewn with dead horses and broken down wagons.  There is no burying horses or any thing that dies. Which I think must make it unhealthy for they smell very bad.  Every few steps lays a dead carcass.  We camped last night in a piece of woods where we can neither hear or see any thing but our company of about 2000. We got a little brush to lay under with our blankets over us.

           We do not know anything about our Regiment yet.  I think we shall in a day or two.  I was disappointed in this section of the Country, it is very uneven, no good plantation with very poor land, nothing but sand for twenty feet deep and deeper.  I can tell by the ground where they have cut through hills for the railroad. Timber is little scrubby pine and a little scrubby oak.  It is thought that we shall have to march back to City Point again.  If not, we shall be likely to go to Danville about 95 miles from here, but do not feel too bad about me.  I will try to take care of myself, there was some died on the march coming here.  I stood first rate.  I keep up in front of the column.  Yes dear, I know you are thinking of me and you may imagine that my mind is ever wandering after you with all the affection that a Husband can.  I will close this now and write as soon as I can again.

                                                                       From yours

                                                                       John Cruttenden

 Subj:  Civil War Letter May 3, 1865
Date:  9/30/2001 10:32:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:  PPicken
To:  JoyceTice
Danville May 3rd1865

Dear Wife,

           With pleasure again I seat myself to inform you of my where abouts, and how I am, I am very glad to be able to state that I am well, much better than I expected after so long a march and the Camping on the ground rain or shine. Two weeks ago we started from City Point , marched five days arrived at Berksville Sunday about noon stayed there till Tuesday morning called our names, Three Thousand of us, give five days rations for Danville one hundred and fifteen mile further south.  180 miles we marched from City Point to this place to join Sherman’s Army.  On the Potomac, the object in view in sending all the forces here on quick time was to head off Johnson has he was making for these entrenchments to cut him off.

      We had got within one-day march of here when Sheridan Cavalry overtook us, making for Danville to stop Johnson.  We all sat down by the side of the road to let them go by, they rode as fast as they could go and as thick as they could.  You can imagine the way the sand and dust flew for four long hours and then came along the wagon train.  So we marched on sand ankle deep.  Sun hot enough to roast apples.  If it rained a little it would turn to mud very soon.

      I got through all right, I have not had any cold or diarrhea.  Some had both very bad, so bad that they fell out and I understand by good authority that there was fifteen died coming from City Point.  One shot himself when we stopped at night in camp.  I heard the gun and did not go to see him.  The Boys from Charleston are well, but Chester Walker* this morning is not very well.

           We arrived here yesterday, Johnson had surrendered before he got here.  Yesterday, on Sunday, we was mustered into our reg. in Companies.  We had the good luck for all that Charleston and Blockhouse men to get in one company. I got acquainted with all of them at the time we reported at Williamsport so it will make it pleasant.  I have been looking in the burying grounds.  All over there is about 2000 graves with headboards with names of those that died here.  They brought a good many prisoners here.  I thought I might find Tilden’s*.  There is another large ground where they bury the dead.  I am going to see if I can find him.  Wheat is out in head, apples are half grown, everything is mid summer here.  But there is not much privilege for asoldier.

           Dear, when you get this think of me.  That I am as well as any time at home, nothing the matter, only that I am very anxious to hear from you and I hope may learn that you are all well.  I think that Hopkins* did not have to report as the examining was stopped, I think, before he got there.

           I will close this now and write in a day or two, as it is not certain as this will get through, as there is no regular mail from here yet.  If you get this write as soon as you can and include all the news you can think of.  I have wrote 4 letters to you and one to Mother since I left.  It is getting dark.  I must fix my tent alittle.  If you see Ingel to give you Henry’s directions and I will try to find him. Give my respects to all inquiring friends.

                                                                       My Love to you Dearest


Direct Co D 98 Reg Pa V
1st Brig 2nd Div
6th Corp
Washington DC

*Tilden is Tilden C. Cruttenden, brother of John.  He enlisted in the 45th Regiment at outbreakof the Civil War and was killed in the charge on the ring of forts aboutPetersburg, VA on July 30, 1864.  Hemade the rank of Sergeant.

*Hopkins is Hopkins Crosby married to Mary Snover – sisterto John’s wife Sarah.

*The Chester Walker mentioned in the letter may be the onementioned in the following Tri-County Website items.

 Subj:  Civil War Letter May 10, 1865
Date:  10/8/2001 10:15:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:  PPicken
To:  JoyceTice

                                                            Charleston, May the 10th 1865
My very dear Husband,

For the first time in my life I take my pen to write to you.  I had hoped I should not have to write, as everyone said you would not be kept but would soonbe home and I have looked for you every day, so you can imagine I was some disappointed last night when I received your letter that you were so far away and had been mustered in the service. But was very thankful you was well and had stood your long march so well,but I still hope you are soon coming home as there was one order from the war department last week that all the new recruits was to be sent home and I hope before you get this letter you will be on your way back.  I have dreamed several times of your coming home and clasping you to my heart in the fullness of my joy.  I hope and pray my dreams may turn to the reality soon.  My health is about as usual.  Coran[i] is well.  Hopkins[ii] was sent home from Williamsport and so were all except those that had been sent on before the order came.  If you couldhave been a little later you would have shared their good luck, but we will trust it is all for the best.  Ma[iii] has been here since a week last Sunday and will stay until you return.  Mrs. Benedick[iv] stayed four weeks, Ma is going to send Amy[v] home as we do not need her and we cannot do anything with her.  She gets worse and worse since you left, itwill be a great relief to me when she is gone as she has been a great trial tome.  I think Ma and I will enjoy ourselves much better alone.  Ma is cleaning house and we are agoing [to have it] looking pretty nice.  Ma has to milk the cow but she does not have any trouble with her.  Mrs. Ingel[vi] did not want to give anything for the calf, so we are raising it.  We have had nine lambs and all [are] aliveand [we are] expecting one or two more. But one of the old sheep was found dead some four weeks ago, but [we]could not tell the cause.  Gustavu[vii] sowed your oats over two weeks ago and is done using the team.  He has moved down to Spencer’s[viii] house.  The old mare is quite heavy.  Hopkins has moved and Guy[ix] has moved in Ma’s house.  The spring hasseemed early here and people have all their sowing done.  There is a fine prospect of fruit if we do not get a frost.  We have not got our garden plowed yet as it is too wet, but I hope it will soon dry off.  Francis Scouting’s [x] baby was buried day before yesterday, its death caused by its falling out of a high chair.  Ma and I went up to the funeral at Sweets schoolhouse.  Martins Clemens[xi] has got to be a Pa, as wife has a boy. There has been quite an excitement here about oil since you left.  All the farms are leased except Mrs. Robins[xii]and ours.  We shall get rich fast enough when they find it on all sides of us. Father[xiii] has joined the company.  There has been oil found in two places on this place so you will be rich when you get home.
      I have received 5 letters from yousince you left home, one written at Williamsport one at Carlise, one board ship from Baltimore to City Point , one at Berksville and the last one from Danville, but Mother C[xiv] has not received any, but says she thanks you for writing all the same and sends her love to you.  I hope as long as you do have to stay you will remember your mother and write to her.  She has worried a great deal on your account and mention my mother when you answer this. There is a letter came last night directed to you dear which I took the liberty to open.  It was from Alfred[xv] written the 18th of March. He was well and said he had not had a letter in six months and wished us to write immediately and I think I shall soon. I had a letter from Uriah[xvi] last Saturday; he had just heard you got to stay.  He offered me a home if I would come and live with him.  He is able to work again.  I answered it last Sunday, but I think I stay home.  I had suffered very much with the toothache since you went away.  I went down to get Mr. Neal[xvii] to pull it but he could not hook the turnkey on it so I came home.  I have been very lonesome without you dear and miss you more than I can tell you.  I had not cried so much since Ma came, as we have had so much to talk about.  Coran does not seem to miss you much, but When he says his prayers at night he says “o Lord take care of Pa tonight and let him soon come home” but he is not the only one who prays for you.  If I ever poured out my heart and soul in prayer to God it has been since you went away. That you might be keep in health and safety to be permitted to soon return to us, and I hope it has been the same with you. Remember my parting words and try to live a good Christian life.  Do you read your testament any when you lay down at night [and] think of me lying in my bed thinking and praying for you?  If I could only know every night where and how you was, it would seem a great privilege to me.  But I shall still hope you will soon be home and shall not be taken by surprise [at] any time if youcome in. How long did your molasses and honey last and how do you like your boots? You did not say anything about the President’s death, but I think youmust have heard of it.  The people here think the war is ended and all [the recruits] will soon be sent home, but the substitutes; they are to be kept. They and the Negroes will make quite an army. I do hope and pray it may be so. The people here think it is not fair that the Charlestown boys have to stay and all the rest [of the soldiers] come home.  The Preacher says if you do not get sent back, they will get up a petition and send to Harrisburg and have you sent home as it is not fair.  So keep up good courage dear and writ to meas often as you can, a week seems a long time not to get a letter; as it has been over a week between the last two last, but of course you could not writeon a march, but I hope you will not be sent further away.  Keep up good courage, as that will help to keep you well, and if you are sick get someone to write to me.  Ma sends her love and good wishes.  She is doing everything for me she can.

                                                     Think oftenof ones that loves you dearly,

Danville, May 16th 1865

Dear Wife,

 The long look for letter arrived at last and you may be sure that I received it about as soon as my name was called and off I went to my tent as proud as a dog would be with a bone and I am also happy to state that I am well which is a great miracle to me.  How I stand it so well, being so much exposed to the weather from Carlise or I might say from Williamsport.  Since I left that place, I have laid on the ground with nothing but my clothes that I had on through wet and cold.  When I look around me and see how much sickness was caused by the march from City Point to this place it leads me to rejoice an be very thankful that I am so well.  A good many lost their lives and are still failing and a good many [are still] going to the Hospital.

 There is not a day but there is two or more dying and burying every day.  I have wrote before of nearly all of the Charlestown and Blockhouse boys having been more or less complaining of sickness, mostly of diarrhea and some very bad, Lonso Brewster  is quite sick yet he was not in his right mind when he left camp a week ago.  Albert Gooding  is to [go] the Hospital [being] quite sick.  And some others of our company that I do not know [are very sick], all caused from the march having [been] so [difficult with] so much to carry and the hot sun and very poor water and sand quite deep.  And then comes a heavy rain. I speak of this company more particularly because all the Charleston and Blockhouse boys was all lucky enough to get into one company.  Things being a good many companies that came on the march [are in] a great deal worse condition.  100 men make a company.  [They had us] marching on through rain and mud, at night [we] lay down on the wet ground so it is up to this time I laid down some poles to lay on and put up some brush around to keep the wind off.  On the march, there was hundreds of blankets and overcoats thrown away to relieve themselves of carrying them and some threw everything they had.  Martin carried his about 50 miles and away it went.  I carried mine 75 miles to Berksville.  This next march was 125 miles, so I thought it would be wise to give it away in time.  So off we started through Northern Virginia to about one mile to Southern Virginia.  It is very hot through the day and very cold and damp at night.  Since I have been here, I have bought me a gum blanket to keep me [dry] from the storm.  Since we have been here, they have kept us quite busy drilling 4 hours a day, beside roll call and dress parade and cooking our own meals that does not take long as we don not have much to cook.  I have not had but 2 clean meals since I left home, the honey lasted till I got to City Point.  Tell mother  her maple molasses lasted me a long time and it was very lucky for me to use with my hard tack and I am very sorry that she did not get her letter I presume it was on the account of the money I put in.  I enclosed 3.5 dollars2 and a one confederate bills that the rebels gave me.  The dried beef and butter lasted along time.  The boots I got a long [are] first rate.  When it came night, the bottoms of my feet would ache so I hardly knew what to do with them.  A good many got so bad they could not go at all.  [It was] the quickest march that has been made since the war began.  For [we covered] the distance in so short a time [and] all to keep Johnson out of Danville.  I should have said last Sunday. We went out on dress parade and a beautiful sight it was about 25 officers dressed up nice and 5 thousand soldiers drawn up in line with shining guns.  I must cut this short as I shall fill my paper.  I am very glad Mother Snover was kind enough to come and stay with you.  I shall feel much more contented now.  Mrs. Benedict was real good to stay so long.  I am very sorry you have had such a time with your tooth again.  I wrote to Uriah  [Snover] when I was at Williamsport and am glad to hear that they are better about the oil springs.  You must speculate a little and have half you can make out of it.  I wrote a letter to Olive  [Snover Crosby] and one to Guy  [Snover] one to you a few days ago.  One to father  [Tilden Cruttenden] last Wednesday.  I have been so busy through the day that I have to write in the night.  I have a short piece of candle, so I have to hurry [if I am] to write at all.  This afternoon there seems to be a stir for a move for some place.  I think, as near I can learn, we shall be on the march for some place in the morning so I must close as it getting late.  Hoping this my find you all well. Tell mother not to worry too much about me.  I read my testament nearly every day and have looked all of the verses over that you marked.  You are all constantly in my prayers to God to protect you.  Give my love to Mother Snover .  I hope to be home in a few weeks.

       Your Loving Husband,

       John Cruttenden

May 17th, [1865]

My Dear, Dear Husband,

 Feeling lonely and anxious about you.  I will spend a few moments in conversing with you by way of my pen.  I was disappointed last night, as I did not get a letter from you.  It was a week since I rec’ one & it seems so long & as I had written you in that time.  I thought I would not write until I got another, but I will begin.  Perhaps I shall get one before I have a chance to mail this, as it is quite difficult to get a letter up to the office in time for the mail or I should write oftener.  Guy  and father , Hopkins  & Olive  were here last Sunday.  Guy & Olive brought each a letter from you for me to read which done me a great deal of good.  Olive let me have some stamps to send to you, but they think you will soon be home so they will not answer your letters.  So you had better send all you letters to me as I will answer as fast as I can & I shall not get one too often.  My health is as good as I can expect.  Ma  and Coran  are well.  Amy has gone to Mansfield, I feel quite happy without her.  If you were here I should be very happy.  But while you are away I shall feel sad & anxious for you but [I] pray for you almost all of the time.  My first thought in the morning and my last thought at night is a prayer for you.  May the Lord hear & answer.  I wrote you a letter a long one a week ago today, which I hope you have received.  I wrote a long one to Alfred  since.  Mr. Robbins and Uncle Hollands  have both rec’ a letter from you I heard.  But Mother’s  does not come  & I am sorry if you do not come home soon.  You had better write her again.  I saw George Clemens this week & he said Martin had wrote you were coming back to Washington & the papers say that all new recruits and all one year men are to be discharged & sent home in two to three weeks.  God grant it may be so.  How I long to press you to my heart again & feel that we are not to be parted again.  I hope till death shall part us.  I have let Mr. Benedick have our horse to work a few days as it would be accommodating to him & we had nothing for her to do.  Mr. Potts has just come to plant the garden, it is half past seven o’clock at night.  We will try to get them to make us a bed of onions & as we shall want a garden & I hope you will get here to weed it for us.  The fruit tress are white with blossoms & today has been very warm, everything looks pleasant and if you were here to look atit with me I could enjoy it much.  But I hope you will keep well and try to live well, do not neglect to pray & pray often and sincerely to be kept well & be permitted to return home in safety to one whose arms are open to receive you.  I know you must be surround by temptations, but put your trust in God & be not led astray, but come back to me as pure as when you left, and if you should never come back may I have reason to think you are not lost but gone before to be forever at rest.

May 18th

I will close my letter today as Levi is just going to the office.  I will send four postage stamps this time & some more next time form you ever true & loving wife,

                   Sarah E. Cruttenden

Saturday, May the 20

Dear Husband,

 My arm is very lane & painful this morning, but I cannot resist the temptation to write to you.  Hopkins  told Olive  when he left for the war to write to him when she felt lonesome, if I should write when I feel lonesome; I should write all the time.  I have written you two letters on the 10th and one on the 18th, but I can write as not & keep one on the way as I feel it will be a pleasure to you to hear from me often & it is a comfort to me to write to you and how much I prize a letter from you.  I read them over & over again.  I wish I could get one every mail, I got one yesterday morning written the 7th a & Father got one written the 10th so I read them both.  I was sorry to hear so many had been sick, but very thankful you were well & hope & pray this may find you so still.  I do believe it is in answer to my prayers you have been kept well & oh may all my prayers be heard & answered for you I am praying for you al the time almost.  May we have faith in God that He will graciously answer our prayers that you may soon come home to me.  I sometimes fancy what a joyful meeting ours will be when you are safe at home, but I dare not dwell on such thoughts for fear the cup of pleasure will be dashed from my lips, but if we should be blessed may we not forget to return our thanks to Him to whom thanks are due.  Let us put our whole trust in God, he can work for us & none can hinder Christ said what so ever ye ask the Father in my name he will give it [to] you & I daily ask for his sake, he will keep you well & bring you safe home to us.  You would like to have some biscuits & butter.  How gladly I would go without if it were necessary to let you have my share sometimes when I sit down to eat I think of your hard fare & I cannot eat, but you had better buy what you need & I can send you money, a dollar or so at a time as you will not be so apt to be sick if you have more of the right kind of food & keep up good courage as that is as good as medicine.  I sent you four stamps in my last letter & I will send 1 in this & so on till I hear if my letters reach you.  I think I get all the letters you write me but they are long time coming.  Ma & Lewis is fixing up the kettle to make soap.  How thankful I am Ma can be here.  She looks after everything & is so much company for me.  We are having a cold rainy month here, our pleasant days are few and far between.  Mother Cruttenden has got Marinda Baker to work for her.  She wants us to come up tomorrow, she ahs a box of things from Hiram he sent Ellen & his likeness & pair.  I shall write you again in a few days & let you know if we go up.  I hope I shall get a letter from you tonight.

    From your loving wife,
    Sarah E. Cruttenden 

 Subj:  Pictures to go with Civil War Pictures
Date:  11/2/2001 7:46:16 PM Eastern Standard Time
From:  PPicken
To:  JoyceTice
File: Sarah, John & Coran Cruttenden.ZIP (51021 bytes) DL Time (32000 bps): < 1 minute


       I have attached two pictures. The first picture is of John, Sarah and Coran Cruttenden .  The picture was taken after the Civil War.  Coran Cruttenden was born in 1860.  He appears to be around 6 or 7.  In the letters Sarah wrote to John during the war she says she wishes she had a "likeness" of John and was sad she didn't have one.  B.S. Gifford's Gallery, Mansfield, Tioga Co. Pa was the photography studio that took the picture.

       The second picture is of Tilden Cruttenden (8 Feb 1841-30 Jul 1864), John's younger brother who enlisted in the 45th Regiment at outbreak of the Civil War and was killed in the charge on the ring of forts about Petersburg, VA as a member of COMPANY G 45TH REGIMENT.  He reached the rank of Sargent.  The picture was photographed by A.G. Keet, Harrisburg, Pa.

       Please let me know if you can use the pictures.  I have many more.

Paula Lewis

Photos sent with diary in November 2001 but added to site in April 2005. Photos are much tinier than I like to start with, but I do want to get them to the site so they are not lost. As is .... Perhaps at a later time we can get them rescanned and resubmitted at higher (double or triple)  resolution - about double as originally sent. That way I have space to work and crop to show more facial detail.

[i] Coran Edward Cruttenden,son of John & Sarah
[ii] Hopkins Crosbybrother-in-law married to Mary Snover, Sarah’s sister
[iii] Lucreatia Ingersoll Snover(1808-1888)
[iv] unknown
[v] unknown
[vi] Could be Charlotte Inglewife of Michael listed in Charleston 1850 Census
[vii] unknown
[viii] Spencer could be SpencerCruttenden, brother of John
[ix] Guy Snover, brother toSarah E. Snover Cruttenden
[x] unknown
[xi] 1850 Charleston Censuslists a Martin Clemens age 45 farmer from Germany
[xii] unknown
[xiii] 1850 Richmond Township,Tioga County, PA Census lists Nathan Snover age 47 born in PA owning realestate valued at $1,000.  Living withhim were his wife Luceratia age 43 born in NJ, children Uriah age 20, Guy age18, Sarah age 16, Mary age 13 and Olive age 6. ®4
[xiv] Rachel Stace Cruttenden, motherto John Cruttenden
[xv] Albert Cruttenden, brotherto John Cruttenden, moved to Washington State
[xvi] Uriah Snover brother toSarah E. Snover Cruttenden
[xvii] unknown

Blanche Winifred Lewis age 4 and
Howard Herbert Lewis age 10 months
Fanny Davenport Guy Snover, brother of Sarah
John Cruttenden Mary Snover with son Tom White Lucretia INGERSOLL Snover
Nathan Snover Olive Snover and her child Mertie Crosby Sarah Snover and her daughter Nettie Emelline Cruttenden
Uriah Snover and wife Jane Nobles
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On November 2001 
By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M. Tice

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