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Submitted by Dave Clark
New Berne March 22, 1863
Dear Sarah,
I now seat myself on the floor of my little tent to write a few lines to yourself, a friend and sister. I received yours of Feb 27 and also of March 4th. Was glad to hear from you but my heart was filled with sorrow to think that my little Georgie was so sick.
I got a letter from Burr Bailey of the 9th stating that George was getting better. O I hope that he is still getting well, I am so anxious to hear from him again that I can hardly tell what I am about or what my duty is to do.
As to the news here, all is quiet again. It has been quite rainy here of late and our tent leaks very bad and Dyer & myself threatens some of building us a house against (it).
Attended a church of colored people, their meetings are very interesting, so I think at least Dyer & myself had a very rare dinner today for soldiers. At least I will tell you what we had if you please. We had some boiled potatoes with flour gravy, some fryed (sic) beef & sausages, coffee & sugar, wheat bread & honey. Now don’t you think that a dinner such as that is bully for a soldier that has had no such things before for one year.
We both agree that such a dinner is good for twenty four hours at least.
Our flour & honey & sausage is some that we captured in Hyde county. I guess that Hyde county thought that it was pretty well skinned when the Yankees got through with it. The soldiers was allowed to take everything that they wanted to eat and they went in on their nerves. They brought enough back to camp to last a week or so of smoked hams & the likes. I had orders to capture all of the horses and carriages that I was amind to so I got me a good horse to ride for myself and we captured enough horses and carriages & buggys to carry all that got tired out, and that was a good many. It was very muddy and we marched from 20 to 30 miles a day. We captured one span of five ponies that would be worth $1000 in times of peace. They were hid in the woods to keep them from us.
We expect to stay here a spell but do not know how long a spell that may be.
They talk of sending us on another such expedition but we are not sure yey whether we will go or not. We would like to go if the weather is good.
My health is good this winter. I have lain and had it rain through our tent and wet us many a night, but have had but a very little cold yet. It is strange, but still true, I am very much indebted to you for your kindness toward Susan & Georgie. I hope I may yet have the pleasure of repaying you by some kind of deeds on my part.
I am looking very anxious for a later letter from home that I may hear how George is and the rest of the friends. Dyer sends his love to all of the folks.
The drums have beat for to go to bed, so I will close. I will go to the office in the morning to mail this letter.
Write soon as convenient. I have not got an unanswered letter from any one now.
I have gotten straitened(sic) up with my letters for once. Give me all the news and allow me to remain as your friend & brother.
Miss Sarah L. Beach
Tioga Co.