We now have a local history museum in Mansfield representing the area in and near Mansfield including Richmond, Sullivan, Rutland, Covington, Tioga and more
Visit the History Center on Main Street at 83 North Main Street where our library resources are housed. We also have a museum location at 61 North Main Street.
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Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
 Memorabilia of the Tri-Counties

Thirteen year old Mildred MUDGE (1895-1925) attended the Mansfield Fair on 24 SEP 1908. Being an incorrigible list keeper, a trait she passed on the her only grandchild, she listed the attendees. The list concentrates on the residents of Sullivan Township whom she knew. 
People I Saw at the Mansfield Fair
Township: Elk Run,Sullivan Township, Tioga County
Year: 24 SEP 1908
Submitted by: Joyce M. Tice
Written by her grandmother, Mildred Mudge
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Joyce's Search Tip - December 2010
Do You Know that you can search just the 355 pages of our
Diaries and Letters
on this site  by using the Diaries button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page? But diaries and letters are wonderful sources to understand the culture of time and place. Read them and enjoy them slowly.
I kept the list with the arrangement and spacing of her original list. Her handwriting is impeccable, a trait she did not pass on to my father or me. Keeping with the tradtion of the time, the female and male listings are kept separately. Where she has used a married name and I know the person's real name off the top of my head, I have included it in parentheses.
Addie Welch Archie Austin
Alice Welch Archie Wood
Althea Holly Bert Richmond
Cenie Squires Arthur Crippen
Edith Borg (Edith Mudge) Elmer VanValkner
Ada Smith Albert Smith
Ellen Welch August Borg
Florence Sherman Harold Welch
Belle Welch George Crippen (her cousin)
Adaline Richmond Harry Smith
Emma Holly Billy Litey
Edith Schofield Aaron Austin
Helen Welch Galusha York
Lulu Klinger Leonard Holly
Cordelia Doty Colie Richmond
Delana Walker Charley Gray
Charlotte Updyke Menzo Mudge (her father)
Eda Crippen (Eda Holly, her aunt) Elmer Updyke
Cora Austin Leland Welch
Cora Updyke (Cora Smith)  
Irene Smith  
Edna Williams Eill Kilgore
Lilian Smith  
Helen Mudge (her sister) Lynn Williams
Pearl Wood Winfield VanValkner
Ethel Jackson Dallas Roblyer
Grace VanValkner Lemuel Wood
Minnie York Nelson Holly
Daisy York Mort Crippen (her uncle by marriage)
Martha Wood Harol Mudge (her brother)
Mag Garrison Guss Welch
May Holly Rex Garrison
Stella Clark Isaac Richmond
Marion Holly Mr. Hartgrove
Mabel Smith Fay Killgore
Besse Sherman Roy Garrison
Verna King  
Ruth Mudge (Ruth Holly, her mother) Edson Strange
Nett Smith William Wood
Gladys Smith Orrin Smith
Muriel VanValkner Tommy Smith
Nett Beach (Janette McConnell)  
Mate Ashley  
Edith Jackson Henry Beardsley
Mary Smith Merrit Edgeton
Mrs. Austin Young  
Nettie Sherman (Nettie Richmond)  
Ina Richmond  
Ella Smith (Ella Ryan) Seymour Squires
Nellie York  
Louise Garrison  
Mag Richmond Lizell George
Nett Horton  
Nina Richmond Wesley Sherman
Alice Strange  
Mildred Mudge (herself)  
Cenie Clark (Lucena Mudge, a cousin)  
Lib McConnell (Elisabeth Weaver)  
Emma Kilgore.  

The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933   histcent83@gmail.com
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 12/03/2000
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: JoyceTice@aol.com