Wellsboro, Pa., Aug. 19 – The home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Benedict
of Mansfield was the scene of a charming wedding Tuesday evening, August
12, when their daughter, Genevieve, became bride of Merle F. Garrison,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ada L. Garrison, also of Mansfield. The Rev.
F. I. Simmons, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, performed the
Miss Canfield becomes bride of Ervin Heinrich-July 1935
Miss Louise Canfield, daughter of Mrs. Goldie Canfield of Mansfield,
became the bride of Ervin Heinrich of Mansfield in a pretty wedding ceremony
performed Saturday evening at the home of her sister, Mrs. Fred Stout,
on Fourth Street in the presence of about seventy-five guests. The ring
ceremony was performed by the Rev. Douglas W. Baylis of the Methodist Church
in the flower garden before an arch of roses and garden flowers. The Wedding
March from “Lohengrin” was played by Lewis Knight, violinist, of Alder
Run, accompanied by Mrs. Knight. Preceding the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Knight
sang, “O Promise Me” and “I Love You Truly.” The bride was given in marriage
by her brother-in-law, Fred Stout. Mrs. Stout was her sister’s matron of
honor and Lee Heinrich, brother of the bridegroom was best man. The bride
was attired in silk organdy with tulle veil and white accessories. Her
bouquet was pink rosebuds and baby’s breath. The bride’s other attendants,
Mrs. Fredrick Burnham of Mansfield and Mrs. Frank Freeman of Mosherville
wore pink net and yellow organdy with matching hats and carried pink and
yellow roses and baby’s breath. A reception followed the ceremony, after
which Mr. and Mrs. Heinrich left for a motor trip to New York and Philadelphia.
The bride is a graduate of the Mansfield Senior High School and has taught
in the schools of Riegelsville, Alder Run and Mosherville. The bridegroom
is a poultry man and proprietor of the Smith Poultry Farm in Mansfield,
where they will make their home. The out-if-town guests included Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Bray, daughter Ruth and nephew of Philadelphia; Mrs. Stokes
Hess of Riegelsville; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freeman and daughter Lois, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Freeman, Mosherville; Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Cleveland and
family, Gus Crippen, Emerson Oldroyd. Columbia Cross Roads; Eugene Cleveland,
Mainesburg; Mr. and Mrs. Rex Darling and family, Penn Yan, N.Y.; Mrs. Lena
Lurcock and Phyllis Heinrich, Owego, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Orburson Dutt and
son, Waverly, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Heinrich and daughter of Elmira,
N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kohler and daughter of Galeton; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Knight, Miss Marian Friends, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Wheeler, and son, Wilmot
of Alder Run; Mr. and Mrs. Roy James and daughter Christine of Roseville.
(Chester Bailey scrapbook)
Cass –Berry- Mar. 7, 1935
A quiet home wedding took place Thursday evening, March 7, in Kane,
when Mrs. Fannie Howe Cass of Mansfield became the bride of Edward Berry
of Kane. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W.E. Bartlett of the Kane
Methodist Church. Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Blair of Kane attended them. Mrs. Berry
has been employed since September at the Mansfield State Teachers College
and is well known here. Mr. Berry holds a responsible position with the
Kane Supply Co. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Berry wish them a long
and happy married life. They will be at home to their friends after March
15 at 311 Hemlock Ave., Kane.
The marriage of Miss Olive A. Cornwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
G. Cornwell of Mansfield, Pa. and Blair Lambert of Ulysses, Pa., took place
Friday evening, June 30, at the home of the bride’s parents. The ceremony
was performed by Dr. Chester A. Feig of Mansfield, Pa., a member of the
faculty of Mansfield State Teachers College. Present were member of the
two families and close relatives. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lambert are graduates
of Mansfield State Teachers College, class of 1938, and Mrs. Lambert is
employed as instructor in home economics in the North York High School.
After their wedding trip, they will live for the summer months on Bailey
Hill, Ulysses, Pa. (handwritten on article 1939)
Freligh-Matthews-February 1, 1935
Miss Beth Freligh, daughter of J.W. Freligh, of Mansfield and George
A. Matthews son of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Matthews of Covington, were married
February 1 at the Methodist Parsonage in Elmira. Mrs. Matthews was a popular
member of the Senior High School class of 1935. Mr. Matthews is a graduate
of the Covington High School and the Rochester Business Institute. He has
a position in the Swain Music House in Mansfield.
Garrison-Benedict Wedding
At 7:30 last Tuesday evening, Miss Genevieve Benedict, daughter of
Mr. & Mrs. H.A. Benedict, of Mansfield, was married to Merle F. Garrison,
son of Mrs. Ada L. Garrison, also of Mansfield. Rev. F.I. Simmoss, pastor
of the M.E. church, officiated.
The house was tastefully decorated with fern and golden rod. The bridal
couple entered the room to the strains of Mendelssohn’s wedding march,
played by Damon Holton. The bride ware a gown of tan satin-crepe and carried
a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses. The ring was carried on a white satin
pillow by little Olive Cornwell.
The bride is a graduate of Wellsboro High School, class of 1922, and
during the past year has been a voice student at the Mansfield Normal School.
She possesses a very pleasing mezzo-soprano voice.
The bridegroom is a graduate of the Mansfield High School, class of
’21, and also of the Mansfield Normal School, class of ’24. He is at present
employed at M.H. Shepard’s clothing store in Mansfield. Mr. & Mrs.
Garrison left immediately after a luncheon for the Great Lakes and points
of interest in southern Canada.
About thirty guests were present, the immediate families and a few
intimate friends. The out-of-town guests were: W.H. Garrison, Miss Alta
Garrison, Mr. & Mrs. W.E. Garrison of Millerton; Mr. & Mrs. L.K.
Benedict, Mrs. Anna Benedict of Wellsboro; Mr. & Mrs. Earl Cruttenden
of Elmira; Miss Ernestine Losey and Miss Jane Adams of Crooked Creek; Miss
Elsie Naegely of Wellsboro.Wellsboro Agitator, August 20, 1924, p2
Miss Miriam M. Harper, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Howard C. Harper,
of New Castle, and Dr. Charles Jaquish, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jaquish,
of Mansfield, were married recently at the home of the bride in New Castle.
Mrs. Jaquish is a graduate of Goucher College and studied at Columbia University.
Dr. Jaquish is a graduate of the Mansfield State Teachers' College and
of the University of Pennsylvania Medical School, and specialized in ear,
nose and throat at the University of Chicago. Dr. and Mrs. Jaquish
left by motor for a wedding trip to Canada. After December 1 they
will be at home at 5923 Hampton avenue, Pittsburgh. (The Agitator:
Wellsboro, PA, Wednesday, November 21, 1928)
Hitchcock – Wells [SRGP 05312 / 02614]
Miss Pearl G. Hitchcock became the bride of I. J. Wells, son of Mr.
and Mrs. S. D. Wells, of Mansfield, in a pretty ceremony performed Saturday
morning at 8 o’clock at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hitchcock,
on North Main Street. The ring ceremony was performed by the Rev.
D. J. Griffiths, of the Baptist church. The bride was gowned in dusty-pink
silk with shoulder corsage of talisman roses and baby’s breath. Mrs.
M. E. Decker, of Williamsport, who was her sister’s matron of honor, wore
blue net with shoulder corsage of pink roses and baby’s breath. Francis
Wells, brother of the bridegroom was best man. A wedding breakfast
followed the ceremony. Mrs. Wells is a graduate of the Mansfield Senior
High School, class of 1929, and of the Mansfield State Teachers College,
class of 1931. For several years she has taught in the Middlebury
Township School at Middlebury Center. Mr. Wells is a graduate of
the Mansfield Senior High School, class of 1929, and attended the State
Teachers College. For some time he has been employed as clerk by
Dean & Lee in the New Era Mills. They will reside in Mansfield.
Miss Mildred M. Houck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Houck, was married
in Mansfield Tuesday to LeRoy Stevens of Mosherville. The Rev. Chester
A. Feig officiated. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis D. Stevens
of Roseville, brother and sister-in-law of the groom. After a motor trip
to Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Stevens will reside in Elmira. (handwritten on
article Sept. 25, 1934)
HOWE - PINO - Wellsboro Agitator, 27 December 1922
Miss Lena Howe, of Mansfield and Ross Pino,
of Geneva, NY, were married a few days ago by Rev. C. D. Purdy. The couple
was attended by the bride's sister, Miss Eva Howe, of Mansfield, and Gerald
Ellis, of Blossburg. Mrs. Pino has been a Bell Telephone operator for the
past several years and has many friends in Mansfield, where she has always
resided. Mr. Pino is a mechanic and holds a responsible position in a garage
in Geneva, NY. They will be at home in Geneva, NY after January 1, [1923].
79576 / 82763]
Howe-Eddy – July1935
A pretty summer wedding was solemnized Saturday evening at 7 o’clock
in the Methodist Church, when Miss Mary Hannah Howe, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles C. Howe of Mansfield, became the bride of Wilbur T. Eddy,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eddy of Bradford, Pa. The church was attractively
decorated with blue delphinium and hydrangeas. The ring ceremony was performed
by the Rev. D.W. Baylis. Before the ceremony Mrs. W.J. Neal, organist,
played “Out of the Dusk to You”, and as the bridal party proceeded to the
altar, played “Lebestraum, by Liszt Following the ceremony she played Wedding
March by Mendelssohn. The bride was attired in white satin and carried
white roses and baby’s breath. Her maid of honor, Miss Allene Allis, of
Mansfield, wore flowered organdie. The bride’s other attendant, Mrs. Louise
Palmer Harris of Mansfield, wore blue lace. William Enright, of Bradford
was best man. The ushers were Frederick Jupenlaz of Covington, nephew of
the bride, and Seymour Shaw of Mansfield. A reception attended by about
50 guests was held at the home of the bride’s parents following the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddy left later on a motor trip. On their return they will
be at home in Bradford.
Hughes—Wilson—Aug. 28, 1933
Tuesday in the Congregational Church at LaRaysville. Miss Marion Rachel
Hughes, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. William H. Hughes of Williamstown, became
the bride of Richard Lewis Wilson, son of Mrs. Helen Wilson of Mansfield.
The ceremony was performed by the pastor, the Rev. Mr. Shoote. Miss Catherine
R. Hughes, sister of the bride was maid of honor, and Miss Jane Dando of
Williamstown, was bridesmaid. George R. Wilson, brother of the groom, was
best man. Ushers were Wilford Shaw, Ward Wheeler, and Robert Grant of Mansfield.
Miss Wilhelmina Keeler presided at the piano. Mr. And Mrs. Wilson left
by auto for Ocean City, N.J. On their return they will be at home in leRaysville
Mansfield, Oct. 15. Miss Theresa Johns and Lucuis P. Harlan
were married by the Rev. John H. Stanton at the home of the bride’s mother,
Mrs. Mary Johns, of St. James Street Sunday. Mrs. Harlan is a graduate
of the Mansfield High School and for the past two years has been employed
in the Bradstreet offices I n Miami, Fla., and Williamsport. Mr.
Harlan is engaged in business in Harrisburg, where they will reside.
Odell-Moore Oct.4, 1933
Horace J. Odell, son of Mr. And Mrs. T.E. Odell of Mansfield, and Miss
Frances A. Moore, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. S.D. Moore of Mansfield, were
united in marriage in Wellsboro, September 30, 1933 by the Rev. C.W. Sheriff.
Their many friends wish for them a long and happy married life.
Olsen-Manny- June 5, 1934
Of particular interest locally is the marriage of Dr. Henry W. Olson,
Dean of Men and Professor of Biology at the Mansfield State Teachers College,
and Miss Josephine Manny, of Columbus, Ohio, which occurred at Westerville,
Ohio, yesterday, June 5. The late afternoon wedding took place in the colonial
home of Dr. T.J. Sanders, former President of Otter-Bein College, Westerville,
who officiated, using an original version of the ring ceremony. The couple
was attended by Dr. Minie Johnson of Columbia, Missouri, and Mr. Marvin
C. Meyer of Oran, Missouri. Following an intimate dinner with relatives
and friends, the bride and groom left for an extended motor trip through
the East. Dr. Olson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Olson of Columbus, Ohio,
joined the faculty of the Mansfield State Teachers College in 1933. Mrs.
Olson for some years has been Professor of Biology at Stevens College,
Columbia, Missouri. The couple will reside in Mansfield, where Dr. Olson
will resume his duties at the opening of the Summer Session, June 18.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Brace, of Mansfield, announce the marriage of their
son, Mr. Kenneth L. Brace to Miss Dorothy R. Patterson of Towanda. The
ceremony took place on January 15 on Schnectady, N.Y., the Rev. James A.
Perry, of the Methodist Church, performing the ceremony. The bride is a
graduate of Towanda High School. For the past few years she has been employed
at the Lew Gerould drug store and the L. C. Gillette drug store. Mr. Brace
is a graduate of Mansfield High School, attended the Mansfield College,
where he studied music and played in different orchestras for four years.
Mr. and Mrs. Brace will reside in Albany, N.Y. where Mr. Brace is employed
as assistant manager by the J. J. Newberry Company. (handwritten on article
Philp—Sproat Aug. 9, 1933
Miss Frances Louise Philp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Philp, of
Meadville, Pa., and Prof. Arleigh C. Sproat, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Sproat of Waynesburg, Pa., were united in Marriage August 2 at the home
of the bride’s parents. For the past two years Prof. Sproat has been supervisor
of agriculture at the Mansfield Senior High School, recently resigning
this position to accept a like position in the Center Township Vocational
School at Rogersville, which is situated near his home. He is a graduate
of Pennsylvania State College. Mrs. Sproat is a graduate of the Mansfield
State Teachers College and is a member of the faculty of the Canton High
School. Prof. and Mrs. Sproat have the best wishes of a host of friends
in Mansfield and vicinity.
Mansfield—Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Esther
Stiger of Hepburnville, Pa., to Kenneth E. Cady,(SRGP 65915) son
of Mr. and Mrs. William Cady of Mansfield. The ceremony was performed Oct.
28 in the Fourth St. Methodist Church, Williamsport, by the Rev. A. Lawrence
Miller. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. George Milliner of Williamsport.
Mrs. Cady is a graduate of the Mansfield State Teachers College and teaches
in Roaring Branch. Mr. Cady is a graduate of the Mansfield Senior High
School and is employed in the Chevrolet Garage. (handwritten on article
Mrs. Anna Brace of Mansfield, Pa., has announced the engagement of
her daughter, Lelia, to Roswell R. Gerlach, son of Mrs. Cora D. Gerlach
of Wellsboro, Pa. Miss Brace is a graduate of the Mansfield State Teachers
College and the Arnot-Ogden Hospital Training School for Nurses. Mr. Gerlach
attended the Buffalo schools and is a graduate of Syracuse Business College.
He has been in the employ of the National Biscuit Company for the past
seven years and is their representative in Tioga County. The wedding will
take place in the near future. (handwritten on article Feb. 1938)
Mansfield-- At a tea party on Sunday afternoon, Jan. 10, Dr.
and Mrs. George A. Retan announced the marriage of their daughter, Jennette
to Lt. Walter H. Jarecke, son of Mrs. Anna Jarecke, of Glen Lyon, Pa.
The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Anthony Lafaj at the rectory of
St. Michael's church of Glen Lyon on March 7, 1942. Lt. and Mrs.
Jarecke will be at home at Camp Robinson, Little Rock, Arkansas, after
February 1. Mrs. Jarecke is the daughter of Dr. George Retan, director
of the Campus Training School and Junior High School of Mansfield State
Teachers College and the granddaughter of E.A. Retan, former County Superintendent
of Schools. She is a graduate of Mansfield State Teachers College
with graduate work at Duke University and prior to her marriage was kindergarten
supervisor and assistant dean of women at the Millersville State Teachers
College. Mr. Jarecke is a graduate of the Bloomsburg State Teachers College,
where he was an outstanding athlete and was formerly coach for the Coudersport
High School. (Wellsboro Gazette, Wellsboro, PA, Thursday, January
21, 1943)
Mrs. Spencer Marries Mr. Bailey, Sept. 24
MANSFIELD - Mrs. Elise Spencer of Canton, and Purley Bailey (SRGP 12290),
of Elmira, formerly of Mansfield, were married Friday, September 24, at
the Baptist parsonage here. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. David
J. Griffiths. - Gazette and Bulletin (Williamsport, PA), 11 October 1943
(Can anyone identify the surname at birth for Elise? She is identified
here ony by an earlier married alias - reference this page when you write.)
STRANGE - PALMER - The marriage of Martha Strange and Lewis L. Palmer, both of Mansfield, Pa., took place Sunday afternoon at the Baptist parsonage, the Rev. J.M. Johnston performing the ceremony. After spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs Carlton Slingerland, of this city, the couple will leave on their wedding trip. which will include Buffalo, Niagara Falls and many points of interest. (01 AUG 1920)
At a luncheon at the Penn Wells Hotel last Friday, Mr. and Mrs.
Karl F. VanNorman of Mansfield, announced the engagement of their daughter,
Miss Paulyne Adele VanNorman, to Cadet Peter P. Rice, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Rice of Wilkes-Barre. Miss VanNorman graduated from Mansfield State
Teachers College. She is associated with Department of Public Assistance
here. Cadet Rice, graduate of Mansfield State Teachers College, is a member
of Phi Sigma Pi fraternity. He is completing his flight training
on the West Coast. (Wellsboro Gazette, Wellsboro, PA, Thursday, January
21, 1943)
Vermilyea-Barnes – October 16, 1935
Miss Marion Louise Vermilyea, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Vermilyea,
became the bride of Elmer G. Barnes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barnes of
Mansfield, at 7:30 o’clock Wednesday evening October 16, in the Methodist
parsonage at Wellsboro. There ceremony was performed by the Rev. E. Becker
Brownell in the presence of near relatives of the couple. The bride was
attired in brown silk flat crepe. Their attendants were Miss Mildred Vermilyea,
sister of the bride, and Henry Barnes, brother of the bridegroom. After
the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Barnes left on a motor trip to Niagara Falls
and other points of interest in New York. They will also visit Mrs. Barnes’
uncle and aunt in Olean. After October 20 they will be at home to their
friends at the home of the bride’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Hart,
Mansfield R.D., where they will reside until their home, now in process
of erection is finished. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes have many friends who wish
them a long and happy married life. Mr. Barnes is employed by the Mansfield
Novelty Company.
Engagement Announced - 1935
Mr. and Mrs. D.L. Williams of Mansfield, announce the engagement of
their daughter, Kathryn to F. Donald Hewitt, of Blossburg. The wedding
will take place early in September.
Williams –Hewitt- Sept. 18, 1935
In a pretty ceremony performed Thursday at 10:30 a.m. at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. D.L. Williams on West Elmira Street. Their daughter Kathryn
became the bride of Donald Hewitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Hewitt
of Blossburg. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. John E. Bouquet, Pastor
of the Mansfield Presbyterian Church, in the presence of the immediate
families and a few close friends. The bride wore a gown of rust silk crepe
with brown accessories and carried a bouquet of yellow rosebuds. Her maid
of honor, Miss Ruth Feig of Mansfield and bridesmaid, Miss Alice Watkins
of Blossburg wore blue silk crepe and carried pink rosebuds. Frank Sillaman
of Blossburg was best man. A luncheon at the Little Tavern followed the
ceremony, after which Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt left on a motor trip through
Northern New York and Canada. Upon their return they will reside in Blossburg,
where Mr. Hewitt is employed in the office of the Blossburg Herald. Mrs.
Hewitt is a graduate of the Mansfield Senior High School and the Mansfield
State Teachers College, music supervisor’s course. Mr. Hewitt is a graduate
of the Blossburg High School
CLARK-GILLETTE [SRGP 68245 / 68246]
Mrs. Fredrika Clark entertained in honor of her daughter, Irme
Audrie Clark, whose engagement was announced to Lewis Walter Gillette,
of Tampa, Florida. Miss Clark recently returned from Washington,
DC, where she held a position for the government. She has many friends
who are extending their heartiest congratulations. Dainty refreshments
were served to the following guests: Mrs. Morris Thompson, Mrs. Karl
F. VanNorman, Mrs. Harry Kingsley, Mrs. A.H. Vosburg, Mrs. R.F. Butts,
Mrs. Percy Coles, Mrs. Herbert Grant, Mrs. Herbert Peterson, Mrs. Arthur
Bates, Mrs. Leon Baynes and Misses Lena and Eva Howe, Edna Rose, Irene
Harkness, Bertha Roff and Mary Kunkel--Misses Eva and Lena Howe entertained
Tuesday evening at a variety shower at their home on North Main street
in honor of Miss Irme Audrie Clark--Mansfield Advertiser. (The Agitator:
Wellsboro, PA, Wednesday, December 29, 1920)
Hitchcock – Wells [SRGP 05312 / 02641]
Miss Pearl G. Hitchcock became the bride of I. J. Wells, son of Mr.
and Mrs. S. D. Wells, of Mansfield, in a pretty ceremony performed Saturday
morning at 8 o’clock at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hitchcock,
on North Main Street. The ring ceremony was performed by the Rev.
D. J. Griffiths, of the Baptist church.
The bride was gowned in dusty-pink silk with shoulder corsage of talisman
roses and baby’s breath. Mrs. M. E. Decker, of Williamsport, who
was her sister’s matron of honor, wore blue net with shoulder corsage of
pink roses and baby’s breath. Francis Wells, brother of the bridegroom
was best man. A wedding breakfast followed the ceremony.
Mrs. Wells is a graduate of the Mansfield Senior High School, class
of 1929, and of the Mansfield State Teachers College, class of 1931.
For several years she has taught in the Middlebury Township School at Middlebury
Center. Mr. Wells is a graduate of the Mansfield Senior High School,
class of 1929, and attended the State Teachers College. For some
time he has been employed as clerk by Dean & Lee in the New Era Mills.
They will reside in Mansfield.
Miss Frances Brace and Ernest Vosburg Married Sunday [19 JUN 1938]
[SRGP 02125 and 02130]
Miss Frances M. Brace, daughter of Harry G. Brace, and Ernest R. Vosburg, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Vosburg, both of Mansfield, were married Sunday at 7 a.m. in St. James Episcopal Church. The ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. H. H. Gillies, vicar. Miss Eloise Brace, of Mansfield, was her sister's maid-of-honor, and Lester Barden, of Mansfield, was best man. Mrs. Vosburg is a graduate of the Mansfield Senior High School and State Teachers College. For the past four years she has taught in the Liberty High School. Mr. Vosburg is a graduate of the Mansfield Senior High School and attended the State Teachers College. For several years he has been employed at the Mansfield Diner. After a motor trip to Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Vosburg will be at home in Mansfield. |
![]() |
1940s Marriages from Lambs Creek Scrapbook
Miss Mary Ellen Rhynearson, of Indianapolis, Indiana, and Pvt William
Lewis Spencer 18, Medical Hospital, camp Ellis, Ill., formerly of Mansfield
and Dewart, Pa., were united in marriage at 8 p.m. August 23, 1944, at
the North Side Adventist Church in Indianapolis. It was a very pretty wedding.
The ceremony was performed by the bridegroom’s father, Elder R. M. Spencer,
of Dewart, Pa. Their attendants were Miss Jean Sawyer and Mr. Freemont
Keller, both of Indianapolis.
The altar was decorated with Lavender gladioli. Ushers were the Misses
Mary Sims and Mildred Good, who wore corsages of red roses.
The bride, who wore an aqua woolen street length suit with white baby
blouse, black slippers, fuchsia hat, white gloves, with a corsage of white
roses, was given in marriage by Mr. Ward Ehrhart.
The bridesmaid wore a beige dress with black accessories and corsage
of white roses.
The bride groom’s mother wore an aqua dress with a corsage of yellow
roses; the bride’s mother, Mrs. Rhynearson, wore a green lace dress with
brown accessories and corsage of yellow roses.
A reception followed immediately afterward for all who attended the
wedding, at the home of Mrs. Blanche Grassell. The bride and groom’s table
was beautifully decorated with white candles, a centerpiece of water lilies
and a wedding cake decorated with a miniature bride and groom. There were
about seventy five people in attendance.
Miss Alice Kellam sang a vocal solo, “Because,” accompanied by Miss
June Sims, who also played “O Promise Me”, “Melody of Love” and “Always”.
After the reception, the bride and groom, with the bridegroom’s parents,
left for Dewart for their honeymoon.
The bride, who is a talented young lady and a stenographer, is a graduate
of the Brad Ripple High School, in Indianapolis, class of 1941.
They will live near Camp Ellis, Peoria, Illinois. Their many friends
here extend best wishes for a long and happy married life.
Mansfield Girl Bride of Army Corporal
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Fralic have announced the marriage of their daughter
Ruth, to Norton B. Sherwood, son of Mrs. Waldo Hoyt of Mansfield. The candlelight
service was performed by the Rev. C.H. Skelton of Louisville , KY., at
the home of the bride’ s parents at 12:01 Easter morning. The bride was
given in marriage by her father. Mrs. W.B. Roberts, sister of the bride
was matron of honor and Waldo Hoyt was the best man.
The wedding march was played by Mrs. Gordon Goodwin of Middlebury Center,
and a duet “I Love You Truly,” was sung by Mrs. Robert Fralic and Mrs.
Goodwin. A reception followed. Cpl Sherwood has served three years in the
South Pacific with the marine corps, and is now stationed at Earle, N.J.
Mrs. Sherwood is spending a few weeks with her husband in Asbury Park,
Mansfield Couple Wed (photo)
The marriage of Miss Vibeke Bogh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bogh,
and Earl Bailey, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey, both of Mansfield, was
solemnized by the Rev. Ephriam Cedar at his home in Arnot. Both are graduates
of Mansfield Senior High School. Mr. Bailey was recently discharged from
the army after serving overseas. They are residing at Port Clinton, O.,
where he is employed.
Newly - Weds
Wed in the Methodist Church on Wednesday, November 28, Mr. and Mrs.
Alvah L. Walker are at home to their friends at 3 Purple Street, after
a trip to Buffalo.
Mrs. Walker is the former Betty Jane White, the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank White and Mr. Walker is an ex-service man, the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Walker of Covington. A prisoner of war in a German prison camp
for 26 months, Mr Walker was released last October.
Besides those who were mentioned in the wedding notice in last week’
s issue, were the soloist, Miss Lenore Johnson, who sang, “Because”, and
“Calm as the Night,” accompanied by the organist, Mrs. Mercedes Dunham.
Claude Coons of Covington and Alex Gray of Blossburg, were ushers.
The lovely locket which the bride wore was the “Something Old” It was
worn by an old friend of the family, Mrs. Thomas Hurst, of Arnot, in 1876.
Mansfield Couple (photo)
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Goodrich after their marriage August 22, 1946.
Mrs Goodrich is the former Miss Betty A. Horton of Mansfield. Mr. Goodrich
is brother of Mrs. W .N. Clark of Mansfield.
A PRETTY HOME WEDDING ( pencil notation says Mrs. Carpenter wrote this)
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Summerson on July 28,1946, at 2o’clock,
occurred the wedding of Mr. J. E. Chapel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Chapel
and Miss Violet Summerson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Summerson, both
of Lambs Creek, in the presence of the immediate families and a few friends
from Lambs Creek, Mr. and Mrs. McCann and Miss Laura McCann , of Mill Creek,
and Richard Hopkins, of Corning, N. Y. The attendants were Miss Arlene
Niles, bridesmaid, Miss Melissa Chapel and John Chapel, sister and brother
of the bridegroom. The wedding ceremony was performed by the Re,. Floyd
E. Guiles, of Mansfield. Refreshments were served after the ceremony: a
lovely three tiered cake and coffee. They went to Keuka Lake and other
points on their wedding journey.
Miss Jennie Cox, of Mansfield, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Siddie
F. Cox, of New Bern, N.C., and William Hendricks, of Mansfield, were married
August 9, 1947, at the Baptist Parsonage at Covington by the Rev. Lawrence
C. Grow.
Marion Shaw Squires, formerly of Mansfield, the daughter of the late
Edward P. Shaw, and Carl Frank Lapat, of Santa Ans, California, were married
in Yuma Arizona, March 6, 1949. They were married in Yuma’s beautiful and
famous wedding chapel by the Rev. George W.Kew.
The happy couple enjoyed a honeymoon by touring in the southwest and
Northern Mexico. They will make their home in Santa Ana, Calif., where
Mr. Lapat is employed.
A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Niles of Mansfield RD 3, when Miss Arlene Niles became
the bride of Kenneth E. Neally, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Neally. of Addison,
RD 3, on Saturday afternoon January 18, 1948 at 4 o’clock.
The couple stood before a lattice work and decorated with flowers and
The double ceremony was performed by the Rev. Lawrence Grow, of Covington
Baptist Church.
The bride was very prettily attired in a light blue street length dress
with a corsage of white gardenias and red roses. The maid of honor was
her sister, Miss Marcile Niles, who wore a cherry-red street length dress
with a gardenia corsage.
Clifford hart of Mansfield, RD 3 was best man.
Mrs. Lawrence Grow, pianist, played Wagner’s Wedding March from Lohengrin.
The bride’s sister Mrs Robert Johnson, sang “Always”.
Luncheon was served to about 30 guests of the immediate family and
friends. The bride’s table was decorated with pink, blue and white streamers.
Out of town guests who attended were: Mr. And Mrs. SheldonO’Dell, of
Gibson, NY.; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leavenworth, Kenneth Smith, of Corning;
Theresa and John Neally, Jr. Of Lindley; Nettie Faulkner and Eliza Robson,
Mrs. Walter Doud, of Mansfield; Rev. and Mrs Lawrence Grow, of Covington.
The couple will reside at their home at 123 Bridge Street, Corning
where both ate employed at the Corning Glass Works.
Edwin Boyden, Wellsboro RD7 and Mrs. Ida Mae Brown, of Mansfield were
Married March 16, 1948 at the home of the bridegroom by the Rev. George
Lietka, pastor of the Marsh Creek Baptist Church.
They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Harding, Wellsboro R D 7.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil W. Thomas, of Elmira, formerly of Mansfield, announce
the engagement of their daughter, Wilma Ruth, to Arthur L. Wilson, Jr.,
son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wilson of Elmira.
Miss Thomas was graduated from the Southside High School and attended
Elmira College. Mr. Wilson, who is employed in Albany, attended Elmira
schools and is a graduate of Duneoody Institute, Minneapolis, Minn.
The wedding will take place this month.
Married (Wellsboro Gazette)
William Clark of Lambs Creek, and Caroline Giles, of Mansfield R. D.,
were married Monday in the State of Maryland. Mr. Clark is employed at
the milk plant. They will reside in Mr. Clark’s home at Lambs Creek.
Arlene Kreger’s Engagement Told
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cooper of 739 Reservoir St., announce the engagement
of their only daughter, Arlene Marie Kreger, to Elwin Button, son of Mrs.
Lafe Button of Tioga, and the late Mr. Button.
The bride elect attended Elmira Free academy and is a senior at Mansfield
High School.
Mr. Button is a graduate of Tioga Central School and is engaged in
farming in Tioga.
The wedding will take place in the near future.
Sargent - Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sargent of Mansfield RD 3 announce the engagement
of their daughter, Joanna, to Charles C. Murphy of Boston.
Miss Sargent was graduated from Mansfield schools and has been employed
at Morris Farm’s Dairy Bar.
Mr. Murphy was graduated from Boston schools and is serving in the
Merchant Marines as first assistant on the S. S. Plymouth.
Wedding plans are incomplete.
Wellsboro Agitator, January 14, 1954
Engagement Announced
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hill of Mansfield RD, announce the engagement
of their daughter, Miss Beatrice Hill, to Mr. Byron B. Rugar, of Lowman,
NY. Miss Hill is a student in Mansfield High School. Mr. Rugar is a graduate
of Elmira Free Academy. He has been in the Air Force for three years, of
which 11 months was spent in Korea. He is now stationed at Ellington AFB,
Huston, Texas. Wedding plans are incomplete.
Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Ripley, of Richmond. On the 28th day of December, 1837, an interested company assembled at the Webster homestead in Sullivan township to witness the ceremony that was to unite Philip S. Ripley and Lorena Webster in the bonds of wedlock. Last Wednesday another interested and very happy company assembled at Mr. Ripley’s residence in Richmond township to congratulate the bride and groom of 50 years ago on the fact that they completed a half-century of happy wedded life. At the wedding half a century ago, 29 persons were present, and of these guests it is remarkable to state that 15 are still living, two of whom--Mrs. E. A. Fish and Mr. Roswell Webster--were with the 48 other guests in attendance at the golden wedding anniversary last week. Not the least happy feature of the occasion was the fact that the seven sons of the aged couple, some of whom had not met since the day, were all present to greet their parents and each other. They were--Hobart Ripley, of Akinsville, Mo.; Homer J. Ripley, now a resident of this borough; Ezra Ripley, of Camden, NY; Volney Ripley, of Richmond township; Roswell C. Ripley, of Sullivan township; Crescen C. Ripley, of Richmond township, and Philander W. Ripley, of Scranton, Pa. In addition to these a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Ripley--Mr. J. B. Rumsey, of Lima, Ohio--was also present. The two daughters of the family have both passed over to the silent majority. There were 12 grandchildren of the venerable couple also present. Several gifts were presented to Mr. and Mrs. Ripley as golden reminders of the occasion, and it is needless to say that the reunion of family and friends was thoroughly enjoyed by all. In this connection it is note that the country has been much indebted to the sons nurtured by Mr. and Mrs. Ripley for valuable services in the hour of need. We have already spoken at length of the extended military service of Tioga county’s new Register and Recorder, and it is a pleasure to call attention to the brilliant career of his elder brother as a Union volunteer. He served his full term of three years without a wound or day of sickness. He was in the battles of Drainsville, Seven Days before Richmond, Second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spotsylvania Court House, North Anna, Bethesda Church and Cold Harbor. On the last day of his service, May 31, 1864, his regiment repulsed a furious assault and buried more of the enemy within 20 feet of their rifle-pits than there were men in the regiment, and that night, from 10 to 12, --the last two hours of their three years’ service--the men were advanced as skirmishes to find and develop the enemy’s lines, and were under a hot fire to the last moment. A number of brave fellows there received their discharge just before their term expired. The patriotism of the American volunteer grows in luster the more it is studied. He enlisted, not for pay or pension, but from love of country. He fought and conquered where a mercenary force would have run away and abandoned everything to the tender mercies of an atrocious Rebellion. His country saved, he returned to the pursuits of peace with the same fidelity which held the center at Gettysburg. (Tuesday, January 3, 1888, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)
Wellsboro Gazette, January 5, 1950
The marriage of Miss Helen Cleveland, daughter of Mr. &
Mrs. Welch Cleveland, to Carl Kodish, son of Mrs. Catherine Kodish, of
Kingston, took place Dec. 27 [1949] at the Cleveland residence in Mansfield.
The double ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. David J. Griffith, pastor
of the Baptist Church. The home was decorated with ferns, white carnations,
chrysanthemums and lighted candelabra. Given in marriage by her father
the bride wore a ....... ......... dress with royal blue accessories
and a corsage of chrysanthemums. She was attended by Miss Dracilla Newman
of Mansfield who was attired in a steel gray dress with black accessories
and a corsage of pink rosebuds. Raymond Kodish of Williamsport served as
best man for his brother. Following the ceremony a reception was held at
the home of the bride's parents, after which the couple left for a wedding
trip to New York City. They will reside on East Main street, Mansfield.
Mrs. Kodish is a graduate of the Mansfield Senior High School class of
1944, and Strayers Business College, Baltimore, Md. She is now employed
as a secretary at Mansfield State Teachers College. The bridegroom, a graduate
of Kingston High School and an Army veteran, is a student at MSTC.
Mansfield—Miss Mary Mae Inscho, daughter of Mrs. Mary Inscho of Mansfield,
and the late Jesse H. Inscho, became the bride of William Evey of Bellefonte,
Pa., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jared U. Evey, Sunday afternoon, July
2, 1950, in the Canoe Camp Church of Christ. The Rev. William Nottingham
performed the double ring ceremony.
Mrs. Howard Hager of Mansfield, played traditional wedding music and
accompanied the soloist, Carl Hedglin of Franklin, Pa., a student at Mansfield
State Teachers College. The bride was given in marriage by her brother,
William Inscho of Mansfield. She wore an ankle length bouffant gown of
white embossed organza over white taffeta and finger tip veil of white
illusion and carried a cascade bouquet of white starlight roses centered
with an orchid.
Mrs. Ted Besanceney of Mansfield, was her sister’s matron of honor.
Judy Besanceney, niece of the bride, was flower girl. Both wore similar
gowns of white embossed organza over pink and carried pink roses and sweet
peas. Gaylard Evey was best man for his brother. Ushers were Ted Besanceney
and Richard Fraley of Wilkes-Barre. The bride’s mother wore a coral suit
with black picture hat and black accessories and gardenia corsage. Following
the ceremony a reception was held in the church for 100 guests. When the
couple left on a short trip, the bride wore a navy blue faille suit with
white accessories and white orchid corsage.
A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mrs. Ada Garrison
at high noon June 30, when her daughter, Yolande Mary, was united in marriage
to Kenneth Lionel Cornwell. The color scheme of pink and white was delightfully
carried out with beautiful June flowers, and laurel formed a beautiful
arch, under which the ceremony was performed by the Reverend D. J. Griffiths,
pastor of the Baptist Church. Mrs. Bryan Husted, sister of the bride, acted
as matron of honor, and Mr. Husted as best man. The Wedding March from
Lohengrin was played by Miss Betty Anderson, and Virginia Garrison and
Jane Ann Husted nieces of the bride, acted as flower girls. The bride was
charmingly gowned in white taffeta with silver trimming and wore a dainty
wreath of orange blossoms in her hair. She carried a bouquet of lilies
of the valley and white roses. The matron of honor was lovely in a beige
costume and carried pink roses.
After the ceremony a course dinner was served to eighty-six. Those
serving were Pearl Hitchcock, Gertrude Jupenlaz, Laura Newkirk, Louise
Downs, Margaret Bloomster and Margaret Andrews.
Following the dinner Mr. and Mrs. Cornwell left for a motor trip to
Canada, Thousand Islands and other points of interest. The bride’s going
away gown was dark blue canton crepe with black hat. After August 1, they
will be at home in Williamsport.
The guest from out of town were W. H. Garrison and daughter, Alta,
and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Garrison of Jobs Corners; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vorhees
and Miss Julia Vorhees of Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Garrison and
children, and Miss Arlene Hitchcock of Elmira; Mr. and Mrs. Damon Holton
of Johnstown; Mr. and Mrs. Basil Trowbridge of Westfield; Mr. and Mrs.
Dewey and son Charles of Troy. Mrs. Cornwell is a graduate of the Mansfield-Richmond
high school and the State Teachers College and has taught for the past
two years in Troy. Mr. Cornwell is a graduate of the Mansfield-Richmond
high school and State College, and has taught in Williamsport for the past
year. (handwritten on article 1927)
Dr. & Mrs. John H. Doane, 131 South Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre, announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Sylvia Leigh Doane, the Peter A. Milne, son of Mr. & Mrs. James D. Milne of Cheshire, Conn., at a recent dinner at their home. Miss Doane was graduated from Wyoming Seminary and is now a senior at Connecticut College, New London, Conn. Mr. Milne was graduated from Mount Hermon School for Boys and from Brown University. He is serving with the Army at Fort Dix, NJ. - Mansfield Advertiser, 1954
Miss Virginia C. Fleming, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fleming,
was married to Wayne McClure, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McClure, Snedekerville,
in a pretty ceremony Sunday at 2 p.m. at the home of her parents near Mansfield.
The ceremony was performed by Charles N. Ouderkirk, Pastor of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, in the presence of the immediate families. Miss Phyllis
Grant, Mansfield, was maid of honor, and Melvin Kilgore was best man. The
bride is a graduate of the Mansfield Senior High School and State Teachers
College. She has been teaching in the Judson Hill School. Mr. McClure is
a graduate of the Troy High School. (handwritten on article 1938)
Miss Jennie Marie Patterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Patterson,
Checkerville, and George Alfred Bailey, son of Reid Bailey, East Troy,
were married last Thursday, April 7, in Mansfield, by Rev. David Griffith.
They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Dunbar, East Troy. After a
wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Bailey will reside in East Troy. Both bride
and groom attended Troy High School and have the best wishes of many friends
in this section.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tickner of Mansfield, Pa., announce the engagement
of their daughter, Helen, to William Bradford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bayard
Bradford of Troy, Pa. (handwritten on article May 2, 1934)
Mansfield—Miss H. Christine James, daughter of Roy James of Mansfield
and F. Leonard Olson of Mansfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Olson of
729 Broadway, Elmira, were married Wednesday at the home of Mr. Olson’s
aunts, Mrs. Victoria Thiemann and the Misses Eileen and Hilma Higland,
on the Susquehanna Trail. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Clifford
Eichner, pastor of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church of Elmira. The house was
prettily decorated with garden and wild flowers.
Miss Irene Smith of Pittsburgh, a cousin of the bride, was maid of
honor. Frank N. Olson of Elmira was his son’s best man. The bride’s dress
was of white moire with white accessories and she wore a corsage of white
orchids and lilies of the valley. Miss Smith wore aquamarine silk with
matching accessories and a corsage of pink roses.
A buffet luncheon was served following the ceremony, after which Mr.
and Mrs. Olson left for motor trip to New York. For traveling Mrs. Olson
wore a navy and white ensemble.
Guests included: Roy James of Mansfield and Mrs. And Mrs. Frank N.
Olson of Elmira; Mrs. Victoria Thiemann, Miss Mary Christine Thiemann,
Misses Eileen and Hilma Higland, Mrs. Jennie Austin, Mansfield; Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Hildom, Mr. and Mrs. August Berman, Chicago; Dr. and Mrs. L.
N. Smith, Pittsburgh; Mr. and Mrs. Fritz White, Miss Lucille White, Mr.
and Mrs. John Wilcox, Rutland; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wilson, Pine City;
Mr. and Mrs. Emory Austin, Mainesburg; Mrs. Sadie Austin, Miss Clara Austin,
Troy; Archie Higland, Covington; the Rev. and Mrs. Clifford Eichner and
son Philip of Elmira.
Mrs. Olson is a graduate of Mansfield High School and State Teachers
College and is a teacher in the primary grades of the Millerton school.
Mr. Olson is a graduate of Southside High School, Elmira and Susquehanna
University, where he was a member of the Phi Mu Delta fraternity. He is
employed in the First National Bank.
Wellsboro Agitator 23 AUG 1911
Husted – Neal Wedding
Miss Estella Husted, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Husted, of Mansfield,
route 6, was married at twelve o’clock last Thursday, August 24th, to Dr.
Leonard John Neal, of Boston, Massachusetts, at “The Maples,” the home
of the bride’s parents, near Mansfield, by Rev. George Beach, and uncle
of the bride, of Appalachian, N.Y. Only the near relatives of the bride
and groom and a few friends witnessed the ceremony. The color scheme for
the house decorations were yellow and white, the bay window in the living
room in which the ceremony was performed being banked in evergreen, ivy
and ferns. The bride’s gown was of ivory white duchess satin, hand embroidered,
with pearl trimmings. Following the ceremony a four-course dinner was served,
the tables being decorated in yellow and white. The place cards were hand-painted.
The wedding gifts, which were numerous, consisted of silver, cut glass,
china, linen and money. Dr. and Mrs. Neal left on the afternoon northbound
train for a trip to New York city and points in New England. They will
be at home after September 5th at 209 Huntington Avenue, Boston. The bride
is a popular and accomplished young woman. Her husband is a son of H. N.
Neal, and both have a host of friends who wish them all of life’s blessings.
Among the guests were: Fred J. Wood and family, of Westfield; Rev. George
Beach and family, of Appalachian, N.Y.; H. F. Kingsley and family, of Mansfield.
Wellsboro Agitator 19 OCT 1921 Miss Pansy Erway and Roy Cleveland [SRGP 73871] , both of Mansfield, were married October 4, at the Presbyterian parsonage in Painted Post, N.Y., by Rev. John Knox. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Davis, of Mansfield, and a graduate of the Mansfield Normal School, class of 1919. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cleveland and is a graduate of Mansfield-Richmond High School, class of 1918. After the ceremony a five-course dinner was served at Coleman’s restaurant in Corning. After a honeymoon, which they will spend in Wellsboro, Corning, Cortland and Syracuse, N. Y., with relatives, they will reside in Mansfield. Best wishes are extended them by many friends. –Advertiser
Wellsboro Agitator 5 AUG 1965
Miss Bailey & Mr. Farrer United In Marriage at Mansfield Church
Miss Mary Kathryn Bailey and Mr. Gerald Farrer were married in a double
ring, candlelight ceremony at four o’clock in the afternoon of Sunday,
July 18, 1965 in the First Methodist Church, Mansfield, by the pastor,
the Reverend Harry A. Sagar, Jr. Mrs. Harold Terry of Mansfield and the
late Orrin Bailey are the bride’s parents and Mr. and Mrs. John Farrer
of Mann Street, Mansfield are parents of the groom.
Mr. Chester Schanbacher was the soloist accompanied by Mrs. Orville
Dickerson who also played traditional wedding music.
Given in marriage by her step-father, Mr. Harold Terry, before an altar
adorned with baskets of white snapdragons, blue painted daisies, palms
and candelabra, the bride wore a floor length gown of satin brocade. Designed
with Sabrina neckline and long sleeves, the fitted bodice was caught at
the back waistline with a Dior bow and the draped skirt ended in a chapel
train. A crown of seed pearls and brilliants held her elbow-length veil
of French illusion. White rosebuds and purple ageratum formed her cascade
The bride’s cousin, Mrs. Barbara McConnell of Wellsboro was matron
of honor and her three other attendants were Miss Joanne Ennis, Mansfield;
Miss Kitty Jones, Rochester, and Miss Landa Farrer, sister of the groom.
Little Miss Mickey Terry of Dillsburg, Pa., served as flower girl.
All the attendants were attired [article is cut off here]
Ushers were Ivan Tomlinson, Donald Nares and William Leipold, all of
Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the church social rooms.
A graduate of Mansfield High School and Williamsport School of Commerce,
Mrs. Farrer is presently employed at Lincoln-Rochester Bank and Trust Co.,
Her husband, a Mansfield High graduate and of Rochester Business Institute,
is associated with Taylor Instrument Co., Rochester. The couple will reside
in that city after their return from a Canadian tour.
Regina Niles - MHS 1951
Marcile Niles - MHS 1948
Wellsboro Agitator, June 1954
Mansfield Sisters marry Brothers
Nuptial vows were exchanged Saturday, June 12, 1954 at 2:30 o’clock
in the Assembly of God Church, Williamsport, PA, when Miss Regina Niles,
daughter of Mrs. Mattie Niles and the late Russell Niles of Mansfield,
PA RD#3, became the bride of Joseph Faughnan, son of Mrs. & Mrs. John
Faughnan, of Grace Street, Williamsport. The Rev. Theodore B. Terry performed
the double ring ceremony. The bride wore a white nylon dress with white
accessories and white carnations and red rosebud corsage. Miss Reva Niles,
the bride’s sister, was maid of honor, and was attired in a blue nylon
dress like the brides, with white accessories. Her corsage was pink carnations
and pink rosebuds. James H. Hall of Corning, NY, was best man. A wedding
supper was served to a few friends and the immediate family at the bride’s
home. The bride is a 1951 graduate of Mansfield Senior High School. Both
bride and groom are employees of Armour Leather Co. in Williamsport. They
will live at 528 Arch Street, Williamsport.
Miss Marcile Niles, was married Saturday, June 5, 1954 to Hugh Faughnan
in Hope, Arkansas, by J.P. Hawthorn. After a honeymoon through the southwest
they will reside in Williamsport. The bride is a 1948 graduate of Mansfield
Senior High School and was employed before her marriage at Armour Leather
Wellsboro Agitator, January 2, 1935, p.1
Prof. and Mrs. E.A. Retan Observe Golden Wedding
Prof. & Mrs. Edmund A. Retan, of Mansfield, whose 50th wedding
anniversary was December 24 [1934], celebrated the event with a family
gathering on Christmas at their home. Those present were their son, Prof.
George A. Retan, Mrs. Retan and children, Janet and Walter; their daughter,
Mrs. Frank [Lida] Cobb, of Bottineau, North Dakota, and Prof. Retan's brother,
David A. Retan, of Mansfield. Prof. Retan, who is one of the best known
educators in Northern Pennsylvania, began his career as a public school
teacher. He served many years as County Superintendent of Schools of Tioga
County and as principal of the Mansfield High School. At the time of his
retirement in 1926, he was principal of the Training School of the Mansfield
State Teachers College. His son, Prof. George A. Retan, was elected to
this position on his father's retirement.
John Belknap is Married to Miss Helen Doud
A pretty Easter wedding took place Saturday at the home of Mr. &
Mrs. C.W. Doud of Mansfield when their daughter, Miss Helen Doud, became
the bride of John Belmont Belknap of Boston. Dr. A.T. Belknap, uncle of
the bridegroom, performed the ceremony. The house was beautifully
decorated with a profusion of evergreens and pines which lent a suggestion
of the Eastertide. The setting for the ceremony was arranged with large
wrought iron baskets of spring flowers, orchid stock, yellow daffodils
and red tulips. The lighting came from two sets of candelabra which were
arranged by Walter Doud, brother of the bride, directly preceding the ceremony.
A short musical program was given by Miss Leona Rose, pianist, of Mansfield;
Mrs. Burton Handy of Kingston who sand "Oh Promise Me," and "I Love You
Truly," and Miss Maryetta Price of Homestead, Pa., violinist. The
bridal party entered to the strains of Lohengrin's Wedding March. Mrs.
John DeForest Plank, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Her gown was
of pale green chiffon and she carried a bouquet of talisman roses. The
bride, who entered on the arm of her father, was gowned in white satin.
Her train was princess style and she wore a tulle cap and veil caught with
orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of white roses and lily of the valley.
Master Jimmy DeWitt of Troy was train bearer. Howard Doud, brother of the
bride, was best man. Mr. Belknap was graduated from Harvard School
of Civil Engineering with the class of 1928. He is now district sanitary
engineer for the State of New York, Department of Health, at Gouverneur.
Mrs. Belknap has been graduated from Mansfield State Teachers' College,
Mansfield, and was valedictorian of her class. She was formerly supervisor
of music at Kingston, Pa. Out-of-town guests included Mr. & Mrs.
Roscoe Belknap and daughter, Ruth, of Framingham, Mass.; Mr. & Mrs.
Hosmer Kimball of Framingham; John Steinburg of Brooklyn; Mr. & Mrs.
Philip Helson and Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Howland of Gouverneur; Miss Catherine
Cronin and Mrs. Burton Handy of Kingston; Miss Maryetta Price of Homestead,
Pa.; Miss Josephine Webb and John Alexandra of Wellsboro; Mrs. Reid Traverse
of Kingston; Miss Ernestine Wood of Osceola; Mr. & Mrs. Walter DeWitt
of Troy; Mr. & Mrs. Lee Reynolds and daughter, Dorothy, and son, Robert,
of Troy; Mr. & Mrs. William Lee Randall of Troy; Mr. & Mrs. Edwin
Lapp of Buffalo; Mr. & Mrs. Theodore S. Borden of Ulysses, Pa.; A.G.
Stillman, Mrs. Clara Earley and daughter, Esther, Mr. & Mrs. Anson
Smith, Mr. & Mrs.. L.W. Daimpre of Elmira. - Gray scrapbook, no date
on clipping
Wellsboro Gazette, January 5, 1939, p.1
Announce Engagement of Mansfield Girl, Boro Man
The engagement of Miss Janet Alger, daughter of Prof. & Mrs. Hugh
Alger of Mansfield to Rex A. Elder, son of Mr. & Mrs. G.E. Elder of
Wellsboro was announced at a tea given Thursday at the home of Miss Phyllis
Grant in Mansfield. The tea was also a farewell party to Miss Alger, who
left Friday with her parents to spend several weeks in Florida. Miss Alger
is a senior at the Mansfield Teachers College. Mr. Elder is attending the
Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh.
Wellsboro Agitator, February 27, 1946, p.5
Golden Wedding
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Warters, of Mansfield, celebrated their 50th
wedding anniversary at their home. Sixty-five relatives and friends called
during the afternoon and evening. A program given during the afternoon
consisted of a reading by Rev. David J. Griffiths; a group of piano and
vocal solos, recitations and dances by Nyle May Curtis, aged 3, of Elmira,
piano-accordion solos by Mrs. Hazel Butler, of Elmira, who also accompanied
group singing of hymns, and prayer by Rev. Mr. Griffiths. Mr. & Mrs.
Warters received gifts, flowers, and a large number of cards. In the evening
dinner was served to 20 out-of-town relatives and friends. William S. Warters
and Lucy Nittrowr were married Feb. 18, 1896, at the Methodist parsonage
in Mansfield, by Rev. E.J. Rosengrant. They spent nearly all of their married
life on their farm in Richmond, until about two years ago, when they moved
to Mansfield. Mr. & Mrs. Warters have four children, Walter Warters
of Mansfield; Miss Genevieve Warters, who teaches at Mt. Holly, NJ; Mrs.
John Jones of Mansfield RD; and Mrs. Stuart Miller, of Elmira; and seven
Wellsboro Agitator, June 11, 1947
Engagement Announced
Mr. & Mrs. Ross W. Sours announce the engagement of their daughter,
Arlene June, to Raymond Lewis Stickler, son of Mrs. Irene Stickler, of
Laceyville, PA, and Liston Stickler, of Mansfield. Miss Sours was graduated
from the Mansfield Senior High School, class of 1946, and is employed by
the Artistic Card Company. Mr. Stickler attended the Mansfield Senior High
School and is employed in the Wellsboro Division of the Corning Glass Works.
He served 24 months with the First Marine Division in the South Pacific
and participated in the liberation of China. The wedding is planned for
June 21.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. RIEPPEL
Celebrate 25th Wedding Anniversary
The children of Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Rieppel entertained their parents
at a family dinner on Sunday, April 21. The occasion was in anticipation
of the couple's Twenty-fifth Wedding Anniversary on April 23, 1963. Dinner
was planned and prepared by their daughters, Barbara, Charlotte, Carolyn
and daughter-in-law, Eileen. A tiered wedding cake, a daffodil corsage
and a gift of silver were gifts from the couple's five children and four
grandchildren. The children in turn received portraits of their parents.
Those present including the honored couple were: Mr. and Mrs. Bird York
and children, Ann-Marie and Bret Brian; Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Smith; Mr.
and Mrs. John Rieppel and new twin sons, Terry John and Timothy Paul; Mr.
Daniel Rieppel and Miss Carolyn Rieppel.
Rural Mail Carrier John H. Shaw and Miss Leda Knapp, both of Mansfield were married at the home of Fred Knapp in Elmira, NY, on June 12, by Re. D.W. Smith. Wellsboro Agitator, June 23, 1909, p.3
Wellsboro Agitator, July 24, 1901, p.1
Lambs Creek, July 22 - Mr. Charles W. McConnell, of Mansfield , and
Miss Anna Glenwright, of Richmond, were married in Mansfield in the Methodist
parsonage on July 15th by Rev. W.G. Hull. they were attended by Mr. Lee
McConnell and Miss Mary Glenwright, sister of the bride. The couple left
on the morning train for the Pan American. Many friends here extend hearty
Wellsboro Agitator, January 2, 1940
Dyke-Watson [really Hagar]
Announcement is made of the marriage of Mrs. Eloise Watson, daughter
of Mr. & Mrs. Claude Hagar, of Mansfield, and Sanford Dyke, of Mansfield,
Dec. 16 [1939], by Rev. David J. Griffiths. Attendants were Miss Myrtle
Dyke, sister of the bridegroom, and Milton Hagar, brother of the bride.
Wellsboro Agitator, December 6, 1916, p.2
At the home of S.C. Brown, in Mansfield, November 23, Harry Hart, of
Schodac, and Miss Effie Perry, of Rutland, were married, by Rev. G.A. Baldwin,
pastor of the Methodist church, of Mansfield. They were attended by Cary
Hart, of Schodac, and Miss Lepha Lavie, of Mansfield. The guests were:
Mr. & Mrs. S.C. Brown, Mrs. William Vermilyea and daughter, Marion,
Margaret Brace and Mareva Brace, of Mansfield, and Mr. & Mrs. Deo Walker,
of Elmira. Mr. & Mrs. Hart have the best wishes of many friends.
Wellsboro Agitator, December 6, 1916, p.2
Miss Lila E. Strait, of Mansfield and Wellington L. Hulslander, of
Rochester, were married at that city recently. Miss Strait, who is a daughter
of Mr. & Mrs. E.B. Strait, of Mansfield, is a graduate of the Mansfield
State Normal School, class of 1913. Since that time she has taught successfully
at Sunderlinville, Harford and Troy. Mr. Hulslander is a graduate of the
Elmira Business College and held a position with the Elmira Electric Light
& Water Co. for several years. He is now employed in the General Railway
Signal Works at Rochester.
--- Littley-Eighmey Wedding
At the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. J.G. Littley, in
St. James street, in Thursday last, Miss Maude Littley was married to Jerome
Eighmey, of Daggett, PA, the Rev. Mr. Walker, M.E. pastor at Daggett, officiating.
The wedding march was played by Miss Mildred Manley, of Alba. The bride
was attended by her sister, Miss Ardella Littley, and the best man was
Mr. J. Eighmey, a brother of the bridegroom. The only guests were members
of the families of the contracting parties and a few intimate friends of
the bride. Mrs. Eighmey is a graduate of Mansfield Normal, a talented young
woman, and her husband is a prosperous merchant of Daggett, where they
will reside.