The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933 |
Mansfield PA and Richmond Township in Tioga County PA |
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Abraham Lincoln was born Feb. 12th, 1809, ninety-two years ago today.
So we celebrate this day in honor of the greatest man that the nineteenth century gave to America, and I as a member of the great army of which he was Commander-in-Chief, am asked to give something of my own recollections of him.
Lincoln came into prominence in this part of the country during the exciting campaign of 1860. Few that are of my age or older will ever forget the songs and speeches that stirred and enthused the people at that time, and introduced to us the man who was to guide our ship of state through the fiercest storm she had ever known.
Next year the boys were marching by companies and regiments to the defense of the Union.
Co. B 101st Regt., Pennsylvania Vol. Inft. Was Mansfield's Company, having been recruited almost entirely from this place and vicinity.
In February 1862, while our regiment a as part of McClellan's army, was in camp on Meridian Hill, Washington D.C., my brother, another comrade and myself, procured a pass allowing us to visit points of interest in the city. We concluded that we most wanted to see the man whom the people called "Honest Abe", and we went directly to the White House.
I remember that the guard at the gate presented arms, we saluted and passed in. He allowed us to pass and in another moment we were in the great East Room.
It will be safe to say that the home of no other great ruler could be so unceremoniously entered. The terrible lesson since taught by the bullet of the assassin had not then been learned.
We were examining the paintings on the walls when suddenly a door opened and the tall figure of the man we wished to see appeared.
There was no need of introduction. We knew him and he knew us. We wore the livery of Uncle Sam.
A genial smile spread over his face as he came forward saying cordially "How are you boys?" and gave each of us a hearty hand shake. Then glancing at the letters "P.V." on our uniforms he said "You are from Pennsylvania. It is a grand old state." then he passed out leaving us in possession, with a great feeling that we were at home in the White House and that Lincoln was our President.
Next I saw him at the grand review of McClellan's army just before leaving Washington for the Peninsular Campaign.
He stood beside General McClellan and the contrast between "Little Mac" and the tall western rail-splitter reminded one of the remark Mr. Lincoln made to a political antagonist who was a short man - "I can lick salt off the top of your head".
As our regiment passed the reviewing stand at a present arms, Mr. Lincoln acknowledged our salute by waving his hand.
The last time I saw him alive was at Harrison's Landing, Va., 1862.
The Peninsular Campaign had failed and the troops were disheartened.
Lincoln came to extend sympathy and encouragement.
Word came one morning that President Lincoln was on the river. Although our Regiment was two miles from the landing, the booming of cannon told us of the arrival. Immediately the great army was formed in line to receive him. Mounted on a large bay horse he rode the entire length of our line.
Our regiment was on the extreme left and he started on the right. The enthusiasm was great and as he came forward from Brigade to Brigade, each tried to outdo the other in cheering.
I was much impressed with the sad and careworn expression on his face.
So different from the bright and cheerful face we saw in the White House.
All felt his sympathy.
President of the United States, Commander-in-Chief of the Army, and best of all "Father Abraham" to every boy in blue.
In April 1865, six hundred commissioned officers just paroled from rebel prisons, myself among the number, were ordered to proceed from Annapolis to Washington to act as a guard of honor at the funeral of the Martyred President.
We were newly uniformed, wearing white gloves, and each wore a rosette of crepe on the left arm. By special order from the Secretary of War we wore the badge of mourning thirty days. I still have mine.
We marched twelve abreast before the hearse from the White House to the Capitol. In this guard of honor were representatives from Northern, Western, and Eastern states. There were four or five from Tioga County of whom, as far as I know, none are left except myself.
As time goes on the name of Lincoln becomes more and more endeared to the hearts of the American people; but the soldiers of '61 to '65 knew then that they had lost their truest friend.
M. L. Clark
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Melvin Clark | Budd Clark with Melvin Clark's Civil War Tunic |
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ca 1946 I.O.O.F. Mansfield PA
John Baynes who is pictured here as No. 6. says this was a mixed group meeting with some from Covington as well. If you can identify any. please notify Joyce |
1. John Hartsock ?
2. Bob Webster 3. George Penno 4. Lewis Barden 5. Boyd Smith 6. John Baynes 7. Keith Sweeley 8. ?? Manning ?? |
9. Max Colegrove
10.Harold Odell 11.Elwin Kuhl 12. 13. John Shaw 14. 15. 16. 17.. |
19. Wheeler Merrick ? 20. 21. Charles Parode 22. Eben Brace 23. Howard Wilson 24. 25. |
1952 Installation of Officers
I.O.O.F. Mansfield PA Photo from Chester P. Bailey in 2006 |
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The Odd Fellows Celebration
Wellsboro Gazette – April 1886 How the Sixty-Seventh Anniversary of the Order was Observed Here Yesterday. Yesterday was a great day for Wellsboro. For a good part of the day the streets were filled with Odd Fellows gathered from neighboring counties to celebrate the sixty-seventh anniversary of the institution of the Order in this county. Early in the day heavily-laden trains of coaches brought members of Encampments, Cantons and Lodges from places as remote as Lock Haven, Milton, Williamsport, Binghamton, Elmira and Montoursville, to say nothing of the numerous representatives of the Order from all parts of this county. Several of the organizations were accompanied by their local brass bands, and good music was plenty during the parade and exercises. It is hardly necessary to say that the people of Wellsboro extended
a hearty welcome to their visitors. Almost every business place in
the borough and many private residences were decorated with flags and bunting
in honor of the day. Near the foot of Main street three large emblemetic
links suspended over the roadway bore the legend “Welcome.” A double
arch of evergreens trimmed with small flags spanned the street in front
of the Coles House. A handsome triple arch of evergreens decorated
with bunting and flags stood in front of the Wilcox House and contained
the letters F.L.T. and the three links. A large double arch of evergreens
had also been erected at the head of Central avenue. From the windows
of Odd Fellows’ Hall great colored streamers stretched across Main street,
representing the several degrees of the Order. The rains of Saturday
had effectually sprinkled the streets, and the partially clouded sky made
the day an admirable one for a parade.
The procession formed promptly at 2 p.m. on Main street, in charge of Chief Marshal E. C. Deans, of Canton Keystone, No. 5, and the following Aides: Capt. Carl Puzenmayer, of Canton, Wildey, Williamsport; Capt. G.W. Skillhorn of Scranton; Capt. Theodore Springsteen, Jr., of Susquehanna; Capt. August Voorhees, of Elmira, N.Y.; Past Commander W. H. Mosher, of Binghamton, N.Y. Chevaliers John W. B. Stock, Royal H. Russler and Joseph H. Mackey, of Williamsport. The line of march was followed as published last week—through Main street, West Avenue, Central avenue, Grant, Wale and Walnut streets, East avenue, and then up Main street to the public square. The display was a very fine one, and the marching of most of the organizations was fairly well done. The exhibition drills by the Cantons of the Patriarchs Miltant were very fine indeed.
The exercises at Annundale Hall followed immediately. The hall was moderately filled. After the opening song by the choir an appropriate prayer was made by Rev. Percy C. Webber, of Tioga.
This was followed by an Odd Fellows; hymn by the choir and S. F. Chanuell, Esq., In behalf of the Burgess and Council, then welcomed the visiting members of the Association, and expressed the gratification of the authorities that this borough had been selected for so important a meeting. There are too few holidays in this age of toil, and the speaker hoped that this one would be filled with pleasant recollections for the visiting Odd Fellows. This he trusted was the beginning of a pleasant acquaintance between this place and the towns over the mountains.
Mr. N. T. Chandler, as the President of the Pennsylvania Anniversary Association, responded to the words of welcome. He said that the counties represented here were Lycoming, Centre, Clearfield, Union, Northumberland and Tioga. He spoke of the growth and power for good of the great Order which was organized in Baltimore in April, 1819, by only five men. The Association was organized to promote a fraternal feeling among the members. He then read a few figures showing that there were 918 Lodges in this State with over 80,000 members. The total amount expended for relief among Odd Fellows was over $800,000 last year.
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First Added to the Site on 22 FEB 2003
By Joyce M. Tice Email: You are the visitor since the counter was installed on 22 FEB 2003 |
The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933 |