Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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Directory - 1900

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012 024 036 062 070 080 100 122 142 162 182
202 222 242 262 282 302 322 342 362 382 402
422 442 462 482 502 522 542 570 581 592 601
612 616 618 620 624 626 628 632 640 652 660
666 672 681 691 694
You can see this and other Elmira Directories at Steele Memorial Library in Elmira. Thanks to Steele Memorial Library in Elmira for letting us scan these pages.


Containing a General Directory of the Citizens of Elmira and Elmira Heights, a Classified Business Directory, a House Directory of Elmira, and a new City Map. City, County, State, and United States Governments, Schools, Societies, Etc.


FOR SALE BY HOSMER H. BILLINGS. 112 Baldwin Street, Elmira, N.Y.

PRICE - - - $3.50.

(Entered according to Act of Congress in the office of the Libraries of Congress at Washington, D.C., in the year 1900, by George Hanford.)

Elmira, N.Y.

This Reprint Edition Published on the Internet April 2006 by Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice

Flynn, Andrew, 1130 Lackawanna ave Coal (wholesale)
Frace, C R, 204 E Water Hyde, Frank H, 605 Railroad ave
Hendy, Jud, 143 E Water Jewett, W Andrew, sales agent Penna
Huntington, Nathaniel, 205 W Water Coal Co, 125 E Chemung pl
Kearns, Emma Mrs, 327 Railroad ave Wixon, F M & Co, 315 Realty bldg
Murphy, Thomas J, Hotel Langwell
Parsons, Floyd G, 661 ½ Lake Coal & Sand Screens
Scheirer, J W, 118 Baldwin Bantley, Constantine, E Fifth cor
Sellner, Augustus, 400 ½ Sullivan Madison ave
Shannon, T O, 159 Railroad ave Coal & Wood
Swartz, Harry M, 305 Diven ave Baldwin, J Scott, 101 E Market
Swartz, William E, 404 Division Barry & Berry, 353 Davis
Titus, Charles, 220 S Main Bedford, Benjamin F, 728 Baldwin
Cigar Box Manufacturers Billings, Edward B, 115 E Gray
Howell, F M & Co, 79-87 Penna ave Browne, George H, 100 W Fourth
Civil Engineers Chemung Coal Co, 299 E Washington ave
Bovier, Asa P, 308 Spaulding
Hall, Sylvester W, 580 Maple ave COLLSON & SPENCER, 407 State
LEACH, FREDERICK, 408 Robinson (See adv center lines)
Bldg (See adv center lines) Dann, Amos B, 550 E Water
RAWLINS, J E, 414 Realty bldg. (See DOANE & JONES LUMBER CO
adv center lines) Eldridge Park & Partridge cor Har-
Clairvoyants mon (See adv back cover)
ALLEN, J E MRS, 127 W Water, (See Dounce, Fred N, 202 E Second
adv page 85) FRISBIE BROS, 103 La France (See
Stroman, M E Mrs, Nicks cor Exchange pl adv front cover)
FRISBIE, G W & H E, 1334 College
Cloaks & Suits ave cor Reformatory (See adv page 238)
(See also dry goods)
Rosenbaum, L & Sons, 201 E Water Frisbie, Ralph M, E Clinton cor State
Sheehan Dean & Co, 140 W Water Garahy, Bartholomew, 513 Park pl
Sullivan, E L & M, 300 E Water Hathaway, Jerome W, 101 W LaFrance
Clothiers Johnson, L Hamilton, 411 Dewitt ave
Brophy & McMahon, 101-103 E Water LYON, EDWARD E, 109 E Second
Carroll, J W & Sons, 111-115 Railroad ave (See adv back cover)
Mather, Cornelius B, 117 E Church
CROWELL, EDGAR G, 133 E Water Mooers, Charles W, E Second cor Baldwin
(See adv top lines) and 354 Penna ave
Epstein, Israel C, 1132 Lackawanna ave Mooney, Patrick H, 514 Baldwin and
153 W Third
Epstein, Jacob, 402 E Water Murphy Coal Yard, C W Murphy mgr,
Frankenstein, A, 130 E Water 104 Partridge
Goldstein, H, 332 E Water Olmstead, I A, 849 Railroad ave
Hallock, W B & Bro, 111-113 E Water Petrie, C A & Co, 191 E Washington ave
Holzheimer, S Joseph, 141 E Water
Lewis, H & Bro, 208 E Water Pratt, Manley D, 504 Erie
Markson, Ben, 147 W Water The H C Spaulding Co, 157 E Fifth
Reid & Winner, 104 W Water Williams, Emory E, 464 W Sixth cor
Rothschild, A, 320 E Water Lincoln
Strauss, Herman, 205 E Water YENGER, BERTRAM, E Church n
Werdenberg, Andrew F, 200 W Water D L & W R R (See adv bottom lines)
Wynne Bros, 865 Lake
Clothing Manufacturers & Jobbers Coke Dealers
CROWELL, EDGAR G, 133 E Water Levinson, Charles I, 510 E Fifth
(See adv top lines) Cold Storage
Coal Miners & Shippers Hygeia Refrigerating Co, 100-104 Ferris
Langdon, J & Co, 110 Baldwin
Commercial Agencies Lewis, David W, 600 Maple ave
Bradstreet Co, The, H M Sheive supt, NEILY, GEORGE W, 116 Partridge
406-407 Robinson bldg (See adv page 5)
Dun, R G & Co, 204-206 E Water Pulford, Charles A, Erie cor Falck
Mutual Mercantile Agency, O C Buck Swan & Murray, 613 Baldwin
mgr, 510 Robinson bldg THURSTON & HASKELL, 208 Col-
Commission Merchants lege ave (See adv page 524)
Anhalt, Abraham, 119 W Water WILLIAMSOM, JOHN C, 51-55 Sly
Ayers, Decker E, 201 W Water (See adv front cover)
Cleveland & Post, 316-318 Carroll Conveyancers
Dixon, John G, 127 W Water GALATIAN, A B, 120 Lake (See
Ferguson, W H & Son, 131-133 W Water adv page 8)
Hathorn, John, 102 W Fourth Willison, Potter & Smith, 138 E Water
Jennings, F L, 110 State Coopers
Keeton, F A, 123 Baldwin Dann, Amos B, 550 E Water
Confectioners Smith, Solomon P, 312 W Third
Abrahamson J, 102 Main Costumer
Amberg, William, 603 Lake LOCKWOOD, MATT, 23 Opera House
Ballard, Margaret A Mrs, 113 ½ West blk (See adv page 343)
Side ave
Cummings, G N, 171 Lake and 327 E Water Creameries
Atwater, W G & Sons, 1199 Grand
Cummings, J, 129 E Water Central ave
Freeman, J B, 336 E Water Cowan, G M, 202 Baldwin
Laskaris, P, 131 E Water Elston, Marenus S, 242 W Water
Lewis, California, 155 Lake Nichols, Enos G, 516 Main
Musante, Lazarus, 433 Railroad ave Ronan, Michael H, 158 W Third
Painton, George, 134 E Water Updike, Clark, 495 Mt Zoar
Space, Thomas, 207 E Water Wilmot, James A, 73 Penna ave
Stephens, B W & Son, 903 Lake Crockery, China and Glassware
Thompson, Howard S, 114 S Main Elmira China Co, 120 W Water
Towner, George S, Hoffman cor W Church ELMIRA CROCKERY STORE, 200
E Water (See adv page 209)
Tress, Tony, 669 Lake Shaljian, S V, 310 E Water
Confectionery Manufacturers Cutlery Manufacturers
Booth, W I, 314 Carroll Carrier Cutlery Co, 206 Steele Mem bldg
Smith D & Son, 327 Carroll
Contractors Dentists
(See also Carpenters and Builders) Beck, Uriah G, 407 E Church
ALLINGTON, J & SON, Railroad ave Comfort, O B, Realty bldg
cor W Seventh (See adv back cover) Croul, F C, 122 E Water
Allington W Cass, Winsor ave cor Grove Darby, Frank B, 316 E Church
Elliott, Walter V, 148 W Water
Clark, J Henry (lumber and ties) 308 FIRMAN & MOORE, 300 E Water
E Water (See adv bottom lines)
Costello, James, (sewer) 266 W Henry Fitch, H E, 145 W Water
Costello & Neagle, (general) Baldwin Ford, Vernon P, 511 Lake
cor E Second Goddard & Chapman, 310 E Water
CUNNINGHAM, JOHN, 101-103 Ker, Richard, Metzger bldg cor W Third
South ave (See adv back cover)
Dempsey, John, 77 Liberty Lord, E Norris, 117 Main
Fausnaught, John H (tar walks) 523 Harper Mitchell, Harry B, 312 E Water
Richards, G A, 100 W Water
Gerity, Thomas, 511 Baldwin Smith, F W, 328 E Water
KEENAN, JAMES T, 375 W Clinton Terry, Ezra C, 109 W Water
(See adv page 314) Wilbur, R A, 313 E Water
Depots Cannan, Mary, 265 W Henry
D L & W R R Passenger, Hathaway Carner, Ella Mrs, 624 Penna ave
n Dickinson; freight, State bet E Carr, Ella, 726 Hatch
Clinton and Fourth Carroll, Mary V, 259 W Hudson
Erie R R Passenger, Railroad ave cor Chubbuck, Antoinette Mrs, 307 W Second
W Third; Freight, 112 E Fifth
Lehigh Valley Passenger and Freight, Cloak, Mary F, 450 Magee
E Fifth cor Baldwin Cornish, Abbie, 412 S Broadway
Northern Central Passenger, Railroad Cowan, Sarah C Mrs, 373 W Clinton
ave cor W Third; Freight, Hatch n E Fifth Cowles, Olive, 447 South ave
Coyle, Bridget M Mrs, 507 Union pl
Tioga R R Passenger, Railroad ave Crandall, M R Mrs, 118 Main
cor W Third; Freight, 112 E Fifth Cunningham, Rose, 718 S Main
Delivery Companies Davis, Mary, 524 W First
MERCHANTS PARCEL DELIV- Decker, Mary S, 468 W Second
ERY CO, 154 Exchange pl (See Dense, Carrie, 260 W Chemung pl
adv back cover) DERBY, ELMER H MRS, 1 Metzger
Designers bldg, Main (See adv page 190)
Frazier, Edwin, 448 E Water Dickinson, Elma H, 358 E Fifth
Dining Rooms Dillmore, Ella A, 203 Baldwin
(See Restaurants) Donald, Mary E Mrs, 222 Sullivan
Ellis, Carrie H, 214 Vine
Directory Publisher Ellsworth, Josephine Mrs, 200 College ave
Hanford, George, 412 Realty bldg
(See adv page 80) Ennis, Belle Mrs, 6 Metzger bldg, Main
Draymen Etz, Jennie B Mrs, 309 W Clinton
BOWER, FRANK L, 108 Lormore Frankenstein, Augusta, 714 John
(See adv page 116) Frisbie, C C Mrs, 361 W First
Congdon, Burdette, 757 E Market Gamper, Madeline, 156 ½ Sullivan
Cotton, G H & Brother, 305 Carroll Gerard, Anna, 851 E Church
Crittenden, Richard G, 707 E Fifth Gibbs, Edith M, 202 Penna ave
Davis, Arlow A, 227 W Miller Gordon, F M W, Mrs, 518 Penna ave
Dense, Albert, 209 Mt Zoar Grady, A Frances, 604 Beach
Lanstein, Jacob C, 518 W First Graner, Louise, 815 E Market
Meeker, W H, 214 E Water Hart, Mary, 268 W Chemung pl
Murphy, Charles A, 315 Sullivan Haskins, Elizabeth Mrs, 380 W Gray
Rhoades, C G & F U, 923 and 929 E  Haynes, Addie E, 366 W Third
Church Heine, Anna E, 813 John
Dress Cutting School Herrick, Sophia, 239 Mt Zoar
Stryker, G S Mrs, 101 E Water Mills, Hattie Mrs, 1305 College ave
Johnston, Ada, 214 Madison ave
Dressmakers Johnston, Vira, 336 E Water
Arnot, Susan, 708 E Market Kent, Hattie A, 105 W Water
Badger, H Ida, 516 Euclid ave Kingsley, Carrie M, 108 E Chemung pl
Bannon, Laura J, 512 College ave Knapp, Mary Mrs, 208 W Water
Baker, Alice, 167 Baldwin Leary, Margaret, 505 College ave
Barron, May, 312 S Main Levy, B G Mrs, 106 Main
Barry, Kate S, 817 E Church Levy, Susie, 124 Harriet
Beckwith, Ella Mrs, 217 ½ Lormore Lovell, Lillian, 114 S Main
Bennett, Lillian B, 311 W First Maroney, Ella, 358 Davis
Bogardus, Alice,415 Main McCann, Margaret, 853 East ave
Bowman, Rosa A Mrs, 357 W Gray McCormick, Mary A, 416 Madison ave
Britton, Kittie, 416 Carroll McGraw, Helen, 363 ½ W Second
Brown, Lena, 418 Mathews Merithew, Mary, 218 Baldwin
Browne, M J Mrs, 303 W Clinton Minar, Mattie E, 1462 Caton ave
Bunto, Alberto, 604 E Water Moore, Mary E Mrs, 515 College ave
Burr, Sarah E, 506 Columbia Morris, M Jane Mrs, 309 ½ W Clinton
Burt, Anna H, 250 W Hudson Newcomb, Margaret, 413 Penna ave
O’Brien, Catherine, 217 W Third Mayo E L & Co, 200 Penna ave
Osborne, Addie Mrs, 331 Norton Meyer, Joseph Jr, 400 E Water
Overacker, Johanna H Mrs, 512 W Second Palmer, Stephen E, 116 S Main
Pettit, C P, 116 Main
Pearsall, Ella B Mrs, 215 Baldwin Spillan, James R, 559 ½ E Church
Page, Louise, 1027 Oak Van Nort, J F, 144 W Water
Rathbun, M Antoinette, 397 W Water West, A A, 867 Lake
Reagan, Fanny, 209 ½ W Water West, Frederick A, 1134 Lake
Reeily, Ella E Mrs, 438 ½ W Clinton Druggists’ Specialties
Reynolds, E J, Main cor W Market Brown Salicyline Co, 519 Railroad ave
Rice, Anna B Mrs, 358 Hoffman Holmes, Clay W, r 410 W Gray
Roat, Ruth, 904 Lake HUFF, J W, 816 W Gray (See adv top lines)
Ronan, Kate M, 117 E Water
Root, Mary L, 210 Mt Zoar Rice, Darby Co, 101 E Church
Rutan, Jennie M, 334 S Broadway Dry Goods
Sadler, Elizabeth A, 121 Brand
Sanford, Ida M Mrs, 259 W Clinton Clark, Allen E, 502 Main
Schornstheimer, Blanche Mrs, 501 Walnut Cole, Webster J, 600 Penna ave
Crandal & Brooks, 305 E Water
Sheehan, B E, 122 E Water Flanagan, J J Mrs, 112 W Water
Sheive, Lovina, 366 Penna ave Innes Danks & Co, 124 W Water
Smith, Alice Lavee, 224 W Water Joseph A & E, 411-413 Railroad ave
Steinhauser, Sophie, 372 W Water Leask & Brown, 115 E Water
Stiles, Maria L Mrs, 806 E Church Patterson, Henry S, 300 & 302 S Main
Sullivan, Margaret, 403 Partridge Reynolds Brothers, 301-303 E Water
Swift, George W Mrs, 171 Baldwin Sheehan, Dean & Co, 140-142 W Water
Sykes, O V Mrs, 212 Dewitt ave Tobias, Sol, 563 John
Taylor, Ella J, 509 Columbia VanOrsdall & Co, 1201 Grand Central ave
Ten Broeck, Mary L Mrs, 520 Lake
Towner, F Henrietta Mrs, 355 Hoffman
Van Gorder, Mabel, 221 S Main Dry Goods, Wholesale
Van Kuren, Mollie, 332 E Water Freudenheim L & Bro, 124 Lake
Watkins, Hattie, 361 Norton Friedman, Louis, 800 John
Watkins, Lillian B Mrs, 623 Penna ave Holmes, L T, 308 Carroll
York, M Belle, 604 W Gray Thompson N J & Co, 178-182 State
Zepp, Anna S, 528 W Second Dye Stuff Manufacturers
Dress Manufacturers Thomas N Spencer Co, 368 W Clinton
(Childrens’s) Dyers and Cleaners
Bridgman, Louise M, 215 W Water ABRAHAMSON, NATHAN, 434-436
E Water (See adv bottom lines)
Druggists LEWIS, MARY J MRS, 428 E Water
Brighton, James F, 224 W Water (See adv page 339)
Calkins, C H & Co, 333 E Water MODEL CLEANING, PRESSING &
Cole & Mathews, 135 E Water REPAIRING CO, 202 E Water
Colvin, W P, 218 E Water (See adv page 288)
Eldred, Harriet C, 210 S Main Welton, E E, 319 Carroll
Elliott, Henry W, 432 Penna ave
Gerity Bros, 126 Lake Egg Dealers
Hamilton, Adelbert S, 155 W Third (See also commission merchants)
Holden, Horace W, 706 S Broadway Corbin & Wisimer, 188-104 Ferris
Hooker & Dorr, 500 Main Electric Wiring
Horton, C E, 151 Lake Georgia & Bishop, 104 Exchange pl
Ingraham, C S, 105 E Water Electrical Engineers
Jackson, J H, 328 E Water
Johnson, Joseph S, 365 Davis Blake, S N, 501-503 Realty bldg
Kelly, John P, 438 Penna ave Wolverton, Byron C, 160 Exchange pl
Kohler, C F, 117 W Water Electric Light Companies
Lutz, Peter S, 531 Lake Elmira Illuminating Co, Realty bldg
Electric Light and Power Machinery Roberts, Henry S, 125 Harriet
Eddy Electric Mfg Co, S N Blake agt, Rockwell, John B, 1021 Oak
501-503 Realty bldg Wall, Michael W, 338 W Seventh
Electrical Supplies Weaver, Francis M, 550 ½ Spaulding
N Y & Pa Telephone & Telegraph
Co, 160 Exchange pl Extracts and Perfumes
Electricians Comstock, John A, 409 W Fifth
Blake, Louis L, 501 Realty bldg HUFF, J W, 816 W Gray (See adv top lines)
Elmira Electric Works, 216 Railroad ave Hunt & Kelley, 400 Baldwin cor E Second
Guion, R L, 604 Robinson bldg Rice, Charles, 147 W Water
Electrical and Massage Specialist SMITH, E B MRS, 147 W Water (See
BISHOP, LAUREN E, 114 Baldwin adv page 490
(See adv page 113) TURNER, EDWIN B, 636 W Water
Employment Agencies (See adv page 530)
Voorhees, A, 114 Main Fancy Goods and Furnishings
Engine and Boiler Manufacturers (See also Dry Goods and Millinery)
Campbell & Richards, 213-217 Rail- Cook, A M Mrs, 114 Main
road ave Doolittle, Frank E, 132 W Water
La France Fire Engine Co, 100 E La Drew, E D, 128 W Water
France Hefferman, Delia, 1118 Lake
Payne & Co, S Main n limits Kingsbury & Squires, 410 Main
Rees, F H, 335 E Water Feather Renovator
Slauson Bros, 122 E Water Lariew, John R, 1026 Lake
Telegram Printing Co, E Market cor Fertilizers
Exchange pl FRISBIE BROS, 403 E La France
Express Companies (See adv front cover)
Adams Express Co, 115 Baldwin and Tobacco Fertilizer Co, 7 Advertiser
603 Railroad ave bldg E Market
Southern Express Co, 115 Baldwin Fire Brick Manufacturers and Dealers
United States Express Co, 152 Bald- ELMIRA SEWER PIPE AND FIRE
win and D L & W Depot BRICK CO, Railroad ave cor E
Wells-Fargo & Co’s Express, 121 Bald- First (See adv front cover)
win and Erie Depot Elmira Fire Brick and Stone Ware
Expressmen Works, 900 E Church
Allington, Calvin, 625 W Church Queen City Sewer Pipe Co, Baldwin
Bennett, Philip H, 12 Pine cor E Second
Brook, William W, 315 West ave Fire Engine Manufacturers
Gill, John 207 Washington The La France Fire Engine Co, 100 E
Hagadorn, David B, 510 Columbia La France cor Erie
Harris, William H, 603 Taylor Fire Escape Manufacturers
Hooper, Charles W, 403 Madison ave Van Scoy, Cornelius, 421 ½ Railroad ave
Jenkins, Jonathan, 619 W Church Fire Place Manufacturers
Lee, W Aber, 571 Coburn Hayes, Henry O, 720 W Gray
Lewis, Kelsey B, 417 Balsam Fish and Oysters
Livens, Daniel H, 364 S Main
Lyon, Fred C, 206 W Water (See also Meat Markets)
Maloney, John, 323 E Water Friend, Metzger & Co, 164 Lake
Manning, William D, 1006 East ave McCRONE BROS, 407 Railroad ave
Mason, Furman, 414 Fulton (See adv page 369
McGrath, Patrick, 605 John Metzger, S X & Son Co, 419-423 Main
MERCHANTS PARCEL DELIVERY Sterling, Charles H, 324 W Fifth
Co, 154 Exchange pl (See adv Flexible Wood Carpets
back cover DOANE & JONES Lumber Co, Par-
Norman, Charles, 456 Sullivan tridge cor Harmon (See adv back cover)
Peterson, George A, 514 W First
Fishing Tackle Hughes & Sullivan, 418 Carroll
(See Sporting Goods) The Michigan Furniture Co, 101 Rob-
Florists inson bldg
Compton, Carmy Mrs, 1157 Hoffman Furnished Rooms
Hoffman, E M & H N, 116 Baldwin Daniels, A J Mrs, 118 W Market
and W Clinton cor Hoffman Dickinson, Esther M, 110 W Market
La France, Frederick L, 310 E Miller Flannery, M J Mrs, 110 W Gray
Lewis, T Eugene, 509 W Third Gardner, E B Mrs, 416 E Church
Orvis, Emerson, 602 Perine Geer, Sarah Mrs, 220 W Water
Rawson, Grove P, 107-109 W Market Sanford, Grant E Mrs, 223 Baldwin
Wells, H D Mrs, 382 W Water SHOOK, ANNA E, 105 Main (See
Flour, Feed &c. adv page 483)
Bailey, J L, 208 Baldwin Thorpe, Lottie C Mrs, 415 E Market
Bevier, Dennis, 433 Carroll Webb, G F Mrs, 1 and 2 Main St bridge
Chapman, Andrew F, 355 E Washing- Whittam, Mary E, 105 College ave
ton ave Young, Sarah, 324 W Gray
Hammond, Fred B, 664 Lake Furnaces, Ranges, &c
Johnson, James R, 361 E Washing- (See also Hardware)
ton ave Barker, Rose & Clinton Co 109-113 Lake
Keyes, Erwan L, 125 S Main
Knapp, Floyd, 442 E Water GRIDLEY, G A & SON, 118 and 119
Livens, John, 364 S Main E Water (See adv page 4)
McNaney, John H, 740 Harper GRISWOLD, MALONEY & CO, 323
Moore, James, 155 Fox E Water (See adv page 261)
Rohver, Henry F, Main cor Park pl HURTH, ARMAND, 120 Main (See
Sutphen & Cunningham, 210 W Water adv page 299)
Varian, Josiah B, 632 Lewis DIVEN & COPLEY, 307 E Water
Flour and Feed Mills (See adv front cover)
Howe, Harvey C, Penna ave n Bulk- Northcott Warming & Ventilating Co,
head 211 Railroad ave
Shoemaker, W A & Co, 101 W Tuttle ave Plowman Hardware Store, 206 S Main
Flouring Mills YOUNG, CHARLES W, 116 Lake
Chase-Hibbard Milling Co, 301-307 W (See adv center lines and page 568)
Water Furniture Dealers
Elmira Steam Mills, 625 Railroad ave Amdur, Max, 417 Carroll
Foundries and Machine Shops Fitzgerald, T B, 114-116 W Water
Elmira Brass and Iron Works, I B Gately & Gray, 244 W Water
Coleman propr, 210-214 Railroad ave Graner, C H & Son, 1 Advertiser bldg
Moffett, James M, 312 State E Market
Freight Lines Holly, Robert, 335 E Water
(See Depots) HUBBELL, S B, 129-131 E Water
Fruits, Confectionery, &c (See adv front cover)
(See also Confectioners and Grocers) Palmer, Stephen E & Son, 137 W Water
Cleveland & Post, 316 Carroll Prentice, Malcolm U, 205 W Water
Cummings, George N, 171 Lake and Prentice, W A, 227 W Water
327 E Water Purtell, John R, 216 W Water
Cummings, John, 129 E Water Simpson & Grenier, 107-109 Main
Keeton, Frank A, 123 Baldwin The Michigan Furniture Co of Grand
Laskaris, Peter, 131 E Water Rapids, 101 Robinson bldg
Lewis, California F, 155 Lake Furniture Repairers
Funeral Directors Evens, Jacob L, 244 W Water
Connelly, Jeremiah J, 203 W Water REUL, CHARLES L, r 621 W Gray
HARRINGTON, W C, 421 Carroll (See adv page 446)
(See adv page 272) Furs, Cloaks, &c
HUBBELL, S B, 129 and 131 E Water Beach, W A, 309 E Water
cor State (See adv front cover) Callahan, John, 106 W Water