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Containing a General Directory of the Citizens of Elmira and Elmira Heights, a Classified Business Directory, a House Directory of Elmira, and a new City Map. City, County, State, and United States Governments, Schools, Societies, Etc.
FOR SALE BY HOSMER H. BILLINGS. 112 Baldwin Street, Elmira, N.Y.
PRICE - - - $3.50.
(Entered according to Act of Congress in the office of the Libraries of Congress at Washington, D.C., in the year 1900, by George Hanford.)
Elmira, N.Y.
This Reprint Edition Published on the Internet April 2006 by Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Reagan, Mary, domestic, 364 W Gray
Reagan, Mary, domestic, 304 E Church
Reagan, Mary A, widow Jeremiah, h 723 1/2 S Main
Reagan, Nora, domestic, 612 W Water
Reagan, Patrick, laborer, bds 156 W Third
Reagan, Timothy, bds 473 South ave
Reagan see Ragan and Regan
Reardon, Agnes M, musician, bds 106 E Henry
Reardon, Anna, seamstress, bds 106 E Henry
Reardon, Anna, domestic, 405 Columbia
Reardon, Anna, domestic, 414 Main
REARDON, D H, physician and
surgeon, 53 S Main, h do, office hours until 9 am, 1 to 3 pm, evenings
after 7
Reardon, Daniel, bds 708 Spaulding
Reardon, Hannah, bds 106 E Henry
Reardon, James J, grocer, 381 W Second, h 375 do
Reardon, Jennie, teacher school No 7, bds 465 W Third
Reardon, Thomas, engineer, h 106 E Henry
Reber, George W, stone cutter, h 427 Partridge
Reckerk, Charles, cigarmaker, 654 N Main, h 331 Broadway
Recker, Charles, cigarmaker, 654 N Main, h 331 Broadway
RECORDER'S OFFICE, Michael Danaher recorder, City Hall
Redding, Annie E, emp silk mill, bds 1327 College ave
Reddy, Sophronia G, h 507 Columbia
Redeman, Hattie C, emp knitting mill, bds 510 E Church
Redfield, Cynthia Mrs, bds Carr n limits
Redfield, Stella M, h 668 Park pl
Redfield, William, farmer, Carr's Corners n limits
Redner, Catharine Mrs, emp Gleason Sanitarium
REDNER, FRANK, prop Eagle Hotel, 315 Railroad ave
REDNER, HENRY B, mgr Eagle Hotel, 315 Railroad ave, bds do
Reed, Burt, emp steel mill, bds 105 Chestnut
Reed, Burton W, student, h 112 Hoffman
Reed, Charles, laborer, h 120 Washington
Reed, Charlotte, housekeeper, 628 Penna ave
Reed, Christopher, clerk, h 120 Washington
Reed, Eldridge G, agt Met Life Ins Co, h 110 W Second
Reed, Ella R Mrs, dressmaker, 452 Oak
Reed, Fanny Mrs, h 105 Chestnut
Reed, Fred W, emp Doane & Jones, h 452 Oak
Reed, James, cook, rooms 400 E Water
Reed, James, porter Hotel Langwell, bds do
Reed, Julia Mrs, h 759 1/2 Carpenter
Reed, Samuel H, carpenter, h 373 Penna ave
Reed, Smith W, barber, 478 S Broadway, bds 373 Penna ave
Reed, William F, buffer, bds 452 Oak
Reed, Winnie, bds 823 E Second
Reed see Read see Reid
Reedy, George E, barber, 437 Railroad ave, h 963 Walnut
Reedy, Mary, widow James, h 412 Elm
Reedy, Nora, domestic, bds 412 Elm
Reedy, Patrick F, butcher, h 605 E Church
Reedy, Terrence, porter Frazier House, bds do
Reedy see Ready see Reidy
Reeily, Ella C, widow Frank, dressmaker, h 438 1/2 W Clinton
Reeily see Reilly see Riley
Rees, Bird LeGrand, engineering draughtsman City Engineer's office, bds 517 Euclid ave
REES, FRED H, watchmaker & propr Elmira School of Engraving, 335 E Water, h 612 W Church
Rees, Jennie R, widow David H, bds 620 Oak
Rees, Mary E, bds 517 Euclid ave
Rees, Milton S, Rev evangelist, bds 517 Euclid ave
Rees, Thomas D, carpenter & builder, 517 Euclid ave, h do
Rees, William H, tinsmith, h 227 Franklin
Reese, Clinton M, switchman N C R R, h 712 Holdridge
Reese, Mary A, clerk N Y & Pa Tel & Tel Co, bds 607 Euclid ave
Reese, Sarah V, bds 607 Euclid ave
Reeser, Francis A, agt Met Life Ins Co, h 669 Columbia
Reeves, Julian C, emp bridge works, bds 503 W Church
Reeves, Samuel J, supt bridge works, Elmira Heights, h 503 W Church
Regan, Anna B, milliner, bds 914 Walnut
Regan, Ellen, widow Patrick, h 473 South ave
Regan, Jeremiah J, printer, bds 914 Walnut
Regan, Josephine F, bds 110 W Gray
Regan, Mame C, bds 914 Walnut
Regan, Nellie A, bookkeeper, 419 Main, bds 914 Walnut
Regan, Timothy, contractor & builder, h 914 Walnut
Rehwinkle, Edward, tanner, h 5 Hanover
Rehwinkle, William, blacksmith, h 317 Tuttle ave
Reichardt, Gustav, stone cutter, h 711 Harper
Reid, Clara G, bds 243 Lake
Reid, James B, janitor, 150 Lake, h 801 Magee
REID, JAMES D S, (Reid & Winner), 104 W Water, h 116 W First
Reid, James R, h 243 Lake
Reid, Margaret, widow Andrew F, bds r 217 Franklin
Reid, Nettie, domestic, 207 Walnut
Reid, Mortimer M, laborer, h 404 Walnut
Reid, William D, taxidermist, 212 Baldwin, h do
Reid, William H, com trav, 182 State, h 377 W Water
REID & WINNER, (J D S Reid & Seth Winner), Clothiers & Furnishers, 104 W Water
Reid see Read see Reed
Reidsena, Samuel Jr, clerk, 101 Robinson bldg, h 761 1/2 E Church
Reidy, Agnes, domestic, 356 W Sixth
Reidy, Agnes, widow Timothy, h 700 1/2 Oak
Reidy, Anna K, bds 209 Thurston
Reidy, Anna L, emp silk mill, bds 700 1/2 Oak
Reidy, Anna L, clerk, 140 W Water, bds 463 Franklin
Reidy, Bridget, widow John, boarding house, 207 South ave
Reidy, Bridget E, maid, 357 Main
Reidy, Catharine, emp knitting mill, bds 751 Harper
Reidy, Catharine, cook, 269 Baldwin
Reidy, Cornelius, clerk, 117 E Water, bds 700 1/2 Oak
Reidy, Ellen, widow Michael, h 702 Linden pl
Reidy, Harry, brakeman D L & W R R, bds 702 Linden pl
Reidy, James, clerk, bds 151 Baldwin
Reidy, James, clerk, 504 Main, bds 708 Elm
Reidy, James, emp N C shops, h 776 S Main
Reidy, James, emp N Y S Reformatory, h 500 E Water
Reidy, James E, deliveryman, bds 708 Elm
Reidy, Jennie, emp silk mill, bds 751 Harper
Reidy, John, brakeman D L & W R R, bds 751 Harper
Reidy, John, brakeman D L & W R R, bds 1018 Hall
Reidy, John, tel messenger, 150 Baldwin, bds 962 N Main
Reidy, John Jr, fireman D L & W R R, h 337 Diven ave
Reidy, John J, clerk Erie freight office, bds 706 Magee
Reidy, John J, emp N C Ry shops, bds 110 W Miller
Reidy, John J, laborer, h 10 Burdick
Reidy, Joseph, engineer L V R R, bds 59 Liberty
Reidy, Josephine, stenographer Bundy Lamp Co, bds 706 Magee
Reidy, Kate, emp knitting mill, bds 702 Linden pl
Reidy, Margaret M, dressmaker, bds 702 Linden pl
Reidy, Margaret, bds 59 Liberty
Reidy, Margaret, bds 209 Thurston
Reidy, Margaret, domestic, 258 Baldwin
Reidy, Mary, widow Michael, bds 916 N Main
Reidy, Mary E, dressmaker, 201 E Water, bds 706 Magee
Reidy, Mary M, domestic, 415 W Church
Reidy, Michael, emp D L & W R R, h 209 Roe ave
Reidy, Michael, laborer, h 708 Elm
Reidy, Michael, blacksmith N C Ry shops, h 83 Keefe
Reidy, Michael H, farmer, h 59 Liberty
Reidy, Nellie F, clerk, 112 W Water, bds 120 W Miller
Reidy, Nellie, domestic, 514 Lake
Reidy, Nora, caterer, bds 412 Elm
Reidy, Patrick, bds 904 Walnut
Reidy, Patrick, laborer, emp rolling mill, h 806 N Main
Reidy, Patrick, blacksmith, h 217 O'Gorman
Reidy, Patrick, section foreman D L & W R R, h 751 Harper
Reidy, Patrick J, gatetender, h 706 Magee
Reidy, Patrick T, h 120 W Miller
Reidy, Terrence, engineer, h 962 Main
Reidy, Thomas H, conductor D L & W R R, h 209 Thurston
Reidy see Ready and Reedy
Reilly, Alice, widow Edmund, grocer, 804 Lake, h do
Reilly, Alice, widow Edmund, grocer, 804 Lake, h do
Reilly, Anna, stenographer, bds 851 E Market
REILLY, EDMUND A, physician and surgeon, 518 Lake, h do, office hours until 9 am, 1 to 3 and 6 to 8 pm
Reilly, Joseph, transfer clerk D L & W R R freight house, bds 851 E Market
Reilly, Roe, bds 804 Lake
Reilly, Thomas, car inspector, h 305 Sutton
Reilly see Reeily and Riley
Rein, Annie, emp knitting mill, bds 611 Sullivan
Rein, Barbara, cigar packer, bds 611 Sullivan
Rein, George, shoemaker, bds 611 Sullivan
Rein, Leopold, shoemaker, h 611 Sullivan
Reinhart, Edward F, fireman D L & W R R, h 1000 1/2 Hall
Relyea, Eliza, widow John, bds 512 Ivy
Rennie, Bessie, bds 428 W Fifth
Rennin, Abbie, boarding, 405 Railroad ave
Renton, Paul A, bicycles and bicycles repairs, 303-309 E Market, h 509 W Clinton
Reppard, John, emp rolling mill, h 112 E Second
Rescue Mission, 237 W Water
Retruvard, Frank, laborer, h 364 Railroad ave
Reul, Andrew A C, emp knitting mill, h 814 1/2 W Gray
REUL, CHARLES L, painter, decorator, upholsterer and hardwood finisher, r 621 W Gray, bds 719 do
Reul, Florence, bds 719 W Gray
Reul, Frederick, painter, bds 719 W Gray
Reul, Fredericka, widow William, h 719 W Gray
Reul, Louise H, bds 719 W Gray
Reuss, Edward, laborer, h 212 O'Gorman
Reuss, Julia, domestic, 108 Catherine
Reuss, Lewis, cigarmaker, bds 212 O'Gorman
Rew, James, h 56 Orchard
Rew, James R, printer, bds 56 Orchard
Rew, Samuel, barber, 601 E Church, bds 56 Orchard
Rewolinski, Thomas, shoemaker, 303 Division, h 766 E Fifth
Reynolds, Archie, printer, bds 204 Penna ave
Reynolds, Arthur G, printer Telegram, h 393 W Water
Reynolds, Augusta B Mrs, bds 320 E Fourth
Reynolds, Blanche E, teacher school No 11, bds 363 1/2 W Second
REYNOLDS BROTHERS, (H F and W H), dry goods, carpets and men's furnishings, 301-303 E Water
Reynolds, Charles R, physician, bds 318 William
Reynolds, Cornelius H, carpenter, h 412 Herrick
Reynolds, Edwin E, gardener, h 743 Southport
Reynolds, Ellen, widow John
Reynolds, Emma J, dressmaker, Main cor W Market, h do
Reynolds, Emma M, widow Samuel H, h 363 1/2 W Second
Reynolds, Frances R, bds 352 Main
Reynolds, Francis W Rev, pastor Southside Baptist Church, h 477 South ave
Reynolds, Frederick, emp S W Hall, h 2 Apple
Reynolds, Frederick B, engineer Elmira Illuminating Co, h 1053 Walnut
Reynolds, Frederick P, surgone U S A, bds 318 William
Reynolds, Gardiner, bds Homestead Hotel
Reynolds, George G, law clerk, 415 E Water, h 318 William
Reynolds, George W, clerk, 110 Baldwin, h 308 Penna ave
Reynolds, Grace P, tel opr, 205 E Gray, bds 393 W Water
Reynolds, Harry E, collector Gazette, bds 113 W Second
Reynolds, Henri, clerk, bds 202 Penna ave
Reynolds, Herbert, laborer, bds 1187 Penna ave
REYNOLDS, HERBERT F, (Reynolds Brothers), 301-303 E Water, bds 455 Maple ave
Reynolds, J Archie, printer, bds 202 Penna ave
Reynolds, James R, bds 352 Main
REYNOLDS, JOHN A, (Reynolds, Stanchfield & Collin), 415 E Water, h 352 Main
REYNOLDS, JULIA S MRS, 306 Carroll, h at New York City
Reynolds, Lapet, bds 320 E Fourth
Reynolds, Lelia R, bds 210 W Fifth
REYNOLDS, M D, groceries and provisions, 500 Walnut, h 411 W Clinton
Reynolds, Mary E, bds 210 W Fifth
Reynolds, Merton P, photographer, bds 393 W Water
Reynolds, Millicent L, clerk N Y & Pa Tel & Tel Co, bds 393 W Water
Reynolds, Miriam A, bds 393 W Water
Reynolds, Olive Mrs, h 204 Penna ave
Reynolds, Oscar N, clerk Second Natl Bank, rooms 210 S Main
Reynolds, Peter, laborer, h 312 E Fifth
Reynolds, Ray G, student, bds 411 W Clinton
Reynolds, Robert, student, bds 318 William
Reynolds, Royal, student, bds 318 William
Reynolds, Samuel N, trav salesman, bds 347 W Sixth
Reynolds, Sophia Mrs, dressmaker, bds 713 W Water
REYNOLDS, STANCHFIELD & COLLIN, (J A Reynolds, J B Stanchfield, Frederick Collin, R H Thurston and Ross M Lovell), lawyers, 415 E Water
Reynolds, Thomas J, clerk, 140 W Water, h 370 Fulton
Reynolds, Walter B, M D medical examiner N C Ry, h 210 W Fifth
Reynolds, Welch, emp bridge works, bds 310 S Main
Reynolds, William B, foreman Steamer No 1, h 650 E Market
REYNOLDS, WILLIAM D, mgr grocery, 500 Walnut, h 411 W Clinton
REYNOLDS, WILLIAM H, (Reynolds Brothers), 301 E Water, h 455 Maple ave
Rezeau, Annie, cook Elmira House
Rezeau, Harry G, clerk Elmira House, bds do
Rhoades, Ann E, widow Nathaniel, bds 332 Irvine pl
Rhodes, C G & F U, draymen, 923 and 929 E Church
Rhoades, Christian G, (C G & F U), h 929 E Church
Rhoades, Dwight, drayman, bds 929 E Church
Rhoades, Eliza C, widow William B, h 532 Penna ave
Rhoades, Frank U, (C G & F U), h 923 E Church
Rhoades, Isaac E, emp N C Ry shops, bds 532 Penna ave
Rhoades, Lillian, bds 929 E Church
Rhoades, Mannettie, bds 532 Penna ave
Rhoades, Nathaniel, driver, h 209 Harriet
Rhoades, Stephen G, drayman, h 805 Sullivan
Rhoda, Anna, cook, 210 College ave
Rhode, O F, barber, bds Patterson House
Rhodes, Alfred S, foreman G A Goff, h 459 Spaulding
Rhodes, Amelia A, widow Silas R, h 633 W Water
Rhodes, Benjamin, h 804 W First
Rhodes, G Dana, bicycle repairer, 340 E Market, h 613 Walnut
RHODES, JOHN F, bicycles, bicycle sundries and repairing, 340 E Market, bds 358 W Water
Rhodes, Joseph A, tobacco grower, bds 452 Maple ave
Rhodes, Mary E, bds 804 W First
Rhodes, Thomas H, h W First bey limits
Rhodes, Walter, clerk, 148 W Water, h 804 W First
Rhymer, Henry T, laborer, h 850 E Market
Rhymer, Hiram B, letter carrier, h 615 Lake
Rhymer, Nellie M, dressmaker, bds 615 Lake
Ribble, Eugene H, grocer, 356 Franklin, h 354 do
Rible, Jacob, bartender, 329 Carroll, rooms 206 William
Rice, Addie, widow Reuben, h 71 Penna ave
Rice, Alfred T, florist, h 358 Hoffman
Rice, Anna B Mrs, dressmaker, 358 Hoffman, h do
Rice, Charles, manuf flavoring extracts, 147 W Water, h do
Rice, Clarence W, driver, h 433 W Fourth
Rice, Claude, laborer, h 71 Penna ave
Rice, Daniel E, (The Rice-Darby Co), h 312 Columbia
Rice, Daniel O, h 112 W Church
Rice, Daniel T, doormaker, h 963 Lincoln
Rice, Darby Co, (Daniel E Rice & Frank B Darby) manufrs Darby's Rose Cerate, 101 E Church
Rice, Edgar N, trainman, bds 147 W Water
Rice, Edward, machinist, h 215 O'Gorman
Rice, Edward N, bridge builder, h 51 Orchard
Rice, Edward N, barkeeper, 506 E Water, h 452 Spaulding
Rice, Edwin W, baggagemaster N C Ry, h 716 Kinyon
Rice, Elijah J, carpenter, h 530 Perine
Rice, Fannie L, bds 112 W Church
Rice, George L, brakeman N C Ry, h 702 Delaware
Rice, George M, emp Erie R R, h 550 Spaulding
Rice, Henry J, emp Rathbun House, bds 215 O'Gorman
Rice, Irving F, bottler, bds 530 Perine
Rice, Jennie C, dressmaker, bds 215 O'Gorman
Rice, John, emp Bancher's Cafe, bds 147 W Water
Rice, John A, clerk, bds 147 W Water
Rice, John H, laborer, bds 215 O'Gorman
Rice, John J, conductor Maple Ave R R, bds 765 E Water
Rice, John M, laborer, h 215 O'Gorman
Rice, Johnson D, emp foundry, h 702 Oak
Rice, Lawrence J, scaldhouse man, 121 E Second, also grocer, 765 E Water, h 765 E Water
Rice, Lawrence J Jr, emp J Brand & Co, bds 765 E Water
Rice, Lena E, student, bds rear 119 Main
Rice, Lewis E, driver, 117 Main, h rear 119 do
Rice, Louie, bds 112 W Church
Rice, Louis, cigarmaker, bds 212 O'Gorman
Rice, Mary, waitress Hotel Smith, bds do
Rice, Mary E, waitress, bds 215 O'Gorman
Rice, Minnie, widow Frank S, bds 316 W Washington ave
Rice, Samuel F, salesman, 243 W Water, h 807 do
Rice, Thomas F, bartender Hotel Langwell, bds 765 E Water
Rice, Timothy, emp Kertscher & Co, bds 765 E Water
Rice, William, deliveryman, bds 126 W Water
Rice, William C, emp Fitch, Aldrich & Bush Co, h 125 Sly
Richards, Ada, nurse, 322 W Church
Richards, Charles C, machinist, bds 449 W Fifth
Richards, Emma C, nurse, bds 56 Luce
Richards, Fred H, linotype machinist, bds 123 Lormore
RICHARDS, GEORGE A, dentist, 100 W Water, h 856 Hoffman
Richards, Hanora, widow Clarence, h 450 High
Richards, John W, (Campbell & Richards), 217 Railroad ave, rooms 110 W Gray
Richards, Josias H, linotype machinist, h 123 Lormore
Richards, Lillian L, widow W A, dressmaker, h 449 W Fifth
Richards, Sarah A, widow Richard, bds 123 Lormore
Richardson, A Frank, vice-pres and advertising mgr, Telegram Printing Co, h at New York City
Richardson, Catherine S, agent, h 728 Delaware
Richardson, Charles A, bds 607 Magee
Richardson, Daniel, h 368 Fulton
RICHARDSON, DANIEL JR, (Sheehan, Dean & Co), 140 and 142 W Water, bds 368 Fulton
RICHARDSON, FREDERIC H, (J Richardson & Co), 121 Railroad ave, h 359 W Church
Richardson, J Delos, market gardener, h 451 South ave
Richardson, James P, clerk, bds 607 Magee
RICHARDSON, J & CO, (F H Richardson), shoe manufrs, 121 to 125 Railroad ave
Richardson, John, mason, h 372 Fulton
Richardson, Julia, clerk, 140 W Water, bds 368 Fulton
Richardson, Margaret, widow Charles A, h 607 Magee
Richardson, Matthew D, reporter Advertiser, bds 110 Elm
RICHARDSON SHOE STORE, C P Goodrich mgr, 105 W Water
Richardson, William J, com trav, h 110 Elm
Richardt, Anna O Mrs, seamstress, bds 215 Penna ave
Richardt, Hattie L Mrs, bds 265 W Clinton
RICHFORD, JOHN J, (Richford & Shaffer), 101 W Water, h 355 W Clinton
RICHFORD & SHAFFER, (J J Richford and E M Shaffer), merchant tailors, 101 W Water
Richmond, Francis A, teacher Elmira College, bds 710 Park pl
Richter, Mabel, bds 204 Madison ave
Richter, Margaret Helen, domestic Frazier House
Richter, Myrtle, clerk, 301 W Water, bds 204 Madison ave
Rickard, Anna, widow George, h 56 Luce
Rickard, Daniel P, car repairer, h 359 Hoffman
Rickard, Frederick, emp J Richardson & Co, bds 56 Luce
Rickard, William, emp J Richardson & Co, h 114 Liberty
Rickard, William, shoemaker, h 752 E Fifth
Rickard, William A, seal clerk Erie yard office, bds 359 Hoffman
Ridall, Frank A, electrician, 620 Madison ave, bds 204 do
Riddle, Charles F, h 355 W Church
Rider, Sarah A, h 614 Lewis
Ridge, Clarence, shoemaker, h 856 Magee
Ridge, Mary, widow Warren, h 856 Magee
Ridgway, Oscar F, carpenter Erie R R, h 709 Main
Ridgway, S Helen, bds 709 Main
Ridley, Barzella, carpenter, h 718 Walnut
Riebeck, Valentine, laborer, h 761 E Fifth
Riebel, Anna, widow Jacob, h 459 Spaulding
Riebel, Jacob, bartender, bds 459 Spaulding
Riedinger, Ora A, bds 608 W Gray
Riedinger, Philip E, com trav, h 608 W Gray
Rielly, Michael, mason, h 455 Mt Zoar
Rietmann, Albert J, barber, h 314 Penna ave
Rietmann, Albert J Jr, barber, 651 1/2 E Water, bds 314 Penna ave
Rietmann, Mary, widow Alfred J, bds 314 Penna ave
Rietz, Edward J, bookkeeper, h 311 High
Rife, John M, clerk, 124 W Water, h 1019 1/2 Lake
Rife, William, painter, bds 404 W Hudson
Riffe, Celia, teacher school No 4, bds 623 Franklin
Riffe, Henry M, emp Reformatory, bds 623 Franklin
Riffe, Henry P, operator, h 320 West ave
Riffe, James, emp Reformatory, bds 623 Franklin
Riffe, John, shoemaker, h 313 College ave
Riffe, Mary A, student, bds 623 Franklin
Riffe, Nellie, teacher school No 9, bds 623 Franklin
Riffe, Patrick, sexton SS Peter & Paul cemetery, h 623 Franklin
Riffe, William, teamster, bds 623 Franklin
Rigby, Samuel, switchman N C Ry, bds 521 Penna ave
Riggs, Bertha B, bds 702 Jay
Riggs, Charles H, fireman E F D, h 502 E Church
Riggs, Edith T, teacher school No 7, bds 113 Partridge
Riggs, Edward H, engineer N C Ry, h 113 Partridge
Riggs, Floyd F, bookkeeper, h 423 S Broadway
Riggs, Louis J, electrician, bds 113 Partridge
Riggs, Margaret, widow William C, h 702 Jay
Rightmire, Harry, drayman, h 1235 Pratt
Rigney, Henry J, machinist, bds Patterson House
Rikeldifer, Augustus, driver, 419 Main, bds 415 Euclid ave
Rikeldifer, Frederick, fireman Erie R R, bds 510 College ave
Rikeldifer, Lewis, bicycle maker, bds 510 College ave
Rikeldifer, Lewis H, brakeman Erie R R, h 415 Euclid ave
Rikeldifer, Lloyd, fireman Erie R R, h 510 College ave
Riker, Abram H, clerk, bds 308 W Water
Riker, George H, moulder, h 1113 Abbott
Riker, John K, h 760 Linden pl
Riley, Ann E, widow John, h 50 Harmon
Riley, Anna, stenographer, bds 851 E Market
Riley, Austin, emp bridge works, h 431 S Broadway
Riley, Catharine Mrs, bds 401 Fulton
Riley, Edward P, cigarmaker, h 150 E Washington ave
Riley, Frances, domestic, 454 Riverside ave
Riley, Henry W, shipping clerk, bds 4 Eldridge pl
Riley, Irene M, emp knitting mill, bds 510 E Church
Riley, J Edwin, stock broker, 112 Baldwin, h 250 W Chemung pl
Riley, James A, blacksmith N Y S Reformatory, bds do
Riley, John, mgr, 125 W Water, h 4
Eldridge pl
Riley, John J, prop American House,
113-115 W Third, h do
Riley, Joseph, car tracer D L &
W R R, bds 851 E Market
Riley, Joseph J, lather, h 166 Harriet
Riley, Michael, brakeman D L & W R R, h 851 E Market
Riley, Sarah, widow John, bds 166 Harriet
Riley, Sarah J, h 422 Balsam
Riley, William, h 150 E Washington ave
Riley, William E, machinist, bds 50 Harmon
Riley see Reilly
Rill, Felix, emp lumber yard, h 1009 Lincoln
Ring, Frederick, mason, h 911 E Market
Ring, George D, carpenter, h 509 Logan
Ring, John, mason contractor, h 163 Harriet
Rinker, Amelia M Mrs, nurse, 305 W Clinton, rooms do
Ripley, Elmer E, grocer, 362 W Second, h do
Rising, Charles M, h 256 Crete ave
Rising, Elmer M, telegrapher, bds 256 Crete ave
Rising, Everett, stenographer & bookkeeper, 1100 Walnut, bds 1007 do
Ritchie, Charles H, foreman, 121 Railroad ave, h 510 Logan
Ritchie, Nellie A, bds 510 Logan
Ritter, Anna, emp Superior Knitting Mill Co, bds 969 East ave
RITTER, F HORACE S, M D specialist eye, ear, nose and throat, glasses prescribed, 308 E Church, h do, office hours 9 to 12 am, 1 to 5 pm, Wed and Sat 6 to 8, Sunday 3 to 6 pm
Ritz, Anton, painter, bds 656 Lake
Rivers, Henry, laborer, h 812 Oak
Riverside M E Church, Rev Eli Pittman pastor, Spaulding between Horner & Magnolia
Rixford, William U, principal school No 2, h 404 Euclid ave
ROACH, CHARLES H, (Roach & Fishler), 305 Carroll, h 311 Columbia
Roach, John, polisher, bds American House
Roach, Kate, dressmaker, bds 314 High
Roach, Margaret, widow Patrick, bds
206 South ave
Roach, Mary, clerk, 301 E Water, bds
314 High
Roach, Mary, widow John, h 314 High
ROACH & FISHLER, (C H Roach & Viola Fishler Barber), general insurance and proprs Elmira Steam Carpet Cleaner, 305 Carroll
Roadmaster's Office Erie R R, Railroad ave cor W Third
Roake, Stephen A, draughtsman, bds 322 W Church
Roat, Ruth, widow Andrew, dressmaker, h 904 Lake
Roat, Walter H, clerk, 204 E Water, bds 904 Lake
Robb, Henry, emp N C R R, h 407 S Main
Robbins, Frank E, optician, 136 W Water, h 118 W Hudson
Robbins, Jennie, teacher, h 1414 Caton ave
Robbins, Olga P, emp knitting mill, bds 373 Warren
Roberts, A Ernest, cigar manuf, 228 S Main, bds 131 W Henry
Roberts, A H, com trav, 326 E Water, bds 459 W Water
Roberts, Addie, laundress, bds 311 Orchard
Roberts, Alice G, widow Phineas S, h 131 W Henry
Roberts, Alice J, music teacher, bds 406 Union pl
Roberts, Amaziah H, laborer, bds 416 E Water
Roberts, Anna S, teacher school No
7, bds Maple ave bey limits
Roberts, Annie S, bds 718 Grove
Roberts, Arthur H, canvasser, bds 459 W Water
Roberts, Benjamin F, clerk, 717 Walnut, bds 718 Grove
Roberts, Charles, rooms, 517 1/2 Baldwin
Roberts, Charles F, teamster, h 415 High
Roberts, D May, teacher Elmira Free Academy, bds 718 Grove
Roberts, David A, clerk, 140 W Water, bds 304 Penna ave
ROBERT'S DYE HOUSE, N Abrahamson propr, 434-436 E Water
Roberts, Edith M, student, bds 706 Washington
Roberts, Eliza J, widow Seth F, h 406 Union pl
Roberts, Ethan V, shipping clerk, h 106 Orchard
Roberts, Ethel A, music teacher, bds 406 Union pl
Roberts, Fanny, student, bds 800 John
Roberts, Frank G, clerk, 627 Lake, h 159 1/2 Orchard
Roberts, Harriet A, grocer, 717 Walnut, h 718 Grove
Roberts, Henry S, expressman, h 125 Harriet
Roberts, Jesse, brakeman D L & W R R, h 708 Carpenter
Roberts, John I, blacksmith rolling mill, h 307 Washington
ROBERTS, JOHN W, principal short hand department Warner's Business and Shorthand School, 219 W Gray, h 105 Columbia
Roberts, Joseph, clothier, h 800 John
Roberts, Leon A, blacksmith N C Ry, h 504 Pleasant
Roberts, Lydia A Mrs, laundress, h
215 W Water
Roberts, Lyman, laborer, h 150 Dewitt
Roberts, Lyman S, com trav, h 531 W Gray
Roberts, Margaret Mrs, h 373 Railroad ave
Roberts, Margaret, widow William, h 601 John
Roberts, Orselous B, laborer, bds r 716 Baldwin
Roberts, Samuel, clerk, bds 800 John
Roberts, Sarah, widow Harold, h 921 E Church
Roberts, Sarah E, widow James, h 311 Orchard
Roberts, Stephen T, boiler maker, h 331 Carroll
Roberts, Susan B, widow Ezra, h 364 Diven ave
Roberts, Thomas C, bds 718 Grove
Roberts, William, lineman, bds 309 S Main
Roberts, William H, teamster, h 401 Powell
Robertshaw, Clement, messenger U S Ex Co, h Maple ave cor Home
Robertshaw, John, cook Frazier House
Robertshaw, John C, bds Maple ave cor Home
Robertson, Archibald L, machinist, h 100 E Hudson
Robertson, Arthur W, clerk, 123 Baldwin, h 317 West ave
Robertson, Edward, hostler, h 154 Dewitt ave
Robertson, Frank, brakeman N C Ry h 529 S Broadway
Robertson, Henry B, carpenter, h 712 1/2 Winsor ave
Robertson, Lewis H, machinist, bds 712 1/2 Winsor ave
Robertson, Wesley A, salesman, h 317 West ave
Robertson, William B Mrs, rooms 115 Main
Robinson, Amelia, widow Melvin, h 207 1/2 Dewitt ave
Robinson, Bertha M, emp Frostilla factory, bds 311 West ave
Robinson, Carl S, clerk, 526 Main, bds 205 Hoffman
Robinson, Charles H, laborer, h 414 Mathews
Robinson, Chauncey N, carpenter, bds 803 W Church
Robinson, Clayton C, fireman Erie R R, h 254 W Hudson
Robinson, Cora B, widow John M, laundress, h 360 Pomeroy pl
ROBINSON, DAVID C, lawyer, 201-202 Robinson bldg, h Maple ave cor Horner
Robinson, Della Mrs, domestic, 311 Euclid ave
Robinson, Emma D, student, bds 311 West ave
Robinson, Frank, laborer, h r 656 Baldwin
Robinson, Frank P, mgr Union News
Co, 523 Railroad ave, h 420 W Clinton
Robinson, Frank P Jr, student, bds 420 W Clinton
Robinson, George, laborer, bds 414 Mathews
Robinson, George L, student, bds 302 William
Robinson, George M, real estate, h 302 William
Robinson, Gertrude, widow William, bds 402 W Church
Robinson, Henry J, emp bridge works, h 551 Coburn
Robinson, James, bds 207 1/2 Dewitt ave
Robinson, James, bus driver, bds 315 E Washington ave
Robinson, John, laborer, h 129 Judson
Robinson, John A, carpenter, h 121
Robinson, John R, bookkeeper N Y S
Reformatory, h 516 Davis
Robinson, John S, teamster, h 530 Partridge
Robinson, Joseph, real estate, 419 W Fourth, h do
Robinson, Joseph, laborer, h 917 John
Robinson, Martha, widow John, h 420 W Third
Robinson, Mary, bds 305 William
Robinson, Nellie E, boarding, h 1331 College ave
Robinson, Nellie E, student, bds 205 Hoffman
Robinson, Norman H, machinist, h 311 West ave
Robinson, Ruth, bds 302 William
Robinson, William A, meat cutter, 419 Main, h 372 W Fourth
Robinson, William G, brakeman D L & W R R, h 101 Stephens
Roblyer, John, bds 309 Orchard
Roby, Clarence R, clerk, 182 State, h 217 South ave
Roby, Esther L, widow Shedrick C, bds 217 South ave
Roche, Mary E, widow Michael, boarding, h 351 Railroad ave
Roche, Mary T, clerk, 301 E Water, bds 314 High
Roche see Roach
ROCHESTER DYE WORKS, M J Lewis propr, 428 E Water
Rochford, Katharine, clerk, 301 E Water, bds 402 E Church
Rochford, William, clerk, 301 E Water, bds 420 E Market
Rockwell, Abram B, baggagemaster L V R R, h 1014 Oak
Rockwell, Arthur J, clerk, 206 W Water, bds 230 W Miller
Rockwell, Bennett, emp Kertscher & Co, h Carr's Corners n limits
Rockwell, Carrie B, bds 1845 Davis
Rockwell, Charles A, teamster N Y
S Reformatory, h Bancroft
Rockwell, Charles D, h 1845 Davis
Rockwell, Ezra, bds 1159 Hoffman
Rockwell, Fay G, emp N Y S Reformatory, bds 1845 Davis
Rockwell, Fred M, machinist, bds 157 W LaFrance
Rockwell, Harry M, student, bds 410 High
ROCKWELL, HOSEA H, (Rockwell & McCann) Masonic Temple, h 364 W Clinton
Rockwell, Isabella Mrs, nurse, h 410 High
Rockwell, James A, conductor N C Ry, h 513 Herrick
Rockwell, John B, city express, h 1021 Oak
Rockwell, Jonathan, emp Kertscher & Co, bds 1021 Oak
Rockwell, Julia, widow Andrew, h 157 W LaFrance
Rockwell, L Ruby, bds 108 Lormore
Rockwell, Martha Mrs, h 407 W Sixth
ROCKWELL, REUBEN, agt Economy Collar & Cuff Co, 214 Washington, h do
Rockwell, Mary, bds 1004 Oak
Rockwell, Ruby D, widow Albert E, h 462 South ave
Rockwell, Samuel W, emp Empire Laundry, bds 410 High
Rockwell, Tillie, waitress, 214 College ave
Rockwell, Wealthy A Mrs, boarding, 214 Washington
Rockwell, William B, (Griswold & Rockwell), h 410 High
ROCKWELL & McCANN, (H H Rockwell & George McCann), lawyers, Masonic Temple
Rodgers, Ella M, bds 1124 Walnut
Rodgers, Daniel, brakeman N C Ry, bds 613 S Main
Rodgers, William P, bakery, 536 Penna ave, h 615 do
Rodgers see Rogers
Rodney, Albert E, saloon, 313 E Market, h do
Roe, Charles F, h 305 College ave
ROE, DELBERT, blacksmith, 405 Balsam, h do
Roe, Edward D Jr, h 1151 College ave
Roe, Eleanor J, widow Edward D, bds 1151 College ave
Roe, Elizabeth, bds 305 College ave
Roe, Eva G, bds 1151 College ave
Roe, Frances, widow George, h 432 Pleasant
Roe, Joseph M, 401 Main
Roe, Lenna, bds 305 College ave
Roehrer, Joseph T, tailor, h 121 1/2 Sullivan
Roemmelt, Anna, milliner, bds 361 E Fifth
Roemmelt, Charles, polisher, bds American House
Roemmelt, Frank, bottling works, 304 E Clinton, h 709 Magee
Roemmelt, Fred J, clerk, bds 361 E Fifth
Roemmelt, M J & Co, (M J R & Jacob J Prechtl), meat market, 901 1/2 Lake
Roemmelt, Michael J, (M J Roemmelt & Co), h 715 E Washington ave
Roemmelt, Sophia, widow Frank, h 361 E Fifth
Roerick, James, mason, bds 371 W Third
Roerick, Mary, widow James, h 371 W Third
Roessell, Casper, florist, h 427 W Washington ave
Roff, Charles, telegrapher, h 256 Crete ave
Roff, Harry E, jeweler, bds Buckbee House
Rogers, Edgar D, (Rogers & Phipps), 110 E Water, h 114 1/2 Hoffman
ROGERS, EDWARD B, asst genl mgr N Y & P Pa Tel & Tel Co, 513 Realty bldg, h 322 W Church
Rogers, Elizabeth, domestic, 460 W Gray
Rogers, Emma A Mrs, dressmaker, bds 410 Jefferson
Rogers, Frank W, meat market, 404 E Water, h 406 Sullivan
Rogers, George H, grocer, 410 Main, h 359 College ave
Rogers, Grace, student, bds 1110 Lake
Rogers, Harry, gymnasium, 12 Lyceum Theater, h do
Rogers, J Fred, com trav, h 410 Jefferson
Rogers, Leatha A, tel opr, 205 E Gray, bds 410 Jefferson
Rogers, Michael, shoemaker, h 805 Magee
Rogers, Milford E, clerk, 410 Main, bds 359 College ave
Rogers, N Cordelia, dressmaker, rooms 637 Winsor ave
Rogers, Nathaniel C, bookkeeper, 308 Carroll, h 310 Dewitt ave
Rogers, Orlando, carriage maker, bds 458 E Church
Rogers, Sylvester B, grocer, 1130 Lake, h 1110 do
Rogers, William D, emp Eclipse Bicycle Co, h 308 Harmon
Rogers, William J, clerk E Water cor Railroad ave, bds 339 Irvine pl
Rogers, William J, machinist, h 1019 College ave
Rogers, William J Jr, clerk, 101 E Water, bds 1019 College ave
Rogers & Phipps, (E D Rogers and P Phipps) hats and gloves, 111 E Water
Rogers see Rodgers
Rohal, Stephen, barber, rooms 210 1/2 W Second
Rohan, Bridget, widow John, h 808 Johnson
Rohan, Bridget, widow Martin, bds 375 Penna ave
Rohan, Catherine, cook, 254 W Clinton
Rohan, John F, emp Richardson & Co, bds 381 Penna ave
Rohan, John J, tinner, h 381 Penna ave
Rohan, George W, laborer, bds 381 Penna ave
Rohan, Mary, maid, 399 W Water
Rohan, Nora M, bds 381 Penna ave
Rohan, William E, laborer, bds 381 Penna ave
Rohde, Albert, laborer, h 720 Sullivan
Rohde, Christian, grocer, 650 Sullivan, h do
Rohde, Gottleib, emp tannery, h 707 Sullivan
Rohde, Gottleib, laborer, h 852 East ave
Rohde, Gus, bds 720 Sullivan
Rohde, Gustave, laborer, h 711 Sullivan
Rohde, John, laborer, h 958 E Clinton
ROHDE, OTTO F, barber, 651 E Water, h do
Rohver, Frederick P, student, bds 510 Madison ave
Rohver, Henry F, flour and feed, Main cor Park pl, h 510 Madison ave
Rolfe, John F, telegraph editor Advertiser, bds 411 W Gray
Roll, Edward M, mgr Roll's paint store, 158 Baldwin, h 455 W Third
Roll, John, laborer, bds 100 Stowell pl
Roll, Martin L, h 218 William
Roll, Nancy E, widow Manning R, h 455 W Third
Roll's Paint Store, M R Roll's estate propr, 158 Baldwin
Rollett, Arthur W, coachman, h 357 Pomeroy pl
Rolph, Simon G, teamster C M & R Tompkins, h E Second
Romer, Antoine, h 115 College ave
Romer, Charles B, (Romer & Haas), 216 E Water, h 117 College ave
Romer, Harriet S, bds 115 College ave
Romer & Haas, (C B Romer and F J Haas), merchant tailors, 216 E Water
Ronan, Frances E, bds 569 E Water
Ronan, James E, blacksmith, h 414 Elm
Ronan, John, motorman W S R R, h 612 Robinson
Ronan, Kate M, dressmaker and dealer in hair goods, 117 E Water, h do
Ronan, Lillian L, bds 569 E Water
Ronan, Mary A, widow Patrick, h 569 E Water
Ronan, Michael H, creamery, 158 W Third, bds 316 Alexander pl
Ronan, Michael W, fireman, bds 113 W Miller
Ronan, Roger, h 113 E Miller
Ronan, William H, lawyer, bds 569 E Water
Ronan, William J, butter maker, 158 W Third, h 360 Alexander pl
Roof, John, h 566 E Water
ROOF, JOHN W, (Friend, Metzger & Co), 164 Lake, h 566 E Water
Rook, Andrew, (Andrew Rook & Son), h 1117 Abbott
Rook, Andrew & Son, (Louis E) mason contractors, 1117 Abbott
Rook, Augusta, domestic, 114 Lormore
Rook, Harriet G, bds 1117 Abbott
Rook, Louis E, (Andrew Rook & Son), bds 1117 Abbott
Rooney, May, waitress, 214 College ave
Roosa, Augustus P, salesman, h 311 1/2 W Clinton
Roosa, Frances E, music teacher, 311 1/2 W Clinton, bds do
Roosa, James, laborer, h 100 Boardman
Roosa, John H, shoemaker, h Yale
Roosa, John K, teacher violin Elmira College, bds 117 Horner
Roosa, Lizzie, domestic, 129 W Market
Roosa Violin School, J K Roosa, director, 323 Carroll
Roosa, William P, letter carrier, h 117 Horner
Root, Charles H, com trav, bds 360 W Church
ROOT, EUGENE, livery, 210 Mt Zoar, h do
ROOT, HELEN, art needle work, bds 210 Mt Zoar
Root, Howard M, student, bds 600 S Broadway
Root, Julius S, h 504 E Water
ROOT, MARY L MRS, dressmaker, 210 Mt Zoar, h do
ROPER, EDWIN K, lawyer, 320 E Water, h 357 W Second
Roper, May, bookkeeper, 87 Penna ave, bds 313 do
Rorick, Charles E, teamster, h 509 Magee
Rorick, Charles J, emp tobacco factory, h 462 W Second
Rorick, George, barnman, h 600 W Hudson
Rorick, Gilbert E, tobacco packer, h 528 W Hudson
Rorick, Henry A, emp tobacco factory, bds 462 W Second
Rorick, Verna, domestic, 509 W Clinton
Rosar, Anna, domestic, 319 William
Rosar, Josephine, domestic, 354 Maple ave
Rosar, Matilda, maid, 308 W Gray
Rose, C Mabel, bds 866 Magee
Rose, Charles F, plumber, h 102 West ave
Rose, Ellen, bds 118 W Second
Rose, George, blacksmith, 1323 Lake
Rose, James, machinist, bds 408 Baldwin
Rose, Lee E, emp Payne shops, h 320 Penna ave
Rose, S Edward, clerk, 109-113 Lake, bds 866 Magee
ROSE, STEPHEN, (Barker, Rose & Clinton Co), 109-113 Lake, h 866 Magee
Rose, Susan A, bds 866 Magee
Rose, Theodore C, Supreme Court, stenographer, Court House Annex, h 353 W Church
Roseberry, Nathan G, emp La France Engine Co, h 124 Horner
Roseberry, Susan, widow Joseph, bds 124 Horner
Roseman, Jacob, jeweler, 105 W Water, rooms 109 W Gray
Roseman, Levi, millinery, 410 1/2 Main, h do
Rosenbaum, Hannah, widow Martin, h 215 W Church
ROSENBAUM, HENRY L, (L Rosenbaum & Sons), 201 E Water, h 224 W First
ROSENBAUM, L & SONS, (Henry L), millinery and cloaks, 201 E Water
Rosenberg, Max, com trav, bds Patterson House
Rosenberg, Max, butcher, bds 763 E Water
Rosenblatt, Charles, peddler, h 166 Harriet
Rosenblatt, David, peddler, bds 166 Harriet
Rosenblatt, Harry D, peddler, bds 166 Harriet
Rosenblatt, Solomon, peddler, bds 166 Harriet
Rosenbloom, Charles A, traveling optician, h 810 John
Rosencranse, Edward, conductor Erie R R, h 353 1/2 W Clinton
Rosencrantz, Theodore, peddler, h 159 Harriet
Rosenfield, Benjamin, (National Cigar Leaf Co), h 206 1/2 Madison ave
Rosenfield, Julius, clerk, 112 E Water, bds 421 W Church
Rosenfield, Moses, boots & shoes, 112 E Water, h 421 W Church
Rosinski, Andrew, shoemaker, h 620
Rosinski, Anna M, emp cotton mill,
bds 1127 Magee
Rosinski, Anthony, laborer, h 1127 Magee
Rosinski, August, laborer, h 600 Sullivan
Rosinski, Frank, emp Clipper Chilled Plow Co, h 704 Dickinson
Rosinski, Frank, laborer, bds 620 Baldwin
Rosinski, John, butcher, bds 620 Baldwin
Rosinski, John, laborer, h 518 Madison ave
Rosinski, Katharine, emp, 720 W Second, bds 518 Madison ave
Rosinski, Leo, emp J Richardson & Co, bds 620 Baldwin
Rosinski, Lucy, emp silk mill, bds 518 Madison ave
Rosinski, Stephen, laborer, h 912 Sullivan
Rosinski, Veronica, bds 600 Sullivan
Ross, Albert T, iron worker, bds 819 Hatch
Ross, Alonzo D, h 458 Franklin
Ross, Beverly W, paper hanger, h 760 Spaulding
Ross, Dominick, grocer, 812 Hatch also hotel, 800 do, h 810 do
Ross, Elizabeth Mrs, h 715 Erie
Ross, Francis W, student, bds 230 Chestnut
Ross, Frank, laborer, h 801 Hatch
ROSS, FRANK W, physician and medical electrician, 106 to 108 Main, h do, Office hours 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 pm, Sundays 12 to 1 pm, Consulting surgeon, Westfield, Pa Sanitarium Wednesdays
Ross, Fred B, conductor D L & W R R, h 353 Division
Ross, George M, clerk, 152 Baldwin,
h 432 W Fourth
Ross, George W, bds 703 E Market
Ross, Harriet A Mrs, h 358 Pomeroy pl
Ross, Isabella, music teacher, bds 715 Erie
Ross, James A, carpenter, bds 760 Spaulding
Ross, Jennie A, widow Frank M, h 230 Chestnut
ROSS, JENNIE C, stenographer, 205 Robinson bldg, bds 230 Chestnut
Ross, John, bartender, 800 Hatch, bds do
Ross, Joseph, clerk, rooms 501 Union pl
Ross, Joseph, barber, Hotel Langwell, bds 810 Hatch
Ross, Joseph N, bookkeeper, 827 Canal, h 501 Union pl
Ross, Joseph W, emp rolling mill, h 318 Orchard
Ross, Lena B, clerk N Y & Pa Tel & Tel Co, bds 507 Franklin
Ross, Mabel M, bds 819 Hatch
Ross, Michael, shoemaker, h 107 W Fifth
Ross, Milton L, com trav, 182 State, h 357 Columbia
Ross, Pearl E, clerk, 550 Spaulding, bds 760 do
Ross, Peter, baker, 812 Hatch, bds do
Ross, Samuel, cigarmaker, bds 810 Hatch
Ross, Smith, emp bridge works, h 377 Baldwin
Ross, Thomas, laborer, h 819 Hatch
Ross, Tony, clerk, 800 Hatch, bds do
Ross, William, wood turner, bds 508 Sullivan
Ross, William C, iron worker, bds 819 Hatch
Ross, Wilson C, letter carrier, rooms 407 Jefferson
Rossi, Domenico, shoemaker, 163 Railroad ave, h 1076 Fifth
Rossi, Domenico, laborer, h 823 Canal
Rossi, John E, clerk, 800 Hatch, bds 810 do
Rossiter, Lawrence P, conductor N C Ry, h 216 Franklin
Roth, George, chef Hotel Rathbun, bds do
Rothe, Lizzie S Mrs, asst matron Orphans Home, bds do
Rothschild, Abraham, clothier, 320 E Water, h 202 Lormore
Rothschild, Max, bds 202 Lormore
Rothschild, Mendel, jeweler, 128 E Water, h 206 High
Rothstein, Annie, emp tobacco factory, bds 763 John
Rothwell, Edwin, cooper, h 306 Sullivan
Rothwell, James A, conductor N C Ry, h 513 Herrick
Rothwell, Nellie, widow Chester F, h 153 Madison ave
Rothwell, William H, carpenter, h 712 Delaware
Round, Edward J, moulder, h 377 Norton
Round, Robert J, superintendent schools and secy Board of Education city hall, h 713 Park pl
ROUPP, WARREN G, livery, sale and boarding stable, 360 W Church, h 253 Baldwin
Rourke, Ellen, widow Michael, bds 100 Fulton
Rourke, James, mason, emp Erie R R, bds 371 W Third
Rourke, Mary, widow James, h 371 W Third
Rourke, Michael, emp Telephone Co, h 100 Fulton
Rourke see O'Rourke
Routledge, Thomas J, jeweler, 1134 Lake, h 158 W Clinton
Routledge see Rutledge
Rowan, Helen M, bds 361 Reformatory
Rowan, John T, carpenter, h 102 South ave
Rowan, Joseph, bds 106 South ave
Rowan, Mary, widow John, h 106 South ave
Rowan, Michael, farmer, h 361 Reformatory
Rowan, Nellie, bds 361 Reformatory
Rowe, Mary E, widow Reuben G, bds 651 Grove
Rowland, James F, emp bridge works, h 763 Erie
Rowland, Mary A, widow William, h 1047 Hoffman