![]() |
Containing a General Directory of the Citizens of Elmira and Elmira Heights, a Classified Business Directory, a House Directory of Elmira, and a new City Map. City, County, State, and United States Governments, Schools, Societies, Etc.
FOR SALE BY HOSMER H. BILLINGS. 112 Baldwin Street, Elmira, N.Y.
PRICE - - - $3.50.
(Entered according to Act of Congress in the office of the Libraries of Congress at Washington, D.C., in the year 1900, by George Hanford.)
Elmira, N.Y.
This Reprint Edition Published on the Internet April 2006 by Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
400 | Willis C Daggett |
402 | Mrs Martha Barlow |
404 | Mrs Anna Thompson |
409 | Samuel Forker |
410 | John W O’Dell |
411 | George W Kies |
412 | John L Durfey |
415 | William Cooper |
419 | Horace F Jacque |
420 | Oel F Conant |
421 | James A Packard |
422 | Judson A Hadley |
423 | William Harris |
424 | Mrs Elizabeth Jacque |
426 | Theodore P Rumsey |
428 | Fred J Mowry |
430 | Harvey A Thornton |
432 | Mrs Frances Roe |
Frank Sargent | |
503 | Merton J Johnson |
504 | Leon A Roberts |
505 | Eugene A Kies |
James L Pierce | |
Jerome B Teeter |
356 | Mrs Margaret Armstrong |
Mrs Betsey Wolverton | |
357 | Arthur W Rollett |
358 | Mrs Harriet A Ross |
359 | George H Horton |
360 | Mrs Cora B Robinson |
361 | John W Hawkins |
POST STREET---Not numbered
400 | Mrs Jennie Baker |
Mrs Ellen Kinney | |
401 | William H Roberts |
406 | Mrs Mary A Hill |
406 | Charles W Young |
407 | William H Ostrander |
409 | Patrick Hartigan |
411 | Edgar Ferguson |
412 | Thomas Walker |
414 | Patrick O’Dea |
415 | Charles Paulman |
417 | Wallace Spencer |
458 | Cornelius O’Dea |
461 | Catherine Geagan |
Lee Worden | |
463 | Esther Stapleton |
465 | Andrew White |
467 | John J O’Brien |
469 | William F Gardner |
907 | Eli W Smith |
914 | Mrs Flora V Burdick |
955 | Frank L Gere |
1001 | Vacant |
1003 | Orrin D Hood |
1004 | Mrs Frances O Burlington |
1005 | Vacant |
1007 | Vacant |
1008 | Harry Liddy |
Peter M C Townsend | |
1009 | William W Eddy |
1206 | Harry L Durfey |
1231 | Henry Woodhouse |
1235 | Harry Rightmire |
1237 | William J Whiting |
1239 | Charles Hamilton |
1241 | Stephen G Packard |
1302 | Thomas Sherry |
1303 | Edwin E Hart |
1304 | Michael Croak |
1306 | James R Adams |
1397 | Theodore C Spencer |
1312 | William A Snell |
1313 | Mrs Bessie Jeffers |
1314 | Abe Patterson |
1315 | Walter Cooper |
1316 | Harry Hotchkiss |
1317 | Eugene Delemarter |
1318 | Thomas A Cooper |
1319 | Merritt Mallory |
1320 | Lineus L Mayo |
1322 | William P Butler |
Mrs Hattie E La France | |
1324 | Samuel H Eason |
1330 | Clement H Smith |
1558 | Ulysses Brown |
Mrs Catharine A Thayer |
PROSPECT STREET---Not numbered
214 | George A Stiles |
107 | J W Huston & Co |
111-115 | J W Carroll & Sons |
L Freudenheim & Bro | |
The Lovell Shirt Co | |
114-118 | Armstrong, Mather & Wood |
116 | Edward L Adams |
120 | Nils Hagquist |
Carl I Jessen | |
121-125 | J Richardson & Co |
122-124 | Elmira Model Works |
128 | Mrs Sarah Moore |
151 | Michael Fiorella |
129 | Thomas O Shannon |
163 | Domenico Rossi |
171 | Vacant |
201 | Fred Ferris |
205 | M Edward Condon |
Judson U Parsons | |
210-214 | Elmira Brass and Iron works |
Emmett Horton | |
211 | Northcott Warming and Ventilating Co |
The E W Andrews Incubator Co | |
213-217 | Elmira Boiler Works |
216 | Elmira Electric Works |
221 | Truman Seely Co |
301 | Railway Y M C A |
Moses W Thurston | |
303 | Cora A Wilbur |
311 | Dominick Bruno |
315 | Frank C Bullard |
Eagle Hotel | |
Patrick Keough | |
Rear 315 | Clarence Fox |
316 | Vacant |
319 | Michael Grady |
Thaddeus Harris | |
Rear 319 | David R Dolan |
Charles L Greek | |
320 | Henry Grant |
Mrs Elizabeth Nourse | |
327 | William Johnson |
Mrs Emma Kearns | |
333 | Mrs Martha Eagle |
Mrs Lottie Hunter | |
Angevine T Knickerbocker | |
350 | Joseph Demaria |
Thomas Demaria | |
351 | Mrs Mary Roche |
352 | Joseph De Maria |
Thomas De Maria | |
353 | Joseph Salvi |
354 | Michael Budzikowski |
355 | Andrew Morrell |
357 | Joseph Salvi |
359 | Thomas Walsh |
361 | James Kelley |
Joseph Lobrist | |
Burton E Taylor | |
George W Taylor | |
363 | Angeline Fiorella |
364 | Frank Retruvard |
365 | Thomas Mahon |
366 | George W Hazard |
367 | John Morey |
368 | James M Dempsey |
369 | Rogy Hiby |
371 | John Giofrida |
372 | William Adams |
Mrs M F Miller | |
373 | Reuben Brown |
Charles H Brown | |
Mrs Margaret Roberts | |
374 | Lyman M Fitch |
374-376 | Sauter & Otto |
375 | Morris Simon |
377 | Thomas Donahue |
400 | Mansion House |
401 | Thomas Ford |
Julius Logonegro | |
Ameen Tamer | |
403 | Mrs Louisa Darling |
Roger Hibye | |
Joseph Logonegro | |
405 | William Hawkins |
Abbie Rennin | |
405-407 | McCrone Bros |
407 | Jacob DeLapp |
Mrs Addie Welch | |
409 | Vacant |
411 | Joseph Johnson |
Perry Williams | |
411-413 | A & E Joseph |
417 | Angelo Lepr |
419 | Michael J McMahon |
421 | Paul Berie |
421 ½ | Cornelius Van Scoy |
423 | Harry Van Ness |
425 | Patrick J Walsh |
429 | William R James |
431 | Ernest J Weeks |
433 | Lazarus Musante |
437 | George E Reedy |
439-441 | Frazier House |
501 | N C Ry Supt’s office |
503 | Bijou Hotel |
Joseph C Clifford | |
505 | Charles Keough |
507 | Martin J Flannery |
Murray & Flannery | |
509 | M J Clohessy |
511 | Eastern Hotel |
McAlpine & Kendrick | |
513 | Newton Benjamin |
Exchange Hotel | |
515 | Kennedy & Smith |
519 | Brown Salicyline Co |
Sanborne & McClave | |
521 | George Kircher |
523 | Delavan House |
Union News Co | |
601 | T McCarthy Fennell |
603 | Adams Express depot office |
605 | Frank H Hyde |
Charles D Vaughn | |
611-613 | Irving D Booth |
615 | Nicks Tobacco Co |
616 | Elmira Beef Co |
617 | MacNevin & Danaher |
623-625 | Elmira Steam Mills |
701 | Patrick J Lee |
703 | Thomas F McGrath |
705 | Vacant |
707 | Andrew Krtzmark |
Mrs Anna Panouski | |
709 | Dennis Lynch |
Mrs Margaret Rynn | |
711 | Michael Galvin |
713 | Stephen D Kennedy |
Michael Quinlan | |
715 | Frank E Fitzgibbons |
717 | Eugene Cahill |
Mrs Jane Shannon | |
721 | John Monahan |
801 | Charles McDonald |
Clinton Kromer | |
803 | August Hillman |
807 | John Conroy |
809 | Lewis Lynch |
Frank Moss | |
813 | Mrs Catharine Hogan |
849 | I A Olmstead |
851 | J Allington & Son |
853 | Antony Ryan |
857 | James Lynch |
Rear 857 | John Corcoran |
859 | Andrea Salomito |
861 | Mrs Ellen Dempsey |
901 | Mrs Ella Bateman |
907 | James Finnell |
Michael McGuire | |
909 | Peter O’Brien |
915 | Michael Dorance |
Daniel Shechan | |
965 | Patrick J Leydon |
RANDALL AVENUE (not numbered)
205 | Thomas B Sheehe |
206 | John R Leader |
207 | Richard P Warren |
208 | Ernest C Nichols |
701 | Freeman W French |
106-110 | Kertscher & Co |
116 | John N Stearns & Co |
205 | Oliver F Foster |
Frank W Meddaugh | |
209 | S B Breese |
303 | Frederick Schmidt |
315 | Isaac Patterson |
314 | Vacant |
361 | Michael T Durkin |
Michael Rowan | |
365 | Arthur Nolan |
366 | John Higgins |
Rear 366 | Edward N Sawyer |
366 ½ | Vacant |
368 | Vacant |
368 ½ | Vacant |
370 | William L McBride |
372 | George M Hunt |
446 | Aaron G Carmer |
448 | Furman Wolfe |
450 | Charles A Waters |
452 | Isaiah Doolittle |
Gustav Oswald |
RESERVOIR STREET (not numbered)
319 | Samuel Kingston |
323 | William H Cotton |
325 | Lewis H Wilbur |
327 | Mrs Mary Sullivan |
353 | Theodore Magee |
355 | Joseph Gilman |
357 | Jeremiah Edwards |
359 | Joseph N Mutchler |
450 | George Elmendorf |
Louis A Mutchler | |
451 | Frederick A Cheney |
452 | Edward M Shaffer |
454 | Caid H Peck |
458 | Joseph H Considine |
460 | Albert H Beardsley |
461 | Edmund I D Grover |
462 | William F McLaughlin |
463 | Walter J Hawver |
467 | Verne E Aldrich |
469 | Frederick W Ekelman |
603 | Charles Jenowski |
611 | August Dobberstein |
612 | John Ronan |
614 | Charles X Yenn |
616 | John Heaxt |
651 | Peter Snyder |
653 | Carl Meyer |
655 | Ambrose J Leese |
207 | Daniel Cronin |
209 | Michael Reidy |
211 | Adelbert W Maricle |
213 | Robert Wright |
313 | John A Fuller |
314 | Jacob Warner |
316 | James Cavanaugh |
Cornelius Desmond | |
317 | Lorentus J Gaskill |
319 | Timothy O Leary |
321 | Arthur E Hall |
Mrs Harriet Thorndill | |
323 | Patrick Hurley |
329 | Charles E Hanrahan |
333 | William S Neville |
333 ½ | William J Schusler |
359 | Dennis McGrath |
363 | Mrs Thomas Harrison |
398 | Edward A Carpenter |
400 | Thomas O’Donnell |
406 | Martin E Heaxt |
407 | I Eugene Dibble |
459 | Burdette Spencer |
471 | William C Burgher |
471 ½ | Mrs Jane S Jones |
472 | Charles W Hemenway |
474 | Dewitt S Campbell |
500 | Frank A Beach |
502 | Charles W Jenks |
504 | Oscar Dahlstrom |
506 | James F Parsons |
507 | Willis J Marsh |
508 | Etta Teed |
517 | Thomas F Foley |
518 | Milton L Murdock |
100 | John Ryan |
101 | John Alcott |
102 | Vacant |
103 | John E Welsh |
104 | Vacant |
105 | John C Stewart |
106 | Nelson A Powell |
107 | Michael F Connor |
1 | Vacant |
3 | Tony Penarra |
5 | Vacant |
7 | Vacant |
9 | Vacant |
SECOND STREET (See East and West Second)
SEVENTH STREET (See East and West Seventh)
SIXTH STREET (See West Sixth)
SEELEY STREET---Not numbered
51-55 | John C Williamson |
Near Maple ave | G A Goff |
68 | Frederick V Ensign |
107 | Morgan A Ruger |
108 | Ernest C Edwards |
109 | Snyder P Atwater |
111 | Charles A Atwater |
115 | Frederick M Wells |
117 | George M Carpenter |
123 | Timothy J Connelly |
125 | William C Rice |
Near Penna ave | Abel Hodgkins |
201 | William J Steinhauser |
201 ½ | James Towart |
2 | William M Felter |
3 | Joseph M Van Why |
7 | Charles J Smith |
93 | Barney Harris |
315 | Timothy Houlihan |
317 | Martin Keavin |
321 | Patrick Kinney |
325 | John Morrissey |
327 | George Heak |
328 | Thomas Mooney |
329 | John Malone |
330 | Thomas Ames |
Delos Monroe | |
331 | J Edward Searles |
102 | John T Rowan |
103 | John Cunningham |
106 | George Newell |
Mary Rowan | |
107 | Patrick Cusick Jr |
108 | Fred Mosher |
109 | John C Storms |
110 | Ann Allen |
205 | Amos F Finch |
206 | Anna Nolan |
207 | Bridget Reidy |
208 | Thomas J Sullivan |
209 | James Wall |
213 | James H Sutfin |
214 | Ellsworth Thomas |
215 | Roscoe F Layton |
216 | Charles E Conevery |
Charles E Hodge | |
217 | Clarence R Roby |
218 | Michael T Sullivan |
219 | Sylvester M Bristol |
221 | Clarence J Jones |
248 | John S Dilmore |
250 | Rodell D Sanford |
252 | Mrs Ann E Love |
254 | M Duke Harris |
255 | Robert J Maxwell |
256 | Charles W Brown |
Isaac H Butters | |
257 | Vacant |
258 | Mary A Joyal |
301 | Seth E Holly |
303 | Charles F Artley |
304 | Frank P MacCarrick |
305 | Hesten T Artley |
Frances J Burdick | |
306 | William Sarvey |
307 | Nora Hurley |
308 | Julia A Meeker |
309 | Lee V Shepard |
310 | Samuel S Fisher |
311 | Osburn K Meeker |
312 | James H Cadoo |
313 | Samuel Holtzapple |
314 | Thomas Haskett |
315 | Louis A Hobler |
316 | Vacant |
317 | John A Cornell |
318 | William G Baily |
319 | James H Hoffman |
320 | Maria Thomas |
321 | George A Davies |