Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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Directory - 1900

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012 024 036 062 070 080 100 122 142 162 182
202 222 242 262 282 302 322 342 362 382 402
422 442 462 482 502 522 542 570 581 592 601
612 616 618 620 624 626 628 632 640 652 660
666 672 681 691 694
You can see this and other Elmira Directories at Steele Memorial Library in Elmira. Thanks to Steele Memorial Library in Elmira for letting us scan these pages.


Containing a General Directory of the Citizens of Elmira and Elmira Heights, a Classified Business Directory, a House Directory of Elmira, and a new City Map. City, County, State, and United States Governments, Schools, Societies, Etc.


FOR SALE BY HOSMER H. BILLINGS. 112 Baldwin Street, Elmira, N.Y.

PRICE - - - $3.50.

(Entered according to Act of Congress in the office of the Libraries of Congress at Washington, D.C., in the year 1900, by George Hanford.)

Elmira, N.Y.

This Reprint Edition Published on the Internet April 2006 by Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice

Names in CAPITALS are Advertisers
Academies and Colleges Queen City Portrait Co, Graves &
ELMIRA BUSINESS AND SHORT- Goldsmith proprs, 820-820 ½ W Gray
HAND SCHOOL, A J Warner pres, Waters, George W, 313 E Water
219 W Gray (See adv inside front Artists Materials
cover) Howe,Charles J, 144-146 E Water
Elmira College, Main cor W Washing- Rolls Estate M R, 158 Baldwin
ton ave
Elmira Free Academy, E Clinton bet Auctioneers
Lake and William Gladke, Charles A, 100 W Water
Elmira School of Commerce, S C Zsty Awnings, Tents &c
propr, 115-119 W Water Compton, Zera, 411 Carroll
Account Systems Bakers
American Sales Book Co, 618 Magee Cocoman, Catharine, 268 W Hudson
Agricultural Implements Diehl, John, 510 Main
(See also Hardware) Flinsbach, Gottlob, 855 E Church
Adriance, Platt & Co, 102 W Fourth Fisher, Charles, 756 Linden pl
Clipper Chilled Plow Co, 550 William Hancock, Anna M, 210 E Water
Deering Harvester Co, 125 W Water Henry, John B, (German) 507 E
DeWaters & Mosher, 112-120 State Church
Friendly, Myer, 104 State Hodkinson, Henry E, Fourth cor Lake
Friendly, Theodore, 251-253 W Water Lynch M A & N T, 120 Penna ave
Gibson, Fred, 305 Carroll Marinan, Mary, 861 Lake
McCormick Harvesting Machine Co, McCRONE BROS, 405 Railroad ave
656-664 State (See adv page 369)
Architects Morse & Co, 107 College ave
Considine & Waltz, 323 Carroll MURPHY & McNALLY, 110-112
Ingham J Q, 112 Lake Main (See adv page 399)
PIERCE & BICKFORD, 120 Lake O’Dea, Mary Mrs, 151 W La France
(See adv top lines) Painton, George, 184 E Water and 200
Art Needle Work S Main
Cook, Alceta M, 114 Main Rodgers, William P, 536 Penna ave
Kingsbury & Squires, 410 Main Sullivan, Johanna, 495 Walnut
Oltz, Helen, 210 Mt Zoar Towner, George S, Hoffman cor W
Artists Troxel, J Edith Mrs, 661 Lake
Banks, Elizabeth C, 451 W First Bands
Canfield, Fannie A, 363 Elm
Cowles, Clara, 316 W Washington ave (See page 51)
W Fourth (See adv bottom lines) Chemung Canal Bank, 415 E Water
Kingsbury, Ella L, 406 W Gray Elmira Savings Banks, 126 E Water
Meade, Charles W Mrs, 108 E Che- Merchants National Bank, 109 W
mung pl Water
THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK, Surganty, William J, 707 ½ Lake
150 Lake (See adv front cover) Susemihl, Herman, 102 E Water
Bank and Office Railings Susemihl, R, 145 W Water
Bantley, Constantine, E Fifth cor Thurston, Moses W, 301 Railroad ave
Madison ave Tilden, Henry A, 1199 Grand Central ave
Barbers Valois, August, 115 Lake
Bartell, George, 322 W Fifth Washington, Henry, 129 S Main
Boylen, George C, 428 ½ Penna ave Welsh, Thomas G, 363 E Fifth
Brown, Charles H, 373 Railroad ave Wiegand, George C, 111 Baldwin,
Bullard, Frank C, 315 Railroad ave Rathbun House
Burrows, Jabez T, 217 W Water
Butler, Emanuel J, 616 Dickinson Barn Door Hangers.
Carrier, Wm H, 223 W Water Cronk Hanger Co, Realty Bldg
Crogger, George, 1344 College ave
Cronin, S, 313 E Water Basket Making Machines.
Cuthbert, David, 464 W Third Horton Basket Machine Co, 210-214
Diehl, Charles, 530 Main Railroad ave
Diehl, Jacob H, 102 State Baths.
Dilmore, John S, 248 South ave Denmark, Catherine Mrs, (Vapor) 376
Doberstein, Gustave A, 122 W Miller W Gray
Donohue, John J, 122 Penna ave Kircher, George, Delevan House
Engle, William, 210 W Hudson PALACE BATH ROOMS, 167 Lake
Ewald, John, 414 E Water (See adv page 230)
Farley, John J, 62 Penna ave Wiegand, G C, 111 Baldwin
Gardner, Wallace A, 600 S Main
Haight I & Co, 130 W Water Bicycle Dealers & Repairers.
Hoagland, George, 360 Davis Ameigh, Richmond D 223 S Main
Jones, T B, 138 E Water Arnold, James E, 126 S Main
Kircher, George, Delevan House Ayres, Albert M, 203 College ave
Kromer, Clinton M, 362 E Washington ave Barker Rose & Clinton Co, 109 to 113 Lake
La Burt Brothers, 168 Lake Blanchard, Vert A, 814 Madison ave
Lawrence, William H, 630 Herrick DeWaters & Mosher, 112-120 State
Loughridge, James, 362 ½ S Main DIVEN & COPLEY 307 E Water
McLafferty, Alonzo, D L & W Y M C (See adv front cover)
A bldg Ells, George, 712 Lake
Meyer, Peter E, 108 ½ Main Elmira Arms Co, 143 ½ W Water
Mitchell, Sam, 522 Lake Elmira Model Works, 122 and 124
Murray, Lawrence J, 200 E Fifth Railroad ave
Nagel, Joseph L, 500 ½ E Clinton Ersly & Molter, 114 E Church
Osborn, Lorenzo E, 853 Lake Frisbie, Ralph M, E Clinton cor State
Packard, Ashley H, 202 S Main Gallagher, John C, 102 Exchange pl
Petti, Sisto, 101 W Fifth Harris, Barney, 360 S Main
Qualey, Charles T, 116 W Fifth Heller M B & Co, 126 W Water
Reed, Smith W, 478 S Broadway Le Valley McLeod & Co, 165 Lake
Reedy, George E, 437 Railroad ave Newman J W & Co, 148 W Water
Rew, Samuel, 601 E Church Peck, William H, 211 W Water
Rietmann, Albert J, 651 ½ E Water Renton, P A 303-309 E Market
Rohde, Otto F, 651 E Water Rhoades, J F, 340 E Market
Ryan, Frank A, 424 E Water Rutan, Peter B, 124 Penna ave
Salvi, Joseph, 353 Railroad ave SEELY TRUMAN CO, 221 Railroad
Singerhoff, William, 437 E Water ave (See adv page 476)
Stamp, Peter P, 230 W Water VAN TASSAL & LOUNSBERRY,
Stewart, William, 669 Dickinson 205 E Market (See adv page 536)
Stone, Seymour H, Hotel Langwell Williams, Willis E, 205 E Market
Suess, Philip, 167 Lake YOUNG, CHARLES W, 116 Lake (See
Sullivan, William, 853 Dickinson adv center lines and page 568
Bicycle Manufacturers BALLARD, CLARA G Mrs, 111 Main
Clipper Chilled Plow Co, 550 William (See adv page 95)
Bicycle Lamp Manufacturers Barber, O A Mrs, 259 Baldwin
Bundy, Frank E, Lamp Co, Advertiser Beebe, Oscar, 214 College ave
bldg, E Market BERRY, EVA G MRS, 614 Park pl
Bicycle Pedal Manufacturers (See adv page 108)
Thomas Machine Co, 601 Baldwin Bigley, Rose Mrs, 1201 Lake
Bill Posters Bogart, Clara Mrs, 1200 Lackawanna ave
Bilz, Edward, 164 Lake Brewster, Emma, 227 Mt Zoar
Billiard Parlors Bridge Dining Hall, 1 Main St Bridge
Jones, H B, 108 Lake Buchanan, Emma A, 200 West Side ave
Baldwin (See adv page 4) Cocoman, Catharine, 268 W Hudson
Biscuits, Wholesale Coke, Sarah A Mrs, 219 Sullivan
Conklin, M M, 322 Carroll Connelly, Mary M Mrs, 724 Benjamin
Blacksmiths Coughlin, Hannah Mrs, 619 Lewis
Beach & Mettler 209 S Main Crawford, N B Mrs, 415 Main
Beary, Eli, 231 W Water Cunningham, Agnes R Mrs, 604 S Main
Birmingham M, 418 E Market Delaney, Elizabeth, 1327 College ave
Bowman, Osee E, State n E Gray DONAHUE, MARY, 513 College ave
Cute, Thomas, 224 William (See adv page 196)
Ellis, Stephen W, 413 E Market Doty, Esther A, 111 W Chemung pl
French, LeRoy W, 206 Maple ave Edgar, Hannah Mrs, 204 Madison ave
Gibbs, Thomas O S, 209 E Gray Finn, John, 726 S Main
HAGUE, JAMES B, 157 Falck (See Garland, Margaret Mrs, 706 E Second
adv page 264) Harris, Nellie Mrs, 613 S Main
Havens, James S, Penna ave cor S Hickok, Laura E, 310 Baldwin
Broadway Hostetter, Phianna C, 716 S Main
Havens, William H, Southport n Kellogg, Fannie S Mrs, 118 W Second
Penna ave Kirkham, Mary E Mrs, 114 W Miller
Hollister, George M, 107 W Church Knickerbocker, Sarah A Mrs, 519 William
Hyatt, George, State n E Gray
Lynch, Andrew, 903 Grand Central ave Krause, Margaret Mrs, 156 W Third
Kreger, Laura V Mrs, 633 W Church
McInerney, Michael, 448 E Water Malony, Anna J, 726 S Main
Merritt, Zenas, 357 E Washington ave Montgomery, Della, 510 E Church
O’Dea, Andrew, 431 Carroll Moore, James, 153 Fox
Palmer, M Dwight, 311 W Water Moore, Kittie Mrs, 210 College ave
Roe, Delbert, 405 Balsam Morse, Ida Mrs, 107 College ave
RUNDLE F & G Co, 602 Madison Morris, M Jane Mrs, 309 ½ W Clinton
ave (See adv page 463) Peake, S C, 129 W Market
Snyder, George W, 226 William Peters, Alice, 223 W Water
Stage, Converse, 800 Copley Reidy, Bridget Mrs, 207 South ave
Strachen, John, 700 Lake Robinson, Nellie E Mrs, 1331 College ave
Trout, Miles M, 450 E Water Roche, Mary Mrs, 351 Railroad ave
Blank Book Manufacturers Rockwell, Wealthy A, 214 Washington
American Sales Book Co, 618 Magee Schofield, Martha J, 370 S Main
ELMIRA ADVERTISER ASSOCIA- Sexsmith, Winifred Mrs, 1013 Lake
TION, 100-102 Lake (See adv page 570) Smith, Eliza J, 106 Madison ave
Smith, Frances E Mrs, 417 E Market
KIES, FRED W, 104-106 Lake (See Storms, Ira C Mrs, 105 E Market
adv page 11) Swan, Maggie J Mrs, 309 S Main
Boarding Houses Tompkins W W Mrs, 360 W Church
BAILEY, FREDERICK, 204 E Gray Ulrich, Margaret, 1007 Walnut
See adv page 92 Vance, Cynthia, 656 Lake
Baker, Margaret S Mrs, 360 W Water Voight, Cora J, 106 W Market
Williams, Emma W, 617 Lake George, Jeremiah, 715 Dickinson
Wickham, Martha R, 151 W Clinton Gruber, Philip, 202 Hoffman
Boat Livery Hart, Michael, 223 W Henry
Terwilliger, Belle Mrs, W Water foot Herman, Levi, 601 John
Columbia Hopwood, Charles H, 605 ½ Erie
Book Binders Hynes, E James, 964 Oak
TION, 100 and 102 Lake (See adv Kemp, C G, 317 E Water
Page 570) Kochane, John, 171 E Washington ave
KIES, FRED W, 104-106 Lake (See Koop, Charles A, E Clinton cor Lake
Adv page 11) Kress, Granderson A, 109 W Third
Books and Stationery Lipcot, Ludwig R, 75 Penna ave
Adams, Jeannette, Postoffice Lake cor Lipski, Anthony, 127 S Main
E Market Livingstone, Theo, 897 Oak
BILLINGS, HOSMER H, 112 Bald- Lown, John, 108 W Water
Win (See adv center lines) Lynch, John, 605 E Third
Dumars, J P, 118 Main McAllister, James N, 221 Sullivan
Morse, Roscius, 313 E Water McSweeney, Dennis, 213 Front
Sullivan, Florence, 321 E Water Menichelli, Frank, 112 W Fifth
Boot & Shoe Dealers Morey, John, 367 Railroad ave
Condon, M Edward, 205 Railroad ave Morris, Alonzo A, 148 W Water
Condon, Maurice, 224 S Main Murphy, John, 763 E Washington ave
Flanagan, M J, 319 E Water Nosadawski, Joseph, Davis cor W Fifth
Hudson & Hudson, 329 E Water Ogden, Raymond C, 201 E Market
Kelly-Keeffe Shoe Co, 108 W Water Randall, Seneca, 436 Penna ave
Mills, R I, 107 E Water Rossi, Domenico, 163 Railroad ave
Newman, M, 331 E Water Rutzke, Frank, 703 Lake
Passage & Overton, 110 W Water Sadler, E P, 162 Baldwin
Patterson, Henry S, 300-302 S Main Spence, David, 605 W Gray
Patterson, Thomas, 100 E Water Swartz, William E, 404 Division
Richardson Shoe Store, 105 W Water Trost, George, 360 Davis
Rosenfield, M, 112 E Water Vaughn, Charles D, 605 Railroad ave
Stone, Charles, 202 E Water Voight, Samuel W, 663 Columbia
Van Orsdale E & Co, 1201 Grand Cen- Volbrecht & Popeck, 321 Carroll
tral ave Boot and Shoe Manufacturers and
Warnock & O’Shea 137 E Water Jobbers
Wynne Bros, 865 Lake and 366 E Friendly Boot and Shoe Co, 216 Baldwin
Washington ave Friendly, Samson J 239 W Water
Boot & Shoe Makers & Repairers Richardson J & Co, 121-125 Railroad ave
Abt, Joseph, 209 Gregg
Bauman, Charles, 556 E Clinton Bottlers
Berrie, Paul, 421 Railroad ave Eagle Bottling Works, 420 Carroll
Bowman, George R, 365 E Fifth Excelsior Bottling Works, 209 ½ W Water
Braun, August, 171 Lake
Budzikowski, Michael, 354 Railroad ave Haley, David B, 418 E Water
Hassett, Patrick, 809 Magee
Burbage, John, Lewis cor South ave McGuigan, James, 745 Baldwin
Campbell, Patrick, 114 W Fifth Roemmelt, Frank, 304 E Clinton
Cinelli, Matteo, W Clinton cor Magee Seely, Absalom, 115 E Hudson
Columbus, Elmer L, 609 E Church Singerhoff, Charles, 437 E Water
Columbus, Sam M, 557 E Water Susemihl, Herman, 258 W Hudson
Dorler, J A, 406 E Market
Flynn E W & Co, r 606 & 608 Jay Box Manufacturers
Frye, Joel E, 1000 Sullivan Howell F M & Co, 79-87 Penna ave
Furman, John, 364 S Main Brass Founders
Giofrida, John, 371 Railroad ave Elmira Brass and Iron Works, 210-214
Giofrida, Santo, 402 Walnut Railroad ave
Brewers and Maltsters Cap Manufacturers
Briggs T & Co, 117-121 E Second Miller H, 204-208 E Water
Elmira Brewing Co, 112 Lake
Mander C, A & F, Tuttle ave foot E Carpenters and Builders
Church (See also Contractors)
Brick Manufacturers ALLINGTON J & SON, 851 Railroad
Farrington, E Ward (fire brick) 900 E ave (See adv back cover)
Church Allington, W Cass, Grove cor Winsor ave
Weyer, J Philip & Co, E Church n D
L & W R R Austin, John T, 438 S Broadway
Bridge Manufacturers BALDWIN, GEORGE E, 212 Frank-
Elmira Bridge Co, limited, E Miller Lin (See adv page 4)
Blackwell, Eden H, 607 W Water
Brokers Budd, Elijah, 119 E Church
Gladke, H J, 136 E Water Cadoo, James H, 312 South ave
Miller, Max, 116 E Water Cottrell, Stephen H, 715 College ave
Paltrowitz L, 107 W Water CUNNINGHAM, JOHN 101-103
Riley, J E, 112 Baldwin South ave (See adv back cover)
Samuels, A 101 W Water Durfey, Harry L, 1206 Pratt
Sanborne & McClave (merchandise) ELMIRA BUILDING CO, 205 Robin-
519 Railroad ave son bldg (See adv front cover)
Stewart, Robert J, 112 Baldwin Elston, Charles C, 504 Spaulding
Waxman, B, 116 E Water EVANS, EDGAR F, 369 Wallace pl
Broom Makers (See adv page 216)
Murphy, Harry, 860 Main Goade, John P, 416 College ave
Thornton, Harvey A, 430 Pleasant Hathaway, William W, 370 ½ Fulton
Brush Manufacturers Hosley, David E, 634 W Water
Bartlett Brush Works, 742 Baldwin Howell, Isaac, 511 Fitch
Building Companies KEENAN, JAMES T, 375 W Clinton
ALLINGTON J & SON, Railroad ave (See adv page 314)
Cor W Seventh (See adv back cover) Kirk, William G, 933 E Church
ELMIRA BUILDING CO, 205 Robin- Langford, James, 358 W Water
son bldg (See adv front cover) Lehmann, John L, 730 Harper
Building and Loan Associations Lewis, David W, 600 Maple ave
(See page 42) McConnell, Charles E, 113 Magnolia
Building Movers Merritt, Henry W, 215 W Second
ALLINGTON J & SON, Railroad ave NEILY, GEORGE W, 116 Partridge
(See adv page 5)
cor W Seventh (See adv back cover) NEISH, WILLIAM A 710 W Second
Tidd, Grant N, 217 W Henry See adv page 404)
Business Colleges Perry, Charles E, 604 S Broadway
(See Academies and Colleges) Pulford, Charles A, Erie cor Falck
Butter and Eggs Rees, Thomas D, 517 Euclid ave
(See Commission Merchants) Regan, Timothy, 914 Walnut
Cabinet Makers Shappee, Cooley D, 814 W Gray
ALLINGTON J & SON, 851 Railroad Sheive, William E, 505 Lake
ave cor W Seventh (See adv back cover) Spalding, Charles T, 600 S Broadway
Stein, Henry F, 403 Tuttle ave
Giles, Charles D, William cor Church Swan & Murray, 613 Baldwin
Kertscher & Co, 108 Reformatory n THURSTON & HASKELL, 208 Col-
Erie R R lege ave (See adv page 524)
THURSTON & HASKELL, 208 Col- VanWhy, Joseph M, 3 Smith
lege ave (See adv page 524) VanWie, Joseph B, 457 Franklin
Cameras and Photographic Supplies WILLIAMSON, JOHN C, 51-53-55
Van Aken, Charles, 120 W Water Sly (See adv front cover)
Cancer and Blood Specialists Wright, Clarence L, 506 Herrick
VEAZIE, M J Mrs, 143 ½ W Water (see Carpet Cleaners
adv page 537) Bruen, John H, 369 W Fourth
ER, 305 Carroll (See adv page 452) Wyckoff A & Son, 101-103 E Chemung pl
Queen City Carpet Cleaning Co, 526 Main Chiropodist
Star Carpet Cleaner, 606 Oak Stevens, C F, 135 E Water
WEST SIDE CARPET CLEANER Cider and Vinegar Manufacturers
W A Neish & Co proprs, 710 W Hemenway, George W, 505 Matthews
Second (See adv page 404) Cigar Manufacturers.
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Draperies, &c Bernstein, Sol, 712 E Market
Gately & Gray, 244 W Water Casterline, Jacob, 450 E Market
Pratt, T S, 311 E Water Clark, John D, 110 W Second
Reynolds Bros, 301-303 E Water Conlon, John C, 376 S Main
Samuel, Albert, 139 E Water Connelly, Jeremiah, 452 W Hudson
Sullivan J P & M, 114-116 W Water Daniels, Albert J, 118 W Market
Carriage, Wagon and Sleigh Makers Frey, Solomon R, 813 E Market
and Repairers Geisenhoff, Joseph, 415 E Market
AYERS, JOHN T, College ave cor W Gill, James, r 112 Columbia
Third (See adv back cover) Gradwell & Fitzgerald, 107 E Church
Broas, George W, 110 E Church Hart, Charles F, r 853 Lake
Brownlow, James, 357 E Fifth Harrington, William, 959 Sullivan
Carman, William H, 359 E Washington ave Hogan & Sullivan 101 E Church
Evans, Charles G, Penna ave cor S Hooven Mercantile Co The, 207-209
Broadway Baldwin
Hyatt, George L, State near E Gray Kennedy, Edward, 706 Jay
McInerny, John, 448 E Water Lazarus J, 158 Exchange pl
RUNDLE F & G & Co, 602 Madison Leese, Carl L, 655 Robinson
ave (See adv page 463) Levy A & J, 72 Penna ave
Sauvey, Alexis, 950 Lincoln Mathew Cigar Co, Peter Mathew mgr,
Simcoe, William W, 226 William 118 Brand
Trout, Miles M, 450 E Water McCarthy, James, 118 S Main
Carriage Painters McLaughlin, W F, 200 Baldwin
Mercereau, H C Co, 91-95 Penna ave
(See painters, carriage) Nicks Tobacco Co, 615 Railroad ave
Carriage Dealers O’Brien, Timothy, 419 High
AYERS, JOHN T, College ave cor W Radin, J L Advertiser bldg E Market
Third (See adv back cover) Roberts, A Ernest, 228 S Main
DeWaters & Mosher, 112-120 State Scheirer, J W, 117 Baldwin
Friendly, Myer, 104 State Shannon, Thomas O, 159 Railroad ave
Friendly, Theodore, 251 W Water Sheehan, Patrick, 731 Harper
Carriage Trimmer Stone, Franklin, S Broadway cor
(See also carriage manufacturers) Penna ave
Sayles, Lewis P, 450 E Water Strauss, Harvey J, 136 E Chemung pl
Cement and Plaster Sullivan, Dennis, 654 Main
ELMIRA SEWER PIPE AND FIRE Voorhees, George S, 706 Kinyon
BRICK Co, Railroad ave cor E Webber & Co, 435 E Water
Third (See adv front cover) Williman, Alexander, 618 E Water
Fiske H A & Co, E Clinton and State Yudleman, Samuel I, 808 John
n D L & W freight house Cigars and Tobacco
THURSTON & HASKELL, 208 Col- (See also druggists, grocers, restau-
lege ave (See adv page 524) rants, &c)
Cement, Drain and Sewer Pipe Manu- Andrus, Fred B, 313 W Water
facturers and Dealers. Beckwith, Marion, 422 E Water
BRICK CO, Railroad ave cor E Brown & Seaman, 103 State
Third (See adv front cover) Feeny, J W, 173 Lake
Queen City Sewer Pipe Co, Baldwin Earle, B B, 204 W Water
cor E Second Fiorella, Michael, 151 Railroad ave