The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & History  
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
The Tri-Counties Genealogy & History Site  is a project created and maintained entirely by volunteers. I,  Joyce M. Tice, am developer of the site for Tioga and Bradford County in Pennsylvania and for Chemung County in New York. Additionally, I am making material from my own Sullivan-Rutland Genealogy Project available online. The pages that we have created and made available free online for any interested user have taken a lot of  time and have incurred significant expense. In addition, many other volunteer contributors add material to these pages and provide services to genealogists with questions about our area and its people. Our only reward is an occasional thank you and the opportunity to make contact with others researching the same areas as we are. I also like to give recognition to those volunteers and their contributions. So, I do not want any of this material that we have compiled and made available as a gift to you to be confiscated for commercial purposes or to be included in indexes or other bodies of work that deprive us of our recognition and ability to be in contact with our users. The feedback we get from users is our primary reward for our efforts and must not be interfered with. If you have a valid reason to do this, please contact Joyce M. Tice for written permission. Specifically, Broderbund, or MyFamily or Ancestors or or or any other commercial compilers, may NOT use this material in their commercial products. We can not permit others to sell or receive donation revenue for what we have presented as a gift at our own expense. Even if you consider your project non-commercial, you may not take over any material on these pages for your own commercial publication without permission. It is not public domain. If you are distributing your work obtained from resources on the site to others, be sure they are aware of the commercial restrictions and that they do not upload our work to commercial sites.

If you use any of this material in your personal research, please give proper credit to this site in your footnote and source documentation.  The main site address of is the address of the main page of the site and the one that should be cited in all appropriate use of the material. The Correct name of the site is Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice. No other version of the name is correct and ALL pages of the site must be identified by this name ONLY.

This message was made necessary by unscrupulous or misguided individuals who have taken material provided free by volunteers and diverted it into saleable products or who have represented it as their own work without the appropriate source citations. We regret the necessity for this warning and apologize to all others who are inconvenienced by it. Guidelines for properly citing your sources in research can be found in this article.

This message is not placed here to intimidate legitimate researchers who use it as a source in their family histories and give proper credit to it as a source. Its purpose is to aid the history and genealogy researcher and to make an abundance of material on our area and people easily available

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Page Added on 1998
By Joyce M. Tice 

site created and maintained by Joyce M. Tice

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