Containing a General Directory of the Citizens of Elmira and Elmira Heights, a Classified Business Directory, a House Directory of Elmira, and a new City Map. City, County, State, and United States Governments, Schools, Societies, Etc.
FOR SALE BY HOSMER H. BILLINGS. 112 Baldwin Street, Elmira, N.Y.
PRICE - - - $3.50.
(Entered according to Act of Congress in the office of the Libraries of Congress at Washington, D.C., in the year 1900, by George Hanford.)
Elmira, N.Y.
This Reprint Edition Published on the Internet April 2006 by Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Walsh, Emma, widow Michael, h r 608 E Third
Walsh, Harriet, widow William, bds 106 South ave
Walsh, James, polisher, h 217 W Third
Walsh, James W, emp bridge works, h 53 Keefe
Walsh, John J, sewer inspector, h 1209 Grand Central ave
Walsh, John T, conductor D L & W R R, h 707 Carpenter
Walsh, John W, emp bridge works, bds r 608 E Third
Walsh, Kate, domestic 410 W Gray
Walsh, Lewis S, emp tannery, bds r 608 E Third
Walsh, Margaret T, milliner 130 E Water, h do
Walsh, Martin A, conductor D L & W R R, h 915 Lake
Walsh, Mary, widow John, h 359 Railroad ave
Walsh, Mary A, dressmaker, h 655 ½ College ave
Walsh, Michael, h 130 E Water
Walsh, Michael J, sidewalk contractor, h 408 Fulton
Walsh, Patrick J, hotel 425 and 427 Railroad ave h do
Walsh, Richard F, emp bridge works, bds 608 E Third
Walsh, Robert F, com trav 201 E Water, bds 130 do
Walsh, Thomas, saloon 359 Railroad ave, h do
Walsh, Thomas, janitor A O Hospital, bds do
Walsh, William J, bookkeeper 201 E Water, bds 130 do
Walsh see Welch and Welsh
Walster, Conrad O, janitor First Baptist Church, h 951 Johnson
Walster, Elizabeth, widow Joseph, bds 951 Johnson
Walster, Frank W, clerk 301 E Water, bds 951 Johnson
Walster, George, clerk, bds 951 Johnson
WALTER, ALVIN A, mgr Elmira Paper Co 120 W Water, h 707 E Water
WALTER, KATE E, Elmira China Co 120 W Water, h 707 E Water
Walter, Samuel, baker Rathbun House, bds do
Walters, Ada D, bookkeeper 857 Magee, bds 259 Partridge
Walters, Daisy, domestic, bds 402 ½ Sullivan
Walters, William H, emp Erie shops, bds 350 W Fourth
WALTZ, ORMAN H, (Considine & Waltz) 323 Carroll, bds 316 W Gray
Walzer, Mary A, widow Peter N, bds 304 W Water
WALZER, PETER H, merchant trailor 302 E Water, h 518 William
Wanamaker, Jennie J, school teacher, bds 738 W First
WANAMAKER, LIZZIE N, agt "Our Native Herbs" 738 W First, h do (See adv next page)
Wanamaker, Manning F, cattle buyer, h 813 W Gray
Wanamaker, Simpson, carpenter, h 609 E Church
Wanamaker, W Lewis, student, bds 738 W First
Wands, Garnard, tobacco sorter, h 556 Coburn
Wandtcar, Ezra H, deliverman Standard Oil Co Elmira Oil works, h 960 Oak
Ward, Alice E, bds 446 W Clinton
Ward, Frederick, clerk 320 Carroll, h East ave bey limits
Ward, Frederick J, trav salesman, h 446 W Clinton
Ward, George A, shoemaker, bds 223 Gregg
Ward, George W, bookkeeper The Doane & Jones Lumber Co h 223 Gregg
WARD, JAMES N, lawyer, secy Chemung Valley Mutual loan Association 153 Lake, h 311 W Church
Ward, John J, carpenter D L & W R R, h 405 Crescent
Ward, Milton C, engineer N C Ry, h 625 Penna ave
Ward, Robert, check boy 301 E Water, bds 446 W Clinton
Ward, Sarah J Mrs, domestic 858 Lake
Ward, William, h 916 Grand Central ave
Ward, William A, stone dealer 108 W Church and 413 E Water, h East ave outside limits
Warde, Lina, bds 125 Horner
Warde, Mabel, bds 125 Horner
Ware, George, machinist, h 150 W LaFrance
Ware, John S, blacksmith, h 130 E Water
Ware, W Harry, iron worker, bds 905 Lake
Waring, George E, brakeman D L & W R R, bds 1200 Lackawanna ave
Warlick, Reinhold I, music teacher, bds 406 Union pl
Warne, Cornelius, carpenter, h 630 Lewis
Warner, Adolphus, engineer rolling mill, h 669 Lake
WARNER, AUGUSTUS J, pres Warner’s Business and Shorthand School 219 W Gray, h 217 do (See adv inside front cover)
Warner, Blanche, dressmaker, bds 321 Division
Warner, E A & Son, (EJ) grocers, 642 W Water
Warner, Edwin A, (E A Warner & Son) 642 W Water, h do
Warner, Edwin J, (E A Warner & Son) 642 W Water, bds do
Warner, Frank, emp D L & W shops, h 321 Division
Warner, Fred L, machinist, h 801 W Water
Warner, Herbert E, h 811 W Water
Warner, Jacob, clerk, h 314 Roe ave
Warner, Mary, widow Reuben, bds 1022 Lake
Warner, Mary J, widow Robert M, bds 801 W Water
Warner, Nellie, domestic, 514 W Clinton
Warner, Ruth, bds 321 Division
WARNER, SHERRY A, principal business dept Warner’s Business and Shorthand School 219 W Gray, bds 376 W Water
Warner, William, brakeman Erie R R, h 625 Lake
WARNER’S BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND SCHOOL, A J Warner pres, 219 W Gray (See adv inside front cover)
WARNOCK, JOHN C, (Warnock & O’Shea) 137 E Water, h 310 ½ W First
Warnock, William H, com trav, h 357 Euclid ave
WARNOCK & O’SHEA, (J C Warnock and C W O’Shea) boots and shoes, 137 E Water
Warr, Thomas, silk weaver, bds 115 West side ave
Warren, Anna E, widow Archie J, h 367 W Clinton
Warren, Elizabeth Mrs, bds 204 High
Warren, Ellen R, widow Stephen N, h 204 High
Warren, Emily, widow Freeman, h 220 High
Warren, George, laborer, bds Hotel Klondike
Warren, George H, student, bds 554 Coburn
Warren, Inzie, bookkeeper 201 E Water, bds 204 High
Warren, John S, com trav, rooms 410 E Church
Warren, Lena F, clerk 132 W Water, bds 552 Coburn
Warren, Leon A, clerk 126 Lake, bds 367 W Clinton
Warren, Lillian, emp hosiery factory, bds 220 High
Warren, Orson, prin school No 1, h 308 W Fifth
Warren, Richard P, painter, h 207 Rathbun
Warwick, David A, laborer, bds 379 Diven ave
Washburn, Charles A, fireman N C Ry, h 738 Laurel
Washington, Esther, widow Hiram, bds 616 Dickinson
Washington, George, laborer, h 108 Partridge
Washington, Henry, barber, 129 S Main, h 658 Dickinson
Washington, Henry C Jr, barber, bds 658 Dickinson
Washington, Irene, domestic, 959 College ave
Wasson, Charles W, prin school No 9, h 480 South ave
Waterhouse, Jennie R, bds 660 Main
Waterhouse, Mary G, stenographer R G Dun & Co, bds 660 Main
Waterhouse, Mary J, widow John, h 660 Main
Waterman, George, inspector, bds 617 Lake
Waters, Charles, machinist, h 166 Boardman
Waters, Charles H, brakeman D L & W R R, h 450 Reformatory
Waters, Charles R, painter, h 705 Tuttle ave
Waters, George W, artist, 313 E Water, h 360 W First
Waters, George W Jr, bds 360 W First
Waters, Jean, artist, bds 360 W First
Waters, Joseph H, mattress maker, bds 565 John
Waters, Lizzie, domestic 902 W Water
Waters, Mabel, artist, bds 360 W First
Waters, Martin, emp rolling mill, h 758 Jay
Waters, Thomas, grocer 565 John, h do
Watkins, Albert F, laborer, bds 361 Norton
Watkins, Hattie, dressmaker, bds 361 Norton
Watkins, Jessie M M, student, bds 712 German
Watkins, Lillian B Mrs, dressmaker 623 Penna ave
Watkins, Samuel, laborer, h 756 Pattinson
Watkins, Seely D, teamster, bds 756 Pattinson
Watkins, Stephen, driver Truck No 1, h 361 Norton
Watkins, William B, emp bridge works, h 623 Penna ave
Watrous, Alice M, canvasser, bds 613 E Second
Watrous, John A, h 222 Baldwin
Watrous, Thomas A, inventor, h 613 E Second
Watrous, Thomas S, carriage trimmer, h 705 College ave
Watson, Andrew J, bds 216 Madison ave
Watson, Avilla F Mrs, h 802 Madison ave
Watson, Clara L, widow Henry, bds 220 W Gray
Watson, Edward, milk dealer, h 558 E Water
Watson, James, bartender 810 Madison ave, bds do
Watson, John J, teamster, h 118 W Seventh
Watson, Mary, bds 118 W Seventh
Watson, Ray, bds 614 Baldwin
Watts, Berton, laborer, h 220 W Third
Watts, Daniel, laborer, bds 105 E Market
Watts, James F, patrolman, h 868 Main
Watts, John, machinist, bds 406 Sullivan
Watts, John R, foreman composing room Gazette, h 116 Lormore
Watts, John R Jr, musician, bds 116 Lormore
Watts, John T, laborer, bds 406 Sullivan
Watts, Richard S, student, bds 116 Lormore
Watts, Stephen, night foreman N C Ry shops, h 115 W Henry
Watts, Stephen H, switchman D L & W R R, bds 923 Lake
Watts, William D, machinist, bds 106 Madison ave
Waugh, Elizabeth R, widow John, h 217 W Second
Waxman, Barney, pawnbroker 116 E Water, h 116 Washington
Way, Herbert C, bds 316 Lake
Weaver, Catherine, widow Jacob, bds 607 S Main
Weaver, Elvin D, car repairer, h 305 Tuttle ave
Weaver, Emily R, bds 103 S Main
Weaver, Emmett, emp Erie R R, h 907 E Church
Weaver, Fenton B, insurance agent 207 Robinson bldg, h 533 W Water
Weaver, Francis M, city express, h 550 ½ Spaulding
Weaver, Frank S, fireman D L & W R R, h 1311 Grand Central ave
Weaver, Franklin R, meat cutter 66 Penna ave, h r 119 Caldwell ave
Weaver, Fred W, bookkeeper, rooms 515 W Third
Weaver, George E, ladies’ tailor 163 Baldwin, h 118 College ave
Weaver, Harry L, weighmaster N C Ry yardmaster’s office, bds 521 Herrick
Weaver, Helen M, teacher school No 9 bds 521 Herrick
Weaver, Lloyd, student, bds 521 Herrick
Weaver, Margaret R, widow Peter C, bds 201 Sly
Weaver, Myrtie, bds 303 Tuttle ave
Weaver, Richard H, laborer, h 1263 Hoffman
Weaver, Samuel J, machinist N C Ry, h 521 Herrick
Weaver, Sidney J, emp N C Ry shops, h 607 S Main
Weaver, Stephen E, teamster, h 303 Tuttle ave
Weaver, William W, fireman D L & W R R, h 1501 Lake
Webb, Amelia S, widow William, h 323 W Clinton
Webb, Clarence C, carpenter, bds 358 Lyon
Webb, Frank, bartender 122 W Water, h 208 Dewitt ave
WEBB, G F MRS, restaurant 1 and 2 Main St bridge, h do
Webb, George F, farmer, h 2 Main St bridge
Webb, Henry A, restaurant 119 Lake, h do
Webb, Louise C, bds 323 W Clinton
Webb, Myra L, widow Mortimer T, h 501 William
Webb, Richard, machinist, h 1206 Davis
Webb, Sarah R, teacher school No 4, bds 321 Irvine pl
Webber, Glenn, carriage painter, bds 310 ½ W Fourth
Webber, Harriet M, widow Lucian, nurse, h 700 Perine
Webber, Harry K, solicitor N Y & Pa Tel & Tel Co, h 502 Columbia
Weber, Donat, laborer, 355 E Fourth
Weber, Peter, (Weber & Co) 435 E Water, h 753 E Market
Weber, William, fireman D L & W R, h 708 ½ Linden pl
Weber & Co, (P and V Weber and R Schuh) cigar manufs 435 E Water
Webster, Daniel, grocer 311 E Fifth, h 522 Baldwin
Webster, Della Mrs, dressmaker, 556 John
Webster, Hulbert B, canvasser, h 556 John
Webster, Martha, widow Francis, weaver, h 1216 Baldwin
Webster, Otis A, salesman 100 E Gray, h 628 William
Webster, Ralph D, purchasing agt Eclipse Bicycle Co, h 416 Grove
Weed, Amelia, widow Edward, dressmaker, bds 708 W Gray
Weed, David L, section hand D L & W R R, h 759 ½ E Fifth
Weed, William R, brakeman D L & W R R, h 968 Oak
Weeks, Albert C, drayman, bds 702 E Market
Weeks, Charles R, clerk 126 W Water, bds 702 E Market
Weeks, Ella Mrs, clerk, bds 308 S Main
Weeks, Ernest J, lunch wagon E Water cor Lake and 413 Railroad ave, rooms Frasier House
Weeks, Frank W, shipping clerk, h 704 E Market
Weeks, Lottie E, bds 702 E Market
Weeks, Mary, widow Chauncey, h 702 E Market
Wegner, Henry C, musician, h 50 Orchard
Wehnes, Catherine, groceries 356 E Washington ave, h do
Weick, Frederick, bds 152 ½ Madison ave
Weick, William F, reporter Star, bds 152 ½ Madison ave
Weider, Minnie, bds West End Hotel
Weigel, Arthur, painter, h 903 E Market
Weigester, Robert G, organist First Baptist church, h 725 W Water
Weiner, Moses, peddler, h 761 John
Weinstein, Morris, grocer 551 E Second, h do
Weir, John, gardner, h 112 Luce
Weisburg, Jacob, peddler, bds 166 Harriet
Weise, August, laborer, h 704 German
Weisleder, George, machinist, h 907 Lincoln
Weiss, Augustus, tel messenger 150 Baldwin, bds 615 E Third
Weiss, Frank Mrs, h 615 E Third
Welch, Addie Mrs, h 407 Railroad ave
Welch, Burt, liveryman, h 411 W Sixth
Welch, Catherine, widow Morris, h 301 W Henry
Welch, Ellen, cook W Water bey limits
Welch, George, telegrapher, bds 923 Lake
Welch, James, cigarmaker, bds 301 E Henry
Welch, James K, laborer, h 104 Front
Welch, John E, engineer, h 406 W First
Welch, Margaret, clerk, bds 406 W First
Welch, Mary E, emp Elmira knitting mill, bds 104 Front
WELCH, ROSS E, law student 307 Robinson bldg, bds 411 W Sixth
Welch, W George, telegrapher, bds 923 Lake
Welch see Walsh and Welsh
Weldner, Catharine, emp J Richardson & Co, bds 307 E Second
Weldner, Fred E, engineer N C Ry, h 453 South ave
Weldner, George, shoemaker, bds 55 Monroe
Weldner, Henry J, plumber, steam and gas fitter, 221 S Main h 104 W Chemung pl
Welhaf, Eva, bds 253 Warren
Welhaf, Lizzie, emp silk mill, bds 253 Warren
Welker, Frank H, engineer D L & W R R, bds 1201 Lake
Weller, Merilda, widow Jacob, bds 320 S Broadway
Weller, Jerome, laborer, bds 217 Judson
Welles, Mary, widow Matthias H, h 861 College ave
Welles, Sarah Mrs, h 217 Judson
Welles see Wells
Welling, Elizabeth W, bds 408 William
Welling, John L, clerk 119 E Water, h 214 W First
Wells, Alda M, bds 115 Sly
Wells, Antoinette, bds 510 William
Wells, Bert, stenographer John N Stearns & Co
Wells, Bertha O, clerk, bds 382 W Water
Wells, Catharine, tobacco sorter, bds 506 John
Wells, Charles E, laborer, h 358 E Fifth
Wells, Charles E, emp Eclipse Bicycle Co, bds 213 Caldwell ave
Wells, Escourt C, meat cutter 204 Penna ave, bds 608 E Miller
WELLS FARGO & CO’S EXPRESS, S D Germond agt, 121 Baldwin
Wells, Frederick M, foreman bridge works, h 115 Sly
WELLS, H D MRS, florist 382 W Water, h do
WELLS, H MARVIN, asst mgr Standard Oil Co, Elmira Oil Works, h 510 William
Wells, Harriet M, bds 510 William
Wells, Harry, check boy, bds 217 Judson
Wells, Henry A, com trav, bds 510 Grove
Wells, Horace D, h 382 W Water
Wells, Ira, clerk 139 E Water, h 510 Grove
WELLS, JAMES H, painter & paper hanger 224 William, h 509 Madison ave (see adv)
Wells, Jennie A Mrs, h 107 E Church
Wells, Jerome, emp Hotel Rathbun, bds 217 Judson
Wells, Maria, widow Henry F, rooms 415 Main
Wells, Sarah A, widow Jonas H, bds 509 Madison ave
Wells, Thomas B, clerk 301 E Water, bds 382 W Water
Wells, William O, clerk 110 State, h 206 Grove
Wells see Welles
Wellson, Francis J, machine opr, bds 511 College ave
Wellson, Georgia A, widow Henry B, h 511 College ave
Wellson, Maude, stenographer, bds 511 College ave
Welsh, Adriana M, housekeeper 101 Rose pl
Welsh, Agnes, clerk, h r 655 College ave
Welsh, Anna, bds 809 Johnson
Welsh, Frank B, mason, bds 103 Rose pl
Welsh, Honie h r 655 College ave
Welsh, James K, laborer, h 104 Front
Welsh, John E, mason, h 103 Rose pl
Welsh, Kate, domestic, h r 655 College ave
Welsh, Margaret, clerk 115 E Water, bds 406 W First
Welsh, Mary, emp knitting mill, bds 104 Front
Welsh, Mary, clerk 115 E Water, bds 655 ½ College ave
Welsh, Mary, cook 515 Railroad ave
Welsh, Mary E, dressmaker, bds 104 Front
Welsh, Thomas, barber, h 516 Dewitt ave
Welsh, William L, bds 706 Benjamin
Welsh see Walsh and Welch
WELTON, EUGENE E, dyer & cleaner 319 Carroll, h 207 E Gray
Wemple, Archie, candy maker, h 807 Lake
Wemple, Bertha, bds 807 Lake
Wemple, Edgar W, foreman Clipper Chilled Plow Co, h 651 Lake
Wemple, Elizabeth, bds 807 Lake
Wemple, Mary Mrs, boarding h 807 Lake
Wendling, Sarah E, widow John H, h 1010 Hoffman
Wentworth, John B, law clerk 502 Robinson bldg, bds 614 Park pl
Wentz, Christina, widow Peter, bds 619 Penna ave
Wentz, William F, emp bridge works, h 125 Horner
Wentz, William F, (Jacob & Wentz) h 1 Harmon
Wenzel, Catharine, widow Simon, bds 731 Winsor ave
Wenzel, Peter, florist, h 731 Winsor ave
Werdein, John A, carpenter, h 800 ½ Oak
WERDENBERG, ANDREW F, clothing, hats, caps and men’s furnishings 200 W Water cor Main, h 353 W Clinton
Were, George C, emp La France shops, h 150 W La France
Werner, George, painter, bds 724 Benjamin
Werner, Hirsh, teacher of languages, h 112 Sullivan
Wertman, Frank C, flagman N C Ry, h 403 S Main
Wescott, Alfred A, supt Bundy Lamp Co, h 355 ½ W Clinton
Wescott, Bailey S, machinist, bds Buckbee House
Wescott see Westcott
Wesley, Charles, musician, h 656 Baldwin
WEST, AA, druggist 867 Lake, h 409 Linden pl
West, Belle, h 315 Carroll
West, Calvin L, guard Reformatory, h 233 ½ Kingsbury ave
West, Charles H, bookbinder, bds 213 Sullivan
West, Charles H, teamster, h 112 E Chemung pl
West, Elbert F, undertaker, bds 360 Pomeroy pl
West, Emma, widow Charles, h 213 Sullivan
West End Hotel, W H Newell propr, 232-234 W Water
West, Frederic A, druggist 1134 Lake, bds 409 Linden pl
West, Harry, bookkeeper, h 102 Tuttle ave opp tannery
West, Ida L, widow Joseph, bds 356 E Fourth
West, Louise J, bds 213 Sullivan
West, Lula, emp silk mill, bds 102 Tuttle ave opp tannery
WEST SIDE CARPET CLEANER, W A Neish & Co proprs, 710 W Second (See adv page)
WEST SIDE RAILROAD COMPANY, C M Tompkins pres, H H Hallock treas, Platt V Bryan secy, W W Cole genl mgr 120 E Water
WEST WATER STREET RAILROAD CO, Carl G Rasmus pres, J M Diven secy and treas, Charles F Uebelacker genl mgr, 2d floor Realty bldg
Westbrook, Ann, dressmaker, h 215 Mt Zoar
Westbrook, Charles B, plumber, h 357 ½ W Second
Westbrook, John O, com trav 117 E Water, h 111 Magnolia
Westbrook, Louise, Widow Elmer, h 110 Ferris
Westbrook, Margaret J, widow Sanford, h 913 Grand Central ave
Westbrook, Mary, widow Jacob, bds 1201 Lake
Westbrook, Walter R, com trav, h 373 W Clinton
Westcott, Edith M, agent, bds 808 Holdridge
Westcott, Lila C, bds 959 College ave
Westcott see Wescott
WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO Wilmot H Owen mgr, 150 Baldwin
Westervelt, Edwin, brakeman N C Ry, h 410 ½ Jefferson
Westervelt, Eliza, widow James C, bds 553 Grove
Westervelt, James C, clerk 119 Hoffman, h 1006 Walnut
Westervelt, Reuben, switchboard man 160 Exchange pl, h 553 Grove
Westlake, Adella A, widow Arthur M, h 401 Columbia
Westlake, Frederick E, supt 121 Railroad ave, h 371 W Church
Westlake, Marguerite, student, bds 401 Columbia
Weston, Franklin F, mgr sales Eclipse Bicycle Co, h 510 W Gray
Weston, Katie, h 113 W Water
Wetherbee, Harry D, agent, h 762 Linden pl
WEY, HAMILTON D, physician and surgeon 359 Main, h do, office hours 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 pm
Weyer, Dora M, bds 517 William
WEYER, GEORGE P, grocer and postmaster Penna ave cor S Broadway, h do
WEYER, J PHILIP, (J Philip Weyer & Co) E Church, h 517 William
WEYER, J PHILIP & CO, brick manufrs E Church n D L & W R R
Weyer, Julia P, bds 517 William
Weyer, Laura E, bds 517 William
Weyman, Maud, h 301 E Market
Whalen, Frank, engineer D L & W R R, h 1024 ½ Oak
Whalen, Hannah Mrs, bds 459 W Third
Whalen, James, fireman D L & W R R, h 956 Oak
Whalen, Michael, engineer D L & W R R, h 415 Standish
Whalen, Rosina, widow John, domestic 311 Washington
Wheadon, Charles F, (Barton & Wheadon) 318 E Market, h 368 W First
Wheadon, Fannie, housekeeper 368 W First
Wheadon, Max H, bookkeeper 318 E Market, bds 368 W First
Wheat, Gabriel C, jeweler, h 114 Dewitt ave
Wheat, Grace M, emp shirt factory, bds 114 Dewitt ave
Wheat, Phebe M, widow Horton M, bds 9 Home
Wheatley, Helen J Mrs, h 757 E Market
Wheatley, Lillian A, bds 757 E Market
Wheatley, Merton D, laborer, bds 757 E Market
Wheaton, Damon D, com trav, h 702 ½ W Gray
Wheaton, Hattie H, widow Frank, housekeeper 550 E Water
Wheeland, Henry F, meat market 428 Penna ave, h 430 do
Wheeler, Abner D, machinist, h 404 E Washington ave
Wheeler, Ada, widow Frank, domestic 465 Mt Zoar
Wheeler, Anna M, widow Nathan S, bds 253 W Sixth
Wheeler, David P, mason, h 354 S Main
Wheeler, David R, engineer N C Ry, h Caton ave cor Penna ave
WHEELER, EARL S, freight agt D L & W R R, h 450 Maple ave
Wheeler, Elise, widow Charles, bds Caton ave cor Penna ave
Wheeler, Eva S, domestic 519 Perine
Wheeler, Floyd A, telegrapher, bds 354 S Main
Wheeler, Fred H, bookkeeper, 216 Baldwin, rooms 403 W Water
Wheeler, Harry E, laborer, h 628 Lewis
Wheeler, Ida M Mrs, h 121 Madison ave
Wheeler, Isabel, domestic 358 Euclid ave
Wheeler, Jane, widow Samuel, h 220 W Third
Wheeler, Joseph, horse clipper, bds 413 Baldwin
Wheeler, Lafayette M, machinist, h 768 S Main
Wheeler, Margaret, widow Peter, bds 528 W Hudson
Wheeler, Merritt T, foreman H C Spaulding Co, h 861 Grove
Wheeler, Orrin, laborer, h Thompson cor Southport
Wheeler, Sharlet, bds 861 Grove
Wheeler, Thomas B, bds 861 Grove
Wheeler, William, driver, h 413 Baldwin
Wherry, Elizabeth L Mrs, h 507 W Clinton
Whiffler, Jennie, clerk 201 E Water, bds 551 E Market
Whiffler, Rose, clerk 201 E Water, bds 551 E Market
Whipple, Albert G, carpenter, h 412 Locust
Whipple, Albert R, map publisher, h 550 E Market
Whipple, Charles, carpenter, bds 106 W Second
Whipple, Dana S, barber, bds 1007 College ave
Whipple, Henry M, carpenter, bds 426 Pleasant
Whipple, Perry J, carpenter, rooms 205 W Henry
Whippy, Sarah A, widow Davis W, bds 418 Jefferson
Whirt, Howard, engineer silk mill, h 204 Crete ave
Whitaker, Keitch, laborer, bds 153 E Washington ave
Whitaker, Sophia Mrs, h 153 E Washington ave
Whitcomb, Etta A, widow Owen, h 413 Davis
White, Alice, waitress Delevan House
White, Andrew, emp bicycle works, h 465 Powell
White, Anna B, cashier Prudential Ins Co of America, bds 503 Grove
White, Anna E, widow Abner, h 503 Grove
White, Bert, farmer, bds 907 Hoffman
White, Charles H, trainman D L & W R R, h 1411 Grand Central ave
White, Charles W, emp Eclipse Bicycle Co, h 443 W Fifth
White, Clara, domestic 664 Park pl
White, Clara A, widow Robert H, stenographer 415 E Water, h 119 E Henry
White, Delbert J, day opr D L & W depot, bds 411 Linden pl
White, Dora, domestic 103 S Main
White, E Theo, bds 119 E Henry
White, Eugene, emp H C Spaulding Co, h 655 W Washington ave
White, Frank W, machinist, h 506 W Third
White, Franklin G, canvasser, h 761 E Washington ave
White, Fred, laborer, bds 270 W Chemung pl
White, Frederick A, clerk 107 W Market, rooms 110 do
White, Frederick W, emp Advertiser, bds 612 E Clinton
White, George, clerk 107 W Market, bds 505 E Market
White, Hannah Mrs, domestic 502 W Water
White, Harriet A, stenographer, bds 503 Grove
White, Harry, hostler, D L & W R R, bds 1201 Lake
White, Helen Mrs, h 301 E Market
White, Henry L, milk peddler, bds 907 Hoffman
White, Herman F, laborer, h 521 Harper
White House Café, C M Brooks propr E Market cor Lake
White, Ina, widow Samuel J, bds 707 E Fifth
White, Isabella, bds 514 W Water
White, J Frank, propr Elmira Soap Works Madison ave cor E Fifth, h 414 Baldwin
White, John, laborer, h 100 E Washington ave
White, John T, route agt U S Express Co, bds 403 Baldwin
White, Josie, waitress Elmira College, bds do
White, Judson N, painter, bds 208 Mt Zoar
White, Laura M, emp tobacco factory, bds 360 E Fifth
White, Louis, laborer, h 610 Baldwin
White, Lewis, laborer, h 270 W Chemung pl
White, Lydia, domestic, bds 759 John
White, Lydia, emp Gleason Sanitarium, bds 1019 East ave
White, Lyman S, farmer, h 907 Hoffman
White, Margaret, cook, rooms 415 E Market
White, Margaret, waitress Hotel Rathbun
White, Marietta, bds 514 W Water
White, Mary, widow John, emp tobacco factory, h 360 E Fifth
White, Merritt P, h 371 W Gray
White, Nellie, waitress Hotel Langwell, bds do
White, Peter A, laborer, bds 617 E Clinton
White, Peter D, pressman Advertiser, h 612 E Clinton
White, Philip, ironworker, h 826 Johnson
White, Richard G, painter, h 268 Wallace pl
White, Robert M, civil engineer Erie R R, h 656 Main
White, Sarah A, widow Charles M, h 759 John
White, Walter, polisher, bds American House
White, William, laborer, h 303 Sutton
White, William, cigarmaker, bds 905 Michigan ave
White see Wight
Whitehead, Dorsey J, waiter 109 E Water, h 211 Dewitt ave
Whitehead, George W, emp Fitch Aldrich & Bush, h 519 Madison ave
Whitehead, Herman A, driver 514 Dewitt ave, bds 519 Madison
Whitehead, Julia A Mrs, bakery 519 Madison ave, h do
Whitehead, Robert E, painter, h 370 Penna ave
Whitford, Charles, laborer, bds 1120 Abbott
Whitford, James A, laborer, h 1120 Abbott
Whiting, William J, laborer, 1237 Pratt
Whitley, E M Mrs, millinry & hair goods 135 E Water, h W Water outside limits
Whitley, Eugene M, clerk 135 E Water, h W Water outside limits
Whitley, Sarah, widow Henry, h 708 E Washington ave
WHITLEY, WALTER, bookkeeper 109 W Water, bds 125 E Chemung pl
Whitley, William S, conductor N C Ry, bds 110 Horner
Whitlock, Albert, carpenter, h 659 College ave
Whitlock, Charles E, bookkeeper Second Nat Bank, bds 156 Washington
Whitlock, Charles F, foreman H C Spaulding Co, h 961 Lincoln
Whitlock, Cyrus, com trav, h 158 Washington
Whitlock, Emma E, widow Guy, h 1329 College ave
Whitman, R E & Co, publishers, 648 E Market
Whitman, Reuben E, (R E Whitman & Co) 648 E Market h do
Whitmore, Alice M, bookkeeper 123 Baldwin, bds 123 ½ W Hudson
Whitmore, George, clerk 311 E Water, h 100 W Gray
Whitmore, Guy H, laborer, bds 123 ½ W Hudson
Whitmore, John B, clerk 57 S Main, bds 123 ½ W Hudson
Whitmore, Keyes E, clerk 119 E Water, h 123 ½ W Hudson
Whitney, Daniel B, com trav, h 407 Elm
Whitney, Francis M, emp Bundy Lamp Co, bds 409 Baty
Whitney, Hannah, widow Leonard, h r 716 Baldwin
Whitney, Lucinda, widow Samuel A, bds 809 Davis
Whitney, Luther, car repairer N C Ry shops, h 409 Baty
Whitson, John J, fireman, h 505 E Third
Whitson, John T, driver, bds 505 E Third
Whitson, Mary F, emp knitting mill, bds 505 E Third
Whitson, Robert L, emp Gately & Gray, h 819 Linden pl
Whitston, Daniel, tobacco packer, bds 424 Standish
Whitston, Thomas, nightwatchman, h 424 Standish
Whittan, Mary E, furnished rooms, 105 College ave
Whittier, David L, (Eclipse Bicycle Co) h 117 Walnut
Whyde, Henry, laborer, h 658 Baldwin
Wiborn, Delbert L, polisher, bds 664 Lake
Wilbour, Harry, student, bds 416 Herrick
Wich, Henry, meat market 529 Lake, h 773 Harper
Wichterman, Jacob, tailor, h 220 Orchard
Wickham, Anna, clerk 140 W Water, bds 329 S Broadway
Wickham, Edward B, machinist apprentice, bds 329 S Broadway
Wickham, Franklin, painter, h 151 W Clinton
Wickham, James, machinist, h 329 S Broadway
Wickham, John, machinist, h 329 S Broadway
Wickham, John jr, machinist, bds 329 S Broadway
Wickham, Martha R Mrs, boarding h 151 W Clinton
Wickham, Maud Mrs, bds 151 W Clinton
Wickham, Thomas, carpenter, h 329 S Braodway
Wickham, William H, machinist, h 602 E Water
Wickman, Joseph, emp rolling mill, bds 852 Magee
Widenberg, Samuel, clerk, rooms 118 College ave
Widman, Frank A, foreman N C Ry shops, h 373 Baty
Widman, Frank J, lineman E & H R R bds 373 Baty
Widman, John A, machinist N C Ry shops, bds 373 Baty
Widman, Louise M, bds 373 Baty
Wiedmer, George, machinist, h 512 Mechanic
Wiegand, Arthur F, cashier Hotel Rathbun Café, bds 262 W Chemung pl
Wiegand, Ernest C, barber, bds 262 W Chemung pl
Wiegand, George C, barber 111 Baldwin, h 262 W Chemung pl
Wiegand, Louis A, barber, bds 262 W Chemung pl
Wiese, Frederick, laborer, bds 224 Harriet
Wiese, Gustave, laborer, h 704 German
Wiese, Lena, bds 224 Harriet
Wiese, William, farmer, h 224 Harriet
Wiesmer, John A, (Corbin & Wiesmer) rooms 404 Lake
Wiesmer, S Marguerite, rooms 404 Lake
Wiggins, James T, carpenter, h 360 W Third
Wight, Elizabeth, bds 305 High
Wight, Giles H, fireman E F D, h 305 High
Wight, Jessie R, tailoress, bds 730 W Third
Wight, Nellie D, bds 730 W Third
Wight, Thomas, carpenter, h 730 W Third
Wight see White
Wilbor, Carlton H, supt Realty bldg, h 307 Penna ave
Wilbor, George B, Mrs, stenographer, h 100 Fox
Wilbor, Harold B, engineer Realty bldg, h 100 Fox
Wilbur, Cora A, photographer 303 Railroad ave, rooms 110 W Market
Wilbur, Harrison N, keeper N Y S Reformatory, bds do
Wilbur, Katherine J, widow Judd L, h 521 Mt Zoar
Wilbur, Louis H, clerk 130 W Water, h 325 River
WILBUR, ROBERT A, dentist 313 E Water, h 606 W Clinton
Wilbur, William M, clerk 556 Franklin, bds 325 River
Wilcox, Albert, farmer, h N s of S Broadway n Bulkhead
Wilcox, Benjamin S, h 417 Harriet
Wilcox, Bertha A, teacher school No l, bds 315 Washington
Wilcox, Charles, bds 910 Sullivan
Wilcox, Clark, clerk D L & W freight office, h Elmira Heights
Wilcox, DeWitt C, supt Grove park, h 859 Grove
Wilcox, Edward L, emp table factory, h 406 Thurston
Wilcox, Emma, domestic, 113 West Side ave
Wilcox, Frances E, stenographer 403 Robinson bldg, bds 220 Dewitt ave
Wilcox, Fred, brakeman N C Ry, h 232 W Miller
Wilcox, George L, insurance, h 210 Horner
Wilcox, George W, painter, h 604 E Water
Wilcox, Gordon J, carpenter, bds 315 Washington
Wilcox, Hezekiah D, lawyer 320 E Water, rooms 106 Columbia
Wilcox, Isaac B, fireman N C Ry, h 413 ½ Jefferson
Wilcox, J Gordon, carpenter, bds 315 Washington
Wilcox, J Ralph, artist 503 W Fourth, h 751 Grove
Wilcox, John A, carpenter, h 925 College ave
Wilcox, John E, bds 432 W Fourth
Wilcox, John G, printer, bds 315 Washington
Wilcox, John S, engineer Telegram, h 615 W Gray
WILCOX, L ARTHUR, cashier N Y & Pa Tel & Tel Co 513 Realty bldg, bds 925 College ave
Wilcox, Martin B, carpenter, h 315 Washington
Wilcox, Mina D, bds 220 Dewitt ave
Wilcox, Nettie, emp knitting mills, bds 617 Lake
Wilcox, Perry O, student, bds 210 Horner
Wilcox, Sarah, widow James D, bds 615 W Gray
Wilcox, Sevelon H, agent, h 220 Dewitt ave
Wilcox, Susan C, widow John C, h 418 Walnut
Wilde, Leonard M, foreman N C Ry shops, h 812 Herrick
Wilder, Glenn C, clerk, h 618 Howard
Wilder, Mary R, widow H Fayette, h 507 Columbia
Wiles, George, brakeman, bds 378 Norton
Wilferth, Lillian, bookbinder Advertiser rooms 408 E Clinton
Wilhelm, Floyd C, mgr 434 E Water, h 131 W Water
Wilhelm, Sophia, h 414 W Second
Wilk, Joseph, laborer, h 803 Canal
Wilke, Mary, domestic 408 William
Wilkes, James, machinist, h 206 Brand
Wilkins, Hattie E, emp knitting mill, bds 468 Franklin
Wilkins, Henry E, mason, h 701 Holdridge
Wilkins, James E, carpenter, h 468 Franklin
Wilkins, Jennie A, h 309 Carroll
Wilkins, Martha J, widow Henry D, h 424 S Broadway
Wilkinson, William H, bridge builder, h 504 Lyon
Williams, Albert S, master carpenter Erie R R, h 378 ½ W Clinton
Williams, Amzie, engineer D L & W R R, h 617 Lake
Williams, Anna B, widow Henry, bds 411 Railroad ave
Williams, Ashel F, pattern-maker, h 308 Washington
Williams, Belle, emp book bindery, bds 246 Crete ave
Williams, Charles, tobacco grower, h Estey n limits
Williams, Charles, bell boy Delevan House, bds do
Williams, Charles, porter Delevan House, h 615 Dickinson
Williams, Charles, shoemaker, bds 556 E Clinton
Williams, Charles W, city freight agt L V R R, h 607 Euclid ave
Williams, Claude W, bds 410 Hoffman
Williams, Cora P, emp J Richardson & Co, bds 506 E Church
Williams, Cyrus, teamster, bds 961 Oak
Williams, Daniel F, laborer, h 506 E Church
Williams, David W, cashier D L & W freight office, h W First cor Wall
Williams, Della, domestic 756 Park pl
Williams, Della, domestic 653 State
Williams, Francis A, carpenter, h 701 Grove
Williams, Effie, bds 313 W Fourth
WILLIAMS, EMORY E, coal and wood 464 W Sixth cor Lincoln, h do
Williams, Eugene S, emp Kertscher & Co, bds 1306 Baldwin
Williams, Frank C, engineer D L & W R R, h 354 Diven ave
Williams, Frank W, brakeman N C Ry, bds 604 S Main
Williams, George H, slater, bds 215 Sullivan
Williams, Hall T, floorwalker, 301 E Water, h 112 Davis
Williams, Harry D, machinist Erie R R, bds 378 ½ W Clinton
Williams, Hattie, bds Estey n limits
Williams, Henry A, train dispatcher Erie R R, h 505 W Fourth
Williams, Irving, laundryman, bds 608 E Third
Williams, James P, laborer, bds 411 Railroad ave
Williams, Jefferson, laborer, bds 615 Dickinson
Williams, John, h 1306 Baldwin
Williams, John B, conductor E & H R R, rooms 115 ½ Horner
Williams, John D, h 307 E Clinton
Williams, John J, laborer, h 612 Dickinson
Williams, Joseph, h 653 State
Williams, Kittie M, laundress, bds 309 Carroll
Williams, Leon E, asst foreman Doane & Jones Lumber Co, h 1202 Davis
Williams, Lewis A, saloon 672 Baldwin, h do
Williams, Llewellyn, foreman rolling mill, h 410 Hoffman
Williams, Llewellyn Jr, civil engineer, bds 410 Hoffman
Williams, Margaret, widow David, h 653 Davis
Williams, Marian A, bds 378 ½ W Clinton
Williams, Mary J, widow Charles H, seamstress, h 413 High
Williams, Maude, dressmaker, bds 701 Grove
Williams, May, bds 157 Baldwin
Williams, May, domestic 308 William
Williams, Moses, photographer, h 608 E Third
Williams, Nettie, bds 653 State
Williams, Perry, coachman, h 411 Railroad ave
Williams, Peter W, janitor Century Club, bds 719 Dickinson
Williams, Robert, glass cutter, bds 111 Main
Williams, Robert, laborer, h 664 Dickinson
WILLIAMS, RODNEY P, supt job department Advertiser 100 Lake, h 110 Horner
Williams, Ruth, bds 112 E Chemung pl
Williams, Samuel, laborer, bds 705 Dickinson
Williams, Sarah, domestic 313 Baldwin
Williams, Sophia, widow Samuel, bds 653 State
WILLIAMS, THOMAS, saloon 301 E Fifth, h do
Williams, Thomas W, clerk Erie freight office, h 212 W Third
Williams, Whitney, (Chase-Hibbard Milling Co) h Rochester NY
Williams, William, farmer, h 606 Hart
Williams, William, conductor bds 724 W Gray
Williams, William, rooms 117 Hoffman
Williams, William H, fireman silk mill, h 310 West Side ave
Williams, Willis E, bicycle repairer 205 E Market, bds 410 Hoffman
Williamson, Alva H, emp bridge works, h 753 Spaulding
Williamson, Hattie M, maid Elmira College, bds 112 W Water
WILLIAMSON, JOHN C, contractor and builder 51-53-55 Sly, h 204 Lormore (See adv front cover)
Williamson, Justus B, com trav, bds 457 E Third
Williamson, Oscar S, physician and surgeon 228 S Main, h do
Williman, Alexander, cigar manuf 618 E Water, h 614 do
Willison, Frank C, letter carrier, h 605 Coburn
WILLISON, NEWLOVE, (Willison, Potter & Smith) 138 E Water, pension atty and claim agent, 601 h Coburn
WILLISON, POTTER & SMITH, (N Willison, C H Potter and L Smith) real estate, loans and conveyances 138 E Water
Wills, Asa, bus driver Hotel Langwell, bds 356 E Fifth
Wills, Duncan G, laborer, h 518 Madison ave
Wills, James L, carpenter, h 356 E Fifth
Wills, Martha A, bds 518 Madison ave
Wills, Martha L, tobacco sorter, bds 356 E Fifth
Wills, Thomas P, emp mattress factory, bds 356 E Fifth
Wills, Travis E, student, bds 402 Euclid ave
Wills, William H, hostler, bds 356 E Fifth
WILLYS, JOHN N, mgr Elmira Arms co, bicycles and bicycle sundries and sportsman’s goods 143 W Water, h 311 Grove
Wilmot, Bessie, bds 910 Magee
Wilmot, Emanuel P, conductor D L & W R R, h 452 E Clinton
Wilmot, Florence E, stenographer 354 State, bds 611 College ave
WIMOT, JAMES A, prop Wilmot creamery 73 Penna ave, h 124 ½ E Chemung pl
Wilmot, Thomas, patrolman, h 515 Logan
Wilmot, Thomas, meat cutter 850 Lake, h 910 Magee
Wilmot, Walter A, switchman D L & W R R, bds 452 E Clinton
Wilmot, William M, puddler, h 910 Magee
WILMOT CREAMERY, J A Wilmot prop, 73 Penna ave
Wilsey, Alvira, bds 1318 ½ Lake
Wilson, Adam, carpenter Erie shops, h 605 Magee
Wilson, Carrie R, widow Arthur, h 460 W Second
Wilson, Carrie M, bds 423 Standish
Wilson, Charles, insurance agt, h 476 South ave
Wilson, Charles, emp S X Metzger & Son Co, h 346 W Seventh
WILSON, CHARLES E, grocer 400 S Main, h do
Wilson, Claud S, asst undertaker 421 Carroll, bds 120 W Chemung pl
Wilson, David E, cashier N C freight office, bds 531 Penna ave
Wilson, Elizabeth E, widow Alexander, h 423 Standish
Wilson, Elmer, brakeman N C Ry, h 508 Franklin
Wilson, Elmer G, emp bridge works, bds 1887 ½ College ave
Wilson, Henry J, mgr Doane & Jones Lumber Co, Southport yard, h 120 W Chemung pl
Wilson, J Charles, mason, h 428 Balsam
Wilson, Jennie, bds 944 E Church
Wilson, John, janitor Elmira Steel Co, bds 423 Standish
Wilson, John A, emp Rolling mill, bds 423 Standish
Wilson, Libbie Mrs, h 191 E Washington ave
Wilson, Margaret, musician, bds 605 Magee
Wilson, Martha J, bds 317 W Second
Wilson, Mary A, widow James, h 317 W Second
Wilson, Minnie Mrs, bds 1887 ½ College ave
Wilson, Nathaniel, bridge man, h 521 Fulton
Wilson, Noble F, switchman N C Ry, h 476 South ave
Wilson, Paul F, farmer, h 944 E Church
Wilson, Ray J, com trav, bds 120 W Chemung pl
Wilson, Ruth, widow Abraham, bds Home for Aged
Wilson, Stephen L, conductor W S R R, bds 400 S Main
Wilson, Teresa, bds 605 Magee
Wilson, Thomas, machinist N C Ry shops, h 531 Penna ave
Wilson, Thomas, veterinary surgeon 264 W Henry, h do
Wilson, William F, machinist, bds 509 Dewitt ave
Winans, Bentley, emp rolling mill, bds 28 ½ High
WINDSOR LAUNDRY, James F Nelan prop, 351 E Washington ave
Windsor, Lloyd D, retired, h 723 College ave
Wineski, Enoch, laborer, h 1170 N Main
Wineski, Michael, grocer 1123 Magee, h do
Winfield, Albert S, com trav, h 636 W Gray
Winfield, Fanny, widow Stephen, bds 636 W Gray
Wing, Angie, milliner, bds 100 Fox
Wing, Edson, baggageman Erie R R depot, h 450 W Third
Wingrave, Ada M, teacher school No 3, bds 305 S Main
Wingrave, Frederick, h 305 S Main
Wingrave, Frederick Jr, motorman E & H R R, h 203 W Henry
Wingrave, Julia M, bds 305 S Main
Wingrave, Nellie, bds 305 S Main
Winkel, Carrie A, bds 408 High
Winkel, Charles, bottler, h 207 Judson
Winkel, Henry A, meat cutter 164 Lake, h 408 High
Winkel, Kate, widow John K, h 408 High
Winkel, Minnie M, milliner, bds 408 High
Winkelstein, Meyer, canvasser, bds 208 High
Winn, Patrick, clerk 429 Railroad ave, bds 408 Magee
Winn see Wynn
WINNER, SETH, (Reid & Winner) 104 W Water, h 523 do
Winner, Sylvanus L, driver 508 State, bds American House
Winslow, John T, h 213 W Third
Winslow, Ursula Mrs, h 213 W Third
Winston, Carl N, bds 421 Columbia
Winston, Lewis, bds 421 Columbia
Winston, Newell, h 421 Columbia
Winters, Nellie, dressmaker, bds 500 S Main
Wipfler, George, cigarmaker, h 750 E Market
Wipfler, George J, tobacco sorter, bds 750 E Market
Wipfler, Jennie L, clerk, bds 750 E Market
Wipfler, Michael W, clerk 415 E Market, bds 750 do
Wipfler, Rose, clerk, bds 750 E Market
Wise, Daniel W, h 112 W Hudson
Wise, Florence, bds 112 W Hudson
Wise, Fred H, h 610 E Second
Wise, James T, h 111 College ave
Wise, Mable, bds 112 W Hudson
Wisehart, C Lawrence, clerk 140 W Water, bds 456 W Gray
Wisehart, Charles H, insurance, h 456 W Gray
Wisehart, Claude H, clerk 116 E Water, bds 456 W Gray
Wiseman, Dwight S, student, bds 721 Columbia
Wiseman, Harriet B, widow Edward, h 721 Columbia
Wiseman, Margaret E, teacher piano music, bds 721 Columbia
Wiser, Henry, insurance agent 118 Lake, h 717 Walnut
Wisner, Vera, emp Jno N Stearns & Co, bds 341 W Seventh
Wisnieski, John, laborer, h 101 Bloomer ave
Wisniewski, John, laborer, h 1131 Magee
Wisniewski, Thomas, emp wire works, bds 1131 Magee
Wispert, William L, stereotyper Star, h 367 Fulton
Witcheivi, Rumen, laborer, h 1133 Magee
Witt, Daniel H, glass cutter, h 410 Elm
Wittenberg, Rosa, widow John, bds 112 Madison ave
Wittenberg, Samuel, asst ticket agent D L & W R R rooms 118 College ave
Wittman, Adam W, cigarmaker, bds 700 Jay
Wittman, Barbara A, tailoress, bds 700 Jay
Wittmann, Wenzel, laborer, h 700 Jay
Wixon, Amanda, student, bds 1001 Hoffman
Wixon, Harriet J, student, bds 1001 Hoffman
Wixon, Mary F, bookkeeper Telegram, bds 1001 Hoffman
Wixon, Onesimeus, farmer, 1001 Hoffman
Wixon, Albert T, laborer, h 610 Euclid ave
Wixon, Alice R, teacher school No 5, bds 610 Euclid ave
Wixon, Caroline, widow Martin, h 610 Euclid ave
Wixon, Deborah, bookkeeper 315 Realty bldg, bds 610 Euclid ave
Wixon F M & Co, (G B Wixon) coal dealers wholesale 315 Realty bldg
Wixon, F M, (F M Wixon) 315 Realty bldg, h 1024 College ave
Wixon, George B, (F M Wixon & Co) 315 Realty bldg h 610 Euclid ave
Waldis, Louis, peddler, h 155 Sullivan
Waldis, Moses D, emp Bimberg’s tobacco works, h 157 Sullivan
Wobusa, Herman, emp rolling mill, h 1319 Lackawanna ave
WOLCOTT, ELLA L, librarian Park Church library Wisner Park, h East Hill opp Sanitarium
Wolf, Aaron G, barber, h 559 E Second
Wolfe, Arthur M, emp N Y S Reformatory, bds 1305 College ave
Wolfe, Charles, boilermaker, h 202 E La France
Wolfe, Furman, emp N Y S Reformatory, h 448 Reformatory
Wolfe, J Walter, machinist h 357 Grove
Wolfe, Pauline, bds 2 West Side ave
Wolfe, S E Elizabeth, bookkeeper 117 E Church, bds 104 W Chemung pl
Wolfe, Thaddeus W, carpenter, h 104 W Chemung pl
Wolfe see Wolf and Woolf and Wulf
Wolfgram, Charles, laborer, bds 716 Sullivan
Wolfgram, Herman, laborer, h 716 Sullivan
Wolke, Pauline, emp knitting mill, bds 304 West Side ave
Wolschescka, Michaelina, domestic 411 E Church
Wolverton, Anson, clerk Homestead Hotel bds do
Wolverton, Betsey, widow William G, h 356 Pomeroy pl
WOLVERTON, BYRON C, engineer N Y & Pa Tel & Tel Co, 160 Exchange pl, h 124 E Water
Wolverton, Eunice H, bds 356 Pomeroy pl
Wong, Lee, laundryman, bds 209 W Water
Wood, A Eugene, clerk 140 W Water, h 401 Columbia
Wood, Alonzo W, baggage master N C Ry, h 507 Herrick
Wood, Amelia Mrs, bds 558 John
Wood, Burt, watchman, h 111 E Hudson
Wood, Charles H, foreman signals Erie R R, h 351 W Sixth
Wood, Clara M, bds 516 Elizabeth
Wood, Cora, cook 2 Main St bridge
Wood, Curtis A, conductor N C Ry, h S s Penna ave cor Wood
Wood, Edward N, draughtsman, h 119 ½ Caldwell ave
Wood, Edward T, machinist, bds 56 Hoffman
Wood, Edwin M, guard N Y S Reformatory, bds do
Wood, Esther, h 401 Columbia
Wood, Ezra Z, mgr fish dept 419 Main, h 5 Metzger bldg 205 W Third
Wood, Fannie M, widow William M, h 56 Hoffman
Wood, Frank L, clerk, h 507 Perine
Wood, Frank L, painter, h 531 W Church
Wood, Fred F, salesman Elmira Beef Co, bds 360 W Church
Wood, Freeman E, teamster, h 422 Tuttle ave
Wood, George A, patrolman, h 122 Horner
Wood, George L, linotype machinist Telegram, bds 56 Hoffman
WOOD, GEORGE M, (Armstrong, Mather and Wood) 114 to 118 Railroad ave, h 526 W Gray
Wood, George P, painter, h 516 Elizabeth
Wood, Grace, bds S s Penna ave cor Wood
Wood, Henry A, laborer, h 237 W Water
Wood, Henry V, brakeman D L & W R R, h 502 Mathews
Wood, J Albert, telegrapher, h 516 Euclid ave
Wood, J Norton, h 415 Locust
Wood, Jennie M, bds 56 Hoffman
Wood, John L, machinist, bds 314 Harmon
Wood, John W, brakeman N C Ry, h S Division
Wood, John W, emp bridge works, h S William
Wood, Joseph, cabinet maker, h 370 Diven ave
Wood, James K, bicycle enameling 227 S Main, h 314 Harmon
Wood, Mary A Mrs, Salvation Army, bds 310 E Church
Wood, Nellie F, teacher, bds 107 Spring
Wood, Orrin A, clerk Delevan House, h 505 Magee
Wood, Patrick, caller N C Ry, h 536 S Broadway
Wood, Phoebe, maid 326 W First
Wood, Rosanna Mrs, bds 1250 Hoffman
Wood, Ruth, housekeeper 515 Perine
Wood, Ruth H, rooms 508 Perine
Wood, Seymour B, tinner, h 105 W Chemung pl
Wood, Thomas, bds 216 Chestnut
Wood, Walter, clerk 202 Baldwin, bds 237 W Water
Wood, William H, carriage repairer, h 755 E Church
Wood, William L, emp bridge works, h 711 Junction
Wood see Woods
Woodard, Laban D, teamster, h 602 E Church
Woodard, William E, laborer, h 703 Penna ave
Woodard, William H, blacksmith, h 1887 College ave
Woodburn, Mattie, tobacco sorter, bds 753 ½ Linden pl
Woodeca, Frank, laborer, bds 153 E Washington ave
Woodeca, Michael, laborer, bds 153 E Washington ave
Woodeca, Sophia Mrs, h 153 E Washington ave
Woodford, Caroline M, widow Joseph, bds 930 W Water
Woodford, Charles N, bds 459 W Church
Woodford, James F, (Copeland & Woodford) Nicks cor Exchange pl, h 601 W Water
Woodhouse, Charles, teamster, h 104 W First
WOODHOUSE, FLOYD E, physician and surgeon 315 Baldwin; office hours until 9 am, 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 pm
Woodhouse, Force D, janitor Court House, h r do
Woodhouse, Guy, clerk 362 S Main, bds 104 E Hudson
Woodhouse, Henry, laborer, h 1231 Pratt
Woodhouse, Mary M, widow William, h 104 E Hudson
Woodhouse, Orange, printer, bds 814 W Church
Woodhouse, Orson, emp Kertscher & Co, 317 E Clinton
Woodhouse, Wallace J, baker, h 317 E Clinton
Woodhouse, William, h 156 Dewitt ave
Woodhull, Fred, tobacco sorter, h 118 Washington
Woodhull, Lydia Mrs, h 106 Washington
Woodruff, Alice A, bds 664 Columbia
Woodruff, Cecil, emp 213 Baldwin, bds 224 Dewitt ave
Woodruff, Fred L, bookkeeper Harris, McHenry & Baker, h 229 ½ Lormore
Woodruff, Margaret A, widow William W, bds 664 Columbia
Woodruff, William E, brakeman L V R R, bds 664 Columbia
Woods, James L, lawyer 218 E Water, h 416 W Water
Woods, Patrick, caller N C Ry, h 537 S Broadway
Woods see Wood
WOODSIDE, SAMUEL C, propr Elmira Portrait Co, 603 W Fourth, h 606 Grove (See adv bottom lines)
Woodward, Amanda, widow Bonum, bds Grant
Woodward, Anna E, bds 217 W First
Woodward, Charles E, physician, h 370 W Water
Woodward, Harriet E, teacher, bds 721 W Water
Woodward, Susan, widow George, bds 715 E Clinton
Woodward, William S C, printer, bds 370 W Water
Woofter, Royal, messenger Wells-Fargo & Co’s Express, h 411 Walnut
Woolever, Ada B, milliner, h 136 E Water
Woolever, Adelia, widow Joseph, bds 406 Herrick
Woolever, Frank P, brakeman L V R R, h 715 Johnson
Woolever, Mabel C, bds 715 Johnson
Woolever, Wesley, laborer, h 813 East East ave
Woolf, Hiram, engineer 121 Railroad ave, h 51 Hoffman
Woolf, Joseph O, trav salesman 354 State, h 51 Hoffman
Woolf, Orlando C, hardware r 956 Lake, h 956 do
Woolf, Rena A, bds 51 Hoffman
Woolfe, John, laborer, h 224 Harriet
Woolfe see Wolf and Wolfe and Wulff
Woolgram, Bertha, domestic 213 Washington
Woolsey, Clara B, bds 306 Sullivan
Woolsey, Delphine, bds 306 Sullivan
Woolsey, Lorinda R, h 306 Sullivan
WOOLWORTH C S & CO, F A Hall mgr 5 and 10 cent store and house furnishing goods 134 W Water
Wooster, Flora, rooms 225 W Water
Wooster, George W, emp rolling mill, h 897 Oak
Wooster, Lewis, emp rolling mill, bds 897 Oak
Wootten, Mary L, widow Samuel G, h 307 W Clinton Died since canvass
Worden, Charles F, emp N C Ry shops, 411 Penna ave
Worden, Ella, bds 461 Powell
Worden, Lee, emp LaFrance shops, h 461 Powell
Worden, William E, emp rolling mill, bds 415 E
Wormley, Frances B, widow Henry T, teacher school No 3 bds 508 Walnut
Wormley, Frances M, teacher, bds 508 Walnut
Worth, Henry J, emp J Richardson & Co, h 108 ½ Caldwell ave
Wright, Albert, com trav 623 Railroad ave, bds 213 Roe ave
Wright, Albert, emp Elmira Steam Mills, bds 213 Roe ave
Wright, Alvin A, carpenter, h 702 ½ S Broadway
Wright, Andrew F, cook White House Café, h 408 Jefferson
Wright, Anna, widow Merritt E, h 718 Kinyon
Wright, Anna, widow Peter, h r 451 W Water
Wright, Arthur L, com trav 146 W Water, bds 506 Herrick
Wright, Charles, teamster, bds 411 S Main
Wright, Charles E, carpenter, h 408 Jefferson
Wright, Clarence L contractor and builder 506 Herrick h do
Wright, David M, clerk 165 Lake, bds 213 Roe ave
Wright, Eliza C, widow Luther, city missionary, h 316 E Church
Wright, Emma B, milliner, bds 227 Franklin
Wright, F Augusta, widow Ellis G, h 227 Franklin
Wright, Frances, widow Charles, bds 704 Delaware
Wright, Fred B, electrician, bds 321 W Fourth
Wright, George, emp Clipper Chilled Plow Co, bds 227 Franklin
Wright, George B, h 321 W Fourth
Wright, George B Jr, shipping clerk Bundy Lamp Co, h 123 E Hudson
Wright, George N, h 515 W Clinton
Wright, Hattie A, widow Henry H, nurse, bds 209 W Third
Wright, Henry C, machinist, h 504 Franklin
Wright, Herbert R, bds r 451 W Water
Wright, Jennie, domestic 502 W Church
Wright, John L, student, bds 1435 Caton ave
Wright, John S, gardener, h 520 Baldwin
Wright, Leon E, crayon artist, bds 1201 Lake
Wright, Leonard, emp bridge works, h 118 Partridge
Wright, Lester P, bookkeeper 618 State, bds 718 Kinyon
Wright, Lewis E, clerk 146 W Water, bds 506 Herrick
Wright, Lorena, bds 118 Partridge
Wright, Monroe E, moulder, h 209 W Third
Wright, Nannie, cook Orphans’ Home
Wright, Nellie M, bds r 451 W Water
Wright, Pauline, widow Augustus, h 202 College ave
Wright, Robert, h 213 Roe ave
Wright, Robert, photo-engraver Telegram, h 321 W Second
Wright, S Rilla, dressmaker, bds 389 W Water
Wright, Thomas T, conductor N C Ry, h 1435 Caton ave
Wright, William, emp LaFrance shops, h 409 Jefferson
Wrigley, Frederick, weaver, bds 719 German
Wrigley, Isaac E, gardener, h 719 Southport
Wrigley, John, div plumber Erie R R, h 719 Park pl
Wrigley, Maud, nurse Arnot-Ogden Hospital
Wrigley, Nellie Mrs, bds 719 German
Wrigley, Robert, gardener, h 717 Southport
Wronkowski, Anna, widow John, bds 722 Dickinson
Wronkowski, Jacob, laborer, h 722 Dickinson
Wronkowski, Vally, laborer, bds 722 Dickinson
Wulff, Diedrich, cabinet maker, h 1000 Oak
Wolf see Wulff and Woolf
Wulff, M Olga, dressmaker, emp 520 Lake, bds 1000 Oak
Wurster, Carrie R, bds 958 College ave
WYCKOFF, A & SON, (Ernest L) wood water pipe manufrs 101 E Chemung pl
Wyckoff, Carrie C, teacher Orphans Home, bds 256 W Chemung pl
Wyckoff, Carrie H, widow Archalous, h 115 E Chemung pl
Wyckoff, Charles W, machinist, h 255 W Hudson
WYCKOFF, ERNEST L, (A Wyckoff & Son) h 113 E Chemung pl
Wyckoff, Ferdinand B, student, bds 115 E Chemung pl
Wyckoff, George A, plumber, bds 255 W Hudson
WYCKOFF, GEORGE W, city clerk City Hall, h 115 E Chemung pl
Wyckoff, Sibyl, Widow George W, bds 115 E Chemung pl
Wyckoff, William H, carpenter, h 256 W Chemung pl
Wygant, Delphine V, widow Louis B, bds 367 W Gray
Wygant, William, emp Clipper Chilled Plow Co, h 524 Dewitt ave
WYLIE, ORMAN J, emp N C Ry shops, h 261 Partridge
Wyman, John M, shoemaker, h 102 W Hudson
Wynnings, Fred, laborer, bds 711 Casey
Wynn, Etta, housekeeper 409 Pleasant
Wynn, James, bds 920 Lackawanna ave
WYNNE BROS, (Wm P and John H) clothing, shoes, hats and men’s furnishing goods, also proprs Scranton and East Corning Sand Co’s 865 Lake and 366 E Washington ave
Wynne, George E, lineman D L & W R R, bds 863 Lake
Wynne, James, roadmaster D L & W R R, bds 863 Lake
WYNNE, JOHN H, (Wynne Bros) conductor D L & W R R, h 1012 Hall
WYNNE, WILLIAM P, (Wynne Bros) bds 863 Lake
Wynne see Wynn
Yager, Charles, laborer, h 905 Stowell
Yaple, Albert W, iron worker, bds 316 Webber pl
Yaple, Esther, widow Jacob, h 316 Webber pl
Yard, Adelaide F, bds 405 ½ Davis
Yard, Benjamin R, floor walker 140 W Water, h 405 ½ Davis
Yarnall, Frank H, draughtsman, h 207 Spaulding
Yates, Alice, widow Horace G, h 117 W Market
Yates, Ann, bds 250 W Hudson
Yeisley, Adelia O, widow William W, h 12 Woodlawn ave
Yeisley, Gertrude, emp silk mill, bds 312 Woodlawn ave
Yeisley, John, foreman Standard Oil Co Elmira Oil works, h 920 Stowell
Yeisley, Samuel, driver, bds 540 Tuttle ave
Yeisley, Walter C, emp Eclipse Co, bds 312 Woodlawn ave
YENGER, BERTRAM, cut stone contractor, dealer in coal and wood E Church n D L & W R R, h 917 Lake (See adv bottom line)
Yenger, Bertram J, stone cutter, bds 209 Gregg
Yenger, Catharine, bookkeeper William cor Market, bds 917 Lake
Yenger, William C, student, bds 917 Lake
Yenn, Charles X, motorman, h 614 Robinson
Yerke, Frank, laborer, h 963 Johnson
Yerkes, Frank N, clerk 318 Carroll, h 55 Harmon
Yerke, Charles, laborer, h 709 Carpenter
Yerke, Charles F, laborer, bds 709 Carpenter
York, M Belle, dressmaker 604 W Gray, bds 611 W First
York, Minnie E, teacher school No 3, bds 811 Davis
York, Olivia P Mrs, h 611 W First
York, Robert A, clerk 222 W Water, h 611 W First
Youmans, Elizabeth, bds 220 William
Youmans, Grace, bds 220 William
Youmans, Katherine E, teacher Elmira Free Academy, bds 216 W Chemung pl
Youmans, Louise T, widow Edward B, h 220 William
Youmans, Milton, agent, h 216 W Chemung pl
Young, Adelaide T, teacher Elmira College, bds do
Young, Augusta, dressmaker, h 327 Baldwin
Young, Buell J, engineer 121 E Second, h 7 Falck
YOUNG, CHARLES W, stoves, furnaces and bicycles 116 Lake, h 406 Powell (See adv center lines and page 568)
Young, Clara A, tailoress, h 122 Esty
Young, Clara B, clerk 313 E Water, bds 1009 Oak
Young, Edwin J, clerk County Treasurer’s Office
YOUNG, GEORGE H, prop Elmira Electric works 216 Railroad ave, h 354 Walnut
Young, Gertrude A, bookkeeper Clipper Chilled Plow Co, bds 327 Baldwin
Young, Jessie, domestic 123 Caldwell ave
Young, John, h 552 Maple ave
Young, John, h 556 John
Young, John B, shipping clerk 611-613 Railroad ave h 461 W Sixth
Young, John T, Elmira Model works, h 416 W Fifth
Young, Lena B, toll clerk 205 E Gray, bds 406 Powell
Young, Margaret, bookkeeper, bds 1009 Oak
YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, Herbert P Lansdale gen sec, 201 State, cor E Market
Young Men’s Christian Association, (colored) 659 Dickinson
Young, Nettie, bds 1009 Oak
YOUNG, PHILIP E, district agent The Travelers Ins Co of Hartford, Conn, 111 W Water, h 457 Maple ave (See adv front cover
Young, Samuel, train porter and ticket broker Hotel Langwell, bds do
Young, Sarah, furnished rooms 324 W Gray
Young, Stewart, mason 1009 Oak, h do
Young, William, janitor N C Ry shops, h 517 Penna ave
YOUNG, WILLIAM E, bookkeeper 116 Lake, bds 406 Powell
Youngerman, Charles, foreman, h 1010 Walnut
Yudelman, Jennie, bds 121 Sullivan
Yudelman, Katherine, bds 121 Sullivan
Yudelman, Morris B Rev, Rabbi Sullivan St Synagoge, h 121 Sullivan
Yudelman, Samuel I, cigar manuf 808 John, h do
Zaback, Frank, emp bridge works, h 603 Tuttle ave
Zaback, John, laborer, h 969 E Clinton
Zaback, John Jr, bds 969 E Clinton
Zaffke, Charles, carpenter D L & W R R, h 713 Lake
Zaler, Grant, laborer, bds W s S Broadway, n Bulkhead
Zbowski, Felix, emp Elmira steel mill, h 1128 N Main
Zeigler, Ludwig, laborer, h 728 Kinyon
Zepp, Alice M, clerk 528 W Second, bds do
Zepp, Anna S, dressmaker 528 W Second, bds do
Zepp, Julia, domestic, 114 Elm
Ziff, Isadore, meat market 121 Orchard, h do
Zimdahl, August, laborer, h 161 Judson
Zimdahl, Frank A, lineman, h 452 High
Zimdahl, Frederick J, h 4 Symonds pl
Zimdahl, Fred, door maker, h 901 E Market
Zimdahl, Henry, laborer, bds 452 High
Zimmer, Ernest J, door finisher, h 202 Chestnut
Zimmer, Floyd T, fireman L V R R, h 311 Hibbard pl
Zimmer, Harriet B, clerk 301 E Water, bds 561 E Church
Zimmer, Jacob, blacksmith, h 425 Balsam
Zimmerman, Catharine Mrs, tailoress, bds 852 Main
Zimmerman, Frank J, piano maker 209 E Church, h 216 Harriet
Zimmerman, George B, switchman D L & W R R, h 1322 Baldwin
ZIMMERMAN, JOHN C, piano tuner and dealer in pianos, h 117 Lormore, telephone 197
Zimmerman, Joseph T, tailor, bds 852 Main
Zimmerman, Louise A Mrs, bds 112 E Chemung pl
Zinberg, Alexander, upholsterer, h 801 E Water
Zinberg, Charles, clerk, bds 801 E Water
Zinberg, Marcus, bds 763 John
Zinburg, Samuel, clerk Hotel Langwell, bds do
Zinburg, Solomon, clerk news stand Hotel Langwell, bds E Water cor Sullivan
Zink, Anna, emp Howell box factory, bds 602 Sullivan
Zink, Joseph, emp bridge works, h 609 Sullivan
Zink, Joseph Jr, emp Eclipse Bicycle Co, bds 602 Sullivan
Zink, Julia, domestic, 325 Lake
Zink, Rose, emp silk mill, bds 602 Sullivan
Zittenger, Kate J, dressmaker 520 Lake, bds 52 Orchard
Zittenger, Louis, tailor, h 52 Orchard
Zittenger, William J, shoe cutter, bds 52 Orchard
Zoebisch, C Albert, bds 312 Madison ave
Zoller, C Grant, laborer, h 823 Mt Zoar
Zuris, Charles, laborer, h 612 Baldwin
Zuris, Peter, laborer, h 666 Baldwin
Zywicki, Joseph, saloon 712 Baldwin, h do