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Containing a General Directory of the Citizens of Elmira and Elmira Heights, a Classified Business Directory, a House Directory of Elmira, and a new City Map. City, County, State, and United States Governments, Schools, Societies, Etc.
FOR SALE BY HOSMER H. BILLINGS. 112 Baldwin Street, Elmira, N.Y.
PRICE - - - $3.50.
(Entered according to Act of Congress in the office of the Libraries of Congress at Washington, D.C., in the year 1900, by George Hanford.)
Elmira, N.Y.
This Reprint Edition Published on the Internet April 2006 by Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Palmer, Minnie Mrs, bds 718 Columbia
Palmer, Orson W, insurance adjuster, 126 E Water, h 509 Lake
Palmer, Rebecca B, bds Kingsbury ave
Palmer, Sally J, widow Henry T, bds 302 W Clinton
Palmer, Sarah, widow William, nurse, bds 110 W Chemung pl
Palmer, Susan M, widow George N, bds 362 W Gray
Palmer, Stephen E, (Stephen E Palmer & Son), physician and druggist, 116 S Main, h do
Palmer, Stephen E & Son, (W A) furniture, 137 W Water
Palmer, William A, (Stephen E Palmer & Son), physician, 116 S Main, bds do
Palmiter, George, emp Fitch, Aldrich & Bush Co, h 405 Sullivan
Palmiter, James E, machinist, h 51 Harmon
Paltrowitz, Abraham, h 208 High
Paltrowitz, Celia, bds 208 High
Paltrowitz, Levi, clothier and broker, 107 W Water, h 459 E Second
Paluch, Joseph, laborer, h 200 E Washington ave
Panassa, Tony, laborer, h 3 Scott
Panimo, Lena, widow Joseph, h 711 E Market
Papa, Diks Pater, clerk, bds 210 Madison ave
Pardoe, Thomas, supt Eldridge Park, h Kingsbury ave in Park
PARK CHURCH, Rev Samuel E Eastman and Rev Annis Ford Eastman pastors, 213 W Church
PARK CHURCH FREE LIBRARY, Ella L Wolcott librarian, Wisner Park, 208 W Gray
PARK COAL YARD, G W & H E Frisbie props, College ave cor Reformatory
Park, Louise Mrs, musician, bds 605 Magee
Park, Lucy Mrs, housekeeper, 352 W Fourth
Park, Mary, bds 524 W Water
Park Place Preparatory School, junction of Park pl and College ave
Park, Walter W, asst supt Prudential Ins Co, h 205 Horner
Park, William, emp, 136 W Water, bds 127 E Hundson
Parke, Floyd B, physician and surgeon, 215 High, h do
Parke, Martha, stenographer The Bradstreet Co, bds 404 Baldwin
Parker, Addie, bds 109 W Gray
Parker, C Maude, dressmaker, bds 604 W Gray
Parker, Clarence L, com trav, h 165 Dewitt ave
Parker, DeLora N, widow Richard T, h 402 Hoffman
Parker, E Van Doren, com trav, h 604 W Gray
Parker, Elnora, waitress Patterson House, bds do
Parker, George E, flagman N C Ry, h 316 Baty
Parker, Harriet E, artist, bds 402 Hoffman
Parker, James H, emp bridge works, h 726 Spaulding
Parker, Leon, bookkeeper, bds 51 S Main
Parker, Mary Mrs, domestic, 351 Railroad ave
Parker, Phebe A, widow Horace J, bds Grant
Parker, Stephen H, painter and decorator, 10 Eldridge pl, h do
Parker, William B, musician, bds 503 Perry
Parkhurst, G Harrison, physician and surgeon, 358 Main, h Strathmont Hoffman
Parkinson, Thomas, watchman, h 407 W Third
Parkinson, Thomas W, switchman Erie yard, h 436 W Fifth
Parks, Sanford H, h 725 Benjamin
Parks, William J, jeweler, 136 W Water, bds 127 E Hudson
Parmelee, Bert B, buyer, 134 W Water, bds 214 College ave
Parmenter, Mary F, h 311 Penna ave
Parmenter, Robert N, sec Lovell Shirt Co, h 458 W First
Parry, Elizabeth, domestic, 722 Columbia
Parsons, Edwin F, emp Kertscher & Co, h 1317 Hall's lane
Parsons, Ely, h 607 Main
PARSONS, FLOYD G, tobacco & cigars, 661 1/2 Lake, bds 373 W Third
Parsons, Fred, laborer, h Hall's lane
Parsons, Fred K, engineer Erie R R, h 373 W Third
Parsons, Frederic W, h 300 Maple ave
Parsons, Granville D, assessor, h 169 Dewitt ave
PARSONS, JAMES F, collector, 118 E Water, h 506 Roe ave
PARSONS, JAMES U, agent livery, 103 W Church, h 403 Columbia
Parsons, Janett, widow George W, h 667 Park pl
PARSONS, JUDSON B, manager, 103 W Church, h 205 Railroad ave
Parsons, Mira A, widow Hiram, bds 611 W First
PARSONS, MIRANDA L, livery & boarding stable, h 103 W Church, h 403 Columbia
Partridge, Emily, widow Hardin, bds 426 W Fourth
Partridge, Mary P, widow Henry M, bds 311 Lake
PASSAGE, HARRY C, (Passage & Overton), h at Towanda Pa
PASSAGE & OVERTON, Geo Mowry mgr, boots & shoes, 110 W Water
Passmore, James B, emp bridge works, h Maple ave bey limits
Pattengill, Evan I, mgr Frostilla factory r 410 W Gray, h 309 Euclid ave
Pattengill see Pettingill
Patterson, Abe, teamster, h 1314 Pratt
Patterson, Burton I, emp J Richardson & Co, h 639 Winsor ave
Patterson, Charles E, emp bridge works, h 365 Fulton
Patterson, F Helen Mrs, h 101 Franklin
Patterson, Frederick J, plumber, bds 639 Winsor ave
Patterson, George W, instructor Reformatory, h 380 Fulton
Patterson, Grace mrs, bds 233 W Water
Patterson, Grace L, clerk, 100 E Water, bds 422 W Gray
Patterson, Helen M, widow Francis, h 709 Harper
PATTERSON, HENRY S, groceries, boots & shoes, dry goods, notions &c, 300-302 S Main, h 113 Brand
Patterson House, M Brink propr, Baldwin cor Market
Patterson, Isaac, engineer Doane & Jones, h 312 Reformatory
Patterson, James L, laborer, h 639 Winsor ave
Patterson, John H, driver, 208 State, h 714 1/2 Dickinson
Patterson, Kate G, teacher school No 8, bds 422 W Gray
Patterson, Leon L, painter, bds 358 Hoffman
Patterson, Lillie, widow Arthur, h 560 E Water
Patterson, Minnie T, teacher school No 2, bds 422 W Gray
Patterson, Nancy, emp knitting mill, bds 1314 Pratt
Patterson, Rose, emp knitting mill, bds 101 Franklin
Patterson, Thomas W, boots & shoes, 100 E Water, h 422 W Gray
Patterson, William, emp Payne shop, h 305 S Broadway
Patterson, William E, gate tender Erie R R, h 503 Columbia
Paul, Clinton M, engineer D L & W R R, h 1319 1/2 Lake
Paul, Henry C, carpenter, h 1025 Oak
Paul, Irwin G, fireman D L & W R R, h 1357 1/2 Lake
Paul, Lewis A, emp Reformatory, h 202 Madison ave
Paul, William, engineer, h 719 Columbia
Paulman, Anna M, emp J Richardson & Co, bds 415 Powell
Paulman, Charles, printer Telegram, h 415 Powell
Paulman, Christina, emp J Richardson & Co, bds 415 Powell
Paulman, Dennis, emp J Richardson & Co, h 231 Brand
Paulman, Eliza E, emp J Richardson & Co, bds 415 Powell
Paulman, Elvira, bds 415 Powell
Paulman, George P, student, bds 415 Powell
Paulman, Grace, emp J Richardson & Co, bds 415 Powell
Pautz, Albert B, electrician, bds 400 Fulton
Pautz, Albert J, tinner, bds 400 Fulton
Pautz, Augustus, agent Brewing Co, 400 Fulton, h do
Pautz, Clara A, emp knitting mill, bds 1126 Oak
Pautz, Lena L, milliner, bds 122 E Water
Pautz, Lewis, tinner, h 1126 Oak
Pautz, William, tinsmith, h 122 E Water
Paxson, Maxwell J, pressman, bds 304 Baldwin
Payne, Anna, domestic, 318 W Water
Payne, Anna, bds 831 Linden pl
PAYNE, BENJAMIN N, (Payne Co), S Main n limits, h 129 E Chemung pl
Payne, Carrie B, stenographer, 166 Lake, h at Wellsburg
Payne, Catherine, bds 831 Linden pl
Payne, Clara, bds 112 Dewitt ave
PAYNE CO (Incorporated) B N Payne pres, F E Baldwin treas, D W Payne supt, manufacturers and repairers, engines and boilers, S Main n limits
PAYNE, DAVID W, (Payne Co), S Main n limits, h 316 E Church
Payne, Emma, domestic, 316 W Washington ave
Payne, Esther R, bds 129 E Chemung pl
Payne, Fannie, tobacco sorter, bds 505 Mt Zoar
Payne, Frederick R, lieut U S Navy, bds 129 E Chemung pl
PAYNE, HARRY J, (Smith-Payne Co), 326 E Water, bds 113 W Second
Payne, Helen A, h 316 E Church
Payne, Henry, coachman, h 512 High
Payne, Henry E, laborer, bds 512 High
Payne, Henry W, tinner, h 112 Dewitt ave
Payne, John J, mason, h r 708 Linden pl
Payne, Joseph H, janitor Robinson bldg, bds 610 E Clinton
Payne, Josephine, bds 831 Linden pl
Payne, Kate, h 316 E Church
Payne, Mary T, widow Samuel, h 505 Mt Zoar
Payne, Matilda Mrs, h 612 E Clinton
Payne, S Henry, mechanical engineer, bds 129 E Chemung pl
Payne, S Kate, bds 316 E Church
Payne, Satterly, teamster, h 505 Mt Zoar
Payne, Thomas, laborer, h 831 Linden pl
Payne, Thomas, bartender, bds 831 Linden pl
Payne, Willard M, student, 129 E Chemung pl
Payne, William E, carpet layer, h 606 1/2 Dickinson
Payne see Paine
Paynton, Lillian M, bds 531 Penna ave
Peake, S Clarke, boarding house, 129 W Market
Pearsall, Ella B, widow George, dressmaker, 215 Baldwin, h do
Pease, Clayton, teamster, bds 723 W Third
Pease, George A, clerk, 122 S Main, bds 503 McDonald pl
Pease, Irving M, clerk, 122 S Main, bds 503 McDonald pl
Pease, Melvia I, bds 723 W Third
Pease, Minta L Mrs, dressmaker, bds 762 Jay
Pease, Solomon D, gardener, h 723 W Third
Pease, Willis A, clerk, 122 S Main, bds do
Pease, Williston, wall paper, 122 S Main, h 503 McDonald pl
Peaslee, Howard C, com trav, h 311 Columbia
Peck, Caid H, master mechanic, h 454 Riverside ave
Peck, Charles H, watchman Erie R R, h 724 Columbia
Peck, Edward Y, clerk, bds 112 Ferris
Peck, Elmer, laborer, bds 428 Pleasant
Peck, Frank H, h 463 Maple ave
Peck, Fred W, emp N C Ry, h Cedar cor Leland
Peck, Georgie, waitress American House
Peck, Harlan E, shipping clerk, 211 Railroad ave, h 214 W Hudson
Peck, Harlan P, h 214 W Water
Peck, Herdick P, machinist, bds 463 Maple ave
Peck, Horace B, emp N C Ry, h Cedar cor Leland
Peck, Jesse H, bds 463 Maple ave
Peck, Lucy, domestic, 428 Pleasant
Peck, Nellie M, widow George M, h 516 Park pl
PECK, WILLIAM H, bicycle manufr, dealer and repairer, 211 W Water, h 112 Ferris
Peckham, Cynthia, widow Aaron, housekeeper, 218 Gregg
Peckham, Edward W, engineer, 305 E Water, h 961 Oak
Peckham, Maggie, widow Willis, bds 710 Benjamin
Peckham, William E, emp knitting mill, bds 961 Oak
Pedrick, Catherine R, teacher, bds 1005 College ave
Pedrick, Fred, driver, bds 303 W Henry
Pedrick, Nathan, lumber manufr, h 1005 College ave
Peebles, Janet G, bds 406 Standish
Peebles, John A, emp bicycle works, bds 406 Standish
Peebles, Martha C, widow Corbett, bds 613 W Water
PEEBLES, W CLALMERS, mgr Elmira Harness and Collar factory, Madison ave cor E Fifth, h 406 Standish
PEEBLES, WILLIAM C, editor Gazette, h 613 W Water
Peel, Patrick H, conductor D L & W R R, h 1003 Lake
Pegram, Edmona A Mrs, h 709 Benjamin
Pelbrough, Gaymer S, saloon, 103 E Church, h do
Pelbrough, Thomas G, retired, h 309 Decker pl
Pelham, Frederick H, electrician, h 813 W Church
Pelham, Henry, carpenter, h 827 W Second
Pelham, Isaac, real estate, 606 Walnut, h do
Pell, Joseph, car inspector N C Ry shops, h 519 Fulton
Pellet, Grace, teacher school No 9, bds 462 1/2 South ave
Pendergast, Anna S, h 808 N Main
Pendleton, Wallace L, trav agent Standard Oil Co, Elmira Oil works, bds 661 Davis
PEOPLE'S ICE CO THE, E B Sadler, mgr, Masonic Temple
Percival, Alexander W, blacksmith, h 662 N Main
PERFECT LAUNDRY CO, G W, L C and C H Slauson proprs, Realty bldg, 412 E Market
Perkins, Bessie, clerk, bds 223 Maple ave
Perkins, Jacob D, weaver, h 223 Maple ave
Perkins, Margaret Mrs, h r 408 Walnut
Perkins, Mary, emp box factory, bds 428 1/2 Balsam
Perkins, Stephen M, machinist, h 620 Lewis
Perkins, Susan, widow William, h 412 S Broadway
Perna, Gioacchino, tailor, h 103 W Fifth
Perrault, Blanche, clerk, 132 W Water, bds 129 W Henry
Perrault, M Gertrude, bds 129 W Henry
Perrault, Mitchell G, restaurant, 171 Baldwin, h 129 W Henry
Perrin, Alfred, emp bridge works, h 457 1/2 Mt Zoar
Perrin, Ira M, carpenter, h 416 Locust
Perrin, Robert W, clerk E Water cor Lake, room 310 E Water
Perrin, William J, painter, h 407 W Hudson
PERRY, CHARLES E, carpenter and builder, h 604 S Broadway
Perry, Cora B, h 106 E Water
Perry, David K, emp bridge works, h 710 Spaulding
Perry, Delilah, widow Simeon, bds 710 Spaulding
Perry, Dorr K, machinist, bds 463 Maple ave
Perry, Edward S, h 708 Spaulding
Perry, Floyd, blacksmith, bds 800 Copley
PERRY, GUY W, (Perry & Herrick), 164 Lake, h 364 W First
Perry, Hanson S, officer Reformatory, h 1887 1/2 College ave
Perry, Henry, engineer, h 714 Walnut
PERRY, IDA MAY, grocer, 604 S Broadway, h do
Perry, Laura, widow George, bds 720 Hopkins
Perry, Lena M, tel opr, 205 E Gray, bds 361 S Main
Perry, Merritt T, trainman N C R R, h 361 S Main
Perry, Shirley, emp bridge works, h 429 Standish
Perry, Vesta D, widow William H, h 959 College ave
Perry, William C, bds 119 Lake
PERRY & HERRICK, (G W Perry and F D Herrick) insurance and real estate, 164 and 166 Lake
Personius, E Watson, lawyer, 415 E Water, bds 112 Washington
Personius, Elnathan, hoseman steamer No 1, h 112 Washington
Personius, G Austin, photographer, 137 E Water, h do
Personius, Horace W, clerk, 140 W Water, bds 112 Washington
Personius, Judson B, bookkeeper, C M & R Tompkins, h 519 W Second
Personius, Sarah E, bds 112 Washington
Perticello, Michael, laborer, h 912 Magee
Peterman, Benjamin F, draughtsman, bds 408 S Main
Peterman, Hiram M, letter carrier, bds 408 S Main
Peterman, James C, h 408 S Main
Peterman, Minnie V, bds 408 S Main
Peterman, William W, jeweler, 335 E Water, h 408 S Main
Peters, Alice, boarding house, 223 W Water
Peters, Anna, domestic, 705 W Gray
Peters, Carrie B, widow William H, h 1001 Lake
Peters, Charles W, cigarmaker, bds 738 Harper
Peters, Electa, widow George, h 1209 Grand Central ave
Peters, Elizabeth, widow Shubel, h 738 Harper
Peters, Franc L, dressmaker, h 416 W Third
Peters, George Jr, engineer D L & W R R, h 369 Norton
Peters, Horace H, mason, h 406 Perry
Peters, Pauline R, widow Charles, bds Hoffman cor W Gray
Peterson, Albert, student, bds 214 Washington
Peterson, Augusta, domestic, 627 W Church
Peterson, Charles H, barber, h Dewitt ave cor E Water
Peterson, George, cigarmaker, h 102 W Henry
Peterson, George A, city express, h 514 W First
Peterson, Mary, domestic, 214 Washington
Peterson, Samuel, tobacco packer, h r 801 Lake
Peterson, Sarah E, h 1125 Davis
Peterson, William B, mechanic, h 519 Perine
Peterson, William E, laborer, bds 1114 Walnut
PETRIE, C A & CO, (H A Noyes) coal and wood, 191 E Washington ave
PETRIE, CHARLES A, (C A Petrie & Co), 191 E Washington ave, h 262 W Fourth
Petrie, Mary, clerk, 514 Dewitt ave, bds 510 do
Petrie, Robert, insurance, bds 510 Dewitt ave
Petrie, William S, h 510 Dewitt ave
Petrowski, Dora, widow Joseph, h 333 Webber pl
Petrowski, Frances I, bds 333 Webber pl
Pettengill, Catherine, widow John T, bds 413 High
Pettengill, John G, tel opr N C Ry yardmaster's office, h 465 South ave
Pettengill, Philander L, conductor N C Ry, h 458 South ave
Pettengill see Pattengill
Petti, Sisto, barber and jeweler, 101 W Fifth, h do
Pettibone, Maude, emp knitting mill, bds 405 1/2 Thurston
Petti, George M, machinist, bds 434 W Fifth
Petti, George W, harnessmaker, h 434 W Fifth
PETTIT, CHARLES P, druggist, 116 Main, h 371 W First
Pettit, Charles W, ticket clerk Erie station, bds 371 W First
Pettit, Henry J, student, bds 371 W First
Petty, James, emp D L & W R R, bds 311 Norton
Petty, Sylvester, emp rolling mill, bds 311 Norton
Petzke, Frederick, tobacco sorter, h 165 Harriet
Pfeffer, George, laborer, bds 623 Mt Zoar
PFIFFER, CHARLES W, mason contractor, 768 E Fifth, h do
Pfiffer, Ray, mason, bds 768 E Fifth
Phair, William, brakeman D L & W R R, bds 1104 Lake
Phelps, Augustus T, tinner, bds 553 Coburn
Phelps, Cora E, bds 382 E Water
Phelps, Edward W, painter, h 553 Coburn
Phelps, Fred, sash and blind maker, h 418 Davis
Phelps, Minna B, teacher Elmira Free Academy, rooms 320 Lake
Phesay, James K, florist, h 706 Elm
Philbin, Onnie, domestic, 615 Columbia
Phillips, Amy B, emp silk mill, bds 556 E Third
Phillips, Arthur H, student, bds 562 Thompson
Phillips, Augustus H, bds 366 W Third
Phillips, Ben R, lineman, h 319 Sullivan
PHILLIPS, CASSIUS A, lawyer, atty for Chemung Valley Loan Assn, 403 Realty bldg, h 661 W Third
Phillips, Edward H, clerk, 140 W Water, h 415 W Third
Phillips, Frank, carpenter, h 923 Davis
Phillips, George W, h 458 W Third
Phillips, Isaac, peddler, h 113 Orchard
Phillips, James H, h 523 W Clinton
Phillips, James L, bds 110 Brand
Phillips, John H, laborer, bds 319 Sullivan
Phillips, Julius A, foreman N C Ry, h 562 Thompson
Phillips, Leon R, bridgeman, bds 562 Thompson
Phillips, Luna, emp skirt factory, bds 510 E Church
Phillips, Mildred, emp silk mill, bds 556 E Third
Phillips, Samuel H, paper hanger, h 109 E Washington ave
Phillips, Shadrach R, emp N C Ry reading room, h 208 W Miller
Phillips, Solomon, peddler, h 113 Orchard
Phillips, Stephen, traveling salesman, h 966 Walnut
Phillman, Philip, blacksmith, bds 151 Baldwin
Phipps, Percival, (Rogers & Phipps), 110 E Water, h 523 W Fourth
Phoenix, Harry, janitor, bds 714 Tuttle ave
Phoenix Mutual Life Ins Co, D R Pratt, gen agt, 305 Robinson bldg
Phoenix, Mary, h 714 Tuttle ave
Pickel, George J, laborer, h 755 E Market
Pickering, Adele E, widow James W, bds 358 Columbia
Pickering, Annie R, widow George, bds 368 W Clinton
Pickering, Carrie, bds 500 E Church
Pickering, Daniel F, salesman, bds 600 E Clinton
Pickering, Edward B, carpenter, bds 500 E Church
Pickering, Frank, bds 260 Baldwin
Pickering, George, mgr N Spencer Thomas Co, 368 W Clinton, h do
Pickering, Mary, domestic, 600 E Clinton
Pienck, Philip, iron worker, bds 918 Stowell
Pierce, Crawford A, cigar maker, 118 Brand, h Glenwood ave, Elmira Heights
Pierce, Daniel F, hostler L V R R, h 408 E Fifth
Pierce, Eli, teamster, bds 752 Spaulding
Pierce, Floyd R, teamster, h 2 Lemon
Pierce, Harley, clerk, 112 W Water, bds at Horseheads
Pierce, Howard E, engineer electric light station, h 614 Howard
Pierce, James L, brakeman N C Ry, h 506 Pleasant
Pierce, Jay W, emp Eclipse Bicycle Works, bds 372 W Clinton
Pierce, John C, pension agent, 322 E Water, h 347 W Clinton
PIERCE, JOSEPH H, (Pierce & Bickford), 120 Lake, h 308 W Clinton
Pierce, Mabel M, student, bds 108 Spring
Pierce, Millie, emp knitting mill, bds 725 Benjamin
Pierce, Robert C, teamster, h 752 Spaulding
Pierce, Robert G L, h 752 Spaulding
Pierce, Samuel N, janitor city hall, h 108 Spring
Pierce, Sarah A, widow Milo, bds 510 Grove
Pierce, Susan B Mrs, bds 927 Penna ave
PIERCE & BICKFORD, (J H Pierce and H H Bickford) architects, 118 and 120 Lake
Pierson, Amanda, widow Cyrus, h 554 E Church
Pierson, Ellen Collins, teacher German and literature Elmira College, bds do
Pierson, George J, lineman, h 316 E Water
Pike, Nathaniel A, shoemaker, h 363 1/2 W Second
Pike, William R, machinist N C Ry shops, h 512 Balsam
Pilone, Francisco, laborer, h 223 E Seventh
Pinckney, Alfred A, h 220 Penna ave
Pinckney, Charles, emp Electric Light Co, bds 220 Penna ave
Pinckney Gas Light Machine Co, William E Pinckney mgr, 6 Advertiser bldg E Market
Pinckney, Nettie, bds 220 Penna ave
Pinckney, Wade, student, bds 402 Euclid ave
Pinckney, William E, mgr Pinckney Gas Machine Co, bds 220 Penna ave
Pines, Charles O, machinist, h 414 S Main
Pines, Libbie A Mrs, dressmaker, h 410 W Fifth
Pines, Squire, bds 414 S Main
Pinkham, Ralph H, rodman N C Ry, bds 110 W Second
Pinney, Franklin H, bds 53 Hoffman
Piper, Alice, domestic, 153 Madison ave
Piper, Ella, widow William, bds 518 State
Piper, George W, painter, h 553 1/2 E Second
Piper, John D, laborer, h 518 State
Piper, William C, laborer, bds 518 State
Pitcher, Frank, brakeman, h 371 Norton
Pitcher, Henry D, electrician, rooms 507 Baldwin
Pitcher, James, laborer, bds 358 Fulton
Pittman, Eli Rev, pastor Riverside M E Church, h 561 Spaulding
Pitts, Charles A, laborer, h 916 Penna ave
Pitts, Charles H, night yard clerk Erie R R, h 620 W Gray
Pitts, Glen I, guard N Y S Reformatory, bds do
Pitts, Lena, bds 916 Penna ave
Pitts, Myron M, mail messenger, bds 355 Hoffman
Pitts, Samuel, engineer Erie R R, bds 620 W Gray
Pittsley, Henry, laborer, h 669 Sullivan
Plate, Bertha, domestic, 760 John
Plate, Frank, carpenter, h 909 John
Plater, Samuel, laborer, bds 301 E Fourth
Platt, Hosea L, gardener, h Sullivan cor Thurston
Platt, Sally A, widow David, bds 411 Partridge
Platt, Willis, carpenter, h 411 Partridge
PLOWMAN HARDWARE STORE, Harry K Fuhrman propr, stoves and hardware, 206 S Main
Plowman, Sarah A, widow William, bds 101 Falck
Plum, Harry E, emp J Richardson & Co, bds 229 E LaFrance
Plum, John E, carpenter, h 229 E LaFrance
Plummer, Martha Mrs, nurse, 466 W Second
Plummer, Selah C, meat market, 419 Main, h 466 W Second
Plummer, Selah L G, meat cutter, bds 466 W Second
Poffal, William, laborer, h 830 Linden pl
Pohlman, Allie P, stenographer, bds 402 W Hudson
Pohlman, Augusta, tailoress, bds 402 W Hudson
Pohlman, Gustave J, teamster, h 402 W Hudson
Pohlman, Otto H, machinist, bds 402 W Hudson
Poineer, Melvina, widow William, h 456 W Second
Polhamus, Charles, trav salesman, h 908 Main
Polhamus, Cornelia Mrs, h 507 Harper
Polhamus, Elmer E, brakeman D L & W R R, h 1318 Baldwin
Polhamus, Eugene, brakeman D L & W R R, bds Hotel Klondike
Polhamus, Henry L, brakeman, h 372 Warren
Polhamus, Maynard S, brakeman D L & W R R, h 365 Warren
Polhamus, Nancy O, bookkeeper, bds 365 Warren
Polhamus, Nora, domestic, bds 374 Warren
Polhamus, Theodore, conductor D L & W R R, h 369 Diven ave
Polhamus, Theodore Jr, brakeman D L & W R R, h 374 Warren
Polhamus, Walter N, brakeman, h 380 Norton
Polhamus, William, emp rolling mill, bds 1318 Baldwin
Pollak, Ada H, clerk, bds 554 E Second
Pollak, Julius L, optician, h 554 E Second
Pollard, George A, clerk, 301 E Water, bds 55 S Main
Pollay, William, blacksmith, h 956 Main
Polley, Dell Mrs, tailoress, h 623 W Gray
Polley, Hannah, widow Lewis, bds 515 W Second
Polley, Noah D, clerk, 208 W Water, h 623 W Gray
Pollock, Joseph, laborer, h 200 E Washington ave
Pollock, William, bds 156 West Side ave
Pond, Ashley, train agent N C R R, bds 513 1/2 W First
Pond, Bert S, slater, h 413 High
Pond, Byron G, com trav, 146 W Water, h 513 1/2 W First
POND, EDWARD C, supt Elmira Gas & Illuminating Co, 620 Madison ave, h 518 Euclid ave
Pond, Edward W, bds 518 Euclid ave
Pond, George E, emp Clipper Chilled Plow Co, bds 413 High
Pond, Grace E, emp knitting mill, bds 413 High
Pond, Marvin H, meter reader Gas & Ill Co, bds 518 Euclid ave
Pool, Orline Mrs, bds 458 W First
Pope, Sarah Mrs, rooms 706 W Water
Popeck, Francis, (Volbrecht & Popeck), 321 Carroll, h 608 E Second
Poppino, Richard, bds 1006 Hoffman
POPULAR BANKING SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION THE, S A Manwaring sec & treas, 304-306 Realty bldg
Porter, Amy, widow Frank S, bds 1007 Lake
Porter, Catharine S, bds 510 Jefferson
Porter, Charles H, carpenter, bds 412 W Second
Porter, Daniel, engineer N C R R, h 510 Jefferson
Porter, Emma, widow Charles, housekeeper, 382 Norton
Porter, Fred, printer Gazette, bds 511 W First
Porter, Hollis J, brakeman N C R R, bsd 604 S Main
Porter, John E, emp bridge works, bds 86 Keefe
Porter, Katherine S, h 510 Jefferson
Porter, Miller G, emp bridge works, h 86 Keefe
Porter, Olive N, widow Milton, bds 86 Keefe
Porter, Theodore, com trav, 414 Carroll, h 162 Boardman
Porter, W Burton, h 511 W First
Porter, Walter B, moulder, h 369 1/2 Penna ave
Porter, Zeley W, gardener, h 109 Fulton
Post, Charles L, emp E & H R R, bds 914 College ave
Post, Elsie M, widow David, h 206 W Chemung pl
Post, James H, conductor N C R R, h 914 College ave
POST, MYRON G, (Cleveland & Post), 316 Carroll, h 206 W Chemung pl
Post, Sarah C, bds 914 College ave
POST OFFICE, M M Conklin postmaster, Lake cor E Market
POSTAL TELEGRAPH-CABLE CO, C L Jones mgr, 119 Baldwin
Potsiadto, Charles, emp bridge works, bds 105 Home
Potsiadto, Frank, emp bridge works, bds 105 Home
Potsiadto, Powell, emp bridge works, bds 105 Home
POTTER, CHARLES B, veterinarian, 103 W Church, h 508 William
POTTER, CHARLES H, (Willison, Potter & Smith) notary public, 138 E Water, h 516 Sullivan
Potter, Ella M Mrs, h 409 W Second
Potter, Elmer E, conductor N C Ry, h 110 Brand
Potter, Fred E, bookkeeper, 153 Lake, bds 110 Brand
Potter, Harriet M, bds 311 William
Potter, Henry W, h 651 E Market
Potter, John G, h 214 W Henry
Potter, Louisa C, widow Cranston T, h 311 William
Potter, Lydia S, bds 651 E Market
Potter, Mary A, teacher school No 8, bds 651 E Market
Potter, Myrtle M, teacher, bds 409 W Second
Potter, William T, coachman, 219 E Market
POTTS, MARY, physician, 616 Columbia, h do, office hours 1:30 to 3 and 7 to 8 pm
Pound, William H, carpenter, h 1219 Hall
Pound, William W, laborer, h 526 Main
Powell, Anna, teacher school No 1, bds 378 W Fourth
Powell, Anna N, bds 922 E Church
Powell, Bert N, clerk roadmaster's office Erie R R, h 503 Davis
Powell, Bridget, widow Martin, h 378 W Fourth
Powell, Catherine, seamstress, bds 936 E Church
Powell, Elizabeth S, student, bds 912 N Main
Powell, Ellen, widow Martin, h 936 E Church
Powell, Frederick, com trav, 211 Baldwin, bds 318 W Fourth
Powell, Harriet L, bds 318 W Fourth
Powell, James, postal clerk, h 324 W Fourth
Powell, James L, laborer, h 410 Main
Powell, John, laborer, h 214 Harriet
Powell, John, mason, bds 922 E Church
Powell, John G, h 922 E Church
Powell, Margaret, bds 378 W Fourth
Powell, Margaret J, widow John, h 313 W Fourth
Powell, Martin, salesman, 211 Baldwin, h 322 W Fourth
Powell, Mary E, domestic, 517 1/2 Elizabeth
Powell, Michael, laborer, h 428 W Fifth
Powell, Nelson A, clerk, 244 W Water, h 106 Rose pl
Powell, Patrick, roundsman, h 912 Main
Powell, Thomas, stereotyper Telegram, bds 916 E Church
Powell, William, emp rolling mill, bds Franklin Hotel
Powell, William, patrolman, bds 600 Sullivan
Powell, William H, grocer, 208 Harriet, h do
Powers, Catherine M, bd 717 S Division
Powers, John, horse trainer, h 157 High
Powers, Katherine Mrs, h 756 S Main
Powers, Mary J, bds 717 S Division
Powers, Michael, hostler N C shops, h 756 S Main
Powers, Michael Jr, switchman, bds 756 S Main
Powers, Nellie A, stenographer, 114 Lake, bds 717 S Division
Powers, Patrick, foreman N C Ry, h 717 S Division
Powers, Patrick, barber, 202 S Main, bds W Hudson
Powers, Richard J, tobacco sorter, bds 756 S Main
Powers, Robert J, motorman E & H R R, h 759 Erie
Powers, Spencer J, engineer D L & W R R, bds 313 E Center
Poyneer, George H, com trav, h 216 W Third
Prall, Benjamin F, messenger U S Ex Co, h 717 W Water
Prall, Justus H R, bds 717 W Water
Pratt, Agnes M, widow Harden DeValson Jr, h 150 Main
Pratt, Alvord, bds 318 William
Pratt, Anna B, bds 308 William
Pratt, Anna P, widow Horace B, bds 367 W Third
PRATT, ARTHUR, bookkeeper City Club, h 514 W Clinton
Pratt, Charles, teamster, h 220 Mt Zoar
Pratt, Charles M, cigarmaker, h 367 W Third
PRATT, CHARLES R, county judge and surrogate, Court House, h 318 William
Pratt, Daniel R, pres The Elmira Mut Bldg Loan Association, 209 Robinson bldg, h 415 Lake
Pratt, Daniel T, insurance, 305 Robinson bldg, h 318 W Water
PRATT, DAVID M, cashier Second Nat Bank, 150 Lake, h 414 Union pl
PRATT, FRANK C, treas Chemung Co Loan Association, 160 Lake, h 321 Madison ave
Pratt, Frank D, clerk Erie freight office, h 431 W Clinton
Pratt, Gaylord A, clerk, 126 Lake, bds 378 W Clinton
Pratt, Irene, bds 326 W First
Pratt, James B, student, bds 415 Lake
Pratt, Lavina M, widow George E, h 326 W First
Pratt, Lycurgus D, real estate, 752 Park pl, h do
PRATT, MANLEY D, dealer in coal and wood, 504 Erie, h 410 Spaulding
Pratt, Mary C, widow Harden D V, h 652 Park pl
Pratt, Merton L, flagman N C R R, h 464 South ave
Pratt, Ocianna T, widow W Henry, bds 321 Madison ave
Pratt, R B, physician and surgeon, 201 State cor E Market, h 367 W Gray
Pratt, Ransom, bds 318 William
Pratt, Sarah E Mrs, physician, 367 W Gray, h do
PRATT, TIMOTHY S, carpets, window shades, draperies, &c, 311 E Water, h 308 William
Pratt, Vashti, widow William, bds 410 Spaulding
PRATT, WILLIAM BEACH, manuf of joveite, 124 Lake, h W Water bey limits
Prawley, Patrick, clerk Exchange Hotel, bds do
Pray, Lillian A, nurse, 308 Columbia, h do
Pray, William H, emp Erie car shops, h 820 Lincoln
Prechtl, Bartholomew, h 1400 Sullivan
Prechtl, Henry A, milk dealer, h 1351 Lake
Prechtl, Jacob J, (M J Roemmelt & Co), h 707 1/2 Linden pl
Prechtl, Minnie G, emp silk mill, bds 1400 Sullivan
Prechtl, Peter W, milk dealer, bds 1351 Lake
Prechtl, Susan M, emp silk mill, bds 1400 Sullivan
Prechtl, William B, clerk, 700 German, bds 1400 Sullivan
Prendergast, William, guard N Y S Reformatory, bds do
Prentice, Annie M Mrs, h 315 W Fourth
Prentice, Edward A Jr, bookkeeper, 211 Railroad ave, h at Horseheads
Prentice, Malcolm U, furniture, 206 W Water, bds 383 do
Prentice, William A, furniture, 227 and 229 W Water, h Binghamton NY
Prentice, William E, mason, h 123 W Water
Prescott, Frank W, undertaker, bds 113 Dewitt ave
Prescott, Fred S, bds 307 Madison ave
Prescott, H Louise, widow Joseph S, h 307 Madison ave
Prescott, J Maud, bds 307 Madison ave
Prescott, William H, h 113 Dewitt ave
Presnal, Frank, laborer, h 200 E Washington ave
Presnal, John, emp rolling mill, h 103 Bloomer ave
Preston, Ernest, emp Elmira Glass Co, h 606 Hart
Preston, Frank E, brakeman D L & W R R, h 357 E Center
Preston, May M, widow Alanson, bds 609 E Church
Preston, Perrion S, brakeman D L & W R R, h 327 Center
Preston, S Eveline, tailoress, bds 357 E Center
Preswick, Evelyn H, widow Christopher, h 102 S Main
Prethero, Mary E, compositor Gazette, bds 510 E Church
Preybet, Michael, laborer, bds 150 E Washington ave
Price, Charles H, engineer D L & W R R, h 1355 1/2 Lake
Price, Clara H, widow Briton, clerk, h 219 Maple ave
Price, Dorcas, widow John, h 320 E Fourth
PRICE, JOHN H, mgr Armour & Co, 508 State, rooms 406 Lake
Priest, Carlton, gardener, h 510 Fitch
Priest, Frederick O, clerk, 115 E Water, bds 510 Fitch
Priest, William B, patrolman, h 510 Fitch
Prime, Lizzie, emp Hastings laundry, rooms 402 W Gray
Primmer, Catherine, widow Judson, bds 527 Harper
Prince, Byron A, bookkeeper, John N Stearns & Co, bds 1242 Main
Prochnow, Walter, brewer, h 119 Madison ave
Proctor, Samuel L, hostler L V R R, h 420 1/2 W Fifth
Propre, Emma, widow Nicholas, h 509 Fulton
Pruden, Avery S, machinist, bds 623 W Gray
Pruden, Jennie, widow Horace, h 623 W Gray
Pruden, Myra B, clerk, 301 E Water, bds 623 W Gray
Prudential Insurance Co of America, W C Mason supt, 301 to 304 Steele Memorial bldg
PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE CO, THE, ordinary dept, M J Dillon, gen agent, 408 E Market
Prudhomme, Edward M, shoemaker, h 752 John
Prudhomme, Henry M, emp Lubricating Co, bds 752 John
Prudhomme, Lillian T, emp J Richardson & Co, bds 752 John
Prutsman, Clyde J, emp W H Lovell, bds 630 W Gray
Prutsman, Frank C, emp W H Lovell, h 630 W Gray
Prutsman, Jason A, carpenter, h 205 Hoffman
Prutsman, Lynn, dental student, bds 630 W Gray
Prutsman, May, restaurant, 169 Baldwin, rooms Main cor Market
Pryor, John B, coachman, h 650 Baldwin
Pugh, Daniel E, com trav, h 410 W First
PULFORD, CHARLES A, contractor and builder, Erie cor Falck, receiver Northcott Warming and Ventilating Co, pres E W Andrews Incubator Co, h 128 E Hudson
Pulford, Charles Reed, student, bds 128 E Hudson
Pulford, Florence V, bds 402 W Second
Pulford, Samuel R, student, bds 128 E Hudson
Pulver, Bertha J, bds 313 Columbia
Punzo, Peter, laborer, bds 863 Dickinson
Purcell, Charles S, emp Eclipse bicycle works, bds 718 Walnut
Purcell, Elizabeth R, widow Thomas, dressmaker, bds 718 Walnut
Purcell, H Libbie, music teacher, bds 718 Walnut
Purcell, Harry V, restaurant, bds 615 William
Purcell, Laura V, student, bds 654 N Main
Purcell, May Mrs, stenographer, bds 438 1/2 W Clinton
Purcell, Stephen T, h 615 William
Purdy, Henry L, ticket agent, h 203 Baldwin
Purdy, Kate S, bds 203 Baldwin
Purdy, William, h 505 Ivy
Purple, Julia, widow Jared C, h 700 Penna ave
Purple, William W, engineer C N Ry, h 700 Penna ave
Pursey, Will J, coachman, h 16 Pine
Purtell, John R, furniture, 216 W Water, h 207 Walnut
Purtell, M Fannie, music teacher, bds 207 Walnut
Purtell, Martin, car inspector, h 914 Magee
Purtell, Michael, laborer, h 912 Magee
Purtell, Robert L, clerk, 216 W Water, h 207 Walnut
Purtell, Sarah, bds 912 Magee
Purtle, Trix, domestic, 503 Railroad ave
Putnam, Emmett E, cornet teacher, 323 W First, rooms do
Putney, William W, ins agt, h 212 W Hudson
Puwatowski, Kaznir, laborer, h 954 Johnson
Pvzyunczike, Anthony, laborer Spaulding's mill, h 1136 Magee
Pyursky, Moses, peddler, h 153 Dewitt
Qua, W H Mrs, music teacher, h 511 E Church
Qua, William, piano tuner, 114 Baldwin, h 511 E Church
Quackenbush, Ira, mason, h 611 Coburn
Quackenbush, Samuel L, mason, h 611 Coburn
Quain, Thomas, emp rolling mill, bds Franklin Hotel
Qualey, Augustus, emp rolling mill, bds 654 1/2 E Clinton
Qualey, Charles T, barber, 116 W Fifth, bds 454 1/2 E Clinton
Qualey, John, laborer, h 160 E Washington ave
Qualey, Stephen, brakeman D L & W R R, h 913 Stowell
Qualey, Susan, widow James, h 654 1/2 E Clinton
Quandt, Fred, laborer, h 968 E Clinton
Quandt, Fred, laborer, bds 103 Clark
Quandt, Gottlieb, painter, h 103 Clark
Quantic, Gertrude E, nurse, bds 313 E Center
Quattrocoki, Cesino, laborer, h 831 Canal
Queen City Gardens, M L Sullivan propr, 115 West Side ave
QUEEN CITY PORTRAIT CO, Graves & Goldsmith proprs, 820-820 1/2 W Gray
Queen City Printing Co, Etna H Davis, mgr, labels and menus, 115 E Henry
Queen City Rope Carpet Cleaning Co, P B Russell mgr, 526 Main, works r 221 S Main
Queen City Sewer Pipe Co, T M McKnight propr, Baldwin cor E Second
Quick, Charles N, emp bridge works, h 768 Spaulding
Quigley, John, engineer D L & W R R, h 400 Linden pl
Quigley, Patrick, engineer N C Ry, bds 619 Lewis
Quigley, Wilfred G, emp bridge works, bds 455 Penna ave
Quimby, Elmer, conductor D L & W R R, h 417 Linden pl
Quinlan, Bridget, emp silk mill, bds 407 Oak
Quinlan, Daniel M, actor, h 206 W Washington ave
Quinlan, John, bds 407 Oak
Quinlan, Kate, domestic, bds 407 Oak
Quinlan, Katie, chambermaid Hotel Langwell, bds do
Quinlan, Margaret, emp tobacco factory, bds 407 Oak
Quinlan, Mary, emp knitting mill, bds 407 Oak
Quinlan, Mary, widow Philip, h 407 Oak
Quinlan, Michael, laborer, h 713 Railroad ave
Quinlan, Michael, emp rolling mill, bds 156 W Third
Quinlan, Susie, waitress, bds 407 Oak
Quinlan, Susie, chambermaid Hotel Langwell, bds do
Quinn, Ellen, widow William, h 221 W Third
Quinn, Mary, widow John, h 507 Erie
Quinn, Maurice, trainman Erie R R, h 221 W Third
Quinn, Michael, emp Erie R R shops, h 507 Erie
Quinn, Minnie, weaver, bds 221 W Third
Raatz, William, laborer, h 703 E Clinton
Raatz, William K, laborer, bds 703 E Clinton
Rabenowitch, Charles, grocer, 119 High, h do
Race, Emma, domestic, 516 Penna ave
Rachel, Adolph, painter, h 109 Dewitt ave
Rachford, Thomas, conductor D L & W R R, h 151 Bloomer ave
Rackett, Merritt, laborer, h 764 Carpenter
Racklyeft, George, cutter, h 130 S Main
Rader, Charles W, carpet weaver, 213 Vine, h do
Rader, Charles W Jr, foreman Elmira Saw Works, bds 213 Vine
Rader, Clara E, bds 213 Vine
Rader, James B F, fireman N C Ry, h 518 Jefferson
Radiger, John, laborer, h 504 Elizabeth
Radin, Joseph, mgr, 118 W Market, h 814 John
Radin, Joseph L, cigar manuf, Advertiser bldg, E Market, h 607 John
Radin, Martin N, student, bds 607 John
Radin, Nellie G, clerk, bds 607 John
Rae, James H, buyer, 301 E Water, h 417 W Water
Rae, James M, clerk, h 367 Penna ave
Rae, James N, solicitor, bds 367 Penna ave
Rafter, Mary M, nurse, bds 311 Division
Rafter, Thomas A, laborer, h 311 Division
Rafter, William, fireman, bds 311 Division
Ragan, Anna, emp J Richardson & Co, bds 423 W Fifth
Ragan, James, driver, bds 423 W Fifth
Ragan, Jeremiah J, clerk, 140 W Water, bds 423 W Fifth
Ragan, Joseph, emp Erie telegraph office, bds 423 W Fifth
Ragan, Kate E, bds 423 W Fifth
Ragan, Katharyn, bds 324 W Fifth
Ragan, Katie, bds 220 W Water
Ragan, Mame, teacher, bds 423 W Fifth
Ragan, Mary, widow Richard, h 200 Front
Ragan, Michael J, emp Erie car shops, h 423 W Fifth
Ragan, Nellie, teacher, bds 423 W Fifth
Ragan see Reagan see Regan
Rahilly, Catherine, bookkeeper, 168 High
Rahilly, Ellen, domestic, 458 Spaulding
Rahilly, Michael, salesman, 121 E Second, bds 851 Lake
Railway Y M C A, C L Shattuck gen sec, 301 Railroad ave
Ralph, Simon G, teamster, h 118 E Second
Ralyea, Barbara S, widow William B, bds 303 Penna ave
RALYEA, WILLIAM H, mgr Hooven Mercantile Co, h 303 Penna ave
Ramsdell, Ambrose M, painter, h 507 Penna ave
Ramsdell, Leon E, brazier, bds Laurel n Penna ave
Ranck, James C, printer Advertiser, h 108 Dewitt ave
Randall, Albert F, carpenter, h 955 Lincoln
Randall, Charles A, machinist, bds 612 E Water
Randall, Cynthia J, widow William, h 1046 Walnut
Randall, David, bds 207 Brand
Randall, George H, foreman H C Spaulding Co, h 113 Catharine
Randall, George H, h 373 W Clinton
Randall, Herbert E, emp knitting mill, bds 612 E Water
Randall, James M, bookkeeper, 317 Carroll, h 515 Union pl
Randall, John B, carpenter, h 612 Coburn
Randall, Joseph, carpenter, h 612 E Water
Randall, Josephine S, widow Truman H, h 414 College ave
Randall, Seneca, shoemaker, 436 Penna ave, bds 370 S Main
Raniewioy, Vincent, laborer, h 816 East ave
Ransdorf, Anna, bds 361 W Gray
Ransom, Charles F, clerk, 112 Main, h 314 Orchard
Ransom, George P, laborer, bds 122 W Chemung pl
Ransom, Nellie, teacher school No 3, bds 122 W Chemung pl
Ransom, Sarah, widow Reuben H, h 459 W Water
Rapelyea, Charles, peddler, bds 454 E Water
RAPELYEA, CHARLES E, vice-pres and general mgr, H C Spaulding Co, h 322 W Clinton
REPELYEA, EDWARD P, treas, H C Spaulding Co, bds 322 W Clinton
RASMUS, CARL G, pres Elmira Municipal Improvement Co corporations, Realty bldg, h at New York City
RATHBONE, JAMES B, 2d vice-pres Chemung Canal Bank, 415 E Water, h 221 Lake
Rathbun, Eugene A, laborer, h 104 Connelly ave
RATHBUN HOUSE, Kennedy & Tierney proprs, E Water cor Baldwin
Rathbun, Louis G, h 500 Lake
Rathbun, M Antoinette, modiste, 397 W Water, bds do
Rathbun, Mollie, h 128 S Main
Rathbun, Orlando L, carpenter, h 102 Connelly ave
Rathbun, Peter R, laborer, bds 924 Penna ave
Rathbun, Robert C, emp Payne Co, h 404 Locust
Rathbun, William R, real estate, 155 Lake, h 414 do
Rathbun, William T, bds 414 Lake
Raub, Robert J, guard N Y S Reformatory, bds do
Rauch, Tillman T, clerk car dept N C R R shops, h 514 Penna ave
Rauscher, George, carpenter, h Smith
RAWLINS, JOHN E, civil engineer, 414 Realty bldg, h 306 Spaulding
Rawson, Eva J, bds 705 Winsor ave
RAWSON, GROVE P, florist, 107-109 W Market, h 705 Winsor ave
Ray, Julia Mrs, 53 George
Raymond, Abraham, bds 204 Chestnut
Raymond, Frank, laborer, h 402 Magee
Raymond, John H, machinist, bds 415 Madison ave
Raymond, Leah, domestic, 129 W Water
Raymond, Mabel, bds 233 W Water
Raymond, Mary, 402 Magee
Raymond, Robert H, laborer, bds 153 Fox
Raynor, Edward, com trav, bds Patterson House
READ, JEROME C, (The Read & Lovatt Co), E Fifth cor Madison ave, h 180 Carroll, Patterson, NJ
READ & LOVATT CO, THE Samuel Thorp mgr, silk throwsters, 426 E Fifth, cor Madison ave
Reade, Nellie C, widow Jesse H, bds 527 W Gray
Read see Reed see Reid
Readle, William H, machinist, h 413 W Third
Ready, Ellen, widow Michael, h 702 Linden pl
Ready, Harry, brakeman D L & W R R, bds 702 Linden pl
Ready, Kate, emp knitting mill, bds 702 Linden pl
Ready, Maggie, dressmaker, bds 702 Linden pl
Ready, Patrick, laborer, h 605 E Church
Ready see Reedy see Reidy
Reagan, Anna, clerk, 201 E Water, bds Walnut
Reagan, Dennis J, clerk, 301 E Water, bds 213 Chestnut
Reagan, Ellen, bds 473 South ave
Reagan, Ellen, widow Patrick, h 473 South ave
Reagan, Fanny, dressmaker, 208 1/2 W Water, bds 721 Kinyon
Reagan, Hannah, domestic, 112 W Church
Reagan, Jeremiah, clerk, 140 W Water, bds 423 W Fifth
Reagan, Jeremiah J, painter, 215 W Water, h 379 S Main
Reagan, Jeremiah J, painter, h 363 Fulton
Reagan, Joseph W, messenger Erie telegraph office, bds 423 W Fifth
Reagan, Margaret, bds 473 South ave
Reagan, Margaret, widow Thomas, h 213 Chestnut
Reagan, Margaret M, dressmaker, h 523 S Broadway