Ridgebury Township Histories |
Ridgebury is located on the northern border of
Bradford County and Pennsylvania, adjacent to Chemung County NY.
Ridgebury was created in 1813 from
and Athens and it split in 1835 to form
South Creek
Township Postcards & Photos
Post Offices
Bentley Creek PO |
Ridgebury PO |
Postmark Here |
Ridgebury Township Census Records |
Ridegbury Township Directories |
Ridgebury Township Cemetery Records |
If You can Provide GOOD Driving Directions or
GPS coordinates for any of our 700 cemeteries, please send to Joyce
Ridgbebury Township Schools |
School & District No. |
Closed |
History of Ridgebury Schools |
1. Centerville |
Jan. 1954 |
2. Bentley Creek |
Jan. 1954 |
3. Dewey School |
Sept. 1922 |
4. Halstead School |
Sept. 1921 |
4. Larison School |
Sept. 1922 |
5. South Grove (Green Mountain) |
Sept. 1951 |
6. Laurel Hill School |
Sept. 1921 |
7. Baldwin School |
Sept. 1922 |
8. Hanlon Hill School |
Sept. 1947 |
9. Cain School |
10. Miller's Pond School |
Sept. 1923 |
11. Desmond School |
Sept. 1925 |
12. Chapel School |
Sept. 1931 |
Independent District - Doty Hill |
Sept. 1940 |
Ridgebury Township Business Histories & Photos |
Ridgebury Township Organizations |
Ridgebury Township Churches
Histories, Records, Photos |
Ridgebury Township Family Bible Records |
Ridgebury Township Families & Individuals,
Genealogies, Photos |
Township Resident Photo Album
Ridgebury Township Diaries & Letters |
Ridgebury Township Wills, Deeds, Legal Documents |
Ridgebury Township Military Records |
Township Population Statisticss |
1887 Ridgebury Township = 1489 |