Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1840 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
1840 Ridgebury Township Census

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Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice

Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

 * Indicates a questionable reading. … Indicates indecipherable letter or letters. First set of numbers indicates males in family. Second set of numbers indicates females in family. Under 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 40, 40 to 50, 50 to 60, 60 to 70, 70 to 80, 80 to 90, 90 to 100, 100 and up.

Black Age Categories Under 10, 10 to 24, 24 to 36, 36 to 55, 55 to 100, 100 and up

Census records are very often difficult to read because of handwriting, microfilm quality, and spelling issues. Our early census takers were not as well educated as we'd like them to have been, and even the people bearing the names often could not spell them with the same consistency we are accustomed to in this era. The census taker wrote what he believed he heard as well as he could. These have been transcribed for you to the very best or our abilities given the difficulties mentioned. Please be tolerant of what you would consider "mistakes." If you can recognize the names you are looking for, then it is a success. If not, then you may want to find a place where you can view the originals so that you can judge for yourselves. Excessive attention to outmoded spelling issues is the sign of a beginner in family research. Those of you who have been at this a while are well aware of the "spelling errors" in our early records and have learned to take them in your stride. You are also aware of the difficulties our transcribers encounter and will treat those people with the gratitude they deserve rather than criticism.
…onson J.F. 12000001 002101 8 425
Albertson Wm. 010001 21001 6 419
Allen J.B. 100001 00011 4 425
B……tly* Francis 000011 0010001 4 422
Baker Joseph H. 0211001001 10010101 10 423
Baldwin Lathrop 1010201 1111001 10 419
Baldwin Francis H. 0001 10001 3 420
Baldwin Geo. 11112001 0101001 10 420
Ball Wm. 00111001 0110001 7 424
Banfield Benjn. 111001 101001 7 425
Barnhart Merrick 11001 10001 5 423
Barnhart John 000100001 000001 3 423
Bartlett Locke D. 022001 100001 7 420
Bartley/Bentley* James 0110101 0121101 10 423
Benight Saml. 000010101 001001001 6 420
Benight Thomas 0101001 0000001 4 420
Brockway Danl. 1001001 112001 8 425
Brown Wm. 110001 110001 6 419
Brown Smith P. 00001 00001 2 419
Brown Walter 00114001 01121001 13 419
Brown Obadiah D. 111001 000001 5 421
Buck John 01022001 1121001 12 421
Burgess William 00001 0001 2 425
Burnham Perrin W. 200101 10001 6 423
Burnham Chs. F. 000001 000001 2 425
Burt Chester 00001 1211 6 419
Burt John 0000101 0111001001 7 419
Burt Howard F. 0000001 011001 4 420
Burt Israel 012001 120001 8 423
Burt Asa 0212001 1000201 10 424
Campbell Ezekiel 120001 11101 8 421
Carr Mills 101001 120001 7 425
Caulkins R.H. 10001 02001 5 424
Chamberlain Mansa* 1112001 000101 8 421
Clark Arvine 1022 11101 9 419
Coleman Saml. 20002 01001 6 422
Collan* Wan..* 11201 00101001 8 421
Conner Richard 0200001 100001 5 424
Cooley Isaac 000101001 00100101 6 422
Cooper Clark 1210001 0010001 7 421
Cooper Benajah 001 1001 3 421
Cooper Geo. 120022 00012 10 425
Covell William 0101001 0110101 7 419
Covell James Jr. 111001 0101001 7 421
Covell James 000100001 000020001 5 422
Covell Calvin T. 110001 101001 6 422
Craig Joseph 121001 000101 7 421
Crane Benj. 0100001 201001 6 419
Crane Ralph 0113001 1101001 10 425
Culver John 100001 100001 4 421
Cummins John Jr. 100001 20001 5 422
Cummins John 000010001 000000001 3 422
Cummins King H. 10001 00001 3 422
Davidson James .* 12001 10001 6 424
Davidson Polly 0010001 2 424
Dewey Nathan 100001 111001001 7 419
Dewey Hiram 100001 00001 3 419
Dewey Ebenezer 0200011 000001 5 419
Dewitt Kinney 00110001 0111001 7 421
Dickerson John 010001 01001 4 423
Dickerson Simeon 111001 12001 8 424
Dickerson Danl. 202001 021001001 10 425
Doring John 00001 0001 2 419
Doty Joseph 1110001 011101 8 419
Doty Calvin G. 1120001 010001 7 424
Driscoll Cornelius 0002001 0011 5 421
Edwards David 000001 01001 3 419
Evans Peter A. 130001 010001 7 419
Evans James 00011001 00012001 7 422
Evans Isaac 2100001 010001 6 422
Evans Wm. 00100001 00020001 5 425
Evans Peter 121001 010001 7 425
Evans John 20001 00001 4 425
Farnsworth Willard 120001 00001 5 424
Farnsworth Asa 0100001 012201 8 424
Fenton Elijah 00100001 01000001 4 422
Fisher Geo. 101102 014001 11 422
Fuller Abiel/Abial 000010001 00010001 4 419
Fuller Wm. 00011001 011001 6 421
Fuller Abiel 00001 1001 3 421
Fuller Peter 10100011 000001001 6 425
Gates F.B. 10001 10001 4 421
Gillett Alpheus 00000000001 000000001 2 422 Alpheus 80
Gillett Amaziah 110001 02101 7 422
Gillett Dan A. 100101 011001 6 422
Goodell Horace 210001 00101 6 424
Gordinier Saml. 002001 000001 4 424
Gordon J.O. 10001 10001 4 424
Graves Abner 1111001 1111101 11 422
Gray Wm. S. 00001 110001 4 420
Green Anna 0001 00000001 2 420
Hakes Thomas 11001 100010001 6 421
Hall Saml. 12010001 0012001 9 421
Hall Abner 01001 10001 4 421
Hall Stephen 00011000001 00010001 5 421
Halstead Wilmot S. 10101 21101 8 420
Hammond Jared 1110001 0111001 8 420
Hanlon Ewd.* 2221001 000001 9 424
Harman Stephen 0212001 0000111 9 420
Henry Wm. 010010001 00212001 9 421
Hill Ira G. 1002001 1120001 9 424
Hunter John 11100001 0120001 8 422
Impson/Empson Saml. 0111001 111001 8 419
Impson/Empson Elias 0010001 2000001001 6 422
Isbell Levi H. 1021101 1000101 9 422
Johnson Wm. 1000001 00011 4 422
Johnson John 010001 302001 8 425
Joiner Lemuel 1303001 1100001 11 423
Kelsey Horace 0000101 2010001 6 419
Kerrick Frederick 010100001 00110001 6 420
Kline John 2022101 0201001 12 422
Krumloff Theo. 00001001 10100001 5 423
Larrison John 231001 000001 8 423
Lefler Larrison 100001 010001 4 423
Lefler Peter 000000001 000000001 2 423
Lewis Jesse 000001 20001 4 423
Lockman Wm. G. 201001 010001 6 425
Lott Jacob S. 0010001 11001 5 424
Mandeville Giles 00000001 0120001 5 421
Mandeville John 00001 20001 4 421
Mandeville Giles W. 101001001 000001 5 422
Manning Ephraim 10001 00001 3 419
Marcellus Aaron 0111001 0111201 10 420
McDowell John 00000001 01220001 7 423
Miller Robert 010001 00001 3 420
Miller Isaac 001010001 00111001 7 420
Miller John 210001001 011001 8 422
Miller Peter 000001 10001 3 422
Miner Danl. 000001 00001 2 425
Mitchell Saml. W. 0021001 010001 6 420
Monroe Joseph 1110001 1110001 8 423
Monroe Isaiah 10001 00001 3 423
Monroe Nehemiah 00011001 001000001 5 423
Mosier Eli 1010001 10211 8 421
Munny* Alexander 21001 101001 7 423
Otterson James 11110001 011101 9 419
Owen Vincent 000001 10001 3 420
Owen Griswold 00011001 00011001 6 420
Owen Alanson* 00001 10001 3 420
Owens Chs. 0200001 00001 4 424
P….anton Chs. 000001 1001 3 425
Parker Joseph 0010001 0010001 4 421
Peterson Joel 100001 01001 4 420
Peterson Henry M. 0000000001 0000000001 2 420
Peterson David 000000001 000000001 2 424
Peterson Wm. 100001 00001 3 424
Pierce Leonard 00001001 00002001 5 419
Pierce Leonard H. 00101 00001 3 419
Purcel/Parcel Nicholas 000200001 00011001 6 423
Reyman Jacob 1112101 0000001 8 420
Richardson Luther 00101001 00111001 7 425
Richardson John 10001 10001 4 425
Rickey Israel 00110001 2111001 9 424
Rightmire Cornelius 00110001 00010001 5 423
Rightmire James 000001 20001 4 423
Robinson Israel 00000000001 00000000001 2 425
Rogers Thomas L. 2000001 01001 5 421
Rorick* Saml. 110001 11001 6 420
Rose Wm. 0012001 001001 6 419
Sample* Saml. D. 0101101 0010001 6 422
Sawyer* Abel 001100001 00100001 5 421
Scott James J. 110001 111001 7 425
Seely Wm. 00110001 01121001 9 424
Seely Benj. 110001 10001 5 424
Seely John 0100001 02001 5 424
Simor* John 210001 00001 5 421
Smith Henry 010001 001001 4 423
Squire Danl. 2002201 0101101 11 422
Squire Sturges 0111001 0011011 8 423
Squire Peter 013220001 01111001 14 424
Squire Nathan 100001 00001 3 424
Squire Mary 00002 000000001 3 424
Stephens Horatio 110001 11101 7 420
Stephens Maremus 10030001 01100001 8 420
Stephens Morris 1120001 110111 10 422
Stephens Eliel* 01111001 0110001 8 424
Stiles Job 00000000001 000000001 2 420 Job 81
Stirton John 1200001 112001 9 422
Stro(w)bridge Geo. A. 00200001 1100001 6 422
Stro(w)bridge James 01111 00112 8 423
Strobe (Strope?) John 0000001 110001 4 423
Stuart Joseph W. 320001 01001 8 420
Sturges Matilda 0201 012001 7 419
Trask Almond 11001 100001 5 422
Tubbs Charles 010001 00101 4 420
Tucker Saml. 00101001 0122101 10 419
Tucker Ames 21101 00001001 7 420
Tyler John 1112001 0110001 9 420
Vanbuskirk S. 10101 10101 6 424
Watson Henry 0100001 20001 5 421
Way Charles 100001 22001 7 419
Webb Epenetus F. 0010101 0001001 5 423
Webb Anson 100001 012001 6 424
Weeks Jacob 1110101 0010001 7 423
West Calvin 0110201 0111101 10 419
Wheeler James H.* 000010001 00000001 3 419
Wheeler Laban D. 010001 20001 5 423
Williams Henry 100001 00001 3 423
Williams Danl. 00101001 00010001 5 423
Wo…ell* Joseph 0000001 0000001 2 421
Woodruff Robt. 200001 01001 5 424
Zeliff Danl. 00100001 00101001 5 421

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 09/13/99
By Joyce M. Tice

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