![]() Postcard From Joyce's Collection |
For explanations, &c., see page 17.1900 Ridgebury Township Directory
For explanations, &c., see page 17
Postoffice address Ridgebury, unless otherwise designated in (parenthesis.)
Aber, H. Lee, (Bentley Creek) r 63, dairy 7 cows, farmer on shares for Harvey Fay 75
Aber, Jacob M., (Bentley Creek) r 37 cor 34, farmer, h and lot
Aber, Judd S., (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 2, h and lot
Aber, West C., (Bentley Creek) r 34, farmer 100
Albro, Edith A., (Bentley Creek) r 53, widow Frank, farmer 40
Allen, Anthony, (Bentley Creek) r 70, farmer
Allen, Elizabeth M., (Wilawana) off r 44, school teacher
Allen, John C., (Wilawana) off r 44, school director, farmer 240
Allen, Martha M., (Bentley Creek) widow Hollis, h and lot, Main
Allen, Milton E., r 30 cor 31, assessor, farmer 80
Allen, Thomas B., (Bentley Creek) r 70, lumber manuf and dealer, dairy 7 cows and farmer 115
Andrus, Adelbert, (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 3, farmer on shares for Amos Roberts of Wellsburg, N.Y., 121
Andrus, Horace, (Bentley Creek) laborer, High
Andrus, John, (Wilawana) r 27, laborer
Anthony, Frank, r 25, farmer on shares for William Squires of Elmira, 70
Ayers, John, (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 16 cor 3, laborer and fireman
Babcock, Samuel, r 17, laborer
Baldwin, Cynthia, (Bentley Creek) r 19 cor 37, widow Isaac
Baldwin, Frank M., (Bentley Creek) propr Hotel Baldwin, Main cor Green Mountain
Baldwin, Lena E., (Bentley Creek) r 19 cor 37, resident
Baldwin, Vincent, (Bentley Creek) broker, money lender, Main
Baldwin, William, (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 2, farmer 80
Baley, Burt, (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 2, farmer 28
Baley, Frank, (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 19, manuf rustic chairs
Ball, Elizabeth, r 20, widow W.S., h and lot
Banker, Willis F., (Bentley Creek) laborer, main
Barnes, Simeon P., (Bentley Creek) r 36, breeder, Plymouth Rock fowls, truck farmer 10, owned by wife
Barrett, James, (Bentley Creek) r 56, farmer 150
Bentley Creek Creamery, (Bentley Creek) A.E. Allen & D.R. Stephens proprs., Main
Burk, W. Henry, (Bentley Creek) r 19 cor 37, tobacco grower 2 and farmer 100
Besley, Ira J., r 7, laborer
Blauvelt, Charles H., r 21, farmer, works on shares for Charles E. Hanlon 130
Breese, Catherine, r 19, widow Amos, h and lot
Brink, Fred, r 25, farmer
Brown, Daniel H., r 17, dairy 11 cows and farmer 96
Brown, DeWitt, (Wellsburg, N.Y.) off r 1, farmer 14
Brown, Joseph B., (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 19, dairy 8 cows and farmer 125
Brown, Myron S., (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 18, laborer
Brundidge, Lee A., (Wilawana) r 13, laborer
Buck, Thomas F., (Bentley Creek) blacksmith Main, h High
Budd, Mary, r 19, widow David
Bullock, Darius, (Big Pond) r 63, farmer 50
Burnham, Arthur D., (Bentley Creek) (R.R. Burnham & Son) Main
Burnham, Asahel R., r 20, dairy 8 cows and farmer 100
Burnham, David H., (Bentley Creek) farmer, main
Burnham, Floyd, (Bentley Creek) clerk, Main
Burnham, George I., r 24, farmer 145
Burnham, Howell W., (Bentley Creek) tobacco grower 5, dairy 15 cows, 35 sheep and farmer 200, Main
Burnham, Mahala, r 22, widow Perrine W., age 88
Burnham, Orin A., r 19, farmer 118, owned by his wife, and with W.O. Burnham 50, proprietors of Three Falls Glen and Pavilion
Burnham, Otis R., r 17, dairy 10 cows and farmer 130
Burnham, Rachel, r 22, farmer 200
Burnham, Richard R., (Bentley Creek), (R.R. Burnham & Son) farmer 217 in South Creek and 156 in Springfield, owned by wife, h Main
Burnham, R.R. & Son, (R.R.B. and A.D.B.), (Bentley Creek) dealers in dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, light hardware, agents for Deering and Buckeye mowers and binders, P.P. Nast grain drills and other machinery and fertilizers, Main
Burnham, Theodore M., r 22, dairy 6 cows, 30 sheep
Burnham, William H., (Bentley Creek) r 49, dairy 10 cows and farmer 100
Burnham, Willis O., r 19, constable, watch repairer and farmer with O.A., 50
Burt, Christopher C., (Bentley Creek) r 38, dairy 10 cows and farmer 200
Burt, Clinton, (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 2, farmer
Burt, Grace M., (Bentley Creek) r 38, school teacher
Burt, Harry C., (Bentley Creek) r 38, son of C.C.
Burt, Hovey L., (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 2, tobacco grower 2 and farmer 200
Burt, Judd H., (Bentley Creek) r 38, son of C.C.
Burt, Lillian B, (Bentley Creek) r 38, school teacher
Butler, A. Theresa, (Bentley Creek) r 64, school teacher
Butler, Francis, (Bentley Creek) r 47, farm laborer
Butler, Morris E., (Bentley Creek) r 64, farmer, son of Thomas
Butler, Thomas, (Bentley Creek) r 64, dairy 10 cows, stock grower and farmer 150
Butler, Thomas F., (Bentley Creek) r 64, son of Thomas
Cain, David, (Bentley Creek) r 42, farmer 50
Cain, James M., (Bentley Creek) r 45, farmer 50
Cain, James P., (Bentley Creek) r 32, dairy 6 cows and farmer 100
Cain, James W., (Bentley Creek) off r 68, farmer 100
Cain, Mary, (Bentley Creek) r 32, widow James
Canfield, Walter, (Wilawana) r 10, farmer 42
Carr, George S., r 23 cor 21, soldier in Company I, 188th Reg. N.Y.S. Vol, in civil war, farmer 21
Carr, John, (Bentley Creek) r 37, farmer on shares for George Peterson, 50
Carr, Sarah, r 30 cor 31, widow Miles, age 87
Carroll, James W., (Bentley Creek) off r 65, son of John
Carroll, John, (Bentley Creek) off r 65, dairy 8 cows, stock grower and farmer 70
Carroll, John Jr., (Bentley Creek) off r 65, son of John
Carroll, Patrick, (Bentley Creek) off r 65, son of John
Carroll, Patrick, (Bentley Creek) r 32, farmer 100
Chamberlain, James M., (Bentley Creek) r 49, soldier in Comp. B, 10th Reg. N.Y. cavalry, civil war, farmer 8
Chamberlain, Mark W., (Bentley Creek) r 56, farmer
Chamberlain, Orville E., (Bentley Creek) r 56, dairy 8 cows and farmer 77
Chambers, Daniel J., (Bentley Creek) r 64, telegraph operator
Chambers, Elizabeth, (Bentley Creek) r 46, widow Thomas G., farmer 90
Chambers, Ella L., (Bentley Creek) r 66, school teacher
Chambers, George J., ( Bentley Creek) r 66, son of John G.
Chambers, Jerry, (Bentley Creek) r 46, dairy 8 cows and farmer 90
Chambers, John G. (Bentley Creek) r 66, dairy 12 cows and farmer 245
Chambers, John H., (Bentley Creek) laborer, h Mill
Chambers, Lulu A., (Bentley Creek) r 66, school teacher
Chambers, Nannie E., (Bentley Creek) r 66, school teacher
Chambers, Morris, (Bentley Creek) r 56, farmer 80
Chambers, Thomas D., (Bentley Creek) r 69, dairy 9 cows and farmer 150
Chase, J. Wilson, (Bentley Creek) r 64, carpenter and builder and building mover
Chase, Nathan D., (Bentley Creek) r 64, farmer 35
Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, (Bentley Creek) r 70, Rev. M.T. Shields, pastor
Clark, Robert, (Bentley Creek) r 56, laborer, h and lot
Coakley, Patrick, (Bentley Creek) r 71, farmer 100
Collins, Daniel, (Wilawana) r 43, farmer 100
Collins, Timothy, (Wilawana) r 43, farmer 100
Colwell, Daniel, (Wellsburg, N.Y) r 4, farmer 100
Colwell, Dorus L., (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 4, farmer
Colwell, James H., r 20 cor 16, farmer 40
Colwell, Richard R., (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 5, stock breeder and farmer 320
Cope, Eugene, (Wilawana) r 27, laborer
Cooper, Addison, (Bentley Creek) r 63, dairy 7 cows and farmer 120
Cooper, Benjamin L., r 15, bridge builder, son of G.K.
Cooper, Charles W., r 11, farmer on shares for Minnie Griswold 120
Cooper, Edwin H., (Bentley Creek) carpenter and builder, Main
Cooper, Eva R., r 15, school teacher
Cooper, George K., r 15, farmer
Cooper, Griswold O., (Bentley Creek) son of M.E., Main
Cooper, Guy H., (Bentley Creek) farrier, Main
Cooper, Milton E., (Bentley Creek) propr saw and planing mill, manuf lumber and shingles, contractor and builder and fire insurance agt., Mill, also propr. Cooper Opera House, h Main (see adv pg 382)
Cooper, Oren, (Bentley Creek) r 49, blacksmith
Cooper, Oren, (Bentley Creek) r 19, farmer 51
Cooper, Temperance B., (Mrs. G.K.) r 15, propr treadpower threshing machine, dealer in veal calves, tobacco grower 4, farmer, leases of W. Colwell, Wellsburg N.Y., 100
Corkran, James, (Bentley Creek) r 41, farmer
Corkran, Katie, (Bentley Creek) r 41, school teacher
Corkran, Timothy, (Bentley Creek) r 41, farmer 81
Cornish, Fred J., (Bentley Creek) r 63, barber, house painter, paper hanger and farmer 35, owned by wife
Covell, John, (Big Pond) r 63, son of Platt
Covell, Margaret E. (Bentley Creek) r 49, widow Calvin T., h and lot
Covell, Miles (Bentley Creek) r 63, farmer 50
Covell, Platt (Big Pond) r 63, farmer 80
Craig, Hosea K., (Bentley Creek) (Craig, Thompson & Co), Main
Craig, Mackay, (Bentley Creek) (Craig, Thompson & Co) Main
Craig, Samuel W., (Bentley Creek) r 57, breeder of Durham cattle, dairy 14 cows and farmer 210
Craig, Thompson & Co., (M. Craig, J.S. Thompson & H.K. Craig) (Bentley Creek) dealers in dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, hardware, agricultural implements, grass seed, etc., agents for Walter A., Wood mowers and binders, Farmer’s Favorite grain drills and Buffalo fertilizer, Main
Crowley, James, (Bentley Creek) r 68, farmer 80 owned by wife
Cummings, Moses, (Chemung, N.Y.) r 9, farmer with Daniel Shiers, 50
Cummings, Charles, (Bentley Creek) r 49, dairy 11 cows and farmer 130
Cummings, Hiram, (Bentley Creek) r 36, dairy 10 cows, farmer 105
Davidson, Elizabeth, (Wilawana) r 9, widow T.B., farmer 100
Davis, Floyd, r 20, farmer on shares for Leeman Palmer of Elmira 100
DeGraw, Jeptha, (Bentley Creek) r 58, farmer on shares for William Welsh 150
Desmond, Daniel D., (Bentley Creek) r 69, dairy 11 cows and farmer 126
Desmond, Mary, (Bentley Creek) r 69, widow Timothy, h and lot
Dewey, Albert, (Bentley Creek) r 63, dairy 16 cows and farmer with Frank 150
Dewey, Frank, (Bentley Creek) r 63, farmer with Albert 150
Dewey, Frank W., (Bentley Creek) r 34, farmer 50
Dickerson, Jerome A., r 19, tobacco grower 4, 100 sheep and farmer with William 197
Dickerson, William, r 19, farmer with J.A. 197
Donahue, John, (Bentley Creek) r 39, farmer 40
Doty, Sumner N., (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 17, town auditor, dairy 17 cows, breeder of grade Jersey cattle, farmer 165
Driscoll, Agnes, (Bentley Creek) r 47, school teacher
Driscoll, Catharine, (Bentley Creek) r 40, widow Daniel
Driscoll, Daniel H., (Bentley Creek) r 47, farmer 100
Driscoll, Eugene J., (Bentley Creek) r 40, farmer 45
Driscoll, Jerry, (Bentley Creek) r 40, school director, farmer 100
Dubert, Orlando, (Bentley Creek) laborer, Main
Dunbar, Cynthia, r 19, widow William
Dunbar, Stanley, (Bentley Creek) r 62, dairy 7 cows and farmer on shares for D.J. May 91
Easton, Arminda, (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 18, widow Silas
Easton, John L., (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 18, dairy 12 cows, 40 sheep, farmer 150
Ellwood, William, (Bentley Creek) r 56, laborer
Evans, Daniel, (Wilawana) r 25, farmer 60
Evans, Emma J., (Bentley Creek) r 38 cor 32, widow J.B., farmer 125 and with Martin A., Guy L., and Jerome B., 100
Evans, Frank, r 29, farmer on shares for Judd H., 81
Evans, Guy L., (Bentley Creek) r 38 cor 32, farmer with Emma J.
Evans, Jerome B., (Bentley Creek) r 38 cor 32, farmer with Emma J.
Evans, Martin A., (Bentley Creek) r 38 cor 32, farmer with Emma J.
Evens Judd H., r 19, tobacco grower 1, farmer 130
Farr, Cyrus F., (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 4, farmer on shares for Samuel R. Roberts of Wellsburg, N.Y. 60
Farr, Henry, (Bentley Creek) r 70, farmer 100
Fay, Edd W., (Bentley Creek) r 63, son of Harvey
Fay, Fred O., (Bentley Creek) r 62, farmer
Fay, Harvey, (Bentley Creek) r 63, soldier in Co. G. 64th Reg. N.Y.S. Vol. in Civil War, dairy 11 cows, farmer 150
Feathers, Murray F., (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 17, farmer, h and lot
First Baptist Church, (Bentley Creek) Rev. Brodwick, pastor, Main
Fuller, Cynthia, (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 19, widow William J.
Furman, Walter, (Bentley Creek) r 56, farmer 100
Galvin, Robert, (Bentley Creek) r 41, dairy 10 cows, stock grower, and farmer 140
Gardiner, William M., (Bentley Creek) off r 56, stone mason, farmer 21
Gates, Abigail, (Bentley Creek) r 51, widow Luther, 100
Geary, Daniel, (Bentley Creek) r 41, farmer 100
Geary, Ellen D., (Bentley Creek) r 41, dairy 6 cows, farmer 83
Geary, Gertrude D., (Bentley Creek) r 41, dressmaker
Geary, Minnie D., (Bentley Creek) r 41, school teacher
Gibbs, Frederick M., (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 2, music teacher
Gibbs, Mary T., (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 2, widow S.M., farmer 40
Gillett, Aaron M., (Bentley Creek) r 63, breeder of and dealer in registered Shorthorn cattle 24 head, pure blood Poland China swine, light Brahma fowls and farmer 300
Gillett, Nelson B., (Bentley Creek) off r 63, stone mason and farmer 50
Golden, Daniel, (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 1, farm laborer
Gould, Frank, (Wilawana) r 9, farmer 60
Grace, Jeremiah, (Bentley Creek) r 42, farmer for Nora, 60
Grace, Nora, (Bentley Creek) r 42, widow Michael, farmer 60
Graves, Valorus G., (Bentley Creek) job printer and photographer, Main
Green, George A., r 14, prop portable shingle mill, farmer on shares for L. McAfee, 100
Green, James, (Bentley Creek) r 49, prop grist mill
Griswold, Minnie, r 11, widow B.H., agt. Terriffe washer and farmer 120
Hagerty, William, r 20, farmer, leases of E. Sydney, 57
Hagerty, William B., r 20, farmer
Haight, Lewis A, (Bentley Creek) blacksmith, Main
Hall, Emily A., r 17, resident
Halstead, Adelbert R., r 19, laborer
Halstead Brothers, (W.S. and G.S.) r 2, dealers in dry goods, groceries and hardware, agents for Oakfield fertilizer
Halstead, Charlie E., r 20, farmer 15
Halstead, Eugene D., r 19, laborer
Halstead, Frank C., r 16, dairy 15 cows and farmer, leases of Halstead estate, 200
Halstead, George S., r 20 cor 12, (Halstead Bros) road commissioner and farmer 50
Halstead, Guy M., (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 12, stock breeder and farmer on shares for Richard Colwell, 200
Halstead, Thomas D., r 20, farmer on shares for Frank Larrison of Elmira, N.Y., 83
Halstead, William C., (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 3, dairy 8 cows, stock grower and farmer 120
Halstead, William T., r 20, farmer
Halstead, Wilmot S., r 2, (Halstead Bros.) postmaster and grower of small fruits and berries
Hanlon, Andrew M., (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 12, carpenter
Hanlon, Charles E., r 21, agt. for farm seeds, fruit trees and sprayers, farmer 140
Hanlon, Charles W., (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 12, farmer for Hanlon estate, 80
Hanlon, Edward F., r 21 cor 13, soldier in Co. G. 171st Reg. Pa. Vols., farmer 23
Hanlon, Fill D., (Bentley Creek) r 36, farmer 100
Hanlon, J. Fred, r 11, prop. portable saw mill, lumber manuf. and dealer, stock breeder, and farmer on shares for Edward T., 200, farm in Chemung, N.Y., 200
Hanlon, John M., (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 12, farmer
Hapman, John, (Bentley Creek) r 56, farmer with James Barrett
Harris, Henry O., r 15, soldier in Co. C. 191st Reg., Pa. Vol. in Civil War, farmer on shares for Edgar Griswold 50
Herlihan, John, (Bentley Creek), r 41, farmer, works on shares for Daniel Herlihan 25
Herlihan, Daniel, (Bentley Creek) r 41, farmer 25
Hodge, Lorana, (Wilawana) r 10, widow William R.
Horigan, Timothy, (Bentley Creek) r 42, dairy 10 cows and farmer 140
Horning, Chauncey, (Bentley Creek) r 57, farmer 2
Hotel Baldwin, (Bentley Creek) Frank M. Baldwin propr., Main cor Green Mountain
Hourihan, Patrick, (Bentley Creek) off r 68, farmer 100
Howell, Peter S. (Bentley Creek) r 34, farmer 50
Hurley, Catharine, (Bentley Creek) r 68, widow Richard R., farmer 100
Hurley, Cornelius Jr., (Bentley Creek) r 66, farmer 102
Hurley, Cornelius, (Smithfield) r 71, farmer 48
Hurley, James F., (Bentley Creek) off r 65, farmer
Hurley, John J., (Bentley Creek) off r 65, farmer
Hurley, Julia, (Bentley Creek) off r 65, widow Patrick, dairy 7 cows, farmer 100
Ide, Charles, (Wilawana) r 27, laborer
Inman, Stephen, (Bentley Creek) r 56, laborer
Jelliff, Grant J., (Bentley Creek) r 49, dairy 10 cows and farmer 100
Kane, John, ( Bentley Creek) off r 42, farmer 50
Kennedy, Ruth A., (Bentley Creek) widow Hosea, h High
Kilpatrick, Edward, (Wilawana) r 27, farm laborer
Kilpatrick, John B., (Wilawana) r 10, apiarist 29 colonies, h and lot
Kinsman, Hiram T., (Bentley Creek) physician and surgeon, specialist in chronic diseases; office hours 6 to 8 a.m., 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p.m., Main
Kline, George E., (Bentley Creek) r 51, farmer 40
Kline, Julia A., (Bentley Creek) r 53, widow J.C.
Kline, Mary, (Bentley Creek) widow Johnson, h and lot Main
Larrison, Adelbert, r 20, farmer, son of D.H.
Larrison, David H., r 20, farmer 200
Larrison, Horace, (Wilawana) r 27, dairy 9 cows, breeder of Jersey cattle, 47 sheep and farmer 200
Larrison, Leigh S., (Wilawana) r 27, son of W.S.
Larrison, William S., (Wilawana) r 27, farmer with Horace 200
Leahy, Edward, (Wilawana) r 27, farmer 40
Leahy, John J., (Wilawana) r 26, farmer 180
Leary, Daniel, (Bentley Creek) r 32, farmer 116
Leary, Florence, (Bentley Creek) r 32, farmer 168
Leary, John O., (Bentley Creek) r 44, farmer
Leary, William O., (Bentley Creek) r 44, dairy 7 cows, farmer 125
Lefler, Wells, (Wilawana) r 12, farmer, leases of W.O. Burnham 50
Lefler, William, (Wilawana) r 29, soldier in Co. F. 76th Reg. Pa. Vol., pensioner, farmer 49
Leonard, Burt, (Bentley Creek) r 34, dairy 13 cows, farmer on shares for J.T. Culp of Wellsburg, N.Y. 104
Lynch, Dennis, (Wilawana) r 43, dairy 6 cows, farmer 50
Lynch, John, (Wilawana) r 43, son of Dennis
Lynch, Michael, (Bentley Creek) r 45, farmer 50
Mandaville, John W., (Bentley Creek) r 56, soldier in Co. G. 64th Reg. N.Y.S. Vol, prisoner in Pemberton, Belle Isle and Andersonville 1 year, 6 months, 15 days, farmer 50
Mandaville, John W. Jr., r 19, apiarist 20 colonies, agent for Handy washing machine, farmer on shares for E.R. Beckwith estate 100
Mandville, Ward, (Bentley Creek) r 53, dairy 8 cows, sheep grower, farmer 97
Marcellus, Alpheus G., (Bentley Creek) off r 34, farmer on shares for Olive J. 160
Marcellus, Catharine N., (Bentley Creek) off r 34,widow Jacob W., farmer 20
Marcellus, Charles W., (Bentley Creek) off r 34, farm laborer
Marcellus, Isaac J., (Bentley Creek) off r 34, carpenter and builder
Marcellus, Olive J., (Bentley Creek) off r 34, farmer 160
March, Solomon, r 6, farmer 16
May, Alvin, (Bentley Creek), r 62, dairy 16 cows, farmer 130
May, David J., (Bentley Creek) r 62, farmer 91
May, Fred D., (Bentley Creek) painter, Main
May, Guy, (Bentley creek) r 62 ½, farmer 100
May, Judd, (Bentley Creek) r 61, auditor, dairy 7 cows, farmer 90
May, William H., (Bentley Creek) farmer on shares for J.C. Robinson 80, farm in Springfield 107, Main
May, Woodford, (Bentley Creek) r 62, breeder of Jersey cattle, dairy 12 cows, farmer, leases of J.C. Robinson 108
McAfee, Benjamin L., (Bentley Creek) r 63, propr. saw and grist mill, farmer 476 and in Smithfield 110 and in Sheshequin 176
McAsey, James, (Bentley Creek) r 70, farmer 50
McAsey, Michael, (Bentley Creek) r 70, farmer
McAsey, Thomas, (Bentley Creek) off r 70, farmer on shares for Anna Sweeney 50
McCarthy, Michael, (Bentley Creek) r 47, farmer, leases of P. Deneen 80
McCormick, Frank, (Bentley Creek) r 34, farmer on shares for James 100
McCormick, James, (Bentley Creek) r 34, farmer 100
McCormick, James Jr., (Bentley Creek) r 34, farmer
McKay, Hugh, (Bentley Creek) r 56 cor 57, farmer 62
McKay, Thomas, (Bentley Creek) r 56, farmer 86
McKee, John, (Bentley Creek) r 53, dairy 16 cows, farmer on shares for Martin Lawrence of Wellsburg, N.Y. 170
McKee, Samuel, (Bentley Creek) r 58, farmer 160
Mead, George R., r 2, town clerk, manuf. of firkins and tubs, h and lot
Mead, George W., r 2, retired cooper, age 85 years, h and lot
Middaugh, Enoch, (Wilawana) r 10, farmer 150
Miller, Elsie, r 19, farmer 3
Miller, Emerson A., (Bentley Creek) r 62, farmer on shares for George 120
Miller, Emma, (Bentley Creek) r 34, widow Moses D., farmer 66 [Emma Mosher, great grandmother of Joyce M. Tice}
Miller, George, (Bentley Creek) r 62, farmer 120
Miller, Ira, (Wilawana) r 27, farmer on shares for G.S. Parcell 100
Miller, Jesse L., (Bentley Creek) r 62, son of L.P.
Miller, Lewis P., (Bentley Creek) r 62, dairy 14 cows and farmer 200
Morley, Dwight, (Bentley Creek) r 35, farmer 70
Mosher, Eliza A., (Bentley Creek) r 51, farmer 15 {Sister of Emma Mosher (Miller) above)
Mott, Charles E., (Bentley Creek) r 52, farmer on shares for J.H. Strong of Columbia 116
O’Bryen, John, (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 8, farmer 80
O’Bryen, John (Wilawana) r 44, farmer 90
O’Bryen, William, (Wilawana) r 44, son of John
O’Connell, Dennis, (Athens) r 70, stock dealer and breeder and farmer 120
O’Connell, Henry O., (Athens) r 70, son of Dennis
O’Connor, John, (Bentley Creek) r 68, farmer 200
O’Connor, Richard, (Bentley Creek) r 68, son of John
Oleary, George P., (Bentley Creek) r 36, farmer
O’Leary, Johanna, (Bentley Creek) r 36, widow James, farm 100
O’Leary, Thomas J., (Bentley Creek) r 46, farmer 100
Osbourne, Lemuel, (Bentley Creek) r 36, dairy 8 cows and farmer 200
Owen, Frank L., r 15 cor 5, farmer on shares 75
Owen, John G., r 21, tobacco grower 1 and farmer 224
Owen, Vincent, r 14, farmer 100
Packard, Harold C., (Bentley Creek) laborer, Main
Palmer, Deborah D., (Bentley Creek) r 54, widow Martin G., farmer 93
Palmer, George E., r 17, dairy 14 cows, breeder of grade Jersey cattle and grade Shropshire sheep 75 head and farmer 200
Palmer, Leon W., r 17, son of George E.
Palmer, Rebecca, r 19 cor 20, widow Lewis, h and lot
Parcell, George A., (Wilawana) r 27, grower of small fruit and potatoes and farmer 40
Parcell, George S., (Wilawana) r 25 ½, farmer 170
Parcell, Julia, (Wilawana) r 27, widow John
Peterson, George W., (Bentley Creek) r 37, soldier in Company I, 188th Regt. N.Y.S. Vol, Civil War, member Bingham post, No 555 of Wellsburg, N.Y., and farmer 50
Peterson, Joel, (Bentley Creek) retired farmer, age 89, Main
Powers, T. Francis, (Bentley Creek) clerk, Main, bds High
Pratt, Frank L., (Bentley Creek) physician, Main, bds Hotel Baldwin
Quick, Elijah E., r 2, blacksmith
Rairdon, Daniel, (Bentley Creek) r 69, dairy 9 cows and farmer 140
Rairdon, Patrick, (Bentley Creek) r 69, soldier in Company C. 171st Regt. Pa. Vol.
Raynor, Archie B., (Bentley Creek) farmer, High
Raynor, Samuel, r 10, laborer
Reynolds, Alonzo G., (Bentley Creek) laborer, High
Rickey, Eliza, (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 9, widow David
Ridgebury Mining Co., (Wellsburg, N.Y.) off r 33, William J. Lormore of Elmira N.Y. pres. Charles H. Knipp of Elmira, sec. and treas., Charles L. Straight of Wellsburg N.Y., mgr., miners of zinc ore
Rightmire, Betsey G., (Wilawana) r 27, widow James, age 86
Rightmire, Daniel G., (Wilawana) r 9, farmer 85
Rightmire, George, (Wilawana) r 25 ½, prop. portable saw mill and planer and feed mill, lumber dealer and farmer 163, h and lot in Waverly
Rightmire, Lyman T., (Wilawana) r 9, son of D.G.
Robinson, James C., (Bentley Creek) (J.C. Robinson & Son) farmer 260, Main
Robinson, J.C. & Son, (Bentley Creek) (J.C.R. and S.F.R.) dealers in dry goods, groceries, hardware, boots, shoes, drugs, wagons, agricultural implements, Longman & Martinez mixed paints, Main
Robinson, Stephen F., (Bentley Creek) (J.C. Robinson & Son) Main
Robinson, William A., r 19, tobacco grower and farmer on shares for J.A. Dickinson
Roe, Elmer (Bentley Creek) off r 57, farmer 110
St. Ann’s Roman Catholic Church, (Bentley Creek) Rev. Michael T. Shields pastor, Main
Scott, Henry, (Bentley Creek) r 35, farmer 11 ½
Scott, Lewis, (Bentley Creek) house and carriage painter, Main
Sheen, John W., (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 1, laborer
Shields, Michael T. Rev., (Bentley Creek) pastor St. Ann’s Roman Catholic Church, h Main
Shiers, Daniel, (Chemung, N.Y.) r 9, laborer
Smith, George L., (Wilawana) r 26, farmer 35
Smith, Mahlon D., r 23, dairy 12 cows, farmer 50, and on shares for G.I. Burnham, 100
Squires, John, (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 9, farmer 12
Squires, Samuel F., r 21, farmer 65
Squires, Thaddeus C., r 2, tobacco grower 3, farmer on shares for H. Young of Wellsburg, N.Y., 90
Stevens, Clarence A., (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 1, tobacco grower 1 and farmer 150
Stevens, George, off r 3, farmer on shares for Asa P. Bovier of Elmira, 125
Stevens, Herman, r 16, farmer, h and lot
Stevens, J.C., r 31, farmer 6
Stirton, Alexander E., (Bentley Creek) r 37, dairy 10 cows and farmer 100
Stirton, James, r 20, farmer 25
Stirton, John, (Bentley Creek) r 37, breeder of thoroughbred Jersey cattle, dairy 9 cows and farmer 86
Stirton, John C., (Bentley Creek) r 37, farmer
Strobridge, Charley, (Big Pond) r 13, laborer
Sturdevant, Jesse H., (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 5, laborer
Sturdevant, William A., (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 5 farmer, leases of Mrs. Carrie Griswold of Elmira, N.Y., 150
Sullivan, John C., (Bentley Creek) off r 32, farmer 100
Sullivan, Timothy, (Bentley Creek) off r 70, farmer 80
Sweeney, Anna, (Bentley Creek) r 70, widow James, farmer 50
Sweeney, Henry, (Bentley creek) r 59, dairy 14 cows, farmer on shares for S. Craig, 100
Sydney, Algernon, (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 12, breeder of registered Shropshire sheep, grower of wheat for seed, potato grower 5, and farmer 100
Theetge, Robert P., r 20, farmer on shares for Rachel Burnham, 50
Thompson, Charles C., (Bentley Creek) r 56, school director, breeder of Jersey cattle, dairy 14 cows, and farmer 160
Thompson, Eugene B., (Bentley Creek) r 51, breeder of Jersey cattle and Shropshire sheep, dairy 10 cows, farmer 170
Thompson, Judd S., (Bentley Creek) (Craig, Thompson & Co.) constable and collector, Main
Thompson, Letta, (Bentley Creek) r 56, dressmaker
Thompson, Vernie, (Bentley Creek) r 56, milliner
Thompson, William R., (Bentley Creek) r 49, farmer 250
Treat, Ansel S., r 21, laborer, h and lot, owned by wife
Tunnicliff, Seward S., (Bentley Creek) blacksmith and practical horse shoer, Green Mountain, h Main
Turk, Llewellyn E., (Bentley Creek) principal Bentley Creek graded school, bds Main
Tuton, Edmund M., (Bentley Creek) retired merchant, Main
Tuton, Francis M., (Bentley Creek) school teacher, Main
Tuton, John C., (Bentley Creek) clerk, Main
Van Buskirk, Theodore, (Wellsburg, N.Y.) r 2, farmer, h and lot
Van Dermark, Archer, (Bentley Creek) r 58, laborer
Van Dermark ,Clarence, (Bentley Creek) r 36, dairy 9 cows, and farmer on shares for L. Osbourne 108
Van Dermark, Emanuel, (Bentley Creek) r 49, farmer, 80 years old
Van Gorder, Billings, (Wilawana) r 10, farmer 50
Van Gorder, Lawrence, (Wilawana) r 10, laborer
Vincent, Victor P., (Bentley Creek) r 37, town commissioner and carpenter and builder
Voorhis, Albert H., r 14, h and lot, owned by wife
Wall, Melvin A., (Bentley Creek) justice of the peace, manuf boots and shoes, Green Mountain
Webb, John L., (Wilawana) r 10, farmer 75
Welliver, Jeremiah S., r 2, justice of the peace, manuf and repairer of furniture and paper hanger with W. H., h and lot
Welliver, Wilmot H., r 2, manuf and repairer of furniture and paper hanger with J. S.
Welsh, John, (Bentley Creek) r 58, town commissioner, dairy 25 cows and farmer 200
West, Joseph, r 19, laborer
Wheeler, Samuel J., (Bentley Creek) r 54, farmer
Wigsten, Frank A., (Bentley Creek) r 58, farmer, leases of S. McKee 160
Wilcox, John L., (Bentley Creek) postmaster, merchant, dealer in drugs and notions, Main
Winegard, Abraham, (Bentley Creek) r 49, fruit tree agent
Winegard, Nancy E., (Bentley Creek) r 49, dealer in millinery
Worden, Julia A., (Bentley Creek) widow William H., High
Wright, Martin M., (Wilawana) r 9, farmer 40
Wright, William C., (Wellsburg, NY) r 15 cor 3, carpenter and builder and farmer 40