I am grouping these neighborhoods
roughly by the township in which they were / are located
1919 Clippings
Not all Communities listed above had columns published in 1919
- It no doubt depended on the correspondents available.
Check Out the 1918 Advertisements
- A different one on every page
Troy Gazette-Register
Troy, Bradford Co., PA
Volume LVI, #27, Thursday, July 3, 1919
Carolyn MacNulty a nurse and her brother, William MacNulty, a lieutenant
both of Wellsboro, with the army of occupation at Coblenz, have been awarded
the Frenc Croix de Guerre, for exceptional bravery in action. Miss
MacNulty stuck to her post during an air raid near Baccarat, France, last
August, when a less determined, patriotic woman would have sought shelter.
She is at hospital 49, Coblenz.
Miss Louise Farrer and Mr. Harry A. Taylor were married last Wednesday
at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Farrer, in Mansfield,
in the presence of a large company of relatives and friends. Miss
Farrer recently won the prize of $5 offered by the Barker, Rose & Clinton
Co. of Elmira, for the best list of fifty things a newly married couple
would need to commence their housekeeping that could be bought at a hardware