Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Tri-Counties Newspaper Clippings
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Troy Gazette-Register 1918 Table of Contents
Say Hello to Joyce
Antique Postcard from Joyce's Collection
Remaining Pages of this section are illustrated
with 1918 TGR advertisements - every page unique
1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919
Joyce's Search Tip - August 2008 
Do You Know that you can search just the 239 pages of Troy Gazette-Register Clippings on the site by using the TGR Clippings button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page
You'll also find obituary and other newspaper clippings using the three county-level Obits by Cemetery buttons and the general Clippings Button. Additional clippings can be found in the Birth, Marriage, and some other partitions. 

 Troy Gazette Register 1918 - Yesterday's News

Typed by Pat MOTT Gobea
These clippings from ancient and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services available.
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy.  Many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. 
Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings.  Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here. If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Partitioned PICO Search Engine which you can reach from current What's New Page of the site. There is a partition just for the TGR Clippings.
I am grouping these neighborhoods roughly by the township in which they were / are located
    1918 Clippings
General Births Marriages Obituaries 1 Local News
In the Service War News Obituaries 2 Technology
School News Organizations Entertainment Events
Reunions Humor Fashion Business News
West Franklin Leroy Newbury (Where is?)
Armenia Township Armenia
West Burlington Township Fairview Stanton Hollow West Burlington
Burlington Township Burlington
Canton Township Alba
Columbia Township Austinville Budd Corners Columbia Cross Roads Sylvania
Wolfe Hollow Virtus
Granville Township Granville Center Granville Summit Granville Windfall
South Creek Township Gillett Fasset Ridgebury Thompson Hill
Springfield Township Berrytown Checkerville Leona Springfield
Troy Township East Troy Long's Mills FallBrook Street Troy
Wells Township Coryland Judson Hill Wells
Rutland Township (Tioga County) Roseville
Not all Communities listed above had columns published in 1918 - It no doubt depended on the correspondents available.
Check Out the 1918 Advertisements - A different one on every page

 Troy Gazette Register 1919 - Yesterday's News

Typed by Pat MOTT Gobea
These clippings from ancient and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services available.
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy.  Many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. 
Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings.  Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here. If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Partitioned PICO Search Engine which you can reach from current What's New Page of the site. There is a partition just for the TGR Clippings.
I am grouping these neighborhoods roughly by the township in which they were / are located
    1919 Clippings
General Births Marriages Obituaries 1 Local News
School News Organizations Entertainment Events
Reunions Humor Fashion Business News
Armenia Township Armenia
West Burlington Township Fairview Stanton Hollow West Burlington
Burlington Township Burlington
Canton Township Alba
Columbia Township Austinville Budd Corners Columbia Cross Roads Sylvania
Wolfe Hollow Virtus
Granville Township Granville Center Granville Summit Granville Windfall
South Creek Township Gillett Fasset Ridgebury Thompson Hill
Springfield Township Berrytown Checkerville Leona Springfield
Troy Township East Troy Long's Mills Pleasant Valley Troy
Wells Township Coryland Judson Hill Wells
Rutland Township (Tioga County) Roseville
Not all Communities listed above had columns published in 1919 - It no doubt depended on the correspondents available.
Check Out the 1918 Advertisements - A different one on every page
Troy Gazette-Register
Troy, Bradford Co., PA

Volume LVI, #27, Thursday, July 3, 1919

Carolyn MacNulty a nurse and her brother, William MacNulty, a lieutenant both of Wellsboro, with the army of occupation at Coblenz, have been awarded the Frenc Croix de Guerre, for exceptional bravery in action.  Miss MacNulty stuck to her post during an air raid near Baccarat, France, last August, when a less determined, patriotic woman would have sought shelter.  She is at hospital 49, Coblenz.

Miss Louise Farrer and Mr. Harry A. Taylor were married last Wednesday at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Farrer, in Mansfield, in the presence of a large company of relatives and friends.  Miss Farrer recently won the prize of $5 offered by the Barker, Rose & Clinton Co. of Elmira, for the best list of fifty things a newly married couple would need to commence their housekeeping that could be bought at a hardware store.

1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1922
Births Births Births Births
Marriages Marriages Marriages Marriages
Obituaries Obits (2) Obits (2) Obits (2) Obits
Reunions Reunions
Local News Local Local  Local  Local
Alba Alba Alba
Austinville Austinville Austinville
Bentley Creek
Columbia X Roads CXR CXR CXR
Coryland Coryland Coryland Coryland
Covert Covert
East Troy East Troy
Granville Center Granville C
Granville Summit
Leroy Leroy Leroy
Sylvania Sylvania Sylvania
Thompson Hill
Troy Troy Troy Troy
Virtus Virtus Virtus Virtus
W. Burlington
Wetona Wetona Wetona
Windfall Windfall Windfall
Articles Articles Articles
Troy Guards Troy Guard
1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1922
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Bradford County PA
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Published On Tri-Counties Site On 04 FEB 2002
1919 Added 24 AUG 2008
By Joyce M. Tice