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Tri County Clippings - Troy Register 1900 |
These clippings from ancient
and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are
being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily
we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage
and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles
that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations
at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from
the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services
The TR and its successor, TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings. Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here. If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Partitioned PICO Search Engine which you can reach from current What's New Page of the site. There is a partition just for the TGR Clippings. |
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The Troy Register
Troy, Bradford County Co., PA
Nineteenth Year, #921, Wednesday, February 21, 1900
Reception and Benefit Given Rev. Emma E. Bailey and Her Mother, Mrs. Eliza W. Bailey, at Troy, Pa.
The day chosen for this pleasant event, February 14th, 1900, calm, bright and beautiful, and by noon the parlors of All Soul’s church, where it took place, were thronged by a happy and delighted people, the friends gathering to the number of over one hundred from Troy, Springfield, Columbia, Alba and other places. The ministry, the other professions and the business of the place were well represented, the men and their wives coming together, giving christian fellowship and cheery influence, good will and peace abundant.
All of the friends by natural impulse seemed drawn to Mrs. Bailey, the centre of attraction, who from her injury not yet able to stand alone, sat in her easy chair, amid the beautiful decorations of the receiving room, and underneath the banner inscribed with the figures, 1810 and 1900, and draped with white tarlatan and evergreen, combining well with the picture about her, in her black silk dress, white lace cap, white mantle thrown about her shoulders, and with two delicate pink roses pinned upon her breast, a loving remembrance from a friend. For hours she sat, a sweet and dignified embodiment of life and loving ecstasy, scarcely showing the mark of her may years, and receiving the loving words and tender congratulations of the many friends, which were showered upon her.
At noon and thereafter the bounteous tables, spread by the ladies of All Soul’s church, and sweet with their pretty flowers and ferns, were well filled until all were served, and then the attention of the company was called by the pastor, Rev. E. E. Bailey, to the program arranged for the day.
All were requested to join in the singing of "Nearer, My God to Thee," and also to repeat together the 23rd Psalm. Rev. E. P. Morse of the Presbyterian church offered a very appropriate and fervent prayer, drawing all hearts heavenward and into that love which embraces all humanity. The "Sweet Hour of Prayer" was sung, with fine accord of spirit, and then Miss Bailey introduced Rev. Amanda Deyo of Springfield, who spoke very kind and appreciative words as to the pastor’s and her mother’s ministry in this section of country, concluding with an eulogy on christian and humanitarian unity among denominations and peoples. The many letters of congratulation, good wishes and regrets at not being able to be present, received by Mrs. Bailey, the nonagenarian, from her friends at a distance, were brought forward and some of them were read by Miss Bailey, one from the mother’s far away son, Y. Murray Bailey of San Francisco, Cal., and her daughter, Mrs. Y. H. Olmstead of Des Moines, Iowa, producing especial pathos and interest, Mr. A. S. Hooker gave words of reminiscence as to the olden Lima, N. Y. days, when he and the Bailey family were mutually connected with the Genesee Wesleyan College there, and also historical points embraced in the long life of Mrs. Bailey. Rev. E. P. Morse added some fine patriotic and religious remarks, and then Mrs. Bailey gave a few words in response in a voice full and unfaltering, indicative of the youthfulness of a spirit that can never grow old, and expressing her supreme faith in her Savior and God, who has sustained her through all these 90 years. Mrs. Bailey recited two olden time poems and sung one ancient song of her girlhood, all of which were heartily received. "Aunt Martha Bullock," herself and octogenarian, sang pathetically "When Shall We All Meet Again?" and the program closed with a few remarks from Miss Bailey, expressing her gratitude to and her love for the people of Troy and Vicinity; and by the singing with clasped hands of the sweet hymn, "God be with You ‘till We Meet Again," and by the benediction from Rev. Mr. Morse. The company broke up in a happy and united frame of mind, and with many expressions as to the extreme pleasures and interest of the day.
Mrs. Bailey was the recipient of many gifts upon this her 90th birthday, among them being some carefully selected books, choice fruits, wearing apparel, a lovely growing plant from a W.C.T.U. sister, emblemmatical of a new life here and hereafter, and a box of flowers and other offerings from the parish of other days in Mansfield, Pa. The gifts in money from the Troy church, the home friends and those of the vicinity, and from relatives and friends at a distance, amounted to nearly $70. Among the great pleasures of the time was the unexpected arrival of Miss Nellie C. Martin of Providence, R.I., a very dear and highly esteemed friend of the family of the old Lima days, and a parishioner with her family of Rev. J. W. Bailey, the deceased husband of Mrs. E. W. Bailey, for many years a minister in the state of New York.
During the day many regrets were expressed as to Miss Bailey’s recent resignation of the Troy church, and also pleasant feelings that she and her mother are still to remain with us. Since the reception Mrs. Bailey has had the cheering word that she is great-grandmother to a son born to Ernest Olmstead and wife of Des Moines, Iowa, on Saturday, February 17th.
Nineteenth Year, #922, Wednesday, February 28, 1900
Jesse Bullock, of Canton, will travel again this season with the Pawnee Bill Wild West Show.
Announcement is made of the engagement of Dr. Ralph Ferry, of Keeneyville, and Miss Ada Kenyon of this place.
Mrs. H. N. Cobb, of Spokane Falls, is expected at the bedside of Mrs. Milton Brown, her sister, who is a sufferer from Bright’s disease.
Sold His Farm.
Mr. T. P. Rockwell has sold his farm to Mr. L. M. Atwood of Sylvania, Pa. Mr. Attwood is formerly from Pike township, where his brother resides on the old homestead, a fine large farm of 400 acres. Mr. Attwood was recently married to Miss Edith Bradford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bradford of Columbia township. Mr. Attwood is a young many of very pleasing manners, and has a fine education, and Lee and his young wife will be a valuable addition to Troy’s people. Mr. Rockwell will live on the farm until April 1st, 1901, when he expects to move into the borough.
The Mansfield Advertiser says that the engagement is announced of Miss Lida M., the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Myron F. Bailey, of this borough, and Rev. E. E. Riley, the Presbyterian pastor in that borough.
Miss Nellie C. Martin, who has been visiting relatives of hers, Rev. E. E. Bailey and the Cornell families, since the 14th, left Troy on Monday for Honeoye, N.Y., to visit a sister there, Mrs. Dr. Wilbur. Miss Martin’s home is in Providence, R.I.
Nineteenth Year, #923, Wednesday, March 7, 1900
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Smith of Elmira visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Redington, over Sunday.
Nineteenth Year, #924, Wednesday, March 14, 1900
Mary, daughter of Linus Harris, is very sick at L. C. VanHorn’s with spinal meningitis.
Mr. M. H. McGlenn of Elmira, brother of Mr. G. S. McGlenn, is clerking in B Frank & Co.’s store.
Mrs. Edwin H. Patterson of Watkins spent the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Newell.
Mrs. Wm. Wentz of Clearfield, Pa., who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. D. C. Newell, and other relatives in this vicinity for two weeks, returned to her home Tuesday of this week.
A goodly number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cheney assembled at their home on Friday night of last week, and gave them a pleasant surprise. The occasion was in honor of Mr. Cheney’s 84th birthday, which occurred a few days previous. Mrs. Cheney is past 82 years old. This aged and venerable couple are the oldest members of the M. E. church, and celebrated their 63rd wedding anniversary on Tuesday.
Nineteenth Year, #925, Wednesday, March 21, 1900
The pension of James M. Beach of this place has been increased from $14 to $17 per month. Albert Morgan, Esq., was his attorney.
Mr. Albert Cobb of Tioga, is visiting his brother Henry in Troy this week.
Nineteenth Year, #926, Wednesday, March 28, 1900
Mrs. Leonard Crouch and children, of Syracuse, are visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. L. B. Paine.
Leander L. Gregory of Sylvania, has been granted an increase of pension from $17 to $24.
Nineteenth Year, #927, Wednesday, April 4, 1900
Mrs. L. D. Byron and children of Pittston, Pa. are visiting at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Haggerty.
Nineteenth Year, #928, Wednesday, April 11, 1900
Mr. J. Calvin Rockwell of West Burlington, who has been the justice of the peace for that township for 31 years, will retire from that office in May. He has held this office with honor during his long service, and but one commonwealth case has been sent to court from his docket, a record of which the township may well be proud.
Nineteenth Year, #930, Wednesday, April 25, 1900
Mr. Fayette Pomeroy is visiting his sister, Mrs. John T. Shaw, in Detroit, Mich.
Mrs. S. S. Dale, nee Lottie Ellsbree, of Boston, is expected on Saturday to visit her aunt, Mrs. Frances Loveland.
Nineteenth Year, #933, Wednesday, May 16, 1900
Mr. Harry Petitt of Burlington, N.J., is visiting his sister, Mrs. C. B. Kimer.
Miss Katherine Blackwell, of West Burlington, is visiting her grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mosher, on Canton street.
Nineteenth Year, #934, Wednesday, May 23, 1900
Miss Harriett Perry, sister of Mrs. Theodore Waldron, is very low with nervous prostration. Her recovery is considered very doubtful.
Nineteenth Year, #935, Wednesday, May 30, 1900
Taken to Danville.
Thad Gustin, who has been acting strangely for some time past, threatening various persons and making a general nuisance of himself, was arrested Monday for assault on Mr. Alfred Johnson Saturday evening. Without provocation or saying a word, he walked up to Mr. Johnson, who was standing in front of F. W. Hovey’s store, and struck him a violent blow on the head and then ran away as fast as possible. They had never had any trouble or words and no reason can be thought of for his striking Mr. Johnson, other than that he was crazy.
On his arrest he was examined by Drs. Carpenter and Carrier, who pronounced him insane, and yesterday he was taken to the Danville asylum by Commisioner H. M. Spalding and Jno. N. Wolfe.
Nineteenth Year, #936, Wednesday, June 6, 1900
Mrs. Sidney Doane of Brooklyn is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gernert.
Mr. Henry C. Rolison is in Chambersburg, attending the Commencement of Wilson College, his daughter, Miss Florence being one of the graduates.
Misses Fannie and Maggie Wynne moved their household goods to Rochester Saturday where they will make their home with their brother, John Wynne, formerly of this place. John is one of the superintendents in a large lumber mill at that city.
Mrs. Joe N. Morse and daughters, of Sapetha, Kan., are visiting her brother, Mr. Frank Beach and other friends in Troy and vicinity. This is her first visit to Troy, her former home in eighteen years. Mr. Morse has prospered in the West and is now owner of a large hardware and plumbing business. They like Kansas as a place of residence.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Gernert and son Harold of Bridgeport, Conn., are the guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gernert.
Sarah E. Boyce widow of Joseph Boyce has been granted a pension of $16 per month. Albert Morgan was her attorney.
Nineteenth Year, #937, Wednesday, June 13, 1900
Mrs. J. T. McCollom goes to New York this week to visit her daughter, Mrs. Charles Hurlbut.
Mrs. H. LeRoy Darrah (nee, Edith Leonard) of New York, returned to her home last Thursday from a two weeks visit with her parents at Leona.
Arthur Sayles of Hotel Rathbun, Elmira, who has been at the Arnot-Ogden Memorial hospital for treatment for the past three weeks, returned to his home in Troy last Friday to recuperate. He is a son of Mrs. Mary Sayles, of Elmira street.
Nineteenth Year, #938, Wednesday, June 20, 1900
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Pomeroy of New York are spending a week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Pomeroy.
Mr. Herman Carpenter, who is attending the Elmira Business College, spent Sunday with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. P. S. Carpenter.
Charles K. Bull, who was married on Thursday last and who was expected, with his bride, to spend the summer with his parents in the M. E. parsonage, has been appointed by the presiding elder of Syracuse distrct to supply the pulpit at Belle Isle, Onondaga county, N.Y., the young couple entering upon their work in that place on Sunday, June 10th. –Millerton Advocate.
Mr. Bull is a son of the Rev. P. J. Bull recently of this vicinity.
Mrs. D. V. Gallatin of York, Pa., is visiting her son, A. S. Gallatin.
Mrs. F. F. Rogers and daughter Miss Augusta have returned from a weeks visit at Overton.
Hiram Bennett has gone to Brooklyn to spend the summer with his mother, Mrs. Metta R. Bennett.
L. Scott Willour has been visiting his sister Mrs. J. Frank Groman at Waverly, N.Y., the past week.
Mrs. Leonard C. Crouch of Syarcuse, and children, are the guests of her mother, Mrs. L. B. Paine.
Nineteenth Year, #939, Wednesday, June 27, 1900
Mrs. Guy Sadler and daughter, Gertrude of Hazelton, are visiting relatives in Troy.
Mrs. Fannie J. Hodges of Mattoon, Ill., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Woodruff and niece, Mrs. Jno. A. Parsons.
George and Fannie Rooker of Towanda, have been spending some time with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Newbery.
Birthday Gathering.
A very pleasant gathering took place on Saturday afternoon at the home of Maj. And Mrs. J. C. Robinson, Bentley Creek. The occasion was the sixtieth anniversary of Mrs. J. C. Robinson’s birth. She was formerly Martha Kennedy. She was married to Mr. Robinson on May 6, 1858, and they have lived in the locality ever since, as well as many of their children and grandchildren. The Robinson homestead has been the scene of many such gatherings, but none of them proved a greater and more pleasant surprise to Mrs. Robinson. A most enjoyable dinner was provided and partaken of by the different members of the family. The home was tastefully decorated with many choice roses. Some of them from the famous rose garden of the Rev. Dr. E. M. Mills of Elmira. After dinner, D. J. May made some remarks appropriate to the occasion, which were cordially received. He hen, on behalf of her children presented Mrs. Robinson with several pieces of sterling silverware, which were highly appreciated by their faithful and devoted parents.
Among those present were the following sons and daughters from the neighborhood: Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Merton Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Woodford May, Miss Jeannette Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Davies and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Pierce of Troy, Pa. The following grandchildren were also present: James Baldwin, Isaac Baldwin, Gracie Baldwin, Stuart Robinson, Bertie May, LaRue Davies and James R. Pierce. Other relatives present were: Mrs. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. May, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Berry, Mrs. Isaac Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Pierce, Miss Carrie Reynolds, all of the immediately neighborhood, and Joseph Robinson of Elmira.-Ex.
Nineteenth Year, #940, Wednesday, July 11, 1900
Mrs. A. H. Hickok is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. C. E. Weed at Van Etten, N.Y.
Mrs. R. T. Davies, nee Miss Esther Kenyon, of Chicago, is spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Kenyon.
The pension of F. C. Cole of Cannon, Del., formerly of East Troy, has received an increase of pension from $14 to $17, through the agency of Albert Morgan, Esq.
Miss Minnie Ballard of Athens is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. B. A. Long.
Mrs. W. J. Gaul of Steelton, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Kenyon.
Mrs. A. D. Gritman of Buffalo, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kerrick.
Harry Stacey of Philadelphia, is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stacey.
Dr. Chas. Kerrick of Auburn, N.Y., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kerrick several days last week.
Nineteenth Year, #941, Wednesday, July 18, 1900
Mr. F. H. Randall of Rochester, is visiting his brother, Rev. E. F. Randall.
Mrs. Carrie A. Hazlett, of Nelson, has just been granted a dependent mother’s pension, the first Spanish war pension granted in this county. She is the mother of Ernest M. Hazlett, late of Company K, 5th Penna. Infantry. –Wellsboro Gazette.
Miss Fannie Johnson goes to Wellsboro the last of the week to spend a month with her sister, Mrs. L. N. Blair.
Mrs. Elmira Whiting visited her son, Mr. F. H. Whiting last week.
Mrs. C. F. Paine is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. M. Trippe, at Canton.
Nineteenth Year, #942, Wednesday, July 25, 1900
Mrs. E. M. Gates of Springfield is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Hugh Bailey at Philadelphia.
The pension of Frank Saxton of Granville Centre, has been increased from $12 to $17 per month. Albert Morgan, Esq., was his attorney.
Mr. Isaac Cleaver and daughter Miss Mary, are in Philadelphia last week.
Mrs. Charles Packard and son George drove to Mountain Lake last Sunday.
The 54 birthday of Mrs. Alex. Kennedy, was celebrated by a surprise at her home in East Troy, Monday, July 23rd. About twenty relatives, all cousins, from this vicinity were present.
Miss Mabel Hager of Canton, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Sherman.
Clarence LaMent, of Philadelphia, was called to Granville last week, on account of the illness and death of his mother, Mrs. Charles LaMent.
Mrs. L. D. Byron and son Richard of Pittston, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Haggerty.
Nineteenth Year, #943, Wednesday, August 1, 1900
Franklindale Lady Injured.
The Pittston Gaxette of Friday evening gives the following particulars of an accident to a Bradford county lady: "Miss Ida Gilbert of Franklindale, Bradford county, has been visiting friends here. About noon today, she went to Dorraceton on an electric car to visit friends. She wished to alight at Dorrance street, but the conductor apparently did not see her signal, and the car sped by at a lively rate. The young lady jumped off the car, and was thrown heavily to the brick pavement. She was taken to Dr. Fauld’s office, where an examination revealed that she had been seriously injured, her skull being fractured."
Miss Gilbert is a sister of George Gilbert of Franklindale.
David Cole, a brother of E. W. Cole, of the place, who was injured on the Auburn branch of the Lehigh a number of weeks ago, and who had his leg amputated at the Robert Packer hospital at Sayre, was discharged from that institution on Friday and has returned to his home at Alba. –Canton Sentinel.
Mrs. Lewis Cassida of Pine City, spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beaman.
Mrs. Frank G. Manley of Brooklyn, N.Y., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Reynolds, at Alba.
Nineteenth Year, #944, Wednesday, August 8, 1900
Miss Ada H. Havens of Philadelphia, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Elmer E. Slingerland.
Mrs. J. W. Fredericks of Lock Haven, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. Percy Maxwell.
Franklin Saxton of Granville Centre, has been granted an increase of pension of #17.
Mr. Orr Kennedy of Wellsboro, Pa., visited his brothers, W. W. Kennedy of Springfield, and Alex. Kennedy of East Troy, last week.
Miss Frances French came home from Philadelphia last Saturday to spend the month with her mother, Mrs. Laura French.
Miss Eva Williams of New York is spending a few weeks vacation with her mother, Mrs. Ambrose Williams.
Mrs. M. A. Davies and son LaRue, are visiting her parents, Col. And Mrs. Robinson at Bentley Creek.
Second Lieutenant LaVerne Rockwell left on Monday evening for Governor’s Island. Mr. Rockwell expects to be sent to Cuba with Troop L of the Eight Cavalry. Mr. Rockwell was graduated from West Point last June and the best wishes of many friends in Towanda attend the young man upon his entrance upon active soldier life.-Reporter Journal.
Mr. George Cosgrove of Elmira, is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. McGoughran.
Nineteenth Year, #945, Wednesday, August 15, 1900
Mrs. James Hager and son Willard of Canton, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Seth Sherman.
Mrs. Harry S. Johnson, nee, Anne E. Leonard of Niagara Falls, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Leonard.
Miss Irene Riley of Elmira has been spending the past week with her mother, Mrs. Lena Riley.
Mrs. E. C. Smith, nee Cora Guthrie of Philadelphia, is spending a month with Mrs. Chas. Murray at Covert.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rockwell and little daughter Ella from Pearl River, La., are visiting his brother, T. P. Rockwell. They expect to be in the north for a month visiting friends.
Master James A. Willour is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. Frank Groman at Waverly, N. Y.
Miss Jennie Robinson of Bentley Creek, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Herman J. Pierce several days this week.
Mr. Wilbur Hooker, who has been in China the past eight years, is expected home the last of this month. He is the son of Mrs. C. C. Hooker of East Troy and at present is in London.
Minequa- Miss Iva Shoemaker of Windfall, visited her sister, Mrs. Earl Doty recently.
Nineteenth Year, #946, Wednesday, August 22, 1900
Mrs. Geo. Little went to Athens this week to visit her brother C. W. Ballard.
Mrs. Joab Kenyon and daughter, Miss Jennie returned Saturday from a weeks visit with relatives at Binghamton, N.Y.
Mrs. C. C. B. Fanning starts for Laporte, Ind., next Monday morning to visit her brother, A. Laman, and will remain during the month of September.
Nineteenth Year, #947, Wednesday, August 29, 1900
Miss Katheryn Bailey, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred VanHorn the past few weeks, went to Campbell, N.Y., to spend a week with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Barrett, before returning to New York where she has a position as stenographer with the American Bank Note Co.
Mrs. Charles C. Hurlbut and child of New York, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McCollom.
Nineteenth Year, #948, Wednesday, September 5, 1900
Miss Eva Williams returned to New York last Monday after a pleasant sojurn with her mother, Mrs. Laurilla Williams.
Mrs. Archie McNaught, who has been the guest of her brother, E. F. Lilley, and friends in Granville and Canton for the past two weeks, returning to her home in Washington on Friday.
Nineteenth Year, #949, Wednesday, September 12, 1900
Mrs. Mary A. Cease has been granted an original widow’s pension of $8.
C. W. Ballard and family and Mrs. Miles Finch and daughter Margaret drove over from Athens Wednesday and attended the fair.
Mrs. W. S. Potter and son George returned to their home at Lafayette, Ind. Monday, after several weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Peck.
Mrs. C. W. Mitchell accompanied her son Harry to Montour Falls last Monday where he has entered as a student in Cook Academy.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Crane and daughter, Miss Lilian, of Elmira, with the three brothers of Mr. Crane, Charles of Lansing, Mich., Harlo, of St. Paul, Minn., and T. Cornell, of Buffalo, visited in Troy and Leona a few days this week.
Mr. Claude C. Warren, who has a position as stenographer in Hazelton, is spending a ten days vacation in Troy, with his sister, Mrs. F. H. Whiting.
Mr. J. R. Vannoy of East Troy has been granted an increase of pension to $17.
Miss Maude Kennedy and Mr. Maxwell Kennedy left Monday for Cook Academy.
Nineteenth Year, #950, Wednesday, September 19, 1900
Mr. Thomas Blackwell is very seriously ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Rodney Cooley.
Miss Jeanette Sayles, who has been spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. Mary Sayles, returned to Philadelphia Tuesday.
Mrs. S. L. Carnochan and daughter Miss Bell, of Towanda, were guests of her brother, Mr. John A. Parsons, the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Holdren of Corning, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Price.
Miss Lena Preston, who is attending the Mansfield Normal, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Preston.
Nineteenth Year, #951, Wednesday, September 26, 1900
Mrs. Charles C. Hurlburt (nee Louise McCollom) who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McCollom for several weeks, has returned with her child to her home in New York City.
Harry Mitchell of Cook Academy spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mitchell.
Miss Adelia Kenyon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Kenyon, went to Montour Falls Saturday, where she has entered Cook Academy.
Nineteenth Year, #952, Wednesday, October 3, 1900
Mrs. Thomas Woodruff is a guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Head in Towanda.
The Misses Ronan attended a wedding in Elmira this (Wednesday) evening. The contracting parties are Miss Anna Beatrice Tobin of Elmira, and Mr. J. Hubert Connelly of New York City.
Mr. Chas. V. Grohs of Rochester, N.Y., is the guest of his sister Mrs. M. G. Hoffman.
Mrs. J. Willis Hall and children are visiting her mother, Mrs. Blakeslee, at Athens.
Fred L. Spalding is with Company G., 2nd U.S. Infantry, which is stationed at Manila, P. I.
Nineteenth Year, #953, Wednesday, October 10, 1900
Mrs. M. C. Long is visiting her daughter, Miss L. Emily Long at Brooklyn.
Miss Henrietta Shotts is visiting her sister, Mrs. Evans, in West Philadelphia.
Miss Annie P. Holcombe and son Herbert D. Holcombe, are spending the week in Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Linderman and son Montague have been spending the past week with her parents in Scranton.
Nineteenth Year, #954, Wednesday, October 17, 1900
Mrs. Rebekah Packard of Covington township, Pa., celebrated her 105th birthday last Saturday. Mrs. Packard shows few evidences of her extreme age. She is healthy, fairly robust, east heartily and is able to walk about the house and yard without aid. Her brain is clear, and she is well posted upon the topics of the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred B. Waldron celebrated their golden wedding tomorrow, Thursday.
Twentieth Year, #956, Wednesday, October 31, 1900
Wilmot Baker and daughter, Mrs. Lena Smith of Millport, N. Y., have been visiting in Troy a few days.
Twentieth Year, #957, Wednesday, November 7, 1900
Fell From His Train.
Conductor Smith of the Santa Fe, who was injured by falling from his train at Florence, is improving.-Kansas City Times.
Mr. Smith is the son of the late A. C. Smith of Sullivan and is well known in this vicinity. He has spent much time at his old home within the last five years in the care of his father, mother and sister during their last illness. His many friends hope that his injuries were not serious and are glad to know his health is being restored.
Mr. Nickolas Potter of East Troy, visited relatives here Friday. Mr. Potter is about 85 years old, but still able to walk to Troy with comparative ease.
Mr. L. S. Willour of the Medico Chirurgical College of Philadelphia, has been spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Willour.
Harry Cosper of Elmira is spending the week with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Hobart.
Last Friday, Earl Foss, aged 14, son of Will Foss, while handling a revolver belonging to Murray Williams, another young boy, accidentally shot himself in the hand. The ball lodged in the back of the hand and was removed by Dr. Lewis.—Canton Sentinel.
Miss Grace and Mane Oldroyd of Mansfield, spent last week with their brother Jesse Oldroyd.
Twentieth Year, #958, Wednesday, November 14, 1900
Mrs. H. C. Gernert has gone to Brooklyn to spend the month with her daughter, Mrs. Sidney Doane.
Twentieth Year, #959, Wednesday, November 21, 1900
Mr. Frank Gernert of Bridgeport, Conn., spent several days with his father, W. B. Gernert.
Mrs. Wm. B. Smith, nee Grace Spencer, has been playing in Henry the Eight, with Richard Mansfield.
A re-issue of pension of $8 has been granted Loren M. Leonard of Granville Centre. Mary Hottenstein of Overton has been granted an original widow’s pension of $8.
Mrs. C. L. Bagley and daughter of Grover, have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Stright for a few days.
Mr. E. E. Lyman, of Methuen, Mass., visited his sister, Mrs. Ira Sherman last week, whom he had not seen since she was five years old.
Twentieth Year, #960, Wednesday, November 28, 1900
Mrs. Segil Kiff spent Thursday with her mother Mrs. Foss in Alba.
Miss Nelle Blakeslee of Athens is visiting her sister, Mrs. Willis Hall.
Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Cleveland celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage on Tuesday, November 20th.
Mr. Frank L. Greenough, who recently went from here to Astoria, Oregon, is city editor of the Morning Astoria there.
Twentieth Year, #961, Wednesday, December 5, 1900
Mrs. A. S. Humphrey of Canaseraga, N.Y., is spending a few days with her sister Mrs. P. S. Carpenter.
Twentieth Year, #962, Wednesday, December 12, 1900
Ulysses Walburn of Granville, a soldier in the regular army, who has been stationed at Staten Island, N.Y. has been sent to San Juan, Porto Rico.
Twentieth Year, #963, Wednesday, December 19, 1900
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Williams of Elmira spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Burt Williams in town.
Mrs. George B. Strait left Syracuse on Monday to attend the wedding of her sister Miss Julia to Howard Grojean which takes place at the bride’s home tomorrow, Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wilber of Sylvania visited their daughter, Mrs. J. N. Wolfe a few days this week.
Howard S. Ballard will spend his Christmas vacation with his sister,
Mrs. Geo. Little in Norfolk, Va.