Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette
Register 1918 - Yesterday's News |
These clippings from ancient
and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are
being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily
we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage
and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles
that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations
at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from
the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings. Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here. If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Partitioned PICO Search Engine which you can reach from current What's New Page of the site. There is a partition just for the TGR Clippings. |
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Lloyd and Floyd Bailey, twin brothers, sons of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Bailey, have returned to camp, after ten-day furlough with their friends and relatives. They have been in Georgia at Fort Oglethory for six months.
Mr. Seth Crippen and daughter, Harriett, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Watkins.
Howard Shaylor, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Shaylor had the misfortune to fall, fracturing both bones of the fore arm.
Mrs. Fred Baker and son Robert and brother, Grant, were week-end guests at Mr. and Mrs. William Wood.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wilson and daughters, Helen and Lucille, were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Garrison Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Bullock and daughter, Ruth, were calling on Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hartman.
Volume LV, #13, Thursday, March 28, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Watkins and daughter, Irene were in Troy Saturday.
Volume LV, #16, Thursday April 18, 1918
Mrs. Charlotte Besley is ill at the home of her son, Mr. Earnest Besley.
Volume LV, #17, Thursday, April 25, 1918
Mr. Sam Wilson and sons, Francis and Carlton, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson Sunday.
Volume LV, #18, Thursday, May 2, 1918
Mrs. Henry Campbell and daughter Gladys spent a few days of last week with her mother, Mrs. A. B. Bailey.
Mrs. Nellie Smalley spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Haven.
Mrs. L. Wright and daughter, Beatrice, Mrs. Nelson Watkins, spent last Friday afternoon in Troy.
Volume LV, #25, Thursday, June 20, 1918
Mrs. E. M. Besley and daughter, Pauline and several others attended commencement exercises at Mansfield this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Campbell and daughter, Gladys spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Bailey.
Mrs. Will Shepard and children, Erma and Dayton spent the week end at Elmira returning home Monday with her daughter, Mrs. Walter Howell and baby.
Mrs. Angie Davis has returned home from her son, Thad McClure’s where she has been staying.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ayres and son, Paul, spent Sunday at George Wolfe’s.
Volume LV, #26, Thursday, June 27, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henretta (Nee Ella Becker) and two children from Roanoke, Virginia, and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hammond and son, Edsall from Elmira, were week end visitors with Lewis Edsall and Mrs. E. Hammond.
Mrs. Seth Haven is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Standt in Elmira.
Mrs. Nellie Smalley of Troy and Miss Errametta Haven, Mrs. Lewis Buck and children from Elmira, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Haven a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Bailey spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson.
Volume LV, #29, Thursday, July 18, 1918
Mrs. Ben Standt and son, William of Elmira, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Haven.
Gerald Wheeler of Elmira, is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Garrison and daughters, Ethel and Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hartman and daughter, Marie spent Thursday in Elmira.
Mrs. Oris Mudge and children, Gladys, Lorena and Eldridge, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Asenath Schwenk.
Helen Buck has returned to her home in Elmira after spending a few weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Haven.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wilson and daughters, Helen and Lucille arrived in town Monday.
Volume LV, #30, Thursday, July 25, 1918
Delbert Hall and wife of Elmira Heights were week-end guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marsh spent the week-end with his aunt, Mrs. N. M. Watkins and grandmother, Mrs. Wade.
Mrs. John Kennedy and two children have returned to their home at Wellsburg following a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Porter.
Volume LV, #31, Thursday, August 1, 1918
Miss Ruth Baker from Lewisburg, Pa., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Sam Soper.
Misses Lillian and Grace Kennedy from Wellsburg are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Porter.
Mrs. Foster Garrison of Mansfield, is visiting her son, Burk Garrison.
Mrs. Cecil Howell and baby are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Shepard.
Volume LV, #32, Thursday, August 8, 1918
Miss Lucy Watson of Gillett, spend Sunday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Laf. Haven.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Standt and son William, motored from Elmira Tuesday and spent the day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Haven.
Volume LV, #33, Thursday, August 15, 1918
Mrs. Clarence Harris of Rochester, is visiting her brother, Seth Whitaker.
Mrs. Bert Kerrick and children of Gorham are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Watson Hosier.
Mrs. S. L. Soper is entertaining her sisters, Mrs. Sarah Fairchilds and daughter and Miss Ruth Baker, all of Lewisburg, Pa.
Miss Florence Hulslander spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. David Sherman.
Mrs. Barbara Bailey is visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. W. Wilson at Troy, for a few days.
Volume LV, #35, Thursday, August 29, 1918
Miss Agnes Bailey visited her brother, W. C. Bailey and sister, Mrs. Henry Campbell last week at the C. W. Mitchell farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Haven, Grandson, Sterling and son, Austin Haven, motored to Daggett to visit Leon Garrison.
Mr. and Mrs. Jud Woodard of Ralston, are visiting their son, Arch Woodard and sister, Mrs. Lydia Struble.
Mrs. Dora Sours is visiting her sister, Mrs. Harvey Benson.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Besley and children, Kenneth and Dorothy, Mrs. Arminta Andrus motored to Lyons, N. Y., to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ben Vedder.
Mrs. Frank Barnes of Leolyn, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Martha Johnson.
Mrs. Alonzo Wright and children, spent the week-end in Elmira visiting her sisters, Mrs. Mel Updike and Mrs. Vern Benson.
Volume LV, #36, Thursday, September 5, 1918
Mrs. Cora Burdick and children of Elmira, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Haven.
Mrs. Louise Smith and son, Gus, from Elkland are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Wright.
Volume LV, #38, Thursday, September 19, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wilson and daughters, Helen and Lucile, returned from Barryville for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Rohman and daughter from Shohola, Pa., accompanied them for a visit.
Mr. Guy Walsh of Waverly spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Wright. Mrs. John Walsh of Hornell is caring for her father, Elias Wright who is still very seriously ill.
Miss May Besley, Mrs. Julia Thrall and son, Oliver motored to Canton Saturday.
Volume LV, #42, Thursday, October 10, 1918
Mrs. O. E. Mudge and children are spending the week with her mother, Mrs. Asenath Schwenk.
Volume LV, #43, Thursday, October 24, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bixby spent Sunday with the latter parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson. Mary Johnson returned home with them.
Volume LV, #49, Thursday, December 5, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. Harland Grace and son Albert spent a few days with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wilson.
Troy Gazette-Register
Troy, Bradford County, PA
Volume LVI, #1, Thursday, January 2, 1919
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Staudt and son William spent Christmas with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Seth Haven.
Mr. Kenneth Besley spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Besley.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bardwell spent Christmas with their son Harry Bardwell in Troy.
Miss Errametta Haven spent the Christmas holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Haven.
Volume LVI, #2, Thursday, January 9, 1919
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Havens spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Haven.
Miss Errametta Haven returned to Elmira. Her sister, Cora, and niece Laura Smalley, returned with her.
Mrs. Joe Ayres and son Paul spent Thursday with her aunt, Mrs. D. C. Haven.
Volume LVI, #3, Thursday, January 16, 1919
Mr. Durland Hammond is spending a few days with his brother Edsal Hammond.
Mr. and Mrs. John Joralemon of Penn Yan spent a few days with the latter’s mother Mrs. Hester Watkins, who is ill.
Miss Eva Wood is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Watson Hoosier.
Mrs. Nellie Smalley spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Haven.
Volume LVI, #5, Thursday, January 30, 1919
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith spent a few days with the latter’s father, Mr. James Wilson.
Volume LVI, #8, Thursday, February 20, 1919
Mrs. Eugene Phillips and son Delos from Troy went Sunday with her mother and sister Mrs. Guy Soper.
Volume LVI, #9, Thursday, February 27, 1919
Mr. and Mrs. D. Rogers are visiting at his daughter’s, Mrs. George Moore.
Volume LVI, #13, Thursday, March 27, 1919
Mrs. Eugene Phillips and son Deos of Troy visited her mother, Mrs. Libbie Benson and other relatives in this vicinity.
Mrs. Lewis Soper and son Leland visited at Harlan Grace’s Sunday.
Mrs. Hiram Bardwell is in very poor health at the home of her sister, Mrs. James Wilson.
Volume LVI, #19, Thursday, May 8, 1919
Mrs. John Storch of Towanda is visiting her mother, Mrs. Elias Wright.
Volume LVI, #20, Thursday, May 15, 1919
Mrs. Seth Haven has returned after spending a short time with her daughter, Mrs. Ben Staudt in Elmira, N.Y.
Volume LVI, #23, Thursday, June 5, 1919
Miss Lucy Watson spent the week-end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Haven.
Volume LVI, #24, Thursday, June 12, 1919
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Woodard of Elmira, are visiting the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Shaylor.
Mr. W. E. Hulslander and daughter Flossie and Miss Harriett Crippen motored to Mansfield Monday.
Mrs. Elias Wright is ill, her daughter Mrs. Roy Soper of Sylvania is caring for her.
Volume LVI, #26, Thursday, June 26, 1919
Mr. Edsal Hammond and daughter Marie and mother Mrs. Asenath Schwenk spent Sunday at Ed. Watkins.
Mrs. Ben Standt and son William of Elmira, are spending a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Seth haven.
Mrs. Nelson Benson has returned home after spending a few days with her brother Irwin Wood at Seeley Creek.
Volume LVI, #27, Thursday, July 3, 1919
Mrs. Eugene Phillips and sons, Earl and William, spent Sunday in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Wright entertained on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kennedy and children, Gladys and Donald and Hallock Kennedy of Rutland and Mrs. George Colony of Mansfield.
Mrs. Nellie Smalley was a Sunday guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Haven.
Volume LVI, #28, Thursday, July 10, 1919
Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh and daughter Genevieve of Hornell, visited their mother, Mrs. Elias Wright last week.
Miss Errametta Haven spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Haven.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Standt and little son William spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Haven.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Wood and little sons, Frederick and Herbert, spent one day last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Watson Hoosier.
Mr. and Mrs. Tracey Wilson and family of Columbia X Roads, and Mrs. Joe Ayers spent the Fourth at Gaines with their mother Mrs. George McCracken.
Volume LVI, #30, Thursday, July 17, 1919
Mrs. Lewis Buck and daughters Helen and Lillian, of Elmira spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Have.
Volume LVI, #32, Thursday, August 7, 1919
Miss Madaline Buchanan of Geneva, N.Y., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. B. Palmer.
Mr. Hiram Bardwell is spending some time with his son, Fred, at Stanley, N.Y.
Mrs. Hattie S. Baehr and daughter Sophronia and Mother Mrs. Sophronia Smith of Kansas City, Mo., are spending a short time at the Austinville hotel.
Volume LVI, #33, Thursday, August 14, 1919
Miss Kathryn Monroe of Newark, N.J. is spending some time with her grandmother, Mrs. Aseneth Schwenk.
Mr. Lewis Buck, Miss Aramantha Haven and Mrs. Nellie Smalley of Elmira called on their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Haven. Mrs. Buck and children returned home with them.
Mrs. Foster Garrison of Mansfield is visiting her sons, Herman and Burke, in this place.
Volume LVI, #38, Thursday, September 18, 1919
Miss Hariett Crippen spent the weekend with her brother, Herbert Crippen.
Mrs. Seth Crippen is spending a few days in Elmira with her daughter Mrs. Benj. Staudt.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith and son of Mainesburg and Mrs. Adella Howard of Michigan, spent Monday with the latter’s sister, Mrs. Emmett Wood.
Mrs. Angeline Davis spent the fair week with her son Thad McClure in Troy.
Volume LVI, #41, Thursday, October 9, 1919
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wilson and daughters Helen and Lucile returned to Barryville, after spending a few days here. Harry Benson accompanied them to Barryville.
Volume LVI, #42, Thursday, October, 16, 1919
Mrs. Volonia Wood is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mason Henry at Elmira Heights, for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Squires of Elk Run, spent the weekend with their daughter, Mrs. Harry Benson and family.
Misses Clara Soper and Cecile Bailey of Troy, spent, Sunday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Wilson.
Volume LVI, #43, Thursday, October 23, 1919
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Benson, and son Robert, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Irving Wood, at Mansfield.
Misses Errametta and Nellie Haven, of Elmira, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Haven.
Volume LVI, #44, Thursday, October 30, 1919
Miss Emma Baker of Lewisburg, Pa., has returned home after spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Mary Soper.
The Misses Lorene, Marjorie and Beatrice Wright spent their vacation with their aunt, Mrs. Oscar Tears.
Mrs. Edward Hoagland of Gillett is spending the week with her father, W. D. Wright.
Volume LVI, #46, Thursday, November 13, 1919
Mrs. Lee Baker has returned to Niagara Falls after spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. Mary Soper.
Harry Garrison and family and Burke Garrison and daughter Velma spent Sunday at H. D. Garrison’s.
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Wilson and son Carlton spent Sunday at W. C. Bailey’s.
Miss Ruby Ripley of Sylvania spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ripley.
Mary Johnson went to Blossburg Saturday to see her sister, Mrs. Ray Soper who underwent an operation at the hospital.
Volume LVI, #47, Thursday, November 20, 1919
Mrs. Eugene Phillips and son Delos of Troy spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Benson.
Mr. and Mrs. James Worden of Sylvania spent one day last week with their daughter, Mrs. Alfred Ripley.
W. D. Wright is ill, his daughter, Mrs. Cola Maynard of Gillett is caring for him.
Misses ……, Majorie and Beatrice Wright visited their grandmother, Mrs. Elias Wright, Sunday.
Volume LVI, #48, Thursday, November 27, 1919
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Randall and grandson LaVerne and Merle of Canton visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wood Sunday.
Volume LVI, #51, Thursday, December 51, 1919
Mrs. Johnson is visiting her sister, Mrs. Louis Bixby at Troy.
Mrs. Daisy Saerman of Rutland is visiting her sister, Mrs. Rose Woodard.
Mrs. Nellie Roloson of Corning, N.Y., came Monday to attend the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Julia Hulslander.
Volume LVI, #52, Thursday, December 25, 1919
Jake Kerrick spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Kerrick, who
is staying for a while with Mrs. John Heib.