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Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette
Register 1918 - Yesterday's News |
These clippings from ancient
and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are
being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily
we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage
and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles
that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations
at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from
the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings. Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here. If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Partitioned PICO Search Engine which you can reach from current What's New Page of the site. There is a partition just for the TGR Clippings. |
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Hosea Howard Kennedy.
Hosea Howard Kennedy was born at South Creek, Bradford county
on October 8th, 1848, the son of Avery and Achsah Hugg Kennedy and died
at his home near Wellsboro on Wednesday night, June 12th at eleven o’clock.
He is survived by his wife, ten children, five grandchildren,
two sisters and one brother.
He was a member of the Baptist church and was loved and respect
by all who knew him.
Funeral was held at 2 p.m., Saturday, Rev. E. S. Cole, officiating.
(Local News) Two more Bradford county boys have fallen in France in battle—John Morley on May 28th and Alexander Morley on June 24th. They were brothers, sons of John O. Morley of Sayre, formerly of Burlington.
Mrs. Levi S. Preston.
Mrs. Levi S. Preston died in Stockton, Cal., May 4th last.
Nine months ago she fell and broke her him after that her health declined
rapidly. Her husband, Levi S. Preston died in Redwood City, Cal.,
ten years ago. They were both born in Pennsylvania and lived here
in Troy a number of years. Before marriage she was Miss B. Haswell.
About fifty years ago they moved from the East to California. In
her girlhood she joined the Baptist church and was a true Christian woman
all her life. Six children are left to mourn her loss—Mrs. Philip
H. Burgess, Susie E. Daves and L. S. Preston, Jr., of Stockton, Cal.; Mrs.
Sidney Winsor of Mantica; William H. of Oakland and Irvin S. of San Francisco,
Cal. The funeral services were held in Stockton, Cal., interment
was in the Brentwood Cemetery.
(Local News) The funeral was largely attended at the home in Canton Monday afternoon of Thomas Kitson, father of Mrs. Robert Krise of this boro. The deceased was 58 years old and leaves a large circle of friends. His wife survives and eight children: Mrs. Krise of Troy; Mrs. Bessie Taylor of Canton; Mrs. William Middaugh of Latrobe; Georg of Buffalo; Mrs. H. Kramer and Sarah Kitson of Williamsport, and Clifford and Dorothy at home.
The remains of Mrs. Thomas Reese, wife of the Superintendent of the Tioga County poor farm, were found Friday afternoon in the reservoir of the Wellsboro water system, two days after she mysteriously disappeared from the home of her sister, Mrs. Fred T. Evans. She was 42 years old and had been out of health for some time and was for several weeks a patient at the Hornell Sanitarium. She leaves a daughter, three brothers, three sisters, and several step-children.
(Local News) The death is reported at Cleveland, Kansas, after a long decline of Mrs. Alburn Morse, formerly of Granville and East Troy.
Volume LV, #29, Thursday July 18, 1918
(Sylvania News) Miles Butt, a life-long resident of Sylvania, died at the County Retreat where he had been taken for medical care, on Monday evening, July 8th. The funeral was held at the home-“Clover Croft”-near the foot of Bailey Hill on Wednesday afternoon.
(Granville Summit News) A fatal case of accidental poisoning, by drinking nearly two ounces of patent cough syrup containing tartar emetic, resulted in the death early Friday morning of Paul B. Converse, seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Converse of 119 Budd St., Elmira, N. Y., just outside the city limits. County Coroner Charles N. Hammond this morning decided death had been accidental. Wednesday night the child secured a two-ounce bottle of cough syrup and drank its contents. Only a teaspoonful of the medicine had been taken for the bottle. The poison immediately brought on illness and his condition became serious Thursday. Thursday night at 10 o’clock, Dr. M. E. Seafuse was called by the boy’s condition gradually became worse until about 1 o’clock Friday morning, when he died. The boy is survived by his parents and three brothers, Robert, Fred and Edward. The remains were removed to Granville, Sunday morning, where funeral was held in the afternoon. (The mother was formerly Lottie Fenton of this place).
(Local News) Following a fall, Mrs. Laura French, an aunt of the Misses Hill of this boro, died July 5th at the home of her step-daughter, Mrs. J. W. Andrews at Mankota, Minnesota. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Berry and was born near this boro July 12, 1830. Her first husband was William Newberry, deceased. The younger of their daughters died in Wellsville, N. Y., at the age of 17. The other, Mrs. Eugene Wilcox, died in San Diego, Cal., about twenty years ago. Mr. French to whom she was married in Wellsville, died thirty years ago. Mrs. French had long been a member of the Methodist church, and leaves a large circle of friends. The funeral was held at Mankota where the remains were placed in the mausoleum.
(Local News) Richard Rowe, aged father of Mrs. George Bird, died recently in East Smithfield. He was 96 and leaves a widow, and one son, Ramie Rowe, besides Mrs. Bird.
Volume LV, #30, Thursday, July 25, 1918
Harry S. Leonard Expires Suddenly in Buffalo Hospital.
Harry S. Leonard, only son of Mrs. Henry S. Leonard of this village,
died in Buffalo, N. Y., on July 21st, following an operation in the Homeopathic
hospital of that city for the removal of a pyloric ulcer of the stomach.
The body was brought here for burial in Oakwood Cemetery, the
funeral being held from his mother’s residence in Elmira Street on Wednesday
afternoon at 2 o’clock.
Mr. Leonard was born in Troy on March 18, 1872 and grew to manhood
here. Upon the dissolution of the firm of Redington & Leonard
in 1890, a new firm was formed consisting of Mr. Henry S. Leonard, the
junior partner of Redington & Leonard and his son, Harry S. Leonard
under the firm name of Henry S. Leonard & Son. Harry S. Leonard
withdrew from his active duties in this firm in 1897, going to New York
City where he was employed for many years in the accounting department
of the Atlas-Portland Cement Company. In 1912 he accepted a position
in the cost accounting department of the Larkin Company of Buffalo, N.
Y., where he continued until his death.
He was always a great lover of music and took an active part
in the musical activities of Troy during his residence here, singing in
the Boy Quartette, St. Paul’s Choir and no private theatricals were considered
complete unless he took a prominent part. He was known throughout
the country surrounding Troy and will be remembered by many of our farmers
who sold their butter and eggs to him and knew that the quality insisted
upon by the junior member of the firm of Henry S. Leonard & Son, always
had to be of the highest. His only sister, Mrs. H. S. Johnson of
Washington, D. C., and his mother are left to mourn his loss.
(Columbia Cross Roads News) Mr. Willard Benson died on Monday evening, July 22d at the home of his sister, Mrs. Lyman McClure, where he has made his home for some time. Mr. Benson had been in poor health for a long time and about three weeks ago was confined to his room. The funeral will be held Thursday at 11 a. m., at the home of Mrs. Lyman McClure.
(Local News) Mrs. Sophia Herda died at her home at Luther’s Mills last Thursday, after a short illness, aged 78. She leaves ten children: Mrs. Allen Simons of North Towanda; Mrs. Edward Putnam of Burlington; Mrs. Bert Dunbar of East Troy; Mrs. Henry Hemingway of Towanda; Mrs. Chester Thomas of Milan; Fred, of East Smithfield; Louis of Buffalo; George of Luther’s Mills; Theodore of Burlington, and James at home. Thirty grandchildren and four great-grandchildren also survive.
(Local News) Mrs. Hattie E. Mundy, a sister of Mrs. P. S. Carpenter, and for some years a member of their home, died in a hospital at Los Angeles, Cal., on July 20th, at 8 p.m. She was 71 last March. Mrs. Mundy, early in life united with the M. E. Church and had since been active in church and social life. About five years ago her two sons went to Southern California and she decided to make her home near them in that ideal country where she formed many friendships. Mrs. Mundy will be buried at Long Beach, Cal., by the side of her younger son who died in May.
(Local News) Mrs. Mary King, for half a century a respected resident of Canton, died on Tuesday. Mrs. King was 80 years old. Death followed a stroke of apoplexy. Deceased was the mother of Miss Margaret King of Troy and of Mrs. H. B. Avery of Barrelsville, Md., well known here. Funeral services on Thursday at the home and St. Michaels church.
Volume LV, #31, Thursday, August 1, 1918
(Granville Summit News) Mr. Dudley Sargeant passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. H. Dunbar last Tuesday morning. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at Wetona his former home.
(Local News) The body has arrived at Sylvania undertaking rooms of Ola Johns of the navy who died recently in a Scotch hospital for pneumonia and scarlet fever. Funeral services will be held at Lawrence Corners church Saturday afternoon of this week at 2 o’clock. The deceased entered the service in June, 1917, and his ship left Philadelphia in March of this year for British waters. He was a son of Horace Johns and a brother of Mrs. Fred Sutton of Sylvania.
Volume LV, #32, Thursday, August 8, 1918
Estimable Woman Passes Away.
Mrs. Mary A. Bloom, an estimable woman long of Troy, passed to
her reward last Sunday evening at the home in Chicago, Ill., of her daughter,
Mrs. J. G. Conderman with whom she had made her home the past two years.
Mrs. Bloom’s health had been failing for a long time. On Saturday
she was prostrated by a stroke of apoplexy and remained unconscious to
the end. She was a daughter of Benjamin and Delight Holcomb of LeRoy,
this county, where she was born Dec 22, 1836. Her first husband,
Louis Leonard, was killed at the battle of Fredericksburg. After
the war she was married to the late John A. Bloom. The surviving
member of her family are Mrs. Wallace Williams of East Canton; Mrs. Conderman
of Chicago; Mr. E. L. Bloom of North Cohocton, N. Y.; Mrs. Nellie Owen
of East Canton and Mr. C. J. Bloom, a stepson of this boro. Three
brothers also survive—Sterling, Irwad and Mark Holcombe of McKean county,
Pa., and Jay Holcomb of Montreal, Canada.
She was a sister of Guy Holcomb who died from apoplexy at LeRoy
last spring.
Mrs. Bloom had long been a member of the Troy M. E. Church.
The remains were brought from Chicago to the C. J. Bloom home where funeral
services were held at 2 Wednesday afternoon, the Rev. Wenrick, a personal
friend of Canton, officiating. Interment was in Glenwood cemetery
by the side of her husband.
Miss Davies Drowned at Towanda—Walks Singing to Death in Susquehanna.
Miss Irene M. Davies, about 55 years old, was drowned in the
river near the James Street bridge at Towanda about 11 o’clock Monday morning.
According to the Review she walked into the water singing. She was
a daughter of the late Lieutenant Governor Davies. Her mother survives,
a brother, Guy H. Davies of the Auditor General’s department at Harrisburg
and one sister, Mrs. Harry Harkness of Binghamton. It is said that
for years the river and other bodies of water had exerted a strange influence
over her, and she had been told by physicians to keep away from them as
in a moment of weakness she might plunge into her death.
Ola Johns.
Ola Johns, youngest son of Horace Johns, a veteran of the Civil
War, who was serving in the Navy, died of fever in a Base Hospital in Scotland
some weeks ago. The body was sent home at government expense and
was laid away in the family lot in the cemetery at Lawrence Corners on
Saturday, August 3d. There was a large attendance at the funeral.
A very pleasing feature of the service was the decoration of the casket
by a number of the Corners who marched in two and two, a boy and a girl—the
boy carrying a flag and the girl a bouquet of flowers-and as they filed
past the casket, the boy laid on it his flag and the girl her flowers.
They also formed a guard of honor from the church to the nearby cemetery.
The service was in charge of Rev. A. G. Cameron of Sylvania.
Ola Johns was almost 23 years of age and had served nearly a
year in the navy. He was a sunny, stalwart fellow, considerably over
six feet in height and the very picture of robust manhood.
There survive him, his father, one brother and four sisters and
numerous relatives.
He is the second of the Sylvania boys to be called away by disease
Volume LV, #33, Thursday, August 15, 1918
Mrs. Henrietta Rockwell.
Mrs. Henrietta Rockwell, widow of the late J. Calvin Rockwell,
died in West Burlington, August 4th, 1918, age 86 years, seven months and
four days. In early life she united with the Methodist church of
which she has always been a consistent member and active worker.
She is survived by nieces and nephews.
The funeral services were conducted by her pastor, Rev. Purkiss
at the West Burlington church Tuesday afternoon, August 6th, followed by
an interesting memorial service on Sunday evening, August 11th.
Charlotte Wolfe Gustin.
Release by death came on Tuesday morning to Mrs. Charlotte Wolfe
Gustin from a year or more of suffering at her home on Redington Avenue.
Born April 11, 1845, most of her life of 73 years was spent in this boro.
Mrs. Gustin is survived by two sons—Fred of Montour Falls, and
Thad; on sister, Mrs. Martha Harding of Williamsport; and three brothers,
Thad Wolfe of Canton; Horace L., of Troy and Howard Wolfe of Scranton.
The funeral will be held at the home at 2 Thursday afternoon, and interment
will be in Glenwood Cemetery.
Mrs. Sarah Cowl.
Mrs. Sarah Cowl, for many years until 1916, a respected resident
of this boro, died last Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W.
H. Bennett in Knoxville, Tenn. She was 73 and death was due to a
fall last autumn which fractured her hip.
Her husband died many years since. Besides Mrs. Bennett
she leaves two sons—William of Elmira and James Cowl of Troy. George
Bennett, a grandson, accompanied the remains to this boro and funeral services
were held at the M. E. Church at 1 o’clock Sunday afternoon, the Rev. G.
M. Perkins, officiating. Interment was at East Canton, the former
home of Mrs. Cowl, where numerous friends of thirty years ago gathered
to pay their last tribute of respect to the departed.
(Local News) Corporal Everett Shores of East Towanda, was killed in action in France on July 25. His death was officially reported to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bird Shores on Friday. Two other Towanda boys fell in battle—Donald Ross Conrad of East Towanda, and William A. Pratt of Third Street, Towanda. Corporal Shores was graduated from the Towanda high school, and of an agricultural school. He was 23 years old. He enlisted in Rochester last September and had been in France some months as a member of Co. D., 34th Infantry.
Volume LV, #34, Thursday, August 22, 1918
(Fairview News) Seth Loomis, an aged war veteran, died at the home of his son, John Loomis, August 8th.
Mrs. Wilmot E. Knapp Dies Suddenly.
Following an abdominal operation on Wednesday, Mrs. Wilmot D.
Knapp daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teeter of this boro, died Thursday
morning at the Arnot Ogden hospital in Elmira.
Mrs. Knapp was a prominent worker in the Woman’s Civic League
of Elmira which was urging her appointment as Police Commissioner.
She had recently declined to allow the use of her name as a candidate for
State Senator. She was born at Austinville, this county.
Besides her parents and husband, who is a leading attorney of
Elmira, she leaves one son, Charles, at home. Mrs. Stanley Moore
of Towanda is a cousin.
(Local News) Max Jenkins, a Canton boy, who had been in the regular army a number of years, died from shrapnel wounds in France, July 18th, according to a letter from France to his mother, Mrs. Jane Rinker. He lived an hour only after being hit. He is survived by four brothers and three sisters.
(Local News) Edward Leahy, Jr. fourteen-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Leahy died at the family home in Canton last Friday morning of peritonitis. He had been ill for a number of days but was not considered to be in a dangerous condition. Besides his parents he is survived by two sisters and one brother. The funeral was held from St. Michael’s church in Canton on Monday morning, Rev. Father Durkin officiated.
(Local News) Mrs. William Greenough died Thursday morning at her home in East Troy. The funeral will be held Sunday at 1 o’clock at the house and 2 o’clock at the East Troy M. E. Church, Rev. R. E. Brague will officiate. Mrs. Greenough is survived by her husband and four children: George at home; Mrs. John Woodward of Erin, N. Y.; Ernest Greenough and Mrs. LaVerne Payne, both of Bainbridge, N. Y.
(Local News) Mrs. D. A. Smith who had been in failing health for more than a year, died at the Park Hotel in Canton, Friday at the age of fifty-two years. About a year ago she submitted to an operation at a Williamsport hospital and for some time seemed to improve. Services were held from the home Monday by Rev. Mr. Wenrick of the Presbyterian church. The body was taken to Shamokin, Pa., for interment. Mrs. Smith is survived by her husband and one son, Edward.
Volume LV, #35, Thursday, August 29, 1918
(Local News) Dr. F. H. Riley returned Tuesday night from Canton, where he was called on Wednesday by the illness of his father, Thomas Riley, who died the next morning. Mr. Riley was seventy-three years old and had been a resident of Canton for a number of years. His only survivor is Dr. Riley. The funeral was held in St. Michael’s church in Canton, Monday morning in charge of Rev. P. J. Durkan.
(Local News) Charles E. Storrs, seventy-three years old and a veteran of the Civil War, died at his home in Alba on Sunday. During the past few years he had been blind. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon from the church in LeRoy and interment was in the cemetery in that place. Mr. Storrs was a member of Co. C, 7th Pennsylvania Cavalry. He is survived by his wife and two sons, Frank C., of Elmira Heights and Colin at home, who had taken care of his father and piloted him about in a most faithful manner during his many sightless years. Mr. and Mrs. Storrs and sons lived in Troy a few years ago.
(Local News) Thomas W. Callan, who spent some weeks here last winter with his brother, John J. Callan, the government engine inspector, died suddenly last Wednesday in Arizona. He went west in the hope of benefiting his health and was in the employ of the Southern Pacific railroad as a traveling auditor. He was confined to his bed only a few days. He was 32 years old. The body will be brought to the family home at Portsmouth, Va., where the funeral and interment will take place on Friday. This is the second death in Mr. Callan’s family in a few months, the first being a brother, who expired from pneumonia last November.
(Local News) George Childs, for several years an employe of the Troy Cigar Factory, but for some time incapitated by illness, died Wednesday morning at Burlington. Interment will be in Glenwood Cemetery, this boro.
(Local News) Recent deaths of Canton residents: At the Sayre hospital, where she had been for three years, Mrs. Clara Andrus of Canton, aged 56. At his home last Saturday, Mahlon Gage a Civil War veteran aged 74.
Volume LV, #36, Thursday, September 5, 1918
Robert A. McMahan.
Robert A. McMahan, who came to Troy fifty years ago from Vineland,
N. J., died at his home early Sunday morning from Bright’s disease, aged
73. Mr. McMahan was a veteran of the civil war and a member of the
Presbyterian church. His wife survives, two sons and two daughters;
Robert of Binghamton; Howard of Troy; Mrs. Fred Newell of Washington, and
Miss Harriet McMahan of Troy. Two brothers and three sisters also
are living—James of Troy; David of Athens; Mrs. Sylvester Sherman of Indianapolis;
Mrs. Sarah Pierce of Waverly, Mrs. Rockwell of Canton. The funeral
was held at the home Wednesday afternoon, the Rev. Edward P. Morse officiating.
The commital service at Oak Hill cemetery was in charge of Gustin Post,
G. A. R.
Volume LV, #37, Thursday, September 12, 1918
(East Troy News) Mrs. Charlotte Besley died at the home of her only son, Ernest, after a long illness.
(Local News) Daniel Heverly, one of the oldest men in Bradford county died Sunday morning at his home in Overton, aged 94. Last June 29th, Mr. and Mrs. Heverly celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary. The latter survives her husband. C. F. Heverly of the Bradford Star is a son.
Volume LV, #38, Thursday, September 19, 1918
B. J. Silliman Passes Away.
Mr. B. J. Silliman, long a well known resident of Troy and vicinity,
was found dead in bed at his home with his daughter, Mrs. Charles N. Green,
on Thursday morning.
Mr. Silliman was 79 years old. He was about as usual on
Wednesday, and retired in usual health. Life had been extinct for
some hours, when Mrs. Greene went to call him at 7 o’clock and found that
he had passed away. He was a devoted member of the Methodist church
and had long taken a lively interest in the Grange.
Two children survive, Mrs. Greene of Troy, and A. B. Silliman
of Boone, Iowa. The funeral will probably be on Sunday, dependent
on the arrival of the son from the West.
(West Burlington News) Dr. Phillips of Troy and Dr. Molyneaux of Sayre, performed an operation on Mrs. Murray Packard at her home Monday evening last. Mrs. Packard has been in poor health for some time. After the operation she grew weaker and Saturday evening at 9:30 she passed away. Miss Walsh, a trained nurse of Sayre, cared for her. Mrs. Packard was 67 years old and is survived by her husband and one sister. Mrs. Martha Cowell and two brothers, Martin and Frank Cary. The funeral will be held Tuesday at 12:30 at the home and 1 o’clock at the M. E. Church. Burial at Troy in Glenwood Cemetery.
(Local News) George Munn of Athens, died at the People’s Hospital, Sayre, on last Sunday. William Munn of Burlington, is a brother. One other brother survives, two sisters and a son in the army in France.
(Local News) Private Rodney Johnson, a South Towanda boy who left for Camp Meade, Feb. 28th, was killed in action on the Marne front in France on July 16th. He was a member of Co. K of the 304th Regiment, in which a number of Bradford county boys are serving.
(Local News) Announcement of the death of Benjamin P. Leonard of Leona, last Friday came as a surprise to his many friends and acquaintances, few of whom knew of his illness. Mr. Leonard was about as usual on Sunday. During the night he had an acute attack of heart trouble which later involved the stomach. One of his last wishes, expressed to those in attendance at his bedside, was that the Jersey heifer, “Dame Eaone” which he had given should bring the Red Cross a sum commensurate with his high regard for the organization.
(Leona News) On September 13th occurred the death of Benjmain
P. Leonard, who was born February 11, 1844, on the farm from which he crossed
the Great Divide. He was the son of Lafayette and Polly Leonard.
He leaves a son, Max B., who is with the boys in France; a son Lloyd L.,
who has been accepted for service and is awaiting call; a daughter, Madge,
and a brother, Austin Leonard. The funeral service was conducted
by the Rev. Perkins of Troy. The out of town attendants were; Mrs.
Robert Leonard of Trucksville, Mr. and Mrs. Addison English of Camptown;
and Mr. George Leonard, formerly of Troy.
(Local News) The friends of Sergt. Orson W. Wilcox of Wellsboro, are particularly depressed over the manner of his death in France. He had made a splendid record as a soldier and had won the French Cross of War for conspicuous bravery. In company with a Sergeant from Akron, Ohio, he was in the old French town of Augers when some thugs or apaches as they are called, begged tobacco from him. Upon being refused one of them drew a knife and stabbed him to death. His companion also was stabbed several times, but may recover. He was buried with military honors.
Volume LV, #39, Thursday September 26, 1918
Mrs. Martha Tomlinson.
Mrs. Martha Tomlinson, who had been confined to her bed and a
great sufferer for several moths at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E…a
Guild expired early Wednesday evening. She was 73 years old.
Nearly her entire life was passed in Troy. The surviving members
of her family are Mrs. Guild and one son Mr. V. E. Tomlinson. There
are living also a sister, Mrs. Thomas Comfort, and two brothers, Clarence
Wheeler of Troy and Merritt Wheeler of Elmira. From girlhood Mrs.
Tomlinson had been a consistant Methodist and the funeral will be held
from the church at 2 Saturday.
Springfield Boy Killed When Hun Shell Explodes.
Through Clarence Estep of East Troy news was received Tuesday
of death in France between August 6th and August 20th, of Russell J. Parmenter
of Springfield. The announcement came in a letter from Estep to his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Estep, written, on August 20th and received
on Sept. 24th. He was near Parmenter when he was instantly killed
by a big German shell. A Buffalo boy also made the supreme sacrifice
and a number of men were injured.
Russell Parmenter was a son of Brenton Parmenter of Columbia
X Roads and a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gates and Mr. and Mrs. James
Parmenter of Springfield. He was 20 years old enlisted two years
ago while employed in the Morrow plant in Elmira. He was in training
at Camp Wadsworth and went overseas in May, landing in France on Decoration
Day this year. He was in Company I, of the 108th Infantry, 27th Division.
Company L of Elmira is attached to this regiment. His last letters
to home folks a letter to his mother and another to his father were written
on Aug. 6th. No official notice has been received of his death.
His mother now Mrs. James Smith is a resident of Avon, N. Y.
He leaves also a sister Miss Mildred Parmenter in Elmira.
Clarence Estep escaped injury.
(Local News) An extended notice apperas in the Pipertone County Star of the death of I. V. Pierce, a native of Smithfield township, this county, who went to Minnesota in 1881. With his wife, daughter Aline and two other brothers. Mr. Pierce was returning to Pipertone from a day at Sioux Falls when he lost control of his big Studebaker car and it turned completely over on its top. The others escaped serious injury. He was a brother of the late E. C. Pierce of Troy. He leaves a widow, two daughters by former marriages in Minnesota and a brother and sister in Elmira. Mr. Pierce’s first wife was Alma Morgan of this county.
Volume LV, #40, Thursday, October 2, 1918
Sincere Mourning over Death of Dr. William A. DeWitt.
All of Troy mourns with the bereaved family the death of Dr.
William Armstrong DeWitt, who passed away at his home in Blossburg about
10 o’clock Monday morning. He had been ill since Thursday last with
Dr. DeWitt was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. William F. DeWitt
of this boro. He was born here Sept. 29, 1886; graduated from the
Troy high school in June, 1904, and that fall took up the study of medicine
in the University of Pennsylvania. He rounded out his professional
training with the Presbyterian hospital in Philadelphia. Just seven
years ago he came to the Cottage State Hospital at Blossburg as chief surgeon.
The growth of that institution in double its former capacity speaks for
his professional skill and administrative ability, which is further attested
in many ways. He was in wide demand as a consulting physician, a
director of the Miner’s National Bank of Blossburg, a member of the school
board, and eminent Commander of the Knights Templar Masonic lodge at Wellsboro.
His Masonic connections included also membership in the Williamsport Consistory
and the Mystic Shrine of Wilkes-Barre. Since boyhood he had been
a member of the Methodist church. Dr. DeWitt was a ceaseless worker
in whatever was a ceaseless worker in whatever enlisted his interest.
This fact, and native ability of a high order, accounts for the large place
of usefulness he had made for himself in the short span of 32 years of
earthly life.
He is survived by his wife who was Miss Mary Treat of Ardmore,
Pa., who lies seriously with pneumonia at the home in Blossburg, two little
sons, his parents, and one sister, Mrs. J. Maxwell Beers of Elmira.
The funeral will be held Friday at 12:30 p.m., at Blossburg and
the remains will be brought to this boro for interment in Oak Hill cemetery.
The services will be in charge of Tyagaghton Commander, Knights Templar,
of Wellsboro.
(East Troy News) Miss Alice Hickok died last Thursday, aged 50
years. She had been confined to her bed and a great suffer for several
months. Early in life she united with the M. E. church and had always
been a faithful member. Nearly her entire life was spent at East
She is survived by her father, W. H. Hickok of East Troy; a brother,
A. W. Hickok of Troy, and two sisters, Mrs. Carrie Blackwell of Troy, and
Mrs. J. L. Kilgore of East Troy.
(Local News) John Croak went to New Albany Monday night where he was called by the death of his father, Philip Croak, who died at the Packer hospital in Sayre Monday afternoon. Mr. Croak was 73 years old and had often visited here. The Funeral was held yesterday morning.
William A. Platt of Towanda lately killed in battle in France carried the full amount of soldier insurance, $10,000 which will be paid to his mother in the usual installments.
Horace Knickerbocker, and East Smithfield boy, was drowned with seventeen others of the cruiser “Salem”, near Key West, Florida. They had been ashore and were returning to the ship when their small boat capsized and all were lost.
Volume LV, #41, Thursday, October 10, 1918
Brakeman Falls to His Death at Snedekers.
Leo Ennis, a brakeman 20 years old, fell fro a fast south-bound
freight train near Snedekers about 2 o’clock Monday morning and was instantly
killed. His head was nearly severed from the body. No one saw
the accident and Ennis was not missed until the train reached Ralston.
A message to look for him located his body near the home of sectin Freman
Fitsgerald at Snedekers. The remains were taken to Elmira.
Ennis had been in the railroad employ about a year and a half, and made
his home in Elmira with Mr. and Mrs. John Pettingill at 458 South Avenue.
He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Ennis.
M. F. Hulslander.
M. F. Hulslander for the past twenty-five years a well know resident
of Burlington, died at his home on Monday evening, Sept. 23d, after a six
months illness of cancerous growth of the liver which dated back to an
injury received in an automobile accident a few years ago. He was
born in Sullivan, Tioga county, on June 28, 1851.
The funeral services were held from the Burlington Baptist church
in which Mr. Huslander had for many years taken so active a part, first
in its erection and later for many years in it’s maintenance. They
were in charge of the Rev. Seymour Barrett pastor of the Baptist church
of Tioga, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Percy of East Smithfield and the Rev.
Mr. Cretzer of Burlington.
Surviving are his wife, four daughters: Mrs. Myron Allen,
Center Valley, Pa., Mrs. Boyd Bailey, Shelly, Pa., Mrs. Albert Vandiver,
Elmira, N. Y., and Marian Rae at home, one son Alfred, at home and four
(Local News) Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hunt received the distressing news Monday evening of the death of their son, Earl Hunt, at Abingdon, Ill. The deceased was about 21 years old and a member of the Naval Reserves. His parents had lately returned from a visit to him. They received a message that he was ill and a later one announcing his death, presumably from influenza. Mother, father and sister have gone to Chicago where the funeral and interment will take place.
(Local News) Another brakeman, the second between Elmira and Williamsport this week, was killed at Trout Run on Tuesday. The unfortunate man, L. Wertz, leaves a wife and two children.
Bradford County Boys Die of Influenza.
A number of Bradford county soldiers have succumbed to Spanish
influenza in the various camps.
Howard L. Fox, formerly of Wyalusing, died at Camp Dix after
a brief illness.
Ralph M. Knapp, formerly of Luthers Mills, is another victim
of pneumonia following influenza. He died at Camp Lee, Va.
He was 28 and a son of Earl Knapp of Luthers Mills. Three sisters
and two brothers survive.
Volume LV, #42, Thursday, October 17, 1918
(East Troy News) Word was received here on Tuesday of the death from influenza at Camp Meade, Md., of Harry Piper, of Thayer, Missouri, whose mother was Fanny Leonard, formerly of this place, a cousin of Mrs. J. R. Jones. Mother and son spent some time here last summer, and all were saddened by his untimely death. Mr. and Mrs. Piper have one other son who is very ill at their home in Thayer.
(West Burlington News) M. A. Case was called to New Hampshire
to see his daughter Bertha who was seriously ill with pneumonia.
The sad news was received here that she passed away Friday morning before
her father arrived. The body will be brought to Alba for Burial.
On account of the influenza epidemic the services will be at
the cemetery.
(Newbury News) This community was saddened by the death of Mrs. John Newbury of Athens, who has spent her entire life here with the exception of the past few years. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Patterson and is survived by her husband, three sons and two daughters, also her parents, three sisters, five brothers and a host of friends. The funeral was held at the home in Athens on Sunday and the burial was in the Newbury cemetery.
(Local News) Evelyn Richards, 30 years old of Towanda is dead from pneumonia after a week’s illness. His wife is ill with influenza and all of his four children.
(Local News) William Chamberlain, about 35 years old, died Wednesday night of pneumonia, on the Silas Gregg farm in Wells township. He had been ill about a week. His wife survives and several young children.
(Local News) Newton Hickok died Sunday in Elmira after an illness of about three months, aged 73 years. The remains were brought to Troy Tuesday afternoon and burial was in Glenwood cemetery. He was an uncle of Geo. Hickok of this place. A sister, Mrs. Jared Manley of Canton, also survives. Mr. Hickok was at one time a resident of Troy having been interested in a meat market here.
(Local News) James Waldron, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Waldron of Burlington died at 12:30 Tuesday morning at Camp Newbury, N. Y. from lobular pneumonia, following influenza. He had been ill a week. His parents survive and a wife to whom he was married in New York city a few months ago. He was 20 years old enlisted more than a year ago. The remains were brought to Burlington for interment.
(Local News) Bertha Case, daughter of M. A. Case of Burlington, died last Saturday in Penacook, New Hampshire, where she had been for some time. Death was due to pneumonia following Spanish influenza. She was 31 years old. The remains were brought to Troy Tuesday morning and taken to Alba for interment. Besides her father she is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Herman Boyer and Mrs. Elwin McKean of Burlington and one brother Meade Case of West Burlington.
Volume LV, #43, Thursday, October 24, 1918
Troy’s First Soldier Dead Victim of Influenza in Training Camp.
The first Trojan to succumb to influenza and the first of our
soldier boys to be taken, passed out of life at Cambridge Springs, Pa.,
on Monday morning in the person of Frank M. Flick.
About two months ago he went, as a soldier, with Edward Morse
of Troy to Polish Alliance College at Cambridge Springs for special training
as an automobile mechanic. His musical ability as a pianist and cornet
player almost immediately won him membership in the camp orchestra, and
the days passed happily until two weeks ago when he was prostrated by the
prevailing influenza. Pneumonia and death followed. He was
a member of the M. E. Church, of the church orchestra, and of the Troy
Engine and Machine Band. He was graduated from Troy High School in
the class of 1916 and during his school days was a leader in athletics.
His last employment was with the Carpenter & Pierce Company as an automobile
demonstrator. A fine young man in every way, his death is sincerely
mourned. He was 22 on Oct. 15th, the youngest of seven sons of Mr.
and Mrs. A. W. Flick of whom four survive—Willis of Troy, Leland of Wilkinsburg,
Fred of Athens, and Milan in France.
Private funeral services were held at the home of his brother,
Willis Flick, on Wednesday afternoon, the Revs. Perkins and Morse officiating.
The interment in Glenwood cemetery was in charge of Gustin Post, Grand
Army of the Republic.
(Sylvania News) Mrs. Olin Bixby died of pneumonia on Sunday morning. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. Mr. Burgan officiating.
First Lieut. Lee C. Fletcher T.H.S. Graduate Killed in Action.
Notice was received Tuesday by Mr. and Mrs. George Fletcher of
Gillett, of the death in action in France on September 5th of their only
son First Lieutenant Lee C. Fletcher, of Co. K, 111th Infantry, of the
28th Division.
Lee Flretcher was an exceptionally fine young man. He was
graduated from Troy High School in 1911 and in 1915 from Union College
at Schenectady, N. Y. He enlisted in April, 1917 and was commissioned
Second Lieutenant after a course in officers’ training camp at Madison
Barracks, N. Y. In April of this year he was advanced to First Lieutenant.
He arrived in France about May 14th. On August 23rd in
a letter to home folks he wrote, “We are resting in a wood right in front
of some heavy artillery back of the lines, and when they fire it lifts
us right out of bed. Arthur (meaning Arthur Chase of Gillett) is
still with me. Germany knows she is fighting a losing fight, and
the Germans are simply scared to death of the Americans. We pour
artillery on to them until, as one prisoner said, “It just hailed.”
The Y. M. C. A. got some cake to us today, so we will have a feast.
Keep sending the pictures-they are fine. With love to all, Lee.”
He is survived by his parents and one sister, Mrs. Flossie Elston,
in the west.
Recent Deaths: At South Towanda on Saturday, of pneumonia Burton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burley Johnson. At the Packer hospital on Saturday, of influenza, Matthew Marshall of Franklindale. At Warren Centre, Howard Boland, who was taken sick at Lock Haven Normal school. In Towanda, on Monday, of typhoid pneumonia, George L. Wyath, 33 years old. He is survived by his wife, six small children, his mother, three brothers and three sisters. At Towanda, Mrs. Annie Weigelt, 74 years old. At Standing Stone, Margaret Sage, a school teacher 19 years old. At Homet’s Ferry, Private Raymond D. Biles, a student soldier in training at the univesity of Pittsburg.
(Local News) Louis R. Corbett, a former clerk in the Towanda postoffice, died Monday morning at the home of his parents. He was to have gone with the Board 1 Contingent to camp Greenleaf on Tuesday. He was 22 years old. Death was due to pneumonia following influenza.
Leona Man Dies With Influenza in Philadelphia
Nathan Bailey of Harrisburg died while filling a business engagement
in Philadelphia and his body was brought to the home of his mother Mrs.
Nathan Bailey of Leona. He was 28 years old and leaves a wife and
four children. Funeral services were held on Thursday from the Bailey
Dead in France to be Brought Back After War.
An Associated Press dispatch from the American Army Northwest
of Verdun, dated Oct. 22, says: “All the Americans dead in France will
be taken home after the war, according to orders received by the army chaplains.
The grave registration bureau have been working with this in view, but
nothing definite regarding the future disposition of the dead was known
here until instructions came to the chaplains from Washington.
Volume LV, #44, Thursday, October 31, 1918
James P. McGee, Long Engine Works Foreman Pneumonia Victim.
James P. McGee, since 180 connected with the Troy Engine &
Machine Company and for eighteen years foreman of the works, died Friday
morning at his home following a weeks illness with pneumonia. He
was 51 years old last April and leaves a wife and six children—James, Morris,
Mary, Thomas, Francis and William all at home except Morris who is with
the Naval reserves on the Pacific Coast. The funeral will be held
on Monday, probably at 10 o’clock.
Sergt. Lee Brooks and Harold Peters Fall in Great Battle That Won Hindenburg
Line.(There are Pictures of Lee Brooks and Corporal Harold Peters.)
In a letter from Sergt. Vincent A. Vineski, Co. G, 314th Infantry. The
death in action in France on Sept. 26 of Lee Brooks and Harold Peters of
this boro. October 13, 1918.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Brooks I presume by this time you have received
word from the War Department of Lee’s death, but as these telegrams simply
announce “Killed in action,” I feel it my duty to give you a little of
the particulars. Writing this letter is a mighty painful task for
me as Lee and I were sincere friends as far as we had gone in this game
and as you know for years before. Several times I have started to
write and simply could not. I can’t realize yet that he is not in
the company with me. Lee died as a hero should and just as you would
want him to go if it were ordained by the Almighty that he should fall
in this war. You can feel might proud of him, and you have this consolation
that he died in the American way by a bullet. He was shot through
the heart by a sniper as near as we can figure out though the machine gun
bullets were flying fast. Therefore his death was instantaneous.
He had an army burial with chaplain at the grave and his personal effects
were taken care of and I presume will be forwarded and reach you some time.
Harold Peters was killed the same morning, but not with Lee.
Lieutenant Cushing also received a bad wound near the heart, but at last
reports was getting along good.
(East Troy News) L. T. Weller one of the well known residents of this place died on Sunday at 11 o’clock, after a weeks illness. He had been in poor health for the last two years. He is survived by his widow and three children, B. H. Weller on the homestead farm, Mrs. Ida Sadler and Mrs. Geo. W. Baxter of Elmira. The funeral will be held Wednesday at 2 o’clock at the home, interment will be in Hilton Cemetery.
(West Burlington News) Frank Wilbur passed away Tuesday afternoon. He has been a great sufferer with rheumatism for a good many years and has not been able to walk in several years. He is survived by his wife and one son, Harry and three grandchildren. Funeral arrangements not made at this writing.
(Local News) About as usual Tuesday, Sylvester Putnam, a life-long, respected resident of Granville Centre passed away without warning at 3 o’clock Wednesday morning, age 78 years.
(Local News) Deaths at Canton: Sadie wife of Huston Wright; young children of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Naylor and Mr. and Mrs. Anson Page; George, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ketchem, in Elmira.
(Local News) Miss Florance Finnerty, well known here through her visits in the Shannon home on Elmira street, died in Watkins last Thursday following an operation for appendicitis. Burial was in Watkins last Monday.
(Local News) Leslie Cowl, son of Mrs. Ada Cowl of this boro died Wednesday afternoon from pneumonia following influenza. He was about 21 years old and two months ago married Miss Agnes Berwick who survives. He leaves also a brother, Merle Cowl, with the American expeditionary force in France.
(Local News) Arthur Chase of Gillett was with Lieutenant Lee Fletcher when he was killed in France. He writes of his friend and comrade’s bravery, of his commanding appearance and of his many friends in all ranks of the service. He attended the military funeral and burial of Lieutenant Fletcher in a cemetery in France in which many American boys are buried.
(Local News) Mrs. J. J. Crawford, at one time Miss Julia Ballard of Troy, passed away on Tuesday, October 29th, at her home in Amsterdam, N. Y., aged 81 years. She is survived by two sons Horace M. of Rochester and Robert of Amsterdam and one sister Miss Minnie Ballard of Troy. The funeral services will be held on Friday at 2 o’clock from the home of Mrs. Fannie Maxwell Long. Interment will be in the Ballard cemetery.
(Local News) Mr. and Mrs. E. Everett VanDyne left Tuesday for Fall River, Mass. In response to a telegram announcing the death of Mrs. A. A. Mills, mother-in-law of their daughter Elizabeth VanDyne Mills.
Mrs. John Newbury.
Mrs. John Newbury, who died of cancer at her home in Athens on
October 10th, was born in Springfield December 5th, 1876, the oldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Patterson. In young womanhood she joined the
Baptist Church at Springfield, she was organist for a number of years.
On September 7, 1897, she was united in marriage to John L. Newbury.
To them were born two daughters—Mrs. Glenn Wickham and Margaret and three
sons—Clarence and Arthur and Bernard, all at home. She is survived
also by her parents, three sisters, Mrs. Will Mason, Mrs. Chas. McKeel
and Ruth Patterson and Five brothers, Sydney Patterson of Elmira, George,
William, Cory and Harry Patterson all of Athens.
Most of her life was spent in Springfield and Columbia until
a few years ago she went to Athens.
The funeral was held at her home on October 13, Rev. Catlin of
Athens officiating. Burial was in the Newbury Cemetery in Springfield.
L. T. Weller Passes Away.
Mr. L. T. Weller for many years a respected, widely-known resident
of East Troy, passed away at his home last Sunday after four years of failing
health. Lelander T. Weller was born in the town of Vestal, Broome
county, N. Y., 81 years ago last Sept. 9th. There were nine children
in the family. While he was still young his parents moved to Athens
where he grew to manhood.
About 1870 began his residence near East Troy which continued
until his death. He was a veteran of the Civil War, a member of the
Baptist church and a Past Grand of Hector Lodge of Odd Fellows of East
For many years he was the Treasurer of the Bradford County Grange
Mutual Fire Insurance Company. His life record in that of an upright,
useful citizen. He married Jane Dunham of Chemung County, N. Y. who
survives him with three children—Mrs. Ida Sadler of Elmira; Benj. H. Weller
of East Troy, and Mrs. George W. Baxter of Elmira.
Funeral services were held at the home at 2 o’clock Wednesday
afternoon, the Rev. C. L. Terrill officiating and interment was in the
Hilton Cemetery.
Volume LV, #45, Thursday November 7, 1918
Milan Flick and Arthur Chase Make Supreme Sacrifice.
Another crushing blow came to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Flick on Monday
in the announcement of the death of their son, Milan who fell in battle
on Oct. 29th, Frank their youngest son died in training camp Oct. 21st.
Milan Flick was born Sept. 3, 1894. He was a member of
the M. E. church and of the Engine-Machine band while a resident of Troy.
Four years ago he joined Co. L, of Elmira and saw service in Mexico.
He was in the Medical corps doing heroic service on the Western front when
he made the supreme sacrifice. News of his death came in a letter
by Charles Stanton who was himself later wounded, in a letter to his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stanton, from which we quote:
“Milan Flick was killed on the battlefield Sunday, Sept. 29th.
He fell not far from me. He did wonderful work, all the boys speak
of Flick and his good work. The regiment that I am in was the first
wave of the fight; Milan carrying on with us, caring for the poor wounded
lads. He had a smile and a drink of water for all, beside care for
the wounded. He did his work under the heaviest of the fire.
Daniel Chase of Gillett, has official notice of the death in
battle in France on Oct. 1st of his son Arthur Chase a fine young man who
served under Lieutenant Lee Fletcher also of Gillett whose fall was reported
a few weeks ago.
James Patrick McGee.
James Patrick McGee, son of James and Mary McGee of Williamsport,
Pennsylvania, was born April 2d, 1867. He was educated in a parochial
school in that city. Upon completing the course he entered the employ
of the Williamsport Machine Company as an apprentice in the machine department.
He served his time in learning the machinist trade, and in 1890 came to
Troy to work at steam engine building as the industry was just started
in the town.
Mr. McGee proved to be a rapid, accurate workman. In 1900,
when Jacob Mayer resigned, he was appointed foreman with whole charge of
the machine shop employment, which position he held until his death.
In business he was a hard worker, understood his work, understood his men,
and his constant aim was to make the production of the shop the very best.
He was tactful, straightforward and progressive. He enjoyed seeing
the business prosper and had a good part in the growth it attained during
the years he was connected with it.
The influenza epidemic which brought sadness to so many happy
homes throughtout our land entered his hoem and claimed its head.
He was taken ill Wednesday, October 23d, and passed to the world beyond
Friday, Nov. 1st. During his illness, he was surrounded by his beloved
and devoted wife, four sons and one daughter, one son being absent on the
Pacific Coast in the service of his country.
He is survived by his aged mother who was present at the funeral,
his wife, daughter of Morris and Johanna Reidy, His five sons, James, Maurice,
Thomas, Francis and William and one daughter, Mary, and two brothers John
A. and William J. of Williamsport. He had one sister, Kathrine, not
married who died in Williamsport early last years.
Interment was in St. John’s Cemetery in Troy Sunday afternoon,
in the presence of a large gathering of relatives and friends, no other
service being possible at this time due to the State Board of Health’s
ban to combat the influenza.
(Local News) Harry I. Craven died Monday at his home in Canton of pneumonia following influenza. He was 38 and is survived by his wife and mother.
(Burlington News) R. P. Hill a much respected citizen and trusted friend, formerly of Burlington passed away at his home in Elmira Sunday night, after a brief illness of influenza followed by severe shock from which he never rallied. His remains will be brought to this place Wednesday. Buried will be in the Oak Grove Cemetery. He is survived by his wife and four children: Harry, Sherman and Mrs. Bessie Petterson of Elmira, and Miss Agnes Laura Hill, Replacement agent of the Children’s Aid Society in New York City.
Volume LV, #46, Thursday, November 14, 1918
(East Troy News) Clayton A. Montgomery, who had been in poor health
for some time, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. George Warner last
week Tuesday.
A prayer service was held at the house by Rev. N. Johnstone and
the remains were taken to the home of his son in Athens, where the funeral
was held. Interment was in Tioga Point cemetery by the side of his
(Local News) Mr. and Mrs. Nels Borgeson of this boro, are in receipt of a government message that their eldest son, Ernest, is dead in France from pneumonia. They have two other sons in the service in France.
(Local News) Earl Hilkert, employed as an expert “pan” man at the John Wildi Condensery died Thursday morning at the Frank P. Case home after week’s illness with pneumonia. He was about 22 years old and leaves a wife of 19 and two children, the youngest a baby a few months old. Mr. Hilkert came to the Wildi Co. from near Bernice, Pa., the first of the present month.
(Local News) Canton people were particularly saddened a few days ago by news of the death in France of Leroy G. Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee Clark. He enlisted with the Bucknell University ambulance unit and had seen much active service. His conspicious bravery had won him the French Cross. He was 22 years old and a graduate of Bucknell. Death came from a German bomb dropped on the barracks in which he and others were sleeping.
(Local News) Thomas W. Johns was found dead in the woods on his farm in Rutland. He had been ill and ventured out to gather fagots for fireplace when death came from a heart weakened by influenza. He was 49 years old and leaves a wife, four children and his mother. He was a lawyer. The body was taken to Williamsport where burial took place in Wildwood cemetery on Thursday.
(Local News) The funeral of Mrs. James Scouten was held Friday from her home in Leona. Burial was in East Smithfield cemetery.
(Local News) Village mail carrier Guy Woleslagle received the sad news on Tuesday of the death at Fleming, Pa., of his brother, Perry Woleslagle.
(Local News) Funeral services for Claude E. VanKeuren, one time of Troy, were held at the residence on South Avenue in Elmira on Monday evening. The remains were taken to Muncy, Pa. for burial.
Volume LV, #47, Thursday, November 21, 1918
Simon H. Stanton.
For more than a year a great suffer, Simon H. Stanton passed
peacefully away last Saturday evening Nov. 16th, 1918. He was born
at Owego, N. Y., August 7th, 1835, and had therefore reached the ripe age
of 83 years, 3 months and 9 days. Fifty-seven years ago last August
27th he married Hila Rockwell, who survives with two sons, Edward L. and
Charles E. Stanton, Norton, who completed the family circle, passed on
two years ago. Mr. Stanton came to Troy from Burlington in 1878.
A kindly man of sound judgement and unwavering integrity, he was justly
looked upon as one of Troy’s substantial citizens. He was a faithful
devoted member for half a century of the Baptist church which for a long
time he served as deacon. Besides his wife and sons he leaves a sister,
Mrs. Mary Patterson, thirteen grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.
Two of the former are with the American Expeditionary force in France.
It was a matter of satisfaction to him to have lived to see the end of
the war.
Funeral services were held at the home at 2 Tuesday afternoon,
the Rev. N. Johnstone, his pastor, officiating. Interment was in
Glenwood Cemetery.
Sergt. Arthur Chase.
David Chase, of Gillett, Pa., received an official notice that
his youngest son, Sergeant Arthur Chase, was killed in action October 3.
Being out of the draft age, yet realizing the need of his country, he willingly
offered his services. He went to Ft. Howard, Md., December 19, 1917,
where he passed examination, and was accepted for service. He was
sent to Augusta, Georgia, where he was assigned to Camp Hancock, Company
K, 111th infantry.
Later he was sent to Camp Upton for final preparation.
On May 30, he was sent to France. His letters to his home friends
were always hopeful; only relating the bright side of Army life.
Sergeant Chase possessed a bright, cheerful disposition and his death brings
sadness to many. He will be greatly missed in the community in which
he has always lived. He was a member of the Baptist church and always
took an active part in anything that was for the uplift of the community
or mankind.
Besides his father he is survived by two sisters, Mrs. LaMont
Berry, well known in Troy; Mrs. D. W. Frazer, Wayland, N. Y., and one brother,
D. W. Chase, Connemaugh, Pa.
(Local News) A. O. Ludington has word of the death overseas of his nephew, Leonard A. Smith. The young man was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Smith of Syracuse, and he was mortally wounded on Sept. 29th in the drive which began on the 26th and cost the lives of so many Americans including several from this county.
Volume LV, #48, Thursday, November 28, 1918
(Local News) Fatally burned in the afternoon by her dress taking fire from the kitchen stove, Mrs. David Case died at her home in the Bohlayertown neighborhood last Thursday night. She was about 75 years old. Her husband survives, and one daughter, Mrs. Grant Williams of Philadelphia. Funeral services on Saturday at the home were conducted by the Rev. Perkins of the Methodist church of which deceased was a member. Interment was in the Case cemetery.
(Local News) Reports continue to be received of American soldiers killed in battle, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Crandle of Grover, have such a report concerning their son, Ray Crandle. He was with the Company L Boys and had seen considerable service. Floyd Parmenter is another. He formerly resided at Gillett but went to war from the employ of the Elmira trolley lines on which he served as a motorman. He was killed Oct. 24th.
Volume LV, #49, Thursday, December 5, 1918
(Picture) Scott Comfort Reported Dead in Germany.
Wounded July 20th and taken prisoner soon after returning to
the front, Scott Francis Comfort, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Comfort of
this boro is officially reported dead in Germany. If he had been
released from military prison death must have come while he was on his
way to the allied lines. The telegram bearing the sad news came Wednesday
morning from Washington, as follows: Mr. William Comfort, Troy, Pa.
Deeply regret to inform you that the American Attache at Berne, Switzerland,
reports Private Scott F. Comfort. Infantry, to have died in Germany.
Harris, Adjt. General.
Sisters Die Within Three Hours Each Other.
Stricken with influenza, one on Friday, the other Saturday morning,
Nov. 23, Dora Campbell Beach and Helen Campbell Hunsinger died within three
hours of each other from pneumonia on Monday morning at the home of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Campbell in the W. S. Nearing house, this boro.
Dora 22 years old, was the wife of George L. Beach of Smithfield,
and Helen the wife of Frank Hunsinger of West Burlington. The latter
only 18, married last August, was about to begin housekeeping and had come
home for necessary sewing in which her sister and mother were assisting.
They had two quils done, when the entire household was stricken down.
With the grief stricken husbands and parents are left two sisters—Hazel
and Louise and two brothers, Fanning and Lawrence Campbell.
Joseph W. Campbell, the father, is the manager of the Farmers’
and Consumers’ Commercial Union, and the family came to Troy last January
from Wetona.
The double funeral was held from the home at 1:30 Thursday afternoon
the Rev. George M. Perkiss, their pastor, officiating. Burial was
in Glenwood cemetery.
(Local News) Franklin Shaylor Brooks, a well known resident of Ulster, formerly of Springfield, died last week at the home of his step-daughter with whom he had lived for two years. He was a native of Haddam, Conn., and 77 years old.
(Local News) The remains of Mrs. Thomas McCabe, who died last Friday at the home in Buffalo of her daughter, Mrs. Margaret Brown, were brought to Troy Sunday evening and taken to the home of her cousin, Mr. C. B. Pomeroy where funeral services were held on Monday afternoon, the Rev. E. P. Morse officiating. Interment was in Glenwood cemetery. Mrs. McCabe was a daughter of V. M. Long, deceased, and a half sister of the late Brewster A. Long.
Mrs. Max Young Succumbs to Pneumonia.
Mrs. Alma Hicks Young, wife of Max Young, died at their home
at Wetona last Saturday, Nov. 30th. She had been ill about a week
with pneumonia. She was the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. L.
Hicks, and was born in Springfield 33 years ago. Mrs. Young had been
a member of the Methodist church from girlhood, and leaves a large circle
of friends. Her husband survives, eight children, the oldest 16,
the youngest a son of three weeks, her parents, one brother, William Hicks
of Springfield and a sister, Mrs. Belva Eiffert of Berrytown. The
funeral was held at the home on Tuesday, the Rev. Sears officiating, and
interment was in the Wetona cemetery.
Well Known Veteran Dead.
Charles B. Hulslander, a civil war veteran well known in Troy
was stricken with apoplexy about 4 o’clock last Sunday morning and died
at 11 at his home in Sullivan township. Mr. Hulslander was 71 last
June. He leaves a wife and three daughters and four sons by a former
marriage. He was a great lover of music. Though not a Mason
the Masonic Quartette came from Elmira to sing at his funeral which was
held at the home on Tuesday. Interment was in the Hulslander cemetery
near by.
(Local News) Miss Coral Lee Wolcott of Cleveland, Ohio, daughter of the late Marchant Wolcott of Troy, passed away Nov. 23d, 1918. She was 23 years old and leaves four sisters—Kathryn, Mildred, Martha and Nancy of Troy. Her mother was Cora Winkes of Cleveland, Mr. Wolcott’s first wife.
(Fairview News) Mrs. Henry House, an aged lady of Mt. Lake died at her home Sunday.
Volume LV, #50, Thursday, December 12, 1918
Report Confirmed of Death in France of Bradford County Boys.
Mr. and Mrs. Layton Stone of Springfield, have the crushing intelligence
from Washington that their sons Lynn and Frederick both are dead in France.
About a week ago they were notified that Lynn had made the supreme sacrifice,
and last Sunday a telegram came that Fred, previously reported missing
in action was now known to be dead. The place and manner of death
will not be known until later. The doubly inflicted family have the
deepest sympathy not only of their immediate circle of friends, but of
the entire county.
Corporal Charles G. DeVo, grandson of Mrs. E. T. Buffum, who was known here by his stepfather’s name of Kerrick, was killed in action Nov. 10th, in France.
Miner J. Tunnicliff.
Miner J. Tunnicliff of the garage firm of Slingerland & Tunnicliff,
died Saturday evening at his home in Redington Avenue from pneumonia following
He was ill about a week. He was 31 years and 6 months old,
and leaves a wife and three young children. His parents also are
living, Mr. and Mrs. Seward Tunnicliff of Gillett and several brothers
and sisters. “Monte” Tunnicliff, as he was known to his intimates, was
a skilled mechanic, and leaves a large circle of friends. There is
universal sympathy for the bereaved family. The funeral was held
on Tuesday at the Methodist parsonage, the Rev. G. M. Perkins officiating.
Interment was in Glenwood cemetery.
(East Troy News) Mr. and Mrs. LaMont received word Sunday morning of the serious illness of their son’s wife. Mrs. Ray LaMont. She passed away Sunday afternoon at 5 o’clock at the family home in Greens Landing. Death was due to pneumonia following an attack of influenza. The funeral was held at the home in Greens Landing on Wednesday. Mr. LaMont and daughter are also ill with influenza.
(Local News) William Harrison Jackson, seventy-eight years old, and a veteran of the Civil war died in Burlington on December 6th. Death was caused by pneumonia. The funeral was held from the home of Fred Haven in Wetona, Monday. Interment in the Smithfield cemetery.
(Local News) G. Lewis Young, infant son of Max and the late Alma Hicks Young, died last Sunday in Wetona, aged 4 weeks. Funeral services were held at the home at 3 Monday afternoon and interment was in the Wetona cemetery.
(Local News) Edward S. Ripley, fifty-two years old, died on Monday at his home near Mainesburg of pneumonia. He leaves a wife and four children.
(Local News) William Delos Lyons, the five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyons of Elmira, died at the Thomas Kinch home in this boro last Sunday.
(Local News) Mrs. Winona Evans died Wednesday night at the home in Sullivan of her father, James Norwood. She was 23 and leaves a son of 3. Her husband died some years ago. The funeral will be held at the home at 11 Saturday morning, and interment will be at Waverly.
(Local News) Robert Kinney died Wednesday morning from pneumonia following influenza, at his home on the Seth Sherman farm in Springfield. His wife survives and several children the eldest about 17. He was ill two weeks. The funeral will e held at 11 Friday morning at the home.
(Local News) Anna Dillon Stanton, younger daughter of the late George Dillon died at her home in this boro Thursday morning from lobar pneumonia. She had been ill two weeks. Besides her husband, Grover Stanton, who has been very ill, she leaves a sister Mrs. Clark Joralemon of Troy, three brothers Joseph Dillon of Dunnings and William and Arthur Dillon.
(Local News) Long in poor health, Morris Scouten expired at the Charles Stanton home on Monday, aged 65. He is survived by one son, Clifford, who was graduated from Mansfield Normal school and taught for some time before entering the army. He is at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. The remains were taken to the home of Miss Fannie Scouten, a cousin, at Sylvania, where funeral services were held Thursday afternoon, the Rev. Cameron officiating. Interment was in the Sylvania cemetery.
Volume LV, #51, Thursday, December 19, 1918
Wallace Newell Succumbs to Apoplexy Carrying Heavy Parcel from Post
About half way up the steep hill from Canton street to his home
on Chestnut street last Friday evening, Wallace T. Newell fell dead from
apoplexy. His body was found ten minuets later by Albert Putnam.
Mr. Newell had suffered from heart trouble for some years.
He was carrying home from the post office a 50 pound parcel of merchandise.
One of the clerks, knowing somewhat of his illness, had cautioned him against
the extra exertion, but he undertook the task which undoubtedly hastened
the end.
Mr. Newell was born in Farmers’ Valley July 17, 1859. He
clerked for Dewitt & Ballard and other firms in young manhood and later
joined his brother, the late Perry Newell in the ownership of the store
now conducted by William Erk. He interested himself in the Troy shoe
factory and was the principal owner when it went out of business some years
ago. Latterly he had been a traveling salesman. His first wife
Laura R. Roberts of Grover, died in 1886, leaving a daughter Laura, now
Mrs. Howard McMahan. In 1888 he married Nellie Gordinier who survives
with two children, Violet and Charles.
For many years he had been a deacon of the Church of Christ and
leaves a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Funeral services
were held at the home at 2 Monday afternoon, the Rev. Cadwell of Canton
and the Rev. Morse of Troy officiating. Interment was in Oak Hill
(Local News) Because they were so well known the news was received with special regret and sorrow in this boro of the death of Mrs. Lena Bradford Strong at Columbia X Roads on Friday and of Mr. Frank Besley of Columbia township on Monday morning. Both were victims of influenza. Mrs. Strong was the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bradford who with the husband, William Strong, a sister, Mrs. Crittenden of Oswayo, and two brothers have the sympathy of all. Mr. Besley was of the firm of Besley Brothers , livestock dealers. He is survived by his wife, a young daughter, his mother, Mrs. William Besley and one brother Roy Besley. The funeral of Mrs. Strong was held at the home on Tuesday and that of Mr. Besley on Wednesday, both being brought to this boro for interment in Oak Hill Cemetery.
(Local News) Samuel Soper, reported very ill by our Austinville correspondent, died on Tuesday at Lewisburg, Pa., where the funeral and interment took place on Thursday.
Volume LV, #52, Thursday, December 26, 1918
Orin F. Price.
Orin Fenton Price for many years a respected business man of
this boro expired Saturday morning at the home in Center street of his
son, Frank Price. He would have been 85 years old on next February
4th. His last illness began on Thanksgiving day when for the first
time in fifty-three years he was compelled by illness to seek his bed.
He was a member of the Baptist church. Two sons survive and one daughter,
William O. and Frank Price of Troy, and Mrs. W. E. Holdren of Hastings-on-the-Hudson,
N. Y. Funeral services were held at the home at 2 Monday afternoon
and interment was in Glenwood cemetery by the side of his wife who died
two years ago last August.
(Granville Summit News) Aaron Robert Delancey died of influenza early Monday morning, Dec. 23, 1918. He was born in Philadelphia, Sept. 14, 1899, and had two brothers and three sisters. After the death of his father he came at the age of eleven years to live in the home of Jay Spencer where he remained until last September when he entered the employ of Chas. Shoemaker at whose home and by whose family he was tenderly cared for during his sickness. The funeral was held Tuesday. Rev. Alfred Trickett officiating and burial was at Granville Center. Aaron was a young man of exceptionally fine character, a member of the Church of Christ at Granville Center and a thorough gentleman with high ideals. A singer whose heart was in his songs his own son of live is ended and we mourn, but with the assurance it will be continued in a better country.
(Local News) Mrs. Fred A. Sutton died Tuesday at the family home at Roseville, from influenza and pneumonia, aged about 32 years. Besides her husband, a baby a few weeks old and two other children, she is survived by her mother, Mrs. Isaac Richmond and two brothers, Colie Richmond, a lawyer, and Rell at home.
(Local News) Robert Burns, a highly respected colored resident of Troy, died at his home on the Sylvania road Monday morning following a brief illness with pneumonia. He leaves a wife and several brothers and sisters. The funeral from the home was conducted by the Colored Baptist minister from Elmira on Christmas afternoon, and interment was in Glenwood cemetery.
(Local News) Among the very ill at Canton is Mrs. LeGrand Watts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cornell who is suffering from a reinfection of typhoid fever. Later Mrs. Watts died Thursday morning.
(Local News) Mr. Fred Hunsinger was called to Kane, Va., last
week on account of the illness and death of his son, Harry. Mr. Hunsinger
arrived home Saturday morning with the body. The funeral services
were held at home Monday afternoon at 1 o’clock. Interment was at
Mr. and Mrs. George Hunsinger of Towanda, and Paul Hunsinger
of Philadelphia were here to attend the funeral of their brother, Harry.
(Local News) Mrs. Dayton Ingalls, 25 years old daughter of James Arnold died early Thursday morning at the home in John Street, of her sister, Mrs. Arlie Tillotson. Her husband survives, a brother in France, and the one sister. The funeral will be held at 1 Saturday afternoon at the Center Street church of Christ.