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Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette
Register 1918 - Yesterday's News |
These clippings from ancient
and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are
being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily
we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage
and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles
that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations
at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from
the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings. Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here. If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Partitioned PICO Search Engine which you can reach from current What's New Page of the site. There is a partition just for the TGR Clippings. |
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Mrs. George Mason and daughter, May of Clymer, Pa., have been visiting at E. F. Bristol’s.
Volume LV, #7, February 14, 1918
Much sympathy goes out to N. P. Austin and family over the sad news that their son Homer lies very low in a hospital in Texas, where he was sent after enlisting in the Aero Division of the war.
Volume LV, #9, February 28, 1918
Mrs. Fred Rogers spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Rockwell near Sylvania.
Mrs. Lettie Austin Smith of Pittsburg and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Austin spent several days at N. P. Austin’s, coming to attend the funeral of their nephew, Homer Austin.
Volume LV, #10, Thursday, March 7, 1918
Mrs. E. B. Field and daughter Emma of Bohlayertown, spent Sunday at B. A. Burnham’s.
Volume LV, #11, Thursday, March 14, 1918
Mrs. B. A. Burnham and son, Clyde spent Saturday at J. L. Ferguson’s.
Volume LV, #12, Thursday, March 21, 1918
Mrs. Delos Kiff and daughter, Helen, spent last week with her parents in Canton.
Volume LV, #13, Thursday, March 28, 1918
Mrs. Robert Palmer was in Troy the first of the week assisting her son Roy and family who are moving to Troy.
Mrs. Lulu Christopher and children of Sunbury recently visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Klinger.
Miss Celia Bullard of the Mansfield S. N. S. passed a few days Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bullard.
Volume LV, #14, Thursday, April 4, 1918
Mrs. T. L. Kinch and daughter, Arian of Alba, came Friday to spend several days at J. H. Lyon’s and with other relatives.
Mrs. Martha Berry and daughter, Jennie of Berrytown, came to spend Sunday at L. F. Everts’.
Little Edith Rogers daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rogers, fell into a pail of hot water last Monday scalding her arm and hand.
Craig Kennedy fell on a broken dish at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bristol last Thursday, cutting his arm so that Dr. Boyer took five stitches in it.
Volume LV, #16, Thursday, April 18, 1918
Miss Eloise Sherman and brother, Arthur Ross, spent the week-end in Elmira with their brother, Richard and family.
Volume LV, #19, Thursday, May 9, 1918
J. L. Ferguson suffered a paralytic stroke Sunday morning. His condition at this writing is about the same with small chance for recovery. His son, Frank of Granville came Sunday and stayed with him until Tuesday. A son-in-law, Rev. Campbell, from near York, Pa., arrived Tuesday to remain for a time with him.
Volume LV, #21, Thursday, May 23, 1918
Mrs. J. H. Brown of Cleveland, Ohio, came last week to spend some time with her son, Rev. Frank Brown at the W. M. Parsonage.
Volume LV, #22, Thursday, May 30, 1918
Lynn Sweeney came from Barryville, Pa., last week for a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sweeney.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lyon went last Friday to Elmira for a few days with their son, Mason and family.
Mrs. Delos Monroe went to Elmira Monday to visit her daughter, Mrs. John Dunbar.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burnham and son, Elmer of Ovid, N.Y., came by automobile Saturday to see the former’s mother, Mrs. John Burnham returning home Monday.
Volume LV, #26, Thursday, June 27, 1918
Theodore Gantz returned to his home in Washington, Pa., after spending a week here with his son Frank and family.
Mrs. L. R. Lyon went to Berrytown last week to care for her newly arrived grandson, Hartley Everts, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Everts.
News reached here that Gerald Niel Austin, a nephew of N. P. Austin was killed in France, June 4th.
Volume LV, #27, Thursday, July, 4, 1918
Mrs. Crawford Grieves came from Cleveland, Ohio, Monday to spend the week with her mother, Mrs. J. L. Ferguson.
Volume LV, #28, Thursday, July 11, 1918
Mrs. A. F. Holmes and daughter, Hazel, motored to Newberry, Pa., last Friday to attend the funeral of a cousin, Miss Daisy King of that place. Miss King went to Porto Rico about two years ago to teach and contracted the tropical fever. She taught languages at the Mansfield Normal several years, had studied abroad and was a teacher of exceptional ability. Her mother was Sarah Field of this place and had many relatives here and in this vicinity. Only her father, A. W. King of her own family survives.
Volume LV, #29, Thursday, July 18, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. John Carnwright went Monday to visit their daughter, Mrs. Walter Weaver at Burlington, Otsego county, N. Y.
Volume LV, #30, Thursday, July 25, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morgan and son Frances of Sullivan, spent Sunday at T. F. Morgan’s.
Volume LV, #31, Thursday, August 1, 1918
Mrs. Ecroyd and daughters, Sarah, Sue, Eleanor and Mrs. Warner came by auto from Hughesville for a couple of days at Harry Lyon’s last week.
An official message from Washington reports the death of Ola Johns in Scotland from disease, June 27.
Volume LV, #34, Thursday, August 22, 1918
Mrs. George Mason and children of Clymer, Pa., came last week to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bristol.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith (nee May Rogers) and three sons of Osceola, Pa., motored to Canton last week for the Field reunion. They came over the mountain calling on relatives and friends.
Volume LV, #34, Thursday, August 29, 1918
Anna Alexander and Wayne and Geraldine were with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Sherman over Sunday.
Volume LV, #36, September 5, 1918
Alice Morgan, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Morgan, was very ill last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Holmes and daughter, Abby, returned home to Brooklyn Monday night.
Eugenia Nash, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Nash, was very ill all last week, but at this writing is improving.
Edward Lyon and family attended the wedding of Mrs. Lyon’s sister, Miss Gertrude Clarke in Smithfield Tuesday.
Volume LV, #37, Thursday, September 12, 1918
Mrs. Elmer Clark of Covington, is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. George Morgan.
Mrs. T. F. Morgan is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. Grace Howe at Tioga.
Volume LV, #38, Thursday, September 19, 1918
A letter to T. F. Morgan received Monday tells of an accident in Minnesota causing the death of Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Pierce seriously hurt. Mrs. Pierce who is a sister of Mr. Morgan, H. S. Morgan and Mrs. M. P. Austin, was formerly Mrs. Stanley Lyon of Canton and has many friends here.
Volume LV, #39, Thursday, September 26, 1918
Misses Sarah and Sue Ecroyd came Monday to spend a few days with their sister, Mrs. Harry Loyn.
Volume LV, #41, Thursday, October 10, 1918
Mr. Elmer C. Burr of Troy came Sunday to spend a few days with his daughter, Mrs. Robert Conner.
Volume LV, #42, Thursday, October 17, 1918
Mrs. Hazel Rogers Rockwell of Susquehanna county came last Thursday to spend a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rogers.
Mrs. Robert Palmer went to Canton Tuesday to care for her son Roy who is ill.
Volume LV, #46, Thursday, November 14, 1918
Mrs. Walter Everts and sons of Berrytown spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Lyon.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark’s daughter, Gertrude, has scarletina. Not very sick but the family is quarantined.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wilcox and daughter Mildred of Union spent Sunday at Robert Sweeney’s.
Vernon Brown came from Michigan Tuesday to visit his parents Rev. and Mrs. Frank Brown.
Troy Gazette-Register
Troy, Bradford County, PA
Volume LVI, #1, Thursday, January 2, 1919
Mrs. Cora Guthrie Smith, called here by the illness and death of her mother, Mrs. Charles Murray, returned to her home at Corry, Pa., last week.
Mrs. Virginia Gray of Williamsport was here for the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Murray.
The funeral of Samuel Gafford was held at the Baptist church last Tuesday.
Volume LVI, #2, Thursday, January 9, 1919
Mrs. Earl Simcoe of Wetona spent last week with her sister, Mrs. John Scott.
Mrs. L. R. Lyon went Saturday to Berrytown to spend several days with her daughter, Mrs. Walter Everts and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark spent the week-end in Troy with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wood.
Volume LVI, #3, Thursday, January 16, 1919
Henry Johnson is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Samuel Gafford.
Mrs. George Morgan is in Covington caring for her mother, Mrs. Elmer Clark who is ill from a paralytic shock.
Volume LVI, #5, Thursday, January 30, 1919
Mildred Rogers, who has been with her sister Mrs. Arthur Rockwell in New Milford, Susquehanna county for several months, is with her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rogers.
Volume LVI, #6, Thursday, February 6, 1919
Delos Monroe was in Pine City, N.Y., Saturday and Sunday visiting his daughter, Mrs. John Dunbar.
Volume LVI, #12, Thursday, March 20, 1919
Mrs. E. F. Bristol started Monday for Virginia to be with her daughter, Mrs. Max Kennedy who is seriously ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sweeney attended the funeral of Mrs. Phoebe Smith in Bohlayertown Thursday.
Volume LVI, #13, Thursday, March 27, 1919
Mrs. Hiram Lyon and daughter, Bessie, were in Elmira Monday to attend the funeral of Mrs. George Covert who died Saturday morning at home of her daughter, Mrs. Cola Lyon at Orchard Park, N.Y.
Mrs. Layton Lyon and son Raymond spent Sunday at B. A. Burnham’s.
Mrs. Olen Jackson and daughter Lillian of Sullivan spent Saturday at T. F. Morgan’s.
Mr. Theodore Gantz came Tuesday from Washington, Pa., to spent several days with his son, Frank Gantz and family.
Volume LVI, #14, Thursday, April 3, 1919
Miss Bessie Lyon is spending a week in Smithfield with her brother, Edward Lyon and family.
Leon Nash went to Alba Tuesday to see his sister, Mrs. Henry Isaacs who is very ill. His brother, Roy Nash of Sullivan returned from a soldiers camp in Virginia last Saturday.
Volume LVI, #17, Thursday, April 24, 1919
Liston Alexander spent the later part of last week with his grandmother, Mrs. O. B. Sherman.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rogers were over Sunday guests of their daughter Mrs. Earl Simcoe and family near East Troy.
Volume LVI, #18, Thursday, May 1, 1919
Miss Viola Truesdale of Troy and sister of Maryland visited at James Dibble’s last week.
Homer Dunbar attended the funeral of his brother, Clarence, at East Troy, Wednesday of this week.
Volume LVI, #20, Thursday, May 15, 1919
Mrs. Robert Palmer visited her son, Roy and family in Canton last week.
Mr. and Mrs. William Boyce and daughter Clara attended the funeral of Mrs. F. Sargeant at Troy, Sunday.
Volume LVI, #26, Thursday, May 26, 1919
Mr. D. E. McMahan and daughter Margaret of Athens visited Mrs. O. B. Sherman yesterday.
Mrs. Edith Alexander of Troy, visited her mother, Mrs. O. B. Sherman a few days ago.
Volume LVI, #27, Thursday, July 3, 1919
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Klinger and son of Beloit, Wisconsin came Monday to spend a couple of weeks with the former’s mother, Mrs. Perry Klinger.
Volume LVI, #28, Thursday, July 10, 1919
Mrs. Hazel Rockwell and children of Cuyler, N.Y., came last week to spend a couple of months with her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rogers.
Mr. Truedsale of Troy, spent the “4th” with his daughter, Mrs. James Dibble.
Mrs. Hooker of Troy, came Saturday to spend a few days with her son Harry at B. J. Allen’s as he was not feeling as well as usual.
Volume LVI, #30, Thursday, July 24, 1919
Mrs. Addie VanNess came from her home in Bohlayertown for a few days this week with her sister, Mrs. J. L. Ferguson.
Volume LVI, #31, Thursday, July 31, 1919
Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Everts, daughter Mildred and son Adrian recently spent the day at M. S. Sherman’s.
Marion Lyon of Elmira has been spending part of her vacation with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lyon.
Ruth and Hazel Alexander of Troy have been visiting their grandmother Mrs. O. B. Sherman.
Volume LVI, #32, Thursday, August 7, 1919
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Sherman and daughter Dorothy came Wednesday from Philadelphia to spend a couple of weeks with his mother, Mrs. J. L. Ferguson.
Emory Lyon and son Randolph of Elmira spent Sunday at J. H. Lyon’s.
L. R. Lyon and family motored to Berrytown Sunday to spend the day with their daughter, Mrs. Walter Everts.
Volume LVI, #33, Thursday, August 13, 1919
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bristol came Saturday from Watertown for the wedding of the former’s brother, Merle Bristol.
Mrs. May Davis and daughter, Elsie, of Elmira, visited here last week.
Volume LVI, #35, Thursday, August 28, 1919
Mrs. George Field (nee Eva Allen) and son of troy spent several days last week at B. J. Allen’s. Mr. and Mrs. Field move to Nichols N.Y. soon where they have brought a farm.
Volume LVI, #36, Thursday, September 4, 1919
About fifty people surprised Ralph Sweeny last Friday night, it being his twentieth birthday. An enjoyable time was had by all.
Volume LVI, #38, Thursday, September 18, 1919
Miss Ruth Klinger visited her sister, Mrs. Lulu Christopher in Nanty Glo, Pa., last week. The Christophers returned home with her for a visit.
Adolphus Teeter and daughter Hazel of Havelock, Nebraska, visited at N. P. Austin’s last week.
Volume LVI, #41, Thursday, October 9, 1919
Robert Sweeny and family motored to Ridgebury Sunday to visit their son Allen and family.
T. L. Kinch and children Rosa, Arian and Leon and Carolyn Lynn came up from Alba Sunday in their car to attend church here.
Volume LVI, #44, Thursday, October 30, 1919
Liston Alexander of Troy spent last week with his grandmother, Mrs. O. B. Sherman.
Volume LVI, #45, Thursday, November 6, 1919
Mrs. T. F. Morgan is at Tioga caring for her granddaughter, Mary Howell.
Fred Burr of Corning is visiting his sister, Mrs. Robert Connor.
Volume LVI, #46, Thursday, November 13, 1919
Robert Sweeney and family motored to Arnot last week Tuesday to attend the funeral of Fred Keagle.
Mrs. Elmer Clark of Covington is visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Morgan.
Volume LVI, #47, Thursday, November 20, 1919
Wilbur, six-year old son of Charles Cole has scarlet fever.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mayo started from North Dakota Tuesday, Nov. 18th to spend the winter here with their daughter, Mrs. Olfa Overein.
Volume LVI, #48, Thursday, November 27, 1919
Mr. and Mrs. Finan McIntosh who have been spending the summer with Mrs. Nan Cowan went last week to Niagara Falls to spend the winter with their daughter, Mrs. Lewis Junk.
Volume LVI, #49, Thursday, December 4, 1919
Mrs. J. L. Ferguson, went last Friday to visit her daughter, Mrs. L. R. Lyon, in Farmers’ Valley.
Liston and Wayne Alexander of Troy visited their grandmother, Mrs. O. B. Sherman, last week.
Volume LVI, #50, Thursday, December 11, 1919
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sweeney and daughter Bernice attended the funeral of John Lowe in Granville on Saturday.
Mrs. Leon Boucher and daughter Helen spent Friday in Troy at E. F. Bristol’s.
Mrs. J. L. Ferguson is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Agnes VanNess.
Volume LVI, #51, Thursday, December 18, 1919
Miss Nellie Filby of Washington, Pa., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Gantz.
Volume LVI, #52, Thursday, December 25, 1919
William Rogers of Kansas is visiting his brother, F. A. Rogers.
Marvin Rogers went to work for his brother, Burrell last week Thursday,
as Burrell is laid up with a broken arm.