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Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette
Register 1902 - Yesterday's News |
These clippings from ancient
and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are
being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily
we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage
and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles
that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations
at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from
the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings. Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here. If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Partitioned PICO Search Engine which you can reach from current What's New Page of the site. There is a partition just for the TGR Clippings. |
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Twenty-first Year, #988, Thursday, January 2, 1902
Mrs. Lib. Simerson, of Sylvania, Sunday, December 29th of pneumonia.
William R. McMahan, of Troy, Sunday, December 29, aged 87 years.
At Austinville, Mrs. Sarah Price, December 26, aged 84 years.
Burton A. Porter.
On December 21st, 1901, the M. E. church at Windfall was crowded with people assembled to look for the last time on earth upon the face of Burton A. Porter, one of our best known and leading citizens.
Nearly all of his life of sixty-two years has been spent in this community, where he has been loved, as husband, father, and friend. In 1864 he enlisted for three years in service for his country, remaining until the close of the war. He has been an active and honored member of the G.A.R. Was the means of establishing the Windfall post office, where he has for years been postmaster. As a merchant his recommendation of goods could always be relied upon.
Among his immediate relatives he leaves two brothers, Arthur in Philadelphia, Carlton, one sister, Mrs. Fanny Burroughs and son Fred, all residing in Auburn, N. Y. The wife and daughter, Nellie, being the only members of his home at the time of his death.
His death, which was the result of an operation for hernia, has been a shock to the community, only one short week of suffering lying between the usual pleasant, general greetings in business and social circles and the triumphant home-going which occurred on December 19th, 1901.
Twenty-first Year, #989, Thursday, January 9, 1902
(Local News) Harold, the 12 year old son of Station Agent W. H. Osborn of Athens, was struck and instantly killed by the Black-Diamond express at Athens Friday evening, his head and limbs being torn from his body.
(Local News) Oliver A. Gilbert and Mrs. Gilbert of Montrose have fallen victims of the smallpox, Mrs. Gilbert dying on the last day of the old year, and Mr. Gilbert on Monday morning, who contracted it from her. No other cases of the dreaded disease have been discovered in that locality.
W. LeRoy Scouten.
W. LeRoy Scouten, a well known farmer and resident of Sylvania borough, died at his home Friday night last week of pneumonia after an illness of only a few days, aged 65 years.
All hearts were saddened, for he was greatly beloved by all who knew him. He held the office of Justice of Peace. The wife and sister left to mourn his loss, have the sympathy of the large circle of friends and neighbors, who knew him only to love him. Methodical and careful in all his business dealings, he was an earnest christian of that broad type that saw Heavenly Father as a Being who loves all His great family. The choir of which he was a leader was present and sang, with deep feeling, the hymns that were so dear to him.
Rev. Amanda Deyo, by his request, was called to officiate at the funeral services on Monday at 2 p.m., assisted by Rev. W. I. Burrell of Sylvania.
Mrs. Eliza Snedeker.
Eliza, wife of W. H. Snedeker, Sr., of Snedeker, passed away at her home Saturday, January 4th, from apoplexy.
Mrs. Snedeker was born in Madison County, N. Y., November 25th, 1822. On February 7th, 1844, she was married, and moved to Snedeker in 1865, where she has passed a life of great usefulness, an estimable woman, beloved by all. She was the mother of seven children, three sons and four daughters, two sons and two daughters and her husband surviving her: W. H. Snedeker, Jr., and A. E. Snedeker of Snedeker; Mrs. J. W. Ryan of Syracuse, N. Y., and Mrs. C. W. Mitchell of Troy.
Funeral services were held at the home Tuesday at 11 o’clock, conducted by Lecturer Franklin Steiner of New York. Burial in Oak Hill cemetery, Troy.
F. C. Baker, an old resident of Austinville, died at the home of Burt Wilson in that place, Tuesday morning, aged about 70 years.
Twenty-first Year, #990, Thursday, January 16, 1902
Young Girl’s Tragic Death.
The 16 year old daughter of Leonard Warner of Spring Hill, this county, met a tragic death one day recently,, as recorded by an exchange. With three young lady companions, she was coasting on a hill near the home of one of the young ladies. On one of the trips down the hill, the sled capsized at a bend in the road, and all of the occupants were thrown off. Miss Warner did not seem to be hurt at the time, and the girls made merry over the accident. On the way home however, Miss Warner was stricken, and it was necessary to carry here to her home. Physicians discovered that the accident had injured her head and that clots of blood had formed. Death resulted the following day.
Sudden Death at Alba.
Wednesday morning, Jefferson Loughhead of Alba, dropped dead. He was delivering milk at the Alba creamery, and while at work he suddenly fell over and was found to have expired, death coming from heart disease. Mr. Loughhead was an old and respected citizen of Alba boro, age 69 years. He leaves a family.
Mark H. Abbey of Springfield, January 12th, of apoplexy, aged 58 years.
Twenty-first Year, #991, Thursday, January 23, 1902
Elmer Osborn, an old and respected citizen of Windham, died there on January 7th, aged 71 years. He is survived by his wife and two sons, Piatt of Windham and William of Burlington.
Mrs. John Henry Wood, of Coryland, Thursday, January 16th, aged 60 years.
Twenty-first Year, #993, Thursday, February, 6, 1902
(Local News) Choral H. Webler, one of the oldest settlers of Armenia, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ed Cass in Troy township, Tuesday, Feb. 4th. He was 85 years old and has resided in Armenia and Troy over 60 years. The funeral will be held Friday.
(Columbia X Roads) A. Buchanan, an esteemed friend and neighbor, who has been long a resident of this township, passed away last Saturday. He had been out of health for some time, but able to be about until a very short time before his death. Services were held at the home Thursday, interment at cemetery in Coryland.
(Coryland News) Abram Buchanan died at the home of his son Irvin near Austinville last Saturday. Interment in the Presbyterian cemetery of this place on Tuesday.
Twenty-first Year, #994, Thursday, February 13, 1902
Mrs. Eliza Goddard Ward.
On Saturday, Feb. 8, in West Burlington, occurred the death of Mrs. Eliza Goddard Ward, at the age of 82 years, 4 months, and 19 days. She had been in declining health for some years, but a few months since she experienced a slight shock, after which she rapidly declined to the end. Her husband, Ransom Ward, died some years ago. She leaves a brother and a sister, George Goddard and Julia Ann Goddard, also three children, Hiram Ward, with whom she lived, Mrs. Celinda A. Phillips of Elmira, and Mrs. Julia E. Smith of Troy. She united with the Free Baptist church of East Troy soon after her marriage and has lived a consistent christian life for over 60 years. The funeral was held on Monday, Feb. 10th, at her home and was largely attended. She is buried at the old Hilton cemetery but the memory of her cheerful contented life remains with us.
Marcus Strange.
Marcus Strange was born in Freetown, Mass., April 20, 1832. When he was six years old the family moved to Sullivan, Tioga county, Pa. At 20 years of age he learned the carpenters’ trade and settled in Springfield. He was united in marriage to Sarah M. Johnson of Lapeer, N.Y., Nov. 30, 1854. To this union were born tow children, Mina Strange McCarrick, who resides in Elmira, and Charles, who was with his father during the last year of his illness. He united with the Baptist church forty years ago and ever since maintained a strong faith in God, being a man of untarnished character, and having many friends. He lost his health and was obliged to give up work seven years before his death, and during all these years was a great sufferer. He departed this life in Springfield Feb. 7, 1902, aged 69 years, 9 months and 18 days. His wife, son and daughter survive him. His funeral was held from his late residence Feb. 11th at 2 o’clock, Rev. Philander Reynolds officiating.
Ezra B. Price of Burlington, Sunday, Jan. 26, of heart failure.
Emlen, youngest son of Solomon and Clara Leonard of Granville Center, Friday, Jan. 26, after a short illness.
Solomon Seafuse, at the home of his son Aaron in Wellsburg, Saturday, Jan. 25.
Chas. Stevens of Franklindale, Saturday, Feb. 8.
Edward Oldroyd of Mansfield, Feb. 8, of pneumonia, aged 52 years. Deceased was a few years since a resident of Troy township, father of Jesse Oldroyd of Troy. Remains were brought to Troy for burial where funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock in the Methodist church conducted by Rev. Ward Mosher.
John Kiely of Hornellsville, Feb. 8, of pneumonia, aged 66 years. Remains were brought to Troy for burial Tuesday where funeral services were held at St. John’s church at 10 o’clock.
Abraham Buchanan of Columbia, Feb. 1st, of Bright’s disease, aged 53 years.
Mrs. Ill, at the county poor farm, Burlington, Feb. 4, aged 80 years.
Henry Hanscom of Marshlands, Tioga county, Feb. 3d, aged 81 years. Deceased was the father of Wesley Hanscom of Granville. Burial at Windfall.
Twenty-first Year, #995, Thursday, February 20, 1902
(Local News) John Rolison of Union, Tioga county, suffered a stroke of paralysis last week Thursday, resulting in his death Saturday. A. L. and H. C. Rolison, brother of the deceased, attended the funeral Tuesday.
(Local News) Word was received here of the death of Jolie Rockwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Rockwell of East Troy, from diabetes, in Iowa on Monday, who with his parents left a few weeks ago for a visit with his brother Carl at the place of his death.
Philander Hagerman.
Philander Hagerman died at 3 o’clock Tuesday morning at his home, 149 Cayuta street, Milltown, from erysipelas from which he had been ill for about a week. Mr. Hagerman formerly resided at Wetona, Springfield township, of this county and moved to this place about a month ago. His age at the time of his death was 57 years. He is survived by his wife and two sons, F. C. and H. R. Hagerman both of whom reside at home. The body will be taken to Wetona Thursday morning at 8 o’clock for funeral and interment. The funeral will be held at the Wetona church at 1 o’clock Thursday afternoon. –Athens News.
Death of Clarence E. Huntley.
Clarence E. Huntley of Garette, Ind., a conductor on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, was killed in a railroad accident Thursday, February 13th. He was on the homeward trip from Chicago to Garette, and with his flagman was in the caboose when a freight collided with his train in a rear-end collision, killing them both instantly.
Mr. Huntley was born in Phoenix, Otsego County, N.Y., January, 1876, and was married to Miss Edith VanHorn of East Troy in December 1896, who with two sons, aged four and two years, survive him. The community at East Troy, where he was well known and liked, was greatly shocked at the news of his death.
Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred VanHorn received a dispatch stating his death and the body, accompanied by two railroad men accompanied of the deceased, was brought to Troy Sunday morning, and taken to the East Troy Baptist church, where funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Mansfield.
(Alba News) Mrs. Wm. Reynolds died Friday night, Feb. 14th. The funeral was held Monday. Burial at Alba Cemetery.
Belinda M. Bullock of Springfield, Feb. 14, of paralysis, aged 75 years.
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Mattocks of Springfield, Feb. 14, of old age, aged 81 years.
Mrs. Jerome Perry of West Franklin, Tuesday, February 11th.
A daughter, 5 mos. Old, of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Stone of West Franklin, Sunday, February 9th, of pneumonia.
C. Graves, of Wells, Sunday, February 2nd, of dropsy, aged 70 years.
(Local News) On Monday of last week occurred the sad death of William, a six year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Seeley Fletcher of Armenia. The little fellow was playing hide and seek with some other children about the kitchen when he ran into a corner and knocked down a loaded weapon, which was discharged, the load entering the child’s head, causing instant death.
Mary Melinda Bullock.
Mary Melinda Bullock passed from this earthly life Feb. 14th, at the home of her niece, Alice Crediford, Springfield Centre. Her beautiful life had endeared her greatly to her large circle of friends and relatives. The funeral was held in the Springfield Universalist church.
Deceased was a teacher many years. Living a single life, making no home of her own, yet in the largest of families always the school where she had taught seventy-five terms. Her whole life was an exponent of her religion of love. She was born in 1827 and was at the advanced age of 75 years. Her many friends came from far and near in loving remembrance of her many virtues in the earth life. Her passing away was peaceful, with but a brief struggle. Rev. A. Deyo of Troy officiated at the funeral in the Springfield church, assisted by the Baptist pastor, Rev. Philander Reynolds.
Twenty-first Year, #996, Thursday, February 27, 1902
(Local News) The death of Mrs. Irene Amanda Austin, a former resident and sister of Mrs. J. C. Fuller of Sullivan, aged 70 years, occurred at her home in Goshen, Ind., January 29th.
Mrs. William Reynolds of Minnequa, Friday, February 14th, aged 84 years.
Geo. M. Lewis, of Wells, February 23rd, of general debility, aged 80 years.
Mrs. Sarah M. Knapp, of Snedeker, February 25th, of pneumonia
Mrs. Martha J. Meeker, of Troy township, February 25th, of general debility, aged 65 years. Mrs. Meeker was the mother of Wm. Meeker of Troy. Funeral services were held this afternoon at 2 o’clock in the Presbyterian church, conducted by Rev. E. P. Morse.
Mrs. Samuel Tolbert of Granville Center Sunday, February 23rd, aged 71 years.
Mrs. Samuel Tolbert.
A correspondent says: Mrs. Samuel Tolbert died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Rockwell, in Granville Centre Sunday, aged 71 years. The deceased had resided in Sayre with her son, Samuel Tolbert, and was known there. Samuel Tolbert of Sayre and Grant Tolbert of Athens are among the six sons and five daughters surviving.
Mrs. Lydia Wood.
Mrs. Lydia Wood, whose home was in Wellsboro, died at the home of her son, Seth Wood, of Troy, Wednesday evening, about 8 o’clock.
Mrs. Wood suffered a stroke of paralysis about eighteen months ago, and lighter shocks following afterward finally caused death. She has been in Troy since October last. She leaves beside her husband, Frank, three sons and three daughters to mourn her death: H. W. and Seth of Troy; Seba of Charleston, Pa.; Mrs. Charlotte Catlin, of Elmira; Mrs. Eva Belanger and Lydia of Wellsboro.
The remains will be taken to Wellsboro tomorrow, where funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock.
Twenty-first Year, #997, Thursday, March 6, 1902
Ira Pierce Sherman.
Ira P. Sherman died at the Sayre hospital Monday Night at 7:30 o’clock. Mr. Sherman had been ill for nearly nine years, and about two weeks ago he was taken to the hospital at Sayre for operation. This was Successfully performed and he appeared to gain and his family here received encouraging news of his condition. His long weakened strength could not withstand the heavy strain, however, and he began to fail Friday. News of his failing condition was forwarded to his family, but which, owing to the practical impossibility of quick communication which has been experienced the last few days, the word was not received here until after his death. Much sympathy is expressed by the many friends of the deceased for the bereaved family.
Mr. Sherman came with his parents from Newport, Rhode Island, where he was born in 1849, first making their home in Rutland. Later he moved to Troy. On January 1, 1873, he was married to Emma Lymans of Burlington. To them were born four children, who with Mrs. Sherman, survive: Henry C. of Troy; Theodore, of Elmira; Grace, Mrs. Willis Flick, and Mrs. Anna Watson of Troy.
Funeral services will be held in the Methodist church Friday at 10 o’clock a. m., conducted by Rev. Ward Mosher, with a short prayer service at the home at 9:30 o’clock.
Nehemiah Shaw.
Nehemiah Shaw died at his home on Elmira street Sunday evening, March 2nd, about 11 o’clock, from a sudden attack of heart disease.
Deceased was born in Warren County, N.Y., July 7, 1814, a son of Nathaniel and Clarissa Shaw. He was reared in his native county, where he obtained his education in the schools of that period. He learned the carpenter’s and millwright’s trades, in which he engaged himself for some years. Afterwards he entered the lumbering business at Fort Edward, N.Y. In 1837 he was married to Rachel, daughter of Ira Cole, of Warren County, N.Y. To them was born one daughter, deceased. At Fort Edward he had built under his instructions what is known to lumbermen as a flat or rolling gang, which was afterward brought to Elmira by rail and transported to Williamsport on sleds. This, in 1852, was the first introduction of an iron flat gang saw mill on the Susquehanna, and at this point he began operations on the West Branch. He was associated with the lumbering firms of Blanchard, Gregg & Co., and Shaw & Merrille, operating over large districts in Lycoming, Clinton, Potter, Elk and Clearfield counties.
His first wife died in February, 1888. On November 10th, 1891, he was married to Nellie Shannon, of Troy, Pa. Mr. Shaw was a recognized pioneer in the lumbering business, and an active and upright businessman. He was lastly engaged in business with the lumbering firm of N. Shaw & Co., of Williamsport, from which he withdrew early in the previous year. In March of last year he purchased the Peleg Peck residence in Troy on the corner of King and Elmira streets, coming here the same month to make his home.
Funeral services were held at his late home Wednesday morning at 9 o’clock, conducted by Rev. Sidney Winter of the Episcopal church. The remains were taken to Williamsport Wednesday for burial.
(Alba News) Eugene Denun’s daughter was buried Friday. She had sugar diabetes, and blood poison set in on one of her fingers where she had a hang nail which was torn loose.
Twenty-first Year, #998, Thursday, March 13, 1902
(Local News) Harley Packard, a son of the late Mrs. Rebekah Packard, died Friday, February 28th, at Covington, aged 70 years.
Arnold Worden.
Arnold Worden died about midnight last Friday, following an operation for appendicitis. He had been suffering from this disease for some time, and at the time of his operation, which was performed by Dr. Nutt of Williamsport, it had assumed a very severe form, and there was very little hope of his recovery. His death occurred within a few hours. He was about 25 years of age and had been working on C. Addison Wright’s farm. He was an industrious man, and well liked by all who knew him. His wife and family have the sympathy of a wide circle of friends in their affliction. The funeral was held in the Presbyterian church at East Canton, Monday afternoon, Rev. H. B. Allen, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. –Canton Sentinel.
Mrs. Catherine McTique of Burlington, of general debility, Sunday, March 2nd, aged 75 years.
Ahava L. daughter of Bert Garrison of Roseville, of membranous croup, Sunday, March 2, aged 2 years.
Julia Ruggles of West Burlington, Friday March 7th, of congestion of the lungs, aged 9 years.
Helen, daughter of George B. Lewis of LeRoy, March 2nd, aged 10 months.
Twenty-first Year, #999, Thursday, March 20, 1902
Fell From a Tree.
Benton Lindley fell from an apple tree on Tuesday of last week and sustained injuries from which he died within a few hours, says the Canton Sentinel. He was working for Lewis Brothers, near LeRoy. He was about 55 years of age, and unmarried. After his fall he managed to get to the house, but was hardly able to articulate, and almost immediately sank into a comatose state, from which he never rallied. Death was due to a blood clot on the brain. Dr. Davison was summoned, but the man was beyond help.
Sad Death from Careless Handling of a Gun.
Harry D. Camp of Herrick township was shot in the right leg Friday afternoon, the gun being discharged by being carelessly handled by a friend. The wound caused was a frightfully lacerated one and the young man was brought here Friday night where an amputation of the leg was made, but he died Saturday morning from the shock, says the Athens News.
Dr. J. S. Lee, a brother-in-law of the wounded man, was at the gun club meeting and he immediately rushed to Camp’s assistance. He found that a large artery in the leg had been completely severed, that the femur bone had been shattered in a horrible manner at a short distance above the knee and that the large and badly lacerated wound was filled with shot wads and particles of clothing, making the injury an exceedingly severe one. Dr. Lee at once bandaged his leg to stop the flow of blood and he was taken as soon as possible to Rummerfield.
Camp was brought to Athens Friday night on No. 7, which arrived at 7:45, by Dr. Lee, accompanied by Dr. Stevens of Herrick, and was taken to the Robert Packer hospital. Dr. C. H. Ott at once made an amputation and it was though at first that the injured man would live, but he died at 6 o’clock this morning from the shock caused by the frightful nature of the wound and from the amputation.
Harry D. Camp was one of the best known young men in the section of the county in which he resided. He was 27 years of age, and was a graduate of the Susquehanna Collegiate Institute at Towanda and of the Wyoming Seminary. He lived with his father, J. L. Camp, one of the wealthiest and best known men in Herrick township. He leaves a wife and a 15 months-old daughter and his father, and mother, and two sisters, Mrs. J. C. Lee and Mrs. E. G. Putnam, wife of the superintendent of schools of Staten Island.
The body was taken to the undertaking rooms of J. W. Grumme and prepared for burial and was shipped Saturday afternoon to Rummerfield and from there to Herrick for the funeral and internment.
Emmett Baker.
Emmett Baker died at his home on Porter road Sunday afternoon, after a long illness, aged 68 years.
Mr. Baker was born in Rutland, Tioga Co. His parents were Mr. and Mrs. Hariln (as is) Baker, who first settled in Wells, afterward moving to Rutland and later to Troy township, and was one of six children, John, George, Sarah, Wilmot, and William F.
Deceased was a well-to-do farmer, highly respected by his many friends who sincerely mourn him. He is survived by his wife. One child a son, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Baker, which died in early manhood in 1883.
Funeral services were held at the home Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock, Rev. E. P. Morse officiating. Burial in Oak Hill cemetery.
Galusha York.
Galusha York died at his home in Sullivan at 5 o’clock, February 28th, aged 84 years and 11 days. He was born in the town of Brookfield, Madison Co., N.Y., Feb. 17, 1818. He came to this place while still a young man, and settled on the place now owned by Stephen Mudge, and later moved to his home near Elk Run, says the Mansfield Advertiser. He was highly esteemed by his fellow men as being an honest and upright citizen. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife and eight children: Bird B., of Elk Run; Giles B., of Sylvania; Ralph A., and Milton H., at home; Mrs. Leon Wood, of Elk Run; Mrs. Charlie Everitt of Voltus; Mrs. Clyde Everitt, of Scouten Hill, and Miss Pearl at home, besides a large circle of friends and acquaintances.
The funeral was held from his late home, March 4th, Rev. Burrell, of Sylvania, officiating. Burial in Gray Valley Cemetery.
Leah H. Morley of Springfield, March 13th, aged 2 months, daughter of Earl Morley.
Emmett Baker of Troy, March 16, aged 68 years.
Mrs. Phoebe Ann Webb, of Burlington, March 16th, of old age, aged 91 years.
(Local News) John Harley Packard of Covington, born in Mainesburg, and a life long resident of Tioga county, died a few days since, at the age of 70 years.
(Local News) The death of George E. Bullock, president of the First National Bank and a prominent and respected citizen of Canton, occurred at his home in that place Monday of last week.
(Local News) The mother of Z. Y. Bailey of Leona, Mrs. Z. Y. Bailey, Sr., of Elmira, died March 16th.
(Alba News) Mrs. Emeline Freeman died Monday afternoon at Tim Cooney’s. The funeral is today.
Mrs. Sarah Searles, of Eat Troy, March 19.
Guy Dennis Bailey, son of Fred and Ella Bailey of Springfield, March 20th, aged 2 years.
Death of Mrs. A. A. Darrow.
Died at Owego on Sunday, March 16, 1902, Lydia Newell Tripp wife of Asa A. Darrow, aged 80 years. She was the last surviving child of Edward and Lydia Tripp, who came from Rhode Island to nothern Pennsylvania in the opening years of the last century. Her maternal grandmother was named Franklin and was a first cousin of Benjamin Franklin. Lydia Newell Tripp was born in West Warren, Bradford county, February 8, 1822. On December 24, 1845, she and Asa A. Darrow were married at Orwell, and there they made their home until in April, 1879, when they removed to Owego to reside on Front street, with their only son, Frank A. Darrow. A year later they moved into the present beautiful home on the south side, where her declining years were passed and where her death occurred. She is survived by her husband and son.
Funeral services were held on Wednesday afternoon. –Owego Record.
Twenty-first Year, #1001, Thursday, April 3, 1902
(Local News) Miss Alice Grimes received a dispatch Tuesday morning stating the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Mary Fennell of Colorado City, Col., and Tuesday afternoon another announcing her death about 8 o’clock that morning. Miss Grimes left for that place Wednesday morning.
Silas L. Whitaker of Berrytown, March 29th, of spinal difficulty, aged 37 years.
Susan M. Ruggles, of Burlington, March 30th, of general debility, aged 77 years.
Twenty-first Year, #1002, Thursday, April 10, 1902
Mrs. G. B. Kendall.
Sara E. wife of G. B. Kendall of Jefferson, Iowa, died Wednesday, March 26, of pneumonia. Mrs. Kendall had been recovering from an attack of typhoid fever when a relapse occurred, pneumonia setting in. Deceased was a resident of Burlington where she had always lived until her marriage with Mr. Kendall some years ago.
Daniel Bradford.
Daniel Bradford died at the home of his son, Fred D., on Elmira street Saturday, April 5th. He had bee a sufferer from cancer of the stomach for some time, which, with a complication of other ailments, caused his death.
Deceased was born in Columbia township on March 16, 1831, a son of Joseph R. and Mary Bradford, natives of Rhode Island. In 1829 the parents removed to Columbia township, where they were engaged in farming, again removing in 1837 to Tioga county, where the father died in 1867, aged sixty-five years.
Mr. Bradford was reared from six years of age in Tioga county, where he received a common school education. After reaching his years of manhood he engaged in farming in Tioga county until 1865, at that time moving to Columbia township, where he has since resided on a farm, within a few months of the time of his death, when he came to Troy.
He was married on March 30, 1853, to Melinda, daughter of Robert and Mary Card of Tioga county, and to them were born one son, Fred.
Mr. Bradford was an active worker in religious and business affairs, a member and elder of the Sylvania Presbyterian church, a prominent and enterprising farmer. In politics he was a staunch Republican, and served two terms as county commissioner.
Funeral services were held Tuesday, a short prayer service at his late residence at 10:30 a.m., service at the Sylvania Presbyterian church at 12:30 p.m., conducted by the pastor, Rev. G. Cameron, assisted by Rev. E. P. Morse.
Mrs. Mary A. Wood of Troy, on Porter road, April 7th, of pneumonia, aged 46 years.
Twenty-first Year, #1003, Thursday, April 17, 1902
Mrs. Mary E. Bartow, of West Burlington, April 11th, aged 67 years.
Miss Sophia Wolcott, of LeRoy, Friday, April 4th, aged 81 years.
Mabel, daughter of J. M. Sweeley and wife of Rutland, April 9th, of diphtheria, aged 15 years.
(Local News) Mrs. Mary Wolcott Stone died at her home in LeRoy, Sunday, March 30th, aged eight-two years. Her sister, Miss Sophia Wolcott, aged 81 years, who has resided with her for many years, died the following Friday, five days later.
(Austinville News) Mr. and Mrs. Edsall were called to Elmira last week to attend the funeral of her brother Morris Fairbanks, who was for years a resident of this town.
Twenty-first Year, #1004, Thursday, April 24, 1902
Mrs. Jermima Hugg Alvord.
Mrs. Jermima Hugg Alvord was born in Spencer, N.Y., June 5, 1812, died in Campbell, N.Y., April 16, 1902, buried in Glenwood cemetery, Troy, Pa., April 18, 1902, aged 89 years, 10 months, 11 days.
Losing both parents when but 14 years of age, she returned to Troy, where she had been before with her sister, Mrs. Reuben Case, with whom she made her home until married to Royal S. Alvord. Thirteen children were born to them: Nathan W., the eldest, dying when nearly 19; Clarinda C., dying in infancy, and two sons passed away in early manhood. One by one they have gone home, until only three daughters are left. These are: Mrs. J. W. Miller of Campbell, N.Y., Mrs. Eli Cole of Ithaca, N.Y., and Mrs. H. J. Morgan of Vasser, Mich. Her husband died soon after the close of the Rebellion.
Through all those afflictions she ever showed that patient, loving spirit which endeared her to all.
(Alba News) Silva Freeman, an old resident of this place died Sunday morning, after a short illness. She had two shocks before her death.
Silva Freeman of Alba, Sunday, April 20th.
Mrs. Susanna Benson of Columbia twp., April 15, of consumption, aged 69 years.
Mrs. Jermima Alvord of Campbell, N.Y., April 17th, of cancer, aged 90 years. Remains were brought to Troy for burial.
George M. Hill of Elmira, Sunday, April 20, of peritonitis, aged 52 years. Deceased was a brother of Miss Mary, Emma and Ella Hill of Troy.
(Local News) Mrs. S. D. Allen of Windom, Minn., formerly a resident of Smithfield, died recently.
See Page Two of 1902 Obituaries
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