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Troy Gazette-Register

Troy, Bradford, PA

Volume VLIV, #2, Thursday, January 5, 1922

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Preston entertained yesterday in honor of the birthday of their daughter, Grace Lorraine.

Volume VLIV, #4, Thursday, January 19, 1922

Mrs. Oliver J. Taylor, whose husband succumbed to acute appendicitis in Chicago on Dec. 17th, and her sister, Mrs. Richard H. Davies of Lindsey, Wisconsin, are visiting their mother, Mrs. D. S. Kenyon and other Troy relatives. Mr. Taylor was prominent in Chicago Masonic circles, having filled some of the higher offices in several bodies of that jurisdiction.

Robert McKean was host to a party of about twenty-five of his school friends at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George McKean, last Thursday evening. It was his birthday.

Volume VLIV, #4, Thursday, January 26, 1922

Miss Helen Ballard and her roommate Miss Elizabeth Lyeth of Elmira College were week-end guests of the former’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. M. B. Ballard.

Miss Ethel Bovier is spending the week with her aunt, Mrs. Howard Baldwin, in Granville.

At the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nichols on Chestnut Street last Friday afternoon little Miss Anna May Nichols entertained 15 boys and girls from 2 to 4 o’clock at a birthday party.

Mrs. Edw. Ryan and son, Jerry, of Syracuse are visiting Mrs. Lucy Snedeker at Snedekers and will come later to Troy for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Budd.

The Rev. Joseph Barker who went to China last August under the Presbyterian Missionary Board, has been ordered home on account of his health and will come to his parents Dr. and Mrs. P. N. Barker in Troy around Feb. 15th.

Volume VLIV, #7, Thursday, February 9, 1922

Beatrice, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith, suffered a fracture of the collar bone one day last week by a fall from a chair.

Mrs. Buoy is here from Milton to spend a time with her sister, Mrs. William F. DeWitt.

Mrs. LaVella Young of Wetona, is caring for her mother Mrs. Elmer Ross, who is quite ill.

Mrs. E. J. Greene, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Brown, since January 1st, returns to her home at Newark, N.J., on Friday.

At a very pretty party on Tuesday afternoon Miss Madeline VanSyckel announced the engagement of Miss Rhea Barker, her high school and nursing classmate, to Dr. J. K. W. Wood of Philadelphia. The announcement was by means of a telegram. Miss Barker is the only daughter of Dr. and Mrs. P. N. Barker, and an alumnae of Elmira College and the Presbyterian hospital, Philadelphia. Dr. Wood was graduated from the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania in 1917, and is associated with Dr. O. K. Reed in the practice of medicine in Philadelphia. He is on the pathological staff of a number of Philadelphia hospitals.

Mr. Scott Nearing spent a day in Troy last week with his sister, Mrs. H. B. VanDyne and family.

Mrs. A. K. Gustin of Elmira, spent the week end with her sons, Harold and wife, and Harden.

Mrs. J. Stuart Essenwine and Mrs. Charles Wiggins of West Burlington, were guest last Wednesday of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Blackwell.

Volume VLIV, #8, February 16, 1922

M. H. McGlenn was in Elmira Sunday to see his brother, George, who is now being treated in the Gleason Health Resort following a paralytic shock just before Christmas.

Mrs. Henry J. Grant of Edwards, N.Y., is visiting her son, Vernon Grant and family.

Mrs. E. F. Buffum announces the engagement of her granddaughter, Miss Florence Arnold of Towanda, to Mr. Harry A. Stevenson of South Ghent.

Volume VLIV, #9, Thursday, February 23, 1922

Volney S. Landon, only son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Landon of Rural Route 5, was called to Mt. Alto last week for Government treatment. He was on board the Kaiserine Victoria on his way home from France, 750 miles out from New York, when the vessel took fire and he was asphyxiated, his present poor health resulting.

Mr. and Mrs. David Fellows celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary at their home in Canton on Feb. 14th.

Henry Crouch has returned to Syracuse following a fortnight with his sister, Miss Hope Crouch, and his aunts, the Misses Paine, in Elmira street.

Mrs. Lynn Robert of Friendship, N. Y., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wallace Wood of Springfield.

Mrs. Lydia Joralemon and son, Ernest Joralemon, attended the funeral in Elmira the first of the week of a relative, Mrs. Douglas Joralemon, who was ill but a few hours. (In March 2, 1922 issue was printed correction, it was not Mrs. Douglas Joralemon who died, it was Mrs. Howard Taber.)

Volume VLIV, #10, Thursday, March 2, 1922

Mr. Harry Armstrong is here from Milton for a visit in the home of his sister, Mrs. W. F. DeWitt.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Reynolds and Mr. W. S. Sweet go to Mansfield today to attend the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Margaret Rhinevault, who expired at the Blossburg hospital on Monday evening.

Jacob Linderman, of Peru, Indiana, well know here, visited his sister, Mrs. Charles Elliott, in Elmira this week.

Mrs. W. D. Morse of Athens, has been the guest of her father, L. J. Ballard.

W. E. Carnochan came Tuesday from New York for the day with his sister, Mrs. S. B. Willett.

Mr. and Mrs. Joel Clarke have come from Lawton, Michigan, to make their home in Troy in the Holcombe house. Prospect street. Mrs. Clark is a former Rutland, Tioga county, girl and a sister of Mrs. Dummer Sweet of Columbia township.

Mrs. Benj. Dahlgren will go from Elmira for this week end in Washington with her mother, Mrs. Lanna Putnam, and her aunt, Mrs. O. T. Putnam.

Among the ten divorces granted in Towanda on Monday was Nettie E. McKean vs. John D. McKean, Burlington on the charge of desertion. All others Sayre, Athens and South Waverly except one in Litchfield.

Volume VLIV, #11, Thursday, March 9, 1922

Mrs. Margaret Kennedy, who had a stroke last week, is very ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. C. Piatt, at Sayre.

Mrs. Wm. Meeker, went to Sayre last Thursday to see her little grandson, L. G. Benson, Jr., a patient in the Robert Packer hospital.

Volume VLIV, #12, Thursday, March 16, 1922

Mrs. Thomas Vineski and Miss Marie Vineski attended the funeral in Elmira of their relative, Mrs. Fred Winans, one time of Troy.

Miss Malvina Weakland of Patton, Pa., has been a guest of her sister, Mrs. M. J. Ryan, on the Canton road.

Volume VLIV, #13, Thursday, March 23, 1922

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nice arrived Monday from Atlanta, Georgia, and are spending a time with the latter’s parents. Attorney and Mrs. H. B. Corey. Georgia was aglow when they left with peach blossoms.

Mrs. Russell Young of Wetona, has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ross, High Street.

Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Swan of Elmira, visited their daughter, Mrs. O. W. Jaquish, the first of the week.

Mrs. Rose Ripley returned to her home in Mainesburg on Friday following two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Leon Smith and family.

Mrs. P. S. King was in Elmira on Friday to see her brother, Charles Dickinson, of Burlington, who submitted to a serious operation at the Arnot-Ogden hospital on Tuesday.

Announcement was made at a luncheon given by Mrs. Charles Bower at 163 East Second street, Corning, last Saturday of the engagement of Miss Genevieve, daughter of Mrs. Ellen Borden, formerly of Troy, to the Rev. G. S. G. Harris, pastor of the First M. E. Church of Corning. The announcements were partially concealed in yellow roses at the places at table of the twelve guests.

Volume VLIV, #14, Thursday, March 30, 1922

Mrs. Louis B. Cassada of Elmira, who recently returned from some time in Florida, spent Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beaman.

Leonard Wilcox of Syracuse University, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Wilcox.

Mrs. Anna K. Gustin of Elmira, spent Sunday with her sons, Harold and Hardin Gustin.

V. Morrell Wilson returned to Providence Tuesday night much improved in health, following an extended visit in the home of his sister, Mrs. E. Everitt VanDyne.

Mrs. Frank Price has returned to her home in Montour Falls after several days with her mother, Mrs. D. Compton, having come for the Presbyterian Church Centennial.

Beatrice Comfort, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Comfort, returned Friday from the Packer hospital where she was taken on Thursday with a fractured arm caused by falling from a pony.

Volume VLIV, #15, Thursday, April 6, 1922

Mrs. J. M. Birk of Williamsport, is spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Colony.

Mrs. Louise Manley Foster has returned to her home at Swarthmore, Pa., following a visit to her father, Charles Manley, at Alba.

Mrs. J. W. Ballard has come from her extend visit in Susquehanna to Mrs. Charles Wright to Elmira where she is spending a time with her daughter, Mrs. Reed Pulford.

Volume VLIV, #16, Thursday, April 13, 1922

Mrs. Charles Shaylor of Endicott, is spending a time with her mother, Mrs. Flood, and her sister, Mrs. L. R. Guillaume.

The dinner guests of Miss Nan Horton and her father, Former Sheriff William T. Horton, on his 83rd birthday recently, were John Schoonover, 84, of Athens; John N. Califf, 83; J. W. Allen, 84; Charles S. Harmon, 83; John M. Brown, 78; Newton J. Morrow, 74; J. Andrew Wilt, 73; and I. P. Spalding, all of Towanda.

Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Case, Geo. F. Case and Miss Henrietta Shotts attended the funeral in Canton on Sunday of Mrs. Herrick Thomas.

Earl White came Thursday from Galeton to see his father who continues ill in the home of his daughter, Mrs. Joseph Preston.

Among the sixteen divorces granted in Towanda last Thursday was one of Walter W. Clark vs. Ellen Clark of Springfield, on the charge of desertion.

Mrs. Clara Smythe, who has been spending some time in the home of the Misses Saltmarsh, leaves soon to make her home with her granddaughter, Mrs. Frances Saltmarsh Wilson, in Cleveland, Ohio.

M. H. McGlenn was in Elmira Sunday to see his brother, George S. McGlenn, who is still a patient at the Gleason Health Resort following his paralytic seizure before the holidays.

Volume VLIV, #17, Thursday, April 20, 1922

Mrs. O. B. Westgate has been very ill of pneumonia at the home in Washington of her daughter, Mrs. L. T. McFadden.

Edward Wilson of Alba was a guest on Sunday of his sister, Mrs. E. E. VanDyne.

Mrs. M. D. Gibson of Elmira visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Gallatin on Friday.

Mrs. George O. Holcombe left Tuesday for a visit to her son. Herbert Holcombe, and family, in Philadelphia.

Mr. and M. S. Brown and Miss Irene and Harold Brown spent Easter with Mrs. Brown’s father, C. M. Hall, at Austinville.

Mr. James W. Lamkin was down from Binghamton for over Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Wilson Weigester and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Myron Webster of Ithaca, were guests from Friday until Sunday of the latter’s brother, C. L. Dewey and Mrs. Dewey.

Miss Sylvia Rockwell of White Plains, N.Y., spent part of her Easter vacation with her sister, Alice Rockwell, in the Mrs. Fanny Long home.

Mr. Samuel Williams spent Easter with his son Harold and family in Muncy, and was accompanied home for a visit by his little grandson, Harold Hall Williams.

Volume VLIV, #18, Thursday, April 27, 1922

Mrs. M. J. McNulty returned Saturday night from four months with her daughter, Mrs. M. J. Noone, in Scranton.

Mrs. T. F. Harrison and infant son of Rochester, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Price, and her sister, Mrs. Leon Manley and family.

Mrs. Chas. Batterson attended the burial in Canton last Thursday of Mrs. J. S. Hinshelwood, formerly Miss Pearl Crawford of Canton. The remains were brought from her home in Cleveland, Ohio, to Canton.

Mr. and Mrs. Lynn E. Blackwell and children, Lee, Kenneth, Mildred and Esther, of Sayre, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Blackwell.

Mr. and Mrs. John McGoughran have been entertaining the former’s sisters, Mrs. Charles Cummings of Williamsport, Mrs. Mary Cosgrove and Mrs. Jennie Brock of Elmira, and his niece, Miss Anna MacRae of New York City.

Volume VLIV, #19, Thursday, May 4, 1922

Mrs. Martin Pierce and little daughter of Montour Falls, have been visiting her mother, Mrs. John McGoughran, and Mrs. Orris Pierce.

Mrs. E. H. Packard was taken to Sayre hospital on Saturday of last week and was operated on Monday, May 1st. Her daughter, Mrs. William Spalding, is with her for a few days.

Miss Emma Hill attended the funeral in Elmira on Saturday of Mrs. Viola M. Eastabrook.

Miss Lucelia Fay came from her work at State College for the week end with her mother, Mrs. Fred Fay.

Mrs. John Luckey returned Friday from several days in Montour Falls with her daughter, Mrs. Willard Price and family.

Volume VLIV, #20, Thursday, May 11, 1922

Mrs. Claribel Moore of Newark, N.J., was a week-end guest of her sisters, Mrs. Harry Walter, and Mrs. George Kinch of Canton Road.

At a dinner party at the Hotel Rathbun in Elmira last Thursday evening, the engagement was announced of Miss Clara Neagle of that city to William L. Polly of New York City. The marriage will take place in June. Mr. Polly lived here for a time a few years ago.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Snyder and little son of Moravia, N.Y., visited Mrs. Snyder’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bardwell, last week.

Called to Elmira by the death of Mrs. Eastabrook, her cousin’s wife, Mrs. S. S. Dale (Lottie Elsbree) of Brookline, Mass., paid a visit to Mrs. P. N. Barker and Mrs. George Beardsley, the first of the week.

James Bardwell, who has been in California for the past three years, is spending a time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bardwell.

Volume VLIV, #21, Thursday, May 18, 1922

Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Morse of Athens, were guests last week of the latter’s father, L. J. Ballard.

Miss Rebecca Blackwell returned Saturday to her home in Towanda after spending the week with her brother, J. C. Blackwell and family.

Dr. and Mrs. M. B. Ballard have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Helen Ballard, who is being graduated from Elmira College this year in both the arts and musical course, to Mr. Clarence E. Huntley of the advertising staff of the Scientific American, New York City. Mr. Huntley is a graduate in law of Syracuse University. He is the older son of Mrs. John N. Van Demark of Elmira.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luckey have as their guests the latter’s brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lawrence of Washington, D. C.

Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Bailey and his sister, Mrs. George Totten of Canisteo, N. Y., go Saturday for ten days in Washington with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bailey.

A divorce has been granted in this county to Louise Carr from Chester I. Carr.

Mr. and Mrs. Alba Welch were here from Coudersport last week for the funeral of the late Mrs. Andrew Seward, an aunt of the former.

George H. Blackwell of Syracuse, and his son, Carlisle Blackwell the actor, visited their Troy relatives, Mrs. Dix Ballard, J. C. Blackwell and J. D. Blackwell the first of the week. Carlisle Blackwell sails for Europe Saturday of this week on the Majestic in fulfillment of a movie contract for two pictures. He will be gone all summer.

Mrs. Frances Warren returned today to her home in Binghamton following a short visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George VanHorn, and her sister, Mrs. Ernest Joralemon.

Robert McMahan has returned to his home in Binghamton following a short visit to his mother and sister, Mrs. Robert McMahan and Miss Hattie McMahan.

Mrs. Orator McClelland will come from Corning for part of the summer with her cousin, Mrs. John Wolfe.

Mrs. Harry Johnson and Harry Walter enjoyed a visit Wednesday from their father, Mr. B. M. Walter of Canton.

Mrs. Ray Lane of Elmira, before her marriage Marion Rae Hulslander of Burlington has been engaged to teach the Sixth Grade in the Troy school next year.

Volume VLIV, #22, Thursday, May 25, 1922

Mrs. Charles Saylor of Endicott, is spending a time with her mother and Mr. and Mrs. Guillaume.

Miss Margaret Crouch, who is with her parents, Judge and Mrs. Leonard Crouch; in Syracuse, quite recovered, after two years in Arizona for her health, will spend part of the summer at Brier Cottage, Mountain Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Spencer had as their guests over Sunday their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Spencer, and the former’s brother, Elwin Spencer and Mrs. Spencer, all of Elmira Heights.

Mr. and Mrs. George Cole of Troy, and Mr. and Mrs. Ardell Packard of Alba, attended the funeral of Wilbur R. Rutan in Elmira Tuesday.

Miss Harriett Elinor Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Johnson and granddaughter of Mrs. Henry Leonard, is being graduated this week at the 87th commencement of the Columbia Institute, school for girls and young women at Columbia, Tenn., which is described by Mark Twain in one of his books as "A beautiful school on Duck River, where the young girls of the South receive their education in a castle."

Mrs. Morris Reidy is quite ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. P. McGee.

Misses Jane Parsons and Mary Vogel and Mrs. Harold Gustin entertained last Thursday evening at a surprise shower at the home of Miss Parsons in honor of Miss Lulu Hartsock whose engagement to Louis B. Wagner was recently announced.

Miss Emma Hartsock of Norfolk, Va., was an over Sunday guest of her sister, Miss Lulu Hartsock.

Mrs. Anna Cavanaugh returned yesterday to her home in Cleveland, Ohio, following several weeks with her mother, Mrs. Ira Sherman, and her brothers and sister, Theodore Sherman. Henry Sherman and Mrs. Willis Flick and families.

Volume VLIV, #23, Thursday, June 1, 1922

Mrs. M. T. Haxton and sister, Mrs. Hattie Talbert, spent the past week visiting relatives in Elmira, Chemung and Waverly.

Miss Ellen Orcutt, in nurse’s training at the Philadelphia General Hospital since last October, arrived Tuesday night for her vacation with her mother and sister, Mrs. Fred Orcutt and Mrs. Harold Jones.

Invitations have been issued by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Emmet VanSyckel to the wedding of their daughter, Madeline Mitchell VanSyckel, to Dr. Oliver Kane Reed of Philadelphia, at the First Presbyterian Church at 7 o’clock Thursday evening June 15th. A Reception will be held at the VanSyckel home immediately after the ceremony.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. White and their little daughter, Anne, are expected to come from New Haven for the summer in Troy.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lascell sister, Mrs. Burt Comfort and little son of Rochester, were over Sunday guest of the latter’s family.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilcox of Syracuse, spent the week end with the former’s sister-in-law, Mrs. Della Wilcox.

Volume VLIV, #24, Thursday, June 8, 1922

The Misses Henrietta and Olive Weigester are staying with Mrs. Fred Pierce while their mother, Mrs. Wilson Weigester, is out of town.

Mrs. W. A. Lank of Bridgeport, Conn., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Claude DeWitt.

Mrs. E. L. Teeter who has been taking a course in interior decorating in Boston, arrived Wednesday for the summer from Birmingham, Pa., where she went to attend the commencement of her daughter, Miss Janet Carnochan, who is remaining at the school for a week to take her college entrance is in camp for the moth of June with her class of the Boston School of Physical Education. Mrs. Teeter and daughters will spend the summer at their Mountain Lake cottage.

Volume VLIV, #25, Thursday, June 15, 1922

Dr. and Mrs. Perley Newell Barker have issued invitations to the wedding of their daughter, Rhea Melissa Barker to Dr. Johnathan Knight Williams Wood of Philadelphia, at the First Presbyterian Church Saturday evening, June 24th, at 7:30 o’clock.

Mrs. Burk of Canton, visited her sister, Mrs. John Hooley and family Tuesday and Wednesday.

Following a visit in the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Clarence Wolfe, John street, Mrs. Mary G. Gerould returned the first of the week to her home in Smithfield.

Richard Smith attended the graduation of his son, Allen, from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, returning Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. D. B. York went to Aurora, N.Y., last Sunday to be present at the Commencement this week of Wells College from which their daughter, Miss Dorothy York, was graduated on Tuesday.

The engagement has been announced of Miss Mae Hanrahan of Elmira, to Eugene R. Madden of Pittston, Pa. The wedding will take place Tuesday, June 27th. Miss Hanrahan is know here by her visits to her cousins, Misses Margaret and Josephine Collins.

Mr. and Ms. Harry Walter are entertaining the former’s aunt, Mrs. Marilla Walter of Tunkhanock, Pa.

Dr. and Mrs. LeRoy Seccomb (nee Aline Coles) and little son of Auburn, N.Y., were guests on Tuesday of Mrs. Seccomb’s uncle Allen Stacy and family in Leona.

Walter E. Parsons of Troy, son of Mrs. E. B. Parsons, will be graduated this month with the degree of Bachelor of Science from Carnegie School of Technology, Pittsburgh.

James W. Lamkin of Binghamton, is spending the week with his daughter, Mrs. Wilson Weigester and family.

J. G. Conderman of Chicago is visiting his brother-in-law, C. J. Bloom.

Mrs. Anna O’Connor attended the funeral of a relative, the late James H. Cahill, in Elmira on Saturday.

Mrs. John Werdein of Rochester, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Morris Reidy who has been quite ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. P. McGee.

Little Miss Aleda Newell is expeccted soon from Washington for several weeks with her grandmother and aunt, Mrs. Robert McMahan and Miss Hattie McMahan.

Mrs. M. H. Glenn had as week-end guests Mrs. Edith Wolfe and daughter, Miss Elizabeth Wolfe of Canton.

A marriage license was issued in Towanda Tuesday to Carl Edson Shaylor and Arlie Lenora Everett, both of Columbia Cross Roads. Miss Everett is graduating from Troy High School in this year’s class and the wedding will take place Commencement evening.

Volume VLIV, #26, Thursday, June 22, 1922

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Guild and little daughter were down from Elmira for Saturday and Sunday with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Guild.

Mrs. J. Franklin Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Greenough, and Messrs. John A. Parsons, John E. Dobbins, L. H. Oliver, A. B. McKean, L. J. Ballard and Liston Bliss attended the funeral at Canton on Sunday of former Trojan Herrick Thomas.

Mrs. Jennie Smith and brother, Orville Smith, of Los Angeles, California, are visiting in the home of their uncle, Ezra O. Smith, in Granville.

Volume VLIV, #27, Thursday, June 29, 1922

Mrs. Mary Lewis, mother of Mrs. G. M. Whiting, is spending the summer with her son, Rev. Benton Lewis, on Lake Keuka.

LaMarr Ritchie, assistant chief in the chemical department in the War Department at Washington, D. C., accompanied by his brother, DeVere Ritchie, who is a medical student at Jefferson College, Philadelphia, were visitors during the past week at the home of their cousin, M. T. Haxton, on South Canton street.

Mrs. D. Compton and Miss Anna Compton have returned from two weeks with the former’s daughter, Mrs. Frank Price, at Montour Falls, N.Y.

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Knight have had as their guests the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bush of Cortland, N.Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fullagar of Branchport, N.Y., announce the engagement of their daughter, Zetha, to Norris Sutherland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Sutherland, of Troy.

Thomas A. Grist of Know, Indiana, and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Lyon of Perry, Iowa, were guests the first of the week of their cousin. Mr. and Mrs. John Ruggles, and of Mr. and Mrs. William Simpson of Elmira street. Mr. Grist and Mrs. Lyon are former Trojans, children of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Grist. This was their first visit to Troy in 24 years.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lewis motored from their home in Fort Wayne, Ind., for a visit to their sister, Mrs. H. G. Hawthorne and family and other relatives and friends in this vicinity.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cowl and baby, were callers Tuesday at the home of Mr. Cowl’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Martin on their way to Towanda to attend a funeral.

Mrs. Vernon Grant and little son are to arrive this week from a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Webb.

Volume VLIV, #28, Thursday, July 6, 1922

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pierce and daughter, Orris Catherine, came from Montour Falls for the week-end and the Fourth of July with Mrs. John McGoughran, who is also entertaining Howard Ballard, Jr. of McKeesport.

Mr. and Mrs. T. Samuel Parsons of Evanston, Illinois, visited the former’s mother, Mrs. E. B. Parsons, the last of the week and left their little son, Leonard, for a month’s visit.

Miss Gayle McKean of the Presbyterian Hospital training school for nurses, at Philadelphia, and her mother, Mrs. Laura McKean, also of Philadelphia, are spending their vacation with the former’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Budd of this place, and Mrs. McHenry in Elmira.

Volume VLIV, #29, Thursday, July 13, 1922

Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Stone of LeRoy, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy Margaret to Ferris J. Alger of Rome.

Mrs. Alice Wheeler Walters and Miss Frances Wheeler of Elmira were guests on Tuesday of their aunt, Mrs. Thomas Comfort.

Mr. and Mrs. James Ruggles and daughter, Ellen, of Elmira, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Spalding.

Among the divorces granted last week in Towanda were: Florence A. Northrup vs. LeRoy L. Northrup, Springfield, desertion, Clarence L. Ray vs. Georgia B. Ray, Burlington, desertion. Agnes C. Moore vs. Geo. M. Moore, Sayre, adultery.

Patrick Hooley, son Martin and daughter Margaret, of Clymer, Pa., have been guests of the former’s brother, Stephen Hooley, and other relatives in town.

Mrs. Homer DeWitt and two children of Williamsport, are spending a time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Tomlinson and with Mr. and Mrs. Ray DeWitt.

Arthur Coons and Miss Ruth Coons of Anaheim, California, passed the week-end in Troy with their cousins, Miss Julia and Archie Rockwell and the Guy Rockwells. Mr. Coons has been an instructor in the University of Pennsylvania the past two years while working for his Master’s degree. His sister, who also is a teacher, came East to go home with him to California.

Mrs. G. M. Bly has returned to her home at Beaver Dam, N.Y., after spending a week with her son, Edgar W. Bly.

Volume VLIV, #30, Thursday, July 20, 1922

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Strong of Elmira, were motor guests of their sister, Mrs. George F. Case.

Miss Cora Pierce, who is working in Mansfield, is spending a month at Waterbury, Vermont, with her sister, Mrs. M. F. Gaige (nee Jennie Pierce).

Miss Mary Nearing is on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Henry B. VanDyne and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wood and son of Elmira, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Wood’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George White, in Exchange street.

Volume VLIV, #31, Thursday, July 27, 1922

Emma, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ross, out Bohlayertown ways, is ill with measles.

Miss Margaret Burnham will not return to Ulysses as a teacher but will go instead to Bethlehem, Pa., where her sister Florence, will again teach in the public school.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Van Norman and children of Mansfield, and Mrs. Van Norman’s father, Augustus Greener of Elmira, are cottagers at Mountain Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. George Page Wrench have issued invitations for Friday evening, July 28th at the VanDyne Civic Building, in celebration of their silver wedding anniversary.

Malcolm Gibson, Jr., of Elmira is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Gallatin.

Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Lefler are entertaining the former’s mother and sister, Mrs. M. J. Lefler and Miss Mildred Lefler of Perth Amboy, N. J., and Miss Olive Eggleeton of Mount Vernon, Ohio.

Mrs. Albert Beach and sons, Richard and James, of Cleveland, Ohio, who are spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beach, will be joined by Mr. Beach the latter part of August.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stanton, Jr., went the latter part of last week to Goldsboro, North Carolina for a couple of weeks visit to the former’s brother, Eugene Stanton, who is employed on a state road in that section.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul White and his father, Mr. Edward M. White, motored on Wednesday to Cornell University at Ithaca.

Volume VLIV, #32, Thursday, August 3, 1922

Carl C. Bowman drove through from Scranton for the Beekeeper’s picnic today and a visit in the home of his mother, Mrs. F. N. Hubbard.

Miss Frances McGlenn and her brother, Thomas, with whom she has been making her home the past year, at Windsor, Colorado, have just arrived in the East, Mr. McGlenn for a visit to his brothers, and Miss McGlenn to resume her work as a teacher at Fassett.

Mrs. George G. Beardsley is entertaining her cousin, Mrs. Frank L. Solomon (who was Adda Joraleman) and husband of Boston, who have been visiting relatives here and in Elmira and Williamsport during most of the month of July. They will remain in this vicinity for several weeks.

Mrs. Andrew Sawtelle of Buffalo, and her sister, Mrs. Caldwell and her two sons of Athens, are at the VanDyne Lodge, Mountain Lake.

Mrs. Vernon Grant and little son returned this morning to their home in Cambridge Springs, N.Y., after several weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Webb. Mrs. Webb accompanied her to Cambridge Springs for a visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Dighton Simpkins have been entertaining the latter’s sister and cousin, Miss Grace Bagley and Mrs. Thomas Reynolds and two children from Johnstown, Pa.

Mr. W. E. Carnochan is here from New York for a visit to his sister, Mrs. Sarah B. Willett.

Mrs. T. Samuel Parsons of Evanston, Illinois, came Tuesday for her young son, Leonard, who has been for a month with his grandmother and aunt, Mrs. E. B. Parsons and Miss Harriett Parsons. She was accompanied for the day by Misses Susan and Mable Rose with whom and others relatives she will remain for a time in Elmira.

Volume VLIV, #33, Thursday, August 10, 1922

Mrs. James Haxton of Canton is spending the week with her son, M. T. Haxton.

Mr. and Mrs. F. T. McCloskey have been entertaining the former’s sister, Mrs. Ella Dailey and daughter, Anna, of New York City.

Mrs. Madeline Van Syckel Reed of Philadelphia, came the last of the week for a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Van Syckel.

Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Antley of Syracuse are guests of their daughter, Mrs. Charles Leonard, in Leona.

The Rev. and Mrs. Paul Rockwell of Erie, Pa., are expected Aug. 15th to spend vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Rockwell.

Misses Dorothy and Eleanor Sneckenburger of Elmira, are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. George Stacey.

Mrs. Frederick Searles of Elmira, was an over Sunday guest of her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Howley.

Thomas McGlenn of Windsor, Colorado, is the guest of his brother, M. H. and Mrs. McGlenn.

At her home, Locust Lodge, Mrs. D. T. Segur recently entertained her daughter, Mrs. Nicol Boyd and little daughter, Laura, of DuBois, Mrs. Burton Kiff of Kenyon Hill, and Miss Marian Blakeman of Canton.

Volume VLIV, #34, Thursday, August 17, 1922

Mrs. John Finnerty of Elmira, spent several days last week with her mother, Mrs. M. Shannon.

Mrs. Winifred Lyle left Saturday for a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Darling and family in Binghamton.

Mrs. E. L. Teeter is entertaining her nephew, Paul Burgolist of St. Louis, Mo., at her cottage at Mountain Lake.

Merril Chester and Earl Eugene Stone returned to their home in Johnson City, after a five weeks stay with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Stone.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gallatin and daughter are leaving Salem, Ohio, August 20th in their car for a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Gallatin, in this boro.

Arrears amounting to nearly 2,000 and a pension of $30 a month has been granted through H. B. Corey’s agency to Cynthia Williams, widow of Daniel H. Bristol of Sylvania. The case has been pending since 1916.

Mr. and Mrs. Francis of East Orange, N.J., who are guests of the latter’s uncle, Charles Manley at Alba, were in town the first of the week. Mrs. Francis will be recalled as Fanny Manley, daughter of Former Landlord Manley of the Troy Hotel.

Noel Spalding of South Brownsville, Pa., has been spending a ten-days vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Spalding.

Dr. Frieda Bauman came last Saturday and Carl H. H. Bauman and family are expected today from Scranton, to visit their mother, Mrs. Finley Hubbard and Mr. Hubbard in High street.

Miss Mildred Everts of Hornby, N.Y., is visiting her brother, Walter Everts.

Mr. and Mrs. George F. Case and son, Marshall, have returned from a motor trip to Scranton and White Haven.

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Tanner by the illness and death of Mrs. Tanner’s foster father, C. J. Case, returned Thursday to their home in Corning. They were accompanied by Miss Winnie Case who will spend a time with them.

Mrs. Orris Pierce, her daughters, Henrietta and Olive Pierce and her son, Leslie Pierce and family of Elmira, are spending their outing on Keuka Lake, near Branchport.

Volume VLIV, #35, Thursday, August 24, 1922

Mrs. Wilber Wolfe is visiting her sister, Mrs. Walter Keyser, in Towanda.

Mrs. Charles Kingsbury (nee Ruby Holland) of Waverly, is spending a few days with Mrs. Foote and daughters.

Mrs. Horace Pomeroy with her children and maid are back in Troy from a visit to her father, Mr. Chester Braman, in New York. Messrs. Fayette and Edwin Pomeroy will motor to Buffalo and bring their brother to join his family.

Miss Mildred Mahood of Washington, D. C., has been spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mahood.

Mrs. Eugene Stanton and two children are camping on the Chemung river near Sayre with her brother, W. K. Marshall and family of Sayre.

Master Richard Strong came Tuesday afternoon from Elmira for a visit to his grandmother, Mrs. George Botcher, his cousin, Marshall Case, and other Troy relatives.

Mrs. John Lyon and her daughter, Miss Carolyn Lyon, have moved to this boro from Farmers’ Valley into part of the Frank Barker house and the latter has accepted a position as bookkeeper with M. J. Handran.

Volume VLIV, #36, Thursday, August 31, 1922

Miss Margaret Boucher, R.N., of Brooklyn, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Boucher on Armenia.

Mrs. Homer DeWitt and two children of Williamsport are spending two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Tomlinson and Mr. and Mrs. Ray DeWitt and other relatives and friends.

Mrs. Leon Manley and children are visiting her sister, Mrs. T. F. Harrison in Rochester.

Andrew Boughton of Cleveland, O., and nephew, William Gange were guests of the former’s brother, Thomas Boughton and family.

Albert Beach has joined his family for two weeks at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Frank Beach who have had as guests Mrs. Albert Beach’s sister, Miss Sarah Penrod of California, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elliott of Elmira.

Mrs. Henry Healy and daughters Misses Bertha and Rita Healey, returned yesterday to their home in Paterson, N.J., following a few days with the former’s niece, Mrs. Edw. Gray and family in East Main street.

Sister Euphrosyne, Sister Mercedes of Buffalo, and Sister Agnita of Corning, were recent guests at Misses Mary and Sarah Hooley at their High street home. Before entering the religious life Sister Euphrosyne was Miss Catherine Kieley, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Kieley of Troy.

Volume VLIV, #37, Thursday, September 7, 1922

Among the divorces recently granted in Towanda was Maude K. Halpin vs. Robert J. Halpin, Springfield.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMahan of Binghamton, have been guests of the former’s mother and sister, Mrs. Robert McMahan and Miss Hattie MacMahan.

Called to Canton by the death of their relative: John Hallinan. Mrs. John Smith, her son and daughters, John Smith and Misses Mary and Anna Smith of Rutherford, N.J., and Miss Mary Brown have been the guests of Mrs. Smith’s daughter, Mrs. John Croak and family.

Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Jaquish and daughter Mabel, accompanied by Mr. E. W. Jaquish and Miss Martha Jaquish of Mansfield, motored to Punxatawney last week and were guests of Dr. E. W. Jaquish.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Holcombe and son, Herbert, Jr. come the last of the week from Philadelphia for a visit to his mother, Mrs. George O. Holcombe.

Former Trojans Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hartman of Beaver Falls, Pa., are spending the week with the latter’s sister, Mrs. D. W. Johnson in Elmira street.

Prof. and Mrs. Robert Weigester and their daughter, Sarah of New York, on their way from Ohio, where Prof. Weigester has been teaching in summer school, spent the week-end with the former’s mother and brother, Mrs. Geo. Weigester and Wilson Weigester and family.

Miss Agnes Dewey of Elmira, spent several days last week with her sister, Mrs. B. S. Greene.

Mrs. Howard Ballard and daughter, Nancy, of McKeesport, have been the guests of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McGoughran.

Mrs. Neil Geise of Elmira, was a guest on Friday of her sister, Mrs. Earl Bloom and family.

Volume VLIV, #38, Thursday, September 14, 1922

W. P. Hungerford of Altoona, and Mrs. Jessie Barber of Ithaca, have returned to their homes after a visit of several days in the home of their brother, F. D. Hungerford.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Vroman and son Leo, of Driftwood, are spending a time with Mr. Vroman’s sister, Mrs. Perry Rockwell. Mr. and Mrs. Rockwell and their guests spent Sunday with their uncle, J. T. Sayles, at Bodines.

Mrs. George H. Webb was called from Cambridge Springs, Pa., where she has been spending a time with her daughter, Mrs. Vernon Grant, to Canton, Ohio, by the serious illness of her father, D. A. Seabury.

Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Larned returned Sunday to their home in Pittsburgh, following a visit to the former’s sister, Mrs. Herbert Morris and family in John street.

Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Ryan are entertaining the latter’s sister, Miss Emma Weakland of Patton, Pa., and Miss Ida Bender of Carrolltown, Pa.

Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Montgomery have as their guests the latter’s sister, Mrs. N. M. Follmer of Milton.

Wallace Bailey of Burlington, father of Howard Bailey of the County Farm, is critically ill.

Miss Thalia Wilson, the Henritta McKnight nurse, is entertaining her mother, Mrs. J. D. Wilson, of Plainfield, N. J.

Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case of Buffalo, visited the former’s mother, Mrs. Guy Case, last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bailey of Washington, D. C., are visiting the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Bailey, in Redington Avenue.

Dr. and Mrs. O. K. Reed came the last of the week from Philadelphia for a few days with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. VanSyckel.

Mrs. Max Kennedy and sons returned Friday to their home in Washington following several weeks with relatives here. They were accompanied by the former’s mother and sister, Mrs. E. M. Bristol and Miss Charlotte Bristol, who will spend the winter with her.

Volume VLIV, #39, Thursday, September 21, 1922

Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Tate and Master Richard, motored to Elkland for the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Worley Gleason and their young daughter.

Miss Hope Crouch spent a day at Syracuse the first of the week with her parents, Judge and Mrs. Leonard Crouch.

Volume VLIV, #40, Thursday, September 28, 1922

Mrs. Herman Woodward of Horseheads visited her mother, Mrs. W. B. Gernert, the first of the week.

Mrs. Claude Williams of Canton sustained a fractured leg and bruises, when the Ford car which she was riding in tipped over enroute from Mansfield. She was accompanied by her husband and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isiah Blakeman, who escaped injury.

Volume VLIV, #41, Thursday, October 5, 1922

Mrs. Louden Budd goes about Oct. 15th to Chicago for the winter with her son, Lee Budd and family.

Mrs. Guthrie Knapp and little son, Guthrie Gallatin, of Washington, came home with her parents who had been visiting her.

Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hovey celebrated their fifty-third wedding anniversary on Friday. Their son, Albert, of Pittsburgh was here for the day and members of the Presbyterian church, and neighbors and friends tendered them an informal reception.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luckey and their guest, Miss Dubois, of Elmira, visited Mrs. Luckey’s mother, Mrs. Lawrence at Covington, on Sunday.

Mrs. H. B. Corey spent Sunday in Gillett with her brother, William Pettingill.

Mrs. J. H. Kelley, daughter, Amelia, and son Benjamin, come Saturday from Athens for a week with Mrs. Samuel Williams and other friends.

Mrs. James W. Voorhis who makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Wing, is visiting relatives in Waverly.

James W. Lamkin came from Binghamton for Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Wilson Weigester and family.

Volume VLIV, #42, Thursday, October 12, 1922

Mrs. Geo. F. Botcher is spending a couple of weeks in Elmira, with her daughter, Mrs. Andrew Strong and family.

Dr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Cummings of Williamsport were over Sunday guests of the latter’s brother, John McGouhran and Mrs. McGoughran.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hickok have had at their guests the former’s sister, Mrs. C. W. Dare and daughter, Miss Catherine Dare of Port Jefferson, N.Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stevens, one time of Troy, are on a motor trip from Daytona, Florida, and last week were with the latter’s sister, Mrs. Edwin Brigham, who entertained for Mrs. Stevens at her home in Tioga. The also have been in Endicott with Mrs. Kemp, another sister of Mrs. Stevens.

Mrs. Burton Saxton of LeRoy, visited her sister, Mrs. Geo. White, in Exchange street on Thursday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Jaquish accompanied by the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Swan of Elmira, motored to Binghamton on Thursday of last week.

Little Ross Davis, Jr. and his sister, Florence Davis of Pittsburgh, are visiting their aunts, Mrs. J. D. Bingey and Miss Naomi Davis in Canton street.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jupenlaz had as their guest the last of the week the former’s brother and the latter’s sister, Chas. Jupenlaz and Miss Florence Smith and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Coveney all of Elmira.

Prof. and Mrs. L. R. Guillaume were Sunday guests of the latter’s sister, Mrs. Charles Saylor and Mr. Saylor, in Endicott, N.Y.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Strickland and Mrs. C. J. Rockwell came from Nicholson, Pa., to attend the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Oliver Phillips on Monday.

Greeley Wright of East Canton, was badly hurt this Thursday afternoon when his foot caught in the lines of a runaway team which he was attempting to stop. His son, Floyd Wright, was called home from this boro.

Volume VLIV, #44, Thursday, October 26, 1922

Mrs. Claribel V. Moore of Newark, N.J., was a week-end guest of her sisters, Mrs. Harry Walter in High street and Mrs. Geo. Kinch on the Canton road.

In honor of the 78th birthday of Mrs. Mary Welch of Canton, a happy gathering of her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren was held last Thursday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Ruggles, in Elmira street. About thirty were present.

Mrs. W. F. DeWitt has returned from Milton. Her sister, Mrs. Buoy, came home with her.

Everitt Orvis, brother of the late Mrs. Henry Sweet, and uncle of Lee Reynolds, a native of Sullivan, now from Portland, Michigan, paid his first visit to Troy last week in thirty-eight years, as the guest of the latter and his family. Mr. Orvis and Mr. Sweet were timber tract partners at Orvisburg, Mississippi.

Volume VLIV, #45, Thursday, November 2, 1922

Miss Irene Harkness, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Harry Harkness of Mansfield, was a week-end guest of Miss Lucile Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Snyder, Jr., and two sons of Moravia, N.Y., have been guests of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bardwell, in Paine street.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith had as their guests over Sunday the latter’s sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Colby of Elmira Heights.

Volume VLIV, #46, Thursday, November 9, 1922

Mr. Chas. Manley of Alba, is spending the winter with his daughter, Mrs. E. L. Foster, at Swarthmore, Pa.

Mrs. Clara Wheeler goes this week to spend the winter with her granddaughter, Mrs. Frances Saltmarsh Wilson, in Cleveland, Ohio.

Judson Parsons is arriving this week for a visit to his mother, Mrs. E. B. Parsons, before entering a Rochester law office.

Among the divorces granted yesterday in Towanda by Judge Maxwell was Dora A. Parke vs. Arthur W. Parke, LeRoy, on the charge of desertion.

Volume VLIV, #47, Thursday, November 16, 1922

Robert Comfort, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burt Comfort, has been promoted from the U.S. Army Base at Governors Island to the position of Radio Operator at the Army Base in the city of Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. He sailed from New York Nov. 1st on the "Cambria" by way of the Panama Canal for San Francisco, and will leave there for Honolulu about Dec. 1st.

Mrs. Chas. French and little son, Robert, of Gillett, were guests of the former’s sister, Mrs. B. S. Greene, several days last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vineski left Friday for Chicago for a week with their son, Max, who is taking a course in wireless draftsmanship in that city.

Mrs. O. S. Roby is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. Thad McClure.

Mrs. Fayette B. Pomeroy is with her brother, Harry and family at Bethlehem, Pa.

Little Christine Foster of Horseheads, N.Y., is with her grandmother, Mrs. E. F. Burgan.

Mrs. Angie Davis is spending some time with her son, Thad McClure at 405 East Main street.

Volume VLIV, #48, Thursday, November 23, 1922

Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Ballard of Leona, observed their sixty-first wedding anniversary on Tuesday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. A. J. Sadler, in Elmira street.

A divorce was decreed in Towanda last Friday to Henry Isaacs vs. Rexa Issacs of Alba.

Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Slingerland have had as their guest the latter’s mother, Mrs. Miller of Elmira.

Mrs. H. K. Mitchell was in Elmira Saturday and attended the Senior Day festivities at Elmira College, where her daughter, Janice, is a Senior.

Mrs. Emma Shook of Watsontown enroute to Buffalo, spent several days last week with her son, C. A. Shook and family.

Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Woodward entertained the following at a four course birthday dinner at their home on Sunday in honor of the latter’s mother, Mrs. C. E. Shaylor.

Mrs. H. T. B. Gustin entertained at her home in Elmira street last evening at a variety shower for her sister, Miss Lucile Smith, whose marriage to Donald Besley of Columbia Cross Roads, takes place soon.

Volume VLIV, #49, Thursday, November 30, 1922

Frank Morse has received word that his brother, Solomon Morse of Pavo, Georgia, who visited here a few years ago, was to undergo the amputation of his leg above the knee.

Mrs. Ted Burke and some come from Canton for Thanksgiving with her sister, Mrs. J. Franklin Pierce, who will entertain a family part at the Troy Hotel.

Sam Canedy, Jr., is in Philadelphia for Thanksgiving with his brother, John Canedy.

Mrs. R. V. Greenough leaves Thursday morning for three months with her daughter, Miss Mildred L. Wickes who is head of the science department in the public school at Fort Smith, Arkansas.

Volume VLIV, $50, Thursday, December 7, 1922

Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bush returned Saturday to their home in Cortland, N.Y., following a visit to their daughter, Mrs. A. C. Knight.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Burr spent Thanksgiving with the latter’s parents to Danville. Thew were accompanied home by Mrs. Burr’s sister, Miss Mary Jamison, who remained until Sunday.

Mrs. W. C. Johnston gave a turkey dinner Saturday to several boys of the town, who had assisted her during the summer in the care of the burros, which she kept for her son, Chas. B. Knox.

Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Watkins and daughter, Dorothy of Painted Post, N.Y., spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Letts.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ludington had as their guests for Thanksgiving, Mrs. T. H. Morse and little daughter, Mary Louise, of Elmira and her mother-in-law, Mrs. Morse, of LeRoy, Chas. E. McCabe of Elmira, Mrs. D. V. Kulp of Painted Post and Charles B. McCabe of Philadelphia.

Mr. and Mrs. Edson Harkness returned to their home in Elmira this week from a visit of some weeks to their son, Clay Harkness and family in Aurora, Illinois.

Former Trojan Fred Leonard was in town last week. He is located at Endicott, N.Y., in the employ of the Endicott-Johnson company, and with his wife and mother-in-law, Mrs. Emma Lampman, recently paid a visit to relatives in New York.

Mrs. Frances Bailey of Shelly, Bucks County, Pa., spent Monday night with her sister, Mrs. M. Rae Lane.

M. H. Sweet of Troy is ill at the home of his son, W. G. Sweet in Elmira.

Mrs. W. B. Gernert has gone to Horseheads to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Woodward.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stanton, Jr. and the latter’s sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Day of Elmira are leaving soon for Hollywood, Florida. They will travel by motor truck, which they have made into living quarters and will camp along the way. They will spend a few days with the ladies’ sister in Washington, D. C., and with Mr. Stanton’s brother, Eugene Stanton, in North Carolina.

Volume VLIV, #51, Thursday, December 14, 1922

Mrs. Lucy Snedeker visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Budd over Sunday.

Elwin Wood of Elmira was a guest on Monday of his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White, in Exchange street.

A most interesting occasion was the celebration at the home of his grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Welch in Ridgebury township, recently of the 101st birthday of James Barrett, who not only extended a hearty greeting to his kindred as they arrived one after another but recalled vividly and pleasantly incidents of his last visit to their homes.

Volume VLIV, #52, Thursday, December 21, 1922

Percy N. Bailey of the Pathfinder, came from Washington for Saturday and Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Bailey. The Pathfinder, by the way, is installing a splendid new perfecting press to meet the needs of its growing circulation which is now in excess of half a million copies a week.

Mr. and Mrs. John Ruggles are hoping for his brother, Charles Ruggles and family from Elmira, for their Christmas guests.

The Rev. and Mrs. Robert Lee Lewis will spent Christmas with Mrs. Lewis’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Birkett, at Manassas, Virginia.

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Grant and little son came the last of the week for the Holiday vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Webb. Mr. Grant will take a course in State College before returning to Cambridge Springs.

Following a week with Mrs. W. F. DeWitt, Mrs. J. Willis Churchill left Monday for New York city where she will visit her son, Harold Churchill.

  1. M. Cornell, who came from Huntington, West Virginia to attend State Grange at Williamsport, came on to Troy for a visit to his sister, Mrs. Fannie Porter.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Williams will go to Williamsport for Christmas with their son Harold, and family.

John B. Pratt has arrived from Philadelphia for the holidays with his sister, Miss Ella Pratt in Elmira street.

Mrs. Edith Jackson of Wetona, spent last week in the home of her brother-in-law, F. A. Havens, on the Sylvania road.

Lynn Card comes Friday for the University of Pennsylvania for the Christmas vacation with his mother, Mrs. C. H. Card at Sylvania.

Miss Dorothy York who is taking a secretarial course in the commercial school in New York with which the Misses Ronan are connected, is home for the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. York.

Miss Mildred Woodworth comes from West Chester Normal school for Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Woodworth.

Volume VLIV, #1, Thursday, December 28, 1922

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Allis and son, Manley, were Christmas guests of Canton relatives.

Surrounded by relatives and intimate friends who showered them with rice. Mr. and Mrs. Herman J. Pierce got away Wednesday morning for their western trip of two or three months which will include visits to their son Lieutenant Robinson Pierce of the 25th Infantry first at El Paso, Texas, and later at Nogales, Arizona, and also to Mrs. James W. Cruickshank, Mr. Carpenter’s sister at Los Angeles, California, his brother, Dr. Frank Carpenter and family at Berkley, and the O. Burr Ballards at Eureka, California. Congressman McFadden, who had an official engagement in the west, traveled with them to St. Louis.

Mrs. Lucy Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Layton (Marcella Smith) came from Elmira for the family Christmas gathering at the H. K. Mitchell home.

Mr. and Mrs. Willard Price and little son of Montour Falls, N.Y., came for Christmas and will remain for a time with Mrs. Price’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Luckey in Redington Ave.

Mr. and Mrs. George White, of the Porter Road, had as their Christmas guests, their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ross, and little son of Elmira.

Mrs. Margaret Pierce was a Christmas visitor of her sister, Mrs. T. Burke, and family in Canton.

Mrs. Helen Stewart of Hoboken, N.J., is visiting her sister, Miss Margaret Gurnett, at the Troy Hotel.

Mrs. Archibald Ruggles of Sylvania and Mrs. B. A. Long attended the Ruggles-Merrill wedding in Towanda today.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snyder (Helen Crouch) will go from Tucson, Arizona, to Berkley, California, where Mr. Snyder will take advanced work in the university for his Master’s degree.

Jas. W. Lamkin was down from Binghamton for a few days with his daughter, Mrs. Wilson Weigester and family.

Allen Smith of Washington, D. C., has been with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Smith, this week.

Miss Mildred Mahood of Washington, D. C., is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mahood.