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Troy Gazette-Register 1918 Table of Contents
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Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette Register 1919 - Yesterday's News

Typed by Pat MOTT Gobea
These clippings from ancient and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services available.
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. 
Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings.  Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here.  If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Partitioned PICO Search Engine which you can reach from current What's New Page of the site. There is a partition just for the TGR Clippings.
Local News
Troy Gazette – Register
Troy, Bradford County, PA
Joyce's Search Tip - August 2008 
Do You Know that you can search just the 239 pages of Troy Gazette-Register Clippings on the site by using the TGR Clippings button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page
You'll also find obituary and other newspaper clippings using the three county-level Obits by Cemetery buttons and the general Clippings Button. Additional clippings can be found in the Birth, Marriage, and some other partitions. 
Troy Gazette-Register
Troy, Bradford County, PA

Volume LVI, #1, Thursday, January 2, 1919

Mr. Chas. E. Snyder has returned to his home in Buffalo after spending Christmas week with his son, Edw. E. Snyder and family in Elmira street.

Miss Marta Doane of Minneapolis, Minn., for a number of years a teacher in the Troy school is spending a time with her brother, A. A. Doane and family in Leona.

Volume LVI, #2, Thursday, January 9, 1919

Lieut. And Mrs. W. B. Roberts (nee Mabel Califf) are settled in their new home at Paradise Farm, R.D. No. 1, Burlington, New Jersey.

Mrs. Merton Baldwin of Wellsburg, daughter of Col. J. C. Robinson is recovering at the Arnot-Ogden hospital in Elmira from a very serious operation performed on Monday.

Mrs. Louden Budd is with her son, Lee Budd and family in Chicago.

Mrs. Benjamin B. Mitchell was in Elmira last Saturday to see her sister, Mrs. Merton Baldwin before she went to the hospital for treatment.

Mr. F. P. Case was in Erie and Bradford, Pa., from Friday to Tuesday.  At Erie he visited his son, George F. Case, who is filling a responsible position with the General Electric Company.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Borden who are in the east from Delta, Colorado to visit his mother, Ellen Borden, and the Misses Borden, now of Corning, came to Troy on Thursday.  They were guests here of relatives, Mrs. F. P. Case and the Dennis Smiths on the Porter road.  Mr. Borden is a former Troy boy.  He is a Government Forestry inspector, and for several years was located in Denver.  The have a son aged 2.

Mr. J. H. Kelley, his two brothers and their uncle, Mr. J. M. Smiley of East Canton, enjoyed a “get together” in Corning Thursday and attended the farewell appearance on the lyceum platform of Hazen Kelley, well known here as an enthusiastic war speaker.  Since his return from France and maiden appearance in Troy about a year ago Mr. Kelley has been in almost constant demand before representative audiences from cultured New England to the middle west.  Happily married to a junior Chautauqua worker whom he met en tour, he now steps from the platform to a fine position as salesman with a paper house in Syracuse, the home city of his parents.

Volume LVI, #3, Thursday, January 16, 1919

Mrs. James Buoy of Milton is a guest of her sister, Mrs. W. F. DeWitt.

John Croak was in Canton on Friday to attend the funeral of Michael McCarthy, a relative.

Mr. and Mrs. John Morse are making their home at Bozeman, Montana for the winter with Prof. And Mrs. Leon Conkling, the latter of whom is Mr. Morse’s sister.

Lieutenant Myron Webster, formerly of Troy, who visited his brother-in-law, C. L. Dewey, in this boro, has gone to Cornell university where it is understood he will take the course in law.  Lieutenant Webster was teaching the large Charleston school in Tioga county when he entered the services as a private.  He has a wife and child.

Mr. and Mrs. Benj. S. Greene attended the wedding at Gillett on Tuesday of the latter’s sister, Miss Mabel Dewey, to Mr. Jesse M. Strong of Fassett.

Mrs. Harry Johnson and little daughter, Florence visited in Canton last Wednesday.

Miss Catherine Jameson and Mr. Ralph Burr spent Sunday in Williamsport with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Birk (Alice Colony).

Mrs. Elmer Ross and daughter Lavella spent Saturday and Sunday with friends and relatives in Elmira and Wellsburg.

J. Francis Wilson, a valued member of the Troy Engine and Machine band, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Wilson, enlisted last week in the Navy in Buffalo.

Volume LVI, #4, Thursday, January 23, 1919

Mrs. Evelyn Eastman of Elmira is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gates in Springfield.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Strong of Gillett, spent Friday with the latter’s sister, Mrs. B. S. Greene.

On their way home from a holiday visit to their son, Photographer Ray Slingerland, at Newport News, Va., Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Slingerland of Mansfield, spent several days here with their son, Lynn Slingerland and family.

Thomas Colony spent Tuesday in Elmira with his brother, Charles Colony and family.

Volume LVI, #5, Thursday, January 30, 1919

Mrs. May Bardolf of Camden, N.J., is visiting her father, Wm. Wood.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kelley and daughter Amelia were Sunday visitors in Canton.

Another of the overseas soldier boys arrive from France Friday in the person of Harry Z. Kennedy, grandson of D. W. Case.  He was with the 345th Regiment, in the 87th Division.  He will remain in Troy.

Harold Welch, who worked for E. VanDyne’s Sons and for a short time before he enlisted for Chas. J. Case, has arrived in New York from overseas with Co. C. 59th Artillery.  In the year or more they were in France he did not see his brother, Ray, until just before he sailed for the states.  The boys are brothers of N. B. Welch, the carpenter, who is employed C. J. Case.

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Conklin have taken to their hearts, legally adopted and given their name to Frances M. Alderman, 12 years old of Elmira, N.Y.

Volume LVI, #6, Thursday, February 6, 1919

Mrs. Benj. Dahlgren and little daughter Madeline were down from Elmira on Friday to see Mrs. Dahlgrin’s mother, Mrs. Putnam who is ill.

Mrs. H. L. Stem of Canton, visited her sister, Mrs. Harry Johnson.

Volume LVI, #7, Thursday, February 13, 1919

Mrs. Van Harper of Williamsport is spending the day in the home of her brother, Chas. Joralemon.

Irvin Comfort is recovering from an attack of the flue and Mrs. Clarence Comfort is recovering from her recent illness at their homes in North East, Pa.

Volume LVI, #8, Thursday, February 20, 1919

Mrs. Bert Brink of Waverly was a guest last week of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gilmour.

S. M. Canedy went to Carlisle, Pa., on Thursday in response to word that his son, Corporal John Canedy of the Medical Corps. Was ill in the hospital and unable himself to write.

Volume LVI, #9, Thursday, February 27, 1919

Mrs. William O’Connor and daughter Nell were in Elmira Heights Wednesday, called there by the death of Mrs. Polly, mother of William Polly one time of Troy.

(South Troy News)  Orris Bailey of Brooklyn, N.Y., visited his brother Robert Bailey over Sunday.
                                  James Haxton of East Canton visited his son, M. T. Haxton last week.

Misses Josephine Collins and Mary Grimes of Elmira were over Sunday guests of the former’s sister Margaret Collins.

Roy Jenkins of the U.S. Navy returned Sunday to New York after spending a few days furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Jenkins, in Springfield.

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Brown spent last week-end in Elmira and Sayre.  Their daughter Mrs. Charles Chase, and her children, are visiting in the Brown home this week.

Miss Pauline Bradford of Wellsville, N.Y., has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bradford.

John A. McGee and daughter, Elizabeth of Williamsport spent Tuesday with Mrs. J. P. McGee and family.

Volume LVI, #10, Thursday, March 6, 1919

Miss Ida Walburn of Leroy is in Collonsville caring for her sister, Mrs. Preston, who has been seriously ill with pneumonia following influenza.

Former Commissioner and Mrs. Edson Harkness, now of Elmira, have gone for a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Frank Chapman and family at Peoria, Ill.

Misses Sarah Crandle and Julia Rockwell and Mrs. A. C. Knight will spent Saturday and Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bush, in Cortland.

Misses Helen Ayers and Pearl Manley of Canton, spent Sunday with the latter’s sister, Mrs. L. E. Allis.

Morris J. Smith spent Sunday in Elmira with his sister, Mrs. T. W. Pitt.

Richmond Bailey has sold his farm at Wetona, to his son-in-law, Walter Young.

Volume LVI, #11, Thursday, March 13, 1919

Mrs. Chas. Kingsbury (nee Ruby Holland) of Elmira spent Sunday with Miss Julia Costello.

Miss Alice Rockwell of Mainesburg was a week-end guest of her sister, Miss Sylvia Rockwell, in the John R. Jones home.

Mrs. S. J. Dann of Canton spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs. V. E. Tomlinson.

Mrs. J. A. Post of New York is spending a few days in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Andrew Fraley.

Mrs. Lacelle Dickinson has returned to her home in Elmira following a visit in the home of her father N. A. Maynard.

Leslie Daugherty, mail orderly, and Harold Daugherty, gun poiner on the naval ship “Westmead,” just back from Dutch waters, visited their uncle Charles Calkins, and relatives at Sylvania during the week.  Their home was in California and besides what they have seen of the world afloat in the navy they have crossed the American continent respectively sixteen and eleven times.

Volume LVI, #12, Thursday, March 20, 1919

Leon Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. ?. P. Wood, one of the first Troy boys to be cited for bravery, is back in France from Germany and going to school.

O. W. Jaquish is spending the week in Philadelphia with his brother, Dr. Francis Jaquish who has a large dental practice at 3701 Ave., West Philadelphia.

Mrs. Mark Sullivan is very ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Orcutt.

Mr. and Mrs. D. B. York took their daughter, Miss Dorothy York, to Elmira, where, at the Arnot-Ogden hospital for an operation for appendicitis.

A. Z. Mason has sold his r0 acre farm on the Canton road to his foster son, Edward Mason.

Volume LVI, #13, Thursday, March 27, 1919

Harry Gustin and mother, Mrs. W. T. Gustin were Tuesday visitors in Towanda.

Mr. and Mrs. John Marcellus of Fassett, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Bessie Estelle to William E. Sinclair of this place.  Mr. Sinclair has made his home for some time with Mrs. Ellen Welch in Elmira street.

P. E. Hooley has returned from a visit with his brother, Stephen Hooley and family in Ridgway.

Mrs. I. Cleaver went Monday to Elmira for a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Jno. E. Snedeker.

Mrs. Daniel Kulp and little son, Benjamin, and Miss Jeanette McCabe of Painted Post, have been guests of their sister, Mrs. Chas. Ludington.

Miss Lou King of Canton, was a guest of her sister, Miss Margaret King, the first of the week.

Volume LVI, #14, Thursday, April 3, 1919

Miss Harriet Parsons of the faculty of Vassar College is spending a week’s vacation with her mother, Mrs. E. B. Parsons.

Mrs. F. E. VanDyne, with her daughter and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Swan of Elmira, is on a motor trip to New York city.

Mrs. John Jeffery of Elmira and son Wm. Reese, who recently returned from France visited the former’s father, M. N. Smith one day last week.

Betty, the older daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. McHanan, has been quite seriously ill with pneumonia.

John Croak returned Sunday from a week in Rutherford, N.J., having accompanied his wife and children there for a visit to Mrs. Croak’s parents Mr. and Mrs. John Smith.

Miss Mary Maloney Durkan foster sister of Rev. P. J. Durkan, who has been overseas as an army nurse, has arrived in this country and is expected next week for a visit to Rev. Durkan.

Mrs. John Luckey is again in Mansfield with her sister, Mrs. Richard Longbothum, who is having a long, serious illness.

Jay Rolison, son of Henry Rolison was up from New York during this week.  He is not in very robust health and his physician has advised a change from city employment to the country for a time.

Volume LVI, #15, Thursday, April 10, 1919

Mrs. Olive J. Courtney of Sylvania, widow of Wm. Courtney, has been granted a pension of $25 a month through Attorney H. B. Corey.

Mrs. Harry Nice who has been ill since stricken with influenza about seven months ago, was operated upon again last Saturday by Dr. Molyneux of Blossburg, at the home of her parents, Attorney and Mrs. Harry Corey.

Frank Wilcox, of Johnson City, spent Saturday with his sister, Mrs. Frank Vineski and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brooks were down from Elmira for Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brooks.

Mrs. Lynn Gillett and son Harry are expected the last of the month from Mobile, Alabama, where they have been for some months with Mr. Gillette.

Mrs. William B. Roberts (nee Mable Califf) orders the address of her paper changed from Burlington, N.J. to Landenburg, Pa., R. D. 1.

Volume LVI, #16, Thursday, April 17, 1919

Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Rolison will spend Easter with the former’s sister, Mrs. Fred Roberts and family in Rochester.

Cpl. John Woodruff of El Paso, Texas, is spending a thirty day furlough with his mother, Mrs. Grace Woodruff.

The remains of Hiram Creighton who died in Sayre last Saturday, were brought to this place Tuesday morning and were taken to Granville Center, his former home, where the funeral and burial took place.

W. S. Potter, well known here, is understood to have purchased a tract of 34,000 aces of land with some improvements, near Kissinic, in central Florida.  Mr. Potter is the son-in-law of Mrs. George Peck of Troy, and with Mrs. Peck and Mrs. Potter has been living this winter in Kissinic.

Wesley B. Reynolds arrived last Friday from the National soldiers home at Johnson City, Tenn., for a visit to his son, Lee Reynolds.  James VanBuskirk arrived at the home in due course of trains a few weeks since and likes it fairly well, Mr. Reynolds says, but will come north in time for a fishing trip or two with his old piscatorial partner, Arthur Mason, before haying.  The opportunities for angling there are not what Mr. VanBuskirk would have them: not all to be compared with the central New York Lakes.

Mrs. W. W. Grace of Alba, spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Harry Walter.

Miss Leda W. Chace of Lawrenceville has been visiting her uncle, H. E. Chace and Mrs. Chace.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown of Buffalo, visited the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown.

Mrs. E. B. Kelley of Canton, is spending a time in Troy with her son, J. H. Kelley and family.

Mrs. Lee Gates is in Philadelphia with her sister, Mrs. George E. Boyer who on Tuesday submitted to a serious surgical operation, the second within a year.

Mrs. William G. Johnston (Eloise Mitchell) returns to her home in Colorado Springs this week following a month at the Excelsior Springs health resort in Missouri.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Brown went Sunday night to Barryville, N.Y., called there by the illness with influenza of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Fish.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Maxwell Beers of Elmira were Sunday guest of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Dewitt who returned on Saturday from several weeks in Florida.

Mrs. Charles B. Romer of Elmira well known here, is spending a fortnight in New York City.  Her daughter, Gertrude, went down with her but could remained only a few days.

Miss Martha Jaquish is here from State College for Easter with her brothers, and in the home of her uncle, Joseph H. Preston.

Henry Case is here from Syracuse university for the Easter vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Case.

Miss Margaret Hoagland of the high school faculty has as guests, her sister, Miss Dorothy Hoagland, her brother-in-law, Mr. J. Brandt and his two children, and Miss Katherine Kaupp of Williamsport; and Miss Crout of the faculty, entertained her brother, Sgt. Harold Crout, just out of the army as an inspector in the aerial service.

Canton:  Mrs. Tracy Sturdevant of Elmira, spent the week-end with her father, Emerson J. Cleveland, who has been seriously ill for a month.

Volume LVI, #17, Thursday, April 24, 1919

Mrs. Leonard Crouch and son Paul are here from Syracuse for a visit to the Misses Paine.

Walter Aspinwall of Buffalo, visited his uncle, Samuel Aspinwall, and other Troy Relatives last week.

Mrs. Earl VanNoy and children of Alba spent part of last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howland, and her sister, Mrs. James Andrus.

An addition 60 by 69 feet is to be built this season by the Young Women’s Christian Association to the hotel at Lake Breeze, Canton, to furnish additional dormitory room for the Y. W. girls who come there for their summer outings, away from the crowded cities.

Here for Easter:  Franklin Cassada of Elmira and Mrs. Louise Manley Foster of Philadelphia, at the Beaman home; William Holloway from Philadelphia; Lee Smith from Carnegie institute of Technology, Pittsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gilkey from Rochester; Allen Pierce from East Orange, N. J.; Robert VanSyckel from State College; James McKean from Elmira in the R. W. Budd home; Elizabeth Morse from Oberlin college; Henry Case from Syracuse university; Mrs. Rhea Barker from Elmira College; Miss May Handrahan and Miss Josephine Collins and Miss Ella Orcutt from Elmira; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Birk from Williamsport; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Swan from Elmira with Mrs. F. E. VanDyne; Irving Comfort and family from Dushore; Mrs. A. K. Gustin from Elmira with her son Harold Gustin and wife; Miss Irene Andrews from Binghamton with Miss Rhea Barker; Mrs. Thad Wolfe and Miss Elizabeth Wolfe of Canton with Mr. and Mrs. George Linderman; Miss Mary Brown and Mrs. Shultz of Elmira with Mrs. C. W. Mitchell; Helen Putnam of Canton with Nathalie Mitchell; Miss Theodore Bothwell from Lima, N. Y., at the A. B. McKean home the Misses Hickok with Mr. and Mrs. David J. Fanning.

Mr. and Mrs. William Meeker paid a surprise visit at Cap Meade to their son Lawrence.

Elsewhere for Easter:  Gordon Anthony of the McClelland store, with his family in Ulster; Mrs. S. J. Welch Jacob and Florence Welch, with her father, Samuel Balmer at Gillett; James Batterson with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and other relatives and friends in Lock Haven; Mrs. G. O. Holcombe in Philadelphia, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tate with the Jerome Stantons, West Burlington; Mrs. Tunnicliff and children at S. S. Tunnicliff’s at Gillett.

Albert Newell, who spent the winter in Canton with his daughter, Mrs. Bert Worden, has returned to his home on the Fallbrook road.

Miss Catherine Monogan has returned to her work as a teacher at Port Chester, N.Y., following a visit to her sister, Mrs. Fred Holloway.

Mrs. George G. Beardsley is caring for two young children of her friend Mrs. McNerney (nee Harding of Canton) while an older child is very, very ill.  Later-The sick child a fine boy of 6 or 7, died Tuesday night.

Volume LVI, #18, Thursday, May 1, 1919

Mr. and Mrs. John Finnerty are visiting the latter’s mother, Mrs. M. Shannon.

Mrs. Marion Ritchie arrived Sunday from Mobile, Alabama, to spent the summer in Troy with her grandfather, Mrs. E. L. Lewis.

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Nichols have word from their son Frank Nichols that he arrived from overseas with the  Rainbow Division, and is awaiting demobilization ant Camp Merritt.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cleaver are expected the last of the week from Plainfield, N.J., for a visit to the former’s mother, Mrs. I. Cleaver and help her celebrate her birthday on May 4.

Manley Allis spent Saturday with his grandfather, P. S. Manley in Canton.  They celebrated their birthday anniversaries together.

Dr. and Mrs. Davies received a letter Tuesday from their son, Corporal LaRue Davies of the Veterinary department of the American Expeditionary Force, saying that the horses had been sold off and the camp broken up and that his company would soon be sailing for America.

Miss Hilda Bowman, daughter of Mrs. Finley Hubbard, on her way home from service as an Army Nurse at Base hospital 67 in France, was prostrated by appendicitis and was taken to the hospital at Cardiff, Wales.  She is making good recovery.

Volume LVI, #19, Thursday, May 8, 1919

Frank Ward, who was eighteen months in the service and a year of that time with the 17th Regiment of Engineers in France, has returned to his pre-war position at Endicott, N.Y., following a three-weeks visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ward of Troy.

…. Robert Halpin, who is known here particularly through his talented wife, Maude Kennedy Halpin, has had another promotion in the military service overseas and should now be addressed as Lieutenant Colonel Halpin.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Comfort have returned to this boro from North East, where they have been living for some time.  They were accompanied by …s Mary Spencer, niece of Mrs. Comfort, of Bloomingdale, Mich., who will make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Comfort.

Mr. and Mrs. George P. Wrench are entertaining the former’s father, Mr. Vernard P. Wrench from Utica, N.Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Percy Coles of Mansfield, the former formerly of Troy, have adopted a baby boy, a nephew of Dr. Edith Flower Wheeler of that village.

Mrs. Frederick Searles of Elmira spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Howley.

Mrs. R. W. Budd spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Lucy Snedeker at Snedekers.

Mr. and Mrs. S. McClelland and son Robert, of Mosherville, were visitors in town on Monday.

Volume LVI, #20, Thursday, May 15, 1919

Mrs. Chas. Case was called to Pittsburg Monday by the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Jennie Wilbur.

Mrs. William DeWitt and two children, Billy and Howard of Wayne, PA, are spending a time with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. DeWitt.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bradford and Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Mitchell attended the Strait-Williams wedding in Mansfield yesterday.

Mrs. S. B. Willett returned to her home in this place after spending the winter with her brother, W. E. Carnochan in New York.

Mrs. L. E. Allis and Mrs. W. O. Price spent one day last week with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Manley in Canton.

Mrs. Harry Davison and two daughters, Alice and Frances, arrived Saturday in New York after having spent the winter in southern France.  They came on the Mauretania.

Volume LVI, #21, Thursday, May 22, 1919

Mr. Horace Pomeroy motored down to Troy Saturday from Buffalo, bring his sister, Mrs. John T. Shaw of Detroit, for a birthday visit to their father, E. Burton Pomeroy.

Mrs. A. C. Knight is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bush, in Cortland, N.Y.

Clarence Wheeler is spending the week in Lowman, N.Y., with his niece, Mrs. Ray Walters.

Mrs. Jennie R. Grant goes next week for a visit in Buffalo to her sister, Mrs. Edward Aspinwall.

Mrs. Burt Comfort and daughter Ada spent Sunday with the former’s mother, Mrs. Wm. Wheeler in Williamsport.

George Tanner of Norwich, N.Y. spent the week-end with his son G. I. Tanner, of the L. H. Oliver Insurance Agency.

Mrs. N. Shaw accompanied by her sister Mrs. Margaret Pierce, is spending a time at the Gleason Sanitarium in Elmira.

The fiftieth birthday of Mr. Joseph H. Preston was observed at the Preston home in Redington avenue Tuesday evening in the form of a surprise picnic supper attended by about sixty of his friends who presented the host with a handsome rocking chair.

Mrs. Chas. Furman returned Saturday from two weeks at the Sayre hospital with her daughter, Nellie Furman, who has been so very ill with pneumonia but is now happily improving.

Volume LVI, #23, Thursday, June 5, 1919

Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Ballard have returned from Athens where they were called by the serious illness of their son-in-law Arthur Stiles.  Mr. Stiles is now improved and was able to be brought to this place on Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. William SinClair who were recently married in Elmira are moving into the Troy Engine & Machine Co. house on Railroad street.

Mrs. C. C. Hooker and Mrs. F. I. Hooker were called to Hornell on Memorial Day to attend the funeral of the former’s brother, William Fish.

Mr. Samuel Aspinwall entertained a few of his fellow boarders at the Troy Hotel on his 81st birthday on Wednesday.

Mrs. Melissa Burk visited her sisters, Mrs. Vina Webber and Mrs. Florence Tanner and her nephew, Albert Hickok, week before last.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gustin and the latter’s brother, Claude Montgomery of East Canton, were guest of Mrs. Anna K. Gustin in Elmira.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brooks and the latter’s sister, Miss Luella Field of Elmira were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brooks.

Mrs. Howard Ballard of McKeesport, Pa., and little daughter Nancy Isabelle, have been on a visit to troy relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Irving Comfort and daughter Beatrice of Dushore, were guest on Tuesday of last wee of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Comfort.  They came by way of Sayre where they stopped at the hospital for treatment to Beatrice’s knee.

Mr. O. Campbell of Towanda, was a guest of his brother Howard and his mother, Mrs. Florence Tanner.

Francis Wilson, a Troy boy, son of Samuel Wilson of the fire Proof Garage, is playing first solo cornet in the Naval Training Station Band at Newport, R.I.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kelly were motor guest of the former’s mother, Mrs. Amelia Kelley, in Canton on Thursday evening.

Volume LVI, #24, Thursday, June 12, 1919

Miss Dorothy Beaman was with her sister, Mrs. Cassada, in Elmira, for Sunday.

Mr. John Hooley attended the funeral in Williamsport Wednesday of his friend, Joseph J. Bower.

Mrs. Misses Erk of Honesdale, are spending a time in Troy with their brother, William Erk, and family.

Miss Charlotte Paine spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Leonard Crouch, at the Gleason Health Resort, in Elmira.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brink (Fannie VanKirk) of Penequia, Michigan visited in the home of E. K. Wolfe, David J. Fanning and others the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Layton Stone of Springfield, go next week to Lakeside, Nebraska, the late home of their son, Lynn Stone, who was killed in battle overseas last October.

Volume LVI, #25, Thursday, June 19, 1919

Mrs. Leon Manley and two children returned on Saturday to their home in Rochester, following some time with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Price.

Mrs. George O. Holcombe returned last week from visits in the home of her cousins, Daniel E. Pomeroy at Englewood, N.J. and Henry P. Davison at Peacock Point, Long Island.

Theodore Watkins, son of Mahlon Watkins, has re-enlisted for a year in the Cavalry.

Ms. N. Shaw is spending a time in Canton with her sister, Mrs. T. Burke.

Corporal Donald H. Cameron of the 11th Photo Section, A.E.F., son of the Rev. and Mrs. Cameron of Sylvania, is on the “Partia” from Marseille to New York , and will land probably on Saturday.

Mr. J. P. Hoagland of Williamsport spent last Saturday with his daughter, Miss Margaret Hoagland of the High school faculty.

Mrs. Edmund Ripley has issued invitations to the wedding of her daughter, Miss LaRancie Ripley to Leon James Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Smith of Troy, on next Tuesday evening at 8:30 at the Ripley home in Mainesburg.

Volume LVI, #26, Thursday, June 26, 1919

Mrs. Edward Gerould of Smithfield is spending a time with her daughter Mrs. Clarence Wolfe.

Mr. and Mrs. Kitner of Towanda visited in the home of their son, Harry Kitner, the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Williams motored to Muncy for Sunday with their son, Harold Williams and family.

Miss Martha Phillips comes this week from Saratoga Springs, N.Y., for the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Phillips in Springfield.

Mrs. Bert Miller and Louis Wagner were called to Binghamton by the alarming condition of their sister Mrs. James W. Lampkin, who submitted to a very serious operation.  Mrs. Lampkin was reported to be suffering from typhoid fever, but the use of the X-Ray revealed a condition which could be reached only through an operation.  Mrs. Lamkin submitted to a second operation at Binghamton on Thursday and her condition is understood to be very critical.

Mrs. Wilber Lank of Bridgeport, Conn., is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. W. DeWitt, on the Sylvania road.

Miss Mildred McDowell who came from Lancaster for the funeral of her grandfather, Myron McDowell, has been spending several days with Troy relatives and friends.

William Gatens and sister, Miss Anna Gatens of Elmira, the former recently returned from 14 months overseas, visited old friends in Troy the last of the week.

Miss Dorothy Bullock of Elmira, is visiting her grandfather, Mr. Furman Bullock.  Miss Bullock is a nurse in the Arnot-Ogden hospital and is recovering from a run of pneumonia.

Mr. and Mrs. Perry A. Rockwell attended the ordination last week of their son, the Rev. Paul Rockwell, as pastor of the Baptist church at Juva, Pa., seventeen miles from Erie.

Dr. and Mrs. Barker have with them for a time both of their children-Joseph, just graduated from Yale and Miss Rhea, just graduated from Elmira college.  The former with probably do his next year’s post-graduate work in Chicago instead of Princeton as previously planned.

Miss Pauline Bradford has arrived from Wellsville, N. Y., for the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bradford.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Saxton and daughter Daisy of Ralston: Mr. Edward Saxton, Miss Samantha Saxton of Owego and Mrs. John Saxton and daughter of Williamsport were here from a distance Wednesday for the Saxton reunion which was attended by about fifty members of the family.  The next reunion will be held with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Saxton the last Wednesday in June, 1920.

Volume LVI, #27, Thursday, July 3, 1919

Miss Theodore Rothwell, head of the music department of the Lima seminary, Lima, N.Y. has arrived for the summer with her mother in the A. B. McKean home.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cosper and little daughter, Mary Alice and Mrs. Cosper’s mother, Mrs. Stackhouse spent a few days last week in Waverly.

Mrs. W. H. Woodward returned Tuesday afternoon to her home in Elmira following a few days with her mother, Mrs. W. B. Gernert, in High street.

The Beekeeper’s picnic has been postponed to August 2d at the home G. L. Allen near Wysox, on account of the death of a relative of O. J. Woodruff with whom the picnic was to have been held at Franklindale.

Mrs. W. W. Kennedy of Springfield, is in Washington to visit her son, Max Kennedy.

Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Parson’s daughter, Louise, was quite ill the last of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Everitt B. Mills and daughter are expected on Friday from Fall River to spend some time with Mrs. Mill’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everitt VanDyne.  Mr. Mill’s father is on a trip to Alaska.

Mrs. M. T. Haxton is in Buffalo this week, visiting her sister, Mrs. C. C. Bigelow.  While there and accompanied by another sister Mrs. Josephine Baker and daughter Virgina of Rochester, she will spend a few days with a house boat party at Alcott Beach.  Returning home by the way of Rochester next week, she will be accompanied by her niece, Virgina Baker, who will spend the summer with her aunt in Troy.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sadler and daughter, Gertrude, of Hazelton, are visiting in the A. J. Sadler home in Elmira street.

Volume LVI, #28, Thursday, July 10, 1919

Mrs. Wilson Weigester, with her two daughters, returned to Binghamton with her father James W. Lamkin to remain a week.

Percy M. Bailey came from Washington for the Fourth with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Bailey and remained until Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Franklin A. Pierce went last week for a visit to her sister, Mrs. E. R. Froud at Fleischmanns, N.Y., and to her grandson, Caleb Robinson Pierce at West Point.

Called to Oklahoma City, halfway across the continent on business Burr Ballard came on to Troy for a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Ballard, and his brother and sisters before returning to Eureka, California.  He had not been east before in five years.  He is general manager of a large wholesale feed company.

Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Welling and son Harold, of New York are visiting their aunt, Mrs. E. F. Buffum.

Mrs. S. C. Smith, her daughter, Mrs. Hattie S. Baehr and daughter Sophronia, of Kansas City, Mo., are at the Troy Hotel for the summer.

M. C. Preston formerly for may years a merchant of Canton, but for the past two years retired and living at Pasadena, CA, is on a visit to his brothers William and Joseph here and relatives in Canton.

Mrs. Edward VanDyne visited her sister, Mrs. Francis Copley, in Elmira on Tuesday.

 Mrs. George F. Brown and her granddaughter, Miss Helen Brown come Thursday from Rutland, VT, for a visit in the H. K. Mitchell home.

Volume LVI, #29, Thursday, July 17, 1919

Mrs. Wm. DeWitt and sons, Billy and Howard, are spending a time with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. DeWitt.

John M. Coney and Mrs. Downs, his sister, attended the funeral in Canton of their old acquaintance and friend, Patrick Hassett.

Miss Mildred Wicks, head of the Science department of an Arkansas Normal school with an enrollment of 1400 students, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Rupert V. Greenough.

Mr. Liston Bliss and sister, Miss Mary Bliss, are on a visit in Lansing, Mich., to their brother, Chas. Bliss.

Dr. and Mrs. Leroy H. Wolfe of Quincy, Il., are visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. George H. Wolfe at Snedekers.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Colony returned Wednesday from a visit in Williamsport to their daughter, Mrs. J. M. Birk.  Mrs. Birk accompanied them home for a few days.

Dr. Leroy Wolfe of Quinsy, Ill., who is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Wolfe in Snedekers left Thursday morning by motor for New York  where he will take a six weeks course in surgical dentistry.  He was accompanied by his father who will remain in New York for a few days.

Volume LVI, #30, Thursday, July 24, 1919

Mrs. Emily Stone and her brother, Howard Pierce of Elmira, visited West Burlington and Troy relatives last week.

Mrs. Arthur R. McMahan with her two children and maid is on a visit at Barnesboro, Pa., to her sister Mrs. Joseph Bradford and family.

Mr. S. L. Morse of Pavo, Georgia his wife and daughter, Miss Lucy Morse, arrived last week for a visit to his brother, Mr. Frank Morse and family.

Mrs. Ethel DeWitt DeCorusey, one time a teacher in the Troy school is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. DeWitt in Mansfield.

Frank Brown of Buffalo has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown.

Mrs. Anna L. Holley and three children of Cortland, N.Y., are visiting her brother, Charles Decker and other East Troy friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Heald visited the latter’s mother and sisters, Mrs. Leonard and Mrs. Greenough and Mrs. Wilcox in this place the first of the week.

Mr. an Mrs. Percy W. King and the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colton Dickinson of Burlington township left Tuesday by automobile with Jacob Welch as driver for a visit to John Dickinson and family at Haddam, Mass.  They will be gone some time.

Saturday evening while leaning against a widow which was cracked in the Ludington & Dewey store Bobby Furman little son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Furman broke through the glass and cut his arm so badly that it was necessary to take eight stitches to close the wound.

Volume LVI, #31, Thursday, July 31, 1919

After several weeks at the Gleckner cottage in the Kettle Creek state forest reservation in Potter county, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Gleckner, the latter’s parents and Mr. W. W. Gleckner are back in Canton.

George Ogden, one time of Troy, has been on a visit in Elmira to his aunt, Miss Cora Ogden, a well known teacher.  George was with the first division of Regulars to reach France in June, 1917.  In the Argonne offensive he was so badly wounded that he did not again get into action.  He is now at Camp Merritt from which he will be sent to a general hospital for treatment.

 Mrs. W. A. Miller of Watkins, spent last week in Troy with her father, E. T. Buffum.

Mrs. Cassada of Elmira spent Tuesday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beaman.

Mrs. G. N. Wright suffered a stroke of paralysis on Tuesday at the home of her niece, Mrs. Elmer Ross.

Maj. J. C. Robinson is in Elmira for a visit to his daughter Mrs. Merton Baldwin and family in their new home on Maple Ave.

Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Burr and daughter came Tuesday from Corning for a visit to his aunt, Mrs. John C. Bigelow and Mr. Elmer Burr, his grandfather.

Volume LVI, #32, Thursday, August 7, 1919

Mrs. Rose Mack and daughter, Miss Helen, of New York, were guests over Sunday of the former’s brother Mr. and Mrs. McGrougharan.

Miss Winifred Ziegler, a teacher at South Waverly last year is to be married to Mortimer H. Wilson, a Y.M.C.A. Secretary of Michigan City, Indiana.

Mrs. Claude Warren and sons of Binghamton are spending their vacation with Mrs. Warren’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. VanHorn in East Troy.

A happy reunion took place Thursday morning when Chas. Ross, just back from overseas, was met at the Troy station by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Ross and other relatives from Mansfield.

Hiram G. Wood was in New York Wednesday and Thursday to see his brother, Fred Wood, who landed last Sunday after nearly two years overseas.

Judson Parsons, who is with the Bethlehem Steel Co. in New York, is spending his vacation of two weeks with his mother, Mrs. E. B. Parsons, in this boro.

Volume LVI, #33, Thursday, August 14, 1919

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roberts and son of Rochester, are spending part of their vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alanson Rolison.

Miss Edna A. Cowell of East Orange, N.J., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Edward Gray.

Horace B. Pomeroy came from Buffalo for the week-end with his father, C. Burton Pomeroy, and to take his son, Horace, who has been spending some time with his uncles, John and Fayette Pomeroy.

Little Miss Eunice Yauger accompanied home for a visit her grandmother, Mrs. W. O. Price from Union Springs, N.Y.

Mrs. Florence Fanning DeWitt has renter her house on Center Street to Wm. Bull, the baker, who will move his family there from the Barker house in High St.

Mr. and Mrs. Perley Wooster (nee Josie Bird) of LeRoy, have been camping on the Susquehanna river near Wysox.

Mrs. Clarence Wolfe returned Monday from a week with her mother, Mrs. Gerould in Smithfield.

Mrs. J. R. Willour has come from San Antonio, Texas to Punxsutawney, Pa., to reside with her daughter Nurse Margaret Willour.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDowell and son Robert were over from Mansfield for the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Smiley.

Lawrence Meeker, who was so badly wounded overseas, and for a long time was unable to walk, came last Thursday from Camp Meade for a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Meeker.  He is still far from well but convalescent.

Volume LVI, #34, Thursday, August 21, 1919

Manley Allis has been visiting his uncles, Guy and Leon Manley, in Rochester.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dix and son Lewis, of Gillett were guests on Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Batterson.

Miss Elma Case of Steubenville, Ohio, daughter of Walter Case is spending a time with her grandmother, Mrs. Eunice Case in the Geo. Bradford home.

Mrs. Frank Jameson returned yesterday to her home in Danville following a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Burr.

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Petti are expected Saturday from New York for a visit in the homes of the latter’s sister-in-law and brother, Mrs. Clark Joralemon and Charles Joraelmon.

Mrs. Harry Johnson and daughters Harriett and Betty came Thursday from Washington for a visit of several weeks to her mother, Mrs. H. S. Leonard.  Major Johns will join his family for Labor Day.

Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wood enjoyed the privilege last Sunday for the first time in a number of years of having all of their five sons with them-Richard and Fred, recently returned from war, accompanied by their wives, Hiram and his family, and the two younger boys, Joe and Abel.

Master Lee Gilkey is here from Rochester for a long visit to his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilkey of East Main street.

Mr. and Mrs. John Wetherbee and son Maxwell, were visitors at Lewis Packard’s last Friday.

At a party given by Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Couyman, East Smithfield, announcement was made of the engagement of their niece, Miss Anna M. Pierce, well known here, to Mr. Harold French of East Smithfield.

Volume LVI, #35, Thursday, August 28, 1919

Mrs. Louise Campbell is here from the Masonic home at Elizabethtown, Pa., for a visit to her brother, Charles Teeter, and old friends and acquaintances.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McLane and three children of Ridgway are visiting Mrs. McLane’s sister, Mrs. A. E. Snedeker.

Harry Morgan of Philadelphia, a former Trojan, son of Albert Morgan, has been a visitor in the Ray Slingerland home.

Mrs. Dwight Rolison entertained a company of ladies on Monday after noon in honor of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Andrew Spalding of Oil City.

Mr. Willis Smiley of Maryville, Missouri, is visiting his sister, Mrs. William Weigester and his brother Charles Smiley, the latter of East Troy.

Private Harry W. Califf came Saturday for a short furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Califf after two years overseas from the Naval … Range at Caldwell, N. J. and has another year to serve on his enlistment.

Mrs. Leonard Crouch of Syracuse is spending a time at Brier Cottage, Mountain Lake with her sister, Miss Charlotte Paine, and Hope Crouch.

Mrs. Snyder of Geneva, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Dawson.

Mr. Harry Wheeler of Montreal, Cana., Mrs. Wheeler and their four children, Miss Laura Wheeler of Mansfield, and Mr. Wilber Downs of Elmira, visited Thomas Comfort and family and other relatives last week.

A divorce was granted Tuesday to Arthur Head from Nettie C. Head.  The decree was based on the plaintiff’s allegation that defendant had treated him in such a cruel and barbarous manner and offered such gross indignities to his person as to render live intolerable.

Volume LVI, #36, Thursday, September 4, 1919

Miss Violet Newell of Elmira spent Labor Day with her sister, Mrs. Howard McMahan.

Mrs. Lucy R. Smith of Elmira visited her sister, Mrs. H. K. Mitchell and family the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis and daughter of Pittsburg have been visiting Mr. Lewis’ sister, Mrs. Lynn Gillette.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Maxwell Beers of Elmira spent Sunday and Labor Day with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. DeWitt.

Little Miss Frances Williams daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Williams spent last week with Miss Mary Jenkins in Springfield.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Huntley of Little Falls, N.Y. were guests from Thursday until Saturday of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huntley.

Frank Morse and family enjoyed a visit last week from their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ennis and sons of Lyons, N.Y.

Miss Mable Williams of Yonkers, N.Y. and Mrs. D. J. Tobin (nee Ethel Williams) of Hoboken, are expected Saturday for a visit in the home of their father Frank Williams.

Mrs. Clark Joralemon accompanied her sister-in-law, Mrs. Perry Pettit and Mr. Pettit to their home in New York on Monday for a visit of several weeks.

Maurice, Frances and Mary McGee, their grandmother, Mrs. Morris Reidy, and Lawrence Ballard accompanied by Mary McGee of Williamsport motored to Rochester Tuesday for the wedding on Wednesday of Mrs. Reidy’s granddaughter, Miss Annie Werline to Mr. James Doyle.

Mrs. Malcolm Gibson came from Elmira Friday and returned on Saturday accompanied by her little son, Malcolm Jr. who had been spending a few days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Gallatin.

Volume LVI, #38, Thursday, September 18, 1919

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith and Miss Frances Smith attended the funeral in Mainesburg on Tuesday of Mrs. Smith’s grandfather, O. P. Doud who died on Sunday.

Dr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Boyer are entertaining the former’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Conver and son, Russell, of Lansdale, Pa. and Mrs. O. A. Brown of Center Square, Pa.

Mrs. Lucy Dunbar returned to her home in Alba following a week with home in Alba following a week with her sister, Mrs. Florence Tauner.

A license to marry has been issued to Norman Edward Warren and Edna Hazel Lovejoy, both of Canton.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Holcombe of Philadelphia, are visiting the former’s mother, Mrs. George O. Holcombe.  They have lately returned from Charleston, S. C., the girlhood home of Mrs. Holcombe.

Ada, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Comfort is recovering nicely in the Sayre hospital from an operation for appendicits.

Miss Lucile Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Smith of the Porter road, is a new addition to the corner Drug Store clerking force.

Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Colony, their daughter, Mrs. J. M. Birk of Williamsport and Miss Mildred Ballard were motor visitors in Elmira on Tuesday.

Mr. Albert Newell and his brother, Henry Newell of Elmira, went Tuesday to Cumberland. Mr., to remain several weeks with a brother, sisters and other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Loomis of Elmira, spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. James McMahan and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarendon Leonard entertained last week the latter’s stepfather, Mr. J. M. Whitcomb of Elmira, who is 86, and also her brother Eugene Dann of Elmira, and Mrs. Dann.

Volume LVI, #39, Thursday, September 25, 1919

Morris J. Smith spent Sunday in Elmira with is sister, Mrs. T. W. Pitt.

Miss Gayle McKean of Elmira, spent Saturday and Sunday with her father, Jas. McKean and her grandparents.

Mrs. Celia Leonard is very seriously ill at the home in this boro of her daughter, Mrs. Smith Wilcox.

Mrs. Jennie Leonard Heald was down from Elmira the first of the week to see her mother, Mrs. Leonard, who is so very ill.

Mrs. Mary Webber and her daughter, Miss Susie Webber, will come for the winter from the Porter road to make their home with the former’s daughter, Mrs. Wm. Bull in Center street.

Volume LVI, #40, Thursday, October 2, 1919

Little Edward Brenchley is back with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Brenchley after two weeks in the Blossburg hospital during which he submitted to an operation.

Mrs. Willard Price and little son of Montour Falls returned to their home on Tuesday after a few days with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Luckey.  Mr. Price was here for Sunday.

Volume LVI, #41, Thursday, October 9, 1919

Mrs. E. B. Parsons entertained a small company of ladies for her mother, Mrs. H. A. Aspinwall.

Mrs. Frederick Bruce and two children, Bernice and Mildred returned Sunday night to their home in Brooklyn following a visit to the former’s aunt, Mrs. E. A. Rockwell and Mr. Rockwell.

B. J. Bloom, Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Smith and son, Lee, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McClelland, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Johnson and Mrs. Samuel Williams attended the funeral in Elmira on Tuesday of Max Pettingill, one time of Troy.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Williams spent Saturday and Sunday in Muncy with their son, Harold, just out of quarantine from his run of scarlet fever.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lacell and children motored to Troy from Barnard, near Rochester, for the weekend with Mrs. Lacell’s sister, Mrs. Burt Comfort and family.  Mrs. J. B. Armstrong another sister, came with them from Elmira.

Reaching to hang a dish towel on the line in the back yard while on a visit to her granddaughter Mrs. Clarence Wolfe, on Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Louis Gerould, 87 years old of Smithfield, fell and broke her hip.  She is the mother of Edward Gerould.  Her condition is not reassuring.

Mrs. Anna Cavanaugh of Cleveland, O., came Wednesday for a visit to her mother, Mrs. Sherman, her sister, Mrs. Willis Flick and her brothers, Henry and Theodore Sherman.

Volume LVI, #42, Thursday, October 16, 1919

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Fay of Elmira Heights, were Sunday guests of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Fay.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Batterson gave a dinner last Tuesday evening in honor of their cousin, Mrs. Fannie E. Leyner, of Denver, Colo.

Miss Dorothy York returned on Monday the her work in Wells College having been called home by the illness of her mother, Mrs. D. B. York, who is now much improved.

 Mrs. Louden Budd is spending a time in Wolfe Hollow with her niece Mrs. Gertrude Wolfe.

Merton Greenough has gone for a visit to his son, Harry, in Cleveland, Ohio.

Volume LVI, #43, Thursday, October 23, 1919

Mrs. Harry Walter is entertaining Mrs. L. F. Ballard and daughter Clara, of Canton.

Misses Henrietta and Olive Pierce spent Sunday and Monday with their brother, Leslie, and family in Elmira.

Volney S. Landon of the first company, of the Blue Jacket Guard, U. S. S. “Kaiserin Victoria,” after making three trips to Brest, France, bringing home soldiers has been spending a thirty-day furlough with his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Landon.

Mrs. Harry Watkins and children, Margaret and James of Blossburg are spending the week with relatives and friends in town.

Mrs. Herbert Schuch and daughter, Miss Mable, of Toledo, O., are visiting the former’s sister, Mrs. S. A. Williams.

Cashier and Mrs. Nelson Stull and daughter, Margaret of Ralston, Mrs. Lottie Spencer of Ogdensburg and Mr. and Mrs. Merrick Jones of East Canton were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Batterson.

Ambrose Williams who has been in the west for the past five years most of the time in Minnesota, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Williams.

Misses Sylvia Rockwell, Reva Crout, Maude Lyon and Helen Jones, Prof. Croman, Dr. Riley will attend the wedding in Williamsport on Saturday of Miss Margaret Hoagland to Mr. Herman Brandt.  Miss Hoagland was the music and art teacher in the Troy school last year.

Volume LVI, #44, Thursday, October 30, 1919

Mrs. A. E. Baker is here from Little River, Florida, on business connected with the sale of her father, Dr. Kendall’s realty to Troy School District as part of the H. P. Davison improvement project.  She came Saturday expecting to remain ten days.

Mrs. Emma VanNess was down from Elmira for a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George VanNess, in Bohlayertown.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Dickinson left Friday for their home in Willoughby, Ohio, after spending a week with the latter’s sisters, Mrs. Albert Putnam and Mrs. William Spencer, and other relatives.

Miss Mary Jameson of Danville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ralph Burr.

P. M. Bailey of “The Pathfinder” came from Washington for Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Bailey.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. White of Mansfield are visiting in the home of their daughter, Mrs. J. H. Preston.

Mrs. J. Maxwell Beers and Mrs. Lena Carroll of Elmira were Thursday and Friday guests of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. DeWitt.

Announcement was made Tuesday by the Rev. and Mrs. Endicott Peabody of Groton, Mass. Of the engagement of their daughter, Miss Dorothy to F. Trubee Davison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Davison of New York.  This is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Davison who was in the 1917 class at Yale and left his college work to organize the first Naval Aviation Unit before the United States entered the war.

Volume LVI, #45, Thursday, November 6, 1919

Miss Margaret King spent Sunday with her brother, John King and family, in Elmira.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Shook and son Harold visited in Buffalo several days the first of the week.

Mrs. Emma Weakland of Patton, Pa., comes this week for a visit to her sister, Mrs. M. J. Ryan and family.

Mrs. Edward P. Morse leaves next Monday for Bozeman, Montana, the home of her son, John Morse, who has been ill for some time and for whom physicians advise a change of climate.

Messrs. C. L. and Glenn Dewey and their brother-in-law, H. P. Hulslander arrived Sunday evening from their hunting trip in New York state.

Mrs. Talbert Snyder and baby of Canton have been visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Fred Pierce.

Rev. P. J. Durkan visited his brother, John Durkan and family, in Scranton the first of the week.

Miss Dorothy Beaman goes the last of the week for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Rose McVoy (nee Nellie Grant) in Auburn, N.Y.

Attorney and Mrs. W. D. Morse were over from Athens the last of the week and remained over Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Ballard.

Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cornell, who have been staying with the former’s sister, Mrs. Fanny Porter, will go soon for the winter to Elmira, where their son, Harold, is employed.

Christopher W. Ballard is visiting his brother, F. L. Ballard and other relatives and old time friends.  Mr. Ballard has just sold his shoe business in Jackson, Mich., and is planning to spend the winter in Honolulu.

Volume LVI, #46, Thursday, November 13, 1919

Mrs. John Luckey spent last week in Mansfield with her sister, Mrs. Longbothum, who continues seriously ill.

Miss Ruth Saxton of the Canton school faculty was a Saturday and Sunday guest of her sister, Mrs. W. L. Rider and family.

Ned Maher came Friday from Rochester for a week with his mother, Mrs. Catherine Maher.

Mrs. R. W. Budd has returned from several days with her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Snedeker at Snedekers.

Mrs. Raymond Sutton and infant daughter of Canton, en route from the Packer hospital, are visiting her brother, Monroe Wood.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sims and sons Paul and Theodore, of Williamsport spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Rockwell.

Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Comfort entertained for several days the first of the week the latter’s aunt, Mrs. Lester West of Johnson City, NY.

John Smith, who has spent some weeks with his daughter, Mrs. John Croak, returned to his home in Rutherford, N.J., the last of the week.

Mrs. Percy King has been in Sayre the past week with her mother Mrs. C. E. Dickinson, who is making a fine recovery from her operation.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hurlbert and son Harry, Norman Joralemon attended the funeral of Mrs. Fred Berry at Trowbridge, Tioga county on Monday, of this week.

Volume LVI, #47, Thursday, November 20, 1919

Mrs. Albert Brink of Waverly has been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gilmour.

Jas. Balmer of Gillett has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. S. J. Welch, and family in Elmira street.

John J. Hooley attended the funeral in Williamsport on Monday of his friend, M. J. Cox, whose wife was Mary Mack, one time of Troy.

Mr. and Mrs. N. F. DenMark of Alpine are visiting the latter’s sister, Mrs. John Sucese, who is happily improving from her serious illness.

Mrs. Everitt Mills and daughter of Fall River, Mass., will spend the month of December with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Everitt Van Dyne.

Postmaster and Mrs. M. J. McNulty had as their guests on Sunday the latter’s sister and niece, Mrs. Thos. Ryan of Williamsport and Miss Kathryn Ryan of Elmira.

Mrs. Harry Wheat and little niece, Anna Belle Comfort, returned yesterday to their home in Cleveland, Ohio, following a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White on the Porter road.  They were accompanied by Miss Louise White, who will make her home in that city.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Comfort, of Canton, spent Tuesday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Comfort and Mr. Comfort attended the Father and Son Banquet at the Methodist church in the evening.

Volume LVI, #48, Thursday, November 27, 1919

Mrs. S. B. Willot, had with her for Thanksgiving, her brother, Attorney William E. Carnochan of New York.

Mr. and Mrs. William Erk went to Horseheads for Thanksgiving with their son and wife Mr. and Mrs. Rinehold Erk.

Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Dunbar of Canadaigua, formerly of Canton have announced the engagement of their daughter Miss Minnie Dunbar to Herbert Julius Oskamp also of Canandaigua.

Mrs. Edw. Bingham and children of VanEtten, N.Y., were Thanksgiving guests of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Finlay F. Rogers.  The will remain until Sunday.

The Rev. and Mrs. Paul Rockwell were home from Waterford, Pa., 18 miles from Erie, for Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Rockwell.

Mr. and Mrs. Allen Stacy went to Buffalo for Thanksgiving with their son, Howard Stacy and family.

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Knight have been entertaining the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bush of Cortland, N.Y.

Mrs. Max Kennedy has returned to Washington, D.C., after spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bristol of this boro.

Dr. and Mrs. John Carnochan and children came from Princeton for Thanksgiving with his mother, Mrs. Sophia Carnochan and Miss Belle Carnochan.

Volume LVI, #49, Thursday, December 4, 1919

Fred Spalding of Pittsburgh has been visiting his mother, Mrs. H. M. Spalding, who is ill.

William Fitzpatrick of Elmira spent Saturday and Sunday with his mother, Mary Fitzpatrick in Railroad street.

Mrs. Jesse Bullock and little son of Elmira Heights were week end guest of the former’s father, Furman Bullock and Mrs. Bullock.

Mrs. Ira A. Parsons has returned from a Thanksgiving visit in Philadelphia to her children, Leland and Clara Parsons.

Mr. O. F. Ruggles and Mrs. C. L. Landon spent Thanksgiving and the week end with their sister Mrs. Edwin Rice, in Penbryn.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Burley returned Sunday to Philadelphia after spending the week end with the former’s mother, Mrs. Ellen Burley, at Altus.

Mrs. Ellen S. Burley of Altus entertained for Thanksgiving: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burley and children Esther and Lawrence of Burlington; Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Burley of Doylestown, PA; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Barnhart and Miss Louise Barnhart of Pine City, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse R. Knowlden of Elmira and D. W. Bailey.

Mrs. Frank Price came Friday evening for a week end visit to her mother, Mrs. Daniel Compton and other relatives.

Volume LVI, #50, Thursday, December 11, 1919

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Darrow and Miss Daisy Pettingill spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Pettingill, in Leona.

Mrs. E. B. Mills and little daughter came Friday from Fall River, Mass., for a month with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. VanDyne.

Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wood of Elmira, motored to Troy last Sunday to visit the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White.  They were accompanied by their son, Eldon, who has recently returned from service in the navy.

Fred Spalding was called from Pittsburg and Andrew Spalding from Oil City by the serious illness of their mother, Mrs. H. M. Spalding.  The latter was here over Sunday.  Mrs. Spalding’s condition continues critical.

Volume LVI, #51, Thursday, December 18, 1919

Mrs. M. B. McDowell, mother of Mrs. D. B. York, is quite ill at her home in Sylvania, with a nurse in attendance.

Horace Shaw is here from Detroit, Mich., for a visit to his grandfather, Mr. C. B. Pomeroy, and other relatives.

Mrs.  Lana Putnam and little granddaughter, Madaline Dahlgren of Elmira spent the week-end with Troy relatives and friends.

Prof. C. H. Gordinier of the State Normal School at Millersville, Pa., has purchased the properties 601, 603 and 605 Cypress St., Elmira, N.Y.  His sister, Mrs. W. T. Newell will occupy the one at 605 Cypress St.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fletcher who have been in the west for some moths with their daughter, Mrs. H. T. Elston, are back in their home in Ridgebury.  Mrs. Elston came with them.  The are assured by the government that they will receive soon the personal effects of their son, Captain Lee Fletcher, who made the supreme sacrifice in France more than a year ago.

Mrs. Bert Compton will come holiday week from Tamaqua, for a visit to his mother, Mrs. Daniel Compton.

Mrs. John Finnerty of Elmira is visiting her mother, Mrs. M. Shannon and her sisters here.

Frederick Treat, brother-in-law of the late Dr. William DeWitt has bought 500 acres on the shore of Chesapeake bay, seven miles from Annapolis, Md.

 Alice Bullock, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bullock and granddaughter of Mr. George Stacy, is ill with pneumonia at the family home in Elmira.

Volume LVI, #52, Thursday, December 25, 1919

Miss Cora Smith came from Elmira for Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Smith on the Porter road.

Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pierce arrived Christmas day for their holiday visit to his mother, Mrs. J. Franklin Pierce and other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Birk came from Williamsport for Christmas in the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Colony, and Mr. and Mrs. Twomey and daughter from the same city in the G. H. Webb home.

Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Williams passed Christmas in Muncy with their son, Harold, and family.

Mrs. W. Herman Woodward was down from Elmira for Christmas with her mother, Mrs. Walter Gernert.

Miss Pauline Bradford of the Wellsville, N.Y., public school faculty is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Bradford.

Jesse Harvey of Flint, Mich., visited his aunt, Mrs. W. W. Brooks and his sister, Miss Pearl Harvey last week.

Malcolm Gibson, Jr., of Elmira has been spending a  few days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Gallatin.

Chas. Joralemon of Emerson College, Boston, spent his Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hosea Joralemon.

Miss Margaret Mahood goes Friday to spend a few days with her sister, Mildred, who has a fine position with the government in Washington, D. C.

Mrs. Harold Gustin is spending the week at East Canton with her father, Mr. Rosell Montgomery.  Mr. Gustin joined them for Christmas.

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 24 AUG 2008
By Joyce M. Tice