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Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette
Register 1918 - 1919 - Yesterday's News |
These clippings from ancient
and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are
being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily
we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage
and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles
that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations
at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from
the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings. Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here. If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Partitioned PICO Search Engine which you can reach from current What's New Page of the site. There is a partition just for the TGR Clippings. |
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Mrs. Nora Ruggles of Elmira, is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Rockwell for an indefinite time.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed S. Dickinson visited their daughter, Mrs. Ray Newell in Alba.
Merton Welch of Smithfield, spent a few days recently with his brother, Horace and Mrs. Welch.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Essenwine, of Burlington and Mr. and Mrs. J. Stuart Essenwine and son, George, spent New Year’s with the formers son, Paul and Mrs. Essenwine.
Mrs. Delos Rockwell visited her sister, Mrs. Helen Ballard in Troy last week.
Mrs. Smith (nee Nellie Rockwell) has returned to her home at Cedarhurst, L. I. After spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. Alice Rockwell.
Volume LV, #4, January 24, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. Campbell and son, James, visited Mrs. Campbell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Stanton in Troy last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hulslander visited the lady’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Weed at Smithfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stanton, and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stanton of East Troy spent Saturday with their aunt, Mrs. Mary Patterson.
Volume LV, #6, February 7, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stuart Essenwine and son, George, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Essenwine were Sunday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Essenwine in Burlington.
Volume LV, #9, February 28, 1918
Mrs. Amanda Campbell of Bourne, is visiting at the home of her son, Herbert D. Campbell.
Stephen Kenyon of Troy, spent Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Frank Burley.
Volume LV, #10, Thursday, March 7, 1918
Miss Marietta Wiggins is spending some time at the home of her mother, Mrs. James Bailey.
Mrs. Lynn E. Blackwell and daughters, Mildred and Esther of Burlington spent Wednesday last at the home of her father-in-law, J. D. Blackwell.
Volume LV, #12, Thursday, March 21, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rockwell and little daughter, Eloise of Athens, spent last week with his mother, Mrs. Alice Rockwell.
Volume LV, #14, Thursday, April 4, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Welch and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rockwell and son, Arthur recently visited the former’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Welch near Smithfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Boyer have moved from Lewisburg and will work for Mrs. Boyer’s father, M. A. Case the coming season.
Miss Mary Rockwell of Elmira visited over Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rockwell.
Rev. C. M. Fanning of Erin, N. Y., was a recent guest of his sister, Mrs. John B. Dickinson.
Mrs. Davis McKean is ill and also her son, John McKean.
Volume LV, #18, May 2, 1918
Mrs. James Stanton of Troy is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Herbert D. Campbell.
Volume LV, #20, Thursday, May 16, 1918
Mrs. Jesse Knowlden of Elmira spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burley.
Volume LV, #22, Thursday, May 30, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. Ed S. Dickinson entertained a company last Friday evening in honor of their son, Frank, who has been called to the service and left for Camp Dix Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dickinson and Mrs. Ray Newell of Alba, were home for a visit with their brother, Fran B. Dickinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Welch were guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Welch in Smithfield recently.
Volume LV, #25, Thursday, June 20, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. Sayre Yynkoop were the guests last week at the homes of his sisters Mrs. J. L. Rockwell and Mrs. Charles Rockwell.
Volume LV, #27, Thursday, July 4, 1918
Jerome Stanton and son, Asa, spent the last part of the week with friends in Owego, N. Y.
Master Lawrence Burley and little sister, Esther, spent last week in Elmira with their sister, Mrs. Jesse Knowlden.
Mrs. John Dunbar and little baby of Pine City have been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Monroe.
Volume LV, #29, Thursday, July 18, 1918
Miss Kittie Wakely of Seward Hollow, is with her sister, Mrs. Charles Wiggins.
Mrs. Josie Swain of Elmira, was a last week guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. B. Dickinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rockwell and little daughter, Eloise of Athens, are living in Mrs. Calvin Rockwell’s house for a short time while Mr. Rockwell is sawing the logs in this lumber yard.
Mrs. Ada Thomas of Elmira, was a guest last week at the home of her brother, M. A. Case.
Volume LV, #30, Thursday, July 25, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Rockwell and daughter, Inez and Mr. and Mrs. John B. Dickinson autoed to Athens Sunday and spent the day with Mort Kelley and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Putnam attended the funeral Sunday of Mrs. Ed W. Putnam’s mother, Mrs. Sophia Herda. Interment was in Oak Hill Cemetery, Towanda.
Mrs. John Blackwell, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Blackwell and Mrs. Dix Ballard of Troy, enjoyed a birthday dinner at the home of the former’s daughter, Mrs. Delos Rockwell last Wednesday. J. Carson Blackwell motored down with them. Mrs. John Blackwell is 91 years old and enjoyed her visit and ride very much. It has been several years since she has been down here. Her children were all present during the day except one, G. H. Blackwell of Syracuse.
Mrs. Harltey Dickinson is ill. Her mother, Mrs. Orville Gilbert is caring for her.
Mrs. L. M. Piatt and son, Leslie, were week-end guests at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Allyn in Mansfield.
Volume LV, #31, Thursday, August 1, 1918
Mrs. Edward Smith of Cedarhurst, is spending part of her vacation with her mother, Mrs. Charles Rockwell.
Volume LV, #33, Thursday, August 15, 1918
Mrs. Frank Franscisco, spent part of last week in Corning with her daughter, Mrs. Grace Phoenix.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Cowles and daughter, Grace of Powell, were Sunday guest of the lady’s sister, Mrs. Murray Packard.
Volume LV, #34, Thursday, August 22, 1918
Mrs. Hiram Rockwell of Troy, is the guest of her brother, I. J. McKean and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burley, son Lawrence and daughter, Esther, motored to Elmira Sunday and spent the day at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Jesse Knowlden.
Volume LV, #38, Thursday, September 19, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Colby (nee Mary Rockwell) who were married a short time ago in Elmira, spent part of their honeymoon with Mrs. Colby’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rockwell and other relatives here last week.
Volume LV, #40, Thursday, October 3, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Welch and infant son, Richard, spent a week recently with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Welch, near Smithfield.
Mrs. Walter Putnam, son Francis, Mrs. John Rockwell spent Wednesday last with the latter’s sister, Mrs. Lynn E. Rockwell in Burlington.
Volume LV, #41, Thursday, October 10, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Evans and children Edna and Francis of Elmira were over Sunday guests of their grandmother Mrs. O. W. Rockwell and relatives.
Volume LV, #42, Thursday, October 17, 1918
Mrs. Jesse Knowlden of Elmira, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burley.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rockwell and daughter Eloise of Athens, were over Sunday guests of his mother, Mrs. Charles Rockwell.
Volume LV, #44, Thursday, October 31, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burley and children spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. R. H. Burley.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rockwell, and son Arthur spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. Charles Shoemaker in Granville.
Volume LV, #45, Thursday, November 7, 1918
Harold Hall of Manchester is spending some time with his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Hall.
Mrs. Mary Patterson spent Tuesday at the home of her brother Simon Stanton who is seriously ill in Troy.
Troy Gazette-Register
Troy, Bradford County, PA
Volume LVI, #1, Thursday, January 2, 1919
Mr. and Mrs. Emmor Pepper and son Frederick of Granville, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rockwell and son Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. George Rockwell were entertained to a Christmas dinner at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Rockwell.
Mrs. Herbert D. Campbell and son James spent Christmas in Troy with her parents Mr. and Mrs. James Stanton.
Mr. and Mrs. George Stanton of Elmira, were recent guests in the homes of their brothers Larue and Jerome Stanton.
Mr. and Mrs. Edw. W. Putnam have resigned their positions at the County House and will move with their son Walter and Mrs. Putnam.
Mr. and Mrs. Meade Case and son Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Elwin McKean and children Milton, Eugene, Lynn and Mary, spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Boyer in Burlington.
Volume LVI, #2, Thursday, January 9, 1919
Lee Delos and Kenneth Blackwell of Burlington spent Sunday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Blackwell.
Mrs. E. C. Dickinson is in Elmira with her son, Lacy, and family who are ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Welch and son Richard spent last week at Smithfield with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Welch.
Volume LVI, #3, Thursday, January 16, 1919
Mrs. Lydia Hill expects to soon visit her son Robert Hill at Warren, Pa.
Volume LVI, #12, Thursday, March 20, 1919
Mrs. Herbert Grace and daughter of Manchester are guests at the home of her brother, George Dickinson.
Mrs. Ada Thomas of Elmira has been visiting at the home of her brother, M. A. Case.
Mrs. Lynn E. Blackwell and children; Lee, Kenneth, Mildred and Esther of Burlington, were week-end guests of her sister, Mrs. John B. Rockwell.
Mrs. Elwin McKean and children were recent guests at the home of her sister, Mrs. Herman Boyer in Burlington.
Volume LVI, #15, Thursday, April 10, 1919
Mrs. Ray Newell, of Elmira, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dickinson, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Putnam entertained a few little friends on March 27, in honor of the second birthday of her son, Francis.
Mrs. Gus Essenwine was a visitor in the home of her sons, J. Stuart and Paul Essenwine, last Wednesday.
Volume LVI, #17, Thursday, April 24, 1919
Mrs. Hiram Rockwell of Troy, has been visiting her brother, L. J. McKean.
Mrs. Jesie Swain of Elmira, was a recent guest of her sister, Mrs. John B. Dickinson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Blackwell have returned to their home following most of three months spent at the home of their daughter, Mrs. J. Stuart Essenwine.
Volume LVI, #19, Thursday, May 8, 1919
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burley and children spent Easter day in Elmira at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Jesse Knowlden.
Edward Harris of the Merchant Marine is home on a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Harris.
Frank Ward who came home a short time ago from overseas has been a guest of his brother, Merritt Ward and wife.
Volume LVI, #20, Thursday, May 15, 1919
Gamage Rockwell of Elmira was a recent guest of his mother, Mrs. O. W. Rockwell.
Mrs. Charles Evans and daughter Edna and Miss Alice Rockwell of Elmira are visiting in the homes of John Rockwell and Paul Essenwine and other relatives.
Private Archie Ward has received his honorable discharge and returned to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Ward after an absence of 12 months in service overseas.
Several from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Eliza Phelps in Burlington last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Herrington and children Clara and Max and Mrs. Kitty Green of Williamsport were guests last week at the home of J. D. Blackwell.
Mrs. Charles Storch of Wetona visited her daughter, Mrs. E. J. Young last week.
Mrs. Anderson of Franklin is visiting at the home of her daughter Mrs. Mort Kelley.
Volume LVI, #23, Thursday, June 5, 1919
Misses Mildred and Esther Blackwell of Burlington spent from Wednesday to Sunday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Blackwell.
Volume LVI, #26, Thursday, June 26, 1919
G. H. Blackwell of Syracuse was an over-Sunday guest of his brother, J. D. Blackwell and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Goodman and son George, Miss Long and Mrs. Anna Preston of Salem, Ohio were recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Rockwell and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn E. Blackwell and children Lee, Kenneth, Mildred and Esther spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. John B. Rockwell.
Those that attended the Harper-Rockwell wedding last Friday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Delos Rockwell, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Rockwell, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rockwell, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Essenwine and Mrs. Nora Ruggles.
Several from here attended the funeral of Miss Cora Kellogg at the home of Andrew Whitehead last Friday.
Volume LVI, #29, Thursday, July 10, 1919
Murray Packard and his son John and family have moved to Canton.
Mrs. Lasell Dickinson and children of Elmira visited at the home of her father-in-law E. C. Dickinson.
Miss Rachel Storch of Wetona is with her sister Mrs. E. J. Youngs for an indefinite time.
Mrs. Anna Preston of Salem, Ohio is spending some time with her sisters, Mrs. B. E. Rockwell and Mrs. Ransler Robinson.
Volume LVI, #30, Thursday, June 17, 1919
Edw. Strope an overseas soldier is with his brother, Ernest Strope.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burley and children spent Sunday with is mother, Mrs. R. H. Burley near Troy.
Miss Nara Wakley of Seward Hollow, is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Charles Wiggins.
Miss Agnes Losie of Elmira has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Francis Losie at the county home.
Volume LVI, #31, Thursday, July 31, 1919
Mrs. Hannah Rockwell of Granville was an over-Sunday Guest of Mrs. O.
W. Rockwell.
Mrs. Nellie Smith of Cedarhurst, L. I., is spending her vacation with
her mother Mrs. Charles P. Rockwell.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Blackwell were guest last Wednesday night in Towanda of his brother, A. C. Blackwell and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmor Pepper and son Frederick of Granville, spent Sunday evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Rockwell.
Mrs. Harry Campbell and child of Athens, visited her sister Mrs. Chas. Wiggins a few days last week.
Mrs. Dix Ballard of Troy spent Friday night with her sister Mrs. Delos Rockwell and accompanied her to Towanda Saturday.
Volume LVI, #33, Thursday, August 14, 1919
Lynn E. Blackwell was an over Sunday guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Blackwell.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Blackwell were week-end guests of the former’s sister, Mrs. Hannah Warner near Coryland.
Mrs. Frances Losie has returned to the County Home following two weeks spent at Cicero, N. Y., caring for her sister, Mrs. Mary Kelsey, who has a little son called Lewis.
Volume LVI, #34, Thursday, August 21, 1919
Mr. and Mrs. Delos Rockwell were over Sunday guests of the latter’s sister, Mrs. Dix Ballard in Troy.
Mrs. Lynn E. Blackwell and daughters, Mildred and Esther, have gone to their new home in Sayre.
Volume LVI, #36, Thursday, September 4, 1919
Misses Nora and Kitty Wakley spent a few days last week with their sister, Mrs. Charles Wiggins.
Mrs. Josie Swain of Elmira is visiting her sister, Mrs. John B. Dickinson.
Volume LVI, #38, Thursday, September 18, 1919
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burley and son Lawrence attended the Syracuse fair last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Delos Rockwell spent part of last week in Elmira and attended the Peck-Rockwell wedding Wednesday evening at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gamage Rockwell.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Young and children spent Sunday in Wetona with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Storch.
Volume LVI, #42, Thursday, October 16, 1919
Mrs. Glen Beebe and little daughter of Little Meadows are visiting her father, P. A. Foulke and other relatives.
Volume LVI, #45, Thursday, November 6, 1919
Mrs. Josie Swain and grandson Robert Lucas of Elmira, are visiting her sister, Mrs. John B. Dickinson.
Mrs. E. C. Dickinson is with her daughter, Mrs. Percy King in Troy.
Mrs. O. W. Rockwell has closed her house and will spend the winter with her granddaughter, Mrs. Horace Welch.
Mrs. J. Stuart Essenwine and son George spent a few days recently in Syracuse at the home of her uncle, G. H. Blackwell and in Sayre with her brother, Lynn Blackwell and family.
A miscellaneous shower was given Mr. and Mrs. Alfred VanNoy last Friday evening at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Larcom.
Volume LVI, #46, Thursday, November 13, 1919
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Rockwell and son Carl were weekend guests in Sayre at the home of Lynn E. Blackwell.
Mrs. Dix Ballard of Troy, was a weekend guest in the home of her sister, Mrs. Delos Rockwell.
Mr. and Mrs. George Rockwell and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wiggins and son Fred motored to Sayre Monday. Mrs. Wiggins and her son remained with her sister, Mrs. Harry Campbell for a few days.
Mrs. Charles Storch of Wetona spent last Friday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. J. Youngs.
Volume LVI, #49, Thursday, December 4, 1919
Mrs. J. Stuart Essenwine and son George were recent guests of the former’s brother, Lynn E. Blackwell, and family in Sayre.
Delos Rockwell and son John and W. H. Rockwell visited their sister, Mrs. E. B. Dickinson at the Packer hospital.
W. D. Blackwell of Troy and J. D. Blackwell accompanied their brother, G. H. Blackwell, by motor to his home in Syracuse.
Volume LVI, #51, Thursday, December 18, 1919
Mrs. L. M. Piatt is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Arthur