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Tri County Clippings - Troy Register 1900 |
These clippings from ancient
and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are
being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily
we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage
and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles
that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations
at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from
the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services
The TR and its successor, TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings. Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here. If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Partitioned PICO Search Engine which you can reach from current What's New Page of the site. There is a partition just for the TGR Clippings. |
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The Troy Register
Troy, Bradford County, PA
Nineteenth Year, #921, Wednesday, February 21, 1900
Dedication Today.
The dedication of the new St. Michael’s church at Canton takes place today. The sermon will begin at 9:30 o’clock and at 10"30 a Solemn High Mass will commence. Rev. T. J. Comerford of Archbald, will preach the dedicatory sermon. At 7:30 p.m., Bishop Hoban will bless the new bell. This ceremony will be followed by Benediction with the Blessed Sacrament, and a sermon will be preached by Rev. J. J. Costello of Wiliamsport.
The church is a very handsome structure, 40x107 feet and is built of the finest grade of pressed brick with trimmings of brown stone. It is finished interiorly in quartered oak. Large cut glass windows soften the light by day, and by night beautiful chandeliers of burnished brass shed electric rays. The church is modern in every particular, and for its size is one of the finest edifices in the diocese. It has a seating capacity of 400, and the pews are spacious and comfortable. The corner stone was laid July 4th, 1899.
Nineteenth Year, #922, Wednesday, February 28, 1900
Another Big Strike at Gaines.
The Blossburg Oil Company, which has been prospecting in the Gaines field for the past six months with little or no success, has finally made the biggest strike yet, according to all reports. The lucky find was made on the Billings lease and the well is located about 1500 feet south of the Wellsboro Company’s well No. 3.
Last Friday just before dark, at a depth of nearly 600 feet, the drill tapped the sand and the casing at once filled with oil. Further operations were suspended until a tank was erected and placed in position the following evening. On Monday drilling was again resumed, when only two feet of sand was found. After producing a few barrels of oil salt water filled the well. The drill was then sent down about 60 feet further when the big strike was made, the oil filling the casing and overflowing the top of the well.
The well started in at the rate of 100 barrels daily, but it is not expected to keep up this gait only a short time, when it will probably settle down to about 25 barrels a day, which is considered a big producer in the Gaines field.
The strike of the Blossburg boys has revived the interest of the operators and those having leases on Lick Run are now more confident than ever that they will prove of value. All indications point to the fact that the new well is being fed from the same pool that supplies the Wellsboro Company’s well.—Wellsboro Gazette.
The foundations for Eaglemere’s new hotel, "Crestmount Inn," are being laid, and which will be the finest summer resort in the state.
Nineteenth Year, #923, Wednesday, March 7, 1900
Is situated in the western part of Bradford county in an agricultural and butter producing section, and is the centre of trade and shipping point for a rich section of county. Its population is about 1700; is a Half-Shire town, with a fine Court House, and is the main business town on the Northern Central Railway between Elmira, N.Y., and Williamsport, Pa. Has fine business blocks and enterprising firms; good hotels, two banks, several fine churches, noted schools, electric lights, water works, three large flouring mills, engine works, machine shops, furniture factory, planing mills, two tanneries, creamery, shoe factory, woolen cloth and knitting mills, cigar factory, etc. Mt. Pisgah, Mountain Lake and Minnequa summer resorts about one and one-half hours’ drive distant.
The people of Genessee and Potter county, are greatly excited over the discovery of gold in that vicinity. The ore is said to assay $80 per ton. New buildings are going up and it is reported that when spring opens the place will resemble a Klondike mining town.
Nineteenth Year, #928, Wednesday, April 11, 1900
Bicycle Tax.
The sidepath commissioners of Bradford county after a consultation with the county commissioners have decided to levy a tax of one dollar on every wheel owned in the county. The bicycles will be assessed in May at the time the registry of votes is made and the tax will be collected during the summer. Special books will be kept for the purpose and the money collected will be kept separate from all other money to be applied as the law directs. Putting off buying a bicycle until after the assessment is made will not affect the owner, for they can be assessed at any time. The Penalty for non-payment will subject the owner to be taken to jail.-Ex.
(Local News) Old Maid’s Convention at Troy Opera House next Thursday.
Nineteenth Year, #929, Wednesday, April 18, 1900
(Local News) A band of gypsies have been camping on Redington avenue, a short distance from town, for several days past.
Nineteenth Year, #930, Wednesday, April 25, 1900
Big Fire !
The Troy Knitting Co.’s Factory Destroyed by Fire This Morning.
Fire was discovered on the second floor of the main factory building of the Troy Knitting Co., this morning at 1:30 o’clock and burned so rapidly that the building was soon entirely destroyed. ….
A Great Oil Strike.
One of the greatest oil strikes in forty years’ history of Pennsylvania oil fields was made at Gaines, Pa., Monday afternoon about 5 o’clock, when the drillers on the Blossburg company’s lease struck the vein. A volume of oil burst out and flowed for twelve hours at the rate of 100 barrels per hour. The property is owned by the McNeil estate, of Elmira, and a part has been leased out to various parties who have sunk wells, the greater number being on the extreme western part of the plot along the banks of the creek. The greater number of the wells are pumping from fifteen to thirty-five barrels per day.
The Blossburg company, composed of sixteen business men and mechanics of that place, secured a lease of 350 acres of land several hundred feet east of the location of the numerous wells, which were being pushed westward. The company put down a well on the extreme northeastern corner of their lease, but it proved to be a dry hole. A second well was drilled on the extreme north western corner of their lease, a few weeks ago, and a 500-barrel per day gusher was found. Flushed with their success a third well was drilled within 400 feet of the gusher, and the phenominal strike and flow of 100 barrels per hour was experienced.
Nineteenth Year, #936, Wednesday, June 6, 1900
Uncalled For Letters.
List of letters remaining in troy post-office June 6, 1900:
Cella, De Vittore, Signor
Huntingdon, Guy
Hunnisotn, W. J.
Kinley, Adam & Son
Trupeller, Mrs. E. A.
The Welsbock Commercial Co.
White, Peter (2)
Woodruff, F. S.
Wright, C. A.
W. P. McCleery, P. M.
(Local News) John Innes of Canton, will plant 23 acres of tobacco this spring.
Nineteenth Year, #937, Wednesday, June 13, 1900
Commencement Exercises.
The Annual Commencement of the Troy High School was held last Thursday evening at the First Presbyterian Church, and the seating capacity was filled with a large number of the friends and patrons of our school, and those particularly associated with the members of the graduating class. The floral decorations were unusually attractive, and excited much comment on the taste and arrangement, and the class colors, heliotrope and lemon, where predominant in their brilliancy of color.
The members of the class are Misses Maude Kennedy, Beatrice Drake, Margaret Smith, Louise Bottcher, Bessie Dillin, Harriet Tobin, Emily Oliver, Olive Sayles, Jennie Boyce, Ada Gernert, Lena Preston and Laura Wheeler, and Messrs, Scott McKean, Charles Calkins, Archie Stacy, Howard McMahan, Arthur McMahan and Harry Newbery, who were seated on the platform, together with the Principal, Prof. E. L. Whatenecht, and the speaker of the evening. The program was interspersed with music by the Troy orchestra, consisting of Miss Emma VanNess, pianist; Anna Bottcher, violin; Edwin Loomis, mandolin; Henry Sherman, trombone, and George Mitchell, cornet.
Nineteenth Year, #940, Wednesday, July 1l, 1900
Anthrax at Canton.
There is another anthrax scare, this time in town. Tuesday afternoon a cow belonging to Thad Hickok was noticed to act strangely. It had been the practice to lead the cow out to graze along the highway in the afternoon, and when Mr. Hickok’s father-in-law, Mr. Holmes, took the animal out that day she refused to eat. He then offered her a pail of water, and she refused to drink. He turned the cow back in the pasture thinking the excessive heat was the cause of her indisposition. The cow went into one corner of the lot and lay down. Two hours later she went down to the wall near the bridge and showed signs of being in violent distress. Dr. Kingsland was sent for, but the animal died before he arrived.
Thinking that the death might have been caused by paris green or some other poison an examination was made, but no trace of poison was discovered. The spleen, however, was greatly enlarged, and black; and the stomach and intestines were black. From these and other symptoms, which indicated anthrax, Dr. Kingsland cut off an ear and sent it to the state authorities for examination.
He also ordered the cow to be burned on the spot, and quick-lime was thoroughly used, so that every safe-guard might be taken to prevent contamination. Dr. Kingsland, is quite positive that it was a case of genuine anthrax.
The board of health will, of course, give the matter prompt attention, and endeavor to trace the origin of the disease and take the necessary measures to prevent further outbreaks.—Canton Sentinel.
Watkins Glen.
Watkins Glen was sold recently to Lyman Andrews, of New York, for $80,000. The sale includes the Glen Mountain House and the entire Glen property.
Nineteenth Year, #941, Wednesday, July 18, 1900
Salt Well at Carpenters.
The Canton Sentinel publishes the following geological story as was told by William Newell of Wisconsin:
"William Newell of Wisconsin, who visited his nephew, C. P. Newell, and other relatives in this neighborhood, is quite a mineralogist and the greater part of his life has been devoted to prospecting. He has recently been engaged in locating minerals in Alabama, and stopped in Canton on his way home. While here he related many interesting experiences. One which occurred 40 or more years ago when he was a young man, recalls the excitement that once prevailed here over the prospects for oil.
"His father, the late John Newell, was one of the first settlers near Carpenter, and at one time owned the land occupied by Perry McNett. As is well known to the residents of that vicinity there is a salt spring on or near Mr. McNett’s premises and this spring was the scene of Mr. Newell’s first prospecting. Believing that there was either a valuable deposit of salt underlying the soil, or that the salt water indicated oil, Mr. Newell, in spite of the opposition of his father, began to excavate near the spring. He had not dug very deep before he came to layers of rock, of such formation that he gave it close investigation. He discovered that the rock was not of the character of other rock in that vicinity, but was of long thin slabs, imbedded in clay and the joints carefully lapped.
"It was evidently the work of human hands, for further investigation showed that the stones were exactly like those on the other side of the creek. Mr. Newell dug down below this rock, which was only a few inches thick, and then engaged a driller from Williamsport to assist him. They went down about 40 feet and struck quite a quantity of salt water and then for some reason work was abandoned.
"But the most curious part of this story is yet to be told. Excavations were made in various places over an area of two acres and the same rock was encountered at each excavation; the joints of each slab were perfect and the casual observer would have been deceived into believing that it was real rock, though he was positive that it had been built by man.
"His theory is that the salt spring was discovered years ago by parties who believed they had a valuable property, but were without money to develop it. To prevent others from reaping a rich harvest from their treasure they had covered the entire area of two acres with masonry, intending at some future time to continue their investigation.
"But who could the parties have been? His father cleared the land, which was a virgin forest when he settled there early in the present century, and if his theory is correct the work must have been performed by pre-historic man, for the Indians, who occupied the land before Mr. Newell, Sr., took possession, would rather go without salt forever than excavate a single foot."
Snow Storm in July.
On Monday the weather was remarkably cool for July, and especially so in the afternoon. There were several slight showers during the latter part of the day, and farmers living above Eagleville, in the Bald Eagle valley, say that during one of the showers there was quite a snow squall in that section. The flakes were large and of the regulation winter pattern.-Lock Haven Express.
Bradford County Copper Mine.
The stockholders of New Albany Mining company are delighted at the results of the assay of a ton of the ore taken form their copper mine near New Albany. At a meeting of the stockholders on Saturday the results of the assay were shown in tangible shape by 55 pounds of copper ingots weighing about ten pounds apiece, and five ounces of pure silver; the assay showed traces of gold, also. The ore sent to the smelter was a ton of the run of the mine, and was assayed at Providence, R.I.
The president of the company is S. D. Sterigere of New Albany, and Ray Wilcox is secretary.-Towanda Review.
Anthrax at Ralston.
Ralston, July 19.-The death here, yesterday of James McConnell, from anthrax poisoning, has caused a recurrence of alarm among the tannery employes, of whose number McConnell was one. McConnell is the third tannery employe to die of anthrax within three months. There were other cases where cures were affected. Mr. McConnell while at work as a carpenter in the tannery last Friday, sustained a slight abrasion of the cuticle. The injury, however, was so insignificent that he gave it no thought-yet it proved-to be the source of anthrax infection and caused death in the attending horrible form of this awful malady. On Saturday McConnell was in Williamsport attending to some business devolving upon him as a member of the poor board of McIntyre township. On Monday he felt indisposed and consulted Dr. Bailey, whose experience with anthrax has been extensive. Though correctly diagnosed, the poison had so far progressed that it did not yield to treatment. The horrible swelling and convulsions followed, and death ensued.
Anthrax is doubtless due to the use of the Chinese hides in the tannery. Several years ago, during an anthrax epidemic, the men protested against being compelled to work with Chinese and Brazilian hides, but the company explained that these were the only hides obtainable in quantities sufficient for their large tanneries.
The poisonous anthrax, it is said, can only be taken into the human system through the blood, and that men are not liable to infection except where the skin has been punctured. The men have been directed to have even the smallest injury attended to so that there is no chance of infection. The disease, however, is so terrible in its nature that even its contemplation creates terror as would the fear of hydrophobia. –Williamsport Sun.
Nineteenth Year, #950, Wednesday, September 19, 1900
Victims of Galveston. Bradford County People Meet Death In the Great Flood.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. P. Mott and son of Galveston, Texas, are visiting his brother H. K. Mott, Esq., at LeRoy, and other friends in this section, having been in the North several weeks. Since the awful disaster at Galveston they have been greatly worried over the safety of the other members of their family, two children both married, a son B. F. Mott and daughter, Mrs. R. M. Hermann, and a child of Mrs. Hermann. They had been unable to get any word from them until Monday, when in Troy at the REGISTER office, in looking over a list of the victims names of his son and daughter and child among the list of known dead, and he fears that the other two are among the unknown dead. Their residences were in the path of greatest destruction.
Although Mr. Mott had feared the worst had happened to his loved ones, yet when his fears were confirmed by the list the knowledge was almost more than he could bear and the blow a crushing one.
Besides the loss of half of his family, practically all of his extensive property is a total loss, everything being swept away in the great rush of water.
Besides his city property he had also a fine dairy and milk farm on the island in the suburbs of Galveston. Now, everything is gone, the land swept clean, a family and a fortune taken in a hour. None but those who have suffered by it can realize the awfulness of this great calamity.
Mr. Mott will return to Galveston soon, but has not decided whether he will remain there or not.
Nineteenth Year, #951, Wednesday, September 26, 1900
The friends of Z. P. Mott have started a movement at LeRoy to raise a fund for his benefit to enable home to return to Galveston and again start in business on a small scale and reunite his family. It is believed that the people of Bradford county are always ready to respond to an appeal for aid in a worthy cause, and that Mr. Mott’s loss will appeal especially to them, have made arrangements to receive and forward any amount of money that may be sent in. Should the donor prefer the money may be sent to R. K. Morse, LeRoy, Pa.
(Local News) The following new post-offices have been established recently:
Keith, near Alba, Voltus, near Sylvania, Crofut, near Canton, and Strawhill,
near Orwell.