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Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette
Register 1918 - Yesterday's News |
These clippings from ancient
and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are
being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily
we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage
and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles
that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations
at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from
the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings. Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here. If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Partitioned PICO Search Engine which you can reach from current What's New Page of the site. There is a partition just for the TGR Clippings. |
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Frank H. Peck who died Wednesday in Elmira, was a brother of Mrs. George L. Peck of Lafayette, Ind., formerly of Troy, and of Mrs. Josephine Mosher of Sylvania. Mr. Peck was 78, a veteran of the Civil War and had lived in Elmira many years. The funeral will be held Friday at the home 463 Maple Avenue, Elmira.
Miss Gayle McKean of Elmira, spent her holiday vacation from school in this boro with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Budd.
Volume LV, #3, January 17, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bohlayer left Monday for Sanford, Florida, accompanied by their son, Frederick.
(Newbury) Miss Kathryn Brace spent several days last week with her sister, Mrs. Lloyd Wolfe.
Mrs. Harry Nice of Seneca Castle, N. Y., has been a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Corey.
Ivan Dickinson from Montour Falls spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dickinson.
Volume LV, #4, January 24, 1918
Mrs. M. Doody and little daughter of Painted Post, have been guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hanrahan.
Mrs. Eva McCulley and daughter and Master Charles Hunter attended the funeral of Mrs. Libbie Brink in Elmira recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rockwell of Reading Center, N. Y., are visiting the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Rockwell.
Mrs. Laura Newbery is in Scranton, where she was called last week by the death of John Linderman, son of Harry Linderman.
Mrs. Frank Case entertained at a baby party one day last week in honor of Ruth, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mosher.
Troy friends learn with regret of the illness from rheumatism of Mrs. Charles M. Knox (Eloise Mitchell) in a Colorado Springs hospital.
Volume LV, #5, January 31, 1918
Mrs. Clara Smythe is spending a few days with her granddaughter, Frances Saltmarsh at Cornell University.
Mr. and Mrs. Birk came from Williamsport for Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Colony.
Mr. Byron Hollis visited his sister, Mrs. G. K. Taylor of Alba, the first of the week.
Mrs. R. M Steele of Mansfield is visiting her daughter, Mildred Steele at Mrs. F. M. Long’s.
Messrs. John J. Handran and M. J. Handran spent Monday in Elmira with tier sister, Mrs. John Jones.
Mrs. Willard Price and little son of Montour Falls, are spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Luckey.
Volume LV, #6, February 7, 1918
Louis G. Michael, who married Miss Lisle McCollom of Troy, is expected to rejoin his family in Madison, Wis., soon after an absence of eight months in Russia at a salary of more than $1000 a month.
Master Howard Roberts of Rochester, is visiting in the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Rolison.
Miss Rhea Barker was a week-end guest of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. P. N. Barker.
Mrs. W. H. Snedeker has been visiting her mother, Mrs. R. W. Budd.
Mrs. John J. Toomey of Williamsport is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Webb.
Volume LV, #7, February 14, 1918
Miss Mary Bardwell of Paine Street, paid a visit at Horseheads, to her grandmother, Mrs. Hiram Bardwell.
Mrs. A. J. Sadler has returned from Cedar Ledge, where she went to see her sister, Mrs. Lynn Ballard who is ill with pneumonia.
Mrs. Charles Armstrong enjoyed a visit last year from her daughter, Mrs. A. W. Preston of Elmira.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cornell of Columbia who had been in Washington for a month were called to Dighton, Mass., by the death of the latters mother, Mrs. Charles Talbot. They will remain in Dighton for a time.
Volume LV, #8, February 1921
Mrs. Guthrie Knapp of Washington, D. C., came Wednesday for a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Gallatin.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Sherman are advised that their son, Sergeant Carlton Sherman soon is to leave Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va., for overseas service.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Smith entertained a company of forty-two of the younger set Wednesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Jones, who were married four weeks ago and the former of whom leaves for Camp Meade next Tuesday.
E. A. Steiger, a brother of Mrs. John Carnochan of Princeton, well known here, was among the saved from the torpedoed transport “Tuscania,” Mr. Steiger is an electric engineer and he was on his way abroad with a flying squadron of the army.
Hugh Fanning will move about March 1st from Geneva, N. Y., to his father-in-law, Richmond Bailey’’s house on Paine’s Hill. Mr. Fanning will enter the employ of the Farmers’ Union.
Mrs. S. J. Welch and son, Jacob attended the funeral of Mrs. John Gustin in Gillett yesterday.
Mrs. Leon Manley and little daughter of Rochester, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Price.
Mr. and Mrs. Roselle Montgomery of East Canton, were guests last week of their daughter, Mrs. Harold Gustin.
Volume LV, #9, February 28, 1918
Mrs. J. B. Armstrong and Master Joseph are visiting her sister, Mrs. Walter Lacell in Rochester.
Julius Epstein of Elmira, was a guest recently of his sister, Mrs. Herman Holtzman.
Mrs. L. J. Ballard visited her daughter, Mrs. W. D. Morse in Athens last week.
Corpora Lee Brooks returned Tuesday to Camp Mead after a five day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brooks.
On the ground of desertion a decree of divorce has been granted in this county to Lulu M. Sherman from P. S. Sherman.
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Green had as their guests the first of the week, the latter’s parents, Hon. And Mrs. C. P. Dewey of Gillett.
Dr. John W. Phillips and daughter, Louise, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Phillips in Elmira.
Mrs. Woodford May of Bentley Creek, visited her father Col. J. C. Robinson and other Troy relatives.
Volume LV, #10, Thursday, March 7, 1918
E. B. Redington is quite ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. H. K. Mitchell.
Mrs. W. Herman Woodward of Elmira, was a week-end guest of her mother, Mrs. W. H. Gernert.
Mrs. Frederick E. VanDyne had her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Swan of Elmira with her over Sunday.
Mrs. George Bottcher has returned from an extended visit in Elmira to her daughter, Mrs. Andrew Storng.
Mrs. H. B. VanDyne returned from her visit to Eastern cities and to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nearing in Hackensack, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Smith are moving from Canton to 223 East Miller Street, Elmira. The latter visited her daughter, Mrs. Earl Rexford here on Wednesday.
Mrs. John E. Snedeker and infant son, come this week from Elmira for a visit to her mother, Mrs. Isaac Cleaver.
Mrs. W. L. Huntingdon and little daughter, Irene of Little Meadows, Pa., are visiting her sister, Miss Esther Foulke.
Miss Helen Blewer has returned to her home in Owego, N. Y., following a visit to her sister, Mrs. Arthur Webber.
Volume LV, #11, Thursday, March 14, 1918
Mrs. W. E. Knapp of Elmira, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teeter.
Mrs. Charles Wilson and her daughter, Mrs. Grover Fancher of Elmira, passed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Everitt VanDyne.
Mrs. James Buoy from Milan last week to visit her sister, Mrs. W. F. DeWitt.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. DeWitt, their son, Dr. William DeWitt, and Mr. and Mrs. Darby of Blossburg, left last Saturday for a pleasure trip to Florida.
Mrs. H. J. Pierce and son, Robinson leave Saturday for New York where they will spent the best part of a week. Robinson will take his physical examination Tuesday at Fort Slocum, for West Point Military Academy which he hopes to enter in June.
Mr. and Mrs. Hillis Spalding spent Sunday in Elmira, with the latter’s sister, Mrs. Ruggles and family.
While on his way from Harrisburg to his home in Mansfield, Mr. W. H. Bentley stopped off for a visit to his sister, Mrs. John Luckey and has been having a run of grip.
Miss Dasie Lechiter of Keyser, W. Va., has come to spend some time at the home of her sister, Mrs. Sydney McKeel, who is at the Packer hospital, Sayre for an operation.
Volume LV, #12, Thursday, March 21, 1918
Mrs. Glenn Beebe of South Apalachin, N. Y., was a guest last week of her sister, Miss Esther Foulke.
Clyde Lee, on his way to Harrisburg in the interest of the Bethlehem Steel works, was a recent guest of his mother, Mrs. Fred Fay.
Private Earl Cowl of the Coast Artillery service, Fort Totten, N. Y., is home on furlough for a visit to his mother, Mrs. Ada Cowl.
Ensign Leslie McNaughton who was drowned recently when his hydroplane went wrong at Hampton Roads, was the chum of a brother of our Miss Thalia Wilson the Henrietta McKnight Nurse. The boys grew up together and entered the service together.
Mrs. Martin Pierce is here from Montour Falls with her infant daughter for a visit to her mother, Mrs. John McGoughran.
Cora Davis Matteson, who caused the arrest of her husband, James Matteson, in Elmira on the charge of bigamy, was at one time a resident of this boro. They were married in February 1917. In July of that year the defendant admitted that his first marriage had not been legally dissolved and that his first wife, Bessie Durling Matteson, was living. The difference which culiminated in Matteson’s arrest began at that time.
Volume LV, #13, Thursday, March 28, 1918
First Lieutenant Burton Parsons came last Saturday from Engineers Training camp at Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va., for a visit to his mother, Mrs. E. B. Parsons. He does not know when he will be called to active duty.
Forty-four friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Tomlinson met at their home at Canton with well filled baskets on March 25th to remind them that it was their 35th wedding anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gustin and son, Harry will spend Easter with Mrs. Gustin’s uncle, W. H. Jenkins at North Chemung.
Leland Parsons arrived unexpectedly Wednesday morning from Camp Meade for a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Parsons.
Mrs. Kate O’Connor and daughter, Anna Frances and John Coney and M. J. Handran will attend the funeral in Elmira tomorrow of Mr. Jerry Bergan.
Mrs. John Blackwell celebrates her 91st birthday at a family dinner on Saturday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dix Ballard.
Clifford Friends of Hornell, visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friends last week.
Mrs. John P. Sucese had with her for the Easter vacation her grandson, Bennett Strait of Mansfield.
Mrs. Willard Price is here from Montour Falls caring for her mother Mrs. John Luckey, who has been very ill.
Mrs. Fred Holloway returns Friday from the Sayre hospital, accompanied by her sister, Miss Kathryn Monegal of Hornell.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Slingerland and daughter Marjorie, spent Sunday at Morris Run with Mrs. Slingerland’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. McBlaine.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Card of Columbia Cross Roads, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Pauline to Reid E. Brace, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brace of Springfield.
Volume LV, #14, Thursday, April 4, 1918
Charles Kelley of Elmira, is visiting his brother, Harry Kelley and family here.
Richard Wood who has been several years in the regular army at Ft. Shafter, Honolula, Hawaiian Islands, writes to home folks of possible transfer to the States. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wood.
Mrs. F. E. VanDyne and little daughter, Mabel have returned from Fall River, Mass.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Twomey of Williamsport, were guests over Sunday of Mrs. Twomey’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Webb.
District Attorney and Mrs. Fanning have with them for a few days the latter’s sister, Misses Carrie and Martha Hickok, of Rochester.
Mrs. H. S. McKean enjoyed a visit Tuesday from her nephew, the Rev. William Baldwin, Methodist missionary at Nome, Alaska, who with his family is spending a time in Elmira with his father, Vine Baldwin.
Edward Layton, husband of Marcella Smith, formerly of Troy, is ill in Elmira with pleuro-pneumonia.
Judson Parsons is here from Riverdale school New York City for a visit to his mother Mrs. E. B. Parsons.
Miss Pauline Bradford came from her work as a teacher for Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bradford.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Newberry have returned to New York following an Easter visit to his mother, Mrs. Laura Newberry.
Mr. James Balmer of Gillett, spent Easter with his daughter, Mrs. S. J. Welch.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Murray and son arrived the first of the week from Chicago to move upon the farm of his father, L. Murray, near East Troy.
Volume LV, #16, Thursday, April 18, 1918
Mrs. Charles Chase and children of Canton, are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Brown.
Mrs. George Riggs went Tuesday to spend a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Donald Vickery at the Packer hospital. Mrs. Vickery expects to return home the last of the week.
Miss Minerva Flood and mother, Mrs. Frank Flood, were called to Geneva on Monday by the death of a relative.
Albert Cornell, who has been for some time in Massachusetts, has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Fannie Porter.
Miss Kathryn Wolcott came Sunday morning from nurses’ training in Christ Hospital, Jersey City, N. J. for several weeks with her mother, Mrs. Burton Kiff.
Due to injuries received after his enlistment, Louis Batterson has been honorably discharged from the military service. He is at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Batterson in this boro.
Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Wright come this week from Wellsburg to make their home with their niece, Mrs. Elmer Ross.
Mrs. Elmer Ross and daughter, LaVella and S. K. Ross were in Elmira Saturday and Sunday called there by the illness of Mr. Ross’ daughter, Mrs. Gamage Rockwell.
Mrs. Tomlinson continues quite ill. She is being cared for in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Elisha Guild.
Volume LV, #17, Thursday, April 25, 1918
Mrs. Thomas Watkins and children of Scranton, are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Stanton.
Miss Esther Foulke accompanied by her father, Phillip Foulke of Burlington, has been on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Ray Campbell at Lancaster. They were joined last Sunday by their brother, Wesley Foulke, who is in training at Camp Dix and expects to go overseas soon.
Miss Madeline VanSyckel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. VanSyckel will enter nurse’s training in the fall probably in Philadelphia.
Mrs. Andrew Strong and children of Elmira, are visiting her mother, Mrs. George Bottcher.
Mrs. John Finnerty of Watkins, visited her mother, Mrs. Shannon and sisters here Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Reynolds attended the funeral in Sullivan of their uncle, the late Elisha Orvis.
Mrs. Ethel Polhamus has returned to her home in Elmira after a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Ada Cowl.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis D. Blackwell have sold their home in Elmira and will make their home here with Mr. Blackwell’s sister, Mrs. Dix Ballard.
Charles Boughton, nine year old son of Officer Thomas Boughton, while leading a Shetland pony last Saturday, was kicked and badly cut on the chin.
While on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. C. A. Shook in this boro, last Friday, Warren dunning of Watkins, was prostrated by a paralytic stroke. His condition is serious.
Mrs. William Cooper of Addison, and Mrs. Robert Middleton of Prattsburg, came Monday to see their brother, Warren Dunning, who is ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. A. Shook. Mrs. Wilber Dunning of Watkins is also at the Shook home.
Volume LV, #18, Thursday, May 2, 1918
Mrs. Frank Flood was a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Saylor in Elmira this week.
Mrs. George Sargeant is entertaining her daughter, Mrs. C. J. Blanchard and children of Elmira and her grandson, Wesley Steele of Cortland.
Mrs. Catherine Maher comes this week to her home in this boro from Sayre, where she has spent the winter with her daughter, Mrs. John McKenna.
Thomas Watkins joined his wife and children Tuesday for a few days at the home of Mrs. Watkins’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Stanton. They will return to heir home in Scranton Sunday.
Mrs. Wallace Newell has gone to Elmira to spend a time with her daughter, Violet.
Mrs. Benjamin Dahlgren and little daughter, Madaline, return today from a visit with friends in Watkins.
Mrs. A. Post returned to her home in New York on Saturday after spending some time here. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Andrew Fraley, who will remain for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Corey spent last Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Louis Judson at Columbia Cross Roads, and took home their grandson, LaRue Judson, who has been visiting them.
Mr. and Mrs. Burton Brink of Waverly, were week-end guests of Mrs. Brink’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gilmour.
Mrs. Ellen Welch is spending the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. Samuel Balmer in Bentley Creek.
Mrs. J. Maxwell Beers of Elmira, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. DeWitt on Tuesday.
Mrs. A. J. Sutton has returned from a visit to her son, Raymond and Mrs. Sutton in Elmira.
Harry Cleaver comes Saturday from Plainfield, N. J., for the birthday of his mother, Mrs. I. Cleaver.
Mrs. Edw. Beardslee is spending a time in Corning at the home of her brother, Charles Williams, who is critically ill.
D. Walter Case, Secretary of the Steubenville, Ohio, Chamber of Commerce, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Eunice Case at the George Bradford home in Troy Township.
Volume LV, #19, Thursday, May 9, 1918
R. H. Blanchard will move from this boro to make his home in Elmira with his brother, Burt Blanchard.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friends entertained their son, Mr. Ernest Friends of Hornell, the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cassada and son, Franklin of Elmira, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Cassada’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beaman.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Webster and son, Wayne of Rutland, visited Mrs. Webster’s sister, Mrs. Charles Tomlinson on Friday and Saturday. Myron Webster and wife were also visitors at the Tomlinson home on Friday. Mr. Webster returned to Camp Meade on the midnight train Friday night, his wife remaining here.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Knight are visiting the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bush in Cortland, N. Y.
The remains of Mrs. Dyer Stage who died at Tully, N. Y., last Thursday were brought to Gillett for interment.
Ralph Sweeney of Armenia, has enlisted in the U. S. Light Artillery and leaves on Tuesday for Fort Slocum. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sweeney.
Volume LV, #20, Thursday, May 16, 1918
Miss Alice Longstreet of Mansfield was with her sister, Miss Louise Longstreet for the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Birk came Monday from Williamsport for a week with Mrs. Birk’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Colony.
Mrs. T. J. Sullivan and Mrs. John Werdine returned to their home in Rochester Tuesday after a short visit to their sister, Mrs. J. P. McGee.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Sherman and Mr. and Mrs. Ray DeWitt went Saturday to Newport News, Va., to see their sons, Homer DeWitt and Carlton Sherman.
Mrs. Dan Kulp and infant son returned to Painted Post today after a visit to her sisters, Mrs. Charles Ludington and Miss Jeannette McCabe. Mr. Kulp spent Sunday in the Ludington home.
Mrs. Edward Beardsley entertained her sister, Mrs. B. F. Thomas of Canton.
Mrs. T. P. Rockwell visited her brother, William Wheeler at Roaring Branch one day last week.
Isaac Craig of Gillett, went to New York to see his soldier son, Harry, but found him already en route to France.
Mrs. Fred Greenough and children of Brockport, N. Y., are spending a time with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. P. S. Carpenter.
Miss Kathry Wolcott returned Tuesday night to Christ Hospital, Jersey City, N. J., following a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Kiff.
Dr. Charles S. Weigester visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Weigester last week. Dr. Weigester has been a dentist at Muncy and enlisted some time ago as a dental surgeon in the navy. He received his call and left last Monday.
Mrs. W. Herman Woodward has returned to her home in Elmira after a visit to her mother, Mrs. W. B. Gernert.
R. M. Smith, son of Mrs. J. B. Smith of this place, has been transferred from the U. S. S. “Des Moines” to the Machinist’ Naval School at Charleston, S. C.
Mrs. W. D. Morse returned to her home in Athens on Tuesday after a home in Athens on Tuesday after a home in Athens on Tuesday after a visit in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Ballard.
Clarence Ward attended the funeral of his nephew, Charles Hungerford in Elmira.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barrett and son, Charles, visited Mrs. Barrett’s sister in Elmira, the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Hovey are expected tomorrow for a visit to Mr. Hovey’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hovey.
Volume LV, #21, Thursday, May 23, 1918
Dr. F. H. Riley attended the funeral of Mrs. William Carl in Canton on Monday.
Misses Elizabeth and Katherine Erk are visiting their brother, William Erk and family.
Mrs. Charles Friends has received news of the death in France of a cousin, George Hollands, whos brother was killed in 1916.
Miss Frances Saltmarsh of Cornell University, spent Tuesday and Wednesday with her aunts, Misses Caroline and Mary L. Saltmarsh and grandmother, Mrs. Clara Smythe.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fletcher received a cablegram from their son, Lieutenant Lee C. Fletcher of his safe arrival in France. Lieutenant Fletcher is in the A. S. D. of the A. E. F.
The many friends of Mrs. LaMont Berry will be glad to know that she has received the welcome assurance that her brother, Arthur Chase, who has been stationed with Co. K, at Agusta, Georgia, the past few months, has arrived safely in France.
Volume LV, #22, Thursday, May 30, 1918
Mrs. A. S. Gallatin is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Malcolm Gibson and family in Elmira.
John Rubin was in Binghamton Monday to see his brother, David P. Rubin off for Camp Wadsworth, S. C.
Major Robert Halpin, well known here through his wife (Maud Kennedy of Leona) is en route to France. If not already arrived overseas.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luckey have issued invitations to the wedding of their daughter, Miss Hannah E. Luckey to Mr. Roy Besley at their home on Wednesday, June 5th.
Lee Brooks of Troy, has been made a sergeant at Camp Meade. An interesting fact in this connection is that Sergt. Brooks’ father, W. W. Brooks is one of the very few veterans of the civil war in this section who has a son in the present war.
D. W. Rolison will spread Decoration day with his sister, Mrs. Fred Roberts and family in Rochester.
Volume LV, #23, Thursday, June 6, 1918
Graduating Class of 1918, Troy High School.
Helen Tidd Ballard, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. M. B. Ballard, Troy;
Donald VanNoy Besley, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Gesley, Columbia X Roads;
Milton Walter Bullard, son of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Bullard, Mainesburg;
Frances Elizabeth Burgan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Burgan, Troy;
John Sylvester Canedy, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Canedy, Sylvania; Leah
Murial Clayson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clayson, Granville; Nellie
Avis Furman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Furman, Troy; Daniel Walker
Holloway, son of Rev. and Mr.s W. R. Holloway, Troy; Mary and McGee, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McGee, Troy; Frank Scott Robinson son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Robinson, Smithfield; Thressa Viola Reidy, daughter of Mott
Reidy, Springfield; Bessie Viola Stanton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James
Stanton, Troy; Mildred LeFranc Sweet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Sweet,
Sylvania; Sherman Mead Thoams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Meade Thomas, Troy;
Helena Mae Tomlinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Tomlinson, Troy; Leonard
Hilton Wilcox, son of Mr. and Mrs. Smith Wilcox, Troy; Arthur Tomlinson,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tomlinson, Troy; Dorothy Maude York, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. York, Troy.
Mrs. Clark Joralemon returns tomorrow from Williamsport, where she went to attend the funeral of her nephew who was drowned in Lycoming creek last Saturday. The decedent was 12 years old and a son of Mr. and Mrs. H. VanHarper, well known here.
Volume LV, #24, Thursday, February 13, 1918
Rev. J. S. Lemon is the guest of his sister, Mrs. E. M. Lewis at Canton.
George Holland’s of Holland’s of Hornell was a guest the first of the week of his sister, Mrs. Charles Friends and Mr. Friends.
Miss Mae Shannon returned Monday from a visit in Watkins to her sister, Mrs. John Finnerty, who has been ill. Mrs. Finnerty returned with her for a visit.
Word has been received of the safe arrival overseas of Grant Fivie, who left Elmira for Camp Dix April 29th. He is a member of Co. H. 312th infantry. Mr. Fivie was formerly of Gillett and attended school here being a member of the graduating class of 1915.
Mr. and Mrs. James Batterson and little son, Willis and Miss Hazel McKee visited friends in Elmira.
Mrs. G. M. Porter and daughter Alberta are visiting the former’s sister Mrs. Lena Bacon at Wellsboro.
Mrs. D. W. Case and little son of Steubensville, Ohio, are visiting her sister. Mrs. George Riggs and Mr. Riggs.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wood had with them Sunday their children. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wood of Canton; Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell and children of Troy township; Mrs. Wood’s brother William Beardsley of Elmira and David Beardsley of Austinville; Mrs. Frank Duel from near Canandaigua, and Miss Kinney from Canton.
Mrs. James Buoy of Milton, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. F. DeWitt.
Dr. Stanley Kerrick of Minneapolis, Min., is paying his first visit in four years to his father, Mr. Nelson Kerrick. His wife and little daughter are with him. It is expected that the family circle will be completed for a few days by the arrival of Dr. and Mrs. Hussong from Buffalo; Dr. and Mrs. Charles Kerrick from Auburn, and Clarence Kerrick from Trenton, N. Y.
Robert McMahan and son, Howard McMahan left Saturday for a visit to the former’s daughter, Mrs. Fred Newell in Washington, D. C.
J. S. Hoard, the well known insurance man of Mansfield, was here Sunday morning en route to Camp Lee, Virginia, to see his son, Donald before he should sail for France.
Volume LV, #25, Thursday, June 20, 1918
Mrs. George H. Webb is entertaining her father, Mr. Dallas Seabury of Canton, Ohio.
Mrs. John Luckey has been visiting her brothers, E. N. Bentley and William Bentley at Mansfield.
Miss Edna Webb has been a guest of her sister, Mrs. John Towmey in Williamsport the past week.
LaRue Davies, son of Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Davies has enlisted in the veterinary corps of the army.
There is still time to add to the world’s food supply by getting in as many acres as possible of beans and buckwheat. No one knows what the future holds in food shortage. Conservation by eating less is good in its way, but increased production is better. Let every loyal farmer of Bradford county feel it his patriotic duty to help feed the wold.
Mrs. M. J. Handran and little daughter, Mary Catherine go Saturday for a visit to the former’s mother in Watkins.
Mrs. H. A. Aspinwall attended the wedding in Buffalo yesterday of her granddaughter, Miss Helen Aspinwall to Mr. Clifford E. Peek.
Charles Ross, known here through his father, Edward H. Ross, and his uncle, Charles S. Ross, the banker, is among the registrants who are to go to Camp Lee from Mansfield next week.
Miss Theodora Bothwell will be the teacher of music and drawing in the Troy public school the coming year. Her mother is a sister of Mr. A. B. McKean and they will make their home with Mr. and Mrs. McKean.
Mrs. Henry B. VanDyne and little son, Edward, are on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nearing at Hackensack, N. J.
Miss Cora Smiley is caring for little Louise Mills in the absence of her mother, Mrs. Everett B. Mills, who is on a motor trip to Western New York State and Canada.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Besley (nee Hannah Luckey) attended commencement at Mansfield Normal School.
E. C. Nichols was accompanied home from his visit to his son, Frank, at South Bethlehem, by his little granddaughter, Ann May, who will spend some time with her grandparents here.
Volume LV, #26, Thursday, June 27, 1918
Mrs. Burt Williams has returned home from visiting her son, Mr. Frank Williams and family in Elmira.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith B. Wilcox are visiting Mrs. Wilcox’s brother, Alfred Leonard and family in Horseheads.
Mrs. J. R. Willour has arrived from the south to spend the summer with her daughter, Miss Margaret Willour.
Former Representative and Mrs. A. B. Hitchock of Knoxville, Tioga county, announce the marriage of their daughter, Helen to Lieutenant Lester R. Albert on June 20th. The bride was graduated from the Mansfield Normal School in this year’s class. The wedding took place in New York on her commencement day, Lieutenant Albert is shortly to leave for France. The bride will teach in Harrisburg the coming school year.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sadler and daughter, Gertrude of Hazelton, are spending the week with A. J. Sadler and family.
Misses Kathryn and Veronica Smith are in Elmira caring for the infant sons of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blake, while they are on a visit to Mrs. Blake’s sister, Mrs. H. D. Wendt and family in Michigan.
The body of Thomas McNamara will be brought from Elmira to this boro for burial on Saturday morning.
Mr. Oliver J. Taylor has returned to his home in Chicago, following a visit to his mother-in-law, Mrs. D. S. Kenyon.
Mrs. Leon Manley and little daughter of Rochester, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Price.
Azor R. Putnam of Troy and Harry Putnam of Canton visited their brother, Robert in the Marine Camp at Quantico, Va.
Archie Barrett came Saturday morning from military camp at Watertown, N. Y., for a short visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Barrett.
Volume LV, #27, Thursday, July 4, 1918
Mrs. Fred Doloway and son, Hugh of Elmira, are guest of friends in town.
Mr. William Epstein of Elmira, was a Sunday guest of his sister, Mrs. Herman Holtzman.
Mrs. John Hurlburt spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Smith in Sullivan.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Clark have given the names Janice and Jeannette to the twin daughters born to them last week.
Mr. Pliny Burr arrive Tuesday from Manistique, Mich., for a visit to his father and sisters, Miss May Burr and Mrs. John C. Bigelow at the home of the latter.
Mrs. William O’Connor and daughters, Anna, Mary and Nell went Saturday to Philadelphia where they were joined on Sunday by the former’s son, William O’Connor, who has been in training at Camp Meade, but who expects to be transferred this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wheeler were over Sunday visitors of the former’s aunt and uncle, Mrs. Thos. Comfort and C. L. Wheeler and other relatives here.
Volume LV, #28, Thursday, July 11, 1918
Mrs. Earl Green, of New Brunswick, N. J., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Brown.
Mrs. E. L. Teeter and daughters are enjoying a visit from her brother, Mr. E. N. Funston of Denver.
Frederick Burr came from Lindley, N. Y., for a visit to his sister, Mrs. John C. Bigelow while his brother, Pliny Burr was here from Manistique, Mich., last week.
George W. Baxter and his brother, Edward of Ithaca, are spending a few days in the Adirondack Mountains.
Mrs. M. N. Follmer of Milton, was a recent guest of her sister, Mrs. William Montgomery.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lacell and children of Rochester, visited the latter’s sisters, Mrs. Joseph Armstrong and Mrs. Bert Comfort during the week.
Albert Watkins of Troy is understood to be acting as an instructor in a school of gunnery in France. He is a son of Mahlon Watkins and not yet twenty years old.
Volume LV, #29, Thursday, July 18, 1918
Mrs. Wilmot E. Knapp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teeter of this boro, has been urged to seek the nomination for State Senator from Elmira, at the September primaries, but has declined to do so. Mrs. Knapp was a leading worker for votes for women, but has steadily refused to enter the ranks of office seekers.
William Warburton, who was on Nick Farone’s staff during the building of the Troy sewer, and married Miss Jennings of Towanda, was in town Sunday in the uniform of a naval Ensign. He is in the supply department in Brooklyn.
Melvin Kelley, 20 years old, a law student of Syracuse University, has followed the footsteps of his brother, Hazen Kelley and enlisted in the French Ambulance Service.
Mr. Charles McCabe of Elmira, spent Sunday with his daughters, Mrs. Charles Ludington and Miss Jeannette McCabe.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Yauger and children of Union Springs, N. Y., are visiting Mrs. Yauger’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Price.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bailey came from Washington Sunday for a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Bailey.
Mrs. Arthur Surdam of Buffalo (nee Lela Wolfe), is spending part of her vacation from Government work with her uncle, E. K. Wolfe and family in King Street.
John H. Morse, son of the Rev. and Mrs. E. P. Morse, goes from Lewistown, Montana, into training at Fort Dodge, Iowa, next Monday. His wife, Pauline Lilley Morse, comes to her mother at Towanda.
Mrs. Elmer Kennedy received two very interesting letters last week from her son, Stephen, who is serving in France.
George Spencer of Lawton, Mich., spent last Saturday and Sunday here with his sister, Mrs. Clarence Comfort. His mother, Mrs. J. M. Spencer of Canton, returned to Lawton with him for a visit.
Volume LV, #30, Thursday, July 25, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Gates of Columbia Cross Roads have received workd that their son, Private Walter John Gates, Co. A, 304th engineers has arrived safely over seas.
Miss Naomi Davis and her sister, Mrs. Bingey left Monday for Pittsburg to see their nephew, William Davis, Jr., before he goes to training camp. They will be gone two or three weeks.
DeWayne Sillilman, eldest son of Benj. Silliman of Boone, Iowa, and grandson of B. J. Silliman of this boro, has entered the Coast Artillery branch of the service. He is at Fortress Monroe for training.
Michael Leal Bardwell (Sam) enlisted Monday in Elmira in the Naval Air Service as Machinist’s Mate and left Tuesday for Buffalo. He is the third son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bardwell to enter the service. Harold is in the army and James in the navy.
Major J. C. Robinson is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Merton Baldwin and family in Wellsburg, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stacy, of Buffalo, are spending part of their vacation with the former’s parents in Leona. Mr. Stacy has been 16 years in the employ of New York state.
Mr. Ray Fedderson has been entertaining his sister, Miss Beatrice Fedderson of Cleveland, Ohio.
Mr. D. W. Case of Steubensville, Ohio, was an over-Sunday guest of his mother, Mrs. Eunice Case.
Mrs. Charles Furman and little son, Robert have returned from a visit to Mr. Furman in Baltimore, Md.
Mrs. E. T. Buffum received word last week of the safe arrival over seas of her grandson—Charles G. DeVoe.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Pierce and son, Robinson, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Pierce’s sister, Mrs. Merton Baldwin in Wellsburg.
Clarence Comfort has gone to Erie to work in the shop with his brother, Irving Comfort for the General Electric Company.
The engagement has been announced and the wedding will take place about August 8th of Mr. Frederick Bevens of New York, well known here, and Miss Harriett Emerick, a wealthy Milton girl who has visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. DeWitt in Troy. Mr. Bevens is in the 302d Battalion of the Tank Service of the army now training at Tobyhanna, Pa.
Volume LV, #31, Thursday, August 1, 1918
Mrs. Harry Nice came Sunday from Philadelphia for a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Corey.
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Woodward and daughter, Clara, of Tioga, were over Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friends.
Damon Card of Sylvania has gone to Syarcuse, N. Y., to visit his twin sister, Geraldine, whom he had not seen in nine years.
E. P. Hall returned Sunday to his home in Muncy after spending a week with his daughter, Mrs. Harold Williams on the Canton road.
Volume LV, #32, Thursday, August 8, 1918
Robert G. Weigester of New York spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. George Weigester.
Mrs. Anson Preston and little daughter of Elmira, visited last week in the home of her mother, Mrs. Charles Armstrong and son, Joseph Armstrong.
Mrs. J. G. Conderman accompanied the body of her mother from Chicago and will spend a fortnight in this boro and vicinity. Other relatives and friends in attendance from a distance at the funeral of Mrs. Bloom included Mr. E. L. Bloom for North Cohocton, N. Y.; Mrs. William Conderman from Hornell; Mrs. Louis Stone and Mrs. Pettingill from Elmira and a large number from LeRoy, the girlhood home of Mrs. Bloom.
Mrs. Lynn Gillett and little son, Harry, are on a visit to relatives in Pittsburg.
Russell Tomlinson is here from Stratford, Ontario, Canada, for a visit to his sister, Mrs. Dennis Smith,, his brother, Charles Tomlinson and other relatives.
The Rev. and Mrs. G. H. Perkins, their little daughter and son, Paul, are spending this week in New York city with Mrs. George Messick, a brother of Mrs. Perkins who must submit soon to a very serious surgical operation.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. DeWitt were accompanied home from their motor trip to Milton by the latter’s sister, Mrs. James Buoy.
Volume LV, #33, Thursday, August 15, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. William Dickinson and Florence Trippe arrived Sunday by motor from Willoughby, Ohio, for their annual visit to Mrs. Dickinson’s sister, Mrs. William Spencer.
Many Troy acquaintances will be glad to know that Mrs. T. W. Judge of Mansfield has word of the safe arrival overseas of her son, Wade, four weeks from the date of his departure from an American port. He is supposed to be in Italy or Russia.
Katherine Haight, 3 years old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Haight, is ill at Ulster with infantile paralysis—the first case reported in the county in two years. A Strict quarantine has been established by order of the County Medical Director Dr. D. Leonard Pratt.
Mrs. John C. Bigelow entertained during the week, Mr. B. N. Mcoy and his daughter, Miss Katharine McCoy of Kane; Mrs. Martha Scouten and Miss Fannie Scouten of Sylvania, and her cousins, Mrs. Oscar Smiley and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Barnes and their two sons of Sayre. The visit of the latter was in observance of the 85th birthday of Mrs. Bigelow’s father, Mr. Elmer G. Burr.
Mr. S. L. Morse of Pavo, Georgia, is spending a month with his brother, Mr. Frank Morse, near this boro. He is a native of this section who remained south after the war. His son Ralph, who worked here for the Troy Electric Company, is married and has a son. Mr. Morse lives in the banner pork producing county of Georgia. He and his two sons own about 350 head. Peanuts and velvet beans are the staple hog feeds of that section. Live hogs are selling there at 15 cents or more a pound. With fairly good feed they weigh 200 pounds at 8 months.
Henry Rolison and son, Jay, motored here from New York and are guests in the home of Alanson Rolison.
Fred Riggs was home last week from Camp Meade for a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Riggs.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Powers of Philadelphia, have been guests of the former’s aunt, Mrs. William O’Connor and daughters.
James Gustin came Sunday from Philadelphia, called here by the serious illness of his grandmother, Mrs. Charlotte Wolfe.
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Mitchell and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Edward Layton (nee Marcella Smith) at Sodius, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Z. Mason of Troy, are entertaining the latter’s sister, Mrs. S. G. Borden and daughter, Anna of Newark, N. J.
Emery H. Goddard of this boro, has been divorced from his wife, Ada Goddard, who went west in 1908 on a visit and never returned.
Mrs. Clyde Quinn entertained her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Carr, her two brothers and Mr. Frank Turner of Syracuse over Sunday.
Volume LV, #34, Thursday, August 22, 1918
Mrs. Asa Harkness and daughters, Ruth, Betty and Maurine of Lyndon, Ill., spent Friday and Saturday with Mrs. H. G. Hawthorne.
George Ogden, one time a Troy boy, son of Ray Ogden, was wounded in France in June. After spending some time in a hospital and on furlough in Paris, he reported for active duty again on Jul7 25th. Ogden enlisted two years ago, trained in Texas and went across with Gen. Pershing’s first fighting units.
Miss Hope Griffith and her sister, Catherine, daughters of Benjamin M. Griffith of Bethlehem, Pa., are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Griffith in Leona.
Volume LV, #35, Thursday, August 29, 1918
Leon Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Smith, goes next Tuesday to Camp Dix, Wrightstown, N. J., for military service.
Colie and Clyde Fields, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Fields, of Canton Street, are to go to Camp Lee, Va., from Wellsboro, as they are Tioga county registrants.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Holdren of Hastings-on-the-Hudson, have been guests of Mrs. Holdren’s father, O. F. Price and brothers, Frank Price and W. O. Price.
Colie L. Jenkins of Rutland, Tioga county, was severely wounded in France July 21st. He is a son of Solon Jenkins and has two brothers and three sisters. He enlisted in Elmira two years ago and went to France in June, 1917, as a member of Co. C, 28th Infantry.
Mrs. May Beach is entertaining her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Albert Beach and little son, Richard of Cleveland, Ohio, for a few weeks Mrs. Beach also entertained recently her sister, Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Lena Williams of Elmira and Clara, Howard and Irene Porter of Windfall.
Mrs. E. G. Shaw of Painesville, O., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred Fay, in Canton Street.
Volume LV, #36, Thursday, September 5, 1918
Miss Esther Foulke visited her sister, Mrs. Lane Huntingdon at Little Meadows, Pa., last week.
Miss Carrie Hickok has returned to her home in Rochester following a visit to her sister, Mrs. D. J. Fanning.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Holcombe came this morning from Philadelphia to spend their vacation with the former’s mother, Mrs. George O. Holcombe.
Arthur J. Rockwell of Clarion, Iowa, has been visiting his father, Richard Rockwell. Mr. Rockwell is timekeeper for the Chicago & Great Western railroad.
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Sawyer of Liberty, Pa., are enjoying an auto trip to Washington, D. C., to visit their daughter, Mildred, who has a fine Government position in the Bureau of Law. Their son, Paul, accompanied them. He expects to enter Mansfield Normal this fall.
Mrs. Finley Hubbard returned Tuesday from New York where she went to see her daughter, Miss Hilda L. Baumann sail for France as an army nurse with the 67th Unit. Miss Bauman (as is) was the first nurse to enter the service from this section. For the past eight months she has been at Camp Travis, Texas. There are 100 in an army nurse’s unit.
Volume LV, #37, Thursday, September 12, 1918
Mrs. Joseph H. Preston has been entertaining her father, Mr. E. E. White of Mansfield.
For the death of her husband near Marsh Hill Junction on June 5, 1916, when his automobile went over an embankment of the state highway, because it was not strong enough to sustain the weight of the machine two feet from the edge, Mrs. Almeda Pickering of Trout Run, has been awarded $2,750 damages against the State of Pennsylvania.
The condition of Mrs. Nelson Wright, who was stricken some days ago with a shock at the home of her niece, Mrs. Elmer Ross on High St., remains about the same.
Volume LV, #38, Thursday, September 19, 1918
Child Injured at Fair Getting Well.
A distressing accident marred the last day of the fair, when
Charles, 5-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hicks of Fairview, darted
out on the track in front of the grandstand ahead of one of the race horses.
He was knocked down by the sulky and run over. He was unconscious
when picked up and so remained for some hours. He was taken to home
of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Lathrope at East Troy where he
is making a satisfactory recovery.
Wild reports that his skull had been crushed and the like were
no more true than that his mother was on the dancing platform when the
accident happened. Mrs. Darrow (as is) does not even know how to
dance. The child was with his father, but had momentarily slipped
P. E. Hooley visited his brother, Stephen Hooley in Ridgeway last week.
Ernest Friends and wife and son, Robert, were over Sunday guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friends attended the funeral of their brother-in-law, Ambrose Tillinghast at Millerton on Monday.
Mrs. Mark J. French of Mansfield spent last week with her mother, Mrs. George Bottcher, and other Troy relatives.
Hon. and Mrs. C. P. Dewey of Gillett, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Mabel to Jesse M. Strong of Fassett, Pa.
Miss Lorene Jewell and her father, Samuel H. Jewell of Canton, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Weigester. The former hopes to go to France under the Red Cross for reconstruction work among refugee children.
Mrs. W. B. Roberts is here from Watkins for a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Califf.
Scott Comfort the only son of Mr. and Mrs. William Comfort of Redington Avenue, was wounded in France last week, nothing further has been heard from him.
Volume LV, #39, Thursday, September 26, 1918
Mrs. Luzerne Selleck has returned to her home in Granville after spending several weeks with her sister Mrs. E. S. Aumick of John street.
Mrs. Willard Price and little son, of Montour Falls, have been guests of Mrs. Price’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Luckey and other relatives.
Thomas Comfort is at Erie with his sons Clarence and Irving who are in the employ of the General Electric Company.
Mrs. H. D. Wendt, who was Miss Ada Smith, of this place, was badly injured the last of the week at her home in Lansing, Mich., when in getting off a street car, she fell. At latest report she was thought to be out of danger. Her sister, Mrs. Jos. Lynch, of Towanda, left the first of the week for Lansing.
Mrs. Frank March and son Cyril of Shanee, Oklahoma, visited her cousin, Ola Lee, and other relatives in Troy last week. Mrs. March is a daughter of C. N. Lee, a former photographer of this borough. Mr. Lee is living in Oklahoma.
Olen J. Cotter of Canton Route 1, was severely wounded in action in France Aug. 13th, according to government advices to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cotter.
Isabelle Williams who has been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Williams has returned to her home in Harvey, Ill.
Mrs. B. R. Dalgren and little daughter Madeline are visiting the former’s uncle in Washington.
Services were held at Wyalusing Sunday for Private Robert C. Waldo, who died from Spanish influenza at camp Dix. He entered the service three weeks ago.
The military genealogy of Harry C. Bailey of Mansfield is interesting. He had a great-grandfather in the revolutionary war, two grandfathers in the war of 1812, a brother in the civil war, two sons in the Spanish American war, one of whom is doing his bit in the present war. He, himself was in the civil war as a member of the famous Bucktail regiment and one of his four wounds cost his left arm.
Mrs. H. A. Aspinwall has returned to Grand Rapids, Mich. for the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Angie Wilson.
Volume LV, #41, Thursday, October 10, 1918
Mr. James Balmer of Gillett was a week end guest of his daughter Mrs. S. J. Welch.
Misses Kathryn and Veronica Smith spent the week end in Elmira with their sister Mrs. Thomas Blake.
The same train which took Miss Thalia Wilson to camp Deven, Mass. Brought an order for Miss Margaret Willour to report at the same camp. Thus these two Red Cross nurses from Troy are to serve together as they desired and specified in their applications. Miss Willour is a daughter of the late James R. Willour long in business here. She is a graduate of the Arnot Odgen hospital, Elmira and carries with her on her way to France the best wishes of a large circle of friends. She left for camp Deven on Sunday evening.
Mr. George Stacy, a good citizen of Troy since 1891, and continuously connected with the firm of O. F. Price & Son, leaves next week to take up his residence with his son Fred W. Stacy, at 733 West Water Street.
Miss Julia DeForest and her brother-in-law, Fred Mosher and Mr. Guthrie all on the DeForest farm, are ill with influenza.
Volume LV, #42, Thursday, October 17, 1918
Mrs. Daniel Culp and little daughter returned Saturday to Painted Post following a week’s visit to her sister, Mrs. Charles Ludington and Miss Jeanette McCabe.
There are so many cases of influenza at Sayre that tents have been errected in connection with the Robert Packer hospital and the Rev. Weir has offered the use of the Coleman parish house to the hospital authorities.
Mrs. W. B. Gernert is spending a time in Elmira with her daughter, Mrs. W. Herman Woodward.
Mrs. Qua of Elmira, is visiting her son Harry Cosper.
Max Kennedy, son of Mrs. William Kennedy of Leona, is recovering in camp at Quantico, Va., from a run of influenza.
Edwin F. Loomis son of Frank Loomis, the founder of the Troy Register was in town a few hours Wednesday afternoon. He motored over from Canton where Mrs. Loomis and their four children are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Cornell. Mr. Loomis is moving his family from Oswego, N. Y., to Elizabeth, N. J., where he is teaching printing and English in the city high school. His mother is still connected with the fine arts department of Syracuse university, and Ralph Loomis, his brother, is teaching printing in the Dickinson high school in Jersey city.
Volume LV, #43, Thursday, October 24, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Creighton, son and daughter, Norman and Doris, of Elmira, were over Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kennedy in Leona.
Mr. Harry Cleaver came Saturday from Plainfield, N. J. for a visit to his mother Mrs. Isaac Cleaver.
Chas. H. Gernert returned Monday to his home in Bridport, Conn. After a short visit to his mother, Mrs. M. B. Gernert.
Miss Alice Grimes of Ridgeway is a guest of her sister, Mrs. A. E. Snedeker.
Volume LV, #44, Thursday, October 31, 1918
Miss Goldie Biddle of Canton was called to Brooklyn last Friday to care for her cousin, Miss Abbie Holmes, who was critically ill with pneumonia and passed away on Sunday.
Mrs. Harry Strange (Cecile Alexander) came Monday from Corning to nurse her sister-in-law, Mrs. May Alexander.
John Foster has moved from this boro to his farm in Burlington. His boro to his farm in Burlington. His boro to his farm in Burlington. His daughter Nellie Foster expects soon to go to Elmira.
Volume LV, #45, Thursday, November 7, 1918
Miss Ethel Williams came Friday from New York called here by the illness of her brother, Merle Williams.
Mrs. A. H. Post, who has spent some time here with her daughter Mrs. Andrew Fraley left Saturday for her home in New York.
Volume LV, #46, Thursday, November 14, 1918
Troy Takes Day Off and Joyfully Celebrates Signing of Armistice.
The glad news which sent a thrill around the world that defeated
Germany had signed the armistice was received in Troy about 3:45 Monday
morning by the screeching of the whistle of a passing train simultaneously
with the receipt of a telephone message to Burgess H. C. Carpenter.
Factory whistles, the fire alarm and church bells added to the early din
of sound. A bonfire was lighted and the streets teemed with joyful,
singing, shouting men women and children. They formed themselves
in to a procession and parade with colors living, to the homes of the boys
in the service, each of whom by name was cheered. Following a speech
by the Rev. Edw. P. Morse, about day light it was decided to take the day
off. Stores and factories were closed and the reopening of school
after influenza quarantine was deferred until Tuesday. The jollification
continued until 9 and fitfully throughout the day. In the evening
there was a big parade. The pandemonium of sound, oordant and disoordant,
was resumed. The community service flag with its many stars was carried
in the place of honor at the head of the line by Cecil Hooker and Leon
Smith, soldiers home on furlough. The parents followed of the soldiers
in the service, followed by the Daughters of the American Revolution, Gustin
Post, G. A. R., the Red Cross, the Boro Fathers, the School Board, long
lines of school children. Engine and Machine Company employes with
their band, their Emergency Fleet banner, service flag and one of their
government engines on a handsomely decorated float. E. VanDyne’s
Sons tannery resurrected an old hearse in which the German Emperor was
supposed to repose with a body guard of red devils and this placard:
“The Tannery Boys Will Tan the Kaisers Hide.” A large truck was crowded
with John Wildi Company employes, flying both the American and Italian
flags. The three school floats were particularly good, representing
the signing of the Declaration of Independence; Betsy Ross and her helpers
making the first American flag and an allegory of America and her allies
in the late World War, including a soldier, a sailor and a Red Cross nurse.
In the line were many in costume, grown ups as well as children.
Striking under this head were two well known ladies, one with uniform and
sword come down from the Civil war, the other as coachman in the livery
of that period. “Old Fashioned But Good English for the Kaiser”
was the placard attached to an old coffin which at the conclusion of the
parade furnished additional fuel for the big bonfire which blaze on the
crest of the Taylor lot.
It was here between High and Elmira streets that the parade gave
way to speech making. The Rev. E. P. Morse presided. Following
prayer by the Rev. Johnstone, a ring address was made by the Rev. P. J.
Durkan shorter ones by the Rev. Holloway and the Rev. Perkins,. Led
by the veteran music master, Martin Hager “The Star Spangled Banner” and
“My Country Tis of Thee” were sung. Burgess Carpenter called for
cheers for victory, for the boys in the service, for all who had helped
in the struggle and they were given with that spirit and enthusiam which
so striking marked the whole day.
Mrs. F. E. VanDyne and little daughter Mable, Mrs. Wm. S. Montgomery and little daughter Mary Josephine and Mrs. H. B. VanDyne motored to New York on Thursday. They will be accompanied on their return by Mrs. E. E. VanDyne.
Fred Stone of Springfield has been officially reported missing in action in France. He is a son of Layton Stone and he husband of Gertrude Harkness Stone whom he married two moths before he left for camp.
Miss Margaret King with her sister Miss Lou King of Canton were Sunday guests of their brother in Elmira.
Mrs. Harriet Clark and Miss Cora Alton are expected this week from Margaretville, N. Y. for a visit to their brother, Mr. Wesley Alton.
Volume LV, #47, Thursday, November 21, 1918
Mr. George Leonard goes soon for the winter to his son, Morris T. Leonard at Chatham, N. J.
Mrs. Jerould has returned to her home in Smithfield following a visit to her granddaughter, Mrs. Clarence Wolfe.
Mrs. Harriett Rockwell has come to Troy from Bailey Corners to spend the winter in the home of her son, Edward A. Rockwell.
Presptor Wood, a native of Sullivan, Tioga county, arrived Monday to make his home with his daughter, Mrs. Watson Hoosier at Austinville. For forty-seven years Mr. Wood made his home at Midland, Virginia. He is an uncle of Gene Wood of this boro, and visited here enroute to Austinville. A survivor of the Union army, Mr. Wood has only words of kindness for the men who wore the grey, among whom he lived as neighbor and friend for so many years.
Volume LV, #48, Thursday, November 28, 1918
Mr. Albert Newell has gone to spent the winter with his daughter, Mrs. Bert Worden in Canton.
Attorney W. E. Carnochan of New York, was with his sister, Mrs. Sarah B. Willett for Thanksgiving.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Drew came from Sodus, N. Y., for Thanksgiving with the latter’s sisters, Misses Mary and Ella Hill.
At Towanda on Monday the Equitable Life Assurance Company was ordered to pay Mrs. Nora Fanning $3,000 insurance carried on his life by her son Thomas who perished in a forest fire in the state of Washington ten years ago.
Prof. And Mrs. L. R. Guilluame spent Sunday in Elmira with the latter’s sister Mrs. Chas. Saylor and Mr. Saylor.
Mrs. Fannie Morse Meyer has repurchased the Morse homestead farm which for the past two years has been owned by her brother, Frank Morse.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Conklin had with them for Thanksgiving, the latter’s father and her brothers, James McKay of Canton, and Mahlon McKay of Columbia X Roads, and their wives.
Volume LV, #51, Thursday, December 19, 1918
Mrs. Harold Brown and Mrs. Lee Gerould of Athens were guests last week of their sister Mrs. Elmer Ross.
Volume LV, #52, Thursday, December 26, 1918
James McKean was down from Elmira for Christmas with his mother Mrs. R. W. Budd.
Miss Carrielynn Hickok came Monday evening from Rochester for the holidays with her sister, Mrs. David J. Fanning and family.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Gray of Canton street, had with them from Wednesday to Tuesday of this week the former’s sister, Miss Frances Gray, who is a missionary teacher in the public schools of Pekin, China. She will return to China in January.
Mrs. George Bottcher was called to the Sayre hospital by the illness with pneumonia of her brother, Leo Leonard, who was convalescing from an operation for appendicitis.
Mrs. Charles Joralemon went to Canton for Christmas with her mother Mrs. Mix.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Reese and family of Seeley Creek, N. Y., are spending the week with Mrs. Reese’s spending the week with Mrs. Reese’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Belknap.
Miss Katharyn Wolcott came Tuesday night from Christ Hospital, Jersey City, N. J., for her Christmas vacation with her mother, Mrs. Burton Kiff and her sisters, the Misses Wolcott.