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Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette
Register 1902 - Yesterday's News |
These clippings from ancient
and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are
being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily
we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage
and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles
that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations
at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from
the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings. Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here. If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Partitioned PICO Search Engine which you can reach from current What's New Page of the site. There is a partition just for the TGR Clippings. |
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Twenty-first Year, #988, Thursday, January 2, 1902
Mrs. Silas G. Stannard and son Silas of Mainesburg, are spending a few days with her father, Nelson Warner.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Wolfe and son Hallock spent Christmas with Elmira friends.
Twenty-first Year, #989, Thursday, January 9, 1902
M. R. Corey and sister, Miss Grace, are visiting friends in Elmira.
Twenty-first Year, #990, Thursday, January 16, 1902
Miss Cora Hagerman of Groton, N.Y., is visiting her brother here, Judson Hagerman.
Twenty-first Year, #991, Thursday, January 23, 1902
Judson Kilgore, our worthy townsman and esteemed young bachelor, has been on the verge of leaving his blissful abode for some time, but Judson has been procrastinating. Being domestic in his notions, the thought of the fair sex has made him turn pallid, and hesitate, but alas, last Friday Jud surrendered, put on a brave face, closed his eyes, and quietly waded through. The happy event is very gratifying to his many friends, who wish him and his fair young bride a happy and prosperous wedded life.
Twenty-first Year, #995, Thursday, February 20, 1902
William Gustin and son Harry are sick with measles. Dr. Seafuse is attending them.
Nelson Warner will have a public sale at his farm in Virtus February 27th. He will move to his daughter’s, Mrs. S. G. Stannard in Mainesburg March 1st.
Twenty-first Year, #1000, Thursday, March 27, 1902
Charles Knapp of Elmira spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. G. H. Wolfe.
Twenty-first Year, #1002, Thursday, April 10, 1902
Sarah Budd is confined to the bed by illness at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bert McClure.
Twenty-first Year, #1003, Thursday, April 17, 1902
Mrs. Eugene Richard of Groten, is visiting her brother, J. P. Hagerman and other friends here.
Twenty-first Year, #1007, Thursday, May 15, 1902
Mrs. Strange of Fassett has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Judson Mason.
Mrs. Ella Warner returned Monday from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Lorenzo Grennell in Elmira.
Twenty-first Year, #1009, Thursday, May 29, 1902
Charles L. Gregg and wife of Waverly spent over Sunday with their parents, S. C. Gregg and wife.
Twenty-first Year, #1010, Thursday, June 5, 1902
Merville and Verlie Warner spent Decoration day with their sister, Mrs. Grennell at Elmira.
Twenty-first Year, #1013, Thursday, June 26, 1902
Mrs. Susan Delcamp is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Cora Burgess at Daggett.
Twenty-first Year, #1014, Thursday, July 3, 1902
Gabe Besley of Elmira Heights is visiting his sister, Mrs. Tracy Wilson.
Twenty-first Year, #1015, Thursday, July 10, 1902
John Besley of Austinville spent the Fourth with his daughter, Mrs. T. Wilson.
Miss Lela Warner is visiting her sister Mrs. Loren Grinnell in Elmira.
Twenty-first Year, #1024, Thursday, September 11, 1902
The wedding of Ethel Swayze to Frank Carmon was to have taken place at the bride’s home September 10th, but has been postponed on account of the illness of the groom.
Twenty-first Year, #1026, Thursday, September 25, 1902
John Wolfe and wife and Miss Olive attended the McClelland-Wilson wedding at Austinville Wednesday evening.
Twenty-first Year, #1030, Thursday, October 23, 1902
(From the names listed these should probably be under Granville Summit News)
Harry and Daisy Manley of Towanda have been visiting their grandparents Sheeley Ayres and wife.
Master Albert Beach of Troy is visiting his grandparents, A. Z. Porter
and wife.