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Tri County Clippings - Troy Register 1900 |
These clippings from ancient
and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are
being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily
we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage
and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles
that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations
at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from
the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services
The TR and its successor, TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings. Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here. If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Partitioned PICO Search Engine which you can reach from current What's New Page of the site. There is a partition just for the TGR Clippings. |
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The Troy Register
Troy, Bradford County, PA
Nineteenth Year, #922, Wednesday, February 28, 1900
J. G. Boyce, after a long illness, died Thursday forenoon of this week, aged 53 years. The funeral will be held at the M. E. church Sunday, at 10:30 a.m., and will be in charge of the G.A.R., of which he was an honored member.
Death of Andrew Dunning.
Andrew D. Dunning, son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dunning of this place, died at his home on Thursday morning, March 1st, after a sickness of several months of complicated lung trouble. His death, although expected, was very sudden and without warning, and has cast a feeling of sadness over the community. He had been a regular attendant at the High School until he was obliged to leave on account of ill health. Among his school fiends he will be particularly missed, as he possessed a generous and fun-loving nature, and was a favorite, and with his parents and a brother and sister, he leaves many friends to mourn his sad departure.
The funeral will occur on Saturday, March 3rd, a short service being held at the house at 1:30 p.m; a further service at the Baptist church at 2:30 o’clock.
Little Girl Accidentally Killed.
An Accidental shooting in Ridgebury Monday night resulted in the death of Margaret L. Chambers, the 12-year-old daughter of a widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Chambers. Just how the accident occurred has not been explained, as the little girl’s brother who did the shooting, was so frightened as a result of the act, that he has apparently lost his mental faculties. The boy’s name is Bernard, and he is 14 years old. He is a bright youngster and was devoted to his sister. It is known that there was a shot gun up stairs in the family residence, which is on a farm about three miles east of Bentley Creek. Bernard evidently went to the second floor and secured the gun, probably for the purpose of cleaning it. He was heard to come down stairs to the kitchen where his sister was alone. This was about 8 o’clock in the evening and he had been in the kitchen only a few minutes when the report of the gun was heard. Mrs. Chamber rushed to the room and was horrified to find Margaret on the floor, the blood flowing profusely from her head. The shot had penetrated the neck at the base of the brain, death being instantaneous. Unable to talk, Bernard stood quivering in a frightful frenzy, and they fear the shock may result seriously to him. Arrangements are being made for the funeral which will be held from the house at ten o’clock Thursday morning.—Elmira Star.
Nineteenth Year, #923, Wednesday, March 7, 1900
Death of an Old Resident.
Mr. Harry Greeno, one of the old residents of Troy township, died at his home on West Main street Friday, March 2nd, of general debility, aged 78 years. The funeral service was held at the Baptist church Sunday afternoon. He leaves a wife and one daughter, Mrs. Fanny-Wicks Greeno.
Nineteenth Year, #924, Wednesday, March 14, 1900
Edward VanDyne.
Son of Edward Earl and Phoebe VanDyne, was born February 15, 1827, at Lyons Farms, N.J., and died at Troy, Pa., March 13, 1900. His early live was spent in New Jersey and New York, his parents removing to Jacksonville, Tompkins county, N.Y., in 1840.
Mr. VanDyne was married Oct. 14, 1857, to Miss Larinda Ann Everitt, of Chemung, N.Y., who survives him. Of their five children three are living: Everitt E., who has been associated with his father in the tannery business for a number of years under the firm name of E. VanDyne & Son., Fred’k E., and Miss Laura. The oldest daughter, Mabel, died at the age of twelve years, and the second son, Henry Earl, aged one year.
After his marriage Mr. VanDyne lived for two years in Canton, Pa., and then removed to Troy. Here he has been engaged in active and successful business for the past forty years and amassed considerable wealth. When the southern army invade Pennsylvania in 1863 he was among the Trojans who responded to the call for emergency troups, and had a brief experience of army life. He was a member of Gustin Post, G.A.R.
Mr. VanDyne was brought up in the Presbyterian church, having been baptized in childhood and receiving a careful, christian training. He united with the Presbyterian church of Troy, June 2nd, 1867. He was elected to the office of ruling Elder in this church, and ordained and installed as such Jan. 21, 1872. This position he continued to hold by successive re-elections until his death. For many years a teacher in the Sabbath School and was deeply interested in Bible study, an interest which added much to the pleasure of his trip to the Holy Land some five years ago.
A loyal, loving husband and father, held very dear by his family, a christian worker and enterprising, honorable, upright citizen of irreproachable character, has gone. He will be greatly missed.
Mr. VanDyne had been ill only a few weeks, although for the past year was not as rugged as formerly. His family hoped for his recovery up to the last few days, yet his death was rather sudden and a great shock to both family and community.
The funeral will be held Thursday at 1:30 p.m., at the residence, Rev. E. P. Morse officiating, assisted by Rev. J. H. Gordinier. Burial in Glenwood.
Death of Rev. Thos. K. Beecher.
Rev. Thomas K. Beecker, for forty-six years pastor of the Park church, Elmira, passed away at his home in that city this (Wednesday) morning at 9:25 o’clock. He suffered a stroke of paralysis Sunday evening, becoming unconscious and remaining so until Monday morning. From then on the end came gradually and peacefully. On the 10th of Feb. he celebrated his 76th birthday. He is survived by a wife of second marriage, a daughter, Mrs. Isabell Hooker of Hartford, Ct.; a son, Thomas K., of Elmira, besides two adopted daughters.
The body will lie in state from Thursday forenoon until Friday noon, guarded by the G.A.R., of which he was a member. The memorial service will be held in Park church Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock. The body will be placed temporarily in the vault in Woodlawn cemetery, and later, in accordance with Mr. Beecher’s belief and wish will be removed to Buffalo for cremation.
Woman Frozen to Death.
The frozen body of Mrs. Geo. Bustin was found yesterday morning on the farm of Frank Vought at Hornbrook. Mrs. Bustin wandered away from her home in Sheshequin early Saturday morning, barefooted, clad only in her night gown and a thin calico wrapper.
The woman had been insane for the last two years and had been cared for at her home by her family. Saturday morning about 4 o’clock her husband who was watching her, dropped asleep and when he awoke he found his wife had gone. A search was immediately began, but not until 30 hours had elapsed were the efforts to find the woman rewarded. The place where the body was found was two miles from the Bustin home. How long the poor woman had been able to keep up before she succumbed to the cold will never be known. She was 60 years old, and besides her husband leaves a large family of grown-up sons and daughters.—Athens News.
Boy Killed While Hunting.
Benjamin Beeman, aged sixteen years, son of Amos P. Beeman of Silvaria, Pa., accidentally shot and killed himself Saturday morning while out hunting in company with Lynn James. At noon Lynn returned home with the sad inteligence that Beeman had shot himself. A party started immediately in search of the lad, and when they found him he was dead. He had shot and crippled a chipmunk. He took the gun by the muzzle and struck at the animal with the butt of it. The jar caused the remaining cartridge to explode, the charge striking the boy in the chest.
(Coryland News) The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. A. McClelland died after a short illness, and was buried at Baptist Hill last Sabbath.
Nineteenth year, #925, Wednesday, March 21, 1900
Death of Mrs. Brown.
Mrs. Milton S. Brown, who has been suffering for a long time with dropsy, died this-Wednesday-morning, aged 58 years. She was a woman much respected and liked by all who knew her. Her death is a sad blow to her loyal, loving husband, and her son, Mr. Fred Cowan, of Rochester, N.Y.
The funeral will be held Friday forenoon at the Disciple church, at 11 o’clock.
An Old Resident Gone.
Mr. Frank Burgess, one of the old Springfield residents, died at his home in that place Sunday morning, aged 63 years. Mr. Burgess was taken ill while attending the Mansfield fair last summer, with a form of paralysis, from which he only partially recovered, and later suffered more of less from dropsical ailments.
Mr. Burgess had host of friends who admired and loved him, and he was greatly respected by everybody. He was one of the substantial residents of Springfield where he will be greatly missed. The funeral was held at his late residence Tuesday and was largely attended, many from Troy being present. Mrs. Amanda Deyo, pastor of the Springfield Universalist church preached, and the services at the grave were conducted by the Masonic Lodge of Troy, of which Mr. Burgess was a member.
Nineteenth Year, #926, Wednesday, March 28, 1900
(Local News) Mrs. Geo. Nagle died at her home on Railroad Avenue on Sunday last. Burial at Col. X Roads on Tuesday.
Franklin C. Burgess.
Franklin C. Burgess, who departed this life the 186th of March, 1900, aged 70 years, was a devoted member of the Universalist church at Springfield, its choir leader for many years. He had ten brothers and sister, of which two only are now left, Ellen and Maria, the last named living at Omaha at an advanced age. Mr. Burgess had never married, but kept his home at the old homestead of his father, Charles Burgess. Mr. Henry Boughton, who had been so intimately connected with the deceased, having lived with him for thirty-five years. Mr. Boughton was untiring in his devotion to his life long friend; during his long and severe illness, no brother could have been more kind, or rendered him better care. The single sister remains in the home under the care of this devoted friend.
Mr. Burgess was a very social man, and the large attendance at his funeral bespoke the many friends he had won in his life-time. Signing was rendered at the funeral by Mrs. Mary Reynolds and Miss Lydia Tanner, old friends of the deceased, from Elmira. The Baptist minister, Rev. E. B. Dwyer, assisted the Universalist pastor, Rev. Amanda Deyo, on the sad occasion. The remains were buried at Grove Hill cemetery, March 20th, the service conducted by the Free Masons for their respected Brother.
Mrs. Julia E. Whitney.
Mrs. Julia E. Whitney departed this life March 16, 1900, at the home of her sincere friend, Mrs. Jane Mattocks, after a brief but unexpected illness. The kind devotion of Mrs. Mattocks and her family was greatly appreciated by her only remaining daughter, Mrs. Minnie Murray, who at the time of her mother’s illness and death was just removing her home to the farm her mother had purchased. It was very sad for her that her mother was not able to be removed to her own roof, but loving hands administered to her among her precious circle, both among those of her own people the Universalists, and the Baptist also.
Mrs. Whitney was born in 1836, her maiden name being Julia E. Wolcott. One brother only survives her, Mr. Pearsall Wolcott. She was twice married, her first husband, George W. Herman, dying in 1876. In 1881 the deceased married Mr. Frank L. Whitney, whom she survived, and she later moved to Long Point, Ill, where she remained until 1898. She then returned to Springfield, where she had lived sincere with her only daughter, Mrs. Minnie Herman, wife of Mr. Jason Murray, who is her sole heir.
The funeral services were conducted by the Universalist pastor, Rev. Amanda Deyo, assisted by the Baptist pastor, E. B. Dwyer, Burial in Grove cemetery.
Found Dead.
Mrs. Ed. Buffum was found dead at her home a short distance from Troy Thursday forenoon by a neighbor. Mrs. Buffum had been staying alone while her husband was away at work and there was no other person in the house when she died. She was about the house Wednesday forenoon when a neighbor called, and appeared as well as usual, but after that she was not seen and Thursday forenoon, a neighbor, Mr. Rothwell, called at the house and finding the door partly open walked in. Mrs. Buffum was lying on the kitchen floor dead. She had apparently dropped to the floor and not moved again. She had been mopping, a pail of water was standing near her and a mop lying on the floor not far away. Dr. Barker was called and decided an inquest was not necessary, as her death was from a naturally cause-apoplexy. She had been dead about 24 hours. Mrs. Buffum was about 55 years of age.
Nineteenth Year, #927, Wednesday, April 4, 1900
Stephen Darrow.
Stephen Darrow died at his home in Fairview, West Burlington township, Wednesday, March 29th, aged 64 years. The cause of his death was cancer of the jaw bone, from which he had been suffering for over a year.
Mr. Darrow had spent nearly all his life in this county. He was twice married, his second wife living Mrs. Margaret Morrison Kellogg. He leave four brothers, George, Joseph and James of West Burlington and John of Elmira; three step-daughters, Miss Cora Kellogg, Mrs. Andrew Whitehead and Mrs. Ray Pepper all of Fairview, and one step-son, Floyd Kellogg of Saco; Frank Darrow of Troy is a nephew. Mr. Darrow was converted and baptized during his illness.
Funeral services were held in the West Burlington church at 1 o’clock Saturday, Rev. H. B. Allen of Burlington officiating. Burial at Hitlon’s cemetery.
Nineteenth Year, #928, Wednesday, April 11, 1900
Alonzo C. Noble.
Alonzo C. Noble died suddenly at his home in Wells township April 7th, of heart failure.
Deacon Noble, as he was formerly called, was born in Schoharia County, N.Y., July 17th, 1808, and moved in Wells township in 1838, where he has since resided. He was married to Aurilla Landrus in 1830, who died in 1889. Two children came to bless their union, George W. Noble, who survives and Emma Noble Gustin, wife of Timothy Gustin, who died October 22nd, 1880. Mr. Noble united with the Columbia and Wells Baptist church in 1850. He was the embodiment of all that is good and true, and was an honest upright citizen of irreproachable character, always living a consecrated christian life.
The funeral was held Monday afternoon at the Baptist church, Rev. Mr. Brundage officiating.
James H. Cease.
The death of James H. Cease occurred at his home on Railroad street, Saturday, April 7th, from general debility, alhough his sickness when he was confined to the bed about a week ago, was heart failure.
Mr. Cease was born in Schoharie county, N.Y., January 17th, 1834. He was first married to Eliza Palmer in 1858, by whom he had three children. Two survive: Mrs. Clarence Palmer and Lilley Cease of this place. He enlisted in the Union army in 1864 in the 50th New York Engineer Corps, and served until the close of the war.
Mr. Cease was married the second time to Mrs. Mary Clifton, who survives him. He united with the Church of Christ at Alba when a young man, and later with that church in Troy. The funeral was held at the church Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. J. H. Gordinier, and the G.A.R. Interment in Glenwood cemetery.
Mary J. Bliven.
Mary J. Bliven passed away Tuesday, March 20th, at the home of her cousin, Herbert Stacy, in Springfield. She was ill about a week with pneumonia, and in three days would have been 70 years old.
Mrs. Bliven was born in Spencer, N.Y., March 23rd, 1830, and leaves two brothers, Charles and Luther, and three sisters, Mrs. Ira Howell, Mrs. H. C. Ellis and Susan Bliven. She had lived in Mr. Stacy’s family for thirty years and leaves a vacancy not easily filled. Hers was a life of usefulness and a ministry of love.
The funeral services were conducted by pastor E. B. Dwyer of the Springfield Baptist church, assisted by Rev. F. M. Clough of the Leona M. E. church, Rev. and Mrs. Clough also feelingly rendered songs, appropriate to the occasion.
(East Troy News) Mrs. Linus Dunbar died at her home Monday.
(Local News) Wm. A. Chamberlain, aged 81 years, and the oldest merchant in Towanda, died at his home in that place last Saturday afternoon. His illness was of short duration, being caused from general debility, hastened by an attack of grip about a year ago. He was a successful jeweler, having been in that business since 1840. He is survived by an aged wife, and son William.
Mrs. McNamara.
Mrs. Miles McNamara died at her home on Mackney street on Thursday night of last week. About three weeks ago she suffered a stroke of paralysis, from which she did not recover. Mrs. McNamara was born in Ireland in 1815, and came to this country about fifty years ago. She leaves six children, Miss Annie, Thomas and William of this place, John, of Towanda, Mrs. Kate Gakens of Snedikers and Mrs. M. T. Cox of Binghamton.
The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at St. John’s church, Rev. Father Connolly officiating.
Mrs. McClelland.
Mrs. Samantha McClelland died at the home of her son, Al. McClelland, in Wells, after a short illness with pneumonia.
Mrs. McClelland was born in Wells township in 1834, and spent all of her live in Wells and Columbia, her husband having died in 1884. She was a member of long standing in the Baptist church, and died as she had lived, triumphant in the faith of Christ her Saviour. She is survived by five children, Al. And Leon of Wells, Will of Gilletts, Mrs. Stephen Rogers of Daggetts and Arthur of Elmira; also four brothers, Alvin, Nelson, J. Edsall and Jefferson of Virtus, and three sisters, Mrs. Al. Walker of Roseville, Mrs. Mary Hotchkiss of New York and Mrs. Sarah Randall of Canton.
The funeral services were held Saturday in the Baptist church, Rev. Mr. Shearer of Gilletts officiating.
Nineteenth Year, #929, Wednesday, April 18, 1900
Mrs. Martha E. Fish.
The body of Mrs. Martha E. Fish, the aged mother of Mrs. Frank Greene, was brought to Troy for burial Monday. Mrs. Fish died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Morris Cummings, in Elmira, last Thursday where a short service was held Monday Morning. The funeral was held in the Troy Methodist church at 11 o’clock, conducted by Rev. G. E. Campbell, pastor of Hedding church, Elmira. Interment at Sylvania.
Charles N. Grohs.
In the death of Mr. Charles N. Grohs on Thursday, April 12th, Troy has lost another, not only of its oldest, but one of its most highly respected and honorable citizens. Death came from heart trouble, after about nine weeks that he was confined to his bed.
The passing away of Mr. Grohs has been noted with sorrow by his many friends in the community and the surrounding country, as he was widely known and respected for his upright character and as a business man of straightforward dealing. He has also been prominent in religious life, and had been in the vestry of St. Paul’s church since its organization.
Mr. Grohs was born in Moore township, Northampton County, Pa., March 13th, 1832, and lived with his parents, Isaac and Christianna Wilhelm Grohs, until 1848, when he came to Troy. He secured a position in Viele’s Mills, which are now Dillin’s Mills. After he had mastered the trade he took possession of the mills with a partner under the firm name of Grohs & Eighmey. On account of ill health Mr. Grohs was obliged to give up his business into the grocery business, and for many years conducted in alone. Then he took in E. J. Lee as partner under the firm name of Grohs & Lee, which was dissolved afterwards by the sale of Mr. Lee's interest to C. W. Ballard. The firm of Grohs & Ballard continued for about two years when U. J. Manley brought Mr. Ballard’s interest, Grohs & Manley continuing until 1895, when Mr. Grohs retired, and since has not been engaged in active business.
Mr. Grohs was married to Miss Deborah Viele in 1856, who passed away on June 23rd, 1888. Three children were born to them. Mrs. Minnie Grohs Hoffman of this place, Mr. Charles Viele Grohs of Rochester, and Gordon, who died in childhood.
The funeral services were held at the home on Saturday afternoon, Rev. Chas. H. McKnight officiating, and were largely attended.
(Local News) William Ward, a former resident of Troy, but now of Cleveland, Ohio, was called here last Saturday on account of the death of his sister, Mrs. Ira Crayton.
J. H. Cease.
James H. Cease, whose death was announced in last week’s Register, was an honest, unassuming, quiet man. His early opportunities were very limited. With an intelligent, industrious, frugal wife, they acquired a good farm home, without financial aid from anyone living or dead. He was one of a class, out of many, who perform the duties of citizenship unostentatiously, hardly recognized by the prink and starch of society, though without his kind the nation would become a nest of starving, .…paupers.
Sudden Death.
The body of Mrs. Ira Crayton, who was better known in Troy as Edith Ward, was brought here for burial last Saturday, the funeral being held in the Baptist church Sunday at 10:30 a.m., conducted by the pastor, Rev. O. T. Steward. She was married to Ira Crayton of Sayre December 27th, and they had nearly completed a home in that place when the young wife was called away. She was ill only a few days.
Nineteenth Year, #930, Wednesday, April 25, 1900
(Local News) Miss Kate Powers of this place, was called to Canton Thursday, on account of the fatal illness of her father, John Powers, who passed away the same evening.
Nineteenth Year, #931, Wednesday, May 2, 1900
(Local News) Mrs. Netwon Hickok, died at her home in Elmira Tuesday of this week, after a long illness from dropsy and heart disease. The body will be brought to Troy for burial. She formerly resided here with her husband who survives her.
Rev. Charles Beecher Dead.
Rev. Charles Beecker, brother of the late Henry Ward Beecher and Thomas K. Beecher of Elmira, died on Saturday of last week at the home of his daughter in Georgetown, Mass. He was 84 years of age and the youngest of the famous Beecher family. One sister alone survives.
For some five or six years Mr. Beecher was the pastor of the Wysox Presbyterian church, severing his connection with that church in the fall of 1893. He was a man of scholarly attainments. Before and after the war he spent much time in Florida, where he helped organize the public school system. Of late years he had led a retired life, devoting his time to the writing of religious and theological treatises.
Mrs. Mary Ann Ingals.
Died, In Austinville, Pa., April 26th, 1900, Mrs. Mary Ann Ingals, consort of Benjamin Ingals, deceased, aged 82 years.
Mrs. Ingals was the daughter of Daniel Watkins, one of the early settlers and a substantial citizen, for many years, of Columbia Township. He occupied a farm, one half mile from Austinville, on the road leading to Elmira. On this farm Mrs. Ingals was born. Her children, James and Sarah, of West Burkley, Cal., and Sophia and Flora of Austinville, survive her. She leaves also one brother Horace Watkins and two sisters, Mrs. Uriah Furguson of Austinville and Mrs. Augustus Austin, of Elmira.
The funeral occurred on the 28th inst., in the home where she died, and was attended by many who had known her many years. By her request Rev. T. Mitchell conducted the service. She had long been a sufferer from old age and impaired health. The following words were deemed appropriate, as a text, for the occasion. "Cast me not off in time of old age, forsake me not when my strength faileth; now also when I am old and gray headed, O God forsake me not." Ps. 71-9th and 18th.
The sickness of her daughter Sophia, at the time of her death and funeral, added greatly to the sadness of the occasion. Mrs. Ingals was more than fifty years a member of the Baptist church.
James Sturdivant.
James Sturdivant died at his home on Judson Hill, Wells township, April 26th, from effects of a parylitic stroke. He was born in Rutland township, Tioga county, in 1841, was a resident of this place for thirty years, and was mail carrier between Edsalville and Snedikers twenty years.
He enlisted in the formation of the 12th regiment, Pennsylvania Reserves, served three years; and was honorably discharged with his Company. He served in over thirty engagements.
Mr. Sturdivant was an upright, honorable citizen, an affectionate and kind father, and is survived by his wife and one son, Leon, of this place. The funeral was held on Sunday, April 29th, at Judson Hill M. E. church. The members of the G.A.R. were present in a body. There were many beautiful flora offering.
George M. Elliot was stricken with paralysis and after a short illness passed away, at the home of Sidney Elliot, in Springfield. Deceased was one of the oldest person in the community and was well known. He was born June 26, 1822. His parents moved to Springfield in 1835, where he lived till his death. *n 1850, he married Elvira Fuller, who passed away in 1879. There were four children, three of whom survive: James, Gardner, and Ernest. He died April 11, 1900. The services were conducted by Pastor Dwyer, assisted by Rev. Seymour Barrett of Berrytown.
Nineteenth Year, #932, Wednesday, May 9, 1900
(Local News) Russel, the 8 year old son of Mrs. Charles Jennings of Canton, died Monday night, April 30th, of cerebral rheumatism. Mrs. Jennings, who was Frances Tomlinson, is pleasantly remembered in Troy where she resided with her sister, about 9 years ago, and friends here are pained to learn of her severe bereavement.
(Local News) Mrs. Harry Reynolds, daughter of Charles Crandall of Alba, died at her home on the farm of D. S. DeForest, Sunday, May 6th. The funeral was held at the Disciple church Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. W. H. Porter. Burial at Alba.
Nineteenth Year, #933, Wednesday, May 16, 1900
Mrs. Eva Stoddard, sister of Mrs. Horace Berry, and Mrs. David Sherman of this place died at Horseheads on Saturday last. She had been sick for nearly two months. Death was due to Apoplexy. Quite a number from this place attended the funeral on Tuesday.
Nineteenth Year, #934, Wednesday, May 23, 1900
Mrs. Emilia Carver.
Mrs. Emilia Carver, relict of Benjamin Carver, departed this life in Tunkhannock, Pa., at noon, May 7th, aged 75 years, 9 months and 14 days.
Mrs. Carver came to her death by stumbling over a hassock which laid upon the floor, producing congestion of the brain. At first she though herself not much injured, but after a time became suddenly unconscious, remaining so, most of the time, until death ensued, some few days after.
Mrs. Carver was a sister of Rev. Thomas Mitchell of Troy, and the youngest daughter of Dea. Thomas Mitchell of Eaton, Wyoming Co., Pa., in which place she was born January 23rd, 1825. The family to which she belonged is noted somewhat for its longevity. Her father lived to the age of 93 years and 11 months, and her mother, whose maiden name was Mary Harding, lived to the age of 92 years and 9 months. They were married in the year 1804, and lived together as husband and wife nearly seventy years. They were the parents of five sons and five daughters. William P., the youngest was killed in the battle oat Perryville, Ky., October 8th, 1862, aged 33 years and 9 months. This was death by violence, and was the first in the family in a period of 48 years. At this date, May, 1900, only three of the family remain; these are Mrs. Martha Harding, of Eaton, Pa., aged 88 years, Rev. T. Mitchell of Troy, aged 82 years and 5 months, and Mrs. Esther Lee of Wisconsin, age 80 years. The average years of life to parents and children at this date has been 75, and the aggregate 900 years.
Mrs. Carver’s husband died about nineteen years ago. To them were given two sons and three daughters. Two daughters,, Mrs. Lewis Camp of Tunkhannock, Pa., and Mrs. John Garman of Nanticoke, Pa., remain.
The funeral, which was held from the home on the 10th inst., was largely attended. The officiating clergymen were Revs. Woods of Tunkhannock and Pease of Eaton, and an address was delivered by her brother, this being the only funeral of the nine which had occurred in the family, that he was ever permitted to attend.
Mrs. Carver was for about 55 years a member of the Baptist church of her native place, and was highly esteemed by all who knew her. Her brother, who has written this notice, cheerful testimony to her worth. Troy, Pa., May 23rd, 1900.
Sad Death. Lucian B. Bothwell Laid to Rest This Afternoon.
A sad death was that of Lucien B. Bothwell, a cousin of Charles A. Bothwell of this city who breathed his last in Oakland, Monday while on the return trip to his home in Utah. Mr. L. B. Bothwell and wife came to California five months ago from their home in Salt Lake, the trip being for the benefit of the husband’s health. While here they heard for the first time of C. A. Bothwell of this city, through one of the latter’s local advertisements. Investigation resulted in the discovery that Lucien B. Bothwell and C. A. Bothwell were cousins.
The visitors remained in San Jose for ten days prior to Thursday last, the guest of their Garden City cousin. On that date they left for Oakland, where the deceased was taken sick the following day. Saturday night C. A. Bothwell was telegraphed for, and hastened to Oakland on the first train Sunday.
In his depleted condition the sick man could offer but little resistance to the ravages of his malady, and despite every medicinal aid death closed his eyes on Monday. Cerebreal meningitis was the immediate cause.
The sorrowing wife and Mr. C. A. Bothwell accompanied the remains to San Jose. The funeral was conducted from the residence of Mr. C. A. Bothwell, 442 South Fifth street, this afternoon at 2 o’clock. Lucien Bothwell was a prominent Odd Fellow, and the interment was with the rites of that Order. The body was laid to rest at Oak Hill, beside Mr. C. A. Bothwell’s father.
Deceased was 57 years of age, a native of Pennsylvania. Besides a widow, he leaves a daughter, Mrs. W. W. Hall of Salt Lake, and one son in Montana. He was engage in the grocery business, and was well and popularly known in Salt Lake. –Oakland, Cal., paper.
Lucien Bothwell was a son of Justin Bothwell, formerly of Canton. Mrs. Anna Saddler, of Hills Grove, sister of the deceased, is the only surviving member of the family.
Nineteenth Year, #935, Wednesday, May 30, 1900
(Local News) Mrs. Samantha Shepard, who has been suffering for some time with general debility, died at her home on Elmira street Tuesday morning about 8 o’clock, aged 88 years. The funeral services will be held from the home Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock.
(Local News) Miss Nellie Farrell, formerly of Troy, but who has been living with Mrs. VanHarper at Elmira for some time past, died of typhoid fever in that city, Monday, May 28. The remains were brought to Troy for burial last Friday. She 24 years old.
Nineteenth Year, #936, Wednesday, June 6, 1900
(Local News) Word has been received of the decease of Mrs. Ezekial Burt, who died at her home in Rhodesdale, Md. On Tuesday. The remains will be brought here for burial tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Burt formerly resided in Springfield, he being a son of late Deacon Burt of this place. Mrs. Burt will be buried tomorrow, Thursday at 2 p.m. from the Baptist church. Rev. T. Mitchell will officiate.
Harriet Emily Perry.
Miss Harriet Emily Perry who fell asleep in Jesus on Wednesday, May 30th, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Theodore Waldron, was born in Providence, R. I., November 15, 1833. She was converted at the age of fourteen, and led a most earnest, devoted christian life for fifty-three years, twenty-eight of which were spent in Troy, where she was identified with every line of good work. She was president of the Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church for many years; Sunday school teacher, treasurer of the W. C. T. U., benefactress to the poor, nurse to the sick, and comforter to the afflicted, flitting here and there regardless of creed or color, any body, any where, her only aim or ambition to further the cause of her Master.
The funeral was held from her late residence on Saturday morning, June 2d. Her pastor, the Rev. E. P. Morse, spoke tenderly and appropriately, justly comparing her to the Dorcas of old, and also read a letter from her former pastor, the Rev. G. P. Sewall. There were many beautiful floral tributes, among them a pillow from her Sunday school class, a syckle of roses from the teachers and friends, a piece from the White Ribboners, and a bunch of roses from Edward and Elizabeth Morse, children of her pastor, all of which were borne to the grave by a committee of four ladies, representing their several churches, all of whom had been co-workers in some branch of christian work.
Nineteenth Year, #937, Wednesday, June 13, 1900
Mrs. Mary L. Burt.
Mrs. Mary L. Burt, a notice of whose sudden death, at the age of sixty-two years, was published in the Register last week, as having occurred at Rhodesdale, Marlyland, June 4th, 1900, was the wife of Deacon Ezekiel Burt, and daughter of Almon Berry, deceased. She was born in Springfield, Pa., at the place now known as Berrytown. Her father and his brother, Woodard Berry, settled at this point on adjoining lands at a very early date. Both cleared up farms which are occupied by their descendants.
Almon Berry’s family consisted of two sons and five daughters. Both sons and two daughters remain. Wilshire, Alvin and Adelia reside at Berrytown, and Emeline, (Mrs. Clay Gernert) at Rhodesdale, Md. Those deceased were: Harriet, (Mrs. Daniel Williams) of Fox, Pa., and Esther, Mrs. Wallace Mattock) of Springfield, and the subject of this sketch.
Mr. and Mrs. Burt were married January 23, 1861. Their family consisted of three sons: Harry, who resides at Battle Creek, Michigan., Charles, in Washington, D.C., and one son who died in childhood.
During the thirty-nine years of their married life, Mr. and Mrs. Burt resided eight years in Troy, Fifteen years in Springfield, nine at Horseheads, N.Y., and seven at Rhodesdale, Md. In all these places they have been valuable factors in the church and Sunday School work. Mrs. Burt was forty-one years a professional follower of Redeemer of men. Her remains were brought to Troy for interment. The funeral was held on the 7th inst., from the Baptist church, and the burial was in Glenwood cemetery. Service at the funeral was conducted by Rev. Thomas Mitchell, assisted by Rev. O. T. Steward. A large number of relatives and sympathizing friends were present, and many followed her remains to the place of burial.
Death of A. W. Leonard.
One of the old residents of Springfield township, Almon W. Leonard, died very suddenly at his home in Leona Sunday afternoon, aged 75 years.
He was in Troy Saturday and about the house as usual Sunday, eating his dinner at noon, but was soon after taken ill and died at 4 p.m. He had suffered severely with indigestion a few days before.
Mr. Leonard was highly respected by all who knew him and will be greatly missed. When a young man he was a sailor, making many whaling voyages from a port in Massachusetts.
He leaves a wife, two sons, Sumner of Canton, and Clarendon and Mrs. Nathan Sherman of Troy.
Nineteenth Year, #938, Wednesday, June 20, 1900
(Local News) Charles E. Joralemon, infant son of Edward Joralemon, of Wells, was buried at Baptist hill, June 11th.
Nineteenth Year, #939, Wednesday, June 27, 1900
Child Burned To Death.
A distressing fatality occurred in Troy township, about two miles for East Troy, on Wednesday afternoon June 20th. The house of Wilber Baxter was entirely destroyed by fire and his little daughter, between six and seven years old, perished in the flames. Mrs. Baxter and an older daughter were attending a ladies aid society meeting at the house of a neighbor and the little one was spending the afternoon in the field with her father.
Between 4 and 5 o’clock the child became tired and started for the house, her father telling her that if she did not find her mother returned to come back to him. The child did not return and about 5 o’clock Mr. Baxter was horrified to find the house in flames.
While neither of the parents were not far from the house, when they reached there they found the body of the child lying in the doorway, terribly burned and quite dead. It is supposed the little one not finding her mother at home had secured some matches and in playing with them set herself and the house on fire.
With the exception of three chairs all the household furniture was burned.—Towanda Review.
Death of Hon. F. L. Kinner.
Hon. Floyd L. Kinner died at his home in Athens last Friday morning, of consumption, aged 44 years. He had been confined to his bed for about a month, but was in poor health for two or three years previous. There was a very large attendance at the funeral which was held Monday, under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity, of which he was a prominent member.
Floyd Lee Kinner was born in Sussex county, N.J., May 27, 1856. When a young lad he came with his parents to Ulster, going after a few years to Athens, where the elder Kinner embarked in the mercantile business. At his decease in 1880, F. L. Kinner succeeded to the business, conducting it with marked success until he sold it a few weeks ago. Mr. Kinner was always an active Republican. He served as a member of the committee of 21 that formulated the present party rules and ever played an important part in the party councils. In 1892 he was chosen a member of the house of representatives at Harrisburg, where he made himself felt as a force in matters of important legislation. August 10, 1899, he was unanimously chosen chairman of the Republican county committee.
Of his immediate family his aged mother alone survives.
Nineteenth Year, #940, Wednesday, July 11, 1900
Death of John M. Young.
John Means Young died at his home in this borough Friday afternoon, the 6th instant. Mr. Young had been ill for several months with affectation of the heart. He was able to be about the house until Wednesday evening when he was suddenly taken worse and remained unconscious until his death.
Mr. Young was born in Columbia Township June 24, 1841. His father, Edward Young, was a native of Lincolnshire, England; his mother being Celinda Woodruff of Towanda. His early live was spent in farming, but for the past 25 years he has been well known and popular as a hotel landlord. He was the proprietor of the old Adams House in this place for a number of years, where the Court House now stands. Afterwards he was landlord of the hotel at Burlington, then the Williams House of this place, later the Canton House, The Oak Ridge hotel at Elmira Heights, the hotel at Columbia X Roads, and last the Forrest House at Athens. He was married October 18, 1866, to Harriet, daughter of James and Martha Bullock, who survives him. He is also survived by one son, Edward J. Young.
The funeral was largely attended Sunday afternoon from his late home. The services were conducted by Rev. Amanda Deyo in a simple but impressive manner and the interment was made in Oak Hill Cemetery.
Nineteenth Year, #941, Wednesday, July 11, 1900
Gardiner Bennett.
Died; In East Smithfield, Pa., July 6th, Gardiner Bennett, age 76 years and 7 months, Mr. Bennett was born and reared in Springfield, and was the only son of Rev. Elam Bennett, who was among the early settlers in that township. Fifty years ago the 25th, of last December, he was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Rowe, who survives him. Two daughters also survives. These are Mrs. Calvin Westbrook, of Waverly, and Mrs. Wells Brown, E. Smithfield. Mr. Bennett was a man of genial nature, greatly respected by his many friends and much beloved by his immediate household and other near relatives. He was in declining health for a number of years, and suffered intensely during the last six months of his life. These sufferings he endured patiently and uncomplainingly. During this time he had the assiduous care of his devoted wife and daughter Ella, (Mrs. Brown), who lived near them. His disease was cancer of the bowels. His funeral was largely attended was held from his late home on the 8th, inst. He was buried in the E. Smithfield, in the spot selected by himself and where he had caused a suitable family monument to be erected. The funeral exercises were conducted jointly by Rev. A. Tilden, of the East Smithfield Baptist church and Rev. T. Mitchell of Troy.
(Local News) The death of Roswell Luther, aged 79 years, a lifelong resident of Burlington township, occurred on Sunday morning, July 15th at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Charles Mace, in Towanda township. The funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock, interment at Luther’s Mills.
(Local News) Delos Strong, son of George Strong, Northern Central station agent at Fassett, died Wednesday, July 11. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon, the young man’s schoolmates acting as pallbearers.
Nineteenth Year, #942, Wednesday, July 25, 1900
(Local News) James McConnell, a member of the jury that convicted William Hummell of murder at Williamsport, died of anthrax poisoning on Wednesday of this week, at his home in Ralston, after an illness of 48 hours.
Adelia Fitzpatrick.
The body of Miss Adelia Fitzpatrick was brought to Troy last Saturday morning from Buffalo where she died of dropsy. She was a younger sister of Miss Mary Fitzpatrick of the Troy House. Services were conducted by Rev. W. H. Connolly at St. John’s church.
Mrs. Chas. LaMent.
Elizabeth, wife of Charles LaMent, died at her home in Granville township last Friday of general debility, aged 80 years. The funeral was held Sunday, at which there was a large attendance. Burial in the cemetery at Granville.
Mrs. LaMent is survived by several children, besides her aged husband, to whom she was married 61 years ago. She was greatly respected by a large circle of friends.
(Local News) The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rockwell died last Thursday.
Nineteenth Year, #943, Wednesday, August 1, 1900
Died in His Hay Mow.
The body of James Porter, a farmer and veteran soldier, was found in the mow of his barn, near Cedar Ledge, Monday afternoon of last week. No inquest was held, but it was the opinion of the physician who examined the corpse, that he died of apoplexy. He was about 65 years old, has lived in that vicinity many years was highly respected and leaves a family. At the funeral, Ingham Post G.A.AR., of Canton, followed the remains to their last resting place, carrying a flag under which they and their dead comrade fought in the civil war. Deceased had been in poor health some time.
Died in Philadelphia.
Mrs. Kate M. Holcomb, aged 47 years, of Mainesburg, died in Philadelphia last week Tuesday, after undergoing a surgical operation. Her remains were brought to Mainesburg for interment last Thursday. She was the eldest daughter of the late Dr. George D. Maine, of Mainesburg, and was a most intelligent and capable woman. It is a singular coincidence that her mother died in Philadelphia in 1896 under very much the same circumstances, she having gone there to have a surgical operation performed. -Wellsboro Agitator
Sudden Death.
Willis A. Bullock, son of Darius Bullock, of Big Pond, Pa., departed this life July 26, aged 23 years. Seldom have parents been called to mourn the loss of a more affectionate and dutiful son. He was an only child and their hopes centered in him, as they stay in declining years. The sympathy of this entire community goes out to the heart stricken father and mother in their sad bereavement. The funeral services were held at the house, and largely attended, Rev. Ballou, of Athens, officiating.
Nineteenth Year, #944, Wednesday, August 8, 1900
Drowned in the River. Son of Postmaster Turner Met Death by Capsizing of a Boat.
David Turner, the 12 years old son of Postmaster and Mrs. D. M. Turner of Towanda, met his death a few minutes after 1 o’clock on Saturday afternoon by drowning. The news was received by the townspeople with horror and increduality, but the report proved too true.
The Turner lad and Ashmun Parsons, Jr., about the same age, were in a boat at the railroad bridge on the West side of the river. In coming down through the swift water just below the bridge the boat was capsized. Young Parsons could swim but his companion could not and was carried down the stream. The agonized screams of the boys soon brought help, and Fred Skiff, who saw the accident from his house, telephoned for help. An active search for the Turner boy’s body was begun, but it was about half an hour before it was discovered lying in the deep water opposite the upper end of Riverside cemetery by J. R. Palmer. As two boats reached the spot the body came to the surface and was taken into a boat and quickly brought to shore.
Physicians used every known means to bring back respiration, but their skill was unavailing. David Turner was an only child, a bright and manly boy, and his parents have the deepest sympathy of the whole town in their heartbreaking loss. –Towanda Review.
Nineteenth Year, #945, Wednesday, August 15, 1900
(Local News) Helen the 5 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Crippen of Canton, who was so severely burned three weeks ago while playing with a pasteboard jack lantern, died from her injuries Monday.
Suicide at Eaglesmere.
Dr. H. J. Costello, a young physician of Philadelphia, hanged himself in a hotel at Eaglesmere Monday afternoon. The suicide removed a strap from his trunk and forming a noose at one end strung himself up to a water pipe. Costello had been a sufferer with acute melancholia. Three weeks ago he went to Eaglesmere accompanied by his brother and Dr. C. G. O’Mera, who have been his constant attendants. His stay at the resort had seemed to benefit him so much that the strict vigilance of his guards was relaxed and he seized the opportunity to end his life. –Argus.
(Columbia X Roads) Miss Clara youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Adams of Berrytown, died Saturday at 6 p.m., of typhoid fever. The funeral was held at Springfield Monday a.m., and was well attended. The family have the heart felt sympathy of the community.
Nineteenth Year, #946, Wednesday, August 22, 1900
(Local News) Mrs. Geo. Woodward died at her home in Springfield Thursday morning, Aug. 23d, aged 50 years.
(Local News) Clarence Richardson, who has been sick with typhoid fever for the past week, died at his home on Railroad street Thursday morning at one o’clock. He had been suffering from rheumatism for about six weeks, and two weeks ago was taken seriously ill and gradually grew worse until his death. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Richardson and was born May 13th, 1876. He is survived by a wife and two children.
(Wetona News) Mrs. Lura Hubbard died of old age Sunday morning, August 10, at the age of eighty five years. She is survived by one son, Finley N. and two daughters Mrs. Minerva Arnold of East Smithfield and Mrs. Dallas Beach of Wetona. She resided with her son F. N. Hubbard from whose home the funeral was held at 2 o’clock Monday afternoon.
Nineteenth Year, #948, Wednesday, September 5, 1900
(Local News) Geo. Farmer, a resident of East Troy, died in the hospital at Williamsport where he had been only a week receiving treatment for Brights disease and heart trouble. He was 38 years old.
Mrs. Sarah Dobbins Palmer died Monday at her home in Troy township of general debility. The funeral will occur this afternoon at 2 o’clock.
Hiram A. Case.
Hiram A. Case was born in Troy Township, December 5, 1825 and died September 2nd, 1900. He was a life long resident of the town. When 12 years old he began surveying and continued the work till his last sickness.
He was married when 19 years old to Lephe Ann Smead, by whom he had five children, three of whom are living: Wm. Penn, Fowler and Horace Case.
He was married the second time to Mrs. Eunice Mosher, September 24, 1877. Two children were born to them, only one Walter Case is living.
He was Justice of the Peace 35 years, 30 years consecutively. When a young man he united with the Disciples in Alba, and in later years united with the Church of Christ in Troy.
His funeral held at his late home, Tuesday, September 4th, was largely attended, services conducted by Revs. J. H. Gordinier and E. F. Randall. Interment in the Case Cemetery.
Death of John Kilgore.
Mr. John Kilgore, for a number of years past in the employ of Mr. Henry Gernert, died Monday night of this week during an operation for a bowel trouble, aged 27 years. He was taken ill on Thursday of last week, and his sudden death is a severe shock to his many friends.
Nineteenth Year, #949, Wednesday, September 12, 1900
Mrs. Sarah Palmer.
Mrs. Sarah Dobbins Palmer departed this life Monday, September 3rd, after a prolonged illness of three and one half years.
Mrs. Palmer was born July 29th, 1820, within a short distance from the place where she died. All her long life, except a few years spent in Towanda and Granville, was lived in the community where she died. At the age of 24 she was married to Norman Palmer, whom she survived seven years. Shortly after her marriage she united with the church and has since lived a consistent Christian life. She was the mother of five children, all of whom were taken from her by death early in life, save one; Mrs. James VanBuskirk, who survives her mother.
Mrs. Palmer was the last of a family of ten and the last of the circle of young people who lived in her community in the early part of this rapidly passing century. Her quiet and godly life, and her strong faith in her last days in the God who had succored her in earlier days of sorrow and affliction, was an inspiration to all who knew her, and a comfort to those mourning her death. The sympathy of the church and community goes out to the daughter, Mrs. James VanBuskirk, and granddaughter, Mrs. Herman Slingerland, in their bereavement.
Buried Under A Stack of Hides.
A peculiar accident occurred at the tannery at Ralston last Saturday resulting in the death of one of the expert workmen, John Schimmelfling, whose body was found in the evening beneath a pile of hides. As he was passing, one of the huge stacks of hides waiting for the chemical process that turns them into leather, toppled over upon Schimmelfling, who died a lingering and awful death, being unable to move or make himself heard.
Nineteenth Year, #950, Wednesday, September 19, 1900
Flagman Killed at Canton.
L. A. Thompson, a Northern Central railway flagman, was killed at Canton Saturday at 11:20 o’clock. He was run down by a freight train about 100 yards south of the depot, and while no person saw the accident the body was discovered within five minutes after the accident had happened. The cars had cut the top of his head off and death was no doubt instantaneous.
Some years ago Thompson lost an arm in a freight wreck, and since then has been acting as a watchman. Here he was located at the Carson and Troy street crossing.
Thompson was a Williamsport man and is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson of that city. His wife is also from Williamsport and is sister of "Butch" Snyder. They have lived in Canton one year.
A wife and two children survive the deceased.
Death of Mrs. R. A. Ballard.
Mattie, wife of Mr. R. A. Ballard, died at their home in Lawrenceville Sunday evening. They have many friends and relatives in this section, where they formerly resided, who will learn of her death with much sorrow. The funeral will be held today-Wednesday.
Death of A. W. Gray.
Mr. A. W. Gray, a former resident of this vicinity and well known here, died at his home in DuBois, Pa., Sunday, aged 79 years. Mr. Gray has been a great sufferer from inflamatory rheumatism for the past 20 years. The Misses Mable and Ethel Gray of Troy, grandchildren, attended the funeral, and will remain in DuBois a couple of weeks.
Nineteenth Year, #951, September 26, 1900
(Local News) Mr. Michael Nagle, of this place, who has lived with his sister-in-law, Mrs. Eliza Nagle of Railroad Avenue, for a number of years, died at his home Tuesday.
(Local News) Miss Kate Fitzpatrick, sister of Miss Mary Fitzpatrick of this place, died at her home in Buffalo, Tuesday. The remains will be brought to Troy Thursday for burial.
(Local News) Wilmer Rakestraw of Burlington, died at his home Sunday afternoon, aged 45 years. He is survived by his wife and two children. Funeral services held Thursday at 2 o’clock at the church.
Thomas Blackwell.
Mr. Thomas Blackwell, one of the oldest residents of this section, died Tuesday morning at 8 o’clock, after a short illness; age 85 years, at the residence of R. J. Cooley, in this place, where he has made his home with his daughter, for the past few years.
Mr. Blackwell had been confined to his bed a little over a week, although in rather poor health for some time past, but despite this fact, he attended the Troy Fair, greeting old friends and acquaintances and appeared in good spirits.
Mr. Blackwell’s parents, John and Sarah Welles Blackwell, came to this country from England in the early part of the century, and settled in Lycoming County, where Mr. Blackwell was born and lived until thirteen years of age, at which time his parents moved to West Burlington township and settled on the old homestead. On March 24th, 1841, Mr. Blackwell was married to Jane McKean. To them were born four children, Mrs. Edward Horton of East Canton, and Mrs. Ruth M. Cooley of this place, Sarah Bodine and John Thomas deceased. Mrs. Blackwell passed away on December 19th, 1850. Mr. Blackwell was married a second time to Irene A. Smith on January 109th, 1855. Two children were born, Clarence Heeman, deceased, and Mrs. Clara Leonard of this place. Another great bereavement came in the death of his second wife on May 28th, 1867.
Mr. Blackwell continued to live at Burlington, actively engaged in farming life, until about thirteen years ago, when he moved to this place. He was for a great many years a member of the old Methodist church at Burlington, and was very prominent in religious matters, and a staunch Republican.
He will be kindly remembered by his many friends and acquaintances in Burlington and this place where he has been highly esteemed as an honorable, Christian man.
The funeral will be held Thursday at 10 o’clock, from his late residence, interment at Burlington.
(Local News) Mr. H. H. McNett, for a number of years Justice-of-the-Peace and one of the oldest residents at Carpenters, died Sunday at his home, aged 68 years. The funeral will be held this morning, under the direction of the Masonic Lodge of Canton, of which he was a member for over forty-five years.
(Local News) Philander Long, an aged resident of Wellsboro, died very suddenly on Saturday morning. He was a brother of M. J. Long of Towanda, and was formerly a member of the firm of Long Bros. In Burlington.
Nineteenth Year, #952, Wednesday, October 3, 1900
Met Death at the Boxer’s Hands.
Miss Rose Palmer, of Dunmore, formerly of Morris Run, who for the past four years has been engaged in missionary duties in China, met death at the hands of the Boxers at Hsian Fu on August 15th, last. A correspondent says: "Details of the deed are very meager, but it is understood that the young lady with several companions was traveling from a southern province of China to Shanghai, a distance of 1,000 miles, and had already traversed half that distance when captured by the bloodthirsty hordes. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer, of Dunmore, while not fully crediting the horrible news, have but faint hopes for their daughter’s safety. Miss Palmer is well remembered by many in Morris Run."
Nineteenth Year, #953, Wednesday, October 10, 1900
(Local News) The friends of Miss Lovisa M. Hall will be pained to hear of her death, which occurred on the 3rd inst. At her home, near Deposit, N.Y.
(Local News) Lucy A. Greeno, well known here and sister of Mrs. Warren Case, died at the home of her brother, Wallace Greeno, Higbee, Mo., Sept. 8th, aged 66 years.
Death of Philander Long.
Philander Long, a retired merchant of Wellsboro, and a brother of M. J. Long of this place, died on Saturday afternoon of last week, at the age of 69 years. When death overtook him he was seated in the office of the Wellsboro Republican Advocate reading a newspaper. He was in usual health at the time of his death and the end came as easily as dropping to sleep. Mr. Long was born in Burlington township, this county, and when he grew to manhood he engaged in business there with is father and brothers until 1869, when he moved to New Britian, Conn. In 1875 he came to Wellsboro, where he was engaged in trade till 1891, when he retired from business.—Reporter Journal.
Nineteenth Year, #954, Wednesday, October 17, 1900
Killed at Red Run Plane.
The cable on the incline plane of the Red Run Coal company broke shortly after 7 o’clock last Thursday morning, letting a draft of three cars go flying to the bottom. Frank Egan, aged 21 years, was so badly hurt that he died at the Williamsport hospital a half hour after arriving there; Weigel Reed and Clarence Strugal were hurt; the cars plunged into the boiler house of the Ralston brick works and caused the explosion of one of the boilers; the escaping steam and flying debris cause a panic, but fortunately none of the men at the works were hurt. Egan, Reed, and Strugal were at the foot of the plane when the runaway cars came down and Egan was struck and horribly mangled.
Twentieth Year, #957, Wednesday, November 7, 1900
(Local News) Mrs. Anginette Seeley died at the home of her son, James Seeley, near Minnequa on October 24th, of cancer, aged 73 years.
(Local News) Thomas Jefferson, of Nichols, was found dead in his wagon Thursday morning. He had come home drunk the night before, and refused to get out of the wagon. His wife drew it under the shed and went to bed. In the morning she discovered that he had died during the night.—Waverly Advocate.
Twentieth Year, #958, Wednesday, November 14, 1900
(Local News) Omar Crandle, a well known and highly respected citizen passed on to the higher life Friday, November 9th. He was apparently in his usual health, but the heart difficulty from which he suffered was the cause of his sudden removal. Rev. Amanda Deyo officiated at the funeral which took place from his late home on Monday, Nov. 12.
(Coryland News) Alfred Hammond died at his home in this place, November 6th. About two weeks ago he received a paraletic stroke from which he never recovered. Four days prior to his death he was unconscious. The deceased was about 57 years of age. He leaves an aged wife and one daughter, Mrs. Corey Brown. One son, Lewis, died about four years ago. Mr. Hammond was born in New Jersey but lived nearly all his life in this place. He united with the Baptist church in early life and held the office of deacon for twelve years. He was a member of 50th engineers, Pa. V. He was highly respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, and was a sincere, upright citizen of irreproachable character, always living a consecrated christian life. The funeral was held at the Baptist church, Thursday p.m. Rev. Mr. West officiated. A large number of friends were in attendance.
Cut to Pieces.
Andrew Greek met with a horrible death on the railroad track near the passenger station at an early hour Sunday morning.
He had been drinking heavily Saturday night and was last seen about 1 o’clock Sunday morning. He was then walking up Troy street.
About 6:30 o’clock Sunday morning his remains were discovered along the track. So terribly mutilated was the head and body that recognition was utterly impossible; but from papers found in one of the pockets of his coat identification was made possible.
He had evidently attempted to cross the track, or laid down on the track at the crossing on McIntosh alley, and was run over by a south bound freight train, for fragments of his body and clothing were found scattered along the track from near the alley down to the freight depot.
Mr. Greek was a married man, about 35 years of age, and was steady and industrious, but was unfortunately addicted to drink. He leaves a wife and two small children, who have the sympathy of the community in the terrible calamity that has befallen them.
The funeral was held yesterday afternoon at 2 o’clock, and was private. Rev. L. O. Newcomer, of the Church of Christ, officiating. –Canton Sentinel.
Twentieth Year, #959, Wednesday, November 21, 1900
(Local News) The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rockwell died last Wednesday.
Death of Samuel Hammilton.
Samuel Hamilton, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Smithfield township, died at his home in East Smithfield Wednesday morning, aged 72 years. The funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock; interment in the East Smithfield cemetery. Surviving him are three daughters, Mrs. W. E. Croll and Mrs. M. M. Flanagan of Athens, and Mrs. Carl Bird of Burlington, and three sons, Henry of Burlington, William of Waverly, and Samuel of Milan.
Fell 112 Feet.
Princeton, N. J., Nov. 19.-Leonard M. Nash, of Bradford, Pa., a member of the Freshman class of Princeton University, this afternoon fell 112 feet from the top of a water tower to the ground and was instantly killed. In his descent Nash struck S. T. Moore and Robert Brokaw, both of St. Louis, who were climbing to the Princeton Water Company, and is situated about a mile west of Princeton. For years it has been the custom for daring members of the Freshman class to climb to its top and paint on its sides in large figures their class year. Although there perilous feats are usually performed in the night there has never been any accident heretofore.
Nash, in company with Moore and Brokaw, who were classmates, was out for a stroll this afternoon. As the boys passed the tower one of them suggested climbing it. This is accomplished by means of a steel ladder running perpendicularly up one side. Nash essayed the dangerous ascent first. When Nash had gotten about half way to the top Moore followed, leaving Brokaw standing on the ground below. Rung by rung the two audacious climbers worked their way up till Nash had reached the top of the pedestal which supports the tower proper. Brokaw then started up.
A short conversation ensued between Moore and Nash, and they decided to return to the ground. In stepping downward, however, Nash lost his foothold and fell headlong to the earth, striking each of his companions in the descent, Moore, whom he hit with considerable force, was only saved by the fact that he was sheltered by the jutting beams of the frame work just below which he stood.
Hastily descending, Brokaw and Moore found their companion huddled up on the ground evidently dead. Hailing a passing wagon they returned to Princeton where they notified Dr. A. K. McDonald and returned with him to the scene of the accident. An examination showed that Nash’s neck had been broken and that he had died immediately upon striking the ground, or possibly struck projecting beams and thus was killed. The Coroner said that an inquest was not necessary.
Twentieth Year, #960, Wednesday, November 28, 1900
(Coryland News) Mrs. Ruth Updyke died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clara Andrews in Wells township, last Monday, after an illness of a few weeks. Funeral services were held at Daggett’s Mills. Mrs. Updyke spent nearly all her life in this place. Her husband Ezra Updyke, died about two years ago.
Francis J. Greene.
Troy has lost another one of its old and respected citizens in the death of Francis J. Greene, who died at the home of his son Frank in Elmira on Saturday, Nov. 24. Funeral services were held at his late home in Elmira, at 9 o’clock Tuesday morning, after which the body was brought to Troy and further services held in the M. E. Church, of which he was a member, at 1:30 p.m., conducted by Rev. Grove Campbell of Elmira and Rev. Ward Mosher. The F. & A. M. Lodge of Elmira and the Masonic Lodge of Troy conducted the services at the grave.
Mr. Greene leaves a wife and two sons, Charles N., of this place and Frank J., of Elmira.
Twentieth Year, #961, Wednesday, December 5, 1900
(Local News) Hiram Stone, a prominent citizen of LeRoy township, died Sunday night after a brief illness.
(Local News) George Ludlam, one of the old and highly respected residents of West Burlington, died very suddenly Friday of Apoplexy, at the residence of his brother-in-law, Martin Carey, in Franklin, where he had gone for a visit. Mr. Ludlam was about 65 years of age. The funeral was held Sunday.
Twentieth Year, #962, Wednesday, December 12, 1900
Death of Geo. L. Peck.
Our much respected and wealthy townsman, Geo. L. Peck, died very suddenly in Washington, this, Wednesday afternoon at about 5 o’clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Peck, who have been staying at Philadelphia since they left Troy several weeks ago, went to Washington Tuesday. Mr. Peck had called at the office of Compton Bros. When he suddenly fell over dead. He had been apparently as well as usual, although for time not in robust health.
Mr. Peck was a member of the firm of Newbery & Peck, for many years leading merchants of Troy. He was about 69 years of age.
It is not known at this time whether his remains will be brought to Troy for burial, or taken to LaFayette, Ind., the home of his daughter.
Immediately on receipt of the news of Mr. Peck’s death, the following old friends and business associates started for Washington: Geo. N. Newbery, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Bailey, Isaac Cleaver and A. B. McKean.
(Local News) Mrs. Mary A. Holmes an estimable Waverly lady, died on Monday of last week of smallpox in New York city. She was 44 years of age and was engaged as housekeeper for a wealthy New Yorker. Mrs. Holmes was the daughter of Ira M. Terry of Waverly, and was born at Columbia X Roads, in this county.-Towanda Review.
Twentieth Year, #963, Wednesday, December 19, 1900
Death of Robert Dudley.
Ithaca, Dec. 18.-Robert Dudley, a retired farmer, aged 67 years, who came to Ithaca from Troy, Pa., about two years ago, and resided since that time with his daughter, Mrs. John Spires, at No. 406 North Albany street, was attending a meeting of the Christian Alliance in the Limberman block on South Aurora street Sunday. While prayer was being offered Mr. Dudley fell from his chair to the floor dying almost instantly. Coroner Brown was notified and gave instructions for the remains to be moved to the residence of Mrs. Spires. The coroner decided that death was due to heart disease, and he was informed that Mr. Dudley had been ailing with it for a year or more. The remains were taken, after a brief funeral service, to Wetona, Pa., for interment.
Mr. Dudley is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Spires above named Mrs. L. M. Ahart of Spencer, and Mrs. John Morey of VanEtten.-Elmira Gazette.
Mrs. Alice Dartt Bradford, aged 51, died at her home in Sullivan, Saturday, December 8th, from hemmorhage of the stomach. She was married in 1875 to Dr. J. L. Bradford, and was the daughter of Chauncey Dartt, deceased, of East Charleston, where she lived until her marriage. Mrs. Bradford is survived by her husband and four sons, Bayard G., Richard C., Carl M., ande Joseph D. The remains were brought to this place [Troy] for burial.