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Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette Register 1901 - Yesterday's News

Typed by Pat MOTT Gobea
These clippings from ancient and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services available.
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year.
Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings.  Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here.  If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Partitioned PICO Search Engine which you can reach from current What's New Page of the site. There is a partition just for the TGR Clippings.
Troy  Register
Troy, Bradford County, PA
Joyce's Search Tip - August 2008 
Do You Know that you can search just the 239 pages of Troy Gazette-Register Clippings on the site by using the TGR Clippings button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page
You'll also find obituary and other newspaper clippings using the three county-level Obits by Cemetery buttons and the general Clippings Button. Additional clippings can be found in the Birth, Marriage, and some other partitions. 
Twentieth Year, #964, Wednesday, January 2, 1901

Fred Smith, freight and ticket agent of the Lehigh Valley R. R., at Waverly, spent Christmas with is aunt Mrs. Woodruff, and cousin, Mrs. Jno. A. Parsons.

Miss Edith Lilley of New York has been spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. M. L. Case.

Mr. and Mrs. W. F. DeWitt spent New Years day in Elmira with their daughter, Mrs. J. Maxwell Beers.

Mary Jenkins returned from Elmira a week ago accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Nettie Alger of Brockton, Mass.

Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Stright and son, Ernest spent Christmas at their daughter’s in Grover.

Miss Sadie Perry who has been visiting relatives in Detroit, Mich., is visiting her grandmother Mrs. James Murray, on her return home to Susquehanna, Pa.

Twentieth Year, #965, Wednesday, January 9, 1901

Michael Handran of the Rathbun House, Elmira, attended the funeral of Timothy Hooley, Monday.

Wilbur Hooker, for eight years a Methodist missionary in inland China, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Hooker at Leona.

Mrs. A. A. Pierce was in Mansfield Tuesday of last week, to attend the wedding of her father, James Sharp.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Blackwell of West Burlington visited his brother, W. D. Blackwell and other friends in Elmira last week and attended the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Knapp at Wells.

Freemont Kerrick of Niles Valley, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Alfred Johnson.

Rev. T. Mitchell is moving into the residence of his son H. K. Mitchell, Esq., on Canton street, where he will reside this winter.

Twentieth Year, #968, Wednesday, January 30, 1901

Dennis B. Knapp of Sylvania has been granted a re-issue of pension of $30.

Lewis McDowell is seriously ill at the home of his father, Myron McDowell, with a cancer on the neck.

Twentieth Year, #969, Wednesday, February 6, 1901

Mrs. Burt Williams and Master Jacob spent last week with her daughter Mrs. Manley Smith at Mainesburg.

Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bullock of Keuka College, N. Y., have moved back to Columbia X Roads on the farm with her father, Abe Fries.

Mrs. H. GrosJean of Philadelphia, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. P. Sucese, for a few days. Mr. GrosJean is at Niagara Falls on business.

Twentieth Year, #970, Wednesday, February 13, 1901

David Fanning of Wetona, father of Judge A. C. Fanning, will have reached his 90th birthday on Friday, February 15th.

Twentieth Year, #971, Wednesday, February 20, 1901

Andrew J. Horton of East Troy, has been granted an increase of pension to $50.

(Court Proceedings)

Fowler Ellis appointed guardian of Bertha, Lizzie E. and Ruth Ellis, minor children of Riley Ellis, deceased.

Upon petition W. E. Lane, Esq., appointed guardian of Florence Eugenia Lane, minor child of W. Lane, deceased.

Twentieth Year, #973, Wednesday, March 6, 1901

Miss Clara Manley of East Canton visited her brother, U. J. Manley several days last week.

Mrs. Edwin H. Patterson of Watkins is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Newell, this week.

Mrs. Joseph Williams, mother of Hal Williams formerly of Troy, died last week Thursday, at her home in Wellsboro, aged about 58 years.

(Court Proceedings)

On petition Nathan V. Thornton appointed guardian of Florida T. Thornton, minor daughter of Chas. A. Thornton, deceased.

Estate of Mary Alice Burroughs, a minor child of M. E. Burroughs, late of Franklin township; Hiram Burroughs appointed guarding.

Estate of Raymond Robinson, minor child of Delphine Robinson, late of Sayre; Harry L. Dodge appointed guardian. –Towanda Review.

Twentieth Year, #974, Wednesday, March 13, 1901

Mrs. J. G. Conderman of Hornellsville is visiting her brother, C. J. Bloom.

Mrs. Austin Mitchell returned Wednesday from Wilkes-Barre, where she has been spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Robt. Leonard.

Twentieth Year, #975, Wednesday, March 20, 1901

Mrs. Paul Pomeroy returned to her home in Athens Tuesday afternoon after spending several days with her sister, Mrs. Wortendyke in this place.

Miss Mabel Hager of Canton spent Saturday and Sunday with her grandfather, Seth Sherman.

Miss Mary Rafter of Elmira returned home Monday after a few days visit with her aunt, Mrs. John Haggerty.

Adelbert T. Allis of Lamb’s Creek, spent last week visiting his cousin, Miss Eva M. Kennedy and other relatives in Troy.

Walter P. Lent, son of ‘Squire Lent of Burlington, has signed with the Haverhill team of New England league of base ball clubs. Lent is considered one of the best all ’round players in that league.

Twentieth Year, #976, Wednesday, March 27, 1901

(Troy Court)

W. D. Morse, Esq., was appointed guardian of Miss Lottie Palmer of Armenia twp., daughter of Stephen Palmer, deceased, late of Cammal, Lycoming county, Fanning & Fellows were appointed guardians of the following: For three minor children of William E. Gernert, of Columbia twp., deceased; for three minor children of Harriet Luther, deceased; for Ross K. Smith, a student in Girrard College, Philadelphia; for Floyd Warner, of Wells twp.; for Harold C. Burleigh of Columbia twp.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Williams of East Canton are visiting her father, J. A. Bloom.

R. V. Greeno, Supt. Of the Diamond Wall Cement factory at Garbutt, N. Y., a son of H. W. Greeno of this place, was in town the first of the week on business.

Twentieth Year, #977, Wednesday, April 3, 1901

E. L. Bloom of North Cohocton, N. Y., is visiting his father, J. A. Bloom.

Harry Cosper of Elmira is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Hobart.

Twentieth Year, #978, Wednesday, April 10, 1901

Mrs. M. J. McNulty and daughter, Katherine will attend a play "The Irish Gentleman" at Corning Friday night.

Miss Grace Putnam, one of the teachers in the Renova high school, spent the Easter vacation with her uncle, M. M. Putnam in Troy.

Miss Louise Compton of the Mansfield Normal spent Easter with her parents, as did also her brothers Burt of Tamaqua and Harry of Philadelphia.

Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Baldwin, Mrs. J. N. Wolfe, Mrs. J. W. Ballard, Mrs. A. E. Backer, and R. W. Budd were in Corning Tuesday attending the funeral of Louise McClellan.

(Court Proceedings)

William E. Johns was appointed by the court as guardian of Catherine Vroman, minor daughter of James Vroman, deceased.

Mrs. Mae Watson of Elmira visited her parents this week, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Sherman.

Mrs. William B. Smith, of New York is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Spencer.

John Hewitt of the Baldwin Locomotive works of Philadelphia, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Walter Rupert.

Twentieth Year, #979, Wednesday, April 17, 1901

Archibald Ruggles has been granted an increase in pension to $12 per month.

Bradbury Davies of Wyalusing is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Davies.

Fred Havens moves from Porter road to the farm of his late father-in-law, Andrew Jackson.

Mrs. M. U. Blaksley, Athens visited her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Hall, for several days last week.

Mrs. J. G. Conderman of Hornellsville is visiting her brother, C. J. Bloom, a short time, and will go from here on a journey to the South.

L. J. Ballard returned Friday from his trip to Florida. Mrs. Ballard remained at Philadelphia on their homeward journey with her daughter, Mrs. Kate Swain, and they return home today.

Twentieth Year, #980, Wednesday, April 24, 1901

Geo. C. Commings of Reading is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. G. M. Card at Sylvania.

Mrs. D. B. York of Sylvania attended the Thayer-Bradford wedding in Elmira on Saturday.

Mrs. Burt Squares and little child of Sullivan, visited her sister, Mrs. Frank P. Case, a few days last week.

Frank Wooster, one of our former Troy boys, on the battle-ship "New York," sailed from Algiers, Algeria, April 6th. Port Said, Egypt, will be the next landing place.

Twentieth Year, #981, Wednesday, May 1, 1901

The pension of Julius T. Adams, Col. X Roads, has been increased to $20.

Mrs. Mary VanBuskirk has returned to her home in Granville, after a week’s visit with her daughter, Mrs. M. M. Putnam. She was accompanied by her granddaughter, Miss Minda Allen of the same place.

Miss Mary Burke of Elmira, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Burke.

Mrs. Benj. Williams and daughter Miss Carrie are visiting Elmira relatives and friends a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Trippe of Canton spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Paine.

Mrs. Rightmire of Fox township, Sullivan county, is visiting her daughter, Miss Ida Rightmire at C. J. Bloom’s.

Twentieth Year, #982, Wednesday, May 8, 1901

Mrs. R. W. Joralemon and son Norman are spending a few days in Elmira.

James Mitchell and daughter Mrs. Newman of Canton visited at C. J. Bloom’s Sunday.

Katherine St. John of Elmira spent a few days this week with her sister, Mrs. D. S. Hooley.

Mrs. Arthur Head who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Jno. A. Parsons, returned home this morning.

Miss Vinnie Blish of Branville Centre went to Sayre last week where she will make her home with her aunt, Mrs. T. N. Bailey.

Mrs. Chas. B. Romer of Elmira was in town a few days last week on account of the illness of her mother, Mrs. A. K. Linderman.

Mrs. Kate Eustice and daughter Anna, of Canton, Mrs. Herrick Thomas and Lynn Thomas of Canton, visited Miss Henrietta Shotts Friday.

Canton Boy Lost An Eye.

Robert Horton, the five year old son of John Horton of Canton, met with a distressing accident Wednesday forenoon of last week, while playing with a dynamite cap. He was pounding it when an explosion occurred and a portion of the cap struck him in the right eye, lacerating it so badly that the sight was destroyed.

Twentieth Year, #983, Wednesday, Mary 15, 1901

Mrs. Jno. P. Sucese was called to Philadelphia a few days ago on account of the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Howard GroJean.

Will Carnochan, Esq., of New York City spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. S. B. Willett.

M. J. McNulty, John Hagerty and Miss Alice Hagerty attended the funeral of Thomas A. Rafter of Elmira Tuesday.

Twentieth Year, #984, Wednesday, May 22, 1901

Miss Myra Boughton and friend J. W. Genge returned to Syracuse last Thursday, after spending a few days with the lady’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Boughton of this place.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cosgrove of Elmira, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. McGoughran.

Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Burritt of Sylvania, start Thursday of this week for St. Paul, Minn., where they will spent the summer with their son, Frank.

(Court Business)

Jason K. Wright vs. Hattie E. Gerould Wright; subpoena in divorce awarded.

Twentieth Year, #985, Thursday, May 30, 1901

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lawton of Mexico, Oswego Co., N. Y., are visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. O. A. Sampson.

Miss Mary Fitzpatrick returned Monday from Buffalo, where she has been visiting her sister, Ellen, who has been seriously ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Camp and two children and Miss Beatrice Montanue of Campville, N. Y., are visiting Mrs. Camp’s sister, Mrs. Jas. Linderman.

Mrs. Michael Handran went Tuesday to Ralston, for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. John A. Jones.

Mrs. H. S. Johnson, (nee Anna Leonard) is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Leonard.

Twentieth Year, #989, Thursday, June 6, 1901

Harry Greeno of Williamsport is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Greeno.

Mrs. U. C. Rolison of Canton is spending the week with her brother-I-law, A. L. Rolison.

Archie McNaught of Washington, D. C., was the guest of his brother-in-law, E. F. Lilley last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Oliver accompanied his mother, Mrs. Eliza M. Oliver, to Elmira Wednesday where she will remain a short time.

Twentieth Year, #990, Thursday, June 13, 1901

(Court Proceedings) In the matter of the adoption of Paul Raisch by James L. Turner and Nellie Turner his wife of Canton township. The court upon reading the petition of James L. Turner and Nellie and being satisfied that the welfare of Paul Raisch would be promoted by said adoption, ordered and decreed that the prayer of the petition be granted, and that the said Paul Raisch shall assume the name of Paul Turner, and have all the rights of a child and heir of the said James L. Turner and Nellie Turner his wife, subject to the duties of such child.

Miss Laura Williams is visiting her brother F. W. Williams in Elmira.

Mrs. Margaret Rolison of Canton is visiting her son, C. W. Rolison.

Mrs. H. F. Benson of Ridgeland, N. Y., is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. W. Hovey.

Mrs. Susanna Kiff has returned from Armenia to the home of her son Delos Kiff on West Main street.

Twentieth Year, #991, Thursday, June 20, 1901

An increase of pension to #17 has been granted Sheely Ayres of Windfall.

Mrs. Frank Beach is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Curtis, at Bristol, Conn. She is accompanied by her son, Albert and will stay about two months.

Mrs. Anson W. Preston, nee Lillian Armstrong, of Nelson, Pa., spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Armstrong.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Strait are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. P. Sucese, for their summer vacation.

Twentieth Year, #992, Thursday, June 27, 1901

Mrs. Alex. Kennedy and daughter Frances left Tuesday for the Pan-American.

Miss Allie Harris of Alba went to Astoria, Oregon, Tuesday, where her sister, Mrs. Jennie Greeno, is very ill.

Clinton Swain of Sayre visited his mother, Mrs. C. T. Swain, a few days last week.

Mr. and Mrs. John Frost of Rutland spent Sunday with the lady’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Boughton.

Miss Irene Taylor, daughter of representative Frederick K. Taylor of Granville, is visiting Miss Mollie Putnam on John street.

Twentieth year, #993, Thursday, July 4, 1901

W. H. Loomis of Brooklyn, N. Y., is visiting his cousin, E. S. Palmer at Alba. He presented Master Wm. H. Palmer, his namesake, with a present of a $20 gold piece.

Twentieth Year, #994, Thursday, July 11, 1901

Mrs. Michael Howley and daughter Nora went this week to Conneaut, Ohio, to visit relatives.

Miss Jennie Cosgrove of Elmira is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Redmond McGoughran.

Mrs. Bersheba Conklin of California is visiting her cousin, J. A. Bloom.

Miss Carrie Mitchell of Ithaca, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Roosa, for the summer.

Miss Anna B. Rickon of Waterloo, N. Y., is spending her vacation with her sister, Mrs. Geo. R. Kiff.

Mrs. J. L. Hamilton and daughter, Miss Edith of Watseka, Ill., are visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. P. Morse.

Misses Ellen and Hannah Fitzpatrick of Buffalo, are spending the week with their sister, Miss Mary Fitzpatrick.

Twentieth Year, #995, Thursday, July 18, 1901

Mrs. Geo. Case and little daughter Dorothy of Baltimore, Md., are visiting Mr. Case’s sister, Mrs. Geo. Gilmour and other relatives.

Geo. A. Packard went to Elmira today to attend the funeral of his cousin, Burt Spencer, who, while painting on the Chemung river bridge, fell off and was drowned.

Mrs. Thomas Phillips and daughter, Mrs. Jno. W. Leskie, of Hazelton, have been visiting Mrs. Phillips’ daughter, Mrs. E. L. Stanton, a short time past, returning this morning.

Miss Dora Strait of Elmira is visiting her sister at Col. X Roads, Mrs. Geo. Wolfe.

Mrs. Wm. Tripp with her child, of Canton, is visiting her parents, Dr. And Mrs. C. F. Paine.

Misses Anna and May Connolly left yesterday for Syracuse, where they will visit their uncle, Albert Connolly.

Miss Lisle Putnam returned Monday from a two weeks’ visit with her sister, Mrs. N. E. Boyce, at Willard, N. Y.

Mrs. Elmer Benson of Elmira is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jules Berry. Mr. Berry was down over Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Potter and son George, of Lafayette, Ind., are visiting with her mother, Mrs. G. L. Peck, and relatives and friends here. After remaining here for some time they will go to the coast of Maine to spend the summer, and will be accompanied by Mrs. Peck.

Twentieth Year, #996, Thursday, July 25, 1901

Liston Bliss, Mrs. flora Lilley of Altus, sister of Mrs. Bliss, and Mrs. O. Metz left for the Pan-American this morning.

Mrs. H. A. Roberts and daughters, D. Mae and Anna, of Elmira, are visiting her brother, proprietor Benj. Williams of "The Williams."

Ben E. Calkins, a former Sullivan boy, and son of Mrs. Helen Calkins of Mainesburg, was re-elected city treasurer at the spring election in Butte, Montana, says the Mansfield Advertiser.

Mrs. Daniel Mack and daughter Helen of Elmira are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Redmond McGoughran.

Miss Hattie Cass of Mansfield is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Eilenberger.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowley from Ohio, are visiting his aunt, Mrs. S. W. Lester.

Miss Apphia T. Andrews of Athens is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Loomis.

Mrs. B. W. Williams and son Jacob returned Monday from a week’s visit among friends and relatives in Elmira.

Mrs. Everett Vandyne with her children, Elizabeth and Henry, are spending some time with friends in Providence, R.I.

Miss Carrie Mosher left yesterday for Chicago, where she will visit her brother, E. T. Ward, a few weeks, and attend the B.Y.P.U. convention.

Dwight Rolison and Miss Daisy Lindman drove to Penbryn Sunday and attended the funeral services of Edward Hayes, who was well known here.

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Willour visited their daughter, Mrs. Frank Groman at the Norwood hotel, Waverly, and son Dr. L. Scott Willour, at Sayre, since Saturday, returning yesterday morning.

Guy McDowell, Esq., of Illinois, son of M. B. McDowell of this place, a brilliant legal light, has been appointed by President McKinley as United State Commissioner of the Southern Federal District of Illinois.

Twentieth Year, #967 (as is), Thursday, August 1, 1901

Alfred Johnson and son Harry were in Covington visiting relatives the first of the week.

Mr. W. P. Roosa of Elmira, who has been for 27 years an emloye and carrier in the Elmira postoffice, visited his brother, George in Troy the first of the week. Mr. Roosa had just returned from a two weeks’ visit to the Pan-American, the guest of his brother, Dr. C. C. Roosa of Buffalo.

Mrs. Wm. Owen and little son of Grover, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bloom.

Frank A. Mitchell of New York is enjoying a two weeks’ vacation at the home of his brother, H. K. Mitchell.

Mrs. Herman Strope and son David of Mountain Lake, and Mrs. Sarah VanNoy of Burlington, are spending a few days in Buffalo visiting friends and attending the Pan-American.

Twentieth Year, #968, Thursday, August 8, 1901

John Snyder of Owego, N.Y., is visiting his brother. Chas. Snyder.

O. C. Shewman of Knoxville, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Chas. Stephens.

Miss Gertrude Campbell of Wellsboro is visiting her father, G. A. Campbell.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Qua of Elmira are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Hobart.

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Compton of Horseheads, visited his brother, D. Compton, Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Groman of Waverly are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Willour.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sheehe and daughter of Corning are visiting Mrs. Sheehe’s brother, D. S. Hooley.

Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Baker of Towanda are visiting her father, B. A. Long.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Cassada of Pine City, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Beaman.

Mrs. Ruby T. Ferris of Grand Rapids, Mich. is visiting her brother, Chas. Tomlinson on Canton St.

Miss Sarah Hooley of New York is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hooley.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Patterson of Watkins Glen, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Newell.

Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bagley and daughter Pearl, of Union, Tioga County, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Stright.

Twentieth Year, #969, Thursday, August 15, 1901

Mrs. Wm. Owen and little son, of Grover, are visiting her father J. A. Bloom.

Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wilcox and daughter Mame of Elmira are visiting A. L. Rolison.

Theodore Wright, editor of the Philadelphia Record, visited his cousin, T. L. Kenyon, this week.

M. J. McNulty with his wife and daughter Kittie, and M. Shannon, wife and daughter Margaret, visited in Towanda Monday.

Mrs. W. F. Dewitt is visiting her sister, Mrs. James Buoy at Milton.

Mrs. Frank Lilley of Altus is visiting her sister, Mrs. Liston Bliss.

Mrs. Charles Stevens is entertaining her sister, Mrs. O. C. Shewman of Knoxville.

Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Pierce and son Frank of Waverly, visited her brother, T. J. McMahon, Saturday and Sunday.

Mirs Lizzie Keys York and little daughter Dorothy of Sylvania are guests of Mrs. Richard Card on Elmira street.

Mrs. Geo. Stacy has been entertaining her sister Miss Mina Mitchellson of Belleville, Canada, and niece, Mrs. Thomas Waldaree of Napanee, Canada, who have returned to their homes.

Twentieth Year, #970, Thursday, August 22, 1901

Miss Lena Corby of Athens is visiting her mother, Mrs. Olie Hazen of John street.

Mrs. H. S. McKean spent Tuesday in Canton the guest of her sister, Mrs. Vine Baldwin.

Mrs. Minerva Bailey of Sylvania visited her daughter, Mrs. Horace Wood the past week.

Miss Ruby Ballard of Sullivan spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Albert Smith of John street.

Mrs. R. R. Gould and daughter Goldie, of Stretor, Ill., are spending several days with Mrs. N. H. Sherman.

Dr. A. D. Gritman and wife of Philadelphia, are enjoying their vacation and sojourn with Mrs. Gritman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kerrick.

H. L. Buell and daughter, Mabel Parks, of Elgin, Oregon, are visiting his sister, Mrs. E. A. Youmans at East Troy, and other friends after an absence of thirty years.

Mrs. Frank Riker of Binghamton, formerly of Troy, was renewing old acquaintances in town and Sylvania last week, after an absence of twelve years. Her daughter Bessie has just returned from Paris where she has been studying grand opera.

Mrs. Arthur Stiles and little daughter Katherine are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Ballard.

The little Misses Ferris, daughters of Mrs. Ruby Tomlinson Ferris of Grand Rapids, Mich., delighted the Baptist congregation last Sunday with some fine vocal duets. They are great granddaughters of the late Reuben Case, one of the pioneer members of the church.

Twentieth Year, #9-7, Thursday, August 29, 1901

Miss Nellie Blaksley of Athens is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. Hall.

Mr. and Mrs. Barton Hickok and daughter Bessie spent the day in Canton last Thursday.

Mrs. O. C. Shedd and little daughter of St. Louis, are visiting her sister, Mrs. E. P. Morse.

Mrs. Katharine W. Moshier and little son Harold, of Horseheads, N.Y., are spending a few days with her uncle, D. Compton and her cousin, Mrs. Frank Price.

Twentieth Year, #972, Thursday, September 5, 1901

Clinton Swain of Philadelphia is visiting his mother, Mrs. C. T. Swain.

Mrs. H. F. Wiegand of Austin, Pa., with her children are visiting at her father’s, Reuben Stiles, East Troy.

Mr. and Mrs. Luther Fanning of West Burlington are visiting their daughter, Mrs. C. T. Swain this week.

Mrs. George Williams of Sayre is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Baker, and mother-in-law Mrs. Laurilla Williams.

Court Proceedings.

In re guardianship of Leslie and Lynn Holcomb, minor children of D. W. Holcomb. Guardian permitted to appropriate the sum of $50 annually until further ordered out of the estate of each toward defraying expenses of maintenance.

In re appointment of guardian of Lee J., Mildred F., Lucy M., Marguerite L. Martin. Lorena E. Martin appointed guardian. –Towanda Review.

Twentieth Year, #973, Thursday, September 12, 1901

Harry W. Armstrong of McEwensville, Pa., is visiting his sister Mrs. W. F. DeWitt.

James Cowl and Miss Grace Campbell visited his brother, Wm. Cowl at Elmira Heights Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. David DeForest and Mrs. B. F. Knapp attended the funeral of J. E. Warner at Coryland Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Little of Norfolk, Va., are expected next week for a visit with Mrs. Little’s mother, Mrs. Lizzie Ballard.

Miss Julia Kenyon, student at the Arnot Ogden hospital, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fayette Kenyon.

Twentieth Year, #975, Thursday, September, 26, 1901

George Lincoln and daughter Clara have returned to their home in Syracuse after a short visit at M. Putnam’s.

Mr. Eden Montgomery, with his wife and child, of Albany, N. Y., are visiting his father, E. B. Montgomery.

Mrs. Mattie McPhail, of Chicago, has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Fannie Porter, after many years absences.

Lorenzo Farnsworth, brother-in-law of Mrs. Reuben Dudley is visiting here after thirty-eight years.

Miss Carrie Williams was-maid-of-honor, and Thos. Williams usher at the Bean-Miller wedding in the Hedding M. E. church, Elmira, last Monday.

W. E. Rockwell with his wife and daughter Ella, of New Orleans, La., are spending a vacation with his brother, T. P. Rockwell, station agent. Mr. Rockwell is a conductor on the N. O. & N. E. railway and runs one of the fine vestibuled trains from New Orleans to Meridian, Miss.

Twentieth Year, #977, Thursday, October 10, 1901

Mrs. Adeline Dewitt of Anderson, Indiana, is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. S. McKean.

Miss Sallie Webb and brothers Charles and Harry spend Sunday in Towanda the guests of Mrs. J. H. Webb.

Mrs. Hannah McKean is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred Thompson, in Cortland.

Miss Henrietta Shotts attended the Thomas-Brown wedding at Cedar Ledge, Wednesday.

Mrs. Harriet VanHorn has returned from her extended western trip and is stopping for a while with her sister, Mrs. Eva Gray.

Hon. Frederick K. Taylor and son Bayard of Granville Centre, started for Nova Scotia, Can., on Thursday, where they will engage in business.

Mrs. Louis Cassada and child of Pine City, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beaman.

Twentieth Year, #978, Thursday, October 17, 1901

Frederick P. Cornell of Altus, father of Geo. C. Cornell of this place, has been seriously ill.

Z. H. Young and daughter have been visiting his brother, W. W. Young of this place the past week. Mr. Young was a former Pennsylvanian, but his daughter had never seen a hill or mountain before.

Twentieth Year, #979, Thursday, October 24, 1901

Mrs. H. S. Sweet is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Wesley Reynolds of Rutland.

Miss Lehie Mershon, of Waverly, Pa., has returned to her home, after visiting her sister, Mrs. H. D. Linderman.

Miss Emeline Smith of Sylvania is seriously ill, she is the sister of Mrs. E. G. Tracy.

Twenty-first Year, #980, Thursday, October 31, 1901

R. V. Wood of Tri Mills, Columbia Co., Pa., visited his parents, Mr. & Mrs. F. D. Wood, last week.

Mrs. Orrin Morse of Charlotte, Mich., returned to her home yesterday, after visiting her daughter, Miss Adda Morse.

Harry W. Compton made a side trip up from Williamsport and spent Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Compton.


I hereby give notice that I will pay no bills contracted by my wife, Hester Watkins, nor by my son, Treat Watkins. I furnish money for the payment for all necessaries and any party trusting my said wife or son will do so at their own risk. Mial Watkins.

Twenty-first Year, #981, Thursday, November 7,1901

Mrs. Watkins side.

Mr. Editor: My husband Mial Watkins, the author of the notice in the two last issues of your paper, forbidding anyone to trust his wife, Hester Watkins on his account, is 84 years of age February 12, 1902, has the sight of only half of on eye left, very hard of hearing, feeble in health, sick three months last winter. I cared for him, owns 900 acres of land, house and lot and cash to his account.

I have been married to him twenty-five years December 20th next, have done his business, attended to the household and waited on his first wife’s two sons, aged 12 and 17, when I came here, for about six years. He has forbid all merchants trusting me and most always refused to pay for necessaries for me, even insisting on my paying store bills for the family use. He has even gone to a lawyer and slandered me and told a lawyer he would have peace the rest of his life. I never have been to blame if he has not always had peace. According to report he never had it before I came here. I have been deprived of my pension, #12 a month, amounting to $3,576, according to my reckoning, without interest. I feel beholden to no one, I have earned all I have called for and I also know I am entitled to protection, provision and respect from a husband and of his wealth.

As to his son Treat J. Watkins. If his father gave him 300 acres of land, 70 sheep, 18 cows, 2 horses, green hay and farming implements, then he would have to pay no debts of Teat’s, neither would Treat keep his father on skim milk, nor take cows off from other farms and sell them and kept he money. My husband has been hazed to death about the property for the last ten years, for fear his second wife and child would have enough to keep them decently, but mind you, they are very scarce when their father is sick and needs help. During his father’s three months’ sickness last winter, I did not have the help of one half a day from them. They would not draw their father a load of hay. I have done just as near right as I could, and I now leave the result with God. Mrs. Mial Watkins.

Mrs. Geo. Williams, nee Bertha Baker, is very low with appendicitis.

Mrs. J. A. Bloom is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wallace Williams, at East Canton.

Chas. Williams of Galeton was here over Sunday, to attend the funeral of his father, O. B. Williams.

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kerrick and son Stanley will spend a month in Philadelphia with Dr. and Mrs. Gritman.

After waiting twenty years D. S. Wilbur, of Windham, has been granted a pension of $16 a month and arrears to $1,670.40.

Mrs. Anna Hamilton and sister, Miss Carrie Williams, left today for Philadelphia, to visit their cousin, Miss Cora Sage.

Twenty-first Year, #983, Thursday, November 28, 1901

(East Troy News) Colton Dickinson and daughter Cynthia, went to Towanda Tuesday to attend the unveiling of the Soldiers’ Monument.

Mrs. U. C. Rolison and son Chester of Canton are visiting her son Charles.

Albert Stacey of Susquehanna is spending Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stacey.

Mrs. J. T. McCollom was called to New York Monday, by the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Hurlburt of that city.

Twenty-first Year, #984, Thursday, December 5, 1901

Mrs. John A. Jones of Ralston spent Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. Michael Handran.

Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Williams of Elmira spent Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Williams.

Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Ballard left Tuesday for Florida, and were joined at Washington by their daughter, Mrs. Kate Swain.

Announcements are out for the wedding of our former townspeople, G. B. Armstrong to Miss Mae Axtell, to take place at Williamsport, November 16th.

Mrs. R. J. Ruggles of East Troy has been visiting her brother and niece, T. F. McCollom and daughter, Mrs. Nellie M. Peck of Elmira, for the past two weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Crittenden of Oswayo, Pa., spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mrs. Crittenden’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Bradford, at Sunnyside Farm, Sylvania.

Mrs. Anna Hamilton and sister, Miss Carrie Williams returned Saturday from a month’s visit with relatives at Philadelphia, Wilkesbarre, Danville and Edwardsville.

Twenty-first Year, #986, Thursday, December, 19, 1901

Elwood Reeser of Wetona has been granted an increase of pension to $14.

Harry Greeno of East Troy has enlisted in the hospital corps U. S. A.

Mrs. Benj. Williams and daughter, Mrs. Anna Hamilton, are visiting in Elmira a few days.

Mrs. Sarah Richart, who was drowned at Austinville Saturday night in the flood was an aunt of Walter Brown of Troy.

Miss Lou Holcomb of Pathfinder, D. C., visited Miss Adda Morse Thursday and is stopping with her aunt, Mrs. Dudley Sherman of Granville.

Mrs. Harriet Morse and daughter Abbie Morse of Granville, desire to thank the friends and neighbors for their assistance during the illness and at the time of the death of their daughter and sister, Mrs. Comfort B. Smith.

Twenty-first Year, #987, Thursday, December 26, 1901

Court Proceedings.

Sarah L. Knight appointed guardian of Edward Lee Knight, minor son of Allen Knight, late of Alba, deceased.

W. E. Lane appointed guardian of William and Gertrude Fox, children of William Fox, Jr., late of Asylum township, deceased.

John Hewitt of Philadelphia, is spending the Holiday vacation with his mother, Mrs. W. B. Rupert.

Miss Rena Downes of Burlington is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Robert Watson and Miss Rissa Downes of New York.