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Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette
Register 1901 - Yesterday's News |
These clippings from ancient
and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are
being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily
we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage
and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles
that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations
at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from
the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings. Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here. If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Partitioned PICO Search Engine which you can reach from current What's New Page of the site. There is a partition just for the TGR Clippings. |
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(Local News) Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Linderman attended the funeral, Sunday, in Corning, of Chas. White who died at his home in that place Friday, aged 82 years. Mr. White married Mrs. Adeline Cass, ad was a brother-in-law of Mrs. Linderman. At one time he lived in Overton, this county, but for many years past had resided in Canton and Corning.
Augusta Wilkinson Bentley.
Mrs. Augusta Wilkinson Bentley died at Jamestown, N. Y., December 18, 1900. Her funeral took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Furman, December 21, Rev. Amanda Deyo, officiating. Burial in the Grove cemetery at Springfield. Deceased was born at Binghamton April 10, 1838, was married to Storm T. Benley December 12, 1864. Besides the husband she leaves four sons to mourn this great loss. Her sons are: Alexander B., James D., J. Randall and John Brainard, and one daughter Grace, also one sister, Mrs. N. T. Osborne, all of Jamestown.
Twentieth Year, #965, Wednesday, January 9, 1901
William Pitt, a highly honored citizen of Gillett, died New Year’s morning of bowel trouble, after an illness of two days, aged 65 years. His wife and one daughter, Mrs. D. H. Aird, and several brothers and sisters survive him. Mr. Pitt had resided in Gillett for nearly half a century.
Timothy F. Hooley.
Very sadly and unexpectedly was the news received of the death of Timothy F. Hooley on Friday morning at 6:30 o’clock, at his home on Railroad Avenue. He had been confined to his bed only since Wednesday of the week before, when he was taken sick with what terminated in typhoid fever.
Timothy was aged 28 years, born and spent the years of his life in this place, living at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hooley. His education was received in the Troy Schools, where he was not only a very bright and industrious scholar, but at the close of his graduation year he was the winner of the B. B. Mitchell spelling prize.
His genial disposition and kind-hearted ways procured for him many friends. For a number of years he was an employee of Pettes & Roosa, afterwards and for about a year up to the time of his death was a clerk in Redington’s drug store. In his business relations and as a citizen, Timothy was always to be found fulfilling his duty to each. A kind and loving brother and son, and a true friend, he will be sorely missed.
Besides his mother Timothy leaves four brothers and two sisters: Martin of Bradford, Pa., Patrick of Coalport, Pa., Steve, Catherine and Mary of this place, and George who is a soldier in the army.
The funeral was conducted from the home Monday morning by Father Connolly, at 9 o’clock, with further service at the church at 9:30. A beautiful memorial was presented in the beautiful flowers in clusters and wreaths, from the relatives and friends, that surrounded the casket. A pillow of flowers came from the merchants and clerks of the town. The pall-bearers were Messrs. Mack and John Shannon, James Butler, J. Patrick and John Handran and George Hickok. Interment at the Catholic cemetery.
Twentieth Year, #967, Wednesday, January 23, 1901
(Local News) Dr. Thos. B. Bucks, of Columbia X Roads, an old resident of this section died at his home in that place Sunday, January 20th, of general debility, age 81 years. The funeral was held, Tuesday, Rev. Ward Mosher officiating.
(Local News) Mrs. E. C. Sayles died at her home, No. 651 Lake street, Monday morning at 11 o’clock, aged eighteen years. She is survived by her husband. The funeral will be held at the residence of her uncle, Richard Crittenden, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock, Elmira Gazette.
Mr. Sayles moved to Elmira from Troy.
Mrs. Eliza Judson died at her home in Columbia township Tuesday, Jan. 8th, of apoplexy.
Mrs. Mary T. VanHorn died at the home of Austin Leonard in Leona Tuesday, January 8th, age 80 years.
Warren L. Kellogg died at his home in West Burlington Tuesday, January 22nd, of general debility, aged 78 years.
Nathan T. Dickinson died at the residence of his son-in-law, S. P. Hall, at East Burlington, Wednesday, January 23, of old age, aged 95 years.
Grover Man Killed.
John J. Greene, aged 29 years, formerly of Grover, was killed by the cars at Pittsburg Monday morning.
He was a fireman on a Pennsylvania main line fast freight. At the Pittsburg yards he stepped from his engine to flag a train, supposing the parallel track to be clear; but a fast passenger train, fifty minutes late, came rushing along and struck him on the head, killing him instantly.
It was not until Tuesday that news of the accident was received here, the first telegram having been sent to Canton, Ohio.
His remains were brought to the home of his father, Thomas Greene, at Grover, by two members of the brotherhood. The funeral will be held at 10:30 o’clock this morning.
The deceased was unmarried and was a steady, industrious young man. His family have the sympathy of many friends in their sorrow. –Canton Sentinel, Jan. 18.
Twentieth Year, #968, Wednesday, January 30, 1901
Charles W. Wolfe.
Charles W. Wolfe, an old resident of this boro, died at 29 Canton street at 8:30 o’clock Monday morning, aged 65 years and nine months.
Deceased was born at Rhinebeck, Duchess County, N.Y. When he was about four years of age, his parents, James and Anna M. Wolfe, with their family, moved to Troy, afterwards at different dates residing in several of the surrounding towns in this vicinity, taking up their residence in this place since the year 1861.
In business Mr. Wolfe first followed the occupation of a shoemaker, and was employed in the shop belonging to Thomas Dove, later by John Christian, both of this place. He was also connected with other business houses here, and for the last thirteen years, except during the period of his sickness, was employed in the bakery owned by his brother, H. L. Wolfe.
Mr. Wolfe has been confined to the house for a little over a year past, suffering with progressive-anemia, under the care of Dr. C. F. Paine, and has at rare occasions been able to be out and greet old friends. He left the home where his brothers and sisters resided on Redington Avenue about three weeks prior to his death, and occupied rooms over the bakery, where he passed away.
Among the many friends and relatives of the deceased by whom he will be sadly missed are the members of his immediate family who survive him: Mrs. Martha Harding, Williamsport: William W. and Howard of Scranton; Thad W. of Elmira; John N., Kate E., Lottie Gustin, H. L. and Frank of this place.
The funeral services will be held at the home on Redington Avenue tomorrow (Thursday) at one o’clock p.m., Rev. Ward Mosher to officiate, assisted by Rev. E. P. Morse.
At Alba, January 24th, the infant son of Horace Case, aged 3 months.
Mrs. Lucy M. Adams died at her home in Springfield January 27th, of consumption, aged 50 years.
Mrs. Angeline Simpson died at the home of her sister in LeRoy township, of cancer, January 27th.
Died-In Wilkes-Barre, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Melissa Kennedy, January 27th, 1901, Mrs. Martha Ann Harding of Eaton, Wyoming county, Pa., aged 88 years. Mrs. Harding was the sister of Rev. T. Mitchell of Troy. Her funeral occurs in Eaton today, at 11 o’clock.
Twentieth Year, #969, Wednesday, February 6, 1901
(Local News) Mrs. Rufus W. Child died Friday afternoon at her home in East Smithfield, of typhoid pneumonia, aged about 50 years. Deceased is survived by her husband and a daughter.
(Local News) Wilson Burlingame died at his home in Burlington on Saturday, January 26, of pneumonia. He leaves a wife, two daughters and six sons to mourn his death. He was a man greatly respected in his community.
Mrs. Hannah Whalen.
Mrs. Hannah Whalen, widow of Daniel Whalen, of this place, died this (Wednesday) evening, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Notlon in Elmira, aged 66 years, where she had resided for the past tow years. Deceased is survived by five daughters: Mrs. Geo. Nolton of Elmira; Mrs. Ira Boreman of Shelby, O.; Mrs. Margaret Hope of Owego; Miss Kate A. Whalen of Williamsport, and one son, Thomas of this place, one brother, John Coote of San Francisco. The remains will be brought to this place Friday for burial.
John W. Vernier died at his home in South Creek twp., Friday, February 1st, of dropsy, aged 54 years.
Abram Kerry died at his home in Smithfield twp., Friday, February 1st, of general debility, aged 73 years.
A sudden death occurred in Granville last Wednesday. Mrs. Betsy Ingram Shedden wife of John Shedden, aged 42 years, was taken ill about 5 o’clock, and she died about 9 the same evening.
Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Harkness of Mainesburg mourn the loss of their youngest child, a little girl of 7 months who died, Tuesday morning of last week at half-past four after an illness of about 2 hours. The burial was in the family lot at Leona, Thursday.
Mrs. E. Burt Strait died at her home in Mansfield last Wednesday, of pneumonia and brain complications, aged 30 years. She leaves a husband and three small children. The funeral was held Friday morning at the home, and the remains taken to Sylvania for interment.
Boy Killed.
Plumer, the four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Parker, of Brookfield, was killed last week Monday by the falling of a sled on which he had climbed. He went to the barn with his father, and a big plank sled which had just been made had been leaned against the side of the barn. The lad pulled it over on him and his skull was fractured by the blow. His neck was also broken. The child was a bright little fellow idolized by his parents, who have the sympathy of many friends in their bereavment. -Wellsboro Advocate.
Twentieth Year, #970, Wednesday, February 13, 1901
(Granville News) Mrs. Anna Soper who died at Chandleburg [Chandlersburg] was brought to Windfall on Tuesday last for burial. She was a sister of Mrs. James Hawthorne, Mrs. Noah Loomis, Mrs. Mary Baxter and Mrs. Keleon Packard all of Granville. Mr. Packard was sick at the time, unable to attend his sister’s funeral.
(Granville News) Mrs. Lucy Kittle, widow of the late Hiram Kittle died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Taylor, in Granville Centre, Saturday night. She had been in poor health a long time and her death had been expected before this. She leaves three sons and five daughters, Mahlon, Hugh, Willis, Mrs. F. K. Taylor, Mrs. Edd Baldwin, Mrs. James Packard, Mrs. Walter Manley, and Miss Carrie Kittle. She was a member of the F. W. B. church at Windfall and a devoted christian. One who was loved by all her associates and will be greatly missed among her friends. Interment at Granville Centre. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community.
Death of Mrs. Leonard Morrs.
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Morris, wife of Leonard Morris, died on Saturday at her home at South Branch. Mrs. Morris was born in Grafton on Feb. 24, 1837. She is survived by her husband and one son, George E. of Monroeton; Mrs. Adda Covey of New Era, is a sister and Daniel Peckham of New Albany, is a brother. A friend says of her "Ever ready to make others happy; upright in her ways, devoted to her family, she developed and exhibited those qualities that made her a wife and mother in the fullest meaning of the words." Funeral services were held on Monday, conducted by Rev. W. F. Colclough of Monroeton. She was laid to rest in the Monroeton cemetery.
Mrs. Morris was widely known throughout the county, her husband having been for a number of years engaged in the hotel business at Troy, and was a few years ago proprietor of the Park hotel in Towanda.
Death of Leonard Morris.
Leonard Morris of South Branch, for several years proprietor of the Park hotel in Towanda, and later connected with the Williams hotel at Troy, died on Thursday morning last of pneumonia, after a short illness with that disease. Mr. Morris was about 66 years of age, and a civil war veteran, having entered the army in 1864 as a member of a New York state regiment. He had been in poor health for several years, as also his wife, who died five days before her husband.
Mr. Morris is survived by one son, George E. Morris of Monroeton. –Towanda Review.
Twentieth Year, #971, Wednesday, February 20, 1901
Death of Mrs. Lowman.
Mrs. Marie Lowman died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Herrick McKean, on Tuesday, February 19, aged 76 years. Funeral services will be conducted at the home at 1 o’clock Thursday, by Rev. Ward Mosher, assisted by Rev. E. P. Morse.
Editor Barnes of Wellsboro Dead.
Augustus F. Barnes, for almost 30 years editor of the Wellsboro Agitatior, died at his home in Wellsboro on Saturday morning, aged 63 years. He was stricken with paralysis in July, 1899. His wife and two daughters survive.
Killed in The Woods. One of the Most Respected Residents of Coryland Suddenly Killed.
Alvin Warner, while at work in the woods near Coryland last Thursday, was struck by a falling tree. As he did not return to the house for dinner, his son Floyd went to call him. On reaching the woods he found his father lying unconscious under a large tree. Quickly notifying the family they returned with a sleigh and brought the unconscious man to the house. Dr. Barker was hastily called, and Mrs. Warner, also in Troy caring for her mother, who is sick. Mr. Warner, lived about two hours after reaching his home.
The deceased was married to Miss Hannah Smith Mosher thirty years ago the day of his death, and was born September 18th, 1836. His wife survives him, also two children, Mrs. Judson Hagerman and son Floyd, and three brothers, Nelson, Jefferson and J. E.; three sisters, Mrs. Mary Hotchkiss of New York, Mrs. Al. Walker of Rutland and Mrs. Sarah Randall of Canton.
Mr. Warner was one of the foremost workers in the Baptist church, being a member since early man-hood, and held the office of Treasurer for a number of years. He was highly respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, and was a sincere, upright and honorable citizen, living a consecrated christian life. He was a member of the 50th engineers N. Y. V., also of the Eames Post No. 583, G. A. R. of Gilletts.
The funeral on last Sabbath was one of the largest ever held in Coryland. The G.A.R. attended in a body. Messrs. Ralell and Brewer of Pine City sang several beautiful selections. The services were conducted by Rev. Stanley West of that place.
Died, at Columbia, at the home of Ga. Besley, of pneumonia, Mrs. Swain.
Died, at Columbia, at his home, February 14th, Alvin J. Warner, aged 65 years, from injuries received from a falling tree.
Died, at Troy, at home of her daughter, Mrs. Herrick McKean, February 19th, Mrs. Marie Lowman, aged 76. Years.
(Local News) John Farrell, of Arnot, who died last week from a complication of diseases, took absolutely no nourishment whatever during the last fifty days of his life, and at various times was reported dead. This is believed to be the longest fast on record.
(Coryland News) John Gustin of Gilletts died at the home of Chas. Bakers on Judson Hill February 5th, aged 90 years. He was born in New Jersey and came with his parents to this place when a small boy. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Julia Howland and Miss Anna Gustin, the well known nurse: also two brothers, Timothy Gustin of this place and William Gustin of Elmira; one sister, Mrs. Mary Wilson of Troy. The funeral was held in the Presbyterian church last Saturday p.m. Rev. Mr. Burrell of Sylvania officiated. The pall-bearers were nephews of the deceased: Fred Watkins, John Wolfe, William Gustin, M. R. Corey, Enoch Kilgore and Jud Kilgore. White lillies from Mrs. Edwin Swayze, sheaf of wheat and smilax from Robert Howley.
(Leroy News) Walter, son of David Fleming, died at his home on Friday last, aged 21 years. He had been suffering from consumption for a long time, and at last grip set in which ended his suffering. Funeral Sunday at Windfall. He leaves a father, one sister and two brothers, besides a number of other relatives, mourn his loss. They have the sympathy of the community in their sad affliction. Interment at Windfall.
(Twentieth Year, #972, Wednesday, February 27, 1901
(Leroy News) Theodore Loyd died at the home of his son, W. S. Loyd in Brooklyn on Saturday last. He has one other son, S. D. Loyd of this place. He will be bought here for burial in the East Canton cemetery.
Mrs. Ephriam Mosher.
Mrs. Ephriam Mosher died at her home in Troy Feb. 21, aged 69 years. She was born in Schoharie county, N. Y. Her father was a methodist minister. The deceased was married to Ephriam Mosher March 12, 1848. In 1861 she and her husband moved to Pennsylvania. She is survived by her husband, one daughter, Mrs. J. Delos Blackwell, one adopted daughter, Mrs. Hannah Warner, and one sister, Mrs. Ann Frayer, and several grandchildren, who mourn the loss of a loving wife and mother. She had been a great sufferer for several years, but so cheerful and patient, always ready to minister to the wants of others. She was ready to go whenever her Master saw fit to take her home. The funeral was held from her late home on Saturday, conducted by Rev. Ward Mosher. Mrs. Ward Mosher and Miss Wheeler sang several beautiful selections. Floral tributes were presented by kind neighbors and friends.
Hon. Delos Rockwell.
Hon Delos Rockwell, senior member of the law firm of Rockwell & Mitchell, departed this life after a long illness, at his late home in Troy, Sunday morning, February 24th, 1901, at 6:40 o’clock, aged 63 years and 6 months.
Mr. Rockwell was a son of Luther Rockwell and a grandson of Samuel Rockwell who settled, in an early day, near where now stands Long’s Mills. He had one daughter and nine sons. It is an interesting coincidence that Luther also had one daughter and nine sons. The daughter became the wife of Clinton Herrick, and died a very few years after her marriage. Of the sons, Delos was the youngest and died at the same age that the father died. Of the others, Bingham, Marvin and Martin have deceased. Orlando, Alvord, Calvin, Hiram and Azor remain.
The subject of this notice became a member of the Troy Baptist church, then under the pastoral care of Rev. T. Mitchell, April 2, 1854. He commenced his college studies when 18 years old. After spending one year in study, at Lewisburg, now Bucknell University, he entered upon a regular course at Hamilton, N. Y. Seminary, now Colgate University, but in consequence of failing health, he was compelled to leave school one year before time for graduation. After months of rest and recuperation he entered upon the study of law in Cherry Valley, N. Y., under the efficient instructions of P. W. C. Bates, and afterward fitted himself for practice in the Courts of Pennsylvania, in the office of Judge Morrow of Towanda, and was admitted to the Bar of Bradford county in February, 1862. The same year he opened a law office in Troy and two years subsequent thereto formed a partnership with Francis Smith which continued until Mr. Smith’s decease.
On the 9th of June, 1864, he was united in marriage to his partner’s daughter, Eliza B. Smith, who survives him. Wesley Rockwell, an adopted son, also survives him. June 1863, he joined Co. B. 26th P. V. I.
In 1864 he was elected Senator of the 23rd Pennsylvania District and served in that capacity four years. The establishment of the Bradford County House was largely due to his efforts. He was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention of 1888 which nominated Grover Cleveland for the Presidency of the United States.
His funeral, which was held from the house on the 26th at 2 o’clock, was largely attended and representative of all the professions and denominations and different classes and parties in society. L. N. Spencer, a former student of Mr. Rockwell’s, was present from Lancaster; Prof. Daniel Fleisher of Columbia and Father Dunn of Wilkes-Barre, F. K. Stephens, of Sayre; W. C. Sechrist of Canton, and Harry Cory of Gillett; Judge Fanning and seven members of the Brdaford County Bar, were present from Towanda. The bearers were Hon. W. T. Davies, Hon. B. B. Mitchell, Valentine Saxton, L. H. Oliver, Geo. N. Newbery and R. C. Kendall.
The exercises consisted of a brief sermon by Rev. T. Mitchell, on the Frailty of Man and the Sufficiency of God; some remarks from Rev. O. T. Steward on Heavenly Recognitions, and a brief eulogy by Father M. H. Dunn upon the character and abilities of Mr. Rockwell, and the singing of "Nearer My God to Thee" and a solo by Rev. O. T. Steward. The interment was in the Oak Hill cemetery.
Mr. Rockwell will be greatly missed by those of his own profession, and by the people of Troy, as a man of integrity in business and uprightness in his intercourse with men. T. Mitchell.
(Local News) Mrs. Seth Sherman, who has been critically ill for three weeks, died at her late home in Troy Saturday night last, aged 85 years. The funeral was held Tuesday, burial at Columbia X Roads. A more extended account will appear next week.
Twentieth Year, #973, Wednesday, March 6, 1901
Chauncey J. Tymeson.
Chauncey J. Tymeson died suddenly at 4:30 o’clock, Sunday morning, February 3, at his late residence at Otisville, aged 52 years. Though in delicate health for some years he had been very well for several weeks, and on Saturday evening a tea party was given at his home and he anticipated in all the pleasures of the evening not retiring until about 1 o’clock.
Deceased was born at Eldred, Wayne county, Pa., and was the son of Truman and Elsie Tymeson. He was married at Troy, Pa., in 1874 to Ella A. Cosper, who survives him. Also by two children and one grandchild –a son, Harry, who is married and conducted a grocery business at Howells until burned out there December 23, and since has been at home, and a daughter, Lillian, aged 16, at home.
He is also survived by one brother, G. H. Tymeson, postmaster at Otisville, and one sister, Annie, wife of Alva VanEtten, of Hugenot. He has been an exemplary member of the church since about twenty years of age, and for some time was a trustee in the Presbyterian church at Otisville.
For twenty years he was engaged in the drug business at Troy, Pa., and on account of failing health was obliged to give it up, and in the spring of 1894 bought the Dr. Cook property in Otisville and moved there with his family, where they have been engaged in the summer boarding business. The deceased was a kind and devoted husband and loving father and made many friends wherever he lived. –Orange County Times.
E. M. Pitcher Dead. County Commissioner Succumbs to Pneumonia.
County Commissioner Pitcher died at his home in Leraysville about 11 o’clock Saturday morning from pneumonia, after an illness of about two weeks.
E. M. Pitcher was born in Pike township, Bradford county, in 1840, his parents having emigrated from New England. He enlisted in the United States army in 1861 and served until 1863, participating in every engagement of his regiment up to the battle of Fair Oaks where he was struck in the face by a bullet, from the effects of which he never fully recovered. From the time of his discharge until he was elected commissioner of Bradford county in 1896, he followed mercantile pursuits and farming and was at one time engaged in lumbering at Saganaw, Mich. He is survived by his mother and a young daughter. –Athens News.
Wm. Edgar Gernert.
Died, in Columbia, March 1st, 1901, of heart trouble, Wm. Edgar Gernert.
The deceased was born January 28, 1848, and has always lived in the vicinity in which he died, honored and respected by all who knew him. His funeral was held at the home the 3rd inst., and was largely attended by neighbors and friends. He was married April 9, 1872, to Belinda J. Chace, who died May 21, 1886, leaving seven small children, the oldest a little past twelve, the youngest, a babe. He never remarried but lived quietly at home, caring for his farm and training up his family, who now so sadly mourn their loss, and who, without exception, are living monuments of him who so kindly cared for them, and so freely educated them. The oldest (Gladys) has been his main support, and though but a mere child when her mother died, yet every wish of a dying mother has been held sacred by her. The next two, Fannie and Grace, are well-known teachers of the schools of Columbia, and the next oldest boy, (Warren) is serving his country, having enlisted about two years ago, always a good boy at home, and we doubt not a good soldier; like his father, quiet, yet a deep thinker, and persevering in whatever he did. The next boy (Harry) the stay and prop on whom the work of the farm depended for the two past years, and he did his work well. Lizzie, the youngest girl, is now in the senior class of our Troy High School, and expects to graduate this year. She is a favorite with her teachers and the class. The youngest, William Henry, the babe of fourteen years ago, is now a rugged boy, doing almost a man’s work.
The prayers of one who has followed this family through life so far and who has more than a passing interest in them all, is that He who counts the hairs of our head and takes note of the falling to the ground of even the sparrows, will care for and keep them one and all unspotted from the world, and help them to overcome the evils of this life, so they may grow up and exemplify by their daily living they are trying to be just such men and women as their dear father, who now has gone, would have them be.
Mrs. Catherine A. Sherman.
Mrs. Catherine A. Sherman, whose death was noticed in our last issue, was in many respects a remarkable person. She had reached the age of four-score and five years, and in the course of her long life had passed through varied experiences, both joyous and afflictive, but she went through them all, manifesting to those who knew her that she possessed the faith which is an anchor to the soul.
She was converted at the age of sixteen years and soon after joined the Methodist Episcopal church in Leona. She was a loyal member of the church of her choice but was entirely free from religious bigotry. She respected and loved all who bore the image of Christ, whatever their ecclesiastical relations. She had a marked religious pedigree-her father, grandfather and great grandfather were Methodists. After her conversion she always walked worthy of the vocation wherein she was called.
She was united in marriage to Seth Sherman in the year 1840 and the beautiful home which she did so much to build in Springfield was the resting place of all the preachers who were on the charge. They were always welcomed to her house with quiet but warm-hearted hospitality, and were made to feel that they were received at Christ’s messengers. But her benificences extended to those outside of the bounds of her own church. Her neighbors and all the needy who came in contact with her felt the balm of her sympathy. No person was ever turned away hungry from her door. She rejoiced with those who rejoice and wept with those who wept. But most conspicuously in her own home, by her hearthstone was the placid influence of her calm, trusting, christian spirit felt. She reared a family of which any mother might well be proud.
She was a very intelligent christian, being a constant reader of both the Northern and the New York Christian Advocate, and all the M. E. church literature. Besides being a true christian she was a true patriot and gave two sons to save the country in the dark days of the rebellion and when one fell on the bloody field and the other came home to die in her arms-though grieved and heart broken she said, "It is well, they have died in the service of God and their country, " and she took up anew her labors of love for his family, her church, and the community in which she lived. And now she has gone to meet her loved and departed, and her remaining family, her church, and all who knew her shall rise up and call her blessed, and her name shall be held in everlasting rememberance.
In Wells, March 5th, of pneumonia, Albert Ferringer, aged 77 years.
(Local News) Amy Parks, the three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Parks of Waverly, was playing with splinters of wood lighted from the cooking stove, last week Wednesday, when her clothing caught fire and she was so badly burned that death resulted in a few hours. The child had been stopped from playing but during the temporary absence of her mother from the room, she again ignited the splinters.
(Local News) Mrs. Joseph Williams, mother of Hal Williams, formerly of Troy, died last week Thursday at her home in Wellsboro, age about 58 years.
Twentieth year, #974, Wednesday, March 13, 1901
Nancy Brace McKean. At Rest, After a Long Life of Eighty-seven Years.
Mrs. Nancy Brace McKean expired at the home of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. R. W. Budd, on Redington Avenue, on Sunday, March 10, 1901, about noon, after a brief illness, aged 87 years. Most careful was all the kindly care and attention she received in this pleasant and luxurious home where she passed away.
Nancy Brace was born in the log house built by her father-William Brace, in 1806. Her long life expanded as a girl in the busy duties of the pioneer life, and she grew into a rugged womanhood.
She married James McKean, and occupied many years her home on the farm. Her immediate family have all "Passed on," only her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Budd, her son-in-law, Mark McDowell, her grandchildren, Lucy McKean Snediker and her brother, and her daughter Lauretta’s son, McDowell. All were in attendance at their grandmother’s funeral, whose face looked so calm and peaceful as she slept her last sleep.
She was ever a faithful adherent of the faith of her father, experienced so many times in the glowing promises of the Bible, and voiced by the poet heart:
"That not one life shall be destroyed,
Or cast as rubbish to the void,
When God hath made the pile complete."
The funeral was held on Tuesday, March 12th, at 10 o’clock, a.m., at the home of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Budd, who did so much for her during these last months of her life. Born in the log house, yet when she died, after her long life of heroic struggle it was beautiful to think of her close, so peaceful, and with such loving hearts and willing hands to render the willing service, amid such comforts. Rev. Amanda Deyo, the Universalist pastor conducted the service, assisted by Rev. E. P. Morse, who uttered words in prayer full of the Gospel grace and love.
Miss Laura Wheeler sand very sweetly "Asleep in Jesus."
The burial was in the cemetery near her old home. Her sister, Electa, now 90 years of age, was too feeble to attend, as was also her brother William, but her brothers, Stephen and Diton, and her sister, Martha Bullock, saw her laid away in the last sad resting place.
At Gilletts, March 9th, of pneumonia, Elmer O. Ayres, aged 43 years.
At Granville Centre, March 11, infant son of Page Morrison.
Death of Cord Pierce.
Cord Pierce, who has been ill with malignant disease of the liver since last fall, died Thursday night of this week.
Death of Mrs. L. D. Byron.
The parents, relatives and many friends of Mrs. Nora Byron, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Haggerty, and wife of Dr. L. D. Byron, were shocked to hear of her death, Wednesday morning, at her death, Wednesday morning, at her home in Pittston.
She had been very ill for some time with typhoid fever, but late reports were that she was improving and when the announcement came of her death it was a hard blow indeed.
The remains were brought to Troy for burial, arriving Thursday afternoon, and the funeral is to be held Friday, at the residence of her parents at 9:30 a.m. and at St. John’s church at 10"30, Rev. W. H. Connolly officiating.
Mrs. Nora Haggerty Byron was one of Troy’s most handsome and charming young women, loved and respected by everybody for her many excellent qualities, and as a wife and mother she was a model. She was 33 years of age, and besides her parents and brothers, sisters and other relatives here, she leaves a husband and two little boys. Their many friends sympathize with them in their irreparable loss.
(Local News) Mrs. Michael Byron, one of the pioneer residents of Overton township, died on Tuesday evening, aged 80 years. She is survived by her aged husband, six sons and two daughters. Her family are: Patrick of Albany township, Michael, James and Miss Lizzie of Overton, Edward, living in the state of Washington, Dr. L. B. Byron of Pitston, and Mrs. Felix DeVine of North Towanda. Funeral services will be held Friday morning at the Catholic church at Overton at 10 o’clock. –Towanda Review.
(Local News) Levi D. Little, Northern Central detective and ex-chief of police of Elmira, died in that city last Saturday, of appendicitis. An operation was performed a few days before his death, but without benefit.
Twentieth Year, #975, Wednesday, March 20, 1901
Alibion Budd.
Albion Budd died at his home in Austinville, Sunday, at 1 o’clock, p.m., of general debility, aged 72 years. Deceased was a brother of Louden Bodd of Troy. Funeral services were held at his late home today, conducted by Rev. O. T. Steward.
Enoch Blackwell.
Saturday was the 77th anniversary of the birth of Enoch Blackwell, who was visiting at the residence of his son, Eden, No. 607 West Water street, Elmira, and he died their Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. He had been complaining since Friday of the previous week, and took to his bed on Sunday. His demise was due to old age. There survives three children: Miss Mary Blackwell of Mansfield, Pa., Clayton E., of Altoona, Pa., and E. H., a contractor and builder of Elmira. Deceased was a brother of the late Thos. Blackwell of Troy.
The remains were taken to Troy, for interment, Tuesday. Deceased was a resident of Mansfield, Tioga county, Pa., where he had lived about 35 years. He was a member of St. James Episcopal church of that village and a man highly esteemed by all residents.
Daniel Rockwell.
Died, in Warton, Potter county, Pa., March 5th, 1901, Daniel Rockwell, aged about 75 years.
He was born and reared in Canton township; was a mill-wright by trade, in which business he was engaged for many years in the lumber regions of Pennsylvania; was the eldest of a family of twelve, and survived all but the youngest, Victor E., now a resident of Troy township. From the mill-wright business he drifted into South Dakota, where he spent a number of years, and later returned to old home and friends; thence to Potter county, where he married a widow, Mrs. Julia Nelson, a kind, intelligent, trued-hearted woman, with whom he spent his latter years happily on a little farm in the valley of the Sinamahoming between the wild rugged mountains of Potter. His intelligence and social nature made him an agreeable companion. In heaven there will be room for the honest unostentatious toiler, who quietly performed life’s duties until sickness and final death closed forever all his earthly labors.
Mrs. T. J. Prouty.
The people of Emmetsburg are called upon to mourn the death of one of its most respected inhabitants, that of Mrs. T. J. Prouty, who died at Carlsbad, N. Y., on Friday, February 8, of grip.
Mrs. Prouty had been in poor health for the past year or two, and in the hope that a warmer climate might bring relief that medical skill seemed unable to induce, the family, went last fall to New Mexico, locating at Carlsbad. For a time the climate and the many other changes peculiar to a different country, seemed to have a beneficial effect, until overtaken with the grip, which soon did its deathly work.
The remains arrived here Tuesday morning, accompanied by Mr. Prouty and the children, Eva and Berrill, and several Iowa Falls friends and the funeral will take place at 10:30 a.m., to day (Wednesday) from Trinity Episcopal church, Rev. Dr. W. T. Jackson officiating. The remains will be buried in Evergreen cemetery.
Deceased was in her 49th year. Her maiden name was Laura A. Pierce. November 7, 1869, she was united in marriage with T. J. Prouty. To his union were born a family of seven children, of whom Survive: Carl Prouty, Misses Eva Pearl Prouty and Berrill Prouty. In 1870 Mr. and Mrs. Prouty came to Palo Alto county, setting on where is now the Gallagher farm, east of Ememtsburg. A short time after they moved to Emmetsburg where they made their home ever since. –Pal Alto Tribune, Feb. 13.
Mr. and Mrs. Prouty formerly lived on Pisgah and are relatives of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brooks of East Troy. Many friends here will hear with sorrow of Mrs. Prouty’s death.
(Coryland News) Mrs. David Utter died at the home of her son Joseph last Tuesday. Funeral will be held Wednesday.
Twentieth Year, #976, Wednesday, March 27, 1901
In Columbia, March 26th, of general debility, John Benson, aged 76 years.
In Springfield Twp., March 26th, of pneumonia, Andrew Jackson, aged 64 years.
Antoinette Freeman Rolison.
Mrs. A. L. Rolison died at her home on Elmira street Tuesday evening at 6:30 o’clock, aged 47 years. She had been in poor health for some time past, and the news of her death was received with sadness by her many friends and acquaintances, by whom she was ever held in high esteem, and greatly admired for her gentle and unassuming ways. In her home and immediate family her loss comes in immeasurable force, and sincere sympathy is extended to the bereaved household.
Deceased was born at Alba, April 26, 1853, and her parents were H. D. and Sylvia Palmer Freeman. She was united in marriage to A. L. Rolison, October 15, 1873. Three children were born to them, a son dying in childhood; Dwight and Fannie, who with her husband survive her. She is also survived by three brothers, Watson and Charles of Alba, and Horace of Bentley Creek; also three sisters: Mrs. A. J. Hoffman of Cedar Ledge, Mrs. Theo. Smith of Armenia and Mrs. D. S. Lenox of Mountain Lake.
The funeral services will be held at the house Friday, at 2 o’clock p.m.
Died From Kick of A Horse.
James Vroman, on Sunday, March, 17th, was kicked by a horse in the right eye, at the home of William Johnson in Burlington twp. The shoe-calk entered the eye, breaking off and driving small pieces of bone into the brain, making a terrible injury, from the effects of which he died on Sunday, March 24th.
Morris Reidy.
Morris Reidy died at his home on Railroad street, Friday, March 22nd, at 4 o’clock, aged 68 years. He had been in poor health for nearly a year, suffering with stomach trouble. The funeral was held Monday morning at 9 o’clock, from the home, and at 10 o’clock at St. John’s church, Rev. W. H. Connonlly, officiating. Friends attended from Watkins, Elmira, Canton and Williamsport.
Mr. Reidy was born in Ireland, and came to this country about 1853, directly to Troy, where he has since resided, with the exception of about two years at Gilletts. He worked on the railroad when it was first put in from Troy to Williamsport. He was married to Anna Lynch about five years after coming to this country. To them were born two children, Miss Bridget, of Elmira, and Thomas of Williamsport. On the death of his first wife he was married a second time to Johnanna Sullivan of Elmira. To them were born, Mrs. John Werdein of Elmira, Mary, the deceased wife, (as is) and Anna, the present wife of James McGee of Troy. He is survived by his wife and one brother, John of Canton. Decease was well-known here, and an honest, industrious man.
Albion Budd.
Albion Budd died at his home in Columbia township on Sunday, March 17th, at 1 o’clock, aged 72 years.
Deceased was born in Columbia township January 31st, 1829, and has always resided in that section. On February 25th, 1852, he was married to Sarah Wilber, who passed away in 1863. Four children were born to them; Mrs. Orator McClelland of Corning; Stephen, of Columbia township; Mrs. May Baldwin and R. W., of Troy. He was married a second time to Sarah Berry, of Springfield township, in 1863. One daughter, Mrs. Grace McClure of Columbia township, was born to them.
Mr. Budd was a brother of Mrs. Frank Persons of Troy, Mrs. John VanWert of Elmira and Mrs. Anna Wilber of Sylvania, all deceased, and is survived by two sisters and one brother; Mrs. Willard Harris of Jackson, Tioga county, Mrs. Merle Whaley of Rochester, and Loudon Budd of Troy.
Deceased was a farmer by occupation, a member of the Baptist church, an honorable citizen and a man highly respected by his associates. Funeral services were held from the home Wednesday, the 20th, conducted by Rev. O. T. Seward.
Twentieth Year, #977, Wednesday, April 3, 1901
Courtland Clark, in Troy twp., on April 1st of pneumonia, aged 66 years.
Esther B. Hicks in Wetona, on March 30th, of quick consumption, aged 63 years.
Twentieth Year, #978, Wednesday, April 10, 1901
Death of Miss McClellan. Young Society Woman of Corning. Well Known in Troy.
Corning, April 6. –Under sudden circumstances Miss Louise McClellan, one of the best known young women of the city, died last evening. The announcement of her demise has caused consternation among her many friends.
As late as 5:30 o’clock yesterday afternoon Miss McClelland was down town and was seen about the business streets apparently as happy and as well as ever. It was understood that she was down town later in the evening, and this morning it was stated that she was seen on the street after supper.
She returned home early in the evening and after chatting a few minutes went to her room to retire early. About 9:45 o’clock in the evening a member of the family went into the girl’s room. The young woman was discovered to be in bed and deathly ill.
The alarm was given and a physician sent for. It was over an hour before a doctor could be found. Every office in which the messenger went was found to be vacant and the doctor busy. When a physician was at last secured and hurried to the home it was found that it was too late as the girl had died. The demise occurred at about 11 o’clock.
The physician , after an examination of the body, said that it would be impossible for him to state at that time the cause of death. Coroner Goff was notified and took charge of the remains. The action was necessary as the young woman died without a physician being in attendance from the time of the sickness. An autopsy will probably be performed some time today to ascertain the cause of death.
The deceased was about twenty-two years of age and resided at No. 124 East Third Street with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orator McClellan. Besides her father and mother she is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Townsend DeM. Hawkes, Miss Frances McClellan, and Mis Elsie McClellan. She was a young woman of charming personality and had a large circle of friends who will sincerely mourn her untimely demise.
Orator McClellan, the father of the deceased, is manager of the drug firm of Hermanns & Co., at No. 11 East Market street, this city. He is the "Co." of the firm. Miss McClellan, the deceased, was employed some of the time as a clerk in her father’s store. She was prominent socially an attended many of the social functions.
Corning, April 6, 1 p.m.-Doctors H. A. May and T. A. McNamara of this city performed an autopsy on the remains of the young woman this morning. They removed the stomach, which is now in the possission of Dr. May, awaiting further instructions from Coroner Goff as to the analysis. They refuse to divulge at this time what they have ascertained and have made no statement as to the cause of death.
Corning, April 8. –Coroner Goff announced yesterday afternoon his report as to the cause of the death of Miss Sarah Louise McClellan, who died suddenly Friday evening in this city. The report was to the effect that Miss McClellan came to her death as a result of poisoning caused by hydrocyanic acid. The acid was self-administered, so that the young woman took her own life. She had been employed much of the time at the drug store of Hermanns & Co., of which her father was manager. She was acquainted with the use of drugs and could easily have procured the acid unknown to anyone.
About two years ago Miss McClellan had a severe fall on icy walk while on the way home from church one evening, striking the back of her head with much force on the ground. Later she fell in her home, striking her head on a chair. From both of these accidents she suffered much pain. It had been noticed upon several occasions since these falls that she has acted in an irrational manner.
At one time she left her home while she had been sick in bed, went to the depot, boarded a train and went to Troy, Pa., where she was found. She could tell nothing about the trip. This may possibly explain her strange deed.
The autopsy was performed Saturday by Drs. Henry May and T. A. McNamara, who removed the stomach and subjected it to a chemical analysis. Coroner Goff’s report is based upon that decision. –Elmira Gazette.
Miss McClellan was well known in Troy where she had several relatives, whom she has often visited. She was the bride’s maid at the Kendall-Backer wedding.
Her family positively deny the report that she had been married. They state that they know nothing in her social life that would lead her to take her life. From the circumstances immediately connected with her death they think the poison was taken by mistake; there is not the least evidence that she took it intentionally.
Death of Mrs. J. S. Hamaker.
Mrs. Hamaker, wife of John S. Hamaker, formerly owner of the Athens News, died at her home in Farmington, Minn., Saturday night from neuralgia of the heart. She was a daughter of Seymour Smith of Towanda. Besides her husband she leave four children the youngest being only a few weeks old.
(Local News) The recent double funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Malford Williams, estimable residents of Shunk, Sullivan county was a most remarkable event. Mrs. Williams, aged 74, died very suddenly, and about 24 hours later her husband, aged 82, died also. Their married life had lasted 57 years. They were buried in one grave.
Courtland Clark.
Died in Troy twp., April 1st, 1901, Courtland Clark, of pneumonia, aged 68 years.
Funeral services were held at Windfall, Wednesday, April 3rd.
Deceased was born in Granville where he had lived all his life until he moved to Troy in 1900, to the Knight’s farm on the Canton road. And has always followed the occupation of a farmer.
Mr. Clark was married in 1854 to Elizabeth Case. Four children were born to them, all of whom are living: Philander and Ulysses G., of South Dakota; Della S., of Granville, and Woodford of Troy.
Death of John Scott.
Towanda, April 5. –John Scott, an old and respected colored citizen, died at his home in North Towanda on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Scott was a native of the Shenandoah valley, and born in 1819. He was a slave, but escaped in the 40’s and worked his way north as far as Bellefonte, where he served in the famous Irwin and Curtin families, and later worked at Pittsburg. Here one day he saw his old master, and fearful of capture he dressed in woman’s clothing and went to Canada. He lived at Troy, and about 30 years ago came to Towanda, where he lived ever since. He was a genuine colored gentleman, and was proud of the fact that he had lived in good families. He leaves an aged widow.
Harold A. Bevens.
Died at Wellsburg, N. Y., Thursday morning, April 4th, 1901, after a lingering illness. Harold A. Bevens, aged 41 years.
Mr. Bevens was married to Belle K. Pierce, daughter of the late William S. Pierce of Smithfield, September 23, 1895, by whom he is survived. He is also survived by one son, Frederick Pierce Bevens, an aged mother and four sisters. Funeral services were conducted at his late home in Wellsburg, Saturday, by Rev. Dr. McKnight of Elmira. The burial took place on Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock, and the service was in charge of the Masonic Lodge.
Mrs. Bevens is a cousin of Mrs. R. F. Redington and Mrs. Robert Ayres of Troy.
Twentieth Year, #979, Wednesday, April 17, 1901
Corden Parsons died at his home in Gilletts Saturday, April 13th, of heart trouble, aged 66 years. He was the father of Ira Parsons of this place. Funeral services were held Tuesday.
Died at Col. X Roads April 15th, of septic poisoning, Lottie M. Tanner, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Amos J. Tanner, aged 22 years. Funeral services were held this afternoon, Wednesday, at 2 o’clock, from the church conducted by Rev. Ward Mosher.
Twentieth Year, #980, Wednesday, April 24, 1901
Mrs. Simeon U. Case.
Mrs. Simeon U. Case was born in Troy township January 30th, 1830, and died in Ulster April 10th, 1901.
She was married to Simeon U. Case May 1st, 1854, her own name being Eliza A. Case before marriage. She became a member of the Church of Christ at Alba some years before her marriage and joined at Troy about seventeen years ago. She was the mother of seven children, three of whom, besides her husband, still survive her: One son, Dr. G. M. of Elmira, and M. A. of Cortland, N.Y., and daughter, Mrs. Arthur Macaffe of Ulster, Pa. There are four grandchildren: Fred S. and Donald G., sons of M. A. Case of Cortland; Merat W., daughter of Cr. Case of Elmira, and Sibyl Eliza Macafee, daughter of Mrs. A. J. Macafee of Ulster. She is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Samantha Wood, Mrs. Daniel Randall, and Mrs. Lucy Williams, and one brother, Byron Case of Troy township.
The funeral service was held at the Church of Christ, Troy, Pa., Rev. E. F. Randall officiating assisted by Rev. J. H. Gordinier, April 13th. Interment was made in Glenwood cemetery.
Eli Cordon Parsons.
Eli Cordon Parsons, son of Allen Parsons, was born in Columbia twp., November 13th, 1834, and died in Gilletts April 13th, 1901, aged 66 years and five months.
He was married to Miss Olive Amanda Bullock August 10th, 1854. Four children were born to them, a daughter that died before she was three years old, and three sons, Ira A., Amos W. and Barton C., who lives in Vancouver. He enlisted in the Union Army August 29, 1862, and was discharged April 10, 1863. At the time of his death he was Chaplain of the G.A.R. Post at Gilletts. When a young man he united with the Church of Christ at East Smithfield, and continued it its fellowship till death. His last marriage was to Miss Anna Katherine Forest, of Baltimore, Md., December 19th, 1900.
The funeral services were held in the Baptist church at Gilletts and were conducted by the pastor of the church, Rev. Mr. Wadsworth, assisted by Rev. J. H. Gordinier of Troy, and the Grand Army Post. The large company present showed their respect for the deceased and their sympathy for the family.
Sudden Death.
John W. Sargeant of Wetona died suddenly Wednesday morning, from heart disease. He had suffered some before with heart trouble, but was about as usual this morning, until he dropped dead as he was entering the house. He was about 78 years of age. He leaves a wife and a daughter, Mrs. Wilson, of Chicago. The remains will be taken to Chicago, his former home, for burial.
(Local News) Mrs. Hewitt, wife of Lewis Hewitt, died at her home in Traer, Iowa, April 12th. Mr. Lewis Hewitt formerly resided here, was a brother of the late John Hewitt, Sr., of this place.
Twentieth Year, #981, Wednesday, May 1, 1901
Killed by the Cars.
Joe Snyder, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Snyder, aged 28 years, met his death while going to his home early Sunday morning on the Northern Central track, from injuries received from a passenger train.
J. Patrick Handran, who was returning to his home on Railroad street about quarter past twelve Saturday night, came across the body of Joe Snyder lying in the middle of the main track about 100 years above the station. At first sight he appeared to be dead, but was found to be in an unconscious state. Mr. Handran immediately called night operator Johnson, and Justice B. A. Long, Dr. C. F. Paine and station agent T. P. Rockwell were next sent for, who took the unconscious man to his home, a short distance away.
Joe regained consciousness after he was taken home, only barely sufficient to recognize some of those around him, and spoke a few words unintelligibly and died about 5 o’clock Sunday morning.
As there were no known witnesses, it is not to a certainty known how he met his death. …
Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock, interment in Glenwood cemetery.
(Local News) Mrs. Rebecca Packard of Covington, aged 105 years, died Tuesday from effects of a shock. Her daughter, Mrs. Lydia Smith, who is 81 years old, is unable to attend the funeral.
(Local News) Mrs. Emiline Shepard died at her home in Columbia township Friday, April 26th, of apoplexy, aged 83 years.
Twentieth Year, #982, Wednesday, May 8, 1901
(Local News) Mrs. Catherine Donahue of Sayre died on Tuesday of last week at the remarkable age of 103 years.
Death of Mrs. Rebecca Packard of Covington, Aged 105 Years. Remarkable Old Woman. Lived Under the Administration of Every President of the United States.
Mrs. Rebecca Packard of Covington, who celebrated her 105th birthday last October, died at her home in that township on Tuesday morning at 7 o’clock. She had been failing for some time. Mrs. Packard had lived in three centuries, and is supposed to have been the oldest white person born in the United States.
Mrs. Packard was born October 13, 1795, in Norfolk township, Litchfield county, Conn. She was the daughter of Russell Rose, a Revolutionary soldier, who was on General Washington’s staff at Valley Forge. In the winter of 1807-1808, Mr. Rose moved his family to Tioga county and settled in what is now Ward township. The journey was made in sleighs. Since that time Mrs. Packard had resided in this county, with the exception of two years, during which she lived in Yates county, N. Y.
On June 30, 1814, she married John Packard, who died in 1842, leaving her with six sons and five daughters, of whom four sons and two daughters survive her: Mrs. L. P. Smith of Troy, aged 81; N. R. Packard of Mainesburg, aged 70; John H. Packard of Mitchell’s Creek, aged 66; Mrs. E. R. Ford of Ansonia, aged 54; and A. F. Packard of Cherry Flats, aged 61.
The sons are all veterans of the civil war. Mrs. Packard leaves thirty-two grandchildren, forty-nine great grandchildren and several descendants of the fourth generation.
Until she was seventy years old Mrs. Packard was an indefatigable weaver of cloth and carpets. Since then she had done much fancy needlework and made many quilts. Each of her children and grandchildren have a quilt of her piecing. One of the quilts, which was given to A. H. Packard of Elmira, contains over 1,000 pieces and was made by Mrs. Packard in her 98th year.
It was not until a few months ago that Mrs. Packard began to show evidences of her extreme age. Up to that time she had been healthy, fairly robust, ate heartily and was able to walk about the house and yard without aid. Her brain was clear, and she was well posted upon the topics of the day. She also made frequent trips on the Tioga railroad alone. Although her eyesight had become somewhat dimmed and her hearing quite defective, she conversed very intelligently.
Comparing her life with the history of the United States, we find that she was born when George Washington was president; that she was twelve years old when Robert Fulton built the first steamboat; that she was 34 years old when Robert Stevenson built the first locomotive and 49 years old when Samuel F. Morse invented the telegraph.
Her funeral was held Thursday of last week from her late home and was largely attended.
(Local News) Mrs. Orin Ward of Alba died Saturday afternoon after an illness of only a few days.
Twentieth Year, #983, Wednesday, May 15, 1901
Death of E. J. Angle.
E. J. Angle, one of the best known lawyers in Bradford county and a prominent citizen of Towanda, was found dead in his bed at his residence in Towanda at 8 o’clock Monday morning; death having evidently occurred several hours prior to that time. He was apparently in his usual good health when he retired that evening. The cause of his death is supposed to have been an over dose of acetanalid which he had been in the habit of taking for headache and insomnia.
Eleazer J. Angle was born in Herrick township, Bradford Co., March 22, 1849. He spent his boyhood upon his father’s farm and after finishing his preliminary studies in the local schools and the Mansfield Normal school he was prepared for college by a private tutor. He was graduated from Lafayette College in the classical course in 1873, and for the next three years was principal of the Canton public schools. He studied law with H. N. Williams of Canton and Davis & Carochan of Towanda, being admitted to the bar in 1876. He formed a law partnership with his former tutor, Mr. Williams, which existed until 1883, when Mr. Angle was elected district attorney, an office which he filled with signal success. He was a member of the law firms of McPherson and Angle, and Angle & Cuykendall, being connected with the latter at the time of his death.
In 1883 he married Miss Mary C. Macfarlane of Towanda and to them were born two sons and one daughter.
He was Republican in politics and always took a lively interest in the success of his party. He was a member of the Masonic lodge of Towanda. –Athens News.
Pauline A. Wright.
Pauluine A. Wright was born in Springfield January 256h, 1844, was married to O. P. Ward April 1st, 1866 died May 4th, 1901, after an illness of four days of typhoid pneumonia. Her funeral was held from her late residence on May 76h at 2 p.m., and was attended by a large number of relatives, neighbors, and friends. The services were conducted by Rev. W. H. Porter assisted by Revs. Weston Burrell and ---. Interment in Alba cemetery. Mrs. Ward is survived by her aged mother, husband, two daughters, one son and three grandchildren, five sisters and one brother.
Committed Suicide.
Orrin Lay of Sullivan, committed suicide, Tuesday morning, by shooting himself in the side with a shot gun. He had been having some family trouble which preyed upon his mind until he decided that the best way out was to end his own life.
In accomplishing this he placed the butt of the shot gun on the floor and the muzzle against his heart, and worked the trigger with a stick. In firing the gun the muzzle was pushed down and the load of shot struck him below the heart, coming out through his back. He shot himself in the morning, but lived until noon, being conscious to the last. He told all about the affair.
Mr. Lay was 38 years of age and was well known and highly respected, and his awful act causes great surprise and sorrow. The funeral is to be held Thursday.
Twentieth Year, #984, Wednesday, May 22, 1901
Death of B. F. Webber.
Mr. B. F. Webber, an old and respected citizen residing on Porter road, passed away suddenly this (Wednesday) morning about 6 o’clock, from neuralgia of the heart. Although in poor health for some time he had been out and attended to his work the day before, and his demise was unlooked for. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon, at 12 o’clock from the house, and 1 o’clock from the Baptist church.
(Local News) Mrs. Samuel Tinkham of Sylvania died Thursday, May 16th.
(Local News) Harvey Peters, and old soldier and member of the G. A. R., died at his home in Granville Centre Sunday night last, of cancer, aged about 60 years.
Twentieth Year, #985, Thursday, May 30, 1901
(Local News) William Tracy, a prominent citizen of Springfield township, died on Friday. He was born in Smithfield township in 1824, and was a direct descendant of Mary Chilson, one of the Mayflower Pilgrims.
(Local News) The death of Mrs. Lydia E. Fanning, aged 76 years, of general debility occurred in Springfield twp., May 23rd.
Twentieth Year, #989, Thursday, June 6, 1901
Burlington Man Dies Suddenly.
Squire Jermiah Travis, a well known citizen of Burlington, died suddenly Saturday morning of heart trouble while visiting at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Blackman, at Luthers Mills, aged 78 years. Funeral service was held Monday afternoon from the church at Luthers Mills.
(Alba News) Andrew Crandle’s wife died today, May 28, and was buried here Friday.
(Windfall News) Mrs. John Ayres died at her home in this place April 24th, aged 85 years. She leaves three sons and two daughters. Funeral services were held in the M. E. church Sunday conducted by Rev. H. E. Allen. Interment at this place.
Benjamin F. Webber.
Benjamin F. Webber was born March 12, 1840, in Columbia township, Bradford county, Pa., the son of Ira and Emeline Webber.
He was married to Mary M. Hickok of East Troy, September 16, 1868. This union was blessed with five children: Adeline and Emeline (twns) Mary Louise, Susan E., and Arthur E.
In 1870 he was converted and baptized into the fellowship of the Columbia and Wells Baptist church in which he retained his membership until 1878, when he removed to Troy township and united by letter with the Baptist church of Troy, Pa.
For a number of years he suffered much pain of body, and died May 22, 1901 of neuralgia of the heart. He is survived by his wife, son and three daughters, Emeline having died in infancy. As a man he was respected by all who knew him, honored for his integrity and blameless life. Though retiring in disposition he had a place in the hearts of the community. As a christian he was faithful to his church, and his life was the proof of his profession.
Twentieth Year, #990, Thursday, June 13, 1901
(Local News) Mr. Max Bernkopf, a prominent and able business man and an excellent citizen of Wellsbor, died Friday May 31st.
(Sylvania News) The infant son of Carl and Maggie Slingerland died on Sabbath morning.
(Alba News) Charles Warner died June 3rd at 6 o’clock in the morning.
(Alba News) Phile Case died Thursday morning of pneumonia. Burial at Canton Saturday.
Twentieth Year, #991, Thursday, June 20, 1901
Sad Death at Columbia X Roads.
On Saturday evening little Jeannette, three year old child of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Peckham of Columbia X Roads, passed away. She had been severely ill with whooping cough for a short time, which turned into pneumonia, causing her death. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of many friends in their loss.
Funeral services were conducted from the home Tuesday at 10 o’clock, Rev. Ward Mosher officiating.
Frederick B. Johnson in West Burlington, June 13th, of general debility, aged 86 years.
Infant daughter of Marcus and Alice Howland, Columbia X Roads, June 13th, of whooping cough, aged five weeks.
Edward Voorhis in Gilletts, June 13th, of abcess of lungs, aged 65 years.
Twentieth Year, #992, Thursday, June 27, 1901
John Alberts wife died Saturday morning, June 22, of measles.
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