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Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette
Register 1918 - Yesterday's News |
These clippings from ancient
and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are
being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily
we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage
and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles
that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations
at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from
the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings. Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here. If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Partitioned PICO Search Engine which you can reach from current What's New Page of the site. There is a partition just for the TGR Clippings. |
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Miss Helen G. Laird, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Laird
of Erie, Pa., and Paul Rockwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Rockwell of
Troy, were married at the parsonage of the Second Baptist Church
of Erie, PA. Jan. ……….
At the home of the bride, Arthur Shoemaker of Granville Summit,
and Miss Nellie Packard of Elmira Heights.
Mr. Benjamin S. Smiley of Troy and Miss Marie E. Luther of Canton
were quietly married Monday morning by the Rev. G. W. S. Wenrick, pastor
of the Presbyterian church of that place. The ceremony was witnessed
by Mrs. Wenrick and Miss Rose King.
After a wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Smiley will reside in Troy.
Volume LV, #2, January 10, 1918
(Granville Center News) Announcement has been received of the marriage of Miss Ruby H. Saxton and Mr. Charles A. Novak at the home of W. J. Coleman in Kansas City, Missouri, at 7”30 o’clock, Thursday, December 27, 1917. Mrs. Novak was a former Granville girl, a graduate of Mansfield Normal School, who for several years has been a successful teacher in Nebraska. They will be at home after Jan. 15th, Superior, Neb., where the groom is city engineer.
Volume LV, #3, January 17, 1918
(Local News) Miss Mabel E. Benson and Mr. Augustus Karker Sambrook of Troy, were married at the Baptist parsonage last Saturday evening, Jan. 12th by the Rev. N. Johnstone. They were unattended. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Benson of High Street. Mr. Sambrook is a foreman for the Pulford & Dempsey contracting firm.
(Local News) Theodore Sherman and his housekeeper, Miss Anna White of Grover, were married recently at the latter’s home.
Volume LV, #4, January 24, 1918
The Rev. G. C. Cramer of Ellenton, Lycoming county, and Miss
Rosa E. Williams of Troy, were united in marriage at 11l o’clock on January
14, at the parsonage of the First United Evangelical church of Williamsport,
by the Rev. C. I. Raffensperger. They arrived at Ellenton on the
evening train and were escorted to home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Bond where
a fine wedding supper was awaiting them and a number of friends gathered
in the evening to welcome the new bride. Mr. and Mrs. Cramer will
be at home at the parsonage after January 21st.
Volume LV, #5, January 31, 1918
(Local News) On a brief furlough from Camp Meade, Wade Judge of Mansfield and Miss Yolande Clark of New York were married last Friday. Both the groom and his mother, Mrs. T. W. Judge are well known here.
Volume LV, #6, February 7, 1918
Reception at Cross Roads For Mr. and Mrs. Palmer
A most delightful reception was given at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. Darley Coles, Columbia X Roads, Thursday evening, January 31st,
with Mr. and Mrs. Grant A. Palmer, who were recently married in Elmira,
as guests of honor.
The happy couple will reside temporarily with the bride’s parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Howland, where they will be at home to their friends.
Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Howland, Mr.
and Mrs. D. W. Cowles, Mrs. Ada Cowl, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Judson, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Besley, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Scouten, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rumsey,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Vickery, Leslie Cowl, Jack Cowles, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Strong, Mrs. R. M. Judson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Jones, Mrs. C. H. Gernert, Mrs. J. H. Bowers, James Peckham, Ellen Peckham,
Reid Brace, Pauline Card, Ethel Bowers, Mildred Parmenter, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Webber, Ruth Rebecca Webber, Mrs. Bernice Mingoes, Ned Peckham,
Gerald Vickery, Donald Wilson, Russell Cowl, Helen Judson, Walter Gates,
Helena Peckham, Mae Nelson, Rev. Howard.
(Local News) A marriage license was issued in this county last Saturday to Francis D. Preston of Union township, Tioga county and Eleanora J. Hurley of Canton.
Volume LV, #7, February 14, 1918
(Armenia News) Miss Sibyl Lamb of Armenia and Tory Segur of Ward, Tioga County, were married in Williamsport February 9th. Mrs. Segur has been a successful teacher in the town for several years and has many friends who wish her life long happiness.
(Local News) The Messenger reports the marriage in Canandaiqua last Saturday afternoon of Miss Mary Catherine Newbauer and Mark Schucker, both of Sylvania. The ceremony was performed at the City Hall by W. C. Riker, J. P. and was witnessed by Geo. Atwater and Frank A. Durkee, the latter of whom entertained bride and groom at a wedding supper.
(Local News) Miss Myrtle Bryan of Elkland and Corporal Melvin Dannalley formerly of Troy, now in military training at Fort Hancock, N. J., were married in Elmira Heights, Feb. 11, 1918, by the Rev. Hugh Kane. They were attended by Miss Lottie Dodge of Elkland and Mr. George King of Elmira Heights. The newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. Dannalley, Miss Dodge and Mr. King were guests of Mrs. Mae Merritt on Tuesday.
(Local News) Announcements have been received by Troy friends of the marriage at Lewistown, Pa., last Saturday of Miss Elsie Sheaffer to Dr. Charles Roe Marney. Miss Sheaffer will be recalled as a former teacher of music and drawing in our public school. Dr. and Mrs. Marney will be at home after Feb. 15th at Tampa, Florida.
Volume LV, #9, February 28, 1918
Mr. Claud Utter and Miss Ella Temple of Columbia X Roads were married Wednesday evening at the bride’s home by Justice of Peace, C. L. Dewey.
Mr. Edward Gray and Mrs. Mary Welch of Sullivan township, Tioga county, were married last Saturday afternoon at the Baptist parsonage in this boro by the Rev. N. Johnstone.
Volume LV, #10, Thursday, March 7, 1918
Elsie Marie Chamberlain and Leon A. Pruyne, both of Milan, were married Feb. 25th while the groom was home on furlough from Camp Wadsworth. Another wedding of an enlisted man was that at Monroeton on last Saturday of William English of the Coast Artillery on Long Island, and Miss Naomi Vanderpool, both of Monroeton.
Volume LV, #13, Thursday, March 28, 1918
(Local News) Miss Eva V. Allen and Mr. George H. Fields, both of Troy, were married last Friday evening, March 22d, at the Disciple parsonage, by the Rev. George Capetanios. Mr. and Mrs. Fields will make their home here.
Volume LV, #16, Thursday, April 18, 1918
(Local News) Invitations have been received by Troy friends to the wedding at St. Paul’s church, Flatbush, N. Y., on April 25th, of Frederick Miller Wright of the Ordinance Corps of the army, and Miss Janet Watson of Flatbush. Mr. Wright is a son of Former State Treasurer and Mrs. F. H. Wright of Susquehanna, who are well known here.
(Local News) Miss Edna M. Eby and Seymour H. Landon, the latter of Canton, were married at the Hedding M. E. Parsonage in Elmira Monday afternoon, by the Rev. Albert E. Legg.
(Local News) Miss Esther H. Bailey of Alba and Harvey L. Hawthorne of Elmira, were married Saturday afternoon by the Rev. W. T. Henry at the parsonage of the First Baptist Church, in Elmira.
Volume LV, #17, Thursday, April 25, 1918
The Card—Brace Wedding At Columbia X Roads.
An unusually pretty home wedding was solemnized Wednesday evening
at Columbia X Roads, when Mr. and Mrs. Ray Card gave their daughter, Pauline
Budd Card in marriage to Reid E. Brace, in the presence of about 75 of
their friends. The ceremony took place at 8 o’clock under a bell
of greens and flowers, and was performed by the Rev. H. W. Howard of Elmira.
Miss Mabel Smith was maid of honor and Mrs. Louis Brace, best man.
Lucille Card, sister of the bride, was flower girl and Edward Cranmer ring
A bountiful supper was served on daintily arranged tables.
The bride and groom left on the 11 o’clock train for New York,
Philadelphia and Washington. Upon their return they will make their
home after May 10th in Springfield.
(Local News) Corporal Williams Bushby Roberts of Camp Pike, Little Rock, Ark. And Miss Mabel Ellen Califf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Justin E. Califf of the Porter Road, were married in Atlantic City, N. J., last Saturday at 9 a.m., by the Rev. Henry M. Mellen. The bride and groom spent the remainder of his furlough in Norristown, Philadelphia and Troy, and the groom returned to camp on Tuesday.
(Local News) Announcements have been received by Troy relatives and friends of the marriage at St. John’s church Kissimmee, Florida, on April 9th of Miss Harriett Peckham Ferril of Denver, Colo., to Mr. George Leonard Potter of Lafayette, Ind. Mr. Potter is in the military service as an inspector of lumber for the aero section. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Potter and a grandson of Mrs. George Peck, formerly of Troy. The announcement says Mr. and Mrs. Potter will be at home after May 1st at 920 State St., Lafayette, Ind.
Volume LV, #18, Thursday, May 2, 1918
(Local News) Frank H. Palmer, a well known farmer of Sullivan, and Ada Bixby of Middlebury, Tioga county, were married Wednesday of last week by Dr. W. T. Henry at the First Baptist parsonage in Elmira. They were unattended.
Volume LV, #19, Thursday, May 9, 1918
A pretty home wedding was solemnized at Gillett on Wednesday,
May 1st when Mildred, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Noble was given
in marriage to Adair Tobias of Horseheads, N. Y. Rev. S. Barrett
performed the ceremony under a beautiful arch of evergreens.
Miss Louise Garrison played the wedding march. A bounteous
wedding supper was served immediately following the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Tobias left for an auto trip to Buffalo, Niagara
Falls and other points of interest.
They will be at home to their friends in Horseheads after May
Volume LV, #21, Thursday, May 23, 1918
(Local News) Announcement is made of the marriage in Ovid last Sunday morning at 6 o’clock of Miss Katharine Murphy and Mr. Miles Gatens of Willard. Mr. Gatens is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gatens of Elmira, former residents of this place. After a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Gatens will return to Willard where they will make their home both being employed at the State Hospital.
Volume LV, #22, Thursday, May 30, 1918
(Local News) Thad J. Watkins and Mrs. Mate Watkins, both of Austinville were married by the Rev. R. Lew Williams in Elmira on May 30th.
Volume LV, #23, Thursday, June 6, 1918
A very pretty wedding took place last evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luckey on Elmira Street, when their only daughter, Hannah
E. became the bride of Roy I. Besley of Coumbia Cross Roads.
The double ring ceremony was performed at 7:30 o’clock by the
Rev. A. G. Cameron of Sylvania. They were attended by Mrs. Harold
Gustin as matron of honor and Mr. Harold Gustin as best man.
The bride’s gown was white satin and georgette crepe and the
matron of honor was dressed in white net with satin trimmings. Little
Miss Winifred Richards, cousin of the bride and Miss Katharine Besley,
niece of the groom were flower girls.
A course supper was served to forty-five guests present, ten
being seated at the bride’s table. The color scheme was pink and
white. Peonies, laurel and ferns being used as decorations.
Misses Nellie Avery and Helena Bradford of Sylvania, Belle Fraley
and Dorothy York of Troy served at the bride’s table.
During the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Besley slipped away from their
friends for a ten-day motor trip to Washington, Baltimore, Philadephia
and Gettysburg and will be at home at Columbia Cross Roads after June 20.
The bride has been a successful teacher for a number of years
and the groom is an extensive livestock buyer. Both are widely known
and have a host of friends who wish them happiness.
(Local News) A wedding of local interest took place last Sunday afternoon when Miss Agnes A. Stone became the bride of C. Harold McKeel in the presence of about forty relatives and friends, at the home of the bride’s parents. The Rev. G. M. Perkins performed the ceremony. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Stone of Johnson City, N. Y.; Miss Grace Whipple and Mr. Clarence Woodin of Granville and by little Francis Stone as flower girl. Mrs. Fred Whipple, an aunt of the bride played the wedding march. The bride received a fine lot of presents. Mr. and Mrs. McKeel will make their home for the present with the latter’s parents on Paine’s Hill.
Volume LV, #24, Thursday, June 13, 1918
Petry—Wilson Wedding a Surprise to Friends.
A pretty wedding took place in the Park church in Elmira at 4
o’clock last Wednesday afternoon when Mr. Ralph H. Petry, formerly of Granville
township, and Miss Edith M. Wilson of 117 Budd Street were united in marriage
by the Rev. A. G. Cornwell. Both are popular employes of the Morrow
plant—the bride as gear inspector and groom as a machine operator.
(Local News) Invitations have been received by Troy relatives to the wedding on June 19th of Helen I., daughter of Walter Aspinwall of Buffalo, to Clifford H. Peek of East Aurora, N. Y. The bride to be is a niece of Mrs. E. B. Parsons of Troy and a grand niece of Mr. S. B. Aspinwall.
Volume LV, #25, Thursday, June 20, 1918
Clarence E. Wolfe of this place and Miss Marion L. Gerould of East Smithfield were recently married in Elmira by the Rev. Hill of the Epworth church. Mr. Wolfe is a member of the firm of E. K. Wolfe & Sons. Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe will reside with Mr. Wolfe’s parents here.
Volume LV, #26, Thursday, June 27, 1918
The marriage of Anna M., daughter of Rev. and Mrs. S. Barrett,
and Andrew J. Dickinson of Elmira took place on Monday, June 24th at one
o’clock at the home of the bride’s parents at Jackson Summit.
They were attended by Mr. Melvin Barrett, the bride’s brother,
and Miss Martha Dickinson, a sister of the groom. The bride’s father
performed the ceremony.
A three-course dinner was served to about thirty guests from
East Troy, Sylvania, Blossburg, Canoe Camp and Holliday.
The bride was dressed in white crepe voile and carried bridal
roses. Many useful and beautiful presents were received.
(Columbia Cross Roads News) Miss Margaret Cornell and Charles Johnson of Troy were quietly married on Saturday evening at the Baptist parsonage at Troy by the Rev. Johnstone. Mr. James Judson and Miss Margaret Swain attended them. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will make their home with his people.
(Local News) Della Hackett of Troy, and Charles Campbell of Elmira were married on Monday by Justice of the Peace Sterling of the Town of Southport.
(Local News) Jakie Harold williams of Troy and Alice Sceda Vogel of Dushore, were married Tuesday evening by Justice of the Peace M. T. Haxton. Bride and groom left on the 9 o’clock train for Elmira where Mr. Williams was due to go to training camp with the Elmira contingent yesterday.
(Local News) Carrie M. Watkins and D. W. Johnson both of Troy, were married Wednesday evening at 8:30 o’clock at the parsonage of the First Baptist church in Elmira by the Rev. Dr. Wm. T. Henry. They were attended by Mrs. Minnie Pond and W. A. Collins.
(Local News) Miss Margaret Cornell and Mr. Charles Johnson, popular young people of Columbia X Roads and Troy, were quietly married Saturday evening at the Baptist parsonage by Rev. N. Johnstone. They were attended by James Judson of Columbia X Roads and Miss Margaret Swain of Sylvania. The bride is a daughter of R. K. Cornell of Columbia X Roads and attended High School here last years. Mr. Johnson is a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Johnson, with whom they will make their home for the present.
Volume LV, #27, Thursday, July 4, 1918
(Local News) Miss Agnes Hawkins of Canton and Mr. Samuel Brass of Williamsport, were married Saturday afternoon at St. John’s rectory by Rev. P. J. Durkan. They were attended by Mrs. Teressa Griswold and Mr. Philip Hawkins.
(Local News) Dr. Harry J. McKean of Waukegan, son of Mr. and Mrs. James McKean of Towanda, and Miss Myrtle Lott, daughter of Mrs. Caroline Lott of Laceyville, were quietly married Thursday evening at the Troy House by Rev. G. H. Burgess of the Presbyterian church. Dr. McKean is an officer in the Medical Reserve Corps with rank of Lieutenant, and with his wife will be stationed for some time at Waukegan, Ill. The young couple were accompanied to Troy by their parents.
Volume LV, #30, Thursday, July 25, 1918
(Sylvania News) There was a quiet home wedding at “Elmwood Farm” the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Bradford on Saturday evening last when their daughter, Miss Helena M., was married to William Strong of Columbia Cross Roads. After the ceremony the bride and groom left in the groom’s car and expect to spend this week on a motor trip to points of interest. The ceremony was performed with the ring service by the bride’s pastor, Rev. A. G. Cameron. Only the parents of the contracting parties and the pastor’s wife were present.
Volume LV, #31, Thursday, August 1, 1918
(Local News) Miss Agnes Berwick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Berwick of Blossburg, formerly of Troy and Mr. Leslie Cowl, son of Mrs. Ada Cowl of this place, were quietly married in Elmira Monday by the Rev. G. M. Whiting. They were unattended. Mr. and Mrs. Cowl are visiting the groom’s mother here.
(Local News) Mrs. Mary A. Putnam, formerly of Granville, was married at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. S. Wickham, in Syracuse on Tuesday evening, July 23d, to Mr. Martin Kiblin. Following a short wedding trip they will be at home at Fulton, N. Y.
Volume LV, #32, Thursday, August 8, 1918
Cards have been received by Troy friends from Mrs. Frank K. Hain announcing the marriage of her niece, Miss Harriett Anna Emerick to Mr. Frederic Pierce Bevens, on Monday, August 5th in New York city. The bride who visited here last season is from Milton, Pa., and the groom only son of Mrs. Harold Bevens, has many friends in Troy. He is a member of the 302d Battalion, Heavy Tanks, now training at Camp Summerall, Tobyhanna, Pa. The marriage was solemnized at the Central Presbyterian church, Madison Avenue and 57th St., and Mrs. Hain, the bride’s aunt, entertained the wedding party at the Hotel Plaza.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Youmans have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Miss Sara Louise Youmans to Mr. Loomis Lester VanHorn on Thursday evening of this week, August 8th at their home in Troy township. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Egbert F. VanHorn.
Volume LV, #33, Thursday, August 15, 1918
A very pretty wedding was solemnized Thursday evening,
August 8, 1918 at 8 o’clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Youmans,
when their only daughter, Miss Sara Louise, became the bride of Loomis
L. VanHorn of East Troy.
To the strains of the wedding march played by Mrs. LaVern Greenough,
a sister of the groom, the wedding party entered the parlor, led by the
little flower girls, Lucile Loomis and Helen Pepper. They carried
baskets of sweet peas. Then came little Flora Roby, a niece of the
bride, carrying the ring on a hand-painted tray, followed by the bride
and groom who took their places under an arch of ferns. The bride
was becomingly ceremony was performed by the pride’s pastor, the Rev. E.
O. Seabolt. Only the immediate relatives and friends of the families
were present. The dining room was decorated with the patriotic colors
red, white and blue, and ferns and golden glow. A fine two-course
supper was served by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bailey, assisted by Misses Leah
Rockwell, Bertha Selleck and Grace Whipple. Bride and groom left
about mid-night by automobile with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roby for a wedding
trip to Elmira, Binghamton and other places. They will stay for a
while upon their return with the groom’s parents.
The bride was the recipient of many fine presents, including
money, silver, cut glass, linen, a horse and a cow. The bride is
an accomplished musician and formerly taught music. The groom is
a farmer and son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgbert VanHorn of East Troy. Both
are well and favorably known and hosts of friends extend to them their
good wishes.
Volume LV, #34, Thursday, August 22, 1918
(Local News) Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Ethel Viola Denner of Norristown to George F. Minnich, who is in the U. S. Army service. Mr. Minnich was assistant agricultural teacher in the Troy High School part of last year.
(Local News) Mr. Mark L. Ayers of Windfall and Miss Elizabeth Holcombe of Gillett, were married at the Pennsylvania Avenue M. E. Church parsonage in Elmira on Monday evening by the Rev. George M. Whiting. They were unattended. After a short wedding trip they will make their home for the present with the groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Ayers at Windfall.
Volume LV, #35, Thursday, August 29, 1918
Hazen Kelley Weds Chautauqua Worker in West—Syracuse Friends Surprised.
Hazen Kelley of Syracuse, who won distinction in France as an
ambulance driver and a world record there as a baseball thrower and who
has spoken here on two occasions, was married July 15th at Marion, Kansas.
The bride was Miss Hazel Bell of York, Neb., who had charge of the juvenile
work for the Standard Chautauqua System under whose auspices Mr. Kelley
is speaking in the West. Mrs. Kelley is a graduate of the University
of Nebraska and of the National Kindergarten School of Chicago. Bride
and groom will visit the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Kelley
in Syracuse next month.
Volume LV, #36, Thursday, September 5, 1918
Miss Helen Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Campbell of Troy and Frank Hunsinger of West Burlington, were married in Elmira Wednesday, August 21st.
Volume LV, #37, Thursday, September 12, 1918
(Local News) The marriage is reported on August 15th of Miss Bessie Hickox, formerly of Troy, to Mr. H. D. Owen, an attorney of Bainbridge, N. Y.
Volume LV, #38, Thursday, September 19, 1918
(Local News) Helen C. White of Tioga, Pa., and Alozon Rutan of Coryland were married at the Southside Baptist parsonage by the Rev. Delos E. Abrams, on Tuesday.
(Local News) Marriage licenses were granted Monday at Towanda to Charles Strawbridge and Kitt Kline of Ridgebury and David B. Leary, a Western Union lineman, and Inez Lefler of the same township.
Local News) Miss Mae Burr, daughter of Mr. Elmer G. Burr and ..(words missing) ..Mr. Robert Connor were quietly married at 6 o’clock Monday evening by the Rev. A. G. Cameron. The wedding took place at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. John C. Bigelow in Redington Ave., Mr. and Mrs. Connor will be at home after October 1st at “Rancho Aqua Freeae,” in Armenia township. The bride has made her home for some time with Mrs. Bigelow and has many friends in Troy. The groom is from the West.
(Local News) Miss Esther Viola Estep, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Estep of East Troy, who is supervising nurse of the Visiting Nurses’s Association in Elmira and Franklin A. Stiles, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Stiles of Binghamton, now a senior in the medical college at Ann Arbor, Mich., were united in marriage Tuesday, September 17th, at the Presbyterian manse in Binghamton by Rev. J. D. Dunham. Mr. and Mrs. Stiles are now on a wedding trip to New York city and Albany.
Volume LV, #41, Thursday, October 10, 1918
(Local News) Miss Cora Spalding only daughter of Mrs. H. M. Spalding and Mr. Dwight Rolison, the well known salesman of the William Erk store, were quietly married at the brides home Wednesday evening by the Rev. George Cape Troy. Bride and groom left on the 11:43 train for Philadelphia, Atlantic City and New York. They will continue to make their home in Troy.
Volume LV, #42, Thursday, October 17, 1918
(Local News) Miss Lulu Landis and Mr. Irvine Forrest were married Saturday morning at the Methodist parsonage by Rev. G. M. Perkins.
Volume LV, #43, Thursday, October 24, 1918
Henry W. Larson one time of this boro, and Miss Margueirte Mary Sullivan, both of Sayre, were married last Thursday by Justice J. H. Orcutt of Towanda. They were unattended.
Mr. Monroe E. Wood and Mrs. Jennie M. Smith both of Troy, were united in marriage on Tuesday, October 15th by the Rev. Cornell of the First Methodist church of Sayre.
Volume LV, #46, Thursday, November 14, 1918
(Local News) Announcements have been received in Troy of the marriage at Erie, Pa., on last Saturday of Caroline Margueirte Armsbruster to Mr. George Harold Thomas of the former Thomas Coupling Co., this boro.
(Local News) The engagement has been announced at Mansfield of Dr. John Doane and Miss Gertrude, daughter of Cashier W. W. Allen of the First National Bank of Mansfield. Dr. Doane is a medical lieutenant in the army.
(Local News) Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Manley of Alba, have announced the engagement of their daughter Edna Louise Burgess to Mr. Benjamin Brown Foster of Philadelphia. Mr. Foster was for seven years a resident of London, England, where he had to do with the distribution of Shredded Wheat bisquit.
(Local News) Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Elizabeth Inman to Dr. Sloat Williams both of Newark, N. Y. Dr. Williams is a former Trojan, son of Benj. Williams, deceased.
Volume LV, #48, Thursday, November 28, 1918
(Granville Summit) John Duart Jr. and Miss Mabel Haflett, popular young people of this place were married Nov. 16.
A marriage license was issued late Wednesday evening to Durward F. Shaddick of Columbia, and Miss Irene L. Smith of Sylvania.
Volume LV, #49, Thursday, December 5, 1918
(Local News) Miss Anna Carroll, a former Ridgebury lady, and John Brown were married Nov. 20th, at St. Patrick’s church Binghamton.
(Local News) Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Joralemon of Penn Yan, N. Y., announce the marriage of their daughter, Blanche Marie, to Lieutenant George R. Claussen of Camp Grant, Rockford, Ill., on Nov. 22d, 1918. The young couple were married at Rockford, and they will maker their home at 1107 Harlem Boulevard, that city.
Volume LV, #52, Thursday, December 26, 1918
The Foster-Burgess Wedding.
The wedding of Mrs. Edna Louise Burgess and Mr. Benjamin Brown
Foster took place at noon, December 18th, in the Baptist Temple of Philadelphia.
The Rev. Russell H. Conwell performed the ceremony which was attended by
the immediate family relatives only. Present on the occasion were
Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Marboury, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Browning, Mrs. Ellen
Foster Stone, Mrs. Annie Stewart, and Miss Sylva Williamson.
Following the ceremony a wedding repast was given at the Bellevue
Stratford hotel, after which Mr. and Mrs. Foster left on a wedding tour
which included visits to Atlantic City, Niagara Falls, Toronto, Canada,
and home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Manley at Alba.
(Local News) Mr. John Decker and Miss Carrie Kinney of LeRoy, were married Dec. 14th, by Justice of the Peace R. K. Morse at his home in LeRoy.
(Local News) On account of illness in the community, invitations to the wedding of Mrs. Winifred Soper Wilson and Mr. Roy Kennedy on November 18 were recalled and the ceremony deferred to the following day when the immediate families only were present. The ceremony, at the bride’s home, was performed by the Rev. Fred Smith of Daggett and the wedding march played by Miss Louise Garrison of Roseville, cousins of the bride. The wedding trip was to New York City and Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy will make their home in Springfield.
(Local News) Miss Ruth Eaton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Eaton of Leona and Lt. Merritt Harrison of Centerville, Pa. were quietly married Christmas day by the Rev. Henry Sears at his home in Leona. They were attended by Mr. Dick Eaton and Miss Bernice Eaton, brother and sister of the bride. Lieutenant and Mrs. Harrison left on the afternoon train for a visit to relatives in Williamsport and to the groom’s parents in Centerville, before taking up their residence in Bedford, Pa.
Troy Gazette-Register
Troy, Bradford County, PA
Volume LVI, #1, Thursday, January 2, 1919
(Local News) A number of their Trojan friends went to the midnight train Tuesday to see Capt. John Doane and bride off on their wedding trip. The bride was Miss Gertrude Allen and they were married Tuesday evening at the home in Mansfield of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Allen in the presence of a company of about fifty. Capt. Doane has been in the medical service a year and a half at Camp Greenleaf, Georgia. He hopes for release the last of January.
Volume LVI, #2, Thursday, January 9, 1919
(Local News) Miss Charlotte Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oris Thomas of Mansfield and Mr. Basil Sargeant of Troy, were married on Monday at Canandaigua, N.Y. Mr. Sargeant is a son of Calvin Thomas of Redington Avenue and bride and groom will make their home with them for the present.
Volume LVI, #4, Thursday, January 23, 1919
Mr. and Mrs. Burtis Megie attended the wedding of Miss Elizabeth Ball to John Wheatly at Sayre. The Rev. W. H. S. Loller of North Towanda, a former pastor, performed the ceremony on Thursday evening.
Volume LVI, #9, Thursday, February 27, 1919
(Local News) John T. Foster, son of John Foster, recently returned from overseas and Miss Eva Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Williams, both of Troy were married Tuesday in Elmira by Recorder Gardner.
Volume LVI, #10, Thursday, March 6, 1919
(Sylvania News) Rev. A. G. Cameron attended the wedding of his son Hugh, in Cleveland, Ohio, on Wednesday of last week.
(Local News) First Lieutenant Hugh Cameron, oldest son of the Rev. and Mrs. A. G. Cameron of Sylvania and Miss Ruth Brink, only daughter of Attorney and Mrs. E. W. Brink of Cleveland, Ohio, were quietly married at the bride’s home last week Wednesday. The ceremony was performed by Dr. Bradley of the Plymouth Congregational church. The Rev. Mr. Cameron was present and Sgt. Neil A. Cameron a college chum of the bride’s only brother. Like her husband, the bride is a graduate of Oberlin college. They will make their home in Detroit, Mich. Where Lieutenant Cameron has a fine position as a teacher.
Volume LVI, #11, Thursday, March 13, 1919
(Local News) Pearl Youmans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Youmans of East Smithfield and Lawrence Baldwin of Springfield were married at the Methodist Parsonage in East Smithfield on Saturday.
(Local News) Miss Anna L. Sims of West Leroy and Percy B. Fuller of Elmira, were married Tuesday evening by the Rev. G. M. Whiting at his home in Elmira. They were attended by Mrs. Ernest D. Pritchard and Stanley B. Merse. After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Fuller will reside at 1847 Davis street, Elmira. Mrs. Fuller attended school here last year.
Volume LVI, #12, Thursday, March 20, 1919
Troy Lady Married at Colorado Springs.
Eloise Mitchell Knox, formerly of Troy, and Mr. William G. Johnston
of Colorado Springs, Colo., were quietly married on Monday, March 10th.
The groom is a newspaper man, advertising manager of the Gazette of that
city. They have known each other about two years. Bride and
groom will visit the former’s relatives and old friends in Troy during
the spring. Announcement of the wedding was made in Troy Thursday
(Granville Summit News) Harold Pepper and Miss Maud Morrison were married Saturday evening, March 15, at the parsonage by Rev. E. B. Hensley. Mr. and Mrs. Pepper are popular young people-the groom a farmer and the bride a successful school teacher and they have the best wishes of a large circle of friends.
Volume LVI, #13, Thursday, March 27, 1919
(Granville Summit News) A wedding of interest to their many friends occurred at the M. E. parsonage at East Canton Saturday, Mar. 15 when Harry L. Fleming and Miss Marguerite Benninger were united in marriage.
(Local News) A pretty wedding though on account of the illness of the bride’s father attended only by the immediate family and a few intimate friends was that at Leona Monday of Miss Eliza Hope Griffith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Griffith to Mr. Joseph L. Atkin of Vintage, Lancaster county, Pa. the bride in a becoming gown of white crepe de chine, was attended by her sister, Miss Rebecca Griffith and her niece, Miss Gladys Griffith. The Rev. Sears of Leona, performed the ceremony. Bride and groom motored to Alba where they took the afternoon train for a short trip. The will make their home at Vintage where Mr. Atkin has an undertaking business.
Volume LVI, #15, Thursday, April 10, 1919
(Local News) The Rev. Frank Eden, formerly of Mansfield, now pastor of the First Baptist church of Pueblo, Colo., was married this week Tuesday at the home of J. F. Rose in that city to Miss Mary Kipp of Rochester, N.Y.
(Local News) Messrs. H. B. VanDyne, W. W. Beaman, J. H. McClelland, Charles Ludington, William Slade, Louis Wagner, and H. K. Mitchell attended the funeral at Mosherville on Thursday of Elgar Wright, a member of Trojan lodge of Masons who expired suddenly on Tuesday from pneumonia following influenza. The stricken wife and her two children were all too ill to attend the obsequies. Interment was in Woodlawn, Elmira.
(Granville Summit News) Mr. John Riley who had been in poor health for some time passed away last Monday night. Funeral services will be held Thursday morning and burial at Troy.
Volume LVI, #16, Thursday, April 17, 1919
(Local News) Former Landlord Byron C. Horton of the Packard House, and Miss Sara Kitson, both of Canton, were married last week at the Universalist parsonage in Towanda, by the Rev. J. D. Herrick. They will make their home for the present at the Packard House.
Volume LVI, #17, Thursday, April 24, 1919
Ethel Gordon of Gillett, and Wm. R. Hewitt of Mosherville, were married in Elmira Tuesday morning by the Rev. D. W. S. Hooker.
Volume LVI, #18, Thursday, May 1, 1919
(Local News) A marriage license was issued last Saturday to Presepter Wood of Columbia X Roads and Lydia Bailey of Sullivan.
(Local News) Mrs. F. M. Long and Mrs. Harry S. Mitchell and son, Oliver, left on Saturday and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. VanDyne the first of the week for the wedding on May 1st in Boston, of Miss Henrietta Fredericks to Lieut. Charles Henry Myers. Oliver Mitchell is to have a part in the ceremony and Mrs. Everett Mills (nee VanDyne) of Fall River, is to be matron of honor.
(Columbia X Roads) We were quite surprised to learn of the quiet wedding on Saturday of Jack Cowles of this place and Miss Mable Jenkins of Roseville.
Volume LVI, #20, Thursday, May 15, 1919
(Local News) A pretty wedding took place last evening at 7 o’clock at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Scott, when their daughter, Florence, became the wife of Sherman Thomas. They were unattended and the ceremony was performed by Rev. J. A. Lytle in the presence of the immediate families. The bride has been a successful teacher, having taught in the West Burlington school this past year. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Meade Thomas. After a wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas will be at home in Gillett, where Mr. Thomas is employed by the Empire Creamery Company.
Volume LVI, #21, Thursday, May 22, 1919
(Granville Center News) Mr. Fay Crandall of West Franklin and Miss Leah Rockwell of this place were married last Tuesday.
Volume LVI, #23, Thursday, June 5, 1919
(Local News) William H. Reynolds of Rutland and Myra Patterson of Cleveland, O. were married Wednesday of this week in Elmira. Both at one time some years ago lived near East Troy. The bride was then Mrs. Cyrus Reynolds.
(Local News) Mr. Homer DeWitt and Miss Leora Tomlinson and Mr. Merle Schucker and Miss Pauline Nash, motored away Tuesday to be married. The ceremony was performed in Elmira. They will visit Niagara Falls and Canadian points of interest returning Saturday. The young men were soldiers and with their brides are well known and universally respected. They will continue to make their home in Troy.
(Local News) Guy E. Helms of Jersey Shore, Pa. and Miss Lena Beatus of this place, were recently married in Elmira by Recorder Otis Gardner.
(Local News) Miss Edith McCulley and John f. Bailey were married Saturday evening, May 24th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Brink in Elmira. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Lee Aldrich and the ceremony was performed by Rev. H. A. Depfer, pastor of the South Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey will reside in this place. The groom was recently discharged from military service having served over seas as a member of Co. F. 145th Inf., 37th Div.
Miss Daisy Lechliter, formerly of Cumberland, Md., and Mr. Harry Patterson of Athens, were married last Saturday in Elmira. Following a honeymoon trip to Buffalo and Niagara Falls they will make their home in Athens. The bride is a sister of Mrs. William McKeel and spent some time her. Mr. Patterson is a Springfield boy.
Volume LVI, #25, Thursday, June 19, 1919
The Blanchard-Hanscom Wedding at East Troy—Personal Mention.
On Sunday evening a very pretty wedding was solemnized
by Rev. C. L. Terrill at East Troy, Pa., when Mildred I. Oldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hanscom became the bride of Leon A. Blanchard of
Athens, Pa.
Shortly after five o’clock the bridal couple took
their place to the strains Lohengrin’s wedding march played by Miss Susan
M. Payne of Bumpville, PA.
Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard are highly esteemed young people and
their many friends with them much happiness. They will reside in
their new home at Athens, Pa.
(Local News) Mrs. Edmund Ripley has issued invitations to the wedding of her daughter, Miss LaRancie Ripley to Leon James Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Smith of Troy, on next Tuesday evening at 8:30 at the Ripley home in Mainesburg.
(Local News) The bride wearing the crinoline dress and hoop skirt in which she was married in Smithfield, fifty years ago. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Campbell (nee Emmorette Catlin) celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at Clearfield, Pa., a few evenings ago surrounded by about fifty of their friends. The certificate of their marriage, signed by the Rev. Lucius Ames, was read, and then the aged couple again plighted their troth until life’s journey shall end. During the evening bride and groom received a purse of gold, and many other expressions of the esteem in which they are held.
Volume LVI, #26, Thursday, June 15, 1919
The Smith-Ripley Wedding.
A well know young Trojan, Leon J. Smith, and Miss LaRancie
Ripley were married at 8:30 Tuesday evening at the home near Mainesburg
of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Edmund Ripley, in the presence of about forty
relatives and near friends. The Rev. Edward P. Morse, the groom’s
pastor officiated. The ring ceremony was used. The bride in
white net over satin with veil, and carrying white and pink roses was attended
by her sister, Mrs. Joseph H. Perry of Syracuse, as matron of honor, and
Miss Frances Smith of Troy, and Miss Carrie Seeley of Minnequa, sister
and cousin of the groom as bridesmaids. Mr. Joseph H. Perry was best
man. Little Misses Eloise Paul of Carbondale and Mary Alice Strange
of Mainesburg were flower girls and led the bridal party to their places
beneath an arch of laurel and ground pine. Miss Frances Shipbanker
of Mansfield, played the wedding march.
They will make their home for the present with the
groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Smith, in West Main street, this boro.
Volume LVI, #27, Thursday, July 3, 1919
(Columbia X Roads News) Mr. Hosea Wolfe and Miss Jeanette Murray, both of this place were married in Elmira on Saturday. They arrived home Monday evening.
(Local News) Guy Leonard and Iva R. Smith of Columbia Cross Roads, were married in Elmira last Friday.
(Local News) Miss Helen Kintner of Towanda, was married in Seneca Falls last week to William H. Casey.
(Local News) Miss Jessie Woodruff, daughter of Mrs. Grace Woodruff of this place and Fred Wood were married in Elmira July 1. They will make their home in Elmira.
Volume LVI, #30, Thursday, July 24, 1919
(Sylvania News) A wedding of interest to our town’s people was that of Miss Hazel M. Seymour of Mainesburg, and Edward F. Bolt of Mansfield. Mr. and Mrs. Bolt will stay for a time with the former’s sister. Mrs. Homer Austin, where Mr. Bolt has lived since his return from France. Mr. Bolt was a member of the 492nd Squadron in the A.E.F.
(Local News) A marriage license was issued in Elmira to Albert D. Blodgett and Josephine E. Holcomb of Gillett.
(Gillett News) Edward Bolt and Hazel Seymour were married in Elmira on Thursday of last week. Miss Seymour was a former resident of this place.
(Local News) Miss Helen Letz of Troy, and Guy bolt of Stanley, N.Y., were married last Monday evening at Stanley. The groom is in the regular army and now located at Camp Hill, Newport News, but expects soon to be moved. He has some moths yet to serve before demobilization.
Volume LVI, #31, Thursday, July 31, 1919
The wedding was solemnized by the Rev. Albert Trickett at the home
of the bride’s father at East Canton on Wednesday evening, July 23d, of
Miss Irene Delight Watts, daughter of Mr. Clarence Watts, and Mr. Paul
S. Dreste, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Dreste of Granville. The
bride, who was charmingly gowned in pink georgette crepe, was giving away
by her father. For their honeymoon the happy couple left for Buffalo
and Niagara Falls. They will make their home in Granville.
The following marriage licenses have been issued by Register and Recorder Voorhis: Wm. E. Porter of Canton and Lucy C. Patterson of Canton; Leon A. Depew of Smithfield and Sara Parke of East Smithfield; Zerah W. Clarke of Burlington and Helen Johnson Thorp of Troy township.
Volume LVI, #32, Thursday, August 7, 1919
(Local News) Invitations have been received by Troy Friends to the wedding of Miss Frances M. Atwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Atwood to Lovertus Stanley Falter, Saturday August 9th, at 2 o’clock at Christ church in Binghamton. Mr. Atwood was a former landlord of the Troy Hotel.
(Local News) The San Antonio, Texas Express says that Mrs. Climena Willour announces the marriage of her daughter Louise Willour Groman to Lieut. Otto Godfrey von Lang, United States Army on July 28th, at San Antonio. It was a quiet home wedding, the Rev. Gates of the Firs Baptist church officiated. They will make their home in Washington, D.C.
(Local News) Chas. A. Woodin theatrical producer of Towanda under whose direction the overseas minstrels come here Friday night was married on July 28, at the Catholic rectory in Towanda to Marguerite McEntee of Blossburg.
Volume LVI, #33, Thursday, August 14, 1919
(Local News) Fred Wood, who served nearly two years overseas with the Second Division, Regular Army, returning a fortnight ago, and Miss Mamie Manahan of Monroeton, ate to be married in Elmira on Friday.
(Granville Summit News) Miss Lillian Fleming a young school teacher of Granville and Lynn Porter of the same place were united in marriage Saturday, August 9th. They went to Towanda for a short time.
(Armenia News) Merle Bristol and Miss Susan Springer were married last Saturday evening at the home of the groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bristol by Miss Sarah Ecroyd.
Volume LVI, #34, Thursday, August 21, 1919
(Local News) Miss Josephine DeWitt was quietly married at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Calvin H. DeWitt, in Mansfield, recently, to Mr. Ernest Perkins, a successful undertaker of Corning. The bride who has been a nurse in the vicinity of Chicago the past five years, is a niece of William F. DeWitt of this boro.
(Local News) A wedding of interest in Western Bradford was that of Stanley B. Morse of LeRoy and Miss Harriett L. Sims of West LeRoy, at the home of the former’s sister, Mrs. George Bailey of Granville, on last Thursday. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Morse, with whom the young couple will make their home.
Volume LVI, #36, Thursday, September 4, 1919
The Honeywell-Randall Wedding.
At a pretty wedding at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Honeywell in Leona on Wednesday, attended by about 18 relatives and friends,
Miss Jessie Honeywell, their daughter, became the bride of Mr. Harry L.
Randall of Elmira. The ceremony was performed at noon by the Rev.
Henry Sears. A fine repast was served and the bride was the recipient
of many handsome gifts. They will make their home in Elmira.
(Local News) Clarence B. Estep and Miss Fannie Gould both of Elmira, were married in that city on Saturday afternoon by the Rev. W. T. Henry at the First Baptist parsonage. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Clem Loomis. A short wedding trip is planned and they will make their home in Elmira. Mr. Estep is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Estep of East Troy and a returned soldier.
Volume LVI, #40, Thursday, October 2, 1919
The Golden Wedding of the Frederick W. Hoveys.
On the 29th of September, 1869 in Owego, N.Y., at the
home of her mother, Mrs. Joseph C. Bell, was solemnized the marriage of
her daughter, Josephine C. Bell and Frederick W. Hovey of Owego.
The girl was much admired for her brilliant mind and devoted Christian
character. All this is attested to day, although fifty years have
passed since that wedding day.
Josephine Hovey’s marriage certificate shows the girl
with her mass of beautiful brown hair and-what must have been unusual fifty
years ago-her engraved wedding invitations and “At Home” cards.
On Monday evening, September 29, at the family home of
the Hoveys on Centre street was celebrated the golden wedding. The
spacious hall and rooms on the first floor were a bower. All the
season’s blooms from the marigold and bitter sweet of the garden and fields
to roses of the hot house were in massed profusion.
The bridal party received in the drawing room with their
children, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hovey of New York and Mr. Albert Hovey
of Pittsburg; and in the receiving party were the Rev. Edward P. Morse,
pastor of the Presbyterian church where Mr. Hovey has long been an elder,
and Mrs. Morse.
Local News) The marriage of Miss Alice Phelps of East Smithfield, and Mr. Paul Hunsinger of West Burlington, was solemnized last Wednesday evening at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Welman Phelps.
(Local News) Marriage licenses were issued at Towanda to Eugene W. Frings of Asbury Park, N.J., and Goldie Biddle of Canton: Michael DePumpo of Sayre and Ageline E. Mitchell of Athens Township: Milo Tillotson and Maude Welch, both of Canton: Joseph G. O’Neill of Binghamton and Kathryn Butler of Bentley Creek.
Volume LVI, $41, Thursday, October 9, 1919
(Local News) Charles V. Savacool of Canton, and Mrs. Clara E. Tunnicliff of this borough, were married in Elmira on Monday of this week.
(Local News) A double wedding took place at the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Elmira Wednesday evening when Misses Rena B. and Florence E. Furman sisters of that city, became the brides of Earl J. Lathrop of Troy, and Gorton Horton of East Troy. A wedding supper attended by relatives at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Tuttle, followed the ceremony.
Volume LVI, #44, Thursday, October 30, 1919
(East Troy News) Married at the Methodist parsonage at Towanda on Wednesday, Oct. 22 Alfred VanNoy of this place and Miss Nettie Larcom of West Burlington. The young couple were given a shower at the Baptist church parlors on Monday evening.
(Granville Summit News) The wedding of two of our prominent and popular young people took place when Lew Ayers, and Miss Lola Shoemaker were married in Towanda Wednesday, Oct. 22, after which they left for a trip to Rochester and Niagara Falls. They will begin housekeeping at once on the farm owned by his father.
(Local News) Mrs. Lillian Haven and Mr. Arthur Hart both of this place were married last Wednesday in Rochester, Mr. Hart is employed at T. Conklin’s blacksmith shop.
Volume LVI, #45, Thursday, November 6, 1919
(Local News) Announcements have been received of the marriage on Nov. 5th at Binghamton of Miss Margaret Cronk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Cronk, formerly of this place, to Edward Francis Lanigan.
(Local News) Mrs. Bessie R. Hughson of Troy and Mr. Chester C. Bonnell of Williamsport, were married in Elmira on Monday by the Rev. R. Lew Williams of the Lake street Presbyterian church. They were attended by Mrs. Theodore W. Pitt, a niece of the former, and Mr. John Sietzer of Williamsport. Mr. Bonnell is employed as a core maker by the Demorest Co. of Williamsport.
Volume LVI, #47, Thursday, November 20, 1919
(Local News) Mr. and Mrs. James B. Stanton are in Carbondale this week to attend the wedding of the latter’s niece, Madaline A. Tate, to William Henry Jones. Miss Tate is the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tate, formerly of Burlington.
(Local News) Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Horton returned Tuesday from a three weeks’ visit to relatives and friends in Elmira, Caywood and Interlaken, N.Y. They also attended the wedding of a cousin, Miss Florence Beach, to Mr. Edwin Vandneugin.
Volume LVI, #48, Thursday, November 20, 1919
(East Granville) Mr. and Mrs. M. S. VanNoy gave a party Saturday evening in honor of their son DeWitt VanNoy and bride (nee Miss Edna Whitterker) whose wedding they attended at the home of the bride’s father at Victor, N. Y., on Thursday of last week. They will reside at Victor, N. Y.
(Local News) Miss Ruth Ross of Burlington and …. ….d of this place were married Nov. 12 at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. L. F. Kelsey at Ocero, N.Y. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Elmer Yerdon of Euclid, N.Y.
(Local News) The Troy Hotel, all spick and span has a bride and groom all its own. William Schultz, the porter, and Hattie Kelley also of the hotel organization, went to Elmira last Saturday and were married by the Rev. Lew Williams of the Lake street Presbyterian church.
(Fairview News) Lloyd Barrett of this place and Miss Dorothy Alexander of Franklindale were married in Towanda No. I. They are residing with the groom’s parents Mr. and Mrs. LaPort Barrett.
Volume LVI, #49, Thursday, December 4, 1919
(Burlington News) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward are spending part of their honeymoon in Burlington.
(East Troy News) Miss Miriam Morse, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Morse of this place and George Nelson McClure of Troy were married Wednesday, Nov. 26, by the Rev. J. VanKirk Wells of Mansfield. Miss Morse attended the teachers’ school at Mansfield and was a successful teacher. Mr. McClure is an employe of Harry S. Mitchell in the Delco-Light department. After a short wedding trip they will make their home for the present with the bride’s parents.
(Local News) Mr. Elmer Judson Kennedy of Springfield and Miss Lucena E. Rockwell of West Burlington were married Tuesday afternoon of this week at the First Methodist parsonage by the Rev. George M. Whiting.
(Local News) Mrs. Eva McCulley, 48, and Mr. Francis McNeal, 78, a veteran of the civil war, were married last Sunday afternoon at his home by Justice of the Peace M. T. Haxton. Mr. McNeal’s grandson is the husband of the bride’s daughter. By this union, therefore, Mr. McNeal becomes his grandson’s step father-in-law, and his bride becomes her daughters, step grandmother-in-law. Bride and groom were given a noisy horning on Monday night and the groom responded with “smokes” for the crowd.
Volume LVI, #50, Thursday, December 11, 1919
Franklin A. Langford and Mrs. Carrie Elizabeth Moyer,
were united in marriage at Towanda at the home of the bride’s cousin, R.
E. Lewis, 40 Watts street, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock by the Rev.
F. L. Cretser, of the Burlington M. E. Church in the presence of the immediate
friends. The couple were unattended. The bride wore a gown
of blue messeline with lace trimmings. Mr. Langford is a respected
and prosperous farmer of Burlington township, and Mrs. Moyer an estimable
lady of Barton, N.Y.
Volume LVI, #51, Thursday, December 18, 1919
Granville Girl Holiday Bride of Cantonian.
Miss Bertha H. Dreste, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Dreste and James A. Davison of Canton were married at the home of the bride’s
parents in Granville, Wednesday afternoon in the presence of about 40 guests.
The ceremony was performed by the Rev. G. W. S. Wenrick of Canton.
After a short wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Davison will reside on a farm
near Canton, where the former is engaged in farming and dairying.
The groom is a son of Postmaster and Mrs. R. J. Davison of Canton.
(Tioga County News) William VanNess and Mrs. Belle Littley were married at the bride’s home in Mansfield.
Volume LVI, #52, Thursday, December 25, 1919
(Local News) Miss Jennie B. Berry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pleatus
Berry and Mr. Frank C. Gates of Columbia Cross Roads, were married at the
home of the bride’s parents in Berrytown on Tuesday evening at 6 o’clock.
They were unattended. The ceremony was performed by the bride’s pastor,
Rev. J. S. French. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gates.
Following a wedding trip to Buffalo and Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Gates
will reside on a farm near Columbia Cross Roads.