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Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette
Register 1901 - Yesterday's News |
These clippings from ancient
and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are
being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily
we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage
and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles
that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations
at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from
the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings. Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here. If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Partitioned PICO Search Engine which you can reach from current What's New Page of the site. There is a partition just for the TGR Clippings. |
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Twentieth Year, #964, January 2, 1901
On Wednesday, December26, 1900, about fifty guests assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Dickerson, at Milan, Pa., to witness the marriage of their niece, Miss Ellen E. Hosley, a well known teacher of Bradford County, to Mr. George M. Eshelman of Shiremanstown, Pa. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. J. Rosengrant, of Towanda, Pa. Miss Tilla Morse of Leroy, acted as bridesmaid and Mr. Miles Bunyan, of Bunyan Hill as best man.
At the appointed time Mr. Eshelman and Mr. Bunyan, followed by Miss and Mr. Bunyan, followed by Miss Hosley and Miss Morse, entered the room and took their places beneath an arch of evergreens, for which potted plants and artistically festooned vines formed the background, while Lohengrin’s Wedding March was beautifully rendered by Miss Amy Kelley of Leroy. Miss Hosley was becomingly attired in navy blue silk trimmed in white. Miss Morse was dressed in a tasteful gown of cram trimmed in white. Both carried white carnations.
After the ceremony all repaired to the dining room, where a tempting wedding dinner was spread. Mr. and Mrs. Eshelman received many useful and beautiful gifts as tokens of the esteem in which they are held by their numerous friends.
Among the guests from out of town were the bride’s father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram W. Hosley and their two sons of Mansfield, Pa.; also her grandfather and grandmother, Mr. and Mrs. Addison Grace of Macedonia; Mrs. Kelly, Mr. George Bailey and Miss Dimmie Morse of Leroy; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teeter, of Austinville; Mrs. Helen Bailey and little daughters, of Wellsburg, N.Y.; C. G. Grace and wife, A. W. Grace and wife, and N. S. Hosley and wife of Springfield, Pa. The rest of the company were from Milan, Athens and vicinity.
The happy pair left on the 8 p.m. train for Rochester, N.Y., where the bride’s sister, Mrs. Grace Pruynes, resides. A large crowd gathered at the depot to express their good wishes both verbally and by the showers of rice with which they were deluged.
After a visit to Mansfield; Mr. and Mrs. Eshelman will go to Harrisburg, where they expect to reside, Mr. Eshelman being a telegraph operator in that city.
(Local News) On December 18th, Guy Gustin and Miss Rhoda Spencer, both of Burlington, were united in marriage at the M. E. parsonage at Waverly, by Rev. J. W. Nicholson.
(Local News) Grant Culp of Springfield and Miss Ella Duruz of Gillett, were married at the Norwood hotel, Waverly, by Rev. J. W. Nicholson of that place.
Nineteenth Year, #965, Wednesday, January 9, 1901
(Local News) Invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Julia E. Besley, daughter of Mr. O. B. Besley of Columbia, to Mr. James Thrall of Sylvania, January 23rd.
(Local News) Married, In Canton township, January 14th, 1901, by Rev. W. H. Porter, Thomas C. Ayres of Canton and Mrs. Sarah L. Gillett of Kane, Pa.
Twentieth Year, #967, Wednesday, January 23, 1901
(Local News) John B. Nolan and Miss Anna Gilmore were married at Waverly Saturday evening January 12th, by Justice Hoagland, at his residence.
(Local News) At the home of O. B. Besley in Columbia X Roads on Tuesday evening, January 22, occurred the marriage of his daughter, Miss Julia E., to James Thrall of Sylvania. Both are much respected young people and well known in this place.
Twentieth Year, #968, Wednesday, January 30, 1901
Pretty Home Wedding. Unites a Columbia Young Lady to James E. Thrall, of Sylvania.
Miss Julia E. Besley, daughter of Mr. O. B. Besley of Columbia, was married to James E. Thrall of Sylvania, Pa., on Wednesday evening, January 23rd, at the home of the bride’s father. The house was pretily decorated for the occasion with evergreens and potted plants, and beneath an evergreen arch in the parlor the wedding ceremony took place.
The officiating clergyman was Rev. A. G. Cameron of Sylvania, pastor of both bride and groom. The wedding march was beautifully rendered by Miss Cecile Gladding of Altus.
Mr. Harry L. Johnston of Pittsburg, a warm friend of the bridegroom was best man, and Miss Mae Besley, sister of the bride was maid of honor. The bride wore a beautiful gown of white organdy trimmed with lace and carried a bible bound in white. The maid of honor was also handsomely gowned in white and carried a bouquet of white carnations.
After the ceremony the company immediately sat down to an elegant wedding supper served in excellent style. After the supper until train time the young couple received many congratulations and hearty good wishes for their prosperity, and they departed for a wedding trip amid the traditional shower of rice.
Guests were present from Elmira, Breesport, Troy, Columbia X. Roads, Austinville, and Sylvania.
The gifts of love and esteem were numerous and beautiful, including money, silver, cut glass, furniture, handsome bric-a-brac, and many other articles of use and beauty.
Twentieth Year, #969, Wednesday, February 6, 1901
(Local News) Ezra Sargeant and Winifred Harkness of this place were married in Elmira last Thursday.
(Local News) Jno. VanBuskirk and Jennie Rathbun, of Granville, were united in marriage Sunday evening, January 27th, at the parsonage, by Rev. Morgan E. Genge.
Twentieth Year, #970, Wednesday, February 13, 1901
(Local News) James Furman of Chemung, N. Y., and Mrs. Julia Hibbard of Troy, were married at Sylvania Tuesday evening by Rev. A. G. Cameron. They will reside in Chemung.
Twentieth Year, #974, Wednesday, March 13, 1901
A very pretty, quiet wedding took place on March 7th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Cease in Armenia, when their youngest daughter, Miss Lucy Mae was united in marriage to Delos E. Kiff of Troy.
The ceremony, which was performed by Rev. L. O. Newcomer of Canton, was witnessed by about thirty-five relatives and friends.
The bride was attired in white satin with white chiffon and pearl trimmings and carried pink carnations. She was attended by Miss Alice L. Rickon of Waterloo, N.Y., the groom by Floyd E. Hooker of Troy. After the ceremony the wedding party passed into the dining room and partook of a bountiful repast.
The presents, which were numerous and costly included many articles of silver, china and bric-a-brac, and showed the high esteem in which the young couple are held.
After a brief bridal tour among relatives and friends in Waterloo, N.Y., they will make their future home in Troy.
(Local News) N. W. McClelland and Mrs. Lena Riley were married in Elmira, Tuesday, March 12, by Rev. F. W. Reynolds.
(Local News) Miss Myra A. Bensons and James Rockwell, both of Troy, were married on Friday at Elmira by Rev. David Keppel
Twentieth Year, #975, Wednesday, March 20, 1901
Youthful Pair Wed.
Myrtle Ault of Montoursville, a girl of 16 years, was married Tuesday at Elmira, to Harry Peppinger, who gave his residence as Warren, Pa. The very youthful appearance of the couple dissuaded the minister, to whom they applied, from marrying them but upon the assurance of the pair that their parents had consented to their marriage, the minister performed the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Frank Ault.
The couple came to Williamsport early yesterday morning and boarded the Northern Central train for Elmira. The Advertiser, of that city, tells the story of their marriage as follows:
Miss Myrtle Ault of Montoursville, Pa., was wedded to Harry Peppinger at 6 o’clock last evening by the Rev. Dr. David Keppel. The couple arrived in the city yesterday morning, and after strolling about the streets for a time they set out to find some one to marry them. It is said that they decided to have an alderman perform the ceremony but later changed their minds and upon the advice of a friend visited Dr. Keppel at the Methodist parsonage on Baldwin street. The bride wore a blue dress and both she and the groom said they were over 18 years of age, though they looked very young. After performing the ceremony Dr. Keppel first noticed the couple’s apparent youthfulness. He questioned them closely and was informed that the parents of the young people had consented to the marriage previous to their departure from home. The groom said that he resided in Warren, Pa., and that he was a lumberman by occupation. The young people announced their intention of returning to their homes last evening at 10:35 o’clock over the Northern Central railroad. –Williamsport Sun.
(Sylvania News) Louis L. Alexander, a member of the firm of Alexander & Sixbee, was married on Thursday last to Miss Edith L. Sherman of Armenia.
Twentieth Year, #976, Wednesday, March 27, 1901
An Aged Couple. Celebrated the Sixty-fifth Anniversary of Their Marriage. A Sketch of Their Lives.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cheney gave a reception to invited friends at their home on Wednesday afternoon and evening, March 13th, to celebrate the 65th anniversary of their marriage.
The company gathered during the appointed hours, pleasantly entertained, and enjoying a social time amid the hospitalities extended by the aged couple. The host and hostess were the recipients of a gratifying sum of money subscribed by the guests as a token of remembrance.
Mr. and Mrs. Cheney are Troy’s oldest married couple, coming to Troy in the early part of January, 1839, from Sherbourne, Chenango Co., N.Y., and were united in marriage at Hartwick, Otsego Co., N.Y., on March 13th, 1836. In September, 1844, they cleared the land and began the building of their home at its present location on Paine’s Hill, and were the second family to erect a house on the hill, which was at that time a wilderness, covered with woods, and wild game abounded at their doorside.
Mr. Cheney came from a family of eight children. In his younger days he was a keen sportsman, and before his removal to Troy, often made expeditions with the Indians in Otsego County and was gone days at a time with them on their hunting trips. He is a cousin of the famous William Shipman, the original Leather Stocking of Cooperstown, whose roving life is vividly portrayed in James Fenimore Cooper’s Leather Stocking Tales. It is thought that Mr. Cheney is the only man living here who settled in Troy at the time he came here.
Mrs. Cheney comes from a sturdy race of a family of fourteen children, the earliest death of these children occuring at an age of 48 years, two of whom are still living. Her father was a training master in the war of 1812. In spite of her old age she is active, attending small duties about her home, and possessing a clear and conversant mind.
Mr. Cheney has followed the occupation of a tailor during his life, and though somewhat feeble, walks back and forth to his place of business daily. And is regular attendant at the services of his church. His shop was first situated in the old O. P. Ballard block on Main street, later in Mitchell’s block across the street, where at both places he was burnt out. He next located in rooms over the present site of the post-office, afterwards on Canton street near Joralemon’s market, and later in his present location on Main street.
Mr. and Mrs. Cheney have been active members of the M. E. Church, enjoying the high esteem of their many friends, who congratulate them on their goodly allowance of years in happy union and wish them longer years to come.
Marriage Licenses issued.
Archie E. Packard and Eva Becker, both of Alba;; Martin S. Prentiss and Mrs. Eleanora Buck, both of LeRaysville; Joseph B. Billings and Harriet V. Bush, of Pike twp.; Fred Erb of Dushore and Jennie E. Wilcox of East Canton; Wilson Camp of Barclay and Minnie May Howard of Monroeton; George Wurtenburg and Mrs. Eliza Ridgeway, both of Wysox; William H. Phinney and Jennie A. Devoe, both of Monroeton; Fred L. Brown and Mary a Warriner, both of Powell; John D. Woodward of Union, Tioga county, and Flora B. Greenough of Granville. –Reporter-Journal.
Twentieth Year, #977, Wednesday, April 3, 1901
(Local News) Chas. H. Smith and Delia G. Carroll, both of Penn Yan, were married by Rev. Ward Mosher Tuesday afternoon at the M. E. parsonage.
(Local News) Mr. Ernest H. Joralemon and Miss Lena R. McDowell, both of this place, were united in marriage Tuesday evening at the M. E. parsonage by Rev. Ward Mosher. The bride is a daughter of Myron B. McDowell.
Twentieth Year, #978, Wednesday, April 10, 1901
(Local News) James McCleane of Coryland and Miss Mary Andrus of Austinville were married last Christmas and the event has just leaked out.
Twentieth Year, #980, Wednesday, April 24, 1901
At the home of the bride’s parents at one o’clock, on Saturday, April 20th, the 28th anniversary of her mother’s marriage, Alice Augusta Cole of East Troy and Ardell Edwin Packard of Alba were united in marriage by Rev. Merritt A. Soper.
The invited guests number 125. The bridal party was ushered in by two flower girls, a sister and cousin of the bride. Behind these toddled a wee four-year-old niece of the groom carrying a silver tray on which laid the wedding ring. Next came the groom and his best man. The bride, attended by her miad, Miss Nettie Brooks of Elmira, came in leaning on her father’s arm. She was very becomingly dressed in white silk mull and wore white and red roses. The party took their places under an arch of evergreen. The ceremony was artistically arranged and perfectly executed, a chief feature being a novel and pretty ring ceremony. Lohengrin’s wedding march was executed during the whole time by Mrs. M. A. Soper.
When Mr. and Mrs. Packard were introduced a rush of congratulations followed, the family of the bride having the place of honor. The customary formality was much enlivened by the brilliant witticisms of her brother and others. The wedding dinner was handsomely served and thoroughly enjoyed. Many are they who join us in wishing them a life of happiness and prosperity.
(Local News) Married, in Elmira, Wednesday, April 10th, by Rev. C. H. Campbell, Lant Coon, of Canton, and Miss Edna Scott of Armenia.
(Local News) Married, at the home of Chas. Shaw, Austinville, Pa., Thursday, April 18th, Emma Shaw of Elmira, and George A. Parcell of Wilawana, Pa., by Rev. Amanda Deyo.
Wedding at East Troy.
Married, on Wednesday, April 10th, at the home of the bride’s parents in East Troy, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Parks, H. Wilson Fields and Lettie U. Parks, at 6 o’clock, p.m., by the Rev. I. B. Hyde of VanEtten, N.Y.
The bride wore a brown cloth suit trimmed with brown and white silk. After the ceremony the guests were invited to the dining room where an elaborate supper was served by Mrs. Laura Baxter and Miss Effie VanHorn.
The bride received many useful and elegant presents, consisting of silverware, paintings and china. They took the 9 o’clock train for a short wedding trip, after which they will make their home in that place, where Mr. Fields conducts a general store.
(Local News) Wm. Thayer of Charlottsville, Va., and Miss Ella Bradford of Sylvania, were married at the Baptist parsonage in Elmira Saturday, April 20th by Rev. Dr. Henry.
(Local News) George S. Gardner and Alice M. Bolt, both of Mainesburg, were married Thursday, April 18th, by Rev. Ward Mosher, at the home of the groom’s sister, Mrs. Harry Bacon on Elmira street. [SRGP 33087 & 33085]
Twentieth Year, #981, Wednesday, May 1, 1901
(Local News) Married, April 16th, 1901, at the Harrison House, Lindley, N. Y., by Rev. Lyman F. Mulhollen, Mr. Osmer Watkins of Mansfield, Pa., and Miss Maude Leonard of Covert, Pa. [SRGP 8343 & 35771]
Twentieth Year, #982, Wednesday, May 8, 1901
John McNamara of South Waverly and Miss Rose White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick White of East Smithfield were married in St. James church in Waverly, Wednesday morning of last week by the Rev. F. J. Naughten. Miss Mary Mack was bridesmaid and Vaughan Farr officiated as best man.
A very quite wedding was solemnized Thursday morning, May 2nd, 1901, at the home of the bride’s parents, when Miss Lillian, only daughter of Charles E. Armstrong, was united in marriage to Anson W. Preston of Nelson, Pa.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. Hallock Armstrong, grandfather of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Preston left on the 9 o’clock train for New York city, Philadelphia and points in New Jersey.
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses have been issued by the Clerk of the Orphans’ Court during the week ending May 1, 1901:
B. F. Goodenough, Towanda, and Nellie H. Crowell, Burlington.
Hollister Strope, Burlington, and Frankie Belle Straight, Columbia.
Frank O. Holley, Cortland, Ny., and Anna L. Decker, Troy.
Twentieth Year, #983, Wednesday, May 15, 1901
(Local News) Miss Annie Decker of Troy and Frank O. Holley of Cortland, N. Y., are to be married this, Wednesday evening at the home of the bride, by Rev. W. I. Burrell of Sylvania.
(Local News) William C. Pebbles, editor of the Elmira Gazette, was united in marriage with Margaret Weed at the home of the bride’s parents, Montour Falls, May 2nd.
(Leroy News) Luther Bellows, an old resident of West LeRoy, died on Monday of last week. Funeral services were held Wednesday.
(Local News) Married –At the residence of the bride’s parents in East Canton, May 8, Miss Evangeline Loomis and Dayton L. Phinney, by Rev. Harry Allen.
(Alba News) Mattie Lockwood and Orin Fletcher were married Sunday, May 5th, at East Canton.
Twentieth Year, #990, Thursday, June 13, 1901
(Local News) A marriage license has been issued to John L. Stafford of Windham township, Wayne County, and Mary Gilfoyle of Burlington.
Twentieth Year, #991, Thursday, June 20, 1901
(Sylvania News) Invitations are out for the wedding of Miss Sarah Alice Strait to Floyd I. Bradford, Wednesday, June 26th.
Twentieth Year, #992, Thursday, June 27, 1901
Herman H. Griswold, Esq., and Miss Mary Blakesley of Athens, were married this evening at the home of the bride’s mother. The bride is a sister of Mrs. J. W. Hall of this place.
Misses Gertrude Campbell of Wellsboro and sister Leah of East Charleston, Pa., visited their father, G. A. Campbell this week, returning this morning.
Twentieth Year, #993, Thursday, July 4, 1901
Wedding at Elmira.
Miss Margaret Quinlan of this city, and James P. Nugent of Hornellsville, were married in St. Peter and Paul’s church last Wednesday noon, June 26th. Miss Mary Quinlan, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, and John Maddagan acted as best man. The bride was attired in mousseline de sole and carried a bouquet of white sweet peas, and the bridesmaid wore white organdie and carried a bouquet of pink sweet peas. Father Long performed the ceremony. Simon Foran and Joseph Schumecker acted as ushers. The happy couple left on the monitor for a trip to the Pan-American. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Nugent will reside at Hornellsville.-Elmira Telegram.
The bride is a sister of Mrs. J. F. Costello of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Costello attended.
(Athens Evening News)
The marriage of Herman H. Griswold and Miss Mary Nichols Blaksley, the youngest daughter of Mrs. M. U. Blaksley, celebrated at the home of the bride on Main street, June 27, was one of the prettiest and charming of home weddings. The marriage of these two prominent young people was made a most happy occasion.
About thirty relatives and a few intimate friends assembled at eight o’clock and witnessed the ceremony as performed by the Rev. C. A. Benjamin of the Methodist Church.
While Miss Lillian Blackwell of Towanda was singing "The Rosary," the bridal couple entered the pack parlor and took their place beneath and within a handsome bower of roses and ribbons. The bride was attended by her two nieces, Evelyn and Lillian Hall of Troy. The little flower girls were prettily dressed in white and carried large bunches of daisies. The responsive ring ceremony was charming in its simplicity.
After congratulations and best wishes were bestowed upon the bride and groom an excellent course wedding supper was served at which young ladies, formerly the bride’s pupils in the school, waited upon the guests.
Late in the evening the Athens Mandolin club serenaded the bridal party and rendered a number of delightful selections.
Mr. and Mrs. Griswold left the following night for a week’s wedding trip in central New York State, after which they will make their residence in this place. Mr. Griswold has been a practicing attorney in this place for the past four years and is recognized as one of the progressive young lawyers of the county bar, as well as being prominent in Masonic and social circles. He is a Dickinson college man, and was formerly connected with the First National Bank of Canton, his home town, in similar capacity to that in which he is now engaged in the Farmers’ National Bank of this place.
Mrs. Griswold is a graduate of the Mansfield State Normal school and has been an efficient and capable teacher for the last four years, the last two years being in the schools in this place. During her residence in this place and Sayre she has won to herself a host of friends and acquaintances by her capabilities and winning ways. The couple enter upon married life with the best wishes of all who know them.
The out of town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. H. Griswold, parents of the groom, and sons Scott and Harry, of Canton, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ross of Caro, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hall daughters Evelyn and Lillian, of Troy, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Merton Griswold and Ray Griswold of New York; Mrs. Clark, of Newfield, N. Y.; Miss Lillian Blackwell of Towanda; Miss Dora Helen Moody of Mansfield.
Twentieth Year, #994, Thursday, July 11, 1901
At Towanda, Wednesday, July 3rd, by Dr. E. J. Rosengrant, Louis A. Harrington and Lettie M. Perry, both of West Burlington; also George E. Luther of Luther’s Mills, and Alice Ellis of Uhdey.
At Elmira, July 1st, Avery Pruden of that place, and Ruby Clark of Windfall.
Married in Elmira, July 7th, 1901, by Rev. J. H. Gordinier, at the home of the bride’s parents, Everitt W. Rising and Lucy Elaine Lilley, daughter of Chas. F. Lilley of Elmira.
Twentieth Year, #967 (as is) Thursday, August 1, 1901
Marriage license has been issued to Jesse L. McKean and Minnie Adelia (Decker) Coon, both of Granville.
Twentieth Year, #972, Thursday, September 5, 1901
(Coryland News) Jane Ayres Slocum of Elmira and Dr. William Coleman Armstrong of Red Bank, N.Y., second son of Rev. Hallock Armstrong, all formerly of this place, will be united in marriage at Park church, Elmira, today, Sept. 4th. Their many friends from this place extend congratulations.
Married, in Troy by Rev. T. Mitchell, Sept. 4th, Miss Orpha Allen of Berrytown to Jesse L. Miller of Bentley Creek.
Twentieth Year, #976, Thursday, October 3, 1901
A Pretty Home Wedding.
On Wednesday at 6 o’clock, p.m., October 2nd, occurred the wedding of Clay W. Harkness of Springfield, and Gertrude M. Campbell, of Troy, at the home of the bride’s Father, G. A. Campbell, in their Quiet nook at the end of the road around the ravine. Rev. Philander Reynolds of the Springfield Baptist church officiated.
The home was converted into a bower of beauty by skilled and artistic management of a profusion of flowers of the season, and unusually beautiful, and the happy mingling of autumns glorious colorings. The color scheme in the parlor, where the solemn yet beautiful wedding rites were performed, was green and white. The dining room, pink, where the covers were laid for twelve persons, comprising the bridal party.
Miss Lucia Drake of Elmira played the wedding march, and to the strains of Mendellshon’s grand march, the happy couple advanced to the parlor. The bride wore a dainty, appropriate gown of white organdie, and carried a shower boquet of pink roses and asparagus. They were the recipients of many useful and ornamental gifts, silver, china, linen, etc,, besides a check for a generous sum of money from Dighton Brace, grandfather of the groom.
The guest were Elmer Dexter, Lucin B. Drake, William F. Davey, Geraldine Davey of Elmira; Pearl Fisher of Lykens, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Dighton Brace, E. D. Harkness, Blanche Harkness, Neva Harkness, Mrs. Eliza Harkness, Adelaide B. Furman, Howard Furman, Abbie Brown, Miss S. A. Bentley and J. M. Bailey of Springfield; Mrs. G. W. Warner and Miss Jennie Warner, East Troy; Orrin Warner, N. D. Reynols and Leah Campbell.
Married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. Y. Bailey of Leona, Ada, To David Kerr of Trinket, October 3rd.
Marriage licenses have been issued to Ellis Meeker of Burlington and Susanna Brong of Evans Falls, Pa.; Sherman Isabell of North Towanda and Jane Barrett of Burlington; D. R. Warren, Granville Centre and Maud Ellis, LeRoy.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brown of Cedar Ledge, have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Fannie Frazer, and Lynn G. Thomas, on Wednesday evening, October 9th.
Twentieth Year, #977, Thursday, October 10, 1901
A Pretty Autumnal Wedding.
A PRETTY AUTUMNAL WEDDING OCCURRED AT THE HOME OF Mr. and Mrs. Z. Y. Bailey in Leona on Tuesday of last week, when their only daughter, Ada C., was led to the altar by Mr. David Kier, a worthy and prosperous young man of that place.
The wedding took place at high noon. The bride looked very pretty in a tasty gown of white organdie, while the groom wore the conventional black. The house was prettily decorated with the flowers of the season.
After the ceremony a fine wedding breakfast was served under the surveilance of Mrs. Bailey, who was ably assisted by her friends, Mrs. Albert Parke of Troy and Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell of Leona. The ceremony was performed by the bride’s pastor, Rev. U. S. Hall of Leona.
Mr. and Mrs. Keir will be home after November 1st at their home in Leona.
Miss Anna Laura Ballard and E. J. Kelley were married Sunday afternoon, October 6th, at the home of Mrs. Mary L. Johnson, No. 315 William street, Elmira. Miss Emma Hager was bridesmaid and Olin Bumpus of Ithaca, groomsman. Rev. W. T. Henry performed the ceremony while the bridal party stood under a beautiful canopy of white clementis. Prof. Bennett presided at the piano. The bride’s gown was of tan colored cloth with lavender silk trimmings. She carried a bunch of roses and other flowers, which were afterwards divided into as many small boquets as there were guests. An elegant supper was served to the guests, among whom were: Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Keenan, Mr. and Mrs. Delos Rockwell, Randolph Hill and Miss Hill, Mr. and Mrs. William Blackwell, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Cornell, Olin Bumpus, Clara Brown, Miss Jennie Wanamaker, Miss Belle Meade, Sherman Hill of Elmira and Mrs. E. J. Rockwell of West Burlington. The bride is the second oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Ballard, formerly of West Burlington, and the groom is one of Elmira’s young business men, a senior member of the firm of Kelley & Whitney, Extract manufacturing company.
Fiftieth Anniversary.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Close at Fairview, West Burlington township, was the scene of a festive gathering Tuesday afternoon, October 1st. The occasion was the celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Close’s fiftieth wedding anniversary.
The six children of Mr. and Mrs. Close were present with their families: Mrs. Mary Sayles of Troy; Mrs. Sarah Greeno of East Troy; Milton Close of Canton; Mrs. George Lee of Granville; Charles Close of Athens, and Miss Sibyl Close who lives at. home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thorpr, Mrs. Leola Smith and little daughter Ruth and Mrs. Fred Thorpe, relatives from Auburn, N.Y., were present.
Twentieth Year, #978, Thursday, October 17, 1901
A Mob at Burlington.
Saturday, October 4th, a tough looking mob of men, women and children suddenly swooped down upon the farm house of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Rubert in South Burlington, and, as the family were entirely unprepared they were quickly made prisoners.
The "mob" turned out to be a part of their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren who had come to help them celebrate their fifty-ninth wedding anniversary. Fifty-nine years is a long time for a couple to live together, but it has been said of them that "their first quarrel is yet to come" and the writer has reason to believe that is strictly true.
"Twas fifty-nine years ago today,
Fifty-nine years ago,
A man and a maid were united for life,
Wedded for weal or woe.
But many changes they have seen-
His hair is white as snow,
Her face is furrowed by time and care
Since fifty-nine years ago.
Six prattling boys, six little maids,
Twelve children to them were given.
Nine are still upon the earth,
And three are now in heaven.
Martha, Ida, Rose and Carrie,
Laura, Effie, Bruce and Joe,
Oscar, Frank, Charles and Aden,
Since fifty-nine years ago.
Father had to clear the forest
Before he could sow the seed,
And gather in the harvest
Twelve little mouths to feed
Mother spun the wool and linen,
And her shuttle went to and fro
To weave the cloth for coats and dresses,
Since fifty-nine years ago.
Oscar gave his life for freedom,
In a soldiers’s grave he lies;
Frank and Laura too were wafted
Far beyond the deep blue skies.
Others left the scenes of childhood,
Their own joys and cares to know,
Forty-nine is now their number,
Since fifty-nine years ago.
Once again we meet together,
Our fond parent’s hearts to cheer.
God alone can know the future,
Shall we meet another year?
Let us do our best to cheer them
While they’re with us here below,
Love them for their care and kindness
Since fifty-nine years ago.
One Uv "Em.
Married, in Valparaiso, Ind., October 1st, 1901, by Rev. M. H. Appleby, Mr. Charles Haskell and Miss Ida Mae Knapp.
Mrs. Haskell was formerly of East Smithfield, Pa., and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey W. Knapp of that place. She has many relatives In Troy, Columbia and Sylvania. Mr. Haskell is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. James Haskell of Haskells Sta., Ind., and is one of the most prominent farmers in the county.
Twentieth Year, #979, Thursday, October 24, 1901
The following marriage licenses have been issued:
John D. McKean, West Burlington, and Nette Whiffle, LeRoy.
C. M. Rundell, West Burlington, and Mary L. Whipple, LeRoy.
Harry L. Johnson, Elmira, and Edith A. McCraney, LeRoy.
Twenty-first Year, #983, Thursday, November 28, 1901
Marriage licenses were recently issued to the following: Charley H. Smith of Armenia township and Jennie Rumsey of Mainesburg; John B. Loomis of LeRoy and Cora Webb of Troy.
Sherman-Flick-At the First Baptist parsonage, Elmira, by Rev. W. T. Henry D. D., Grace M. Sherman to Willis E. Flick, both of Troy.
Twenty-first Year, #984, Thursday, December 5, 1901
Miss Minta Relvea of Wells and E. Hagar of Fassett, in Elmira Wednesday, November 18th, The groom is recently of Sylvania.
Wednesday evening, November 27th, at the home of E. H. Crayton in Sayre, Arthur W. Allyn of Springfield township, and Lillian Piatt of West Burlington.
In Coudersport, Pa., Nov. 12, 1901, by Rev. Father McChery, Robert A. Ballard, Sr., of Lawrenceville, Pa., and Miss Anna Maher, of Corning, N. Y.
Mr. Ballard is an old resident of Troy township.
Twenty-first year, #985, Thursday, December 12, 1901
Invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Margaret Frances Ferris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Floyd Ferris of Grand Rapids, Mich., to Mr. Edward Martin Kindle of that city, to take place December 31st. Miss Ferris with her mother, Mrs. Ruby Ferris, visited friends and relatives in Troy and vicinity last summer.
Marriage Anniversary at Altus.
Friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fraley, to the number of forty, took peaceful possession of their home near Altus Saturday evening, December 7th, the occasion being the 20th anniversary of their marriage.
Marriage license has been issued to Milton S. Brown and Grace B. Hall of Troy.
At. Elmira, Wednesday evening, Dec. 11th, by Rev. C. C. Crawford, pastor of the First Church of Christ, Fred P. Hosley and Miss Alice Williams, both of East Troy.
At. Windfall, Wednesday, Nov. 27th by Rev. H. E. Mansfield, Lloyd Clark and Miss Mamie Johns of Pisgah.
At Windfall, Saturday, Nov. 30th, by Rev. G. A. Briggs of Canton, Gerdon Porter and Miss Daisy Clayson at Windfall.
At No. 452 South avenue, Elmira, December 4th by Rev. Francis Sherer, Miss Marie Kitz to Edward Weight, both of Troy.
Twenty-first Year, #986, Thursday, December 19, 1901
Arthur Streeter of Mountain Lake and Miss Julia Barnes were married at 8 o’clock Saturday evening at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Barnes, First street, Athens, by the Rev. I. W. Bingham, pastor of the Baptist church of Sayre. They will reside at Mountain Lake.
Henry J. Kenyon of Leonardsville, N.Y., formerly of Granville, to Miss Evelyn Searles at the above place, Wednesday, Dec. 4th.
(Local News) Invitations are out for the marriage of John M. Saxton, one of Granville’s popular sons, to Marie Almira Hinckley, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harman Hinckley, Williamsport, Pa., Thursday evening, Dec. 26th. They will be at home after Jan. 10th, at the Ward House, Towanda.
Twenty-first Year, #987, Thursday, December 26, 1901
Troy Creameryman Weds.
On Thursday of last week occurred the marriage of Milton S. Brown, the popular butter-maker at the Troy Creamery, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Brown of Columbia X Roads, and Grace Belle Hall, both of Troy, at the home of the bride'’ parents in Austinville, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Hall.
The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Huff of Austinville, and the wedding march was played by Miss Lillian Wright of Austinville. Arthur Brown, brother of the groom, and Miss Mae Garrison, both of Williamsport, accompanied the bride and groom to the altar.
Those present at the pleasant occuasion were Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Brown of Columbia Cross Roads, Mrs. Will Grant, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brown, Floyd Cleveland, Mrs. J. R. Brown, and Miss Adah Brown of Elmira; Misses Lilian Wright and Louie Eaton, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Dorcester Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moore and John Johnson of Austinville; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dunbar and Miss Lucy Schuman of Troy.
Gird Bastian and Amelia Rose of Mainesburg, at Mansfield Thursday, December 12th.
Walter Bailey and Miss Emma Thorp of Roseville, recently.
Milton S. Brown and Grace Belle Hall of Troy, at Austinville, Thursday December 19th.
Wm. E. Ward, formerly of Troy, to Miss Sarah E. McCarthy at Cleveland, Ohio, December 25th.
Miss Nellie Porter and Glenn Stevens both of Windfall, December 25th.
Miss Estella Smith and Elroy J. Reese of Troy at Montour Falls, December 24th, by Rev. W. F. Slocum of the Baptist church.
Marriage licenses have been issued to Walter D. Taylor, Troy, and Carnie E. Saxton, Wells; McKean Bentley and Mayme Saxton of Granville. Harry E. Bates, Troy, and Marian Tillotson, Canton; Geo. Henry Monro, Sylvania and Grace Lillian Smith, Sullivan; Benj. P. Walborn, Granville Centre, and Gertrude E. Benjamin, Athens.