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Tri County Clippings - Troy Register 1900 |
These clippings from ancient
and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are
being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily
we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage
and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles
that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations
at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from
the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services
The TR and its successor, TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings. Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here. If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Partitioned PICO Search Engine which you can reach from current What's New Page of the site. There is a partition just for the TGR Clippings. |
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The Troy Register
Troy, Bradford County, PA
Nineteenth Year, #943, Wednesday, August 1, 1900
Ruggles Reunion.
The friends and relative of the family of John Ruggles held a very pleasant gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rundell at Canton, July 20.
Among grandmothers, uncles, aunts, cousins, grandchildren and great grandchildren present from far and near were the following: Mrs. Solomon Morse of East Troy, mother of Mrs. Chas. Rundell of Canton: Frank Morse of E. Troy and Mrs. W. W. Cole of Alba; Miss Edna Cole, Glen Cole, Lavantia and Vavernia Cole (twins), Mr. and Mrs. Esmond Cole of Canton; Mrs. Herbert Simpkins of Michigan, Mrs. Emma Adamy, Miss Edith Adamy and accomplished violinist, and Mrs. A. D. Gritman of Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. N. Kerrick, Stanley E. Kerrick of Troy; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rundell of Canton; Mr. Wilmot Rundell, valient soldier and musician in the U.S. Army, now on his way to China; Mr. Frank Morse, Alba; Miss Marice Rundell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rundell of Canton. Friends: Howard Bullock, known as an up-to-date musician not only and instrumental performer but vocal as well. A gentleman and lady friend from Toronto, Canada.
Slowly but surely the above mentioned came strolling up the little knowl from Canton road which leads to the pleasant and delightful home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rundell, perhaps better known as the "Mayflower," which name is certainly in the proper place for when we see in Spring, the Mayflower’s first appearance, we know there is life in that flower, and we know there is life in this beautiful home. Of course our relatives and friends would be on hand by noon to partake of what was sure to confront them, a well prepared dinner, not only did we have venison and Delaware turtle, but huckleberries, biscuit, last bot not least heaped dishes of ice cream, or two heaped if so desired by the hearty individual. People that know the family could tell you, if you should ask, that on such a delightful gathering as this, you would be sure to hear beautiful strains of music as nearly every one present was able to sing or play something, even to play the knife and for as one little member did. Miss Edith Adamy pleased us with several fine violin selections which were well mastered. The crowd could hardly keep their feet on the flow when Chas. Rundell took the well toned violin in hand, one member not feeling the least bit of embarassment, proved to the audience the famous two-step of ’58; had she had more room it is doubtful we would have reached our homes as early as we did. Scat my--, Singing? Yes, the most beautiful ever listened to by the audience, we owe the honor to Howard Bullock, Lavantia and Lavernia Cole, daughters of Mrs. W. W. Cole of Alba, so loved by all that know them. If I were to stop to mention all the details that happened, and are certainly worthy of mention, I would without doubt supply sensible and non-sensible literature enough to take the room in your library that Shakespeares works do. To sum it all up in a nut shell, such a delightful time we never had before, will not say will never have again, as we "Know each other better."
We thank Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rundell for the pains they took in making the entertainment a delightful one, greater hospitality was never shown. Again we thank them and also thank relatives present for their interest in the same.
Nineteenth Year, #948, Wednesday, September 5, 1900
LaMont Reunion.
The regular annual reunion of the descendants of John and Olive LaMont was held at the residence of Mrs. M. J. Spalding in Granville, Pa., on Saturday Sept. 1st, 1900. The day was warm and pleasant. The large porch in front of the house was beautifully decorated with evergreens bunting and flags. A large canopy covered with evergreens served as a shade for the long tables, which were soon heavily loaded with all that many or woman could eat, from crispy to sticky, from sour to sweet.
The friends began arriving about 10 a.m. and by noon a goodly number had assembled.
After a hearty had shaking and congratulations, pleasant chatting etc., for a time, dinner was announced, and to say that ample justice was done by the hungry crowd would be stating it mild.
After which the meeting was called to order by the President, D. A. LaMent. After singing and calling for the minutes of the last meeting, W. H. Shaw was called on for a speech. His remarks were well chosen and very interesting. Then the regular routine business was taken up. The following officers were chosen for ensuing year: H. P. Lament, President, Jobe Ballard, vice President; J. H. LaMent, Sec., Howard Cole, Treas. The following were made a committee of arrangements: J. B. LaMent, Mrs. Howard Cole, Mrs. Job Ballard, Mrs. D. A. LaMent, Mrs. V. M. LaMent, and Mrs. H. Mack LaMent.
Committee on music Mrs. E. W. McKean, Miss Elizabeth LaMent, Mrs. B. Allen, and Mrs. J. B. LaMent.
It was decided to hold the next meeting at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cole at East Troy on the last Saturday in Aug., 1901.
During the last year there has been one death, two marriages and four births to be recorded.
The following resolutions were offered and unanamously adopted:
Whereas death has entered our ranks since our last annual gathering and removed our aged sister, Mrs. Chas. LaMent who departed from this life on the 20th of July last, be it resolved while we mourn her loss we would humbly bow in submission to Him who doeth all things well.
Resolved that we tender our heart felt sympathy to the family and especially to the aged husband who is left behind.
They were faithful and loving companions for upwards of sixty years.
Be it further resolved, whereas our kinsman and friend, Geo F. LaMent of Chicago has labored so earnestly and untiringly for several years past to learn all that was possible of our early history and has furnished us with copies of his researches comprising nearly eight hundred names and dating back one hundred and fifty years, be it resolved that we tender him our sincere thanks.
Be it further resolved whereas, in looking over this family history and record we find that quite a large percent of the descendants of Cornelious Lamont are writing their names LaMont in place of LaMent which we have reason to believe to be correct. That we believe it be a duty, not only to our selves but generations to follow, that all the descendants of the one parent should write their names the same, therefore be it resolved: That we the descendants of John do endorse that way of spelling our names and in the future writ it LaMont.
Resolved, that these resolutions be published and copies be sent to all absent members of our family and also to as many of the descendents of other branches of the family as we have their addresses and request their co-operation in bring about a more uniform way of spelling our names.
The secretary was requested to procure a suitable book to be used as a record and attend to mailing to the papers etc.
A collection was taken to defray the expenses of same.
There was not as many present as was expected but a very fair representation. Among those from a distance were Mrs. Ann Rose of Iowa, W. H. Shaw and wife of Athens, H. M. LaMont, wife and son Milan, Miss Elizabeth LaMont of Towanda, C. T. Spalding and family, L. Toby and family, E. W. McKean and wife of Elmira.
After some choice instrumental music by Mrs. Edna McKean the ever popular hymn "God be with you till we meet again" was sung, then a general break for home, but not until three rousing cheers and a tigar was given for the hostess. All expressed themselves as having spent a very enjoyable day.
J. H. LaMont, Sec., Granville Centre, Pa.
Nineteenth Year, #949, Wednesday, September 12, 1900
The Rockwell Annual Reunion.
The above named families assembled August 30th, 1900, at Alparon Park, Troy, Pa. At an early hour they began to arrive, and after a pleasant chit-chat the tables were erected and spread with refreshments, then all did justice by unloading its burdens.
The day was unusually fine, and friends, numbering upwards to 100, were present to review and keep in memory the past, to encourage the continuation of the gatherings. Among the guests present from abroad were: Mrs. Emma Fogle, Port Allegany; Mrs. Hettie Bennett, Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Patterson, Athens; Mr. and Mrs. Gray of Gray’s Valley, Jacob and Homer Rockwell of Canton.
President S. A. Rockwell called the families to the grand stand, where he stated the object of the meeting, and , in a feeling and eloquent manner gave his opinion of the mutual benefits of such reunions, promoting friendship and fraternal feeling, as we journey down life’s pathway. Remarks from Fayette Gray were appreciated by all present. Letter of regret and a brief history of the families were sent by Eli Rockwell and read by President. Mr. Geo. Saxton, Clara Parsons, Hila Stanton and Eugene Stanton each recited with credit to themselves. Jacob Rockwell made some remarks. Some were absent never again to meet the dear ones on earth. It was resolved to meet next year the same time and place, the last Thursday in August. Amos Parsons, Sec.
Twentieth Year, #962, Wednesday, December 12, 1900
Packard Reunion.
On Thanksgiving Day, November 29th, 1900, there gathered at the pleasant and hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hager, near Sylvania, about thirty-five descendants of William and Dolly Packard, in seventh annual reunion.
The day, though rather disagreeable, brought out a goodly number who enjoyed themselves in social conversation until about one o’clock, when we were called to the dining room to partake of the sumptuous dinner which had been so carefully prepared by our genial hostess. We then repaired to the parlor where a short devotional service, which was followed by recitations by some of the younger members of the family.
The host then favored us with two well-rendered solos.
We noticed among our number Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cheney, Mrs. Cheney being the only surviving sister of Mrs. Dolly packard.
During the year, since last we met in reunion, there had occurred one death in the family, that of Mrs. F. S. Packard, at her home in Sylvania on June 19, 1900.
Nineteenth Year, #954, Wednesday, October 17, 1900
Twentieth Annual Reunion Held at Troy, Sept. 5th, 1900.
The 20th Annual Reunion, Troy Guards; assembled at the
Troy House in Troy the morning of Sept. 5th, 1900. The day was clear,
very warm and very dusty owing to the long drouth.
It was pleasant to witness the greetings of the Comrades and
heir families as they arrived, but it was supreme happiness to be one of
that number, and feel the thrill of the soul at meeting and clasping the
hands once more of those dear friends comrades. We were assembled
in a large parlor on the second floor where we spent the time in sweet
converse. Time flew all to swiftly.
At 1 p.m. we sat down to an excellent dinner prepared by mine
host of the Troy House. Most of us had breakfasted very early and
couple with our long morning ride made our appetites sharp, but the stores
were ample and all were filled.
After dinner, through the courtesy of the adjutant of Gustin
Post to whom our thanks are due and hereby given. Our business meeting
was held in the G.A.R. hall, convening at 2:30 p.m. Resident Lucas presiding.
By request of the president, comrade Rev. R. F. Delmot asked for divine
At roll call the following comrades with their families were
found present: Benedict, his adopted daughter, Mrs. Jennie Preston
and her children, Burt, Ellen and Harry, of Austinville; Bush, his wife,
and daughter Lizzie of Granville Centre; Rev. R. F. Delmot, and wife, their
grandson Frank Delmot, and niece Miss Gracia Rice; representatives of comrade
Felon, Alba; Mrs. Col. Richard Gustin, her sons Richard J., of Mansfield;
and Dr. G. F. Gustin and wife of Sylvania; and daughter Eva T. Gustin of
Philadelphia; Miss Addie King daughter of comrade King, Troy; Maj. H. S.
Lucas and wife of Williamsport; and their niece, Mrs. George W. Patterson
of Elmira; Mrs. George K. Matson and Cyrus of Grover: Mrs. George
H. Mason, her son Daniel and wife of Elmira; Mrs. James Sturdivant of Edsallville;
Frank Spencer, brother of comrade Cyrus Spencer, Millerton; Wright wife
of Canton; comrade Daniel Huff and wife of Granville Centre.
Reported by letter, read by the secretary: Lemuel Barnes, Andale
Kan.; Mrs. Wm. H. Bentzel, Harrisburg; George S. Borden, Niles Valley;
Mrs. E. A. Foster, Tompson; Daniel R. Jewell, Binghamton; Mrs. John G.
Rohn, Mechanicsburg; George M. Pardoe, of Sioux City, Ia.; N. H. Robbins,
Wellsboro. Received since reunion; E. W. Snell, Forksville; and George
Comfort, Gilletts.
The minutes of year 1899 were read and approved as read with
one correction, viz; the chairman of Executive Committee should have been
Frank, instead of Jerome Spencer, as printed.
Roll call was followed by an address of welcome by president
Lucas, which was ordered to be printed with the proceedings; replied to
by comrade Delmot for the company. It was of such excellence and
general interest he was unanimously requested to furnish a copy for publication.
The secretary announced the deaths of the following members since
last meeting:--Mrs. E. D. Benedict, Sept. 28th, 1899; Mrs. John W. Garrison,
Mch. 14, 1900, and James Sturdivant, Apr. 27th, 1900. Dr. Gustin,
Mrs. LaValley and Mrs. Wright, were appointed a Committee to present suitable
resolutions. Those following were presented and adopted.
H. S. Lucas was reelected president, C. K. Wright, Vice president,
E. D. Benedict Secretary and Treasurer, Frank Spencer and Mrs. Col. Gustin,
executive committee. The first Wednesday in September 1901, was fixed
for date of next reunion., the place left to the executive committee to
select. At their request a vote was taken to show preference between
Rorick Glen and Troy; resulting almost unanimously for Troy.
Miss Gracia Rice by request recited “Christmas Story,” adding
much to the pleasure and interest of the young members present. It
is hoped that this feature will be more exhibited in the future.
A collection was taken to pay for copies of paper in which proceedings
of meeting is printed and sent to members.
The presdent read a poetical composition of his entitled “Reunion
Thoughts,” which was also ordered to be published. A vote of thanks
was given Gustin Post for use of their hall, and then adjourned.
E. D. Benedict. Sec. Co. C.
Address of Welcome. Comrades and Friends:
I am glad to be here today, and I want to congratulate our executive
committee on the good judgement displayed in selecting Troy, as the place
for holding the 20th annual reunion of the survivors of the Troy Guards.
As a former son of Troy, I greet you and welcome you to the hearts and
homes of her patriotic people. There is no place so dear as home;
no welcome so pure as that of a mother’s love. In this beautiful
Borough, our company was born, and received its first instructions in the
school of the soldier. From here it went forth bearing a mother’s
blessing, to battle for the cause of liberty and union; and receive its
baptism of fire and blood and forty hard fought fields. This meeting
has been called to celebrate and revive the memories of the past.
In looking back over the scenes of our early soldier life, we recall the
appearance of these gray-haired veterans, as they fell into line with an
elastic step, nearly forty years ago; then they were young and athletic
and represented all the various avocations of civil life. When these
recruits came together for the first time at Camp Curtin, armed to the
teeth with belt, bowie knife and pepper box revolver; they were a dangerous
looking crowd; but did not make an impressive military appearance.
They were beardless, fresh of face and full of life and hope, but rather
husky looking clad in a suit that had seen better days; and one they believed
was soon to be exchanged for a United States uniform. I see them
even now as they appeared on dress parade in all shades and grades of costume.
As a whole they were decidedly verdant and ignorant of many things pertaining
to their calling. The officers were no exception to this rule, except
that they occupied a more conspicuous position in the parade, where their
dress could be inspected to better advantage. They did not lack for
patriotism, and were familiar with the use of fire-arms; many were expert
marksmen; they also had a fair appetite for army rations, when nothing
better was within their reach. I never heard of their hankering to
wade in gore, just for the pleasure of the thing. These men took
to fighting much as a person takes to disagreeable medicine, merely as
a means to an end; not because their stomachs craved it. They enlisted
exclusively for business, without bounty, or hope or reward; and when their
services were needed in line of battle, they marched up in front of the
foe with undaunted courage, and took their medicine like men; this was
done rather from a sense of duty than a gratification of taste.
It is partly a selfish pride that brings us here; this being
the recognized home of Company C; here it was organized and named in honor
of the place; many of its members were then citizens of the Borough; now
it cannot boast of a single survivor who is a resident of the town.
We came here today to share with the people of Troy, the glory and honor
won by the first military organization furnished for the Civil War from
this locality; and whose record is indelibly inscribed upon the brightest
page of our country’s history. The people of Troy have just reason
to be proud of the services this company rendered the county, while battling
for the cause of freedom and humanity. These survivors appear here
today wearing the garb of citizens, and are not a bad looking crowd either,
considering all they have gone through, and all that has gone through them.
We meet on a par, where all alike reverence the stars and stripes which
they so successfully carried to victory. It is our flag and the nation’s
emblem. The glory that your daring courage threw around it eagle
crowned folds, is now a common heritage. Long may you be spared as
witnesses of the earnestness and valor of those who dared so much and fought
so well, to preserve the integrity of this peerless land; the queenly mistress
of all the lands of earth.
The Troy guards will soon become a thing of the past; and, unless
the Borough authorities take some action in order to preserve and perpetuate
the name, it will go down into the mists of obscurity unhonored and unknown.
Many of our comrades have followed their beloved Commander to the bivouac
across the dark river, leaving each year vacant seats around our camp fire
that can never be filled.
It is no part of my duty here to rehearse the gallant achievements
of the American volunteer during the war of the Rebellion, in which you
bore so conspicuous a part; yet I cannot help but refer to some of the
results attending their hard service in the cause of our country.
They overcame armed rebellion, and won a glorious peace. They conquered
those who tore down the flag, and lifted it to a peerless exaltation, where
earth’s admiring people may draw inspiration from its radiant splendor.
They gained a victory so complete, that slavory bowed its head in humble
submission. They conquered ignorance, hatred and oppression; and
opened all the land to the sunbeams of modern enlightenment. They
conquered the hearts of unborn generations, to whom their suffering and
sacrifice have given the priceless heritage of noble deeds, and an undivided
country. They subdued states, and built around the regenerated nation
a rampart of freedom, so high, so strong, so steadfast, that it may bid
defiance to a hostile world. Comrades: To you and your friends, we
again say, welcome. By H. S. Lucas.
Response by Rev. R. F. Delmot.
Mr. President and Comrades:
Though one be accustomed to speaking in public yet there are
times when we might be justified in shrinking from the responsibility,
especially after listening to such a grand and eloquent address of
welcome. An almost impossible thing is expected of me in responding
on your behalf. To bring you back to present duty, and the grave
responsibilities that grow out of citizenship in this great country, whose
safety and perpituity rests not upon a large standing army, but upon millions
of liberty-loving, loyal volunteers, like unto the vast army of which you
comrades formed a noble part.
Our pleasure and happiness at this our annual reunion is tinged
with feelings of sadness, in the fact that several since the meeting one
year ago have been called to enter the unseen world of spirits, to which
each member of the association will sooner or later be called upon to go.
Let each one strive to so conduct themselves that at the last and final
roll call, we may have a happy and unending reunion with the loved ones
gone before.
In Memoriam.
Whereas: In his infinite wisdom, it has pleased the Supreme
Ruler of the universe, before whom all must bow in humble submission, to
remove from his earthly labors and associations our friend and comrade,
James Sturdivant; therefore,
Resolved, That while we sincerely mourn the loss of a true and
tried comrade, one of the faithful and efficient members of an organization,
whose ties were cemented in blood; nevertheless we recognize the mandate
of Divine authority and bid our murmurings cease, humbly bowing to the
will of Him who doeth all things well.
Resolved, That the memory of his gentle unassuming nature, his
thoughtfulness for the welfare of others, his devotion, self-denial and
zeal in the cause of his country, his love and firm adherence to the performance
of duty, shall ever live as shining lights along the pathway of his surviving
Resolved, That we extend to the bereaved family our united prayers
and heartfelt sympathy, hoping that a higher power will assist in healing
the wounds of the sorrowing, and direct them to look beyond this vale of
tears, to where the loved one is holding communion with other kindred spirits,
where sorrow never lives, and friendship never dies.
Resolved, that the minutes of this association be draped in mourning
for a period of 30 days; that these resolutions be published in the Troy
Register, and that a copy of the same be sent to the bereaved family.
G. H. Gustin.
Mrs. V. M. LaValley.
Mrs. C. R. Wright.
The committee on Resolutions submitted the following relative
to the death of Mrs. E. D. Benedict, of Austinville, Pa
Whereas, It has pleased our Heavenly Father to remove from her
earthly labors, another true and tried comrade, Mrs. E. D. Benedict, whose
whole life was devoted to the best interest of our association.
Resolved, That while we bow in humble submission to the will
of Him who doeth all things well, and who notes even the fall of the sparrow;
we nevertheless mourn the departure of a true friend, a loyal and benevolent
member of this organization, one whose kindly manner and gentle influence
have left an impression our hearts that will be keenly felt at our subsequent
annual meetings.
Resolved, That we extend to the bereaved family and the community
in which she lived, our heart-felt sympathy for the loss they have sustained,
in a loving and affectionate wife and mother, a gentle and obliging neighbor
whose presence was a ray of sunshine. And we commend them to the
considerate care of that All Gracious Being who shields the feeble, and
fills the heart with hope, confidence and courage.
Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of
the association and published in the Troy papers, and that a copy of the
same be sent to the bereaved family.
G. H. Gustin.
Mrs. V. M. LaValley.
Mrs. C. R. Wright.
Mrs. Garrison.
Once more our association has been invaded by the grim reaper,
Death, causing general sorrow and gloom to prevade our ranks. The
death of Mrs. John W. Garrison of Daggetts Mills, Pa., was a great surprise
to us, notwithstanding her feeble condition, and admonishes us to prepare
for that final summons.
Whereas: It has pleased our Heavenly Father to visit this
organization for the third time during the present year, and remove a beloved
comrade from our circle, one who possessed our confidence and good will,
and in whose death we recognize the mysterious hand of Him who is a father
to the fatherless, therefore,
Resolved, That while we bow in humble submission to the Divine
Will, we nevertheless mourn the departure of a dear comrade, knowing that
our association has lost an honored member, and the comrades a tried and
true friend, but console ourselves with the thought that our loss will
be her eternal gain.
Resolved, That in the death of Mrs. Garrison this organization
has lost one of its most loving and lovable members, one whose gentle influence
shed a lustre upon the name of this society of veterans, and a halo of
peace and contentment around the family hearthstone; and we extend to the
bereaved family our earnest prayers and sympathy.
Resolved, That records of our association be draped in mourning
for a period of thirty days; that these resolutions be spread upon the
minutes and published in the Troy papers, and that a copy of the same be
sent to the afflicted family.
G. H. Gustin
Mrs. V. M. LaVelley.
Mrs. C. K. Wright,
Reunion Thoughts.
A voice comes whispering back to me
Of a country warm and green;
Where comrades watched the picket line,
When Johnnies could be seen.
It brings up fitful fancies
Of our camp life in the South;
And I hear the long roll sounding,
And the call from bugle’s mouth;
So I fall to thinking tenderly
Of those I used to know,
When the sutler furnished sauerkrout
Som many years ago.
What has become of Cy and Joe
Who lived on Maple Ridge?
And what’s become of Granteer, Jane,
Who helped destroy the bridge?
And what’s become of Newton Ford,
Who fell at Gaine’s Hill?
With Miles M. Cooper at his side,-
This was a bitter pill.
These were the boys who stood in front
And saw the cannons play;
They do not answer to my call;
My comrades, where are they?
What has become of Lester
And his little book on “Bumps;”
Who told what we were made for,
And whose wisdom fell in lumps,
I’d like to see the Williams boys,
As well as Miller Barnes,
And Duncan Black and Sergeant Fish,
Who spun their funny yarns;
And Welcome Rice, the Mason boys,
Wilde E. King, and all
Who I’m sure would answer,
Could they only hear me call.
I’d like to see Abe Grover,
And the Davis boys at play;
And hear them finding fault
With the service and their pay.
And others I could name,-
Like Peters, Holl, Blanc and Rohn,
Matson, Foster, Bennet,
Harris, Novitskie, Carnochan;
The flowers of hope in war time,
They perished long ago,
While in the heads of those they left behind
Are covered o’er with snow.
There are other kindred spirits
I wish where here in line,
To welcome in the comrades
Who have lost the countersign.
There’s Bryan Dave, and Benizel,
Garrison and O’Gara John,
And the gallant Colonel Gustin
Who bravely led them on.
I hope they’re here in spirit,
Just to aid us in our work,
They used to answer roll call,
And I never saw them shirk.
In our camps beneath the pines,
You have heard those men and boys,
Who but a little while ago
Were full of life and noise.
O, mountains, hills and streams
And lanes and meadows, do you know
Where I can find my brave young friends
Of forty years ago?
You see I’m old an weary,
And I’ve traveled long and far,
And I’m looking for my comrades,
I wonder where they are.
H. S. Lucas,
Late of Co. C 12th Reg. P.R.C.