"Chinese" Proverb - The person who says it cannot be done should not
interrupt the person doing it
Enemies of truth.-- Convictions are more dangerous enemies
of truth than lies. from Nietzsche's Human, all too Human, s.483, R.J.
Hollingdale transl.
"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does
knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those who know much, who
so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by
science." Charles Darwin
Project - Thousands of books to read online or download free.
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Walt's Red
Search Button
04 SEP |
Partitioned Search Engine for users of the
What's New Page Reindexed 30 OCT 2009 at 16944 pages |
SRAC Events for October |
Explanation of what you can find in the various
PICO indexed partitions of the site. How to limit your search to something
manageable |
CCHS Events for November |
01 NOV |
See attached: Abstracts from Frances VanHorn Parke Diaries. 1870-1929
Troy Historical & Genealogical Society has available Abstracts
from Charles Eugene Parke Diaries 1862-1916 for sale at $10.00. plus $3.00
postage. Charles was a famous barn builder in the Troy area, as well as
churches, schools and houses. Lots of historical data from the East Troy
Email troyhistoricalsociety@cqservices.com. |
20 NOV |
Smithfield - Grace Baptist
Church - Sabbath School Records 1847-1859 |
Union Cemetery, Liberty Township
2009 |
21 NOV |
1807 Unclaimed Letters |
29 NOV |
Wellsboro Cemetery 2008 /2009
Listing with office records added. Now completed |
8925 identifiable burials. We are so fortunate to have such a committed
helper as Linda CORNELL Reese who stops at nothing to bring us these updated
cemetery listings - no matter how large, how daunting, how wet the task.
Very special thanks to Linda |
13 DEC |
1, The Southport Historical Society's 2010 calendar is now available
for purchase. It is full of historical photos and information on
the Town of Southport. The donation is $10.00 and you can find them
at the Southport Town Hall and some local businesses.
2. The Southport Historical Society's Christmas program will be
Sunday, December 13, 2009 at the Chapel Park Community Center.
1:30 Buffet Luncheon - provided by the Southport Historical
2:30 Program - James Gray will give his presentation entitled:
Don't Believe a Word of It."
Come and join us. If you can't make the luncheon, come for the
program. It is free and open to the public. For further information:
Toni Mason, 734-3563 |