1869 Wellsburgh
R. B. Coleman...Farmer, residence, Pennsylvania Avenue
Horatio Evans....Dealer in Staple and fancy Dry Goods,
Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Groceries.
Drugs, Medecines, &c, &c, Lockwood's
Brick Store
Fishler Bros........Archtects and Suspension Bridge Builders
Penn. Ave.
Horace Kelsey.....Prop. Exchange Hotel
R. C. Lockwood.J..Dealer in Coal and Lumber, and Farmer
L. Mathews..........Residence corner of Mechanic and Well St.
J.B. Pierson.........Sawyer, res. Mt. Vernon
Jud Smith............County Sheriff
J.F Smith.............Physician and Surgeon, Appletree St.
David Sweet.........Foreman, Wellsburgh Tannery
H.W. Young.........Dealer in Dry Goods, Gorceries, Hardware, Hats,
Caps, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Drugs, Medicine,
&c, &c (I think this means cash and carry)
John Brown...........Farmer and Butcher, District No. 3
John Bruner...........Farmer, District No. 1
James Carpenter....Farmer, District No 10
R.E. Comfort..........Farmer, "Pleasant Grove"
Oliver Comfort.........Farmer, District No. 3
W.R. Comfort......... Farmer, District No. 3
Charles Dewey........Farmer, District No. 1
Wm. Lowman..........Farmer and Dairyman, DIstrict No. 10
L.L. Lowman............Farmer and Dairyman, District No. 10
Hammond Mathews..Farmer and Dairyman, District No. 2
J.A. Bly...................Farmer, District No. 2
J.W. Suffern.............Farmer and Dairyman, District No. 3
A. Searles................Millwright, District No. 10
Mrs. M. Wilcox.........Farmer, District No. 8
Hotels in Town of Ashland &