Tri-Counties Genealogy &
History by Joyce M. Tice
Women of the Tri-Counties
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Etta WOLCOTT Park 1881
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search
the site by using the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the
What's New Page? Family pages are listed on the Family list but
also on the individual Township pages in the Photo, Bible, and other sections. |
Now's Your Chance to Honor
Your Female Ancestors by Restoring Their Place in Recorded History
Introduction by Joyce M. Tice
It wasn't until I became involved in genealogy that I understood the
need for Women's History as a separate discipline. I had always believed
that since women were a part of history from the very beginning, that developing
a separate study was condescending and demeaning. However, when I
started researching my own family and the families of the community of
my study area, I discovered a lot of information about the men and very
little, or more often nothing, about the women. It was an eye opener.
In earlier times women were blocked from participating in many of the
public institutions and processes which would have created records for
them. Early historians tended to dscount their contributions and simply
left them out of the histories altogether or hid them in the shadows of
their husbands or fathers. At marriage, any identity they might have had
as an individual was taken from them in the form of a name change. A married
woman did not even have a legal identity in the earliest days of our government.
Her econominc contributions in the farm or small business partnership were
attributed to her husband. In extreme cases, and we have all seen these
in the history books, even childbirth was attributed to her husband.
We can't go back and change history. We can't rewrite the old history
books to include the half of the population that was left out when they
were first written. However, we can write those histories now and bring
the women of our past out from the shadows and record their lives and contributions
now. I find that even in the present day, many of the family histories
that are submited to this site are written following the old examples,
with a male centered focus. To bring this issue and this continued discounting
of the role of women to the forefront, I am creating the Women's Page here
at Tri-Counties. This will give all of us the opportunity to focus on women
and show our ancestors the respect they have long been denied. They live
only through us now and only we can right the wrong done to them. This
defecit in the knowledge base will not fill itself in. We must do it. It
is up to us. We have a long way to go to fill in those massive blanks,
but one woman at a time, we can do it.
Entirely different research methods and sources have to be tapped to
learn about the women who were partners in founding the society we live
in. Diaries and letters, when they can be found are invaluable. Please
submit your ancestral women's histories to me at JoyceTice@aol.com. Microsoft
Word or rtf files preferred. These can be attached to your email. Do NOT
use a lot of tabs or spacing in your write-ups as they will all collapse
together in conversion to HTML. If you have to use columnar sections, insert
a table for them.
This will be fun - Include photos where you can. I am looking forward
to them all and I have a lot I want to do also. I am going to use this
opportunity to display a lot of the photographs I have collected of these
people for my Sullivan-Rutland Genealogy Project.
Queen Esther Montour
The Montour Sisters - Queen Esther and
Queen Catherine
Women of the Wyoming Valley
Hannah GORE Durkee Story
Queen Esther - Indian Friend
or Fiend?
Maryett HOWLAND 1859-1860 Diary
- Columbia Township
Jane Strope Narrative of her Captivity
by the Indians
Julia Anna SHEPARD - Biography
Aunt Nellie's Button Box
Sally MONRO, 1830 Columbia
Township letter
Sarah MONROE 1870 Diary
Temperance NILES of Rutland Township
Lydia ORVIS, A Connecticut Yankee in the unbroken forest
Hannah PEET, Rutland Pioneer
Will of Margaret LEE Baker
of Sullivan 1849
Rebekah ROSE - A Woman of Three Centuries
Ida Clarissa Decker
Chattie Fuller of Ridgebury,
1870 Diary
Blanche Frasier's Memories
Elizabeth Shoolcraft ROSE - Sullivan Township Pioneer
Cemetery Markers for Women's
Relief Corps
Dolly FOX & Eliza HILL |
Eileen Collins, Astronaut &
Kate Warne, Pinkerton's First Female Detective
Mara SARGEANT - Hero of Bunker Hill
Lester Frank Ward of Myersburg
Early Suffragist
Growing up in Clymer 1920s -
Melva HESS Calaman
Addie CHILSON Knapp Welch, Southport's
First Woman Supervisor |
1836 Sampler of F. O. Wilcox
Fanny BEEBE "Culver," Pioneer
County's First Woman Sheriff
Melissa MALLORY "Hummer" |
Tri-County Women's Name Restoration
Unnamed Women buried in Sullivan
Township, Tioga County PA |
Fannie Helen HARRIS, School Teacher |
Octogenarian Annie VIELE Lloyd is
Feminst at Heart |
The Hair Wreath - Mementos of
the 1850-1875 Era |
Pauline BURROWS Hurst |
Hannah WHITAKER Bowen - How I
Came to Deerfield in 1819 |
Elizabeth OAKLEY Holcomb Memorial 1932 |
Deaths of Widows of Civil War
Veterans, Bradford County |
1935 Comparing he Lifestyles
of Eleanor Roosevelt and Nora STONE Smith of Rutland |
Phoebe WINANS Place, Patriot Woman |
Memoirs of Three Pioneer Women of Beecher's
Island (Nelson) |
Phyllis Priest 1932-1943
- A Tri-County Hero |
Nellie Rockwell, Mansfield
Milliner |
Polly BALLARD "Fellows",
Physician of Sullivan Township |
Two Elmira Doctors First to Serve
in an American Woman's Hospital Uniform - WW1 |
Dr Edith Irene Flower "Wheeler" |
Alice Catherine Evans 1881
- 1975 Bacteriologist |
Mazie SEARS Bodine, naturalist, poet, author |
Maria Louisa Doud 1828 - 1870: Unsung Poet born in Sullivan Township |
Lydia Jane WHEELER "Pierson". Poet
and Suffragist |
Talitha Botsford 1901-2002,
Poet, Musician |
Mary Emily Jackson, Poet |
Mary GODBEY Bailey, Mansfield's
News Reporter |
Clara "Babe" Cook - Elmira Sports
Hall of Fame. |
1868 - Law Maxims - A
married woman is considered a reliable witness IF her husband says she's
telling the truth. |
Recipes from Grandma |
A BRIEF History of Knitting |
A BRIEF History of Canning
Jars |
Care of Clothing - 1910 |
1906 Ladies Home
Journal Advertisements and Fashions |
1912 / 1915 - Womens Suffrage
Events |
1915-1930s - Recipes
fromLambs Creek Women |
Remembering Myra Kingsbury; “but half expressing
it.” |
Marguerite Murphy 1891-1992. 55 Years
a Teacher |
Wellsboro Agitator 17 MAR 1910
Favors Woman Suffrage.
Bishop James H. Darlington of this Episcopal Diocese, told the Pennsylvania
Suffrage League at a meeting in Philadelphia one day last week why he favored
woman suffrage. Bishop Darlington urged from the ground of giving womankind
a chance. Because women are less busy than men and are often better posted
on the topics of the day, he believed that they would improve matters if
given a hand in the government.
“Be patient,” was his advice, “not too patient, but just reasonably
so. Be good-natured, and above all things don’t become hysterical, and
you will get what you want.”
Off Site Links
Joyce Tip Box -- December 2007 -
If you are not navigating this Tri-Counties
Site via the left and right sidebars of the Current
What's New page you are doing yourself a disservice. You can get
to any place on the site easily by making yourself familiar with these
subject and place topics. Try them all to be as familiar with the site's
16,000 plus pages as you can. Stop groping in the dark and take the lighted
path. That's also the only way you'll find the search engines for the site
or have access to the necessary messages I may leave for you. Make
it easy on yourself. |
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties
Site On 19 SEP 1999
By Joyce M. Tice
Joyce M. Tice
You are the
visitor since the counter was installed on 19 SEP 1999
Happy Women's Day