The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Community Genealogy & History

Explore Local History One Township at a TIme in Tioga & Bradford Counties  PA & Chemung County NY

Franklin Township 
in Bradford Couty,
Franklin Township Histories
Franklin was named for Col. John Franklin who served in the Revolution 
and is buried in Athens.
Created 1819 from Canton and Towanda
Many pieces split off (see Township Formation Page)
Franklin Township History by H. C. Bradsby
Franklin Township History by D. C. Craft
Franklin Township History from Seven Counties Outline ...
Township Articles
1911 West Franklin News
Township Postcards & Photos
Franklin Township Postcards
Post Offices
Franklindale P.O.
West Franklin P.O
Postmark Here
Villages Past & Present
Franklin Township Census Records
1800 Wyalusing, Luzerne County Census
1820 Census of Franklin Township
1830 Franklin Township Census
1840 Franklin Township Census
1850 Franklin Township Census
1860 Volunteer Needed
1870 Franklin Township Census
1880 Franklin Township Census
1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 Volunteers Needed
Franklin Township Directories
1900 Franklin Township Directory
Franklin Township Tax Records
1812 Taxables at County Formation (Partially Included in Towanda at that time) 1812 Taxablesat County Formation (Partially Included in Canton at that time)
Franklin Township Cemetery Records
If You can Provide GOOD Driving Directions or GPS coordinates for any of our 700 cemeteries, please send to Joyce
Franklin Center Cristian Church Burials Franklin Center Obituaries
Franklindale Cemetery (Obituary Abstractions) Franklindale Cemetery Obituaries
West Franklin Cemetery West Franklin Cemetery Obituaries
Lower Cemetery (below Franklindale Willey Family Cemetery Samuel and Polly Webber
Barclay Mountain Protestant/ St.Patrick's Roman Catholic, (Old Barclay Township now included in Franklin) 
Dodge/ Old Cemetery(Major Oliver W Dodge. The first burial for Nathan Lattimer who died May 1796 aged 7 mo, was the first burial in Franklin Township)
Franklin Township Schools
1899 Crayton Hill School 1903 Franklindale School
1869 School Districts
1. West Franklin District
2. Varney District
3. Centre District
4. Franklindale District
6. Crayton Hill District
Franklin Township Business Histories & Photos
1907 Franklin Businesses Sawmill at Franklindale
1928 Franklin School and Other photos 1931 Franklin Consolidated School
Hotels in Township
Franklin Township Organizations
Franklin Township Churches
Histories, Records, Photos
First Christian Church of Franklin Records
Township Family Bible Records
Franklin Township Families & Individuals,
Genealogies, Photos
Knickerbocker Family
Township Resident Photo Album
Township Diaries & Letters 
Township Wills, Deeds, Legal Documents 
Township Military Records
Township Sports 
Township Population Statisticss 
1887 Franklin Township = 702
Franklin Township Page is dedicated to Friend of Tri-Counties, Ralph Weller who died September 2004. He was one of our earliest guests when we started this back in 1996. He promptly made all his materials available to the site including work he had done way back in the 1940s before most of us were even born. Many of the pages that comprise this Franklin township portion of the site came to us by way of Ralph. Although we never met him, nor even saw a photo of him, we'll miss him and his enduring and always kindly presence. If you want to send your comments about Ralph to me, we can include them here. Joyce M. Tice
Ralph H. Weller, 78

By CQ News
CQ Services
Thu, 07 Oct 2004 2:09 PM

Ralph H. Weller, 78, formerly of Alcove, N.Y., died Thursday, Sept. 22, 2004, at Albany Veterans Association Medical Center Hospital.

Born in Elmira, he was an administrator for Sperry & Hutchinson Promotions in New York City for many years prior to moving to the capital region. Ralph was also a veteran of World War II, having served in the Navy in Normandy.

Ralph was predeceased by his parents, Harry and Alice (Gidney) Weller. He is survived by a sister, Jackie Beltone of Pa. and several nieces and nephews. All services will be private at the convenience of the family.

Hi, Joyce,
I saw your note on the Tri-Counties Genealogy page about my very good friend, Ralph Weller.
I knew Ralph for 24 years, and visited him often in upstate New York. We were real genealogy nuts, and I doubt I'll ever find as good a friend to discuss family history! He is really missed! In the obituary from the Albany Times-Union, they incorrectly gave the name of his sister. She is Jackie PELTON, who still lives in your area. You mentioned you never saw a picture of Ralph. I have several from our many trips to historic sites around. If you'd like one to post on your site, I'd be happy to send you one. Ralph often talked about his on-going research and correspondence with people about records from your area. With very best wishes.  I am: Barry E. TRACY (Barry sent in the above photo of Ralph for us. )
May 2005
Robert Hirst


        I was a very close friend of Ralph Weller for over 50 years, and I want to thank you for the write-up you gave him .

         Ralph had many interests - one of them being genealogy.  He had an extensive work on the Weller family which he had been researching for decades.

          His scholarship was detailed and accurate, and covered many of his interests.  He was a student of theology, and a devout member of the Episcopal Church.  During his life he served as a lay-reader, a vestryman, a Warden, a  delegate to Church conventions, and on boards of many Church related institutions.

          He was also an authority on the Shaker Communities of up State New York, and Massachusetts. He was an horticulturist who kept  the gardens of the Albany Shaker Community stocked with authentic herbs from his beds.

            Many who know him from his excellent skill as a book binder and restorer of volumes in poor condition. He served clients from all over the USA.

           He was also an authority on the music of Charles Ives.   He was also a diarist, and kept the most exact records of events in his world.  I used him as a resource whenever I needed difficult details that he might know.  The most extreme example was just a year ago when I needed to know the date  of a  Bishop  Cooper who preached at our Church in  fall of 1953.... He came up with it, and notes on the Bishop.  He was the Bishop of Korea at the time, and, aside from the historic connection, was most important in a piece I was writing.

          His position at S&H included the production of the Green Stamps catalog for collectors stock  for the redemption centers throughout the states.  When I wanted to acquire a Wok - not in the catalog - I asked him to look into the matter and the next edition of the S&H catalog included a Wok which I had enough green stamps to redeem.

           I hope you will publish some of this - and I hope I haven't overlooked his remarkable achievements.


Robert Hirst