Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
History of Bradford County by H. C. Bradsby, 1891
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Table of Contents

Logo scanned from Cover of Joyce's poor old bedraggled Bradsby

History of Bradford County, Pennsylvania

with Biographical Sketches

By H. C. Bradsby, 1891

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Table of Contents
Joyce's Search Tip - December 2007 -
Do You Know that you can search just this Bradsby book by using the Bradsby button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page
Chapter Part I Page Part II 
Biographical Sketches
in Alphabetical Order
- 1306
1 Geology 19 Abbott to Allen 581
2 Indians 27 Alliger to Armstrong 594
3 Missionaries & Traders 39 Arnold to Ballard 606
4 The Pioneers 44 Ballentine to Beebe 620
5 Early Settlers 53 Beidelman to Blocher 628
6 The Log Cabin 69 Bloom to Boughton 645
7 The Revolution 79 Bourne to Bronson 655
8 The Seventeen Townships 111 Bronson to Brown 665
9 Gleanings of the Early Times 148 Brown to Buffington 675
10 Progress in Civil Organizations 189 Burch to Campbell 685
11 Roads 207 Campbell to Chaffee 695
12 Wars & Rumors 220 Chaffee to Chubbuck 705
13 Intellectual Progress in the County 249 Chubbuck to Codding 715
14 Bradford County Civil List 271 Codding to Colt 725
15 Political 280 Comerford to Crawford 735
16 Eminent People 302 Crum to Davis 755
17 Attorneys 317 Davis to Dickenson 765
18 Physicians 324 Dieffenbauch to Eastabrooks 775
19 Newspapers 330 Eastabrooks to Frisbie 785
20 Schools 340 Frisbie to Furman 815
21 Churches 351 Furman to Gernert 825
22 Societies 369 Gerould to Grace 835
23 Statistics & Miscellanea 382 Grace to Haines 845
24 Albany Township 388 Hale to Harlow 855
25 Armenia Township - Alba Borough 389 Harps to Hicks 865
26 Asylum Township 391 Hill to Holcomb 875
27 Athens Township - Athens, Sayre, South Waverly Boroughs 394 Holcomb to Hubbard 885
28 Barclay Township 432 Huff to Innes 905
29 Burlington Township - Burlington Borough 432 Innes to Keen 915
30 Canton Township - Canton Borough 442 Kelley to Kintner 935
31 Columbia Township - Sylvania Borough 453 Kline to Landon 945
32 Franklin Township 459 Lane to Lindley 955
33 Granville Township 160 Loder to Lyon 975
34 Herrick Township 463 Lyon to McKinney 985
35 LeRoy Township 465 McKinney to Maney 995
Manley to Maxwell 1005
36 Litchfield Township 467 Maxwell to Miller 1015
37 Monroe Township - Monroe Borough 468 Miller to Morgan 1025
38 Orwell Township 473 Morgan to Myer 1035
39 Overton Township 478 Myers to Osborn 1045
40 Pike Township - LeRaysville Borough 479 Osburn to Park 1055
41 Ridgebury Township 482 Park to Payne 1065
42 Rome Township - Rome Borough 483 Pease to Pierce 1075
43 Sheshequin Township 485 Pierce to Pomeroy 1085
44 Smithfield Township 488 Pomeroy to Rice 1095
45 South Creek Township 490 Richards to Rockwell 1115
46 Springfield Township 491 Rockwell to Ross 1125
47 Standing Stone Township 495 Ross to Russell 1135
48 Terry Township 496 Sairs to Scott 1145
49 The Towandas - Townships & Boroughs 497 Scott to Sheridan 1155
50 Troy Township - Troy Borough 532 Shiner to Smith 1165
51 Tuscarora Township 539 Smith to Spalding 1175
52 Ulster Township 541 Spalding to  Stevens 1185
53 Warren Township 546 Stevens to Strauss 1195
54 Wells Township 551 Streby to Sweet 1205
55 West Burlington Township 551 Taylor to Thomas 1215
56 Wilmot Township 552 Thomas to Tozer 1225
57 Windham Township 556 Tracy to VanDerpool 1235
58 Wyalusing Township - Wyalusing Borough 559 VanDyke to Verbeck 1245
59 Wysox Township 576  Voorhis to Warren 1255
Waterman to Wells 1265
Wells to Wigstein 1275
Wilcox to Zeller 1285
Sullivan and Enki research their ancestry in the worn Bradsby
Sadly they have both gone to join their ancestors, 
Sullivan in Feb 2003 at age 6 1/2 and Enki in Feb 2004 at age 14 1/2.

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 21 FEB 1999
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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Joyce Tip Box -- December 2007 -
If you are not navigating this Tri-Counties Site via the left and right sidebars of the Current What's New page you are doing yourself a disservice. You can get to any place on the site easily by making yourself familiar with these subject and place topics. Try them all to be as familiar with the site's 16,000 plus pages as you can. Stop groping in the dark and take the lighted path. That's also the only way you'll find the search engines for the site or have access to the necessary messages I may leave for you. Make it easy on yourself.