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History of Bradford County, Pennsylvania with Biographical SketchesBy H. C. Bradsby, 1891 |
Pages 442 - 453
THE first settlement made in what is now Canton township was probably in 1794, by Isaac Allen. Zepheniah Rogers made his possession in 1796, on the Hubbell Manley farm, built his floorless log cabin, 14x18, and put up his one-legged bedstead, simply a forked stick !riven into the ground, on which were poles running to a crack between the wall logs, and those poles were threaded with bark for bed cord-the magnificent furnishing of many an old-time first cabin.
Same year came Ezra Spalding, alone, on a tour of observation; and, selecting his future home, he stuck down his Jacob-staff on what became the farmed " old Spalding place," and "bached " and worked hard during the summer; then, next season, brought his family. He built a double log house, and opened a tavern in the wilds. To one now-a-davs this smacks of the man who, being a little demoralized, wished everybody was dead but himself, and he would then go to Philadelphia and keep a hotel.
Spalding found, when he came, Jonas Geers on the Daniel Innes farm, once the Grover farm. Geers left- in 1800. Jonathan Prosser was on the C. S. Sellard place-Capt. Calvin Spencer Sellard, whose daughter, Mrs. W. Levitt, resides in Canton borough. Prosser's cabin was near and below the bridge crossing Towanda creek. Same spring a man named Coon came and also settled on the Sellard farm. Ezra Spalding remembered these as the three cabins in Canton when he came in 1796; but the same year came Gashum. Gillett and stopped on the now Capt. L. D. Landon farm, and his son, Wilkes Gillett, settled on the James Metier place. Zepheniah Rogers, Jr., settled the Lindley farm, and Rogers Sr. set off, to his son Roswell, the farm on the east side of the creek, owned by the grandson, William. Elisha Knicrht and Georoge Brown came in 1797. The same year came the Cashes, who improved the Loomis farm. John Newell came in the spring of 1797, and settled on the L. N. Rutt farm; he was an uncle of I. S. Newell, now of Canton, on the farm left him by his father, Oliver Newell; this farm was first settled in 1799 by Orr Scovel, whose house, it is said, was the first frame in Canton town-ship which eventually became Squire Bassett's barn. Same Year Moses Emmerson settled on the now Ichabod Sellard's farm, and the next spring Daniel Bagley built his cabin on the Enoch Sellard farm. In the spring of 1797 a man named Stratton built a cabin on the flats (now owned by G. W. Griffin), but never occupied it, as he went back to Sugar creek; but Ebenezer Bixby came that spring, and finding it empty, took possession and lived there three I years. Loban Landon settled on the farm afterward owned by C. P. Spalding and 0. B. Grantier, Joel Bodwell came in 1800, and settled the Taber farm;he sold to Abraham Tabor, father of Nathan B. Taber.. Taber, a Revolutionary soldier, came in 1S02. Nathan B. Taber married Nancy Grantier. in 1797 or 1798 Isaiah Grover built on what is known as the Griffin farm, owned recently by George Goff; Grover sold to Samuel Griffin in 1800. In 1797 Benjamin Babcock settled the Reuben Loomis farm, and, at the same time, Nathaniel Babcock settled the John VanDyke farm, owned. more recently by Jacob Beardsley. At that date there was no other settlement in this direction until you reached the Walter farm, in Le Roy township. The Van Dyke farm was settled in 1798; same year Elihu Knights came, and he sold to the Segors and then settled the George P. Manley farm. In his last years Mr. Spalding could not remember the name of the first settler on the Wilcox farm, but thinks, whoever it was, he sold to a man named Hinman, in 1798, and from this it is named Hinman Hill. Dennis Kingsbury settled the Stone farm in 1796, it is supposed, which farm is now owned by E. Lilley. At this house were held the township gatherings and public meetings Kingsbury thought of making a village of the place. He sold, in 1805, to Capt. Rice, and Rice sold to Joseph Wallace. Mr. Spalding thought that Sterling and Hugh Holcomb located their claims in 1795, but (lid not occupy them until 1796. These were hard- working, thrifty men,who accumulated property. Hugh Holcomb built one or the very first sawmills in southeast Bradford, on the little creek that runs through the town ; soon he built a gristmill, and for nearly one hundred years this has ground away. Mr. Holcomb soon after built a distillery, as whisky was then deemed as much a necessary as bread or milk; this distillery opened a market for all the surplus corn, and was really an important enterprise. Mr. Spalding thought that Seeley ' y Crofut located here in 1795, but did. not move out his family until 1796. In 1799, Isaac Chaapel, of Massachusetts, came and settled on the place near where is Chauncey Chaapel's house. Isaac was a prominent man, and was justice of the peace quite a long, time. A man named Gordon settled the Aaron Knapp place. The above reminiscences were dictated by Horace Spalding when he was ninety-three years old, and therefore any slight mistakes should not be carped at. Horace Spalding was the last surviving son of Ezra Spalding. Ile remembered back in 1805, when this was Towanda township, Luzerne county, and their supposed voting place was Williamsport, as they believed they were in Lycoming county. Horace Spalding cast his first vote in 1804; he was return judge in 1809, and carried the vote to Wilkes-Barre; and remembers that, in 1805, the county line was run here, and they found they were in Luzerne and not Lycoming county. Something more of Ezra Spalding's recollections during the last year of his life were published in the Canton Sentinel, in January, 1876, as they were written Out by Sylvanus D. Kendall, substantially as follows: The Alden farm was settled in 1796 (he could not remember by whom). A man named Knapp lived at the mouth of the north branch of the creek. Knapp sold to Cramer who came up and bought where Aaron and his son lived and died, The Daniel Wilcox farm was settled before 17 96 ; how long he did riot know, but remembered there being a log-house and several acres cleared when he first came. The noted early place called the "Allen Mills" he thought Isaac Allen must have settled as early as 1794 or 1795; that David and Stephen Allen built their sawmill, and soon after their gristmill, finishing, the latter in 1797. Isaac Allen, he supposed, came first. These mills have been operated right along to the present day. Returning to the point of the borough of Canton, and going up the road to Alba: In 1799 Van Valkenburg settled on the Levi Stull farm, and his son-in-law, Wedgeworth, located the "Minnequa Springs " place, that in time came to the hands of Peter Herdic, a genuine "hustler " of modern times, whose push and vim did so much to develop this part of Bradford county. Mr. Wedgeworth 'built his house on the flat between the " Minnequa House" and the farm house recently erected. 1804, after leaving Canton, on the road to Troy, was settled by David Pratt. This was the man, who, in 1S04, made the nails for Ezra Spalding's barn, afterward the widow Wheat's property. The next was Schuyler Elliott's farm settled in 1805 by Levi Morse, a tailor; James Rockwell, grandfather of Jacob Rockwell, settled the Rockwell farm, it is supposed in 1802. And Jeremiah Smith located on the Israel Moore farm. In 1804 Elisha Luther and a man named Hurlbut settled between Smith's and Alba borough. In 1805 Kilbourne Morley settled the David Palmer farm. Eban Wilson, Dr. Rowlan and Jacob Thompson came about the year 1803. A quaint old account and ledger book that Ezra Spalding brought to this country witli him is well preserved. It dates back to 1774, but what is written in it seems, on the blank spaces, to be Spalding's accounts with his neigh hors after be commenced business here. These old accounts commenced with his Canton neighbors in 1797, and are now of the greatest interest. The first page has an entry (1799) against Elihu Knight. anionother things, seven bushels of corn at fifty cents a bushel then John Griffin is charged seven cents for a pirit of whisky; March, 1807, paid Hugh Holcomb five quarts whisky in full for work; 1808, ilbourne Morley is charged five items at different dates, but all for whisky; December, 1808, Sela Crofoot (the way he spells it) is charged with several items, but mostly whisky; November, 1813, David Pratt, Jr., is charged fifty cents Tor two gallons of cider. In 1807, Benjamin Stone bought during that and the next year the amount of $7.25 worth, chiefly whisky; in 1809, Samuel Wilcox is charged twenty-five cents for a quart of whisky ; then we come, on the next page, where it goes back to 1799, Joseph Vansickle purchased some sugar; in 1801, Jonathan Prosser bought some bay; at the Same time Jesse Drake bought two bushels of corn; the next charge (no year given but supposed 1801), John "Granidier " is charged with several items of whisky. In the ear 1800, Dr. Joseph Vanseck is credited by "t%vo potions of salts;" by a book "Father Leguay to his Daughter" and "Revolution in America," -another, the "Book of a Man of Feeling," and the " Letter Writer " and " Sans Cullots Nor-ality " and "The Sentimental Traveler through Italy and France." With all these books Mr. Spalding must have bad the leading library in northern Pennsylvania. On the next leaf Roswell Rogers is charged 25 cents for a quart and $1.40 for a gallon of whisky. In May , 1799, Charles Reeder is charged 25 cents for a half bushel of seed corn, and 40 cents for three quarts of hay seed. In 1808, Nathan Wilcox is charged $2 for 2 gallons of whisky and for three bushels of "rie" by Orr Scabel, Jr., $2. In 1806, Benj. Mead is charged 6 cents for " 2 gills." In October, 1799, Nathan Roberts is charged for corn and several items for horse and ox teams to do his hauling, and twice for tobacco. During 1807, the same man made a bill of $43.80, the largest single bill the books so fai- show. The man is credited with one heifer $7 ; one steer $16; milling 27 bushels of "rie " ,it Pratt's Mill and by "Billy going to mill." In May, 1808, Freedom Bennett is charged .50 cents for 2 quarts whisky; in 1807, Simeon Power makes quite a bill, and is credited by "Fanna 2 weeks and 4 days' spinning 50 cents." In August, 1800, Stephen Latimer is charged with "sugar 50 cents," and on the line below is this grim entry credit by death." In 1807, Nancy Strickland bought a gallon and five quarts of whisky, and paid the bill by one calf $2.75 ; in 1807, Henry Segar bought whisky several times " to be paid in 'rie' after harvest;" in 1801, a man named Bular is credited on his account with seven weeks' work $4.66.6-they were very particular to carry out the mills and cents in 1797, Moses Emmerson is charged $30.66.7 for 23 weeks board. He marks John Crandall's bill in 1801 as "set- tled the above accompt." Following this "accompt" is a year's venison deal in 1797 with same Crandall: first is by 100 pounds venison $2, then is "84 pounds venison in the woods, 84 cents." In 1798, Benjamin Babcock, account and due bill $13.91-running through the months, there are credits, " 21 bushels rie " $1.66; 2 1/2 bushels corn $1.25; 2 bushels potatoes 45 cents; 6 bushels wheat $6 ; 3 pigs $1.20, and then timothy seed to square the "accompt."
In 1797 Joseph Kinney is charged with "a gallon of whisky by Mr. Hammond." June 24, 1800, is this entry: "Received Capt. William Benjamin's horse from Albert Wells, and requested to keep well." Then, April 15, "Capt. Benjamin took his horse away by the hand of Mr. Williams." In 1807 Benjamin King made an account for whisky and venison ; he is credited by "three baskets, boting. 5 chairs; making neat house," etc.; in 1807 Isaiah King bought several quarts of whisky, and is credited by "one (lay's hoein(,, 50 cents; one mar- tin skin, 40 cents." In 1799, Samuel Griffin is charged with " 1-1 days oxeens work, 00 cents"; "to horses and oxeen drawing load hay from Beaver's Meadows;" April, 1799, he has several charges against Isaiah Grover for "meat and potatoes lent," and for "Billey and the oxeen 1/2 day, 30 cents to the oxeen five days to go to M r. Board- man's, $2.00 " "to the oxeen one day to draw logs for his house;" this was August 30. Polly Luther (year not given) made an "accompt of $8.16; among the items was "one hat, $4.00 " (Polly was a little vain) cloth for shortgown, 40 cents five yards tow cloth, $2.67;" "1/2 yard muslin, 42 cents;" to "soals to 1 pair slips and making 25 cents; " then, "settled with Polly," by the following account: " 10 days work on tow yarn ; 6 days on linnen yarn; 6 days on tow yarn, by 2 weeks and 2 (lays spining linnen; two weeks on linnen tow and picking wool; by one week and one (lay on tow; by eight days spining tow; by three weeks and four (lays work on linnen and tow, and finally by five weeks and five and a half (lays work." A girl now would consider this right smart work for $8.16. In 1810 he credits Aurilla Hurlbut with '131 weeks and 5 days work, $21.23." During the year IS03 George brown runs an account, $1.63. In 1803 -Dr. Prowlan run up a Ion(, bill for whisky; only that each item is generally for one or two gills at a time, one would conclude that there were a great man y snake bites that year amon g h is patients one entry is "2 (rills whisky, lodging and breakfast, and my horse to ride home." In 1800, Wheeler Hinman runs up a long store account, in which is "a days work by Horace," "leather, and soal leather for 1 pair shoes," sugar, whisky; the sugar is charged at about 13 cents a pound, and whisky one dollar a gallon; then Hinman is credited with making quite a number of pairs of shoes, "half-boots for Billey," and shoes for Betty and Horace and -1 topping Horace's boots," etc. Then the next page goes back to 1797, and gives Nathaniel Babcock's account," among numerous items is, "Horace and oxen, 1 1/2 days, $1.25," and he is credited by day's work, "use of sadd le, one day choping, one day hoeing, one day reaping," etc. Then in 1801, Hezekiah "Arrants," and, on opposite I)a,(,-e it is written "Arrand," is charged for sugar, potatoes, wheat, corn, gallon of soap, candles, but no whisky. Hezekiah must also have been a cobbler, as he is credited with making and " half-soaling " many pairs of shoes; these are shoes for "Ceasar," Polly, Betty, Horace, Billey, Mrs. Spalding and by one pair shoes for Horace by agreement $2.25 "-this was pretty extravagant for Horace as the average price or shoes is 66 cents. In 1797, Jonas Geers has quite an "accompt," and among other items is 41 one it-on kettle, $5.20," by " daughter's making cap for wife 40 cents."
On the opposite page he is credited with "fetching 2 loads of goods from. Elihu Knights," and by " Gi- yards cassimer, $14.00," and by "a half stack of hay $3.33 1/3." In 1797, Jonathan Prosser's account fills a page, and the whole foots up $17.00, mostly for teams to haul, provisions, and one item is bu. potatoes and 26 pumpkins, 40 cents."
The price of pumpkins was one cent each. The same year, 1797, Ebenezer Brigsby has quite an account, and among other items is one for the "hire of his kettle to sugar in, $1." In 1798 John Newell runs a long account-potatoes, corn, wheat, hauling, etc. Ile is cred- ited by " beaver skin by Press Stevens, $2.00; a deer skin, $1.00 ; buck- wheat, by weaving etc. In 1799 Daniel Bailey's account in small items runs up to $36.34. Ile is credited -with making Betty's and Delight's shoes and "toping Cesars," and many and much shoemaking and mending. In 1799 Laban Landon opened an account; three bun-dles of straw, beans, wheat, flax, "a pullet 12 cents " and "soal leather for Laban." lard, and cash to Eleazer Ellis, etc. His credit is by a "bushel of salt from Wil liamsport, $2.50; by " 1 dog, 82 cents," by turning bedstead posts," by " one hive," by leather for Horace and Cesars vamps and quarters," and finally "by the verdict about the old horse $5." In 1801 Henry Van Valkenburg's name opens an account and it is spelled "Vanvolcanborough that is very good indeed, burg " means borough when you write, though pronounced "burg in common parlance. Van got seed wheat, a pig, corn, potatoes, etc., and is credited by tallow, venison, deer skins, etc. Orr Scovel in 1800 fills a page; it is all potatoes, wheat, corn, rye, etc., and in his credits is an order on Ebenezer Tuttle for $3.00, and another "by his sawmill to saw 720 feet." In 1800 Eleazer Allis makes a Ion g account, which it seems he paid mostly in whisky and work. It should be born in mind that then whisky was not only the vernacular drink, but the legal tender of the realm. In 1803 Jesse Roberts made an account, and the next year paid it off in rye. In 1800 Uriah Loper bought about $12.00, and is credited one wash tub, a shawl, silk handkerchief, by an order on Thomas Caldwell, and by hauling to Robert's mill." In 1811 "John Granidier [this means Granteer] bought 11 bushels apples 75 cents."
In 1861 Jacob " Granidier" [Granteer] is charged with many itemssugar, potatoes, work by Horace, etc., and is credited by many days' work. Zepheniah Rogers makes a long store-bill in 1803. Jesse Drake has a larger one in 1802, but he is credited with eighteen bushels of apples." Among other items charged to Jesse is keeping horse nine nights, ninety cents." In 1803 Noah Wilson (mayor of Alba) came down to Spalding's to trade, and bought cider, salt, whisky, potatoes, etc. This open account ran along until 1822, when, under date of July 1, appears this: " Settled all the above amounts and all other deals to this date in full," signed by Noah Wilson and Ezra Spalding. In 1809 Benjamin Landon opened an account; it ran until IS12 when they settled and signed the account. In 1804 Eli McNitt opened an account, and this open account runs to 1810. The same year Augustus Loomis commences to trade with Spalding, and the same year again appears the name of Wilkes Gillett on the books, every item of his account being whisky. In 1805 Levi Morse ran a bill, which he paid in tailoring; among other items is " making great coat, $1.50," "turning Horace's-$2" (supposed "pantaloons"). March 21, 1813, is this entry: "Zuba Nelson came to my house to work," and in 1812 is this: "Sabra Green. came to my house to work." In 1805 John Newell, Jr., begins an account, whisky, beans, potatoes, and paid by work and (leer skins. In 1805 appears the account of Thomas Updegraff, who paid in leather, it seems (probably the first tanner). In 1805 Samuel Waitman opened an account. In 1808 Zoroaster Porter's name appears; in 1811 he, too, bought apples of Spalding, and in 1812 they settle up the account.
Ezra Spalding's family were himself, wife, and sons Horace and William, and daughters Lucy, Betsey and Delight, and two slaves, Bulah and her boy, " Cesar," who were slaves in Connecticut. Bulah, having her freedom after a year here, went back to Sheshequin, but Cesar" remained. Ezra Spalding was born in Connecticut, and was aged forty-two when he came ; he had a good education, had surveyed, and had studied navigation. He was a Revolutionary soldier; he first came to Sheshequin in 1795, and next year to this place. His cabin was between where the road now runs and Towanda county, nearly a mile from the borough where his son Horace lived. They built a cabin, 16x32, and the next February he brought his family in sleds. When he came he brought about $300 worth of cow-bells, which he soon sold to his neighbors, Groceries were "dear bought and far fetched " at first, as they all came from Athens, but the trade soon changed to Will iam sport, simply following down the stream to that place, which old-t mers said they crossed thirty-eight times going from Canton. In the above accounts appears an entry against Emmerson, who was a spy, it seems, of Pennsylvania, and who tried to rob Spalding of his land.
John Newell, Jr., settled the L. N. Rutty farm in 1797, and sold in 1799 to Samuel Rutty.
Government sent out viewers to locate a road north from Williamsport to Canada, and, after much contention as to the two routes, it was finally surveyed and located much as it now runs through the county. It was sixty feet wide and completed, except three miles in 1811.
The slave "Cesar " was given his liberty by Mr. Spalding when he was twenty-one ; he lived to be quite old, and was never accused of being wholly, as his namesake would have his wife.
Spalding's mill on his farm was a small affair, but a great improvement to sturnp pounding. It would run all (lay and grind about three bushels of corn.
Reference has already been made to the burning of Spalding's house. In further explanation it may be said that this was all caused by this traitor in his house, Emmerson, and was another attempt of the Pennamites to ruin the Connecticut settlers. Spalding was arrested tinder the " intrusion law," lined $200 and sent to prison two months. He served out his term, and then an executive took and sold all his personal property and the rascals burned his house. These were some of the drastic measures against these poor settlers, who, one would suppose,, had enough natural obstacles to contend with without such horrors as Pennsylvania agents inflicted upon them. Is it any wonder there was in time bloodshed between these parties ? Mr. Spalding had purchased of Col. Spalding and Elisha Satterlee, but finally completing his title by purchasing of the Asylum company. This ruin came to Mr. Spalding in the fall of 1800. He was compefled to move his family into a small cabin that stood where J. W. Griffin lived; at that time owned by Ebenezer Allis, where he lived one year and then built a new house, and in a few years he was again prospering and running his hotel. He died in December, 1828. His son Horace succeeded him, and died on the old place at the ripe age of ninety-six. Mrs. S. D. Kendall, of Canton, is a daughter Of Horace Spalding.
Early elections in Canton township were held at the house of Daniel Stone. 'An early justice was Isaac Chaapel, and in time he was succeeded by Seeley Crofut.
The first school in the new township was taught by Isaac Chaapel, near Pratt's Mill. In 1799 some of the most prominent people, among others Ezra Spencer, were arrested under the " intrusion law," for set-tling on lands under Connecticut title, and sentenced to two or three months' imprisonment and fined $200. In 1800 Mr. Spalding's house was burned, while the sheriff was in the act of dispossessing him, to put a man in it b y the name of John Schrader, Sr., and about the time tire was descried, a bullet "whizzed " close by the heads of the sheriff and Schrader. This was one of the incidents of that disturbed time and disputed land titles.
In November, 1814, Michael R. Thorp made his appearance in the settlement with blank deeds, etc., and claimed to be an agent of The Bank of North America," which claimed the land of the settlers and he urged the people to buy. Many did so; took a deed and mortgage at the rate of $2.50 per acre, a few lost or gave up their claims and took other land.
The first division of Canton township was striking off Franklin township--about one-half of its territory ; the next chancre was Oat of making Troy township. The people in the confusion were, many of them on North Sugar creek, called on in two townships to pay taxes. Canton township originally comprised Leroy, Franklin, Alba borough, and a large part of Granville.
In 1820, in the split in the Methodist Church by those "protesting against the "episcopacy," a society of the new order was formed in Canton township, of which Uriah Baxter was the chosen leader, and Elder David Randall, of Burlington, was an active and influential member. This society still keeps its organization.
Jacob Granteer settled what is Canton borough in 1800. Ile came that spring and purchased 440 acres, including all the east part and West limits of the incorporation.he bought of Jonathan Prosser, built a nice hewed log house on the (,round on which stands Ezekiel Newman's house. Granteer, who was born in Lorraine, came to America two or three years before the breaking out of the Revolution, and settled in the Mohawk valley. Ile volunteered into Morgan's Riflemen, and served during- the war. After that he removed to Newtown (Elmira), and from there in pirogues floated down the river to the mouth of Towanda creek, called " Fox's ferry," or sometimes " Fox's fishery," and finally "Fox's chase." Ile built the first sawmill on Mill creek a short distance north of Canton borough. he was killed by a fall in his mill in 1801 or 1805. Ile left three sons and four daughters, all now deceased. His eldest son, John Granteer, cleared the around on which the borough stands. John was twice married, first to a Heverly and then to Mary Moore; he died in 1870, aged eighty-six; his wife died in 1861 and was buried in the ground he had a church and graveyard where was built the first Union given for c hurch; this old church building was moved to Centre street, and became a residence. John Granteer left one son by his first marriage, and two sons by his last marriage viz: Jacob and John.
Grover is a station on the railroad south of the borough of Canton, and nearly on the south county line. The most important industry here is the extensive Innes tannery; there are two stores and some small shops; also a gristmill operated by James It. Eastgate, and the extensive planing mill of S. S. Vermilye.
Minnequa Springs-This is a lovely spot, and a most noted health resort of northern Pennsylvania, from whose remarkable springs burst forth the cold, pure, health-giving waters. It is tradition that the Indians were led to this spring following the game that came for the sweet water. The early pioneer learned of it from the Indian, and, in the course of time, Peter Herdic, by the advice of his physician, came here and found the fountain of health, if not of perpetual youth, and, in 1869, he made it a health resort for the public. Guests and visitors and cottage-builders have been a steady, increasing stream to the present. In 1870 Judge Maynard purchased sixty acres, and built his residence near the spring. A commodious hotel was built, and, when this was overtaxed with increasing guests, a large room annex was put up. The main building was burned in 1878, and the present brick was opened in 1884.
Were there nothing here but the sweet dreamland that it is-the wide smooth sweeping valley at your feet, the surrounding swelling bills and the afar, dreamy blue lines of the Armenia, and the South Mountains overlooking Canton, and the green velvet valley of the Towanda-it would be an enchanting place for the city visitor fleeing from the roar and dust and dirt of the city, to rest and renew life and vigor for the future struggle. Here is great Mother Nature's sweet bosom, where her weary and sick children may cuddle and sleep and dream, and regain strength and health.
Mr. L. J. Andress, who has for many years kept the hotel, is a famous caterer, and so is his able assistant, Mr. Hinckley. From all the Eastern cities are representative families with cottages lining the sides of the surrounding hills, while others are constantly being built. Among the earliest to select this as a summer home were E. L. Daven- port and Fanny Davenport and Frank Mayo, of theatrical renown, whose "Crockett Lodge " is a marvel of beauty. Other notable places are "Maynard's Hid, Miss F. A. Smith's cottage, Henry A. Oakley's and those of Rev. Stephen W. Dana, D. D.; Dr. Saylor, Dr. Franklin Hindale; Dr. Arthur Brooks, rector of the Church of the Incarnation ; besides, " Beechwood,'' the charming summer home of Mrs. C. At. Par-ker, and others. Some of the most elegant cottages are now in course of construction. The Northern Central Railroad stops all trains at this point during the season. Minnequa is about half-way between Elmira and Williarnsport, and two miles north of the borough of Canton. Analysis of the water: Total solid contents in one U. S. gallon (grains in one U. S. gallon), 7.652; calcium, 0.994; magnesium, 0.207; sodium, 0.722; lithium, trace; aluminum, 0.127: iron, trace; manganese 0.226 ; chlorine, 0.140; silica, 0.700; zinc, 0.028; carbonic acid, 2.053; boracic acid, 2.132; oxygen (with silicates), 0.138; loss, 0.145. Temperature of spring, 47 degrees Fahrenheit.
Canton borough was incorporated May 23, 1864, with the following as first officers: Burgess, John A. Mix; J. E. Bullock, secretary justice of the peace, J. W. Vandyke and Thomas Bennett; council Herman Townsend, E. W. Coolwell, Daniel Wilcox, John A. Hooper, and H. F. Beardsley. The record of the burgesses and secretaries from 1864 to 1891 is as follows:
Burgesses.-1864-65, John S. Mix; 1866, Charles Stockwell; 1867, James O.Randall; 1868, Charles Stockwell; 1869, Charles Stockwell; I870, Marcus Porter; 1871, A.D. Williams; 1872, E.I,. Manley; 1873, H.B. Parsons; 1874, Theo. Pierce; 1875, Samuel W. Owen; 1876, A.D. Williams; 1877, B.W. Clark; 1878, J.H.Shaw; 1879, J. H. Shaw; 1880, G. If. Estell; 1881, G. 1-1. Estell; 1882, H. B. Parsons; 1883, E. A. Jennings; 1884, E. A. Jennings; 1885, E. A. Jennings; 1886, W. C. Crippen; 1887, W.C. Crippen; 1888m J. W. Parsons'; 1889, J. W. Parsons ; 1890, J. W. Parsons.
Secretaries. J. E. Bullock; 1866, J. E. :Bullock; 1867, J. E. Bullock; 1868, James D. Tyler; 1869, If. N. Williams; 1870, Ed. New-man ; 1871, LAI. P. Lewis; 1872, J. W. Stene; 1873, G. W. Griffin; 1874, G. W. Griffin ; 1875, R. AL Manley; 1876, R. M. Manley; 1877, M. P. Lewis; 1878, John S. Griffin ; 1879, Frank A. Owen; 1880, W. W. Whitman - 1881, W. W. Whitman; 1882, Charles E. Bullock; 1883, G. ANT. Griffin ; 1884, Newton Landon; 1885 Charles E. Riggs; 1886, Charles E. Riggs; 1887, A. P. Hackett; 1888, Charles E. Riggs; 1889, Charles E. Riggs; 1890, Charles E. Riggs.
The present borough officers are as follows: Colin A. Innes, burgess; Hollis H. Taylor, vice burgess; Michael F. Wynne, treasurer; Charles E. Riggs, secretary. Street Commiftee-Michael F. Wynne, Harry E. Griffin, Richard J. O'Donnel. Sidewalk C'ommittee--Hollis H.. Taylor, Robert E. Rockwell, Walter G. Newman. Street Commisioner-Almeran D. Biddle.
Citizens' Water Works (incorporated), Canton, was established in 1876 and reorganized in 1883 ; capital stock, $25,000. The first supply was from Mill creek, and the second was from Lake Nephwan, in 1889. The former was about one and one-fourth miles, and the latter one-half mile distant. The officers are: G. W. Maynard, president; 1. E. Cleveland, treasurer; L. E. Manley, secretary ; G. E. Guernsey
manager. The pipes have been extended to Minnequa, and supply that place as well. as Canton. The water from the creek has a fall of 300 feet, and from the lake about 250 feet-an unlimited supply, and altogether Canton may be said to have the best water supply in northern Pennsylvania.
Canton Schools have an enrollment of 400 pupils, and employ eight teachers. U. G. Palmer is principal. The board of education consists of W. S. Lewis, M. D., president; William C. Sechrist, Esq., secretary; W. C. Crippen, treasurer; L. R. Gleason, M. L. Rockwell, T. Burk.
Caledonia Tannery was established in 1870, and began operations in 1871. The tannery is owned by A. Innes & Son, and has a capacity of 55,000 hides a year, The number of men employed is from thirtyfive to forty.
Steam Pour and Feed Mill was built in 1876, and owned by Samuel Strait. Geo. 13. Riley bought it in 1890, and continues to operate it. H. Sheldon & Co., Map Rollers and Mountings, was established in 1811 ; capital stock about $9,000. They employ from thirteen to eighteen men.
Gleason & Clarks Canton, Tannery was established in 1869, by Gleason & Irving. In 1881, Mr. Irving sold his interest in the plant. The product is about 350,000 pounds of leather per year; they employ sixteen men.
Hockett Bros.' Sawmill, Carding-mill and Bee-hive Factory.-The firm bought the mill of C. 0. Hazleton. October, 1882, and added the Beehive Factory in the spring of 1889. They manufacture beehives principally in the summer, and last year's product was over 2,000; and $500 worth of wool was carded.
Hugh Crawford's Roller -Feed Mill.--The firm buy about sixty carloads of grain a year,'and grind for customers, besides what is bought in Canton; employ abou t twenty-five men.
G. X. Coon's Planing Mill , was built in 1887, and employs from four to six men. The mill has a 45 horsepower engine and runs planers, lathes, board and ji g saw, etc.
A. M. Wilson's Foundry and Machine Shop was established over thirty years ago by N. H. Harris. The present owner bought it in 1888 The machine shop is 40x4o feet, and the foundry 30x60 feet-, employs from three to live men.
Rockwell &Son's Canton Steam Mills were started in 1879; contain seven grinding buhrs. They do a business of about 520,000 a year.
H. H. Taylor's Planing Mill has been established about twenty years. The present owner has been running it seven years: employs five men, and does a large business.
-Miller Bros.' Saw and Feed Mill was established in the spring of 1883; was started first in 1876 as a wagon and repair shop; does an extensive business.
Canton has the following business concerns: Dry goods, three clothing, three; hardware, four; furniture, two; jewelry, two; banks, First National Bank; three hotels-,' Packard House," "Canton" and Mountain View grocery stores, eight ; agricultural stores, two bakery, one; meat markets, two; livery stables, four ; boot and shoe store, one; planing mills, two; gristmills, two; foundry, one ; tannery, one; sawmills, two; blacksmiths, five; wagon shops, three; undertaker, one.
The First National Bank of Can ton was established March 1, 1881, with a capital stock of $50,000. The capital stock is $50.000; the surplus fund $23,000 ; the undivided profits, $5,672.44. National bank notes outstanding $11,700 ; individual deposits subject to check $69,086.97; demand certificates of deposit $48,693.35. The first officers were Adam Innes, -president; Geo. B. Guernsey, cashier. The present officers are Daniel Innes, president; Geo. B. Guernsey, cashier. The directors are A. D. Foss, Geo. E. Bullock, Jno. A. Innes.
Churches.-There are five churches in Canton: Methodist Episcopal, Baptist, Presbyterian, Disciple and Catholic.
Union Agricultural Association was organized August 24, 1880.
The first officers were: J. Whitehead, P.; Cyrus Taber, V. P.; H. Cathin, See.; W. M. Watts, Treas.; capital stock $5,000; purchased twenty-one acres of land of George J. Goff, situated on Towanda road, one mile east of the borough, and proceeded to erect the necessary buildings and Jay out a one-half mile tract, which is one of the best in the county. The first fair was held in October, 1881, and lasted three days. It now holds in September and lasts four days. They have plenty of good spring water on the grounds, and everything is in good condition. The present officers are: J. H. Brown, P.; F. A. Owen, V. P.; G. A. Guernsey, Treas.; Mr. Derrah, See.
Farmers' Institute was organized in 1889, and had their first annual meeting in 1890. It has had help from the State Board of AgriculLure, and is altogether a thriving association. Its secretary is Charles D. Derrah.