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History of Bradford County, Pennsylvania with Biographical SketchesBy H. C. Bradsby, 1891If You Have Photos of People Mentioned on the Page, Send Them In For Inclusion |
two hundred acres, with a fine dwelling house, barns and all necessary buildings, his place, together with the impl'0yements, having no superior in the county. Mr. Blocher was united in marriage, September 5, 1867, with Lucretia A., daughter and only surviving child of Ferris and Emaline (Camp) Ackley, which union has been blessed with live children, as follows: Carrie E., born February 18, 1871, Leona A., born April 18, 1874, .Ackley E., born December 20, 1879, Roy L. Y., born September 2, 1881, and Martin F., born April 15, 1886. The family are members of the Spring Hill Methodist Church, of which Mr. Blocher is steward and recording secretary. He has for many years given considerable attention to music, and for about twelve years past has been President of the" Mutual Musical Alliance," a prominent and flourishing musical society of eastern Bradford and part of Susquehanna and Wyoming counties. In politics he is a .Republican, and has filled various town offices; is now assessor, which position he has held for the past three years. Mr. Blocher has long been prominent among the business men of this section, and has H, host of friends, and the highest respect of all who know him.
CARPENTER J. BLOOM, of Lamkin Bros. & Bloom, prominent dealers in general merchandise, Troy, was born in Canton township this county, November ]0,1858, and is a son of J. Albert and Mary A. (Hoagland) Bloom. His paternal grandfather, Elisha Bloom, was a native of Germany and a pioneer of Canton township, where he cleared and improved a farm, und resided unti1 his death; his children were: George, J. Albert, Ann (Mrs. Oakley Lewis), Dolly (Mrs. Charles Hoagland), Dameras (Mrs. George Merchant,), and Betsey (Mrs. Isaac Hoagland). Of these J. Albert succeeded to the homestead, a part of which he now occupies; his first wife was a daughter of Anthony Hoagland, of English birth, a, pioneer of Sullivan county, Pa., and by her he had four children: Rose (deceased), Carpenter J., Dora and. Etta. By his second wife, Mary (Holcomb) Lewis, Mr. Bloom had three children: Alice, Elisha and Nellie. Our subject was reared in Canton township, and was educated in the public schools of TROY. He began life as a teacher in common and graded schools, and in 1882 located in Troy, where for five years he was a clerk in the same general store he has now an interest in. In 1889 he became a member of the firm of Lamkin & Bloom, since when it has been Lamkin Bros. & Bloom, Mr. Bloom was married August 22, 1884, to Emma, daughter of Austin Mitchell, of Troy, and has one child, Earl, Mr., Bloom is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and of the I. O. O. F. Politically he is a Republican.
JOHN J. BOHLAIER farmer, P, O. Troy, was born in Württemberg, Germany, July 25, 1834, son of John J. H and Christianna (Meinholt) BOHLAIER. He was reared and educated in his native country, and in 1854 came to .America. He stopped one year in Brooklyn, N. Y., and in 1855 came to Litchfield, this county, where he worked as a laborer, and also in Granvi11e. In 1857 he purchased a. farm in Granville township, a part of which he cleared; and in the latter part or the "sixties" he removed to Troy, where he erected a couple of d welling houses and resided foul' years, a part of which time he was street 86
commissioner of that borough. He purchased the farm he now occupies, clearing- and improving it, erecting all the buildings on it, and has since added to his possessions until he has now accumulated nearly six hundred acres. . Mr. Bohlaier married, in 1858, Elsie A.., daughter of John and Polly McClelland, of Columbia. Township. Mr. Bohlaier, in addition to farming, for a, number of years operated a large sawmill, giving employment to from six to fifteen men annually. He is a. substantial and successful farmer, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and in politics is a Republican.
PATRICK BOLAND, a prominent farmer, of Warren Township, P. O. Cadis, is a native of County Clare, Ireland, and was born in 1807, a son of Patrick and Hannah (Maloney) Boland, natives of the same place, where they spent their lives, the father dying in 1836, and the mother in 1840; they had ten children-seven daughters and three sons-two of the sons coming to this country. Patrick and Michael, latter of whom died February 8, 1891, leaving a widow and two sons. Patrick Boland came to America in 1856, direct to Warren township, He had been reared on a farm in Ireland, and became a successful landowner and farmer in this county; he has one hundred and ten acres, an excellent farm, finely improved and kept in an excellent state or cultivation. He was married in his native place, in 1841, to Mary Vaughn, daughter- of Michael and Winnie (Dugan) Vaughan, the former of whom died in his native place in 1848, and the latter in 1852; they had seven children-six daughters and a. son -of whom Mary was the eldest, born in 1819. To Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Boland have been born eight children, as follows: Nora, Mrs. Edward Moran, of Susquehanna county; Mary, who died August 24, 1888, aged forty years; Patrick H., a farmer in Warren, married to Nellie Flaherty, and has six children; Bridget, who died February 9, 1863 aged twelve years; Winnie, a resident of Binghamton, N. Y.; John J., a farmer in Warren, married to Delia Flaherty, they have two children; Catherine Mrs. Michael Flanagan), of Binghamton, has two children; Daniel F. at home, who manages the farm. The family are Catholics, and the venerable father is it Democrat in politics.
0. M. BONNEY, farmer, of Franklin township, P. O. Franklindale, was born at Eaton, 1\Iadison Co" N, Y., April 22, 1838, a son of Orrin and Irene (Warren) Bonney, both or whom were born in Eaton, N. Y. Orrin was the son of Levi Bonney, a. native of New England, and one of the first settlers in Eaton, and who was the father or twelve children-seven sons and five daughters. Orrin Bonney always lived in Eaton on part of the old homestead; he was the father of six children- five sons and one daughter-all or whom grew to maturity, four now living. Orrin Bonney was one of the first Abolitionists in Eaton; three of his sons served their country’s cause in the Civil War. Our subject, who is the fourth in the family, was reared and educated in Eaton at the common school and always confined himself to farming, at which he succeeded. On Dcember24, 1850 he married, at Franklin, Miss Emma, daughter of John and Martha (Holcomb) McKee. He returned to Eaton after his marriage, and
JOHN, ARTHUR, and ZACHARIAH BOS'l'WICK were brothers who came from Cheshire, England, about 1668, and located at Stratford, Conn, In 1707 John removed to New :Milford, being the second settler i11 that town. The Bostwicks held offices of trust and importance in their town and county, and their names are still held in high respect on the town records as well as in the memory of their descendants. Dimon Bostwick, who holds a prominent place among the early settlers of Bradford county_ was the eldest of four sons of David, the great-grandson of John. He was born in New Milford, where he was reared and educated; was an admirable surveyor and drul1ghtsman, and was versed in mathematics, general literature, history and theology, In the year 1792 he left his home to seek his fortune amid the wilds of Pennsylvania, and coming up the Susquehanna, as far as Bradford county, pitched his tent upon Wyalusing creek; he very soon went off as surveyor in an exploring party, one of the Pompel1ys of Owego, being of the number. It is said they moved in the direction of the "Lake country" in Central New York, but the exact course and extent is not precisely known, as Mr. Bostwick's note-book, containing much valuable information and notes of survey, was lost; tradition says. however, that the men staid out on this expedition so many days that their provisions gave out, and that one of the men died of privation and hunger, while the others subsisted for days on boiled nett1es without salt. Mr. Bostwick seems to have had some idea of settling where Owego now is, but abandoned the idea, and followed the Susquehanna back to 'Wyalusing creek, then as far up the creek as what is now Pike township, and built a log house in the wilderness.
Most of his time must have been spent in surveying the new country, as among the papers which have been found recently in the possession of the Bostwick heirs are maps of surveys, yellow with age, and in some instances worn and partly defaced; one map seems .to be of what are now the counties of Luzerne, Bradford and Susquehanna; beginning at the Wyalusing creek, it contains 16,000 acres of land, and is in Dimon Bostwick's own hand writing, bearing date 1796, and is inscribed upon the back: "This survey encroaches upon no survey 01' town heretofore g)'anted."
The most ancient looking deed, or grant of land among these old-time relics, is a certificate from the Susquehanna Company to Dimon Bostwick, Elihu Curtis, and the heir's of John Moss, granting them "title and right to Three Thousand Five Hundred Acres of Land, in
said Company's Purchase, which is located agreeable to the rules of said Company in a Township known by the name of Millsberry. Dimon Bostwick is entitled to Two Thousand, One Hundred Acres of Land, &c." It bears date November 28, 1796, Athens, signed by David Paine, clerk, witnessed by Lib. E. Page.
In the same year (1796) Dimon Bostwick returned to New Milford and married Lois, daughter of David Olmstead, of that place, and a lady of gentle disposition, possessed of much beauty of person and energy of character, They came from Connecticut with an ox team to the Great Bend, and from that place down the river to the mouth of the Wyalusing, and up the creek in a canoe. This worthy couple commenced life within the humble walls of their log house, which stood on the banks of the creek, on what are now the flats belonging to the Bostwick homestead. Benajah Bostwick married Mary, sister of Lois Olmstead, and after several years followed his brother Dimon to the settlement in Pike. He was a man of genial, jovial disposition, and. like his brothel', of sterling integrity, and a strong Episcopalian. The brother's worked on peacefu11y together, Dimon after a, time dividing the land, which he had purchased of the Susquehanna Company, with his brother. Nothing seems to have daunted the energy, industry and courage of these lion-hearted men who cleared our forests, and formed the township of Pike. Soon after there was a gristmill built, which was a great comfort and help, for Dimon Bostwick and other's had carried grain on their shoulders sixty miles to get it ground, walking on a footpath and wading the Wyalusing creek several times. In 1802, Dimon Bostwick built a sawmill, and sawed out lumber and built himself a house, comfortable and nice for those times, and moved into it in 1805. This homestead was only' rebuilt in 1874 by his son Penett. There were born to Dimon and Lois Bostwick nine children: Almira (Mrs.
Canfield Stone), Eliza (wife of Rev. Samuel Marks), Julia, Randolph,
Penett Marshall, Valvasa, Esther, Hannah and Sarah (wife of Rev. George P.Hopkins). Lois Olmstead Bostwick died in her eighty-first year, beloved and reverenced by he.' children,
In 1815, the assessment roll of Pike township, in the handwriting of Dimon Bostwick, contains the honored names of Bosworth, Bostwick, Bradshaw, Brink, Benham, Stevens, Hancock, Ross, Keeler, Ingham and many others including one physician, I>.,. Dr. Reuben Baker, and one merchant, Salmon Bosworth. . The average amount of personal property owned at this time by each man seems to have been one horse, one house, and two cows, in most cases also an ox team, Tradition tells us that these men were a1l fine-looking in face and figure, and also that there was a public library in this same town of Pike, in this far-off time. It was called the, "Friendship Library," and in the two leaves, yellow with age, which only are left to tell us what they said and what they read, by the old fire places, with .the tallow candle's light, there are 'The Bye Laws of ye Friendly Library." There was a. board of' director's, who met once a week, and were ordered "to attend to each Library Day when the books were given out and returned." The Bye-Laws are too long to copy hero, the list or books included classics, history, military tactics, philosophy, religion,
with here and there a, book or poems, or work of romance. One book therein contained must have been very ancient; it is called the "Three Woe Trumpets." In 1814, the Parish of St, Mathew's Church was organized, and the names of the men, mentioned on the old assessment roll, appear on the church charter.
We quote the following from r, Edward Crandall, a neighbor of Mr. Bostwick and a prominent citizen of Pike township: "Dimon Bostwick died at his residence in Pike township, Bradford Co., Thursday morning, December 3, 1856, in the eighty-eighth year of his age. The subject of the above demands more than a passing notice at our hands, he being one of the last links connecting the history of the first settlement upon the Wyalusing creek. In the year 1702 he left his father’s house in New Milford, Conn., to seek for himself in the wild of the Susquehanna Company’s purchase of the State of Connecticut
and having purchased two shares of land and located them, commenced to hew out of the dense unbroken forest a home; with a strong- arm and determined will did he encounter the difficulties which surrounded him, and he faltered not until he had obtained what, to the pioneer., was a comfortable home. When the controversy between the Pennsylvani2 claimants and the Connecticut settlers approached his possessions, there was aroused in him the lion of h is nature, and he waged unrelenting opposition to the fraudulent claims of the land speculators. It, however, embittered at least forty years of his life, and not until the last three years was the title and dispute fully ended. Warm and ardent in his attachments to his friends and family, he lived out a long life 0'1 faithful and devoted usefulness to the community and society in the place where he resided for the 1a.st sixty-four years; the unbending integrity of his character would never yield to speculation of any kind consequently he abided at home in the midst of his family, and ate only of the products of continued industry and persevering toi1. In 1814 he associated himself with others in the organization of St. Mathew's Church, and continued a leading member, unwavering in his faith, a notable example of steady adherence and abiding confidence in the doctrine and creed of the Protestant Episcopal Church until the hour of his death." Mr. Bostwick bequeathed his estate to the two children who remained at the homestead, Penett Marshall and Va1vasa. The former rebuilt the old home in 1874; he was unmarried and lived at his birth-place until his death, which occurred April 25, 1891, in the eighty-sixth 'year of his age. His two sisters now own the Bostwick homestead, Valvasa, and Sarah, wife of Rev, Geo. P. Hopkins, who was born in Philadelphia and is the youngest son or John Hopkins, of that city, formerly of Dublin, Ireland. John Hopkins was the great grandson of Isaac Hopkins, of Coventry, England, who married a daughter of one of the Miss Gunning of historic beauty. His wife, who as the mother of Rev. George Hopkins, was Catherine Davenport, the daughter of Edmund Davenport, an eminent lawyer of Dublin, Ireland, and of Huguenot decent upon her mother's side. She was a lady of marked Christian life and character, and high culture. Rev. George P. Hopkins now resides at the Bostwick homestead with his
wife, and two daughters, Julia Eliza and Essy. He is at present in charge of' the parish of old St. :Mathews in the township of Pike.
WILLIAM BOSTWICK, farmer, of Wysox township, P. O. Wysox, was born in Susquehanna county, Pa., April 1, 1840, a son of Madison and .Amanda (Griffis) Bostwick, natives of ,Connecticut and' Pennsylvania, respectively. In his father's family there were five children, of whom he is the third. When be was thirteen years of age he went to live with William Griffis, at Rummerfield, and when Mr. Griffis was elected sheriff, he lived in Towanda, and remained in the family some time. On August 12, 1862, he enlisted at Rummerfield, in Company 1, One Hundred and Forty-first P. V. I., and was discharged on surgeon's certificate of disability, December 29, 1862; in 1877 he engaged with R. M. Bostwick in mercantile business at Rummerfield, where he remained five years; he was two years foreman for the LehighValley Railroad, and in 1883 he purchased his present home where he has since resided and given his attention chiefly to farming. Mr. Bostwick was married, October 30, 1873, to Esther', daughter of Hiram and Lodoiska (Huyck) Vannest, natives of Pennsylvania, and of Dutch origin. They have five children, as follows : Amelia Rahm, born February 22, 1875; Elizabeth E., born September 7, 1876; Jennie L., born October 8, 1879; William, born December 14, 1881, died, September 18, 1882; Esther H.., born April 14, 1890. Mr. Bostwick is a member of the G. A. R. Post at Rome; is a Republican in politics and has been school director in Wysox, and was postmaster at Rummerfield from 1879 until 1882.
E. E. BOSWORTH, merchant, Wyalusing township, P. O. Wyalusing, was born in Smithfield township, this county, .May 11, 1846, son of Dr. Henry C. and Maria (Bosard) Bosworth, natives of New York. His father was a graduate of the Geneva Medical College and practiced many years, being remarkably successful, but he gave up the practice of medicine about fifteen years prior to his death, and devoted his attention to mercantile pursuits at Osceola, where he died, December 5, 1870, aged fifty-eight years. Dr. Bosworth had a family of three children: E. E. (our subject); U. A., a .farmer of Osceola, and C. H., a physician, of Osceola. E. E. passed his boyhood at Osceola where he received an academical education, then entered the University of Geneseo, N. Y., and after two years spent there, returned home and entered the mercantile business, becoming a partner in a hard ware store at Osceola in 1870. He remained there until 1877, when he sold out and for two years was engaged in settling accounts and settlement of an estate: still conducting the postoffice there; then, in 1870, he came to ",Wyalusing and entered the firm of Bosworth_ Stone & Company, which purchased the store and stock of H. S. Ackley. This firm began the operating or a general store, also the purchasing of hay, grain and all kinds of country produce, and dealing in salt, lime, coal, etc. The senior member of the firm was N. P. Bosworth, uncle of our subject, who died August 4, 1886. The firm continued with E. B. Stone, until1889_ when 1vIr. Stone went out and assumed control of the produce and grain department, and O. R. Stone became_ a member of the firm. E. B. Stone is
now head of the firm of E. B. Stone & Co., dealers in hay and grain, of which our subject is also a member; their business; taken collectively, is the largest in this section; in their store they carry a large line of groceries and provisions, dry goods, clothing, boot and shoes, grain and seed. The business has increased more than $10,000 per year over what it was when the firm purchased it. Besides his mercantile interests Mr. Bosworth owns two-thirds of the store building and an elegant residence. He was united in marriage, January 7, 1880, with Adelaide Bosard, daughter of Arthur Bosard, a farmer, of Osceola, Pa. They have an adopted child - Catherine. The family worship at the Presbyterian Church; he is a member of the Masonic Fraternity, and has taken the degrees of the Scottish Rite, is connected with Union Lodge, No. 108, Towanda, and is a. Republican in his political preferments,
JAMES W. BOSWORTH, farmer, Pike township, P. 0. Le Raysvil1e, was born on his present farm, August 25, 1822, a son of Reed and Amari11a (Peck) Bosworth, natives of Connecticut and of English and Irish descent, respectively. In their family there were six children, of whom James W, is the youngest; the other children being Nelson P., Henry C., Harriet, Susan and Elizabeth P.. James W. Bosworth began life for himself at the age of twenty-one, farming and dealing in stock, driving large droves to Connecticut and southern Pennsylvania, though his trade has been chiefly in the home market. He now owns and superintends one of the finest farms in the county, the nucleus of which was settled by his father in December, 1812. Mr. Bosworth married Laura, daughter of John and Mary (Harkness) Bird, of Smithfield, this county, where they were early settlers, coming from Vermont. Mr. and Mrs. Bosworth have two children: Martin B., born December 23, 1859, a commission merchant in Trinidad, Co1.; and Nelson E., born April 14, 1862, engaged in farming with his father. Mrs. Bosworth died January 1, 1891. Mr. Bosworth is an independent voter, and is pledged to no political party.
JASPER P. BOSWORTH is a merchant of LeRaysville, Pike Township, where he was born, November 5, 1842, a son of John Frank Bosworth, also a native of Pike Township, and who was the son of Josiah Bosworth, a native of Connecticut and one of the pioneers to Bradford County. Josiah Bosworth was a son of Joseph Bosworth, an Englishman. Josiah and his brothers came to Pike township about 1798, settling three miles south of LeRaysville, and in a little while Josiah opened his log tavern called the "Half-Way House," because it was about half-way between Towanda and Montrose; he conducted this noted early-day hostelry many years, carrying on at the same time his large farm. In the 1812-15 war with England, Josiah Bosworth raised a company of men to go to the front. They organized, making him captain, and embarked and went down the river to Danville, when the end of the war was announced, and "Johnny came marching home." Josiah Bosworth, who was one of thirteen children, was born in Litchfield, Conn., November 25, 1779, and died at the old family home, September 22; 1858, aged seventy-nine years. His family consisted of thirteen children, eleven of whom grew to maturity, His
grandson, J. A. Bosworth, now resides on the o1d homestead; James Bosworth, a nephew of Josiah, lives three miles south of LeRaysville. An episode in Josiah's pioneer life is related: On one occasion, on his return from church through the woods, he espied a bear, gave chase and treed him; in order to keep him from coming down, while he went for his gun, was a problem he settled by tying his shirt around the tree; so Bruin had to patiently wait until Josiah's return, who then dispatched him, and that bear's skin was a family trophy as well as a good winter cover until there was little or no fur left on it. John F. Bosworth opened the first drug store in LeRaysville, and also the first hardware store, in course of time associating in his business his son, Jasper P. Bosworth. They sold the drug store and grocery business in 1874, when John F. Bosworth retired from active business life: he died December 10, 1889. His strong characteristics during a long and busy life were high integrity, a sleepless energy and a physical endurance that never tired or became worn out. At the age of seventy-five, he was elected collector, and was the first incumbent in that office after the constitutional change in the law for collection of taxes - a trying position for even a young man, but he filled it promptly and ably. He had received a common-school education, and learned the harness, trunk and saddle-maker's trade, and followed the latter at LeRaysville, also carrying on the tannery store until 1853, when he opened a Harness store in Waverly, when he was burned out in the great fire there. He opened his drug store in LeRaysville in 1863, under the firm name of J. F. Bosworth & Son. His partner in the hardware store was James Gorham, and this was carried on three years, when Mr. Bosworth sold his interest to LeRoy Coleman. His wife was Ruth Ann Perkins, and they have had seven children, as follows: George and Elbert (both died young); Lucilla (Mrs. Stephen C. Carpenter); Jasper P.; Amie (Mrs. Dr. R. S. Harnden, of Waverly, N.Y.) Sarah (wife of C. F. Chaffee, druggist, Waverly, N. Y.) and Dellie (Mrs. Dr. R. J. McCready, Allegheny City, Pa}.
The subject of this sketch, Jasper P. Bosworth, was educated in the common schools, finishing at the Waverly Institute. For a short time thereafter he clerked; then entered his father's store as a partner, and when they sold out in 1875, he purchased his deceased father-in-law's interest in the firm of Gray & Lyon, changing to the present style of firm in the general store of Bosworth & Lyon. Mr. Bosworth is regarded as one of the prominent and leading men of this part of the county. In 1869, he was united in marriage with Anna A. Gray, eldest daughter of Cyrus W. and Dollis H. (Everett) Gray, and the fruits of this marriage are three children, viz.: Winifrcd, who died in infancy, Marjorie Lee, born in 1885, and Charles Herman, born in 1888. The family worship at the Congregational Church, of which Mr. Bosworth is treasurer. He is past master in the Masonic Fraternity, and is a member of LeRay Lodge, No. 417, A. Y. M.; is treasurer of LeRaysville Assembly, No. 213; treasurer of the school board, and was secretary of the same three years; was borough auditor three years.
J. ALONZO BOSWORTH, farmer, Pike Township, was born on the farm where he now resides, November 13, 1836, and is the eldest
LEWIS ALBA BOSWORTII, farmer, of Pike township, P, O. LeRaysville, was born at Stevensvil1e, this county, May 30, 1835, a son of Lewis Luckey and Sarah A. (Hancock) Bosworth, natives or Pike township; the former is of Irish and New England descent, and the latter of Dutch and New England. The father was a farmer and later a merchant at Stevensville, and from 1846 to 1886 lived at LeRaysville; was appointed postmaster during Lincoln's administration and held the position for twenty years; in his family were three children: Lewis Alba, Sarah Catherine (married to E. T. E. Becker. a lawyer at Mt. Carroll, Ill.), and Martha Arabella. (married to E. M. Bailey, a merchant and manufacturer, of LeRaysville). Lewis Alba has lived on the farm, which he now owns, since he was six years old, and was educated in LeRaysville and Holland Patent academies. .He began life for himself at the age of twenty-five, and in 1870 purchased the homestead of his father. He enlisted at Harrisburg, September 1, 1864, in Company E, Twelfth Pennsylvania Cavalry; was in the Engineer Corps on coast survey, and was mustered out at Washington, June 5, 1865; then resumed farming, which he has since followed. Mr. Bosworth was married November 27, 1866, to Miss Elbertine L.., daughter of Jesse and Louisa (Gerould) Sumner of Smithfield, natives of Bradford County. This union has been blessed with six sons: Jesse Lewis, Harry Alba, Guy Sumner, Hugh, Ray Luckey (deceased) and Arthur. Mr. Bosworth is a member of Spalding Post, G. A. R., No. 33.
JAMES L. BOTHWELL, insurance agent and coal dealer, Troy, was born in Troy township, this county, November 29, 1830, a son of James A. and Phebe (Blackwell) Bothwell, and is of Eng1ish and Scotch-Irish descent, His father was a native of Granvi11e, Washington Co., N. Y., a son of Lebbens and Nancy (Smith) Bothwell. His grandmother, Nancy Bothwell, married, for her second husband, Samuel Rockwell, and came to Bradford County about 1818; the issue of this union was one son, Lewis. By her first marriage she bad five children: .Alexander, James, Justin, Nancy (Mrs. W. S. Dobbins) and Mary (Mrs. Ephraim Case), of whom James Bothwell, born in 1806, father of subject, was reared in Bradford county from twelve years of age. On attaining' his majority he engaged in farming in Troy township; later removed to Canton township, and cleared and improved the farm on which he resided fifty years; his wife was a daughter of Thomas Blackwell, a native of England, who died in Burlington township, this county, and by her he bad six children: James L., Thomas B., Nancy (Mrs. George Foss), Sarah (Mrs. D. B. Crandall), Lucy (Mrs. C. C. Paine) and Harriet (Mrs. J. W. Warren). James L. Bothwell was reared in Canton Township, and educated in the common schools. He cleared and improved a farm in that township on which he resided up to 1870, when he removed to Canton borough, and for six years was employed at bridge building for the N. C. R. R. Company, then was engaged in draying up to 1885, when he removed to Troy, and embarked .in the coal business in which he still continues; he has also conducted an insurance business since 1889. In 1852 Mr. Bothwell married Sally, daughter of James and Caroline (Gilmore) Warren of Canton township, formerly of England, and the issue of this union was three children: Helen (Mrs. G. F. Krise), Mary (Mrs. Morgan Baldwin) and Fred (deceased). In 1888 Mr. Bothwell married (the second time) Sarah, daughter of Stephen Stiles, of Burlington township, by whom he has one daughter, Phoebe T. Mr. Bothwell is a member of the Disciple Church and of the I. O. O. F. Politically he is a. Democrat.
LYMAN O. BOUGHTON, farmer, of South Creek township, P. O. Gillett, was
born in Columbia township, this county, February 22, 1837, and is a son
of Daniel and Maria (Bailey) Boughton, the former of whom was born near
Wellsburg, N. Y., the latter' being a. native of England. Daniel Boughton
was born in 1810, and is now eighty-one years of age; he came to this county
about 1825, locating in Columbia township, where he purchased a farm of
100 acres of unimproved land, on which he built, and cultivated fifty acres
of it; he sold this farm, and moved to South Creek township, on what is
now known as "East Hill," where he bought a farm of 100 acres, six acres
of which he cleared and improved by hard labor; after selling this to advantage,
he moved to Gillett, where he possessed himself of another, farm in need
which, by his continual and intelligent skill, has become one of the finest
in the neighborhood, consisting of 112 acres of fertile land, all
under good cu1tivation. Daniel Boughton, after a long and useful life of
eighty-one years, and sixty years of hard and incessant labor to
subdue the wilderness, has accomplished his task, and thus far the forest
has yielded to his ax, and the earth to his plow.